Mtuz hall. Tickets to MTUZ. Moscow Regional Youth Theater

The Nonna Grishaeva Theater in Tsaritsino has been delighting audiences for over 80 years. Its full name is Youth Theater. Nonna Grishaeva, a famous actress, took over the post of artistic director of the theater quite recently. The theater's repertoire is mainly designed for young spectators.

Moscow Regional Youth Theater

The Nonna Grishaeva Theater in Tsaritsino was created in 1930. Today he is one of the best in the country. Over the years of its existence, the Youth Theater has staged more than three hundred performances. The repertoire includes productions of various genres. In the first years of its existence, the Youth Theater was a traveling theater and served areas of the Moscow region. Only with the passage of time did the theater receive its own building and become permanent. For many years it was a branch of the Moscow Youth Theater, and today it is an independent institution.

History of the theater

The theater in Tsaritsino by Nonna Grishaeva was the only mobile theater in the USSR. Its opening date is October 25, 1930. Its first name is “Moscow Regional Theater of Proletarian Children.” Over the years of its existence, it has changed many names. The theater's repertoire has always corresponded to the times. The Youth Theater considers its main task to create deep, meaningful and vibrant productions. During his creative activity he presented more than 30 thousand performances on his stage. Over the years, more than 8 million spectators have visited the theater. During the difficult war years, the Youth Theater was the only theater for children that remained in the city and continued to operate. The Moscow Regional Theater was the first in the country to stage a musical for children, which featured a live orchestra.

Today the director of the Youth Theater is Igor Leonidovich Kolobov-Teslya.

Performances of the regional Youth Theater

The Nonna Grishaeva Theater in Tsaritsyno offers its audience the following repertoire:

  • "Love is no joke."
  • "Lady Perfection"
  • "Little Fairy"
  • "Thumbelina."
  • “Save yourself! Cat!".
  • "Stories by A. Chekhov."
  • "Ulya the Snail"
  • "Morozko."
  • "Across the green hills of the ocean."
  • "Princess Frog".
  • "Little Snowstorm"
  • "Golden Chicken"
  • "Pechorin."
  • "Journey to Happiness."
  • "Teremok".
  • "Nightingale Night".
  • "Star of Victory".
  • "Mashenka and the Bear."
  • “The clattering sound is not childish.”
  • "Three piglets".
  • "Scraps along the back streets."
  • "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka."
  • "No contradictions."
  • "Ivan Tsarevich".
  • “Pushkin. Belkin's stories.
  • "About my mom and me."
  • “Are you wearing a tailcoat?”
  • "Cinderella".
  • "Pig Chok."
  • "Princess Speckled."
  • "Jokes in the middle of nowhere."
  • “Lemon dawn. Confession of a poet."
  • "Tales from different pockets."
  • "Nutcracker".
  • "Mozart and Salieri."
  • "Fly Tsokotukha".


The theater in Tsaritsino by Nonna Grishaeva features 37 wonderful artists.

Acting troupe:

  • Zoya Lirova.
  • Svetlana Bogatskaya.
  • Mikhail Dorozhkin.
  • Olga Popova.
  • Eleonora Trofimova.
  • Yuri Vyushkin.
  • Natalya Abolishina.
  • Tatiana Davydova.
  • Valery Kukushkin.
  • Anna Startseva.
  • Nadezhda Khil.
  • Olga Loseva.
  • Elena Subbotina.
  • Lilia Dobrovolskaya.
  • Ivan Kondrashin.
  • Stanislav Leonov.
  • Galina Kuznetsova.
  • Valery Krupenin.
  • Elena Bezukhova.
  • Markina Larisa.
  • Tatiana Pokroeva.
  • Dmitry Chukin.
  • Sergei Stupnikov.
  • Arthur Kazberov.
  • Anastasia Dvoretskaya.
  • Varvara Obidor.
  • Sofia Timchenko.
  • Mikhail Shelukhin.
  • Alla Zazhaeva.
  • Evgeny Chekin.
  • Tatyana Gulyaeva.
  • Oksana Sokolova.
  • Kirill Vodolazov.
  • Yuri Sinyakin.
  • Anton Afanasyev.
  • Eduard Dvinskikh.

