A husband who left his wife with newborn twins. Your husband left you and your children. “I literally pulled Masha out of the loop”

Two years ago, an unusual wedding took place in the city of Aktau. Two twins Zholdasbek and Torebek Tolepbergenulov married twins from their hometown. Even as children, the brothers’ grandmother predicted such a marriage for them. Therefore, when one of the young men met a pretty girl in a shoe store, he jokingly asked if she had a sister for his twin brother. This is where the fateful acquaintance began. This happened in the city of Uralsk, where young people were studying.


After that, the brothers searched for the sisters throughout the city. The girls agreed to go on a date with their brothers only three weeks later. And a year later they answered in unison “yes!” to the guys' marriage proposal. The sisters say that they were confused only on the first day they met, but then they quickly sorted it out.
“Torebek seems much prettier to me,” Asyl laughs. By the way, the twins decided on their choice right away. Older brother Torebek took a liking to Asyl, she was also born first. And Zholdasbek noticed the younger Ayim even at the first meeting in the store. In character, the sisters say, they are exactly the same, but their suitors are slightly different in temperament. One brother is calm, the other is energetic.

By the way, according to Kazakh custom, only one bride can be brought into the house on one day. However, if two couples still want to hold the ceremony on the same day, the girls are let in through different doors. Since there was no second entrance to the apartment where the pre-wedding ceremony began, the younger sister was brought into the house through the window.

Now two families live in one house. The brothers work as veterinarians, and the sisters are studying to become teachers. In addition, the spouses have already given birth to one child each and soon they are again expecting a new addition to the family.

Khabar News

Husbands admit that they still confuse their wives. Sisters Asyl and Ayim Binazarov strictly observe traditions and wear national clothes and the same makeup at home, so it can be extremely difficult to distinguish them. As a result, men have to ask their wives' names. Now happy families are planning to build a large house, since after joining the family, living in a three-room apartment will be cramped.

  • This is the first such wedding in the Mangystau region of Kazakhstan, and already the second in the whole country. Sociologists believe that there will soon be more such unions, since many more twins and twins have begun to be born in Kazakhstan than in previous years.
  • The small Indian settlement of Kandalloor became famous throughout the country as the village of twins. Seventy pairs of twins live here, and more and more twins are born every year. “You don’t see double,” every tourist who comes to the village hears this phrase. Since, according to Indian tradition, twins are dressed alike, it can be extremely difficult to tell them apart. Scientists cannot find an explanation for this phenomenon. The Indians themselves refer to the tricks of the god Ram, who had twin children.

    Girls, sorry, anonymous.
    Our children were planned, but even during pregnancy, the relationship with my husband began to deteriorate. I thought it was hormones, the birth would get better. Then I had a difficult birth, I don’t remember the first months at all. My husband, however, took a month off. My grandmothers didn’t help us. The relationship is stable. bad, quarrels, misunderstandings, etc. Well, I think, fatigue, hormones (BG). Now the children are almost 2, I no longer feed them, but the relationship has not improved, and, to be honest, I don’t have the strength to improve anything.
    I understand that it’s not the children’s fault, these are all our problems, they just got worse with the advent of children. I’m thinking about divorce. My husband is threatening to sue the children or one.
    Has anyone divorced twins? How is your relationship with your husband - has it improved, worsened, or remained unchanged?

    My situation has worsened. The children are almost 2 years old. I am also thinking about divorce. I am abroad and here my husband has an advantage if the children are going to be taken to another country.

    The relationship worsened immediately after the birth. He helps me a little, but I’m mostly alone. My parents live in Russia, his parents died.

    I don’t know how to fix it. I get tired with the children, I lash out at him. HE doesn’t even play with the children. He just kisses them when they go to bed and that’s it.

    I have gotten worse, because... I’m all about the kids - and my husband can be said to be on the sidelines now, and my husband is my third “child”, but my children are welcome and long-awaited, so I don’t worry too much, and I don’t have the strength to worry, you’ll get so worked up in a day that I don’t remember myself. and about the threats, yes - it’s very scary, I understand you... but maybe these are all just words?

    This is the second day I’ve been thinking about writing a topic about how to divorce twins
    mine is only 10 months old, but the situation is the same as yours
    At first I blamed everything on hormones, then I waited until we finally got into a routine and got used to our new life, but now I’m starting to understand that this will never happen
    yes, everything has escalated, because there is no time, energy and desire to put up with what you could previously turn a blind eye to

    and things are getting worse for me. After my almost week-long vacation, things didn't get any better. He is never at home, and on weekends he also goes to work.
    If we've been together for more than an hour, we start to sort things out, fight...

