A museum in a suitcase is the history of the emergence of the epistolary genre. Excursion to the school museum "memory suitcase". What excursion topics would you like to hear?

Extracurricular activity “Museum in a Suitcase”.

4th grade .

Shmuryeva Lidiya Iosifovna, primary school teacher at the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 12” in Bratsk, Irkutsk Region.

Goal: within the framework of the experimental platform “Museum Pedagogy”

expand your understanding of family traditions;

instill a desire to conduct research activities on the family tree


Introduce the hobbies and creativity of class students;

Equipment: exhibition of books by O.V. Pozdnyakova;

Exhibition of artistic works by young artists;

Essays and drawings by class students;

Geneological family tree ( poster);

Souvenirs brought from trips and trips;


Progress of the lesson.

1.Opening speech by the teacher.

There are many holidays on the calendar. Some of them are more significant, others less. But there is a holiday that is equally interesting for both adults and children. This is, of course, New Year. What are the most vivid impressions of him that remain in your heart?

The most important moment of the celebration is the address of the President of Russia. What was he talking about?

Indeed, he wishes health to all people of the country, happiness to all families. And I wanted to know more about your families, your interesting activities and hobbies. I suggested writing essays. I present some to your attention.

2.Reading excerpts from their essays by students (5 people ).

3. Announcement of the topic.

Today I invited the very bright, creative Gerasimov family to visit us. Their hobbies seemed unusual, interesting and serious to me. The lesson is called “Museum in a Suitcase”.

4.Work with the first group of exhibits (O.V. Pozdnyakova’s collections of poems are put on a shelf from the suitcase and the family tree is hung up).

A) Parents present the family tree (6 generations), especially note grandmother O.V. Pozdnyakova, a poetess, and show collections of her poems.

b) The teacher’s word about the poetess. She is 58 years old and lives in Sayanogorsk. She worked as a school teacher and head teacher for 30 years. Now retired. Her dream came true - to write poetry, to write a lot. Is it easy to write poetry?

c) Children’s reasoning that in order to write poetry, you must have talent, creativity, and a great desire. It is hard work.

Today only her poems will be heard and the first one is about the New Year holiday.

Night of miracles.

New Year's Night of Miracles:

The forest is spinning in a winter fairy tale.

There's Santa Claus under the tree

He rubs his nose with his palm.

He waited for the Snow Maiden for a long time:

Tired, cold, tired.

The New Year is just around the corner,

But the girl still doesn’t come!

The girl is busy with herself:

She arched her eyebrows,

I let my scarlet lips down,

She braided her brown hair.

She looks in the mirror - she looks good!

Only a piece of ice is her soul.

And I want to love her so much!

I want to give happiness to everyone.

Hurry up Snow Maiden!

A round dance of friends is waiting for you.

The clock will only strike midnight,

You will forget your sadness!

Your happiness will find you

And melt the ice on your heart

And the forest will spin in a fairy tale

On New Year's Eve of miracles!

Grandma is not nearby and always waits for her children and grandchildren to come to her. This is what her next poem is about.

The titmouse is a prophet.

A titmouse flew to my window.

She pecked, satisfied, there was grain in the bowl,

She knocked on the glass, saying, welcome the guests,

And she hurried to rush away quickly.

Here are the guests in the yard: children, grandchildren - family,

And my titmouse really said it!

Let's set the table - treats flow like a river!

There is joy and laughter in the house, and peace in the heart.

We stayed, left - silence again...

I'll give the titmouse more grain!

Let her fly under the window quickly,

So that I can expect guests at the court again.

Poems by O. Pozdnyakova are presented by her granddaughters Nadezhda and Elizaveta Gerasimova..

Hope. Lizonka.

When in Slavic antiquity a holy girl is a beauty

Men were born into the family with long braids,

So that there is happiness and peace in the house, Crazy, crafty

The boys called themselves hopeful. Brown eyes.

Centuries have passed - Olga Rus baptized, What kind of little sweetheart is this?

And the names of the owners were changed. Who is she, where is she from?

Since then (I know that I will not be mistaken) This granddaughter - Lizonka -

They called the girls hopes. Small miracle!

You, too, at birth forever Slyly smile

She received this holy name. Little eye beads,

Carry it with dignity through the years! Hiding behind your back

It has everything: Love, Hope, Faith, Strength. Nimble little hands.

Be grateful to your mother and father. The girl is growing up.

For the name is ageless. Lisa - Lizavetochka.