Main premiere

This season, Nonna Grishaeva’s theater in Tsaritsino delighted audiences with the premiere of the musical “Lady Perfection.” This is a magical fairy tale that is loved not only by children, but also by their parents, and even grandparents. The performance features songs by Maxim Dunaevsky from the beloved film “Mary Poppins, Goodbye!” Few people know, but not all the musical compositions written by the author were used in the film. The performance includes not only songs from the film, but also those that were not heard there. Director of the musical “Lady Perfection” - The main role in the musical is played by the artistic director of the regional Youth Theater, the famous talented actress Nonna Grishaeva. Choreographer - Pavel Ivlev, who took part in staging dances in Russian versions of famous world musicals. “Lady Perfection” will appeal to both kids and adults. It has everything that audiences love so much - tricks, life-size puppets, flying, soap bubbles, and so on.

The oldest building in Moscow and the first theater is, of course, the Youth Theater. It can accommodate up to 603 people, so the theater's performances can be seen by a large number of spectators. The height of the auditorium is 13.5 m, which additionally creates a feeling of immense space for a small viewer.

Although the repertoire is limited, its playbill is replete with bright titles and premieres. The main task of the actors is for the child to believe in what he sees on stage, to become more familiar with reality, and to recognize some of the difficult moments of life.

Among the productions on the posters you can see “Peter Pan”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Happy Prince”, “The Lady with the Dog”, “The Thunderstorm” and other famous works by both domestic and foreign writers.

The theater has created an amazingly talented troupe, among whose actors are such celebrities as I. Yasulovich, Yu. Svezhakova, S. Shakurov, V. Verberg and many others. Many of them became laureates of many awards, including international ones. The troupe also employs young artists who, from a modern point of view, are trying to convey something to the audience.

Now the theater is run by two directors - G. Yanovskaya and K. Ginkas - two amazingly talented people who never run out of new and fresh ideas. They have won many prizes and awards, including international ones. Isn’t this once again proof of the highest level of professionalism of the Youth Theater, of the people working in it, putting their whole soul into it? In recent years, the Youth Theater has begun to tour Russia and has already visited many parts of our country. Everywhere his productions are welcomed, and the auditoriums are filled to capacity. Little spectators rush to see every performance that is new to them.

Do you want to visit the Youth Theater and watch some of its amazing productions? Then come to us! You can order tickets directly from us, choosing one of the performances. You can choose the most comfortable place for yourself. And also, if necessary, we can inform you about upcoming performances and the artists performing in them. Therefore, you can easily get into the auditorium without having to wait in long lines at the ticket office. Enjoy watching!

The Moscow Theater for Young Spectators is the oldest theater in the capital, located in its very center and attracts spectators from all over Russia. This impressive Soviet-era building houses five stages. The main stage is designed for 585 people, the auditorium - for 136, the foyer - for 108, the outbuilding - for 50 and the white room - for 42. Tickets to the Youth Theater can be bought on our website online.

Repertoire of Youth Theater

Oddly enough, this stage hosts not only children's performances, but also adults. The repertoire of the Youth Theater includes such productions as “Medea”, “Lady Macbeth of Our District”, “The Collector” and “Don’t Part With Your Loved Ones”. They are designed for youth and adult audiences. But, of course, a children's theater simply cannot exist without performances for young spectators. The children's repertoire of the Youth Theater includes “Cat's House”, “Where Did the Sun Go”, “Peter Pan” and other productions.

Cost and how to buy tickets to the Youth Theater

In Soviet times, purchasing tickets to the Youth Theater was considered a great success. Despite the fact that the performances were held in spacious halls, not everyone could attend them. Nowadays, too, all performances are held in front of a full house; there are usually no empty seats. But now you can buy a ticket online, without leaving your home, if you use our convenient service. Here and on the official website you can familiarize yourself with the layouts of the theater halls and the repertoire of the theater. Ticket prices vary from 500 to 10,000 rubles, depending on the performance, hall and chosen location.


The history of the Youth Theater began in 1920; it was founded on the initiative of A. Lunacharsky. Initially it was just a theater for children, one of many. He had a small hall for 330 people. The posters of the Youth Theater mainly featured such productions as “Pretties,” “The Bear and Pasha,” and “The Nightingale.” Critics were not particularly favorable towards the theater, accusing it of excessive aestheticism and excessive naivety.

Beginning in 1924, the theater became mobile. The troupe played in clubs and squares, in schools and cultural centers. They toured the country a lot, not only in cities, but also in factory towns.

And only in 1932 the Youth Theater received its first building on the street. Gorky. Since censorship was strong in those years, and the emphasis was on instilling patriotism, the repertoire was very limited. But it was on this stage that the first Soviet musical appeared, entitled “My Brother Plays the Clarinet.” And yet the theater remained ordinary and did not stand out from the rest.

