Moldovan surnames: history of appearance and examples. Moldovan surnames and names - male and female. Endings and declensions of Moldovan surnames Moldavian female names are beautiful

The origin of Moldovan surnames.

History of Moldovan surnames at first glance, it is quite simple and unpretentious. However, Moldovan surnames differ in some peculiarities that distinguish them from the background of their closest "relatives" - Romanian surnames. Historically, Moldova has had close relations with many peoples and cultures. This could not but affect the formation of generic names, which first appeared among the Moldavian princes in the XIII-XIV centuries. They looked more like nicknames or middle names and often reminded of a close connection with the Ukrainian and Russian languages ​​- Andreiko, Ivanka, Fedko. There were very few such generic names; the bulk of Moldovans received surnames only at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries. This was mainly associated with military service, and Moldovans served in both the Austrian and Russian troops.

Methods for the formation of Moldovan surnames.

If you look alphabetical list of Moldovan surnames, then many of them end in -yak, -ak, -yuk, -uk, -ey. Basically, they arose on the basis of Russian and Little Russian names and nicknames. Some of these surnames do not have an ending or end in -у - Zaporozhan, Russu, Rusnak, Podolyan, Butz.

Some experts believe that meaning Moldovan surnames with the parts "buts" and "guts" its roots go back to the name of the Hutsuls, and the so-called "raikas" served for the names of the Russians - Railen, Raiko, Rusnak.

Like other peoples, the surnames of the Moldovans were formed from the personal name of the father, nickname or profession of the first bearer of the surname. For example, Makovei Unguryan (Makovei, leave Hungary), Ionita Muntean (Ionita mountaineer, native of Muntenia). Often interpretation of Moldovan surnames sometimes it is difficult, and their belonging to the Moldovan people is not always traced. This is due to the fact that representatives of different peoples have lived on the territory of Moldova for centuries, who naturally left their mark on the formation of surnames. Dictionary of Moldovan Surnames includes surnames related to Russian (Rusnachuk, Railean, Etsko), Ukrainian (Khokhlov, Kazaku), Bulgarian and Gagauz (Bulgar, Sirbu) peoples. There are surnames with a clear trace of Polish and Turkish influence - Lyahu, Mazur, Turkulets, Tataru.

Declination of all Moldovan surnames in Russian it obeys the laws of Russian grammar - surnames ending in a consonant change in cases only in the masculine gender, and surnames ending in a vowel do not inflect either in the masculine or in the feminine gender.

Top Moldovan Surnames shows which of them are popular and widespread among the largest number of the Moldovan population.

Borrowings in the anthroponymics of Moldovans can be divided into several groups:

  • Romanesque;
  • ancient Germanic;
  • slavic;
  • Roman;
  • Romanian.

There are many Moldovan female names taken from the church calendar - these are Orthodox and Catholic names.

The most "ancient" are Slavic and ancient Germanic borrowings.

· The first arose even before the formation of the Moldavian principality (XIV century), in their composition they contain Slavic roots. However, they are all mostly male - Neagoe ("weasel"), Vlad.

· The second group, Old Germanic, came to the Moldavian language during the time of tribal unions in the territory of modern Moldova. Examples are the name Ada (derived from the root "adal" - noble), Amalia (from the root "amal", probably meaning "work, labor").

In the list of Moldovan female names there are also names of rivers of Roman origin. They appeared due to the common area of ​​the considered nation and the Vlachs in the XIX-XX centuries. For example, Beatrice (translated as "traveler, traveler"), Bianca (from Italian "white").

Denominations of Roman origin came into the language during the Middle Ages, when all of Europe was fond of antiquity. This period can be attributed to the borrowing of Aurelia (from the Latin root "aureus" - "gold"), Aurora (that was the name of the Roman goddess).

Christianization of the population in the 9th-12th centuries also played a role. It did not occur rapidly (as among most Slavic peoples), but gradually. As a result, beautiful Moldavian female names from church saints began to be used in naming: Maria, Elena, Ana. All these names are the most common in Moldova, they are of Hebrew or Greek origin.

Another group of beautiful Moldovan names for girls in Moldavian are borrowings from Romanian, for example, Viorica (from Romanian “viorea” - “violet, bell”), Luminiţa, which means “light”.


We have analyzed the main channels of anthroponymic borrowing. It was found that social, cultural and political changes directly affect the naming procedure - new names appear in the language. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of Moldovan names for girls below and choose the one you like for your child.

Moldovan female names can be roughly divided into several categories.

The names of Moldova always carry a positive meaning. They can mean the qualities of the character of their carrier, the name of animals, plants or natural phenomena.

How to choose for a girl?

When choosing a name in modern times, parents are often guided by the sound of the name and surname., the meaning of the name. Considering that Moldovan names are distinguished by a positive interpretation and unusual sound, it will not be difficult to choose a unique name for a daughter.

Sometimes, without finding a compromise, adults give the child a double name, for example:

  • Alexander-Stanislav;
  • Mirela-Christina;
  • Maria Elise;
  • Nika-Margot.

