Molchalin: character description. Speech characteristics of Molchalin (“Woe from Wit”). Comparative characteristics of Chatsky and Molchalin (based on the comedy by A.S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit”) Who are Chatsky and Molchalin

The comedy “Woe from Wit” by A. S. Griboyedov is dedicated to the life of Russia in the first decades of the 19th century. At this time, the Russian nobility was divided into two camps. Some nobles were supporters of conservatism, while others defended progressive ideas. The conflict between two groups of Russian society can be traced if we compare Chatsky and Molchalin - two heroes of the comedy “Woe from Wit”.

They are the same age, but youth is the only thing that Chatsky and Molchalin have in common. The characters differ sharply from each other in their views and personal qualities. Alexander Andreevich Chatsky is a true patriot, ready to devote all his strength and talent to the happiness of his native country. He returns to Russia with the desire to change the life of Russian society for the better, but sees that no changes have occurred during his absence. The same conservative morals prevail in the country. The hero criticizes the decline of noble society and speaks ironically about Moscow:

What new will Moscow show me?

Yesterday there was a ball, and tomorrow there will be two.

Molchalin is completely satisfied with the life of lordly Moscow; he enthusiastically tells Chatsky about the delights of Moscow life. If the main character laughingly describes representatives of high society, then Molchalin shows reverence and respect for the cream of the Russian nobility. Secretary Famusov bows to the authority of rich and noble people and dreams of the same career. The ideal of life for him is this: “And win awards and have fun.” Therefore, Molchalin engages in sycophancy and hypocrisy, which help him advance in his career. He already has awards and is Famusov’s indispensable assistant, although Molchalin, by his own admission, has only two talents - moderation and accuracy. Chatsky has a lot of merits, but he does not serve anywhere. The reason is the reluctance to engage in hypocrisy and sycophancy, as the words of the proud and honest hero of the comedy clearly indicate:

I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening.

There is no place for a leading man of the era, intelligent and talented, in lordly Moscow, but this society needs a person like Molchalin. The main character bitterly says that the young sycophant “will reach the famous levels, because nowadays they love the dumb.” When you read the lines of the comedy, you become imbued with sympathy for Chatsky, who is surrounded in Famusov’s house only by enemies, forced to stay where wealth and rank are more important than the human soul. Griboedov's hero is accustomed to evaluating people by their personal qualities and services to the country. Chatsky always defends his own opinion, he is an enemy of all authorities, and Molchalin professes completely different views. Alexander Chatsky’s laughter is caused by Molchalin’s words that we need to depend on more noble and rich people, to bow to the pillars of aristocratic Moscow, because “we are small in rank.” In comparison with Chatsky, Molchalin seems like a mediocre quiet person, whom the main character so aptly characterizes:

here he is, on tiptoe,

And not rich in words.

Even members of the Famus society recognize Chatsky’s talent and merits. The young nobleman, as Famusov says, “writes and translates well,” he is witty and ironic. The main character perfectly understands the benefits of science and education; Chatsky can be called one of the most educated people of the era. And Molchalin is a typical representative of the “past century”, a supporter of all laws and morals existing in the country. Molchalin does not condemn serfdom, of which Chatsky is an opponent. The main character sets his peasants free, which causes bewilderment and indignation in lordly Moscow.

I think that the attitude of the heroes of the comedy towards Sophia very clearly shows the difference between the two natures. Chatsky also shows his best qualities in love. Before us is a sincere, gentle and noble man, who came to the lordly Moscow that he hated only for the sake of his beloved. For the young nobleman, Sophia is still the same dreamy, fragile, sensitive girl with whom he grew up and was brought up. Molchalin, even in love, strives to find personal gain. This careerist plays the role of a lover, because Sophia is the daughter of a rich Moscow gentleman, for whom Molchalin serves: And so I take the form of a lover to please the daughter of such a man. A hypocrite and a scoundrel, ready to do anything to move up to wealth and nobility.

Chatsky and Molchalin are two completely different people, representatives of opposing camps in Russian society at the beginning of the 19th century. It is not age, but views and beliefs that underlie the division into “the present century” and the “past century.” The young man Alexey Molchalin belongs to the old time, and Alexander Chatsky in comedy is an exponent of the advanced ideas of the era.

And - two completely different, opposite heroes of Griboedov’s comedy “”. They can safely be classified as representatives of the “present century” and the “past century.” Being approximately the same age, they preach diametrically opposed interests. They have different philosophies, life positions and life values.

Molchalin is a man who “took root.” He is a liar and an egoist, ready to humiliate himself in order to achieve his goal. Molchalin became the personification of the representative of rank and self-humiliation.

Chatsky is completely different. Perhaps in the image of Chatsky we see the character traits of Griboyedov himself. Chatsky was a patriot of his ideas. He refuses public service because he does not accept bureaucracy and officialdom. On the contrary, Molchalin will do everything to get a promotion.

Griboyedov endows Molchalin with his only talent - accuracy.

