Can the relationship between Bazarov and Arkady be called friendship? Bazarov and his attitude towards friendship conclusion

Arkady and Bazarov are very different people, and the friendship that arose between them is all the more surprising. Despite the young people belonging to the same era, they are very different. It is necessary to take into account that they initially belong to different circles of society. Arkady is the son of a nobleman; from early childhood he absorbed what Bazarov despises and denies in his nihilism. Father and uncle Kirsanov are intelligent people who value aesthetics, beauty and poetry. From Bazarov’s point of view, Arkady is a soft-hearted “barich”, a weakling. Bazarov does not want to admit that liberality

The Kirsanovs are a consequence of deep education, artistic talent and high spirituality of nature. Bazarov denies such qualities as completely unnecessary. However, in this case we are talking not only about intelligence, but also about the deep continuity of the experience of previous generations, about the preservation of traditions and the entire cultural heritage.

The family theme played a big role in Russian literature, so the demonstration of intra-family conflict turned out to be revolutionary. The integrity and harmony of society was measured by the unity of the family. Consequently, such problems turned out to be not just family problems, but also problems of the entire society.

Bazarov attracted Arkady with his sharpness, originality and courage. For the young “barich” such personalities were a novelty. Arkady has become a kind of embodiment of youth, which is drawn to everything new and unusual, is easily carried away by new ideas, and has a keen interest in life in all its manifestations. Arkady is looking for his own path in life through trial and error. His attitude towards traditions, authorities and other things important to his father is quite frivolous. He lacks the wisdom of age, tolerance and consideration for other people that his father has. The conflict between Arkady and Nikolai Petrovich does not contain any political origin; it is cleared of social motives. Its essence is the eternal misunderstanding between youth and old age. However, this situation does not at all contradict the nature of things. On the contrary, old age is a guarantor of the preservation of moral values, cultural heritage and traditions in society. Youth, in turn, ensures the movement of progress with its craving for everything new and unknown.

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov is a completely different matter. He came from a simple family, he is even somewhat ashamed of his parents. He is harsh, at times rude, decisive, categorical in his judgments and categorical in his conclusions. He quite sincerely believes that a good chemist is worth twenty poets. He does not understand the role of culture in society. He proposes to destroy everything in order to start writing history anew from scratch. This sometimes drives Pavel Petrovich, with whom he argues, into despair. We see maximalism on both sides taken to the extreme. Neither one nor the other wants to give in to each other and admit that their opponent is right. This is their main mistake. All sides are right up to a point. Pavel Petrovich is also right when he speaks of the need to preserve the heritage of his ancestors, and Bazarov is also right when he speaks of the need for change. Both of these sides are sides of the same coin. Both are sincerely concerned about the fate of their native country, but their methods are different.

The friendship of Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov begins to crack when Bazarov falls in love with Odintsova, and Arkady with Katya. Here their differences are fully revealed. If feeling is difficult for Bazarov, he cannot surrender to love, then Arkady and Katya learn to be themselves. Bazarov moves away from his friend, as if feeling his rightness, and not his own.

The image of Arkady was drawn in order to highlight the image of Bazarov and show the versatility of human nature and the same social problem. This makes the image of Bazarov even more lonely and tragic. Bazarov is considered, like Rudin, Pechorin, Onegin and Oblomov, a “superfluous man.” He has no place in this life, although such rebels always arise in troubled times.

Arkady and Bazarov are very different people, and the friendship that arose between them is all the more surprising. Despite the young people belonging to the same era, they are very different. It is necessary to take into account that they initially belong to different circles of society. Arkady is the son of a nobleman; from early childhood he absorbed what Bazarov despises and denies in his nihilism. Father and uncle Kirsanov are intelligent people who value aesthetics, beauty and poetry. From Bazarov’s point of view, Arkady is a soft-hearted “barich”, a weakling. Bazarov does not want to admit that the liberality of the Kirsanovs is a consequence of deep education, artistic talent and high spirituality of nature. Bazarov denies such qualities as completely unnecessary. However, in this case we are talking not only about intelligence, but also about the deep continuity of the experience of previous generations, about the preservation of traditions and the entire cultural heritage.

The family theme played a big role in Russian literature, so the demonstration of intra-family conflict turned out to be revolutionary. The integrity and harmony of society was measured by the unity of the family. Consequently, such problems turned out to be not just family problems, but also problems of the entire society.

Bazarov attracted Arkady with his sharpness, originality and courage. For the young “barich” such personalities were a novelty. Arkady has become a kind of embodiment of youth, which is drawn to everything new and unusual, is easily carried away by new ideas, and has a keen interest in life in all its manifestations. Arkady is looking for his own path in life through trial and error. His attitude towards traditions, authorities and other things important to his father is quite frivolous. He lacks the wisdom of age, tolerance and consideration for other people that his father has. The conflict between Arkady and Nikolai Petrovich does not contain any political origin; it is cleared of social motives. Its essence is the eternal misunderstanding between youth and old age. However, this situation does not at all contradict the nature of things. On the contrary, old age is a guarantor of the preservation of moral values, cultural heritage and traditions in society. Youth, in turn, ensures the movement of progress with its craving for everything new and unknown.

