Moldavian name George. Romanian and Moldovan male names. List of original Moldovan names for boys

One of the impressive groups of Moldovan names is Slavic. They appeared in the language even before the founding of a separate state by the Moldovans ( we're talking about on the formation of the Principality of Moldova in 1359). The use of common Slavic roots is typical for these names. For example, Drag, which means “dear” (“analogues” are in Polish, Czech, Bulgarian and Serbian), or Bogdan (“God-given”).

Due to the residence of the nation next to the Vlachs in XIX-XX centuries(the principality of the same name became part of the United Principality of Moldavia and Wallachia in 1859), Romanesque names appeared in the list of Moldavian male names.

The Middle Ages became a time of revival of Roman culture; this fashion affected all European countries without exception. Moreover, the “consequences” can be observed not only in architecture, literature and theater, but also in anthroponymy. A huge number of female and male beautiful Moldovan names have Roman ancestors. Take a look: Adrian (derived from the Roman personal or family nickname Hadrianus, that is, “Adriatic, native of the Adriatic” or “inhabitant of Adria”), Camil (derived from the Roman cognomen Camillus, which translates as “a youth of impeccable birth, admitted to the service of the gods”).

There are also names in Moldavian that come from Romanian lexemes. For example, Viorel (arrangement of the Romanian “viorea”, that is, “violet”).

Another area of ​​borrowing is names noted in the Bible or belonging to canonized saints. There are many of these in the language, they all have Greek, Latin and Hebrew origin. In addition, these names remain the most popular among Moldovan citizens. These are Gheorghe (ancient Greek; translated as “landowner”) and Ion (meaning “Yahweh is merciful”, of Hebrew origin).

A separate group of Moldavian male names are ancient Germanic, for example, Albert - from the name “Adalberht”, i.e. “bright, noble”, Carol – comes from the name Karl (“man, man, husband”). They came into the language in the first centuries AD, when the territory inhabited by the Moldovans was the possession of various tribal unions.


Having examined the main ways of borrowing Moldovan male names, we were convinced that the anthroponymic system is rich in names from Latin, Greek, Old German, Italian and Spanish. This means that the language is sensitive to political, cultural and social changes.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular names for boys and choose the one you like for your child.

It's no secret that Moldovan and Romanian names are quite beautiful and harmonious in sound, which is why they gained their popularity far beyond the borders of these countries. Special mention should be made of Moldovan and Romanian surnames. Their translation can often mean some type of profession, characteristic feature man, his successes. And in combination with the name, it plays a decisive role in determining the fate of a person and his character.

Classification by origin

Romanian and Moldovan names are indigenous to the inhabitants of these countries. Many of them are used quite often in Russia. Conventionally, the following classes of names can be distinguished:

  • borrowed from Slavic languages;
  • originating in the territories of Italy and Spain;
  • taken from the Catholic and Orthodox calendars;
  • appeared in Ancient Rome.

Moldovan names

The following female Moldovan names Among the three most popular: Angela, Tatiana and Elena. Top 3 among men: David, Maxim, Alexandru.

List of most on the territory of Moldova and their etymological significance:

Even rare Moldovan names are often found in Russia, as well as in other countries.

What are children called in Moldova?

List of popular Moldovan names for boys and girls:

Choosing a name for a child is a very responsible matter. It must be selected with love and attention, taking into account its prevalence, euphony, and compatibility with the surname and patronymic.

Romanian variants

Top 3 Romanian female names: Maria, Elena, Anna. Three Romanian male names: Gheorghe, Ioan, Vasile.

The following male and female names are also common in Romania:

Since ancient times it was believed that the name influences future fate and the formation of human character. If, when meeting someone, you pay special attention to the meaning of a person’s name, then thanks to this you can get to know him better.

Moldova has long been a center of intersection of many cultures. This was also reflected in local anthroponymy, which included heterogeneous elements. Below we will talk about what Moldovan surnames are.

Sources of surnames

There were several sources from which surnames began to be formed.

  • First, these are personal names.
  • Secondly, the father’s nickname or his profession, occupation.
  • Thirdly, the profession of the person himself.
  • Fourthly, place of birth or permanent residence.
  • Fifthly, belonging to some ethnic group.
  • And finally, sixthly, these are personal characteristics, character, etc.).