List of the most famous


B - C - D


  • Dana- "gifted". Has a contradictory character. Strive to please others, while at the same time it can be withdrawn and shy.
  • Daria- “knowing” or “gifted”. A strong, courageous and self-confident girl.
  • Diana- "divine". For her, nothing is impossible, she always copes with everything, has endless energy and logic.
  • Domnika- “God's gift” or “belonging to God”. A serene child with excellent health and excellent memory, stubborn and independent.

Z - I - Y

  • Zoya (Zoitsa)- "a life". Has a balanced and stable psyche, and a strong will.
  • Zemfira- "rebellious". A sarcastic girl with a strong character, while this is most often a creative nature.
  • Isabel- "gorgeous". She is principled, reasonable, impulsive. Since childhood, the girl is very sociable and easily makes new acquaintances.
  • Yolanda- "violet". An active, intelligent, strong-willed girl, she quickly finds an approach to people, she is sociable.



  • Laura- “crowned with laurel”. Active and reasonable, able to make decisions instantly.
  • Lydia- "musical". Independent, truthful, decisive. For her, the most important thing in life is family.
  • Lillian- "lily" or "blooming". An unsociable, strong and well-organized girl.
  • Libya- "originally from Libya." A strong mind, stability, poise - all this is characteristic of the bearer of this name.


  • Margarita- "pearl". A straightforward girl, she chooses friends carefully, she will appreciate interest and earnings in her work.
  • Maria- "bitter", "desired" or "serene". A kind, affectionate and vulnerable child. Loves small children.
  • Mariana- "sad beauty" or "bitter grace". A charming and emotional girl, she likes to express herself.
  • Michaela- “Like God.” Reliability, decency, honesty and loyalty are what characterizes Michaela.
  • Monica- “inspire” or “remind”. An active person with a strong will and an iron character. In life, she relies on intelligence and common sense.


O - P

  • Octavia- "eighth". A child named by this name is doomed to be a leader, a fighter who does not know tired of achieving his goals.
  • Olympia- "Olympus is the mountain, on which, according to myths, the Gods lived." The main character traits are: Love for freedom, high dedication, energy.
  • Olivia- "olive tree" or "olive". This child will be able to succeed in matters related to science and technology. She has such important qualities as stability, reliability, conscientiousness, caution.
  • Paula- "small", "modest". A phlegmatic nature, but at the same time it is characterized by such traits as excitability and sensuality.


  • Rafaela- "healer". With age, Rafaella acquires qualities that allow her to occupy a leading position in the team: decisiveness, responsibility, resourcefulness, quick reaction.
  • Rodica- "abundant", "fertile". As a rule, people with this name are beautiful, have smooth movements, and a melodic voice.
  • Roxanne- "dawn". Roxanne is stubborn, persistent and at the same time very sensitive. These gifted and charming girls can bring a lot of grief with their demanding capriciousness and irritability over trifles.
  • Rosalia- “rose”, “red flower”. Energy, sensitivity, dedication, independence. A girl with this name knows her worth, knows how to show herself from her best side, she is kind, condescending. However, Rosalia is temperamental, hot-tempered and intemperate.


E - Yu

  • Eliza- "noble maiden". Smart, calculating, amazingly able to work. If Eliza is up to something, nothing can stop her. Eliza is friendly enough to those around her, but she can flare up sharply.
  • Emilia- “rival”, “zealous”, “strong”. Emilia loves competition and goes against the authorities. The girl named Emilia is not at all rancorous and has many friends.
  • Yulika- "Lily flower". For Yulika, great ambitions, striving for truth, lack of systematicity, self-sacrifice are characteristic.
  • Juliana- “the messenger of Jupiter”. Devoted to her high goal, talent, vocation. A girl with this name usually completely surrenders to what she likes, and this activity can lead to success.
  • Justina- “fair”, “decent”. A character characterized by many positive qualities, such as cheerfulness, hard work, disinterestedness, decency.

It is no secret that Moldovan and Romanian names are quite beautiful and harmonious in sound, which is why they gained their popularity far beyond the borders of these countries. Moldovan and Romanian surnames stand out separately. Their translation can often mean any kind of profession, a characteristic feature of a person, his success. And in combination with the name, play a decisive role in determining the fate of a person and his character.

Classification by origin

Romanian and Moldovan names are indigenous to the inhabitants of these countries. Many of them are quite often used in Russia. Conventionally, the following classes of names can be distinguished:

  • borrowed from Slavic languages;
  • originated in the territories of Italy and Spain;
  • taken from the Catholic and Orthodox calendars;
  • appeared in Ancient Rome.

Moldovan names

The following female Moldovan names are among the three most popular: Angela, Tatiana and Elena. Top-3 among men: David, Maxim, Alexandru.

The list of the most on the territory of Moldova and their etymological meaning:

Even rare Moldovan names are often found in Russia, as well as in other countries.

What is the name of children in Moldova

List of popular Moldovan names for boys and girls:

The choice of a name for a child is a very responsible matter. It must be selected with love and attention, taking into account the prevalence, euphoniousness, as well as compatibility with surname and patronymic.

Romanian variants

Top 3 Romanian female names: Maria, Elena, Anna. Three Romanian male names: Gheorghe, John, Vasile.

The following male and female names are also common on the territory of Romania:

Since ancient times, it was believed that the name affects the future fate and formation of a person's character. If, when meeting, you pay special attention to the meaning of a person's name, then thanks to this you can get to know him better.

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