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov is a completely different matter. He came from a simple family, he is even somewhat ashamed of his parents. He is harsh, at times rude, decisive, categorical in his judgments and categorical in his conclusions. He quite sincerely believes that a good chemist is worth twenty poets. He does not understand the role of culture in society. He proposes to destroy everything in order to start writing history anew from scratch. This sometimes drives Pavel Petrovich, with whom he argues, into despair. We see maximalism on both sides taken to the extreme. Neither one nor the other wants to give in to each other and admit that their opponent is right. This is their main mistake. All sides are right up to a point. Pavel Petrovich is also right when he speaks of the need to preserve the heritage of his ancestors, and Bazarov is also right when he speaks of the need for change. Both of these sides are sides of the same coin. Both are sincerely concerned about the fate of their native country, but their methods are different.

The friendship of Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov begins to crack when Bazarov falls in love with Odintsova, and Arkady with Katya. Here their differences are fully revealed. If feeling is difficult for Bazarov, he cannot surrender to love, then Arkady and Katya learn to be themselves. Bazarov moves away from his friend, as if feeling his rightness, and not his own.

The image of Arkady was drawn in order to highlight the image of Bazarov and show the versatility of human nature and the same social problem. This makes the image of Bazarov even more lonely and tragic. Bazarov is considered, like Rudin, Pechorin, Onegin and Oblomov, a “superfluous man.” He has no place in this life, although such rebels always arise in troubled times.

Arkady and Bazarov are very different people, and the friendship that arose between them is all the more surprising. Despite the young people belonging to the same era, they are very different. It is necessary to take into account that they initially belong to different circles of society. Arkady is the son of a nobleman; from early childhood he absorbed what Bazarov despises and denies in his nihilism. Father and uncle Kirsanov are intelligent people who value aesthetics, beauty and poetry. From Bazarov’s point of view, Arkady is a soft-hearted “barich”, a weakling. Bazarov does not want to admit that the liberality of the Kirsanovs is a consequence of deep education, artistic talent and high spirituality of nature. Bazarov denies such qualities as completely unnecessary. However, in this case we are talking not only about intelligence, but also about the deep continuity of the experience of previous generations, about the preservation of traditions and the entire cultural heritage.

The family theme played a big role in Russian literature, so the demonstration of intra-family conflict turned out to be revolutionary. The integrity and harmony of society was measured by the unity of the family. Consequently, such problems turned out to be not just family problems, but also problems of the entire society.

Bazarov attracted Arkady with his sharpness, originality and courage. For the young “barich” such personalities were a novelty. Arkady has become a kind of embodiment of youth, which is drawn to everything new and unusual, is easily carried away by new ideas, and has a keen interest in life in all its manifestations. Arkady is looking for his own path in life through trial and error. His attitude towards traditions, authorities and other things important to his father is quite frivolous. He lacks the wisdom of age, tolerance and consideration for other people that his father has. The conflict between Arkady and Nikolai Petrovich does not contain any political origin; it is cleared of social motives. Its essence is the eternal misunderstanding between youth and old age. However, this situation does not at all contradict the nature of things. On the contrary, old age is a guarantor of the preservation of moral values, cultural heritage and traditions in society. Youth, in turn, ensures the movement of progress with its craving for everything new and unknown.

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov is a completely different matter. He came from a simple family, he is even somewhat ashamed of his parents. He is harsh, at times rude, decisive, categorical in his judgments and categorical in his conclusions. He quite sincerely believes that a good chemist is worth twenty poets. He does not understand the role of culture in society. He proposes to destroy everything in order to start writing history anew from scratch. This sometimes drives Pavel Petrovich, with whom he argues, into despair. We see maximalism on both sides taken to the extreme. Neither one nor the other wants to give in to each other and admit that their opponent is right. This is their main mistake. All sides are right up to a point. Pavel Petrovich is also right when he speaks of the need to preserve the heritage of his ancestors, and Bazarov is also right when he speaks of the need for change. Both of these sides are sides of the same coin. Both are sincerely concerned about the fate of their native country, but their methods are different.

The friendship of Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov begins to crack when Bazarov falls in love with Odintsova, and Arkady with Katya. Here their differences are fully revealed. If feeling is difficult for Bazarov, he cannot surrender to love, then Arkady and Katya learn to be themselves. Bazarov moves away from his friend, as if feeling his rightness, and not his own.

