Old prayers for good trading. Prayer for trading to the most powerful saints

To protect yourself from losses and competitors, you need to enlist the support of the saints. A strong prayer for good trading will help you with this. With its help, you can attract profit and customers.

The number of retail outlets and enterprises is growing every year. Sometimes competitors are ready to use any trick to increase demand for their goods or services, which can worsen the situation of your outlet. You can protect yourself from the machinations of ill-wishers, attract success and increase your income with the help of strong prayer.

Experts on the site advise taking into account a number of recommendations that will speed up the result of the spoken prayer. Higher powers will definitely help you make your business successful and profitable, but only if you want to develop the business not only for the sake of wealth, but also for the benefit of other people. If the goal of your activity is only to receive money, then prayer will not help fulfill your dream.

Sometimes it is impossible to fully develop your business if competitors surround you from all sides and try to harm you by any means. However, you should not allow evil thoughts to take over you, and you should not harm your competitors. It is unacceptable to commit aggressive actions against other people and at the same time ask for help from saints. In this case, prayer will not help you.

In order for a business to bring profit and not losses, you need to do godly deeds. Show kindness to others, help those in need. The more often you do good, the sooner you will notice the results of prayer.

After saying the prayer, be sure to thank the Lord and the saints. Heavenly forces always respond to the requests of those who sincerely expect support and are at the same time grateful for the help provided. A prayer of gratitude will help you with this.

Most often, people turn to certain saints for solutions to financial and work problems. We bring to your attention a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. At all times, Saint Nicholas was considered the patron saint of trade, which means that the prayer text will contribute to good sales and increased profits.

“Oh, Nicholas the Wonderworker, patron saint of all merchants. I believe in your miracles and hope for your help and protection. May my perseverance and efforts attract profits and wealthy buyers. Do not allow enemies and envious people to destroy everything that I, God’s servant(s) (name), got through hard work. I wish that my product brings me money and benefits to other people, that it lasts for a long time. I pray to you, Saint Nicholas, respond to my request, for I am turning to you not out of self-interest, but out of a desire to get rid of poverty and adversity. Amen".

You can pray both in church, in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and at home or in the workplace. To make the prayer work faster, purchase an image of St. Nicholas the Pleasant and place it in your workplace, and do not forget to say the prayer daily.

In order for your business to be successful and generate income, you should not neglect esoteric methods aimed at improving trade. Effective honey spells will help you attract profit and protect you from ruin. We wish you wealth and prosperity,and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.11.2018 04:02

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Without financial wealth, it is quite difficult to imagine a picture of a happy life. Modern society, more than ever, meets people and evaluates them based on external attributes: expensive accessories, a premium car and branded clothing. Therefore, people are trying with all their might to achieve a certain level, which primarily includes financial stability.

Today, many people start their own business and invest almost everything they have into it. Naturally, the well-being of the whole family depends on the success of this enterprise. But, unfortunately, some manage to achieve success easily and quickly, while others spend several years unsuccessfully climbing to the top of the financial pyramid. Nobody knows why this happens. However, in case of constant failures, some people turn to trading magic, part of which they consider prayers to help in trading. These are the ones that will be discussed in today’s article, and you can decide for yourself how suitable this method is for running your affairs.

Trading magic: fact or fiction

Even in ancient times, merchants and traders of all stripes performed a lot of rituals to attract money and for successful trade. It is unknown how effective they were, but the secrets of the most powerful conspiracies were kept and passed on from generation to generation. Sometimes merchants were ready to travel from afar just to turn to a famous magician and perform a ritual for good luck. There are many stories in history about how a person was able to suddenly become rich or save and increase a small capital received as an inheritance. Moreover, the secret of success has always been more than carefully guarded.

With the spread of Christianity, any magical rituals began to be condemned. Sorcerers succumbed to massive persecution, they were destroyed, and those who, despite the prohibitions, used their services, were even excommunicated from the church. However, people did not cease to need luck with the advent of a new faith, so over time, prayers appeared in everyday life to help in trade. They partially replaced witchcraft rituals and, as the merchants themselves claimed, were in many ways even much more effective.

