A powerful runic formula for luck in everything. Runes for good luck. Runes for good luck in all matters

This is originally an ancient Germanic script. They were used not only as an alphabet, but also as a fortune-telling system.

But this is not all the functions of runes. They can attract good luck, wealth, help in business and even heal. But for this you need to clearly know the meaning of each sign and their combination with each other.

Fehu - rune of luck

This symbol is considered capable of attracting not only good luck, but also money. Its original meaning is the acquisition of something, material assets, capital and finance. Therefore, it is not surprising that in order to attract wealth, the Germans painted a triple Fehu on the amulet.

As a rune of luck, wealth and love, it was supposed to attract all of the above to the owner. The only point is that it itself does not bring material benefits. If you use Fekha, be prepared to have to work hard, but the income will be good and stable. If you don’t want to wear an amulet with strange symbols, draw a triple Fehu and hang it in the southeast corner. In combination with Mannaz, it will bring the right people to your home.

According to Feng Shui, this is the wealth sector.

Soulu - rune of happiness and good luck

Another extremely positive rune is Soulu or Sovul. She personifies the heavenly body itself, which gives life to everything on Earth. Therefore, it is believed that if you draw Soulu at the entrance to your house, you will not know any troubles in life. Its action is similar to Kanaz, whose name translates as “flame”. This is a rune of luck, as it reveals creative potential, allows you to see hidden opportunities and use them. In addition, she personifies, like Soula, irrepressible energy and vitality.


This is the rune of luck and joy. It helps you achieve your plans and gives you joy from the very process of achieving your goal. But you have to be extremely careful with her. Vunyo is a very strong rune, and thoughtless use can have the opposite effect. The fact is that if triple Fehu brings only good things, three Vunyo, in fact, is already one of the most powerful curses.

Algiz - rune of god's help

This sign, similar to a chicken foot, is considered not only the most ancient, but also the most multifunctional. This is the rune of happiness and good luck. The fact is that, according to the beliefs of the Germans and Scandinavians, it opens a channel of communication with the Divine for a person. This means that the use of Algiz automatically implies the protection and patronage of Higher powers. At the same time, it helps to strengthen intuition, which also doesn’t hurt if you need to attract luck into your life.


In addition to using single runes, you can and should resort to the help of so-called “stavs” or, as the name suggests, these are several symbols written in a strictly defined order. Being in relationship with each other, they activate processes that attract joy, happiness, luck and wealth into a person’s life. Dagaz is considered one of the best and most positive runes. She helps to cope with difficulties.

One of the most ancient is the formula, which consists of the runes Ansuz, Yer, Uruz and Ansuz. It is mentioned in the Prose Edda as a means of attracting good luck. In this formula, each rune has a clear function. Thus, Ansuz opens up new possibilities and allows a person to see them. Uruz, in turn, gives strength so that he can take advantage of the opportunity that presents itself. In parallel with this, Uruz increases endurance, both moral and physical. Yer, which comes third, in itself means the fruitful completion of a business or enterprise. In this combination, it helps not only to see the chance, but also to bring the plan to the end. The mirror closing Ansuz is needed to enhance the effect of the first rune.

If you are looking for runes for luck and money, then the Fehu-Inguz-Odal formula will help you. Fehu, being itself a rune of money and property, interacts with Inguz, which personifies the supremacy of chance. In this formula, initially symbolizing the house and family ties, directly the household of the person who writes the formula. If you also want to strengthen family relationships, use Gebo, although in itself it is not a rune of wealth and good luck. At the same time, it attracts the necessary contacts.

Thus, as a result of using stav, a person, as if by chance, receives financial assistance from higher powers.

Gebo-Fehu-Perth-Odal. This is a combination of runes for good luck and for luck. But here the main emphasis is on the fact that finances will begin to flow as a result of cooperation and mutually beneficial transactions.

Gebo is responsible for cooperation in any form. Fehu, as mentioned above, is directly the material side of the issue. Perth opens up new possibilities, and Odal, in turn, directs the flow precisely to the person who uses the formula.

Laguz: is it so simple?

On the one hand, this is a highly feminine rune, and on the other, its power can crush almost anything. This is truly a rune of good luck. Why? The thing is that Laguz, in addition to revealing intuitive abilities, controls an array of probabilities. That is, using it, you can even turn the event flow in the other direction. Yes, it will not be easy, but it is possible. Therefore, to attract money or good luck, sometimes it is enough to visualize Laguz above you, clearly see how the probability of the desired event increases and... forget about the manipulations done. It's always like this in magic: if you want something to work, forget about it for a while.