Everything changed in 1987, when director Henrietta Yanovskaya came here. She took the risk of staging “Heart of a Dog” by M. Bulgakov, moreover, she went on tour with it to Europe, Israel and Turkey. The production brought the theater worldwide fame. In addition, it ceased to be for children and finally became, in the director’s words, “a theater for people.” Since then, adult performances have constantly appeared on Youth Theater posters.

Every year on Children's Day, the administration holds charity events.

You can buy tickets to the Youth Theater on our website. The prices for many performances are very affordable, which attracts a large number of people who want to attend them. Therefore, you need to purchase tickets in advance.

The Moscow Theater of Young Spectators has existed for more than 90 years and delights guests with its productions. It was opened on the personal initiative of A.V. Lunacharsky. Of course, there were different periods in its history, but one thing remained unchanged - the best performances for children and youth were staged on its stage. Over the years, the troupe was headed by famous directors; in the 60s and 70s, the team was headed by Pavel Osipovich Chomsky.

A new chapter in the life of the Youth Theater began in the mid-80s with the arrival of Henrietta Naumovna Yanovskaya. Her debut with the play “Heart of a Dog” by Bulgakov immediately attracted attention. The trend of success continued in all her subsequent works. Today, the performances of the famous troupe, this “theater of two directors”, are recognized, in demand and very popular. Henrietta Yanovskaya and Kama Ginkas are masters of the modern stage who presented the audience with their beautiful works. Their plays are successfully performed on the stage of the Moscow Youth Theater and delight audiences during their numerous tours throughout Russia and abroad.

The theater's performances have been awarded prizes at prestigious festivals for directing, acting, and scenography. “Golden Mask”, “Crystal Turandot”, K.S. Award Stanislavsky, the Seagull Prize and other high awards were awarded to the production of the Moscow Youth Theater. There is simply a wonderful cast here: Igor Yasulovich, Valery Barinov, Sergei Shakurov, Igor Balalaev - you can name many famous names of modern theater. Guest stars also participate in the plays: Sergei Makovetsky, Oksana Mysina, Era Ziganshina, Elizaveta Boyarskaya. This stage often hosts charity performances, traditional programs on Children's Day and other holidays. The theater's audience is very wide; many spectators do not miss a single premiere of the famous troupe.

My acquaintance with MTuZ

My acquaintance with the Moscow Youth Theater occurred with the play “Lady Macbeth of Our District” based on the story by Nikolai Leskov. It’s even good that my wishes come true not immediately, but in due time!!! I can’t say that I would advise everyone to watch this performance - no... After watching it, I don’t want to rush to read and re-read Leskov. The actors give their all in two hours. The scenery is wonderful, it’s interesting to look at and observe the interaction of the characters with objects, and the stage at an angle creates a special perception of anxiety. A very unique vision of Kama Ginkas. The director staged the play in such a way that one can immediately see absolute love, which knows no boundaries or prohibitions, leading to disaster and the collapse of all hopes. The absence of an intermission does not allow emotions to cool down, but at the same time creates a feeling of prolongation. It was scary at times! Ekaterina Lvovna got rid of her father-in-law, husband, little nephew, made her loved one an accomplice and abandoned her own child in a prison hospital... There is no worse beast than a woman in love! Bravo to the director, because He managed to stage the repulsive plot in such a way that you wanted to watch to the end, despite knowing the ending of the story.
P.S. Valery Barinov is my special love! Wonderful! For his sake, at the first opportunity, I will continue to study the repertoire of the Moscow Youth Theater.

A beautiful and funny dramatization of the classic English detective story (about the play "Witness for the Prosecution"

I, an Anglomaniac (translator and English teacher) and a great admirer of the works of Agatha Christie, was very happy to attend the play “Witness for the Prosecution.”

A purely English story with a not very happy ending, in the detective genre with elements of tragicomedy, directed by Henrietta Yanovskaya at the Moscow Youth Theater, it brought simply enormous pleasure.

For some reason I don’t remember this thing, although I thought I knew Agatha Christie’s work well - I don’t miss films, TV series and have a solid collection of books by her author.

That, however, made it even more interesting, since I didn’t know who the killer was and how it would all end.

The excellent performances of the theater actors helped to easily understand the meaning of what was happening on stage.

Of course, People's Artist of the Russian Federation Igor Yasulovich (in the role of Sir Wilfrid Robarts) was greeted with an ovation, who, despite his advanced age, gave 100% on stage, danced, smoked, and had fun.

