Is it possible to earn income? How to create passive income from scratch - the best passive income ideas

Passive income on the Internet
interests a large number of citizens of our country. This is not surprising, since the desire to improve one’s financial situation has been held in high esteem at all times. Making money on the Internet raises a lot of questions; not everyone will be able to get the desired profit. There will be obstacles and difficulties on the path to success. What is important here is not so much luck as the ability to learn and listen to the advice of professionals.

What is worth knowing about passive income on the Internet and without it?

Passive income often requires considerable effort and time. The user has to face insurmountable obstacles that not everyone can withstand. Because of this, grievances and rumors arise that it is impossible to make money on the Internet. Today we are ready to debunk this myth by talking about the most popular and easiest methods of passive work.

Important!!! An unstable financial situation, frequent layoffs and salary reductions lead to passive income. As long as such trends exist, users will look for new sources of income.

Our article is aimed at collecting information about all known facts of earning money through the Internet and without it, we will consider:

  • What is passive income and what is its difference from active income?
  • What is meant by the concept of “wealth” and how a poor person can achieve it.
  • Sources and types of passive income.
  • Creating and receiving passive income via the Internet.

Thus, we will consider the entire financial component of successful earnings through passive sources.

Our article was created for those who want:

  1. Become independent from routine office work.
  2. Self-actualize and show others your capabilities.
  3. Provide a decent life for yourself and your loved ones.
  4. Guarantee yourself a comfortable old age.
  5. Reach a previously insurmountable financial goal.

If at least one of the points suits our reader, the article will help answer all questions of interest.

What is passive income

Passive income, unlike active income, does not require constant control and participation on the part of the owner. It is created only once, while the owner receives income constantly.

Important!!! Success in your endeavors largely depends on preparation. Read topical books, publications, listen to the opinions and recommendations of professionals.
Never ignore reading additional information, it will help you determine the best sources of income, as well as find the right approach to them.

What is the difference between the poor and the rich

Kiyosaki believes that a rich person is determined primarily not by how much he can earn, but by how much money a person has left and whether it is enough to provide for subsequent generations. This statement is based on the inability of some people to spend money.

Instead of saving and creating savings, many spend it on entertainment and other unnecessary expenses. As a result, a person remains below the poverty line and falls into a financial abyss.

But all the extra funds could be used in a personal business, creating passive income.
Thus, we can highlight the main difference between poor and rich people - rational thinking and restraint in spending money.
A rich person spends less than he earns. He can use the remaining money for self-development or his own business. He also strives to find ways to earn money that do not require constant monitoring, but still bring a stable income.
Many may say that such statements do not apply to the realities of Russian life. But in our country there are also many rich people who were able to rise from scratch. This, first of all, speaks of real opportunities that everyone can take advantage of.

Sources of Passive Income

Sources of passive income can be divided into four groups:

  • Passive income from intellectual property. This means writing books, paintings, music, creating inventions and other products of intellectual activity. Profit will come from their publication and registration of patents.
  • Passive income from financial investments. If you have savings, you can purchase securities, real estate or ready-made businesses; it is also possible to create deposits. Such earnings will help you get a stable income with a small injection of money.
  • Passive income from marketing activities. This type of income does not require material investments. This refers to the promotion of third-party resources or products. Vivid examples are network marketing (Oriflay, Avon) and the sale of information products. With the right approach to business, they will bring good profits.
  • Passive income from the state. This type of income is rarely considered, but has a right to exist. This includes some government benefits, scholarships, pensions, and subsidies. It is enough just to find official ways to obtain them.

The list presented above is a general list of all possible methods of passive income. We propose to consider the most realistic and profitable of them.

Best Passive Income Ideas

There are many interesting ideas for passive income. Each of them deserves attention, but it is simply impossible to talk about them all at once. Therefore, it is worth discussing separately the most popular options today.

TOP 7 profitable ideas for passive income

1. Development of your own website.

It requires considerable effort and expense to create and maintain. If you have your own experience and knowledge, the owner can create the resource yourself. Otherwise, you will have to contact a specialist. It is worth saying that any costs will be justified with the right approach to the matter.
It’s not enough to create a website; it needs to be filled with thematic articles and pictures. They must be unique, attract the attention of users and make them visit the site again and again. As their number grows, the income of the site owner will also grow.
You can make money on the site using:

  • Selling perpetual links.
  • Placing advertisements from third-party companies.
  • Participation in affiliate programs.

The promoted site will be of interest to advertisers. They themselves will find a way to contact the owner to discuss the terms of advertising on the site.
Affiliate programs will help you make money by attracting new users to the system, as well as making a profit by performing certain actions by visitors. For example, it is possible to place an advertisement for an online store; as soon as the user clicks on it and makes a purchase, the site owner will receive a percentage of the total amount.
You can also make money on the site by selling it. The final cost, as a rule, is several times greater than the amount of the initial investment.
The site owner should also not forget about the need for periodic promotion. Only this will give confidence that users will not lose interest in this site.

2. Creation of an intellectual product.

A creative person can try to get passive income from the fruits of his intellect. As mentioned above, this can be a book, a scientific invention, or other works of intellectual activity. They can be sold one-time or used as a clever marketing ploy and receive a stable income for a long time.

3. Renting out property.

The owner of an apartment, house, cottage, car can make great money by renting them out. This will also apply to passive income, which requires virtually no additional injection of money. You can even rent out personal items (wedding or cocktail dress, suit), jewelry, furniture or construction tools. Finding clients will not be difficult; you just need to determine the price and place an ad on one of the electronic boards.

4. Receiving payments from the state treasury.

Not many people know that there are government programs to support aspiring businessmen. All you need to get them is drawing up a profitable business plan and presenting it in a favorable light. The money can be directed towards the idea of ​​passive income. This category also includes social payments, maternity capital certificate, etc. If desired, they can be put aside and later spent on developing a passive business.

5. Financial investments.

Requires available funds (savings). Financial investing requires a serious approach to work, preferably having an economic education and analytical thinking.
Financial investments are always associated with risk, so the investor should soberly assess the situation. Funds can be spent on:

  • Purchase of real estate.
  • Purchase of securities or other assets of the enterprise.
  • Acquisition of a ready-made business.

Those with small savings should use the second option, i.e. purchase of securities. As a rule, shares of recently created but promising companies are inexpensive. They can bring good income in the future.