The Slavs also have runes!

One can argue for a long time about whether Slavic runes of luck work or not. Now too many copies have already been broken about whether they are a remake that was invented only to pump out money. We won't do that here.

Let's just say that when you need luck, there is no time to think, you have to act. Therefore, if Slavic paganism is close to you, use the Dazhdbog rune to attract haste. This is the progenitor of all Slavs, so his help will follow immediately.

The energy of luck is a capricious thing. It depends primarily on our internal state, on the astrological period in our life, on the general background of luck in the country and city in which we live (yes! After all, we all come from a planet where karma has not yet been canceled!) and so on .

Since all of these factors are rarely met with the best indicators, it is useful to reinforce and “feed” the energy of luck from time to time. One of the best ways to do this is runes and runic formulas (staves, ligatures).

Today we are talking about a wonderful runic formula for good luck, tried more than once and by more than one person. Of course, there are many such formulas, because all the symbols of the runic stave, taken individually, carry a plus and a minus, and can each gift a person in their own way. But such friendship with runes requires a good level of knowledge. But for ordinary people, it is advisable to use already tried formulas for safety reasons.

Before activating a rune or formula for your own purposes, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with it. It is very important.

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“Luck” is, of course, a flexible concept. And naturally, no one forbids applying the formula for good luck in general. But in this case, you most likely will not be able to appreciate the results of the runes. After all, we so often ignore simple everyday magic as something taken for granted.

Therefore the formula " Runes for good luck“I recommend connecting it if you need a favorable outcome of some undertaking, the fulfillment of a specific desire during the period of operation of the runes of luck (this period is usually a couple of days, a maximum of a week).

Runes of luck

Vunyo – Teyvaz – Vunyo

Intention for the Runes for Good Luck formula:

Luck and success go on both sides of me, so that today (or your period of time, term) I receive (receive) what I am looking for/wanting (DESCRIBE WHAT YOU NEED), while spending the minimum possible amount of resources. Let it be so for the common good!

This runic formula works from the moment it is written until the plan is fulfilled (OR A SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME, FOR EXAMPLE - 3 DAYS).

Don’t forget to turn off the formula later by washing it off your body or destroying the leaf with words of gratitude for the work done. And remember - it is important to act only for the benefit of others, cherish your karma!

Spell for Success and Prosperity

Formula for creating situations of material and financial well-being

Rune combination - triad - triple Fehu rune:

This formula not only triples the effects of the Fehu rune. In the runic triad formula, the position of each rune in the spell has a certain meaning. And each of the three runes in the triad plays a role corresponding to its location.
The central rune (the basis, the necessary basis for the action of the spell) is the attraction and concentration of the creative energy of the Fehu rune as an active force.
The right and left runes are the direction of the spell and its goal - the result, the desired outcome.
Literally - formative energy, creative Power is directed to transform circumstances (external - situations that create opportunities, and internal - the ability to see these opportunities and act accurately), the result of which will be material well-being.

Spell for luck and breakthrough to overall improvement

Breakthrough formula for change for the better

Rune combination:

EVAZ - Rune of change and movement, rune of internal transformation and progress - getting off the ground.
FEHU - rune of property, material wealth.
VUNIO - Rune of joy and happiness.

This formula will help you get out of need through new opportunities. Will prepare changes and pave the way for them. Will create changes, like transformations of the surrounding world. It will provide a surge of energy and increase the desire to achieve your goal.
This formula can also be used for healing in protracted and chronic diseases, including psychological ones (depression), when the disease process has entered a phase of stagnation or cycle. A spell can stir up, get things moving, and push the healing process forward.

Spell for Wealth, Welfare and Prosperity

Formula for Wealth and Prosperity. An ancient formula that promotes prosperity and well-being, providing support to the gods and ancestors.

Rune combination:
DAGAZ - Rune of light, prosperity, prosperity and health.

DAGAZ - Rune of light, prosperity, prosperity and health.

Spell for Prosperity

Formula for well-being and increasing your Strength. ALUGOD - "well-being through magical power."

Rune combination:
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, rune of what leads, rune of flow and pure flow, rune of the inner circle of magic.

GEBO - Rune of Gift and Gift of Reciprocity, rune of partnership and cooperation, rune of the unity of opposites.
OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.
DAGAZ - Rune of light, prosperity, prosperity and health.