Literally a week before going to the theater, I watched a program on the “Culture” channel about Igor Yasulovich’s course, where they showed an excerpt from this performance, and also showed the leading actor of Leonard Vole, Konstantin Elchaninov.

Olga Demidova (in the role of the fatal beauty Romaine) was very impressive with her eccentric performance, plasticity, and cat-like manner of speech.

Also paired with Yasulovich was the imposing Alexander Taranzhin (in the role of Mayhew) - it was as if they were Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson unraveling the case.

I also liked the actors in small roles, namely Natalya Moteva as Greta (very organic, pleasant and characterful), Nadezhda Podyapolskaya as Janet Mackenzie (cheerful and eccentric), cocky Maxim Vinogradov as Police Inspector Hearne. Probably the funniest moments of the play are associated with these roles.

A purely English crime is committed in a purely English atmosphere, which I love in Russian productions of Agatha Christie no less (if not more) than in British ones. Almost 100 umbrellas on stage, rain, a red telephone booth, a guardsman in a bearskin hat, formal suits, furniture, darkness and lamplight - everything is emphatically anglicized (the stage space is by the famous Sergei Barkhin, costumes are by Tatyana Barkhina).

At first a comparison came to mind with the scenography in the play “The Pickwick Papers,” which I once watched at Chekhov’s Moscow Art Theater, but here there is only an external similarity, “Witness for the Prosecution” in the Youth Theater is more positive and light, despite the tragedy.

The music at the end of the second act reminded me of the old Soviet film “The Mousetrap” with Nikita Vysotsky based on Agatha Christie, which I also love. A small comparison with Alla Surikova’s French detective story “Look for a Woman” also came to mind.

All the associations inspired further created an atmosphere of mystery, joy and excitement, when, in parallel with the heroes, you unravel a detective story in your head.

For me, an English detective story is not boring, because it contains suspense to the last, the outcome is always interesting, and since childhood, watching detective stories (for example, the old English TV movie about Miss Marple with Joan Hickson) evokes a feeling of celebration.

I was glad to visit the Moscow Youth Theater, and although it is small, it is in the very center (Tverskaya metro station), cozy (and what a 5-meter chandelier in the auditorium), see portraits of actors, and plunge into theatrical life.

It is impossible to refuse an invitation to the play “Witness for the Prosecution”. Agatha Christie... My love...
And “Witness for the Prosecution” is one of my favorite works. I even once reviewed films based on this story by Agatha Christie.
So the plot is known. But still... There can never be too much Agatha Christie.

On October 14, I went to the Moscow Theater of Young Spectators to watch “Witness for the Prosecution” directed by Henrietta Yanovskaya.

And it was wonderful!
The creators of the play did their best. It was like they sent us to England. A unique English atmosphere has been created on stage and “subtle” English humor can be heard from the stage.

Of course, this is all a bit formulaic. But it’s so recognizable. English fog, unique red telephone booths, a guardsman in a fur hat... After all, this is exactly how England appears to many.

And a lot of umbrellas. What would it be like without them? The entire stage is covered in umbrellas, umbrellas are in the hands of the characters, and even umbrellas are used in the dance performances.
It should be noted that there is a lot of dancing in the play. They are an integral part of the plot - they complement and reveal it and the characters’ characters.

And, of course, music. Old songs, probably popular in their time, create an additional atmosphere.

There is no point in talking much about the plot of “Witness for the Prosecution.” He is famous, and in this production the creators deviated only a little from the traditional, adding an English flavor.
But in short, something like this: “A young man is accused of murdering an elderly lady. Only a reliable witness who can provide him with an alibi can save him from the gallows. There is only one such person - the young man’s wife. But there is no faith in the wife’s words. Therefore, during completely incredible events occur."

The play has a wonderful cast.
Igor Yasulovich as Sir Wilfrid Robats, the lawyer, is great!

A true English gentleman! There is so much nobility, intelligence and... humor in him. And what kind of dancing does he do on stage? And this despite age.

Olga Demidova plays the role of the wife of the accused Romain.

According to the directors of the play, she acted as a kind of sophisticated lady, a vamp, ready to seduce everyone. Undoubtedly, when creating her image, Marlene Dietrich, who played the same role in the 1957 film, was taken as a standard.
But, alas... She failed to surpass the great Marlene.

But I really liked the young actresses Natalya Zlatova and Natalya Moteva in the play, who played the roles of secretaries. Charming actresses! Their names are worth remembering.

The performance is excellent! I recommend everyone to watch this production if possible.
A word of warning here, though. The creators of the play took some liberties - the characters smoke on stage. For real. Therefore, opponents of this case, be prepared for smoke spreading through the first rows of the stalls.