It is beautiful! And it suits you! Mom's assistant

You will live with him in this long world. A thin branch.

Their artistic works were taken from the suitcase, others were previously placed in the museum hall. (The girls are art school students).

5. Tour of the museum hall. The authors' stories about their works, writing techniques, and participation in plein air paintings.

6. With a group of students they perform a song, because study at a music school.

7. Speech by the head of the museum.

“Hundreds of unexpected talents and abilities can blossom in any person if you simply give him such an opportunity,” wrote D. Lessing. And adding from myself - “if a person is not lazy.” A conversation with my mother Olga Vladimirovna about this.


Have you ever experienced laziness and how did you overcome it?

Should people force themselves to work if they don’t want to do it at all?

What do you do if your daughters become lazy?

Do you agree with the idea that doing what you love is happiness?

9. O.V. Gerasimova’s story about her hobbies (designer finds in apartment decoration, travel) with a demonstration of slides, souvenirs (from a suitcase), as well as a story about dad’s hobbies (alpine skiing, diving)

10. Making a flower of happiness.

In order to get carried away by an interesting thing, you must first dream. What do people dream about?

This is how O.V. Pozdnyakova writes about it.

Through the thickness of the years

From century to century

What does a Man dream about?

About a clean, clean field,

About the radiant sun,

About warm summer thunderstorms,

About emerald dew.

About the playful river,

About the playful rainbow,

About the good warm sea,

About joy without sorrow,

About the clear clear sky

And about fragrant bread.

And then the person begins to make dreams come true. And if this works out, the person is happy. We will now make a flower of happiness. Select those petals that contain the character qualities needed to achieve your goal.




Patience is happiness




Hard work



Imagine that you touched this flower. How did you feel?

Of course it's warm. These good qualities flow into you in a small stream. You already have your favorite activities and hobbies.

11. Demonstration of the children’s drawings and a conversation about them on the topic “Our Hobbies” (From a suitcase)

12. Final word from the teacher.

Your studies and hobbies are your work. What proverbs about work do you remember?

“Judge your day not by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you sow that day.”

"The master's work is afraid"

“Like the care, so is the fruit”

“Every person is recognized in action”

13. Presentation of a letter of gratitude to the Gerasimov family. We send a shining heart to O.V. Pozdnyakova, in which we placed 30 of our hearts with wishes of goodness, health, happiness (Collective work was completed in a technology lesson ).


1. Pozdnyakova O.V. Collections of poems.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Novogorodskaya secondary school No. 3"



Project passport.

Project name: "Museum in a Suitcase"

Name of the educational institution (according to the charter) in which the project is being implemented: Municipal budgetary educational institution “Novogorodskaya Secondary School No. 3”

Educational institution address: 663803, Krasnoyarsk region, Ilansky district, village. Novogorodka, st. Sovetskaya, 30

Implemented by all participants of the Heritage Association.

Financial support for the project will not be required, because exhibits necessary for excursions are stored in the school museum.

2. Analysis of the situation. Formulation of the problem

Our school is 32 km away. from the regional center. Not all village residents have the opportunity to travel, much less visit museums and theaters. The connecting link of rural society is the school. Moreover, our school has a wonderful museum.

Students of the Heritage association, which participates in the museum’s activities, conduct excursions for school students, kindergarten children, village residents and guests. Over the years of the museum's activity, all exhibits have been studied and examined. The usual exhibits on the shelves do not arouse the proper interest among the children; they cannot be touched, thereby understanding what it was intended for and creating an image.

Therefore, we were faced with the question of what needs to be changed? The museum council decided on creating the “Excursion in a Suitcase” project.

Why are we doing this?

    Involve village residents in the activities of the museum.

    Introduce something new.

    To enable project participants to feel the presence of the past in the present and future through its communication with cultural heritage.

Targetproject: involvement in the activities of the museum through access to society.

Project objectives:

    Contribute to the formation of a sense of the presence of the past in the present and future through communication with exhibits.

    Conduct excursions for those who cannot come to us (elderly village residents, disabled people).

    To promote the involvement of a wide range of children and adults in the preservation of historical memory.

Expected results

As a result of the project implementation it is expected that:

    They will move from passive listeners to active ones, since the project promotes the development of dialogue with the head of the museum, guide, museum exhibit, to be active, to take part in research themselves. A prerequisite is also a collective creative nature together with peers in an informal setting.