Spell to increase property

A formula for increasing property, increasing profits and harvest (literally and figuratively).

Rune combination:
OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.
FEKHU is the rune of property, material wealth, and partly the rune of money.

Any activity or business whose product is primarily material objects. Particularly effective in real estate transactions or farming.
Also a formula for the protection and prosperity of the Home - the family “hearth” or “family nest” (estate)

Spell for Happiness and Good Luck

Formula for attracting happiness and good luck.

Rune combination:
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.
YER (Yera) - the rune of “harvest”, results, the fruitful completion of a full cycle.
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.

Spell for Prosperity, Health and Longevity

A formula for achieving a set goal - financial, material, intellectual, creative, etc. Provides success in business, victory and provides protection from failure.

Rune combination:
OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.
TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.

Spell for Prosperity and Protection

Formula of Prosperity, protects and ensures well-being.

Rune combination:
ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.
INGUZ - Rune of fertility, rune of male power.

Exclusively to find out your future. But not everyone knows that these seemingly incomprehensible symbols have powerful energy and can become patrons and fulfillers of desires for their owner. Runes for attracting money and good luck can be used by all people, regardless of their nationality, gender and age.

Runes for attracting money and good luck: photo

Fehu- rune of vital energy. This is the main monetary symbol that helps to acquire material well-being. The image of this rune can be used either independently or in combination with other signs. The main meaning of Fehu is wealth based on a person’s own energy and abilities. The powerful support of this rune will be felt by those people who strive to act to achieve their goals and desires.

The purpose of the rune is to attract material wealth, increase it and protect existing wealth.

Yer– a symbol of reward for labor, the rune of the harvest. Using this sign, you can be sure that everything to which efforts have been made will certainly be implemented in the easiest and most profitable way.

Otal- a down-to-earth symbol of material property that can be purchased with money. Its use in rituals attracts influential connections and the support of strong people.

Dagaz– rune of prosperity in the financial field. Its meaning is long-term plans and opportunities without restrictions. Rune of positivity, lightness and light. By using this symbol, you can easily get ahead, come out of the darkness into the light, and successfully complete everything you have planned.


Runes to attract money and good luck are used both independently and as part of formulas. Runograms, formulated from several signs, complement and enhance each other’s actions. The best and most effective formulas are those compiled for a person individually, based on his life situation. But only specialists can do this.

People who are far from magic and fortune-telling can use universal runic formulas that help attract financial independence. A runogram is drawn up according to the following scheme:

  • The initial symbol is the goal that a person is striving for at the moment.
  • In the middle (one or several runes) - what is needed to achieve the result, certain resources.
  • The last sign is the desired result.

Runes to attract money and good luck are used for passive enrichment in the following combinations:

  • The formula of three Fehu is considered the strongest and most effective. It makes it possible to start a completely new life cycle in the field of income and creative realization, removes all obstacles and negative influences of the past.
  • Runogram<Дегаза>-< Феху>-< Уруза>-< Отала>attracts money by focusing a person on work, concentrating on core activities. The formula helps you advance in your career without being distracted by extraneous matters.
  • Runograms can be drawn or printed on a printer and placed next to the workplace.
  • Amulet with formula<Дегаз>-< Феху>-< Ингваз>-< Отала>helps to move to the upper level of material well-being. Wearing an amulet helps fill your home, increase your salary, and get a prestigious job.

Runes for attracting clients and money are added up in the following order:


Berkana – protection, fertility.

Otal – property.

Fehu - material wealth, paired with Otal - monetary profit, benefit.

The runogram helps develop business, attract customers and receive benefits. You can place the formula in your wallet, draw it on a bank card and contracts with clients.

How to charge a runogram

In order for runes or their combinations to gain power, it is necessary to mentally concentrate on the desire and visualize it in the smallest detail. During the process of concentration, rituals are performed.

  • Water works well with runes: you need to imagine the desired runogram in a glass of water and slowly drink the charged liquid.
  • You can apply runes to your body every day using essential oils: orange, patchouli, cinnamon.
  • If you draw a runogram on an irredeemable bill and carry it with you constantly, the symbols will soon begin to “work”. You may have to wait for some time, but the result will definitely please you, and maybe even surprise you.

Therefore, handling them requires respect and caution. They are like a computer: they remember programmed tasks and execute them exactly.

Runes for attracting money and good luck help those who do not sit still and do not wait for wealth from heaven. Without labor, no magic will bring good luck. Runes only increase the income received and open up new ways to increase material wealth.

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