Prayer Nicholas the Wonderworker how to pray correctly. The relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - how do they help and how to venerate them? How to bow to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Among the most revered saints for Orthodox believers and Catholics is St. Nicholas the Pleasant. During his lifetime, he performed miracles, helping people in need, and after his death, believers from different parts of the world turn to him to cope with numerous problems.

Life of Nikolai Ugodnik

The saint was born around 270 in the city of Patara, where modern Türkiye is located. His family was rich and pious. Nikolai lost his parents early. Since childhood, the boy was distinguished by his intelligence and energetic character. He was always interested in studying the Holy Scriptures. Life tells that he was a monk, lived in the Holy Land and even served as the bishop of the city of Myra.

He was always distinguished by his generosity, helping all people in need. Describing who Saint Nicholas the Pleasant is, it is worth noting his active position with which he spread the word of God, for which he was imprisoned during the persecution of Christians. There is a mention that in 325 the Wonderworker struck Arius for his rebellious statements regarding the divine origin of Christ.

Miracles of Nikolai Ugodnik

There are many testimonies regarding how the Wonderworker helped people. Among the most famous stories are the following:

  1. During the time when Nicholas was young, a poor man fell into despair because his three daughters could not marry, due to the fact that he was unable to provide them with a dowry. The saint threw purses of gold into their house for three nights in a row to save them from the need to become harlots.
  2. Although Nicholas the Pleasant is not mentioned in the Bible, evidence of his help can be found in various sources. For example, many soldiers told how an old man in a priest’s robe appeared to them and reported about the danger, and then disappeared inexplicably.

How does Nikolai Ugodnik help?

The saint is considered one of the main helpers of believers, and different people can turn to him with their problems.

  1. The icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant helps people who have problems at work or cannot find a suitable place for themselves.
  2. Prayer requests attract good luck in life, with the help of which you can cope with various life problems and reach new heights.
  3. He is considered the patron saint of warriors, as evidenced by cross amulets with the image of the Wonderworker, which were worn by men going into battle.
  4. You can ask for help in your personal life. Parents offer prayers to him for a successful marriage for their children. People in the family ask the saint to maintain happiness and improve relationships.
  5. There are prayers that promote both physical and mental healing.
  6. Nikolai Ugodnik is the patron saint of sailors and travelers, so it is recommended to have the image of the Wonderworker in the interior of your car. You can turn to him with prayers for a safe journey and a happy return.

Prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker

To turn to a saint for help, you need to have his image before your eyes, which is recommended to be placed in your home iconostasis. Many people are interested in what they ask Nicholas the Ugodnik to do, so the Wonderworker helps in various situations when help is really needed, and it is better not to contact him with trivial requests. It is important to recite sacred texts from a pure heart and with unshakable faith in the Lord. The time of reading prayers does not matter, and you can do this in the morning, evening or at any other time.

Nikolai Ugodnik - prayer for health

They turn to the saint for help when they have health problems. You can pray not only for yourself, but also for loved ones. There are several tips on how to pray to St. Nicholas the Pleasant to receive healing from illnesses:

  1. It is recommended to address the saint in front of his image, which should be located in the red corner near the icon of the Lord and the Virgin Mary.
  2. Before reading the prayer, you need to get rid of extraneous thoughts and concentrate on the image of the saint.
  3. Then you need to ask through Saint Nicholas the Pleasant of God for forgiveness for your own sins. After that, all that remains is to read.

Nikolai Ugodnik - prayer for help

One of the most common is a prayer text directed to the Wonderworker so that he can help in a difficult situation and in solving various issues. Strong prayer will come in handy when the person praying is imbued with the words and believes in the true help of the saint. Nicholas the Pleasant and the Wonderworker helps people who have a sensitive position, that is, before reading the prayer, you need to formulate your request. You can ask not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones.

Prayer for good luck to Nikolai Ugodnik

Believers and the church claim that a person who has secured the support of a saint will be able to cope with any difficulties and achieve the desired heights. Nikolai Ugodnik is the main assistant to people with whose help you can attract good luck. It is better to start your morning with a prayer, which must be repeated in front of the icon, kneeling. She will give and give strength to achieve success. It is recommended to say a prayer before important events.

Prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik about work

Finding a good job is becoming difficult every year, as employers' demands are only growing. In addition, there are many examples where people have a normal position, but at the same time they face other problems, for example, lack of career growth, poor relationships with colleagues and superiors, and so on. Saint Nicholas the Pleasant helps in solving various work-related problems. It is important to understand that prayer is not a magic wand, and it helps people who do not sit still and are constantly looking for new opportunities.

  1. You can ask for help in different situations, the main thing is to formulate your thoughts correctly and avoid the ultimatum form.
  2. Say the presented text in front of the image of the saint. You can ask for help in your own words, the main thing is to do it sincerely.
  3. After prayer, you must begin to actively look for work or make attempts to correct existing problems.
  4. When the desired becomes a reality, it is important to once again turn to the saint to thank him for his help.

Prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant for money

Many people have financial problems, and the saint will certainly help them, but only if they really deserve it, that is, they do not expect benefits to fall on their heads, but work hard for it. Orthodox prayers to Nicholas the Ugodnik help to attract financial well-being. To get what you want, it is important to focus on some rules:

  1. When turning to a saint, you need to concentrate on your request. It is important to want to receive money for a good cause, and not just for the sake of enrichment.
  2. The prayer should be read in front of the image, which can be found in the church or bought in a shop and placed at home.
  3. To make it easier to concentrate on the task, it is recommended to light a candle or lamp in front of the icon.
  4. Another important point is that Saint Nicholas the Pleasant helps those who themselves provide possible support to others, so be sure to donate at least a small amount to the needs of the temple or people who ask for alms.
  5. It is necessary to read the prayer text every day until what you want becomes a reality.

Prayer for the wish of Nikolai Ugodnik

To make it easier to make your dreams come true, you can enlist the help of a saint, who is considered closest to the Lord, so prayers are the most effective and powerful. The Most Holy Nicholas the Pleasant helps to fulfill any good desire that does not have evil intent. You can say the prayer at any time, but it will be especially effective if you turn to the saint on the days of his memory: May 22 and December 19.

  1. Stand in front of the image in church or place it in front of you at home. Light a candle nearby and look at the icon for a while, getting rid of otherworldly thoughts.
  2. After this, read the prayer, cross yourself and say your cherished desire, which must be clearly formed.

Where is Nikolai Ugodnik buried?

The saint died when he was already 94 years old and was first buried in a church in Myra (modern Turkey). In 1087, when there were wars, Saint Nicholas appeared in a dream to a priest who lived in Bari and ordered his relics to be transferred to the city where he lived. This territory is located in southern Italy. First, the relics of St. Nicholas the Pleasant were placed in the Church of John the Baptist, located near the sea. According to legend, this event was accompanied by numerous miracles.

Three years later, a temple dedicated to the saint was erected in the city, and his relics were transferred there in a rich shrine, which remain there to this day. You can read the prayer to St. Nicholas the Pleasant anywhere, but it is believed that the petition pronounced in the Church of St. Nicholas in Bari, where his relics are located, has special power. Believers have the opportunity to venerate the cancer to receive healing and blessing.

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In Orthodoxy there are a number of saints who are revered by believers most of all. Among them is St. Nicholas, whose image is found in almost every home next to the faces of the Mother of God and Jesus Christ. Also, in any temple you can find the face of a saint, kiss him and say a prayer to him. In addition, every believer turns to him with his most cherished desires and hopes for the creation of a miracle, because it is not for nothing that he is called the Wonderworker.

Who is Nicholas the Wonderworker

There is information that immediately after the death of the saint, myrrh began to emanate from the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker, after which lines of pilgrims flocked to him.

He has several names, but he is best known as the Miracle Worker. He is considered the patron saint of orphans, travelers and prisoners. Children know this saint very well, because it is him they wait for with gifts before Christmas. His most famous Christmas gift was the dowry he gave to the three daughters of a bankrupt rich man. Thus, they were able to find worthy husbands. Many people say that it was a Christmas miracle. And he is considered the prototype of Santa Claus.

People turn to him in prayers in order to:

  • pacify the warring parties
  • create a miracle
  • heal from diseases,
  • protect from unnecessary death,
  • save innocently convicted people, etc.

Where are the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker located?

The saint died in the city of Myra, where his remains were buried. But since over time they began to stream myrrh, a decision was made to build a basilica over the grave. Then, a little later, the Church of St. Nicholas arose in its place, which has survived to this day. It was in it that until 1087 the relics of the Pleasant of God resided. But it so happened that the Italians from the city of Bari decided to steal the relics and transport them to their homeland. They took the remains and transported them to the city of Bari, where they placed them in the Church of St. Stephen. A year later, a new church was built and consecrated - the Basilica of St. Nicholas, which houses the remains to this day.