    The project is based on the development of students’ cognitive skills, critical and creative thinking, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate the information space, study cultural heritage, student interaction with material objects of the school museum, etc.

    The number of people wishing to visit the school museum will increase;

During the implementation of the project, excursions will be held for all school students (105), children and kindergarten workers (27), all organizations located on the territory of the settlement (rural cultural center, rural library, village and collective farm administration, post office). Visiting elderly village residents and disabled people. In total, we can reach more than 400 people during the project.

Implementation plan





Survey of museum visitors about changing forms of activity

September 2013

School Museum Council

Identifying visitors’ opinions on the museum’s activities

Poll Processing

September 2013

School Museum Council

Change of excursion work (mobile excursion in a suitcase)

Development of planned excursions:

    School supplies;

    The Great Patriotic War;

    My land (80th anniversary);

    Siberian handicrafts

October–December 2013

S.V. Letsrikh, head of the museum, Mikhailovskaya O.N. school librarian, Galina Vladimirovna Fedorova librarian of the SDK, museum guides, museum council

Material has been collected to create the text of the excursions. An element of communication with listeners (questions, riddles, puzzles, practical tasks) is necessarily introduced.

Selection of exhibits necessary for excursions, search for a suitcase.

October–December 2013

S.V. Letzrich head of the museum, museum council

Exhibits stored in the museum have been selected for excursions. A suitcase was found.

Preparation of excursions

January - February 2014

S.V. Letsrikh, head of the museum, Talay I.V. Russian language teacher, tour guides.

Work has been done in preparation

Guides on excursion topics.

Departure to the regional museum center to work with guides.

January - February 2014

S.V. Letzrich is the head of the museum, museum guides.

A master class was held by guides from the regional museum center.

Conducting excursions

February – December 2014

S.V. Letsrich, head of the museum, guides.

Conducting excursions 1

Coverage of the project in the media

During project activities

S.V. Letzrich head of the museum, museum council, public

Displaying the material on the school website, 2nd publication in the district newspaper.

Creation of an album, a stand about the activities of the project

As the project progresses

S.V. Letsrich, head of the museum, museum council, Frisorger V.V. art teacher

Creation of photo albums and stands for each topic of excursions 3.

Conducting a survey about the work done

December 2014

School Museum Council

Project evaluation


We have most of the resources to implement the project, namely:


    Excursion material

    Guides (with experience in conducting excursions).

We need human resources to train guides and additional content for excursions. Therefore, we turn to the school and village librarian, as well as the Russian language teacher, for help.

To design a stand, we contact an art teacher. We also need a suitcase in which we will carry the exhibits. The school will provide us with a digital camera. The photographs are printed by the village council administration.

Evaluation of results

The project will be assessed based on an analysis of the survey, feedback from listeners, and monitoring of publications in the media.

Uniqueness of the project The fact is that now the museum itself comes to visit, you can touch our exhibits, learn new things about them, come up with a fairy tale or story about it, explore it.

Appendix No. 1

Results of a survey on the need to change the forms of activity of the school museum

The survey was conducted with students, their parents and teachers. More than 130 people were interviewed

Questionnaire to determine the need for the project:

1. Do you think our museum needs new forms of work?

    Yes, we do. Time moves forward, everything changes, the museum must also change.


    I would like something new...

There were also answers from respondents who were satisfied with everything

2. What excursion topics would you like to hear?

Most popular answers:

    About famous people of the village, region, especially since we have someone to be proud of...

    About fellow countrymen - front-line soldiers, so that the modern generation does not forget

    About us who lived, lives and will raise the village

    About the traditions of the villagers

Appendix No. 2

A grateful line about the first Excursion in a suitcase:

“I liked the excursion in a suitcase. It’s interesting that the museum itself came to us. I learned how to tie a pioneer tie and tried it myself. Yablokov Fedor»

“Thank you to the museum guides. It was interesting!. Now we know why one eraser erases well and the other doesn’t. 2nd grade."

“It was nice to plunge into the atmosphere of childhood. Remember your school days. Such excursions are necessary; they provide an opportunity to take a closer look, touch the exhibit, and use it in practice. During the tour, many ideas arose about what could be put in this suitcase! Thanks to the guys and the head of the museum. Fedorova G.V. »

1 At the moment, an excursion is being conducted on the second topic: The Great Patriotic War, the first topic: School supplies - has been carried out.