6. Network marketing.

Refers to passive income without investments. It implies participation in the sale of a certain product and receiving a percentage of profit from it; it is also possible to attract new partners to the system.
Network marketing is gaining more and more popularity every year. It allows you to open your own mini-business, receiving an excellent source of passive income. The only thing you need to know is how to choose the right company. Here it is necessary to remember that an organization with a good reputation will never ask for advance payment.

7. Creating your own business.

There is nothing more profitable than having your own business. It doesn't have to be a huge undertaking requiring large investments. You can start from scratch with a small initial capital. For example, online business has just begun to gain popularity. Today, some niches still remain open that you can occupy, successfully advertise and make a profit. We will talk about similar ways to earn money later.

Options for passive income via the Internet

When considering the Internet as a subject of passive income, you should choose a goal for yourself. It can be to receive a small profit one time or periodically. You can achieve the first by registering on social networks and sites for quick money. They offer payment for clicks, conversions and other actions. However, the profit will be negligible.
Second option provides for a gradual increase in income by developing your idea. It requires effort. Here the user must understand that high income cannot be achieved without difficulty.

Online earnings options 2018:

  • Selling advertising space on the website. In one of the sections of our article we already talked about this type of earnings. It is based on paid advertising from third-party resources. Here you need to have a website with good traffic and reputation. Payment is made one-time or monthly. The last option is the most preferable.
  • Earning money from affiliate programs. Many online stores offer their customers to participate in an affiliate program. All you need to do is complete a short registration and distribute affiliate links to the store. This can be done through social networks or thematic forums. The amount of income will directly depend on the total amount of goods purchased by customers who clicked on the affiliate link. It is enough to leave it on any site once, and the income will flow on a long-term basis.
  • Investment. This includes a variety of ways to earn money. This could also be the acquisition of a site, investing in its development, purchasing securities and other things. The most promising direction is participation in trading on currency exchanges. They do not require constant monitoring; it is enough to choose a time convenient for yourself, buy currency, and then sell it at a favorable rate.
  • Income from social networks. Contact, Instagram, Odnoklassniki and other social networks are a good option for earning money. You can earn income by creating your own group. A large number of subscribers will lead to organizations wishing to advertise on a paid basis. All the owner of the group needs to do is create it, fill it with up-to-date information and maintain it in the future. At first, you may have to invest money in advertising on third-party resources, this will make it possible to attract the attention of users to the public.
  • Profit from a YouTube channel. Popular video bloggers earn several hundred dollars every day, sometimes this amount amounts to thousands. Anyone can try this type of earnings; you just need to open your own channel and post interesting videos on it. As their views increase, the chances of making a profit will increase.
  • Creation of an online store. Your own business on the Internet, unlike a real one, does not require renting premises and investing large amounts of money in purchasing goods. You can open your store as a group on social networks. The goods will be purchased with advance payment from customers. The difference between prices stays in the store owner's pocket.
  • Distribution of information. Almost every popular website offers its visitors to subscribe to a free newsletter. It can be used to advertise your services or a third-party company. Many organizations are willing to pay good money for this kind of advertising.

Making money on the Internet does not end with the list presented above. It is quite wide and varied. We discussed the most profitable of them.

The content of the article:

What is passive income

According to Wikipedia, passive income is income that does not depend on daily activities. But this is not a completely complete definition.

Passive income is the income you receive even when you are not working. The simplest example is renting out an apartment. You can work your day job but receive passive income from your real estate.

However, there are a lot of types and sources for receiving passive income, and their essence is to create passive income from scratch.

You need to understand that in order to receive a constant income and do nothing, at first you will have to work hard.

But 6-18 months of work can provide you with stable profits for many years to come, even when you are no longer working.

The difference between passive and active earnings

The principle of active work: did the job - got paid. If I wanted more money, I did one more job. For example, the driver UBER, he gets money as long as he takes people. If he stops traveling, he will stop earning money.

The principle of passive income: if you create a source of income once, you receive profit on an ongoing basis.

Passive income is the dream of any normal person.

There are so many ideas for generating passive income that we will break them down by type and try to understand how much profit each option can bring.

Sources of Passive Income

What can bring us profit? An asset that we will create or buy. Most sources of passive income require some investment, and absolutely all assets require effort at the initial stage.

Let's start with options for creating passive income from scratch, without investments.

Passive income without investments. Creation of intellectual property

There are a great variety of ways to earn passive income available here, and each option will be of interest to a certain circle of people.

1. Book, text material

Once you write a book, you can sell it for years. It is not necessary to write novels or detective stories; educational books are also in great demand.

There are many services for aspiring writers, such as writing a book online. You will receive instant feedback, and if your idea is successful, you will immediately be awarded a publishing contract.

An e-book can bring $100-200 per month, but the greater the interest, the greater the profits.

Do you think no one does this? Mike Piper wrote the book “ Investments in simple terms” and started selling it on . Interest was so high that he continued and wrote a whole series of books. Now they bring him six figures.

2. Selling copyright photographs

Special services called microstocks , allow you to buy and sell unique photographs and images ( created in graphic editors such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator...).

If you love photography, editing images, creating interesting pictures in Photoshop, you can make a decent amount of money just by selling your images.

The idea is that you put your photos up for sale, but the buyer does not buy it, but simply buys the opportunity to download it in the highest quality. Thus, one photograph can be sold an infinite number of times.

  • Buyers include magazines, blogs, advertising agencies, designers and other businesses that need images.

We will give an example of one of our designer friends. Six years ago, he drew icons, pictograms and other web elements. He did this for 3 months. He posted all his works for sale on Shutterstock. In the first months he got to the top and earned about $1000 per month.

Over the following years, his earnings gradually fell, but last year ( sixth) his profit remains stable at the level $100 per month. This is despite the fact that he has not added new images for sale for 6 years. Since Shutterstock policy does not allow us to talk about the designer's earnings, we will not reveal the identity of the author.

The most famous and profitable microstocks in the world:

  1. Shutterstock (This is the leader among microstocks in the world, everything is here)
  2. Fotolia (All of Russia and the CIS are here, microstock belongs to Adobe)
  3. DepositPhotos (Largest microstock with good sales)

Videos on Youtube

This type of passive income on the Internet brings in a lot of money: for example, a Youtube channel Mister Max who makes videos about children makes money for his owner 2-7 thousand dollars per day.

To create passive income from videos, you need to create a series of useful and always relevant videos. These could be instructions like “How to make…”, “How to cook…” that people will find and view in the long term.