The image of Arkady was drawn in order to highlight the image of Bazarov and show the versatility of human nature and the same social problem. This makes the image of Bazarov even more lonely and tragic. Bazarov is considered, like Rudin, Pechorin, Onegin and Oblomov, a “superfluous man.” He has no place in this life, although such rebels always arise in troubled times.

Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov studied together at the university and became friends; they participated in the same nihilist youth movement. Kirsanov was not really a nihilist to the core like Bazarov, so very soon he got bored with it. Arkady Kirsanov grew up in an intelligent nobleman's family, which valued poetry and art. Bazarov, on the contrary, was skeptical about this direction and believed that Arkady was a soft-hearted person and a weakling.

Evgeny Bazarov did not want to admit that in Arkady’s family they tried to preserve all the traditions of the family and cultivate spiritual qualities that Bazarov so denied. Arkady likes Bazarov's originality; together they try to find the truth of life through trial and error. Kirsanov is a young man who still lacks the wisdom of his father and uncle to understand what is important to him in this life.

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov comes from an ordinary, simple family; he denies absolutely all feelings and family traditions. Evgeny Bazarov is a very harsh and rude person, he is even embarrassed by his parents and is not ashamed to show it. Bazarov is a unique personality; he tries to break all the old foundations and create his own new ones.

Bazarov does not agree with the elder Kirsanov and always tries to argue with him, but this is not a specific dispute, but simply because Bazarov does not understand the older generation and is trying to create a new history. Each of the opponents of the dispute is right in his own way, but none of them can yield to the other. Kirsanov Sr. is right that it is impossible to erase the heritage of our ancestors from life, and Evgeniy Bazarov is right that it is still worth changing something. Both of them want the best for their country, they just go about it in different ways.

The friendship between Arkady and Bazarov cracks at the moment when the young people fall in love with the girls Ekaterina and Anna. Bazarov has a very hard time with a feeling that he so stubbornly denies and does not want to accept. Arkady, on the contrary, realizes what is important for him in this life and what path he will now follow in life. Bazarov, having never mastered his feelings, still remains alone and dies a lonely, unhappy man.

Turgenev wanted to say in his novel that people like Bazarov will always exist, but they always turn out to be superfluous in this life and of no use to anyone. Bazarov could not choose what was more important for him and did not draw any conclusions.

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What is true friendship? This question has always worried many philosophers, psychologists and writers, and I.S. Turgenev was no exception. One of the main themes in his novel “Fathers and Sons” is friendship, friendly relations between Arkady Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov. But after reading the work to the end, it is still unclear whether these two characters are friends or just two people who, willy-nilly, were brought together by fate. In order to understand this issue, you need, firstly, to define for yourself what friendship is.

It seems to me that this is, first of all, mutual understanding between people, a willingness to understand each other, to help, but the interests and hobbies of these same people are also very important. But the main thing is that friendship is tested by time, true friendship does not break. And, going back, secondly, we need to get into the heads of both characters, understand what they mean to each other. This is a more complex issue, and we will now deal with it.

Arkady is drawn to Bazarov because he is not like the others. Bazarov attracts Arkady with his thinking, his pronounced nihilism. He is a bright, contradictory personality, and all times have been drawn to such people. Arkady feels a sense of admiration for Evgeniy, considers him his teacher, and extols him and his ideas. But Evgeny considers Kirsanov a little boy, a romantic; he doesn't take it seriously at all.

Bazarov's real passion is natural sciences, while Kirsanov is closer to music and poetry. Their interests, despite the supposedly common “fascination” with nihilism, do not coincide. The discord in their relationship becomes especially noticeable on the Kirsanov estate. It is in his own home, being between two fires (the elder Kirsanovs, family and friend-mentor Bazarov), that Arkady begins to understand that, it turns out, his friend’s beliefs are not so close to him. This understanding is growing and growing every day, but the apogee of the whole situation can be considered the conversation after the meeting with Odintsova.

Bazarov himself pushes his friend away, declaring:

“You are a gentle soul, you slob! You are not created for our proud Bobyl life!”

But is there anything bad in Arkady’s aspirations, in his desire to start a family and live a provincial life? Bazarov denies everything that he doesn’t like; with this he pushes away even Arkady Kirsanov, who treats him warmly. The divergence of interests and different worldviews become a huge obstacle for the friendship of Evgeniy and Arkady. And their friendship cannot stand, it breaks; only Arkady, in the end, finds happiness in his parents' house, with Katya Odintsova, but Bazarov dies alone, having not loved anyone in his entire life and not truly making friends with anyone. You really feel sorry for him in the last chapters, which describe his decline in complete solitude - but how can you feel sorry for a person who doomed himself to such a death?

The friendship of Bazarov and Kirsanov cannot be considered real - it cannot be called friendship, in fact. The relationship between these two is in the nature of affection - Kirsanov is attached to Bazarov as a student to his beloved teacher, and he, accordingly, to Kirsanov as a capable student. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to talk about anything more in their case.

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