Being an opponent of such ideas, Chatsky, represented by Molchalin, despises the entire Famus society. He dreams that the “present century” will change something in these people. Chatsky was a Decembrist of his time.

Griboyedov shows us Chatsky and Molchalin in the prism of their relationship and interaction with others.

Molchalin, a man who seeks only personal material gain in everything, deceives Sophia and Lisa. His behavior is caused by a feeling of envy of others. He achieves his goal with the help of lies and flattery.

Chatsky had no friends. He was in love with a woman who did not reciprocate his feelings. On the pages of comedy we see him only in conflicts and disputes with others. We learn about Chatsky’s life principles from his monologues, addressed not so much to the main characters of the work, but to the entire nation.

In the images of Chatsky and Molchalin, Griboyedov showed us two worlds - the past and the future. Without giving a clear preference to one of them, he still supports Chatsky’s peace.

This article discusses two of Griboyedov's most famous characters from the famous comedy "Woe from Wit" - Chatsky and Molchalin. An essay in which it is necessary to compare these characters has long been included in the school curriculum. In this article we will present a plan for a possible essay and consider its points. In addition, we will provide a detailed comparative description of the heroes.

Essay “Woe from Wit”: Chatsky and Molchalin.

A plan for any task on speech development that involves writing your own text is impossible without detail. Let's try to compose it:

  • A short description of the comedy.
  • Description of the image of Molchalin.
  • Description of the image of Chatsky.
  • Comparison of heroes.
  • Summarizing.

About the product

The main characters of the play “Woe from Wit” are Chatsky and Molchalin. It is better to start the essay with a description of the work itself.

So, in the comedy, the author reflected the morals and behavior of society in the period from 1808 to 1824, and the action itself takes place after the War of 1812. Griboedov raises the most important problems of this time: patriotism, public service, serfdom, decadence in the spheres of education and enlightenment, human relationships. And all these issues are considered from two angles - from the point of view of people of the “present century” and the “past century”. It is in the struggle of Molchalin and Chatsky that the struggle of these generations is most clearly reflected.

Image of Molchalin

But why are Chatsky and Molchalin so different? The essay should provide a comprehensive answer to this question. Let's start by considering the image of Molchalin. He has his own ideals, beliefs and purpose in life. These are his goals - a high position in society, career growth, wealth. For Molchalin, the meaning of life lies in one’s own well-being: “to have fun and win awards.” To achieve his goal, he is ready to do anything - cunning, flattering, deceiving, dodging. This is what he himself says about it: “to please everyone without exception.” But this applies only to those who are higher in rank. With those who are lower than him, he does not stand on ceremony.

The image of Chatsky

We started talking about how Chatsky and Molchalin are different. The essay must include characteristics of both characters, so let's talk about Alexander Chatsky. He is an educated young nobleman, distinguished by progressive views, a typical representative of the “present century.” Chatsky is ready for selfless service to the Fatherland and wants to benefit people. The hero despises careerism, veneration, hypocrisy and pretense. This character is very close to the Decembrists in his beliefs. Chatsky does not approve of serfdom, treats the Russian people with respect, respects national culture and the Russian language. He treats Molchalin with obvious contempt.

Attitude towards love

Our essay moves on to describe the heroes’ relationship to love. Chatsky and Molchalin, whose characteristics are presented here, represent this feeling in completely different ways and treat Sophia accordingly.

Chatsky is sincerely attached to the girl and loves her with all his heart. It is only for the sake of Sophia that he decides to return to Moscow. However, his feelings are rejected, which he cannot accept for a long time.

Molchalin deceives Sophia, pretending to achieve career advancement. Despite his youth, Molchalin belongs to the “past century.” For him, the morals and manners of old Moscow are elevated to an ideal, which is why he is accepted by society with such cordiality.

At the same time, Chatsky gives in too much to his own emotions and does not notice Sophia’s feelings. Molchalin remains cold and calculating. He is incapable of strong feelings.

Comparative characteristics of Chatsky and Molchalin (essay)

You can compare characters in a number of ways:



A sincere, passionate, straightforward young man. feelings often prevent him from soberly assessing the situation.

Helpful, cautious and very secretive. The main goal is a career and a high position in society.

Social status

Moscow nobleman without a large fortune. He is received warmly because of his background and connections.

A tradesman from the provinces. Known in the world, but has no weight.


Very enlightened and smart. Received a good education.

A very limited person whose judgment is primitive. Didn't receive a decent education.

Field of activity

Has no position. There are mentions that he served in the army.

Social views

Freethinker and patriot. He is not afraid to be indignant at the orders prevailing in society.

Absolutely accepts and respects the existing system.

Career views

I am convinced that only sycophants can achieve high rank. He believes that he has no prospects.

Ready to do anything for the sake of a career - endure humiliation, make connections. He takes his service very seriously.

Features of speech

Eloquent and witty. Speaks Russian, but can also insert French sentences.

Official, very respectful speech. When communicating with senior ranks, he begins to flatter and fawn.

Relationship to each other

Treats Molchalin with contempt. He believes that he has no merits. Tries to make fun of him at every opportunity.