You can connect Google contextual advertising to each video, plus YouTube itself will pay you for every 1000 views.

3. Online courses and master classes

If you know something that others don’t know, then you can launch a series of training courses. The master class format can be different: video, audiobook, instructions on the website, offline school. It is important that your students are satisfied with the quality of the material and gain new knowledge.

You can earn 20-50 or more dollars daily from video lessons. For example, courses on guitar and other musical instruments, drawing lessons, foreign languages ​​and others are very popular. More highly specialized knowledge can be sold at a higher price. For example, trading courses on the NYSE can cost from $500 .

4. Music

Creativity that generates passive income is not limited to texts, photographs and videos.

Music is an interesting direction, which is also not suitable for every user. To create music tracks, you just need to learn how to work with programs like Fruity Loop or Adobe Audition, Steinberg Cubase and etc.

All presentations, sales, videos... are accompanied by background music. These are the first buyers of your tracks, they simply cannot live without them.

Just as microstocks sell images, they also sell audio. The most famous audio stock is AudioJungle.

Internet products

5. Website creation

Absolutely anyone can create their own website. You will have to spend a little money on a domain name ( in – from 150 rubles. in year) and hosting that will display your site on the Internet ( from 900 rub. in year).

The main difficulty is finding interesting information that will really attract readers. It is not necessary to have a blog or a live journal; some resources are gaining popularity thanks to convenient tools: compound interest calculators, parsing currency quotes, free SMS widget, online translator and much more.

Average monthly earnings on the site vary from $50 to $1000, depending on the number of visitors, popularity of the resource, citation index, etc. It will take from 6 months to 3 years to promote a website.

Let's take a closer look at how you can make money on your own website.

6. Contextual advertising and banners

On almost all websites you can find advertising blocks from Google and Yandex. Each click on them brings the site owner from 20 cents to several dollars. The more visitors you have, the more ad clicks you will get.

If you add 1000 useful articles to your site and stop visiting it, you will continue to earn money for many years to come, since your site will remain online and work around the clock.

7. Eternal links

Many companies and simply other sites order the purchase of links on other sites so that search engines can see that many people are talking about their site, thereby increasing their ranking in search results. Customers buy paid reviews, laudatory articles, or simply placing a link anywhere.

Selling space on a website for such reviews can bring the owner 100-300$ per month. However, to do this, your site must have many visitors and good rankings in search engines. This method of earning money is suitable for a site that is already more than a year or two old, however, it will be an additional source of income that does not require special efforts from you.

8. SMM and social networks

Another way to make money available to everyone: maintaining a group on social media. networks. To create your own public page, just register on the site and go through a simple procedure.

Here the content comes first. Finding interesting, unique information is difficult: be prepared for the blatant theft of your content. But if you attract 100 thousand subscribers, then your monthly earnings will be in the thousands of dollars.

With a large number of subscribers, advertisers themselves will find you every day. For example, for famous bloggers, an advertising post on Instagram costs from 500,000 rubles. Even if you have about 30 thousand subscribers, you can already sell advertising through special services.

Where to invest for passive income

9. Renting out real estate

Everything seems simple here: we buy a house or apartment, put it up for sale Airbnb or Booking, rent and make a profit.

Such passive income from each premises can bring 5000-30000 rubles per month and will cover utility costs.

More profitable ways to generate passive income from real estate are renting out garages and commercial real estate. A garage costs 5-6 times less than an apartment, while the rental price is only 2-3 times lower.

That is, instead of one apartment, it is more profitable to rent out 5 garages.

But there are differences between apartments and apartments. If you have a whole package of services - linen, cleaning, Internet, TV, beautiful view, food, parking and so on, then the cost here will be different. Many people have several similar properties, hire 1-2 people for maintenance and receive decent passive income.

10. Renting equipment, car, other asset

By analogy with real estate, there are different options for earning money here. If you have an unused property that can be rented out, consider turning a profit from it. After all, when a thing lies as a dead weight, it is a liability; if you receive income from its existence, it turns into an asset.

  • It could be a jet ski, a console PlayStation or XBOX, car or other equipment.

Thus, by investing in items that can be rented out, you can break even and then receive net passive income.

11. Trust management

Trust management in financial markets is one of the most profitable types of passive income. can bring on average from 60 to 120% per annum in passive mode.

Many brokers offer trust management in the form of investment funds, PAMM accounts, and copying of managers' transactions.

12. Indices and ETFs

If you look at the charts of stock indices, you will see that their profitability is not great, but it is always there. – these are shares of companies that buy shares from a basket of stock indices and their value dynamics are fully correlated with stock indices. By purchasing one share of an ETF fund, you are buying the entire index basket.

At the moment, ETF funds are very popular in the USA and Europe, because they are portfolio investments that are highly protected from all kinds of risks.

In addition, there are sector ETFs, balanced and unusual, such as ETF Whiskey, where the shares of whiskey producers are in the basket.

13. Creating a business for passive income

This is a promising way to earn money, because it allows you to completely control your investments. We do not mean an active business where you have to work yourself. You can organize or buy a company with an established work structure, with a director and his deputies.

If you turn to the Internet, there are even more examples. You can hire developers and create some kind of automatic service, program or service, which will then bring you stable passive income.

Currently, these types include services for checking the uniqueness of texts, analyzing websites, collecting data, creating presentations, logos, etc.

Other types of passive income

14. Benefits and government programs

Consult with a lawyer: You may be eligible for a government assistance program. A housing lending project for young people, rolled out across the country, could make it easier to buy an apartment. Maternity capital and the family support program will help support children.

Find out if you may be entitled to a benefit from the state, do you just need to apply for it?

15. Create passive income from your day job

Many people do not notice the advantages in their work, they get used to it and it seems to them that no one appreciates it.

A striking comparison is artists. So they draw a cat and everyone says - wow, how beautiful... but the artist thinks that it’s nothing special, everyone can do it.

Perhaps your job can provide many people with some kind of bonuses, as if along the way with your main job. Perhaps these will be additional services or knowledge that would be useful to people.

If you work in the tax office, then many would benefit from your outside consultation. If you work as a chef, then many would benefit from your advice on recipes that you can sell - write a column on a website, publish a book or run your own blog... And so on.

Make money doing what you would do anyway. For example, if you like to play games, then you can also make money from this. In addition to tournaments, there are many games where they sell characters, items... which you can earn in the game and sell for real money.