Since most of the remains were stolen from the tomb during their raid, local residents tried to hide small fragments. But during the Crusade, the Italians found them and took them to Venice, where the Church of St. Nicholas was built on the Lido Island, where they are kept.

This saint is also considered the patron saint of sailors. In the Russian Orthodox Church there are 3 days of veneration of the Wonderworker of Myra:

  • December 19th is the day of death,
  • May 22 is the day of bringing the relics to the city of Bari,
  • August 11 – Christmas.

Many people ask about which churches contain the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The answer to this question is not complicated. There are a large number of temples where at least a small piece of relics is located. You can find a more detailed list on the Internet.

How to apply to the remains

If you still decide to visit the temple with the relics of the saint, then you should know how to properly venerate the relics of Nicholas. There are certain unspoken rules for applying to the remains of a saint that every believer should know:

  • when approaching the face, the Cross or the Gospel, you should not rush, crowd or push;
  • It is advisable to leave bags and packages with someone;
  • It is not customary to kiss with painted lips;
  • before applying, you need to make 2 bows from the waist, crossing yourself at the same time, and the third one after; This should be done not after kissing, but after anointing.
  • when applying it, it is not allowed to kiss the saints on the face.

And the most basic rule is that these actions must be performed with pure thoughts, sincere faith and bright thoughts.

The pilgrimage to the relics of St. Nicholas, which remain until July 12 in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, is associated with considerable strain while standing in line. In order to try to benefit your soul, it is important to properly prepare for it, to understand how everything will happen.

1. Being in line is a given, which can bring spiritual benefit to the pilgrim. Don’t waste your time: take with you the text of the akathist to St. Nicholas, a prayer book, and the Gospel. While you are waiting, you are already doing work to get closer to the Saint, and he sees and hears you, rejoices in your love and faith. Already in line on the embankment, you can read the akathist, pray in your own words and ask for those who are dear to you, and for yourself. As experience shows, time will pass faster this way, and you will have time to thoughtfully ask for everything and everyone.

2. The queue runs along the embankment of the Moscow River, it is protected by a fence and divided into sections. This allows people not to stand behind each other and not to rush: when moving from compartment to compartment, it does not matter whether you are at the beginning of the group or at the end.

3. While you are in the compartment, you can sit down in the bus specially parked here and lean on the embankment fence. Some take folding chairs and foam mats with them.

4. With the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch, everyone who joined the queue before it closed (usually at 18.00) will go to the relics on that day. Accordingly, once you get in line, you don’t have to rush anywhere and don’t worry.

5. When we come to church (as, indeed, at any other time), we should have a pectoral cross on our chest. It is desirable that clothing correspond to the traditions of Christian piety: for women - a headscarf (cap, hat - it doesn’t matter), a skirt below the knees, covered shoulders. For men, covered shoulders and knees. However, no special control is exercised in this regard; everyone is allowed to see the relics. If you come to worship a shrine and are not dressed in accordance with the above canons, ask God for forgiveness and boldly go to the temple. What is more important, of course, is not your form, but your mental attitude.

6. Take care of your comfortable well-being. If the day is sunny, take a hat or panama hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen. Due to the capricious nature of this summer, do not forget an umbrella or raincoat or windbreaker. Dress appropriately in cold weather. If necessary, take with you the medications you regularly take.

7. To ensure safety, we do not allow entry into the queue with liquids in glass containers, flammable liquids (including perfumes and deodorants), or sharp objects.

8. If you go to kiss with children, think about what to do with them while they wait. The baby cannot remain in prayerful concentration for a long time or simply wait. It is important that the pilgrimage remains in his memory as a bright, good milestone in his life. Take a book, a notepad with pencils for your child. Prepare it: retell the life of St. Nicholas, explain what is happening. Explain what he sees in the temple: who the priests are, why they wear such vestments, who is depicted on the icons, etc.

9. You should be prepared for the fact that the relics are applied to the relics very quickly. This is justified: if you give each pilgrim at least two or three seconds more time, the queue for others will last twice as long. That is why it is worth devoting time to prayer while waiting in line.