Today the situation in trade is very acute. Businessmen not only experience fierce competition, but also constantly feel themselves in the iron grip of the global economic crisis. Every day it becomes more and more difficult to maintain your business, and luck often slips literally between your fingers. Therefore, prayers for help in trade matters become the very lifeline that can take your own business to a new level.

If you often have to solve problems in business, constantly suffer failures and count losses, then you should still turn to ancient magic. And an important part of it is prayer for help in trading; we will give several versions of this conspiracy in our article.

Who needs to pray for success in business?

If you decide to turn to higher powers for help in doing business, then at first you will probably be upset when you learn the fact that in Orthodoxy there is no special prayer for help in trading. The clergy say that any prayer addressed to God with faith and sincere hope can be the one that will change your affairs for the better.

In addition, there are two types of appeals to higher powers, and they help to establish trade and attract good luck. First of all, a strong prayer to help trade is considered to be a request to your guardian angel. If we focus on the Orthodox canons, we can say that one angel is given to the soul at birth, and the second - at the time of baptism. The first should protect a person from troubles and help him in business, so it is this guardian angel that you should turn to when your business is on the verge of collapse. If you do everything right, then your business will go uphill very soon.

No less effective are prayers to saints in helping with trading. However, not all holy elders contribute in matters of obtaining financial gain. More noticeable results come from:

  • Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in trade.
  • Appeal to John of Sochavsky.
  • Request to Seraphim of Sarov.
  • Prayer for help in trading

In the following sections of the article, we will tell you how best to make your requests to the listed saints and provide prayers that are very effective for getting things done in business.

Rules for appealing to higher powers

It is worth considering that any prayer for success in business involves making a profit. In fact, we pray for money, which is always condemned by the Orthodox Church. Therefore, try to ask the saints not for financial success as such, but for what you would like to acquire when receiving a particular amount. Visualize your final goal in your mind and try to visualize it in detail, and only then begin your prayer work.

Usually the clergy themselves call Seraphim of Sarov the main saint who patronizes trade. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact him, but remember that you must read the prayer clearly, distinctly and loudly, despite some complexity of the text. Also, successful traders advise hanging an icon with the image of a saint in the place where you enter into contracts or directly trade. To strengthen the prayer, you need to read it in front of the icon in the room where it hangs.

John the Merciful: assistant in trade affairs

This saint helps to find financial success, so merchants of various levels often turn to him with requests. Some businessmen claim that prayer brought success back to their business in the shortest possible time. Therefore, we could not help but quote its text in our article.

A prerequisite for attracting success to your business is reading a prayer in front of the image of the saint. However, keep in mind that there are quite a lot of icons depicting John the Merciful. You need to choose the one where the saint gives alms. It is this image that is most suitable for asking for good luck in trading.

While reading the prayer, try not to think about money as such. Let your thoughts hover around the goal you would like to achieve. After prayer, mentally talk to the saint. Tell him about your work-related problems. Be sincere and try to formulate a specific request to John the Merciful. If you do everything correctly, he will definitely provide you with the necessary help.


Usually people who open their own business rely only on themselves and their own strength. They work very hard and are hardcore materialists. However, over time, many come to the understanding that it is impossible to build a serious and profitable business without a bit of luck. And sometimes only she helps at the right time to keep her own business afloat. It is in such situations that people begin to turn to higher powers for help.

In addition to the saints we have already described, you can turn to Spyridon of Trimythous with a prayer for help in trade. This saint often promotes successful entrepreneurial activity. We hope that our article will give you the necessary information, and with the help of prayers you will be able to improve your affairs and financial situation.

Then you can use reading strong prayers. There are certain saints to whom you need to turn your prayers, but you must remember that no matter in front of which person the prayers are said, you must always:

  • Believe in what you ask for
  • Do not carry despondency in your midst,
  • Give alms to those who ask and help those in need,
  • Ask in prayers that your product will benefit the buyer and serve him for a long time,
  • After you receive grace from the Lord, be sure to thank him for it.