He perceives Chatsky neutrally. Treated with respect. But he doesn’t see any benefit for himself in this person.

Humiliated and insulted, he leaves Moscow. He is disappointed in love and rejected by society.

His fate is not determined, since Famusov does not know about Molchalin’s connection with his daughter. The hero can continue to serve.

Role in a comedy

The main character around whom all the conflicts of the play develop.

Main antagonist. He is the embodiment of ossification.


Our essay is coming to an end. Chatsky and Molchalin are opposed to each other in the comedy “Woe from Wit”. The author does this in order to make the characters’ characters appear more clearly. Griboedov, using the example of these characters, characterizes the present and past centuries, and the reader must draw conclusions. The author’s position is clear - he takes Chatsky’s side.

Despite the fact that two centuries have passed since the masterpiece was written, the comedy has retained its relevance today.

Chatsky and Molchalin are the heroes of Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit.” They are completely different in character, worldview, and position in society. Molchalin is a typical representative of the Famus era, the personification of veneration for rank, lies, flattery, selfishness, self-abasement for selfish purposes. Chatsky is absolutely the opposite of Molchalin. Many sides of Griboyedov's soul were reflected in the image of Chatsky. He is a true and passionate patriot.

“It does not serve, that is, he does not find any benefit in it,

But I would want to, I would be businesslike,

It's a pity, it's a pity, he's a little brainy.

And he writes and translates beautifully.”

Molchalin is quiet and faceless by nature. The main goal in life is to make a career for yourself and get a high rank:

However, he will reach the known degrees,

After all, nowadays they love the dumb...

For Molchalin, the concepts of honor and pride are absent:

At my age one should not dare

Have your own opinion.

The only talent that Griboedov endowed him with is moderation and accuracy. Molchalin is two-faced.

Chatsky despises and condemns the “past century.” He is confident that the present century will live up to his hopes and will change, rock, stir up the sleeping society. Chatsky can be seen as a man of the Decembrist mold:

“Who serves the cause, and not the individuals...”, “I would be glad to serve, but it’s sickening to be served.”

Chatsky is lonely, he has no friends. The person he loves treats him indifferently. Chatsky’s communication with people is based on disputes, conflicts, conversations or monologues addressed not so much to the interlocutor as to the whole society.

In the comedy “Woe from Wit,” the author contrasts Chatsky and Molchalin with each other in order to most clearly reveal their characters. Griboyedov, presents us with two sciences of life for discussion: the present century and the past century, although he himself supports Chatsky’s views.

Molchalin is one of the most memorable characters in the comedy “Woe from Wit.” He is endowed with a speaking surname. So, what is this character “silent” about?

We meet Molchalin at the very beginning of the comedy, when we learn that they have mutual love with Sophia, the daughter of the owner of the house. However, later it becomes clear that the reciprocity of love exists only in Sophia’s imagination, and Molchalin himself is not as simple as it seems.

Molchalin’s life position is most fully revealed during his dialogue with Chatsky . “My father bequeathed me: firstly, to please all people without exception - the Master, where I happen to live, the Chief, with whom I will serve, his servant, who cleans the dress, the doorman, the janitor, to avoid evil, the janitor’s dog, so that he is affectionate.”, says Molchalin. Indeed, this character will always be able to achieve what he wants precisely because of his ability to find an approach to people. His main goal (like any representative of the “Famus society”) is to achieve a high position in society by any means necessary. And so he, realizing that Famusov’s daughter is in love with him, so as not to offend her, plays the romantic and timid lover. He knows that Sophia reads French romance novels and therefore understands how he should appear in front of her. And it works: Sophia admires his complaisance, modesty, and gentleness. He behaves modestly even in front of Famusov. During the ball, Molchalin tries with all his might to please Khryumina, knowing that she occupies a high position in society ( “Your Pomeranian is a lovely Pomeranian, no bigger than a thimble”).

However, it is interesting to watch how his behavior changes with other people. Alone with the maid Lisa, he becomes rude and cheeky. He talks to Chatsky politely and with emphatic restraint, because he understands: Chatsky is an unwelcome guest in this house and it is unprofitable to show him respect. In addition, Molchalin is amazed that Chatsky is not familiar with one noble lady - Tatyana Yuryevna. This shows how important connections and reputation are for Molchalin (and how little importance they have for Chatsky). Chatsky’s desire to prove to everyone that he is right and Molchalin’s restraint are also contrasted with each other ( “at my age I shouldn’t dare to have my own opinions”).

If Chatsky turned out to be an outcast in this society, then Molchalin feels like a duck to water here. It’s not for nothing that Chatsky said: “Silent people are blissful in the world.” Molchalin is a type of person who, unfortunately, is in demand in any society at any time. It is precisely such people who often achieve a lot thanks to their hypocrisy. Therefore, to the rather popular question of what will happen to Molchalin after the scandal at the end of the work and the revelation, it is fashionable to give an affirmative answer: everything will be forgotten quite quickly and he will continue to live in Famusov’s house as if nothing had happened.

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