History of surnames

Last names in the proper sense of the word appeared among Moldovans not so long ago. Moldovan surnames, playing the role of nicknames for persons of status, existed around the 13th century. But these were unofficial appeals, while only names were recorded on paper. From historical documents of that era we know that a significant number of noble people in Moldova were of Ruthenian origin. The majority of the population received surnames only in the 18th century, and then towards its end. A little later, in the 19th century, Moldovans, going to serve in the army (Russian or Austrian troops), had to provide a last name. In the absence of one, a nickname was written down in the documents, which from then on became the official surname.

Characteristics of surnames

Most of the surnames of the Slavic population in Moldova end in “ov”, “iy”, “ich”, “im”, “k”. They are first mentioned starting from the 13th century. Further, Moldovan surnames with the suffixes “uk”, “yuk”, “ak” and similar variants are widespread. In general, Slavic, Ruthenian and Little Russian names gave rise to modern Moldavian surnames. Examples include such of them as Zaporozhan, Rusnak, Buts and others. As for the form “Buts”, as well as “Guts”, some modern researchers believe that they come from the word “Hutsul” - an ethnonym meaning Eastern Slavs. This word is comparable to the modern “katsap”, “moskal” or the earlier “rayki”, which designated the Rusyns living within Northern Bessarabia. The Moldavian surnames Raiko and Railyan are mainly descendants of residents of the Khotyn district. But the surname Rusnak directly comes from the self-name of the Rusyns.

Are you looking for an original and euphonious name for a child? Do you want it to be bright, non-trivial and memorable? In this case, you should turn your attention to amazingly beautiful and melodious male and female Moldavian names. Their wide variety and rich sound pleasantly surprises. Among these names one can find both native national ones and those borrowed from foreign languages, both popular and surprisingly rare and exotic.

However, the wide variety of local names is not the only advantage of modern Moldovan names for boys and girls. They have many other advantages that can be seen even with the naked eye. In order to notice all these advantages, it is enough to look at the meaning of Moldovan names and surnames. It almost always wears positive character. Some names in Moldova denote positive personality traits of a person, others - certain animals, plants, natural phenomena and so on. All of them are very popular among both Romanians and representatives of mixed families.

Happy Moldovan names for boys and girls

Parents who want their child to stand out from other children should pay attention to rare Moldovan names for girls and boys. They have very unusual and... An example would be the beautiful female name Graciela. According to the latest data, only 13 Moldovan women wear it. I would also like to note the unusual Moldavian male name Odysseus (from ancient greek mythology). Over the past five years, only twenty-one boys have been given the name. The number of non-traditional names borne by residents of Moldova includes such as Soare, Luna, Draga, Stela, Helia, Palerma, Nurai, Romela, etc.

List of original Moldovan names for boys

  1. Aurel. From Latin "golden"
  2. Jon. Male Moldovan name which means = “patient”
  3. Isidore. Interpreted as "gift of Isis"
  4. Clement. Translated into Russian it means “merciful”
  5. Matej. Moldavian boy name meaning "given by God"
  6. Octavian. From Latin "eighth"
  7. Paul. Translated into Russian it means “baby”
  8. Nicholas. Moldovan boy name. Meaning = "conqueror of nations"
  9. Stefan. Translated into Russian it means “crown”

List of beautiful Moldovan names for girls

  1. Adelaide. Interpreted as “a girl from a noble family”
  2. Angela. Translated into Russian it means “messenger”
  3. Aurika. Moldovan girl name meaning "golden"
  4. Bianca. Interpreted as "pure"
  5. Danina. From Latin "divine"
  6. Constanta. Female Moldovan name which means = “stable”
  7. Michaela. Interpreted as “like God”
  8. Roxana. Translated into Russian it means “dawn”
  9. Florica. Moldovan girl name meaning "blooming"

The most popular male and female Moldovan names

  • Today, the most popular Moldovan names for boys are Jon, Paul and Nicolae.
  • In addition, parents often call their sons Maximilian, Andrey and Denis.
  • As for the most common female names, they include such as Angela, Elena, Tatyana, Andreya and Marinella.
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