Prayers for good trading every day are considered to be common tools in order to get big profits from your business. They often say that they should not be uttered when arriving under the influence of alcohol, as well as to women during their menstrual periods. If trading is your main income, then it is better to read different prayers for good trading, this can bring more benefits. In addition, it is advisable to read them from the new moon to the new moon. It is advisable to start reading with a weaker one, and then read a stronger one. They also say that if you use such prayers in your activities, it is advisable not to tell anyone about it.

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for good trading

Such prayer words must be read if there are problems in business. Often, higher powers are turned to for protection from impoverishment and ruin. Saint Nicholas has always been the patron saint of trade and the poor. It was to him that all the merchants, explorers and sailors built temples for this saint. The main requirement for pronouncing these holy words is deep faith, as well as honesty in conducting business. The miracle worker will help only those who do their work with all dedication. Generous rewards await only those who work honestly, read prayers from a pure heart and selflessly do their work.

With these words you should turn to the Wonderworker for help:

“Oh, our great mentor, Nikolai! You are kind and merciful, pious and generous. I ask you to hear me, your servant (name), I pray to you and hope for help in your affairs. See my work and efforts, obedience and loyalty to the Lord God. Protect from hardships and falls, add intelligence and strength. Beg the Lord for mercy for us, may he protect us from the machinations of our enemies and guide us on the right path. May you protect us from temptations and dishonest acts. May he reward us for our suffering, for our zeal and submission. We trust in your intercession, we ask for help. We fall before your holy face with prayers. Cover us with your wing from adversity and misfortune, help us not to perish in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. We pray for the salvation of our souls and hope for great mercy.”

Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov for good trading

Nowadays, trade has developed quite widely. Now you can find both trade stalls, small shops and large hypermarkets. And many sellers, in order to increase their profits, turn to various saints with requests. Thus, Seraphim of Sarov is the patron saint of those who are engaged in the purchase and sale of various goods. Some people who have a store would like to consecrate it, but do not know if it is right. So, in the church list of prohibited things, stores are not listed, which means the consecration ceremony can be performed there. Before reading the sacred words to Seraphim of Sarov, it is recommended to first go to the temple and put 3 candles near his face, and then read the prayer:

“O Most Wonderful Father Seraphim, the great Sarov Wonderworker! O quick and obedient helper to all who come running to You! During the days of Your earthly life, no one left You weary and inconsolable, But the vision of Your face and the God-loving voice of Your words brought all the sweetness. Moreover, the gift of healing, the gift of insight,
The gift of healing for weak souls is abundant in You. When God called You from earthly labors to heavenly peace,
Greater than Thy love are Thy fingers from us, And it is impossible to count Thy miracles,
Multiplied like the stars of heaven: Behold, throughout all the ends of our earth you appear to the People of God and grant them healing. In the same way we cry out to You, O most quiet and meek Servant of God, Daring prayer book towards Him, Who calls upon You to reject Him! Offer up Your merciful prayer to the Lord of hosts for us,
May He grant us everything that is useful in this life, And may everything useful for spiritual salvation be given to us, May He protect us from the falls of sins, And may He teach us true repentance, May we also enter without stumbling into the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, Whereas You are now in unfathomable shining glory, And sing there with all the saintsLife-giving Trinity forever and ever. Amen."

It doesn’t matter what words are spoken to which saint. The most important thing is the faith with which they will be pronounced!

May the Lord protect you!

From this video you will learn how to turn to John Sochavsky for help in trading matters:

Since ancient times, Orthodox Christians have known that the Lord, through His saints, helps in various everyday matters. By the providence of God, Saints Seraphim of Sarov and Saint John of Sochava help with their prayers in trade.

It should be realized that prayer for good trading is not an end in itself for a Christian. If a person sins and does not repent of his own sins, then no prayers will help. Prayer is not magic or a conspiracy. It is realized only through the spiritual Orthodox way of life. The key to a successful prayer request to the saints is our pious life.