As we can see, there are plenty of ways to earn extra income. But they are always related to the use of existing resources or the creation of a new product. Before you set up a new source of passive income, ask yourself a couple of questions:

  1. What is your soul? Do you love photography, writing, making videos? Perhaps you have a craving for the financial sector, for mathematical calculations? Are you an enterprising person? The answers to these questions will determine the area in which you should develop.
  2. Do you have capital to invest? Free resources will greatly facilitate the search for sources of passive income.

Choosing a source of passive income ultimately depends only on you, do not shift this responsibility to others. Apart from the well-known methods, you can come up with something of your own, and this will be an even better option.

And finally, a couple of tips:

  • Diversify your sources of income. Try to create as many assets as possible that will bring you profit. This way you will protect yourself from crises and force majeure.
  • AND find the best options for passive income, don’t stop there. If you have found a stable, highly profitable instrument, transfer part of the funds from your bank deposit to this source. Thus, you will increase the profitability and efficiency of your entire asset portfolio.
  • Improve financial literacy. Find out more about investment programs, operating conditions of companies, do not be afraid to open new sources, experiment with creating options for investment.
  • Don't spread yourself thin. It’s better to devote all your time to one source until you get the job done. Working on multiple projects is not prohibited, but it may affect the quality of each individual product.


Passive income is the key to a good life. We've listed a dozen ways to create your own source of extra income, but the list goes on and on.

The fact that you have thought about the need to generate passive income already elevates you above most of the people around you. There are many methods available to each of us to improve our financial condition, but we need to work on them. We wish you good luck in organizing sources of passive income and achieving financial independence.

Hello, dear readers and subscribers of my blog about finance. Today we will talk about what types of passive income actually work in Russia, consider the original ones, and deal with the question: in the conditions of the rapidly changing Russian market. Based on experience, I will say that there are a great many options for additional income. Read about what passive income is in a separate thematic article. My goal is to help you make a choice in favor of the right one just for you way to earn passive income. I won't beat around the bush and get straight to the point.

Ways to earn passive income

First and the simplest option for solving the issue of passive income is receiving government payments. If you consider yourself to be one of the socially disoriented citizens and do not have enough means of subsistence, contact a specialized regional service and write a corresponding statement. The state provides financial assistance to disabled people, large families, and pensioners under the heading of one-time or permanent compensation payments. Why not? Many people have no idea about the possibility of receiving compensation payments. Meanwhile, a person has the right to count on receiving preferential conditions when buying an apartment, pension or disability payments.

Second a way of earning money that brings in good extra money in addition to the salary of an ordinary clerk - bank deposit. Storing funds in a depository account is the safest way to increase existing savings, which does not require any knowledge, experience, or skills from the owner. In one of the previous articles, I already talked about the myriad of banks that now operate on the territory of the Russian Federation and each puts forward interesting offers to the consumer.

Advantages of a depository deposit:

  • simple and clear procedure for opening an account;
  • attractive conditions in the form of interest with capitalization;
  • receiving a guaranteed amount of money upon expiration.

The question arises: how much can you really earn on a deposit? As strange and surprising as it may seem, it is practically not at all. The deposit is attractive because saves rather than multiplies funds deposited in a bank account. Economists understand perfectly what I mean. Inflation- this is the other side of the deposit, which is a good, but far from the best type of passive income. A deposit, as a passive income for a retired person, is a soft cushion and a source of money for unexpected expenses, but not for a businessman who wants to climb to the top step of the life pyramid and stop depending on money.


Continuing to describe the types and sources of income, I’ll move on to the favorite option of my realtor friends - passive income from real estate rental. By renting out even the simplest one-room apartment, my former classmates received a fairly decent increase in their salaries. Not everyone knows that you can rent out not only housing, but also everything that has material value: a car, construction, industrial equipment, retail space and even things. In practice, investing in residential and commercial real estate in Russia brings less income than purchasing and renting industrial equipment.

In our country, there are types of activities in which entrepreneurs buy construction equipment and make money on it through rental. You will be surprised, but renting a professional construction hammer drill, which costs 30,000 rubles, costs tenants 1000 rubles per day.
A simple mathematical calculation will help you understand how much money you can get from equipment simply by renting it out. The advantage of this area of ​​activity is quick payback, as a rule, not exceeding thirty calendar days. It is not difficult to make money by renting out real estate, but this type of business requires a high level of commitment in time and moral terms from the applicant.

Currency market

PAMM accounts- this is trading on the foreign exchange market performed by a trader; the investor invests his money in his trading account and receives a percentage of the profit on average in a 50/50 ratio: 50% profit for the investor, 50% trader. If a drawdown occurs, the loss will be distributed in the same ratio.

Advantages of PAMMs– average yield 40%/year, 4 times more than a bank deposit. Minuses: with such profitability there may be losses of an average of 15%/year. WITH mutual funds, of which, the situation is approximately the same, only the ratios are 2 times smaller: 25% - income and 10% - the possibility of loss. No one will give you exact guaranteed figures on income and loss indicators. You need to understand the topic in order to choose worthy accounts or funds and not burn out in this matter.

As an investor, it is difficult for me to classify this type of activity as passive income. By investing your money in this instrument, you receive speculative income, while at the same time exposing yourself to risk. A PAMM account provides for the transfer of money to a qualified specialist for management, which gives a good profit, but with a fairly high level of risk.

Along with PAMM accounts, there are other forms of passive income related to the trust management of money: less risky, averagely profitable, more reliable. If you are not attracted to this type of income or you are just planning to start as a novice businessman, check out the rating of brokers and companies specializing in trust management, putting forward proposals up to 20% per year. In my opinion, this is the best option for beginners who are interested in stable, safe income.

Another option for fast but risky passive income is personal trading of assets on the currency or stock exchange. Find out in detail about the speculative activities of a trader in the Forex market. As an experienced investor, I note that this type of income has pros and cons, which I outlined in one of my previous articles. I do not work on the foreign exchange market, preferring the stock market as a high-yield investment activity.

Network Marketing and MLM

This type of business has a minimum list of requirements for those who start it. To enter the market where MLM companies operate in Russia, it is enough to have one hundred dollars and a lot of free time. An important requirement for those who plan to start distributing products based on the network marketing principle is presence of organizational skills. If you have experience communicating with people, know how to negotiate, your sales skills and convincing people of what you need are at a good level, and in addition to this you have a lot of free time, a network business is what you need.