10. If you want to attach icons or a body image to the relics of St. Nicholas, take them in your hand in advance and apply them to the side of the ark in which the relics rest, at the moment when you yourself apply your lips to its upper part.

11. It is better to write notes for the prayer service performed by the clergy at the relics of St. Nicholas in advance (at home or while standing in line). You can give them in the temple - the points for accepting notes and selling candles are located in such a way that you can approach them both before and after worship.

Press center for the bringing of the relics of St. Nicholas to Russia /

This is a great event not only for the Orthodox, but for the entire city. In the Northern capital, everything will be done to ensure that everyone can venerate the ark.

Even in crumbs there is strength

“We took into account the experience of Moscow, where over 1.5 million people came to venerate the saint,” he assured Vice Governor Alexander GOVORUNOV. - The flow of believers will begin to be regulated from the Alexander Nevsky Square -2 metro station. Next the line will go down the street. Telezhny, Prof. Ivashentsov, Mirgorodskaya and Kremenchugskaya. The maximum path length is about 3.9 km.

To avoid an emergency, several ambulances will be on duty at the temple. For those wishing to refresh themselves, there will be food stalls with inexpensive food and baked goods, tea and coffee. They are going to provide water free of charge, and about a hundred dry closets will be installed. They also promise to distribute icons with the image of the saint, materials about Nicholas and the pilgrimage.

In order to maintain order, video surveillance and metal fences were installed, and fences were made with a capacity of 240 people each, he said Chairman of the Committee on Law, Order and Security of the City Leonid BOGDANOV.

But there will be no special passes to the shrine.

Everyone will have to stand: both St. Petersburg residents and pilgrims from other regions, he warned Vicar of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, Bishop of Kronstadt Nazariy. - The only exception is disabled people and mothers with babies. They plan to conduct them separately through the southern entrance to the temple.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker. Photo: Petropavlovsk and Kamchatka diocese

Let us remind you: the left rib of the Saint will be brought to us from the papal basilica in the Italian city of Bari. This is the first time in 930 years that such a fragment has been removed from the tomb. Meanwhile, in the cathedrals of St. Petersburg there are already relics of Nicholas, which you can venerate without having to wait in a huge line. How did they get there?

The fact is that the relics of St. Nicholas are still streaming myrrh, said Bishop Nazariy of Kronstadt. “This special liquid is selected in a special way and sometimes small particles of the remains themselves get there. But for prayer, size does not matter. Even a crumb has life-giving power.

Pray and repent

For many who come to the Lavra these days, the following question arises: how to convey the most secret things to the saint who patronizes travelers in a few seconds?

Saint Nicholas is the most famous saint on the planet. His miracles are revered by both the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. He is the patron saint of travelers and sailors, merchants, children, unmarried girls... In fact, it is a tradition to consider him the patron saint of certain people, because the saint comes to the rescue in any trouble. They pray to him for the healing of any illness, for the salvation of the soul: the saint devoted his entire life to praying to God for people, good deeds and caring for his flock, because he was the bishop of the city of Myra of Lycia in Asia Minor, hence the full name of his title and face: saint Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, Wonderworker.

Nicholas the Wonderworker - great saint

The birth of the future saint was already accompanied by a miracle: his parents prayed for a long time to conceive a child, and after giving birth his mother was healed of a certain illness.

From childhood, the saint strove to please God, prayed a lot, then took the rank of priest and, since his works and virtues became known to the townspeople, he was appointed archbishop, in charge of the clergy of the city of Myra in Lycia.

Saint Nicholas performed many miracles during his lifetime. Thus, he is considered the patron saint of travelers and sailors, because while still a young man, he resurrected (or healed) one sailor who had fallen from his rigging and saved another from death. After the death of his parents, he inherited their fortune and, instead of enjoying the benefits of wealth, he distributed it to the poor and donated it to the Church.

It was Saint Nicholas who became the prototype of Santa Claus who gives gifts. Only over the years, when disbelief began to flourish, did he become an ordinary fairy-tale character for many. In the families of Western Christians today they believe that St. Nicholas himself (in Latin translation - Santa Claus) gives gifts through them to little pious Christians. And the source of faith in gifts from the saint is in his life. During his lifetime, one townsman of Myr Lycian could not marry off his daughters, because he was poor and could not collect a dowry for them, and decided to sell them one by one to a house of women of easy virtue. Hearing about the impending terrible fate of the girls, Saint Nicholas threw bags of gold into their father’s house for three nights in a row. A townsman saw this secret good deed; he repented of his intentions and, thanks to the help of the saint, married off all his daughters.

Relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Bari and Russia

Saint Nicholas performed many miracles during his life and after his death. Immediately after he departed to the Lord, his body began to exude myrrh - a miraculous liquid that comes only from miraculous icons and holy relics. Soon he was canonized. The remains and bodies of saints are called holy relics.

The relics of St. Nicholas the Pleasant were in his hometown, in a church in his honor, and in 1087, Italian merchants from the city of Bari deceitfully took the holy relics and took them to Italy. Here they are in a white marble closed sarcophagus in the basilica in honor of St. Nicholas. Many pilgrims from all over the world come here every day.

    Most of the relics remained in Myra Lycia, however, over time, the Italians took fragments and took them to Venice, where they rest on the island of Lido.

    For many centuries, evidence of miracles through prayers to the saint was passed on from mouth to mouth, then recorded and now officially recorded by the Church.

    When the saint’s rib was brought to Russia in 2017, removed for the first time in 900 years from his tomb, many miracles also began to occur, which are recorded in a special chronicle. Many people came to Russia specifically to venerate St. Nicholas, venerate his rib and ask for help in changing their lives.

    There are small, even tiny particles of the saint’s relics in some churches in Russia. Many miracles are performed even on small particles of the saint’s relics.

    In Moscow, part of the relics of the saint is in the church named after him in Tolmachi.

    In St. Petersburg, a particle of the saint’s relics remains not far from the city, in the village of Staraya Ladoga, in the St. Nicholas Monastery.

How to pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Days of remembrance of St. Nicholas of Myra - holidays

  • “Summer St. Nicholas,” May 22, the day of the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas to Bari;
  • “Winter St. Nicholas”, December 19, the day of the saint’s repose in the Lord;
  • Nativity of St. Nicholas, August 11.

On these holidays, a prayer is read to him at the Liturgy, prayers are performed with an akathist to the saint. It is better to attend the All-Night Vigil the day before, and in the morning - the Liturgy, which will be celebrated these days in every church.

Nicholas the Wonderworker has the grace to help in many matters:

  • To rescue in danger, sudden or prolonged;
  • Protect on the way;
  • Protect those who are unfairly offended at work and in life;
  • Help in a successful marriage;
  • Rescue in any life difficulties and problems;
  • Assist in job search and employment;
  • Heal serious illnesses and injuries;
  • Change your whole life.

Saint Nicholas is also considered the patron saint of professions related to the sea - sailors, fishermen - and people seeking family happiness, because during his lifetime he helped get three girls married.

How to venerate the relics of Nicholas of Myra

Seeking help from a great saint is an opportunity to enlist God's help in your affairs. After all, our life only seems to be the result of our own deeds and sometimes accidents. Everything happens through our efforts and according to the will of God. Often we do not pray and do not notice the path that the Lord offers us, or even destroy these opportunities with our sins.

Coming to the temple and praying at the relics and in front of the image of St. Nicholas is your own small feat. If you really need the help of a saint, start by attending a church service. If you are not baptized, but believe in God and the power of His help, accept Baptism (find out how to do this in the church shop), talk with the priest and learn about church life after Baptism. If you are baptized, it is also better to talk to the priest after the service or at confession.

If you are a believer and a baptized person, then before visiting the temple with a particle of the relics of the saint:

  • Ask God for forgiveness of your sins committed through malice, carelessness or ignorance.
  • Get rid of resentment, anger at people and God, envy and other sinful thoughts.
  • Buy church candles at the temple.
  • Before the image of the saint or standing at his relics, read a prayer and speak in your own words with Saint Nicholas as if he were alive, because he really hears us in Heaven.
  • Pray and ask the saint for help sincerely, from the heart, read the words of the prayer with attention and awareness that you are addressing a great saint and good helper to all people.
  • Before or after prayer, light a candle from other candles in a candlestick, place it, cross yourself twice, bow and kiss a piece of relics or the image of a saint on an icon in the hand, cross yourself again and bow.
  • You can also bow before the relics or icon with a prostration: cross yourself, kneel down and touch the ground with your forehead, then stand up. This needs to be done once or three times, as you wish.
  • You can purchase in the church an icon of St. Nicholas for home prayer and church candles, which you will light during prayer at home.

Through the prayers of St. Nicholas, may the Lord protect you!

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