2 The material was posted on the school website, an article was sent to the regional newspaper.

3 A photo album and stand were created for the first two excursions.

“There is a Museum at my school. I am its creator and director.” These words can be written by many of us, from those who visited the forum page.

How can we make the Museum work in a new way, so that children rush to it, so that they find it interesting? One of the useful and interesting forms is the idea of ​​a “Museum in a Suitcase”. I read about it by accident, found it in the depths of the Internet when I was preparing a work plan for the school scientific society, as well as the local history club for the new school year. You always want to learn from your colleagues. And if you come across interesting thoughts, that’s great!

The idea is being actively introduced into the practice of not only State Museums, but also schools and even libraries.

I will quote an excerpt from the article A.N. Terekhova from Chelyabinsk:

Recently, in improving their work with exhibits and visitors, museums are actively using a variety of innovative technologies, attracting the participation of visitors (theatrical performances, intellectual and role-playing games, immersion in the historical atmosphere, integrated lessons, museum holidays, etc.) In their activities, they are moving away from the stereotype - a museum with glassed exhibitions and “Do not touch with hands” signs. Increasingly, exhibits are removed from display cases and included in the sphere of communication of all those who visit the museum.

One of the interactive forms of working with museum objects, documents and materials is the so-called idea of ​​​​creating a “museum in a suitcase”, which today has begun to be actively introduced into practice. The exhibition fits in one or more suitcases with museum exhibits, as well as drawings, tests, photographic documents, slides, films, and creative assignments. Selected items and materials should easily fit into a suitcase. The features of this form of museum activity can be illustrated by the example of the Children's Museum in Nuremberg, which, without having its own premises, actively works on the basis of kindergartens, schools, and libraries, implementing more than 20 programs: “Workshops,” “Technology,” “Life in 1900.” » etc. The idea is to be able to quickly set up a mobile exhibition in which museum objects can be manipulated, which is very important for children as they explore the world actively and practically. A program about the history of writing, “In the Copyist’s Workshop,” is often cited as an example. “Museum in a Suitcase” unfolds in the classroom space the world of medieval objects - ancient books, parchment, writing instruments, which children can use to write ancient texts. This program is also being implemented at other museums. Currently, this form of museum work has become widespread in Russia. The mobile version of the exhibition “I and the Other”, which was exhibited in about ten Russian cities, aroused great interest. This project intended to introduce into regular school pedagogy an interactive tabletop exhibition that would tell about the identity of different cultures and ethnic groups. The tabletop exhibition (the plot of which represents a journey) includes double-folded sheets of cardboard with drawings, texts and game tasks. The sheets are placed on tables and can be quickly unfolded. Schoolchildren (from 10 to 14 years old) buy tickets and begin a journey through the exhibition space - they get involved in certain life situations while traveling to visit a peer from another country, get acquainted with the traditions of different countries, with objects representing different cultures. The case with the display game remains in the school, and students in all grades can add to the game and its visual aids as they learn. Teachers receive “Teacher Materials” to help them productively use and improve the display. Considering this new form of museum work, it should be noted that the “Museum in a Suitcase” can be used in two versions: “Museum in a Suitcase” from a museum (when objects of a museum are taken outside its boundaries); “Museum in a suitcase” for a museum (when rare objects are collected in suitcases for a specific museum, organizing exhibitions and then returning them to their owners). Researchers at the Anna Akhmatova Museum in the Fountain House (St. Petersburg) have developed an educational program for schoolchildren. The Museum in a Suitcase features a wide variety of museum exhibits. Students choose any subject and make their own assumptions about how it could have ended up with Anna Akhmatova or Nikolai Gumilyov. There is silence in the class. Everyone is looking for the answer to the ancient tea box and perfume bottles of the Silver Age. Thanks to the “Museum in a Suitcase” from the Anna Akhmatova Museum, students learn about the specifics of a literary museum, have the opportunity to visit an antique shop, learn to work with archives, and study letters and memoirs. An unusual project “Museum in a Suitcase” for the museum was carried out in the Kizhi Museum-Reserve under the name “Field Post”. Participants - veterans of the Great Patriotic War, their children and grandchildren - chose their family heirlooms and compiled reference texts for the exhibitions, many of which were supplemented with drawings, poems and essays about the war. Many unique exhibits were placed in wooden boxes and duffel bags. Unlike traditional museum exhibitions, after the Field Post closed, the exhibits returned to their veteran owners and their families. “Museum in a suitcase”, either portable or mobile, due to its mobility is actively used for organizing traveling exhibitions, conducting classes in remote areas, different cities, educational institutions and is accessible to the widest segments of the population. This form of museum work allows us to solve a number of research, educational and socially significant tasks facing modern museums.