My acquaintances, who have a rare talent for finding a common language with people they are unfamiliar with, have received a salary increase of five hundred dollars. The main thing in searching and choosing the vector of network entrepreneurship is not to fall for the bait of scammers who are the creators of a financial pyramid, carefully disguised as an enterprise engaged in network sales. I will definitely talk about this in one of the following articles. Next, I offer a brief excursion into the topic. investing in business, covering a fairly wide range of areas of passive entrepreneurial activity with a good level of earnings.

Business courses and specialized knowledge

A good type of passive income - creating a business course on a topic in which you understand better than your friends, colleagues and acquaintances. Particularly attractive are courses on business topics in which you are not just an expert, but also have impressive practical experience with evidence of results. How to understand where you are an expert and where you are not? Very simple. Analyze, find out and compile the main sources of income for your family. How much money do you use to buy food, household appliances, and basic necessities for your family? You yourself will not notice how the finished business will appear before your eyes on a silver platter.

Are you knowledgeable about architectural design or art? Amazing! Create your own course for those who don’t want to pore over thick college textbooks. Write step-by-step instructions, shoot, edit a video with a training course. Do you know about the secrets of the profession? Share them on your Yotube channel. Sell ​​yourself, your experience, the information that you possess perfectly. Fortunately, you have all the means for this. The only difficulty in solving this issue is the distribution of training materials, but it is not for me to teach you here.

Internet business

A great option for passive income - creating your own website or blog. This may seem surprising to you, but there are millions of dollars circulating on the global web. You just need a little money to start, perseverance and a responsible attitude to work. I will briefly remind you about the options for making money on a blog.

The most promising types of income on the Internet

  • accommodation on your own website contextual advertising, banners;
  • participation in various affiliate programs, searching and attracting clients;
  • management of advertising projects with receiving income from an increase in the number of unique people;
  • sale of own media products, video courses, audio books, teaching aids.

Establishing, promoting and running your own business projects is always profitable, because you work for yourself. Opening a company, agency or large enterprise today is not difficult. The legislation is structured in such a way that Almost anyone can become an entrepreneur. There are a great many options for earning money, as I already said. For example, you can take the purchase/sale of individual units of goods, the provision of services in a certain area, the distribution of products on the principle of network marketing. On your own website, you can advertise the product you are promoting, thereby killing two birds with one stone.

Passive income without investments: myth or reality

To everyone I talked to about making a side income, the idea of ​​starting a business without a down payment seemed crazy. Meanwhile, having small financial sources of your own for investment, you can start a business from scratch. In order not to confuse you with unnecessary phrases and simply dispel the myth, I will give the example of an outstanding American entrepreneur John Stith, who created the most popular and best-selling drink in the world " Coca Cola».
Few people know, but the guy started with ten cents in my pocket, for which he bought a recipe for an unknown drink consisting of twelve herbs. Today, a product called “Cola” does not need advertising or introduction. You can start earning money without investment. The main thing is to have desire, a little enterprise and a little money.

Where can I get money to develop a source of passive income?

This question worries every novice businessman and investor today, especially among those who do not believe in fairy tales about business from scratch. If you agree with these people and think that starting a business from scratch is a fairy tale, listen to the following recommendations.

There are two options for resolving this issue:

  • increase income;
  • reduce costs.

How to increase income?

The conversation is not about finding a second job or part-time job, which is also not bad, but about creating passive income using tools that seem completely unsuitable for this. Do some general cleaning put up for sale everything you don't need, for example, a coffee table that has long been dusty or an old fan that the air conditioner has pushed onto the balcony. Believe me, you will be surprised when you find out how much money is scattered around your apartment and is simply gathering dust, taking up extra space.

How to cut costs?

“Economy must be economical,” said one wise man. There are so many options for saving money that if I were to list them, it would require a whole thematic article. Reducing expenses is easier than increasing income, I say this with confidence, supported by personal experience.

Participating in sales, using discount coupons, purchasing food products in bulk, replacing all light bulbs with energy-saving analogues - this is not a complete list. Do you love beer and don't want to give it up? Reduce the number of bottles you drink on your day off. It's the same with smoking. A trivial analysis of the system of income and expenses means real savings and a transition to a new level of business management.

Instead of a conclusion

Well, that's all, dear friends. In conclusion, based on experience, I would like to recommend that you completely give up, even though it is difficult, bad habits: smoking, alcohol, gambling, slot machines. Sell ​​unnecessary junk that has accumulated in your apartment. By reducing expenses and increasing income, you will climb the entrepreneurial ladder faster than you expected and before you know it, you will find yourself at the peak of financial freedom. Good luck!

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October 14, 2015

Greetings! Today I'm starting a new series of articles on personal finance. I’m sure a little motivation and useful life hacks won’t hurt anyone. Let's begin!

I believe that sooner or later each of us must reach a level where you don’t work for money, but money works for you. Unfortunately, in Russia this is not taught either in schools or in economics universities.

But in fact it is easier than it seems! And today we will talk about how to organize passive income in Russian realities.

The beauty of passive money is that its availability no longer depends on the effort we make.

Let's take income from employment for comparison. Let's say a manager selling household appliances. His monthly income consists of two parts: a fixed rate plus a percentage of sales. By the way, you can earn very decent money from such work. But! As soon as our conditional manager stops selling vacuum cleaners and washing machines, his income drops... to zero.

Every working day he exchanges his time and effort for cash equivalent. I stopped straining myself (I got sick, quit my job, started drinking) - the stream of money immediately dried up.

Employment is a classic example of active income. That is, income that directly depends on the effort a person makes (like riding a bicycle).

By the way, freelancing and private entrepreneurship are also considered active ways to earn money. Their difference from hired workers is only that freelancers and individual entrepreneurs work for themselves: they plan their workday, look for clients, do advertising, purchase goods, pay taxes, and so on.

But the method of receiving regular income remains the same: freelancers and private entrepreneurs exchange their time, effort and nerves for money. As a rule, at a more favorable “rate” than office managers, but you still can’t relax.

How are passive earnings fundamentally different from active ones? A more favorable “exchange rate” of time and effort for real money! If for an employee the conditional rate is 1:1, for a small entrepreneur it is 1:2, then a good passive source gives a return of 1:50 or 1:100! You work to create a source of income once, and then the money drips in constantly and without your direct participation!