Unpleasant theater

A tiny, shabby hall, where you have to go through the service entrance. Overacting actors. There is no stage - instead there is a metal structure of chairs on the floor. The theater has not been renovated for a long time; it is dusty, dirty and unkempt. Cloakroom attendants and usherettes are simply animals, they rush at people like Soviet saleswomen. The actors' costumes and sets are cheap.
I went once, I won’t go again.

Small form and big emotions

“The Lady with the Dog” based on the work of the same name by A.P. Chekhov was from the very beginning an unusual and surprising production for spectators accustomed to the traditional hall and stage. After the bell rang, everyone from the foyer was invited to go upstairs, where the mezzanine of the theater is located. Below, in the stalls, there was darkness filled with sounds, and in the depths of the space, where the stage should have been, boats swayed on the water. Seagulls screamed, waves splashed, the sea wind rustled. A stage was built right in front of the rows, which played the role of a beach, a street, an apartment and everything that accompanied the characters in the play. The characters themselves were also amazing - “resort gentlemen” in funny striped swimsuits who performed the most unexpected roles. They were both vacationers in a seaside town and workers - they installed a gray, dreary fence in front of Anna Sergeevna’s windows, and even played the role of rain and the townspeople soaked by it. They also created an atmosphere of cheerful, carefree relaxation, “swimming” outside the visible space of the beach in invisible waves, and sometimes rushing into the “sea” with a running start. All this was accompanied by jokes and jokes appropriate to the situation. In general, we did our best to defuse the atmosphere of suffering and sadness in which the main characters, Gurov and Anna Sergeevna, found themselves from the very first moments. They each suffered in their own way, Gurov immediately upon arriving home became worried that he could not forget his resort affair. He would have to be distracted by everyday affairs, caring for his children and wife. But Anna Sergeevna did not let him go and appeared to him in a dream. She began to suffer from the very first date, but if she had not been played by Maria Lugovaya, everything would have been boring and sad. The actress filled her heroine with young, inexhaustible energy; she was not a “lady,” but rather a schoolgirl in love. Actually, that’s what happened. Anna Sergeevna recently finished her studies and hastily married an unloved man. Out of interest, which had nothing to do with love and passion. Here, with Gurov, she learned forbidden things, attraction and love for a married man. Secret meetings were accompanied by loud sobs, as violent as her feelings. But you treat this cry of a child, who knows that he has played a great prank, with a smile. Chekhov's text is read in the third person; what is read is immediately played out by the main characters and the "resort gentlemen", the latter with humor and some clown farce. Something exciting and intimate happened in silence, right before our eyes, the kind of love that takes your breath away. The intimacy scene was one of the strongest, although no nudity or passionate embrace was shown. The white canopy played the role of a blanket, snowdrifts, and sandy shore. Their love was watered with sea water and sprinkled with delicate, tiny sand. The holiday romance grew into an irresistible passion that did not allow living in separation. This love was unselfish, money was not mentioned at all. Only in the scene with the bank employees, who were performed by the same “resort gentlemen”, who threw black tailcoats directly over their striped swimsuits. There they first diligently sorted and then threw empty white pieces of paper into the air as a symbol that money is just pieces of paper and their value is very doubtful. Gurov is beautifully played by actor Igor Gordin. All stages of his transformation from an ordinary adventurer on the side to a man doomed to a secret life, with which he could not break, are shown. Chekhov's work was kind of sad, even tragic. After all, they violated moral rules and should be condemned and punished by fate for their love. However, you feel sympathy and feelings for these two, who are accidentally thrown into each other’s arms by life and do not want to break this embrace. In general, when the actors took their bows, it was unexpected; the action did not let go until the last moment. And then a dog appeared in the lady’s arms, which caused complete tenderness in the audience and cute emotions. Yes, it was Chekhov, his text and his characters, but so understandable and modern, so sensitive to the audience, so masterfully playing out a completely ordinary story of vacation adultery, turning it into a piercing love story. The short form - two hours without an intermission - very successfully immerses you in the action and does not allow you to be distracted for a minute from the characters and their experiences. It’s as if you are alone with the actors, invisibly present in the city, in nature, on the seashore, where their love was born. We part with the characters of the play at the moment when they are trying to find a way out of the unbearable situation that has arisen. I want to believe that everything will be fine for them, that they will overcome difficulties and stay together. Of course, not a happy ending, but there is still hope for a happy ending to the story.

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