Somewhere in the far corner of the mezzanine

Leatherette, covered with dust,

The suitcase is shabby, forgotten.

It contains scraps of stories.

Tatyana Lavrova, “Ode about an old suitcase”

Recently, in improving their work with exhibits and visitors, museums are actively using a variety of innovative technologies, attracting the participation of visitors (theatrical performances, intellectual and role-playing games, immersion in the historical atmosphere, integrated lessons, museum holidays, etc.) In their activities, they are moving away from the stereotype - a museum with glassed exhibitions and “Do not touch with hands” signs. Increasingly, exhibits are removed from display cases and included in the sphere of communication of all those who visit the museum.

One of the interactive forms of working with museum objects, documents and materials is the so-called idea of ​​​​creating a “museum in a suitcase”, which today has begun to be actively introduced into practice. The exhibition fits in one or several suitcases with museum exhibits, as well as drawings, texts, photographic documents, slides, films, and creative assignments. Selected items and materials should easily fit into a suitcase.

The idea is to be able to quickly set up a mobile exhibition in which museum objects can be manipulated, which is very important for children as they explore the world actively and practically.

The mobile version of the exhibition “My Favorite Station”, presented in an elementary school, aroused great interest. This project intended to introduce into regular school pedagogy an interactive tabletop model that would tell about the history of the creation of Russian railways. The tabletop exhibition (the plot of which represents a journey) includes double-folded sheets of cardboard with drawings, texts and game tasks. The sheets are placed on tables and can be quickly unfolded. Schoolchildren buy tickets and begin a journey through the exhibition space - they are involved in certain life situations during the trip. The case with the display game remains in the school, and students in all grades can add to the game and its visual aids as they learn. Teachers receive “Teacher Materials” to help them productively use and improve the display.

Considering this new form of museum work, it should be noted that the “Museum in a Suitcase” can be used in two versions: “Museum in a Suitcase” from a museum (when objects of a museum are taken outside its boundaries); “Museum in a suitcase” for a museum (when rare objects are collected in suitcases for a specific museum, organizing exhibitions and then returning them to their owners).

“Museum in a suitcase”, either portable or mobile, due to its mobility is actively used for organizing traveling exhibitions, conducting classes in remote areas, different cities, educational institutions and is accessible to the widest segments of the population. This form of museum work allows us to solve a number of research, educational and socially significant tasks facing modern museums.

Exhibition display “Museum in a suitcase”: “My beloved station”

Goal: Implementation of the “Program for Patriotic Education of Students for 2011-2015.”


· Form an idea of ​​the history of the locality.

· Present original materials from the school museum collections.

· Show the originality of the historical development of the village and its connection with the history of the Fatherland.

The exhibition is dedicated to the history of the emergence of a 3rd class local railway station of the South Ural Railway (in some sources it is listed as a 5th class station).

The station is located 26 kilometers from Chelyabinsk on the Chelyabinsk-Zlatoust line, on the territory of the rural Poletaevsky settlement of Sosnovsky district.

Founded in 1892 as a station on the Samara-Zlatoust Railway.

Poletayevo-1 is the same age as the Trans-Siberian Railway.

In the “Guide to the Great Siberian Railway” for 1900 it was noted: “Beyond Miass, near Chelyabinsk, the flat terrain is again agricultural and cattle-breeding, with gold mining activity.”

On page 118 of the Guide, number 55 shows the Poletayevo station.

Understanding the importance of building a railway in the region, gold miner Mikhail Borisov ceded to the treasury a gold-bearing plot of land in the area of ​​the village of Poletayevo for the need of a railway. Borisov was awarded a medal “For Diligence” to wear on the Stanislav Ribbon. The newspaper "Ufimskie Vedomosti" for
On October 24, 1892 she wrote: “With the permission of Mr. Manager of the Ministry of Railways, from October 25 of this year, regular traffic will open on the Chelyabinsk-Zlatoust section for the transportation of passengers, mail, luggage, cargo...” So the site where the Poletayevo-1 station is located was put into operation.

On the site of the Cossack farm, which was part of the Chelyabinsk stanitsa yurt of the 3rd military department of the Orenburg Cossack army, after the construction of the road, a workers' settlement grew up, located in municipal connection with the village of Poletaevo and the village of Poletaevo, which dates back to 1744. Poletayevo has been mentioned in documents since 1763.