You sleep - your bank account grows. You're on vacation - your e-wallet is replenished. You travel - and the money only becomes more (or at least not less). Ultimately, the attitude towards work changes. Such an autonomous source makes it possible to work for the sake of self-realization or pleasure, and not in order to survive...

Types and examples of passive income

Several types of passive income are relevant for Russia. To be fair, I note that there are much more options abroad. But we also have plenty to choose from!

Financial (investment)

This is perhaps the easiest way to provide yourself with a constant source of payments over time. The principle is simple: we invest money in various instruments, receiving benefits in the form of interest and dividends.

There are a lot of options for investment income (including on the Internet): bank deposits, mutual funds abroad, securities, as well as income from real estate or car rental.

I want to dwell on securities in a little more detail. In fact, there is a whole article about this instrument on my blog, but if you sum them up, there are only two main types - and bonds. The first ones are a riskier option, but with their help you can earn more. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Dividend shares

Few people know that stocks are not only a tool for speculation, but also an excellent asset for earning money: passive and regular. Russian companies have been paying dividends to their shareholders for a long time. On average, the size of dividend payments is now 3-6% per annum. But on the market you can find a bunch of more interesting offers - 8-10% or more (for example, MTS, Surgutneftegaz, M-Video).

Source: Larisa Morozova

The development of the company guarantees an increase in dividends. And you, as a shareholder, receive a “piece” of a promising company and a share of its profits on an indefinite basis. By the way, this approach to shares is also called .


For those who prefer a stable interest rate (note, higher than bank interest!) and a low level of risk, .

About 95% of bonds of Russian and foreign companies provide for the payment of coupon income (most often, twice a year). Bonds are an excellent alternative to bank deposits. They provide slightly higher returns with the same or even higher level of reliability. Provided that you invest in high-quality, and not “junk” bonds!

Intelligent, including on the Internet

This option implies the presence of creative abilities and minimal creativity. This includes copyright of a book or logo, or a patent for an invention. It is clear that classic intellectual income is not suitable for everyone and it will not be possible to tell in a nutshell how to create it. But I'll give you a couple of ideas.

“Tutorials” are sold on the Internet in a variety of formats: books, video lessons, personal consultations, webinars, courses and paid access to materials in closed groups.

Naturally, all passive income on the Internet is associated with the creation of websites or services. Therefore, to start receiving such income, you first need to acquire your own project. Let me explain my idea in more detail.

Participation in affiliate programs

Owners of popular blogs and websites can earn money passively through affiliate programs. In my opinion, this is one of the best options for earning money online. The bottom line is that when you click and order a product/service using a link from your website, you receive a percentage of the purchase in the form of an affiliate commission.

It is clear that the theme of affiliate programs should correspond to the direction of the site or group on Facebook. For example, a “children’s” site can include affiliate links to online stores of children’s goods, books in the “Labyrinth” or paid courses for young mothers.

Affiliate programs are also very different in terms of profitability. Some pay more, some pay less. Some pay affiliate rewards fairly, while others strive to deceive. Everything is like in life.

Therefore, it is better to select options on specialized websites - with descriptions and ratings of companies. Sometimes a corresponding topic is suggested by a forum on investments on the Internet. Don't forget to carefully read the reviews about the program!

Creation of online courses

Each of us is an expert in at least something. Try creating an online course on “your” topic. Other training options: video lessons, e-books, audio files, checklists, interviews with experts, webinars.

  1. The title of the course must reflect the result. For example, “Your first book in three months”
  2. Break a long video course into several short podcasts on topics lasting up to 15 minutes
  3. Consider the “clip perception” of modern audiences: less philosophical reasoning, more vivid images
  4. Take care of a beautiful “picture”: background music, catchy screensavers at the beginning and end, infographics and slides
  5. Provide feedback. Courses with homework checking usually cost more, but also take more time from the author

Reviews on websites

Bonus point. I warn you right away that earnings on review sites will be meager. Very few people can boast of an income of even 1000 rubles a month. Yes, and calling this method of earning “passive” is a stretch.

Who is it suitable for?

  1. For those who plan to master the profession of a copywriter and want to make money by writing texts. IRecommend and Otzovik are a great opportunity to learn how to write short commercial texts with a catchy headline
  2. For those who still don’t believe that you can make money on the Internet. According to my observations, more and more money from real life is “flowing” into the Internet. And the one who manages to use new opportunities before others wins.
  3. For those who consider themselves an expert in one of the fields. If you are well versed in car accessories, natural cosmetics or books, share your opinion with others. Experts usually like to talk about what they know a lot about. So why not do the same for a fee? Albeit symbolic.

Marketing income

The point here is that you create a brand or commercial structure, which over time begins to work for you.

A typical example: a built MLM network or your own recognizable website. If over time your name becomes a brand (at least at the level of a YouTube “star”), then additional earnings are guaranteed through participation in advertising projects and affiliate programs.

Not everyone can make a profit by trading Oriflame or AVON products. But bring it out your own website in 6-12 months for an income of $100-200 is quite real! The site owner can earn money from affiliate programs, from posting paid advertising articles, from contextual and teaser advertising, from selling links and much more.

Where can I get money to create sources of passive income?

Unfortunately, everything in this life “from scratch” and “without investment” only happens in advertising. In principle, everything is logical: in order to “persuade” money to work for yourself, first you need to find this money somewhere and invest it successfully.

Even in the fairy tale about Pinocchio, Alice and Basilio did not promise that money would grow out of nothing in the Field of Fools. Pinocchio had to plant five gold coins in the ground and water them constantly.

All sources of passive income require an initial investment. In MLM you need to buy a minimum quantity of goods. In website building – pay for a domain, hosting and specialist services (design, copywriting, promotion). To create a high-quality educational product, invest money in brand promotion.

So, where can you get money now to secure your long-term future?

There are only two options (and no one has yet come up with a third): increase income and reduce expenses. Or better yet, do both at the same time!

We increase income

It's not just about finding a second job or part-time job (although this is also a good option). “Extra” money for creating passive sources of income can be found in the most unexpected places.

For example, do some general cleaning at home and put up for sale (say, on Avito) all the things you personally don’t need. Here is a sample list: branded clothing in good condition, children's products (toys, strollers, cribs), digital and household appliances, collectibles (stamps, coins, old books, records).

You will be surprised how much “money” is simply collecting dust in your apartment or country house. Do not spend the proceeds from the sale, but immediately place them in assets!