It is traditionally accepted that all Orthodox prayers are performed in front of icons of saints. We recommend purchasing icons of St. Seraphim of Sarov and St. John of Sochava and placing them in your store or retail outlet. In your free time, you need to turn to the holy saints of God with repentance and faith.

Orthodox prayer to St. Seraphim of Sarov for good luck in trading

O Most Wonderful Father Seraphim, the great Sarov Wonderworker! O quick and obedient helper to all who come running to You! During the days of Your earthly life, no one left You weary and inconsolable, But the vision of Your face and the God-loving voice of Your words brought all the sweetness. Moreover, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of healing for weak souls has appeared abundantly in You. When God called You from earthly labors to heavenly tranquility, Your fingers from us were greater than Your love, And it is impossible to count Your miracles, Multiplying like the stars of heaven: Behold, throughout all the ends of our earth You have appeared to the People of God and granted them healing. In the same way we cry out to You, O most quiet and meek Servant of God, Daring prayer book towards Him, Who calls upon You to reject Him! Offer up your merciful prayer to the Lord of strength for us, May He grant us all that is beneficial in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, May He protect us from the falls of sin and may He teach us true repentance, May we also enter without stumbling into the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, the Idea You are now in everlasting glory, And there you sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers to John of Sochavsky for trade and business development

Troparion, tone 4

Having nurtured life on earth with goodness, suffering, with alms, and frequent prayers, and tears, and having courageously rushed towards suffering, you denounced the Persian wickedness. Moreover, you were the affirmation of the Church and the praise of Christians, John of all times.

Kontakion, tone 4

I bought the sea floating abyss, you strove from the east to the north, but I called you to God, like Matthew, the tollhouse, but you left me to buy, and you followed him with the blood of torment, redeeming the impassable with time, and you received an invincible crown.

Prayer 1

Holy Great Martyr John! Look down from the heavenly palace on those who require your help and do not reject our petitions, but, as our constant benefactor and intercessor, pray to Christ God, that He who loves mankind and is abundantly merciful will save us from every cruel situation: from cowardice, flood, fire, sword, invasions of foreigners and internecine warfare. May he not condemn us sinners for our iniquity, and may we not turn the good things given to us from the All-Bounteous God into evil, but into the glory of His holy name and into the glorification of your strong intercession. May the Lord, through your prayers, give us peace of mind, abstinence from harmful passions and all defilement, and may He strengthen throughout the world His One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which He has acquired with His honest Blood. Pray diligently, holy martyr, may Christ God bless the power, may He establish in His holy Orthodox Church the living spirit of right faith and piety, so that all its members, clean from wisdom and superstition, worship Him in spirit and truth and diligently care about keeping His commandments, May we all live in peace and piety in this present world and achieve blessed eternal life in heaven, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him belongs all glory, honor and power, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer 2

O holy servant of God, John! Having fought a good fight on earth, you have received in Heaven the crown of righteousness, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him. In the same way, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us against the wiles of the devil, so that, having been delivered from sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present We will be worthy through your intercession, even though we are unworthy, to see good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His saints, the glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer 3

Holy, glorious and all-praised Great Martyr of Christ, John, undoubted intercessor for our salvation. We pray to Thee, Thy servants, who worship today in Thy Divine temple and the race of holy relics; Be merciful as we are, those who are far away and call upon Thy help and Thy martyr's suffering with praises. Ask us all from the Most Merciful Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ for forgiveness and remission of the sins we have committed to this day and hour. Keep us unharmed from all the wiles of the evil one and protect our life from all evils of soul and body; always, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

How to attract trade?

Many people who live in trading are looking for wonderful methods on how to increase profits. It is wonderful if in such cases we turn to Orthodoxy. It is very sad when people, for the sake of material enrichment, are ready to sell their own souls and lose eternal salvation.

The Lord Jesus Christ said that first of all it is necessary to think about the Kingdom of God, and everything else will follow.

And indeed it is. Believers, successful Orthodox businessmen are always present at services and make donations to the church, orphanages and low-income people. And the Lord returns them a hundredfold.