The exhibition traces the history of the station and the village of Poletayevo from the 18th century to the present day.

In 2012, major renovations began at the Poletaevskaya Secondary School. The museum premises are under renovation. “The Museum in a Suitcase” was a forced form of working with children. After all, the uniqueness of school museums is that their work never ends. Museum pedagogy cannot be stopped.

The transition to new educational standards has radically changed approaches to the system, both training and education. Educational institutions are faced with the need to ensure the development of students not only in class, but also in extracurricular activities in the main areas.

One of the significant areas of extracurricular activities is civic-patriotic education, which can best be implemented within the framework of the excursion work of the school museum.

The word "excursion" comes from the Latin "excursio". It entered the Russian language in the 19th century and originally meant “running out, military raid”, then “sally, trip”. The definition of a school excursion is as follows: “An excursion is a special form of educational and extracurricular work in which the joint activities of the teacher-tour guide and the school excursion students led by him are carried out in the process of studying the phenomena of reality observed in natural conditions or in specially created repositories of complexes (museum, exhibition)".

Currently, innovative forms of excursions are increasingly being introduced into school museum practice. One of them is the “Museum in a Suitcase” - a mini-excursion (the history of one exhibit, event, object), most often included in a lesson excursion or extracurricular activity.

An excursion during school hours is included in the system of lessons on topics of academic subjects, and an out-of-class excursion is carried out in a circle, elective, class hour, acts as an addition to the school course or carries abstract developmental information. Such excursions help expand the cultural horizons of children, educate them in the spirit of patriotism, love and respect for work, and provide comprehensive civic education for the individual.

The idea of ​​the “Museum in a Suitcase” excursion makes it possible, firstly, to quickly and mobilely set up an exhibition, present an exhibit, manipulate museum objects - all this is important for children’s active, practical exploration of the world. Secondly, the excursion can be carried out in any room and even in open areas. Thirdly, the necessary thematic exposition and exhibit are placed in a suitcase, which is very convenient for its transportation.

Thanks to the “Museum in a Suitcase”, an effect of mystery, interest, and surprise from what is happening is created; Their curiosity and brightness of emotions are enhanced, and an atmosphere of learning and entertainment is created.

The duration of such an excursion, as well as the topic, can be different, for example, “The History of Measuring Instruments” is integrated into the lessons of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and geography. Schoolchildren get acquainted with the history of the appearance of the triangle, protractor, caliper and other objects. The children discover a world that was unknown to them, learn to construct a statement, formulate a problem and analyze it in order to identify a common feature, and conduct self-assessment.

An old record plays quietly, and the excursion “From the gramophone to the gramophone” (integration of the subjects music and physics) takes us back to the distant 40-60s. last century...

Adults probably remember well the words of the famous tango “The weary sun tenderly said goodbye to the sea...” from Nikita Mikhalkov’s film, but for children the question of how a gramophone differs from a gramophone sounds more like different names for the same museum rarity.

“Museum in a suitcase”, due to its mobility, can be used to organize exhibitions directly in classrooms. This form of museum work makes it possible to solve a number of search and research, educational and socially significant tasks facing school museums, and increases students’ interest in the subjects being studied.

Classes are conducted in an interactive manner using elements of theatricalization and role-playing games. They are based on school or local local history and historical material. Electronic learning tools are used. During the excursion in this format, students can become familiar with the cultural and historical traditions of their small homeland. Get in touch with the past through the living perception of a museum exhibit. They can become direct participants in actions.

Together we are collecting items for the next exhibition related to watches (excursion “In the World of Clocks”), toys of the last century (excursion “History of Christmas Tree Decorations”), and, of course, in memory of the Great Patriotic War, someone brought an army bowler hat, a soldier’s a duffel bag, and here is a cap and a letter from the front (excursion “Milestones of Victory”). Particularly popular among schoolchildren are the excursions “Household Items of the 20th Century,” “Textbooks of Our Parents,” “What the Button Told,” and “School Supplies.”

I hope that thanks to the “Museum in a Suitcase”, the children of our Lyceum will develop a lasting interest in the history of the country, and most importantly, in the work of the school museum.


1. Dragni O.V. School museum: methodological recommendations for the creation and organization of activities of museums of educational institutions of the North-West Educational Institution. M., 2011.

2. Slastenin V.A. Textbook "Pedagogy".

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