Well, of course, no one canceled the 10% rule. Direct one tenth of all cash receipts to create passive income. As Bodo Schaefer writes in his book “The Path to Financial Independence”: “You won’t notice a loss of 10% per month. You will live either as good as before, or just as bad.”

Yes, and one more important point! In the process of creating a new source of income, what is much more important is not the size of the “top-ups”, but their regularity! And until you reach the income level you set (1,000 rubles, 10,000 or 100,000 per month), you cannot spend your savings on personal goals!

We cut costs

People have come up with ways to save money: sales, discount sites, wholesale purchases of products, energy-saving light bulbs... There are so many options that I decided to write about saving.

And now I just want to set the stage, so to speak.

First, close all debts and loans (especially interest-bearing ones) as soon as possible. Debt is like a boat in the middle of a lake that suddenly begins to leak. You spend all your energy trying to bail out the water and not drown (in our situation, making monthly payments with interest). And you and I need to move forward, towards, and not spin around in one place! Loans and debts shackle you hand and foot, and really slow down your development.

Secondly, buy yourself a diary for last year (or a regular notebook). And record your income and expenses every day, down to subway tickets and a cup of coffee. For convenience, divide your expenses into categories: “Food”, “Entertainment”, “Nonsense”, “Auto”, “Communication” and so on. I promise that at the end of the “reporting” month you will be very surprised by the results obtained.

The program not only allows you to record your expenses, but also provides a ton of useful analytical information on your operations: income, monthly charts, various spending scales. Well, the paid version will allow you to maintain one budget for the whole family!

For example, you and your spouse both keep records in Coinper, each from your own mobile device. As a result, all data is synchronized and you can always find out how much money from the family budget was spent “on cosmetics” or “at a bar with friends.”

Which ones do you prefer? Subscribe to updates and share posts with friends on your favorite social networks!

Types of passive income are those in which the availability of stable financial income does not depend on daily work activities. Any of us has heard about people who live off such income - those who do not have to go to work. They are called "rentiers", that is, living off rent.

Rent is the income that the owner receives from fixed capital placed in real estate, deposits, securities, etc. “From the same opera” - sources of passive income associated with copyrights. By the way, the last option is not ordered to anyone these days. Everything is simple here: having created something once and registered the copyright on your own brainchild, you will have such royalties with each next sale.

If you are a professional (no matter what field) you have a real opportunity to monetize your own knowledge. Simply record the training course on video or audio and release it to the market.

Why are we not rentiers?

Today we will look at options for passive income and its possible sources. Its huge advantage is the freeing up of personal time, which can be spent on your favorite activities, family, relaxation, household chores or somewhere else. Anyone who works hard all day at work is almost completely deprived of such a wonderful opportunity.

Managing personal time at your own discretion does not mean wasting your life in entertainment venues, or lying on a warm beach - many people would be happy to engage in charity work, helping the sick and homeless, or creating works of art. To start making all these dreams come true, you need the most stable passive income.

Everyone has heard the expression “money to money.” What does it mean? Nowadays, it is not uncommon for a person, having a generally good salary, to “eat up” it completely, buy things on credit and borrow from relatives and friends from payday to payday. This continues for years and decades.

But why is this happening? It seems that the main problem of such people is that the idea of ​​passive income does not even occur to them. They are not able to create an asset that will work for their well-being in the future. These people immediately spend everything they earn, and thus deprive themselves of the only chance to ever escape the captivity of financial slavery.

Do you recognize yourself?

Some of these consumers can be classified as “financial zombies.” These are those whose assets have long been a negative value. That is, their expenses are greater than their income. Debts accompany them throughout their lives. Having given one loan, they immediately take out the next one and so on.

The other category is a little more prosperous (but this does not make it any easier) - it tries to somehow correlate its expenses with the amount of earnings. They sometimes have a set of necessary goods - housing, a car, etc. Most of this was purchased on credit, which puts the owners in a dangerous and unstable position. After all, if any unforeseen financial circumstance happened, their well-being would crumble like a house of cards.

There is progress...

In contrast to the above categories, there are those whose assets can be considered positive. That is, their income is higher than their expenses. The majority of ordinary citizens from this group prefer not to have debts or reduce them to a minimum and even have some savings, but such saved finances do not play a fundamental role, since they accumulate extremely slowly and are located either under the mattress or (at best) on a savings account.

The most advanced of our fellow citizens are those who are haunted by the idea of ​​passive income. They try to seize every opportunity to invest free funds and create their own additional financial source.

Let's turn to the authorities

Many people know the name Robert Kiyosaki. This investor and businessman has written a number of popular books on the basics of financial literacy, which will not be amiss for anyone to read. For example, one of the interesting and most effective tips from this author is as follows: the mistake of almost all of us is that, having earned a certain amount, we try to distribute these funds to anyone but ourselves. We pay rent and utilities, but leave nothing for ourselves. You should start with yourself by creating your own monetary asset. Subsequently, it will become the basis for investing in a business or another source of permanent income.

Another “pro” in financial matters named Rockefeller once said that a person who works full time has absolutely no time to earn money. Despite all the paradoxical nature of this saying, its wisdom lies on the surface - indeed, working in an office or in production, each of us is able to earn money for ourselves personally only for current expenses to maintain daily existence. There is neither strength nor free time left for actions leading to wealth and prosperity.

The conclusion is this: the main resource is time, as any wealthy person knows well. The idea of ​​passive income is based on the correct distribution of this invaluable asset. And only after achieving this can you begin to move towards financial success. Everyone knows that everyone who achieved wealth initially had a specific list of goals. Well, the third, most important component for creating passive income is active, targeted work over a number of months or even years.

The result should be a legal opportunity to quit your unloved job and start living on dividends.

Passive income: examples and options

Now let's talk about the ways in which passive income is created. All of its sources can be attributed to four types - investment (or financial), intellectual, marketing or legal (that is, the one that we are entitled to by law). Passive income in Russia is no different from that in any other country in the world.

We will receive passive income of a financial or investment nature if we invest in a certain financial instrument, which will bring us a certain percentage of profit. Sources of such investment may exist in the form of real estate, securities, bank deposits, our own business (if purchased), or equipment owned by us that can be leased.

The second of the listed options, called intellectual, arises, as mentioned above, through the creation and implementation of any product of mental labor. The information business, which is widespread on the Internet these days, is based on this principle. Many professionals in a variety of fields develop and design their own training courses, then release them for sale an unlimited number of times.