May love be in your hearts and may God bless your families and your worldly good deeds. Strong Orthodox prayer for trade is only possible for pious Christians.

Write your reviews and real stories about God's miraculous help.

Look and listen to the prayer for trade to Saint Seraphim of Sarov

Orthodoxy has all the means to save the soul and prosperous life.

To ensure that your product is always well received,
on the waxing moon, buy a poppy and read over it

3 times plot:
“Whoever steps on you will buy my goods from me.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen."
After this, carefully scatter it near your worker.
places, but so that no one sees.
Read the plot in the morning, before trading.

Before starting trading, say at your workplace:
“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen! Amen!
Lord, teach, Lord, help me, the servant of God (your name).
Hallowed be your name today, tomorrow and always! Amen! Amen!
Amen!" Cross yourself three times and bow
towards the east.

Before trading, cross your goods three times,
saying in a whisper:

“The buyer will look at you, will not leave you, money
will get it! And then it’s my business. Let it be so!
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

For good luck in trading.
For good luck in trading you should go to church 3 days in a row
15-20 minutes before noon and place a wax candle there
in front of the image of Nikolai Ugodnik with the words:
“God's servant! Grant me (your name) good luck in trading matters,
righteous! Amen!"

After your first purchase, take the proceeds in your left hand.
Cross the product with your right hand, saying three times:
“What has come, let it continue to come, do not leave me.
Will be with me as I am with you (blow on the goods three times,
blow on the money three times). Amen! Amen! Amen!
My whisper is strong, amen.”

Remember the rules that must be followed
when performing any ritual or conspiracy

Conspiracies for good trading are carried out exclusively
on the waxing moon. This action is purely personal, never
and no one should be given details of the
Three days before the ritual you should not consume
alcoholic drinks.

Here are a few more conspiracies.
1) One of these conspiracies is recited in salt:
“Walkers and travelers, come here; here is your place, food and water.
For me it’s money, for you it’s goods.”

2) The ritual is performed on any day of the week except Saturday
and 13, 22 and 27 numbers. During this process you must
being alone in a room.
Take a paper bill, preferably 100 rubles, for
measure the length of a red woolen thread 49 times.
Cut the thread with scissors and wrap it around your wrist with your left
hands, tucking the ends under the wound thread.
While wrapping it around your wrist, say seven times:

Money for me, trade for me.
All for me. And for you - the goods and change. Amen.

From the evil eye in trade
When you arrive at your workplace, take a nickel in your hand and cross
them yourself, the counter and say: “Saint Peter was carrying a wallet, on his
the snake lay across the road. Who can count the scales of this snake?
only he will interfere with my bargaining. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy
Spirit. Now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".
Hide the nickel and use it this way every day.

For successful trading.
For trading to go well, you need three days in a row immediately before
go to church in the afternoon and light a candle in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant,
while saying:

“God's saint! Grant me (name) good luck in business and righteous matters! Amen!".

Strong prayer for successful trading
Deeds, Lord, Thou hast spoken with Thy most pure lips, that without me thou canst
creating is nothing. My Lord, Lord, with faith in our souls, help me
sinner, servant of God (name), this is our life through trade in buying, selling and
money changers and everything. You, O Lord, Lord, accomplish it yourself in the name of the Father
and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. Holy Archangel Michael, in your holy name
trade, save, preserve and bless the servant of God with your holy prayers
(name) start and carry out a happy and prosperous trade. In the name of the Father
and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, amen.

I advise everyone and consider it one of the most powerful prayers
for desire - prayer to SAINT MARTHA

I often resort to it myself
It must be read every Tuesday, the time of day does not matter.
The desire is better written on paper so that every time it
sounded the same, you don’t even need to use candles.
Do 9 Tuesdays, if you missed one, start over.
Even if a wish has already been fulfilled, we must thank God
for execution and finish reading the rest of Tuesdays.
Usually it starts to be executed much earlier.

I wish you successful trading!

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