"Affiliates" is an interesting topic

In the same way, it is possible to purchase the rights to resell a similar product, which can bring no less income. This type of earnings is called affiliate marketing. Other sources related to this item may include royalties, patents for completed inventions or developed technologies.

Earning money from affiliate programs is an excellent way out for those who do not have too much hope in creating their own intellectual product - because this saves time and mental resources. You just need to join such a program or purchase the right to resell (resell) a selected book, video or audio course.

Other earnings without investment

Marketing passive income is one in which you organize your own marketing system or several of them. An example of such a structure could be your own website on the Internet or a personal brand, the right to use which you can also sell. A combination of several of the strategies mentioned is also possible.

What is meant by the concept of a personal brand? This is a commercial use of a famous name. An example is filming, television and sports stars filming commercials. By becoming the “face” of a particular brand, they receive good money.

The fourth type - legal income of a passive nature - includes all cases when people, in addition to a certain (sometimes not too high) remuneration for their work, receive certain bonuses from the state. This could be, for example, early retirement with a guaranteed receipt, which is typical for the military, etc.

Going online

Creating a website for making money on the Internet (or blog). These days, this does not require a lot of complex technical knowledge and skills. You can make an acceptable website with your own hands by mastering the minimum information that can be easily and freely found on the Internet. There are many step-by-step instructions and video courses.

Of course, your own blog or website will not immediately bring you financial returns. To promote it and bring it to an acceptable level, it will take at least six months, and most likely a year or two. All this time you will have to work on your own project on a regular basis, optimize it and bring it to fruition. This work will take several hours daily. However, you can count on the first small revenues within a few months from the start.

Having created and promoted a website, you can sell it, and for a very good amount. It is quite possible for a person who has mastered this technology to organize his own business for the “production” and further sale of profitable Internet pages.

How do they make money on them? The most popular methods include generating income by placing blocks of contextual advertising and similar articles on resource pages, of course, not for free. The sites place affiliate links and sell advertising space; they also actively offer training courses to customers, both their own and those of partners.

In a word, there are a lot of ways to use such a valuable resource as a blog or website on the Internet, and you always have the opportunity to choose something that suits you.

For those who are not deprived of intelligence

Creating a product that has the status of an intellectual product (this includes books, educational videos, new technologies, etc.) implies the presence of a certain talent, as well as a high level of professionalism in any of the areas.

If you are an inventor or developer of an industrial design that has become fundamentally new, then your labor products can safely be classified as intangible assets. This term refers to those derivatives of our intellect that generate income in the absence of a material form. Examples include trademarks, brands, or patented inventions.

Let's go down to earth

Income from renting out an apartment (or other real estate, if available) is a well-known and very common option. But there are others like it: it is possible to “let out” not only buildings or retail space, but also equipment related to a variety of industries - trade, construction or manufacturing.

And other expensive items (for example, automobile equipment) will bring you good dividends. Sometimes it is more profitable to manage equipment than real estate. In particular, by purchasing tools and equipment for construction, you can actually organize a good and quite profitable business based on their rental. The payback on such activities is very high and in time significantly exceeds a similar indicator for rented real estate.

Do you want to become a shareholder?

Investments in securities (or other financial instruments, which include a huge number of banks, PAMM accounts, mutual funds) are a widely accepted practice these days. This activity is considered one of the types of business.

Replenishing the number of professional investors is not an easy task. This activity is quite complex and requires a competent approach, as well as quite serious training. Proficiency in financial instruments is impossible without a more or less acceptable education in this field, the ability to compare various flows of information, take into account risks and predict the situation.

Investments in securities have certain advantages compared, for example, with bank deposits, in the form of a higher level of profitability, but at the same time, the high risk of losing invested funds sometimes cancels out all the existing advantages. Having decided to plunge into the world of stocks, mutual funds and PAMM accounts, remember that with the exception of long-term loan bonds, stable income is not so easy to achieve here, and the risk of incurring significant losses is always quite high.

Everything can be sold!

A relatively simple and, perhaps, generally accessible option for creating a source of passive income is participation in network marketing. The amount of initial investment, if any, is not too large and rarely exceeds a hundred dollars.

A necessary condition for those who are trying to succeed in this field is communication skills and a willingness to contact a large number of people. In the future, these people - your team - are able to bring in money without your participation by organizing their own network, from which you will receive a percentage of the income.

Do you need a lot of money?

The classic and, perhaps, best way was and remains to create your own business. If this action takes place in virtual reality, that is, on the Internet, global financial investments at the initial stage, as a rule, are not required. That is, this option is available to people with very limited material resources.

Even earning money without investments is quite possible, or you can earn money by accumulating a small initial capital right here, on the Internet.

There are a huge variety of options for starting and promoting your own business, both online and in real reality. In “life,” of course, this requires a lot of expense and overcoming many organizational and legal difficulties. In addition, the competition here is very, very high. But still, by looking around carefully, you can spot your own niche, not yet occupied by your rivals.

What's in reality?

For example, a very promising business with passive income in our time is the purchase and placement in large hypermarkets and other crowded places of machines for a wide variety of purposes - from payment terminals to units for selling coffee and pies. Such a business is called vending. A person purchases at his own expense and installs machines, which then provide him with a constant and stable income.

In a short article, we do not have the opportunity to consider all types of passive income - there are very, very many of them. Variants of it are offered to us today by the media, and the Internet has been and remains their irreplaceable source. We want to conclude our material with important tips.

A few parting words

  1. At any cost, try to regularly find time left over from your main job, which you will spend on creating your future asset. Constantly think about how to best use it. Your goal is to ensure that earnings from your main job do not remain the only source of money for you. You must find sources of passive income that allow you to make a profit more than once or twice.
  2. Don't limit yourself to creating a single source like this. There can and should be several options for passive income, and the more, the better. After all, there is always a risk of losing one or most of them. In this case, losses will be compensated through parallel channels. You can see the importance of this postulate by reading about multiple sources of income from Robert Allen.
  3. Don't forget to educate yourself. Knowledge is an asset that will not hurt anyone. Understanding the world of finance, understanding how money is made, where it comes from and where it goes, is no less important than coming up with an interesting idea for investment or successfully being in the right place on time.

The principles of creating passive income do not contain any special secrets. If you are firmly committed to success, have the necessary minimum knowledge and some free time, the result is likely to please you sooner or later.

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