    And my relationship has improved, my husband began to understand me better, he encourages me (I am alone with 3 children all day long - he comes at 8 pm and there are no holidays or weekends, and no one helps us - so maybe he understands how difficult it is for me), Yes, and I put him in his position - he needs to feed his family, so he plows like Papa Carlo. He is crazy about his daughters, if he had time, he would spend all his days with them. And he helps around the house (if there is a free day, which happens extremely rarely. But what I don’t like is that we don’t sleep in the same bed, he goes to the eldest’s room at night - IT’S HARD FOR ME (MORALLY), but I’m getting into the situation again, because he needs to get enough sleep (hard work, and even driving - it’s dangerous). Intimacy happens, but it’s extremely rare, since I have no strength at all, I really don’t like it (I) that I’ve begun to gain weight (I’m trying to preserve the remnants of breastfeeding), but my husband and here he encourages me, he says don’t worry, you’ll get rid of it. I want to say that we also fought with our first daughter and it came to divorce, but then we stopped, we got burned out, and the child grew up - it became easier for me. Yes, by the way, with the first one he didn’t bother me at all didn't help.

    Our relationship has deteriorated. grandmothers did not help. I abandoned my husband and only took care of the children. as a result, he had a mistress, to whom he left. the children were 3 years old. It's almost 8 now. I'm alone for now.

    Give it up. Many people get divorced after having children because men do not want to change their lives. This period, no matter how long-awaited the children may be, is difficult for everyone. But, for sure, in your life with your husband and before the birth of children there were difficult periods when you were thinking about divorce, but you didn’t survive them. And this difficult period will pass.
    It’s just that your already difficult life will be even harder if you raise children alone, especially since your grandmothers don’t help you. And finding a worthy replacement for your own father, oh, how difficult it is, especially in the absence of free time.
    It will get better when your kids start talking well, you and dad will be touched by their funny statements and actions. As you all spend more time together, you will become closer again. Many men begin to value family and love their children when the children are already grown up. For women, love comes with milk.

    My husband and I have always had a very close relationship, I’m talking about the spiritual sphere. We waited for children for 7 long years and over these years we became very close, one might even say grew closer to each other. At first after the birth of children, of course there were problems, since we had to learn to live differently, but we talked a lot, discussed it, looked at all our situations in detail. That is, if something didn’t suit us, we always discussed it and tried to make sure that both were happy and not to the detriment of the children. Where- then I make concessions to him and keep silent, somewhere he does the same. But today (children are 2.10) I can say with confidence that our relationship is as close and trusting as before. If possible, my husband helps me with the children, If possible, I give him a break from work, we both try.
    And a couple more times a year, the children and I visit my parents. Usually such a vacation lasts about a month. This is the time when we can think about our relationship and miss each other. Well, that’s how it is for us.
    My advice is if you want to save the relationship, make an effort and talk, talk, talk.

    Divorced) when the twins were 1.3. But with twins, who were waited for 7 years, this is the last thing to do with it) they have nothing to do with it at all) I wanted to do this even during pregnancy - I didn’t have time, it just happened, the individual specifics of the onset of my pregnancy developed (from the word “development”))) our family strictly in one direction. I’m really happy, I feel better, it’s easier, it’s better for the children, small but very lively wings beat behind my back, my view of the world, my thinking has changed a lot, I’ve returned to that familiar view of life 7 years ago, which became immediately noticeable to others. On the plus side, she has changed both internally and externally... I sincerely advise all other families to leave divorce as a last resort. When there is no other choice. I haven't had one since the moment I saw two stripes and had to tell my husband about them. All happy families are equally happy, all unhappy families are unhappy in their own way. There is no single recipe for a happy life, there is no single recipe for reconciliation and long years of marriage. DO NOT forget this. Family and marriage are not love and acrobatics in bed. This is, first of all, the ability to respect each other, appreciate each other, TOLERATE each other and understand each other. we must try to find compromises, talk, and at least write down each other’s pros and cons on a piece of paper - each family has its own medicine. We must try to save, and then say that nothing worked out, and we lived for a short time and unhappily, until we beat the hell out of each other in front of the children. And twins have absolutely nothing to do with it. I know twins whose mothers and fathers have been together for 30-40 years (even in those shaggy times, without diapers and washing machines and dishwashers, they gave birth) and I know families where the father left one child at six months and they never saw this biological guy in their lives. About the threats... it's sad... it means that at the moment you are closer to divorce than to saving your family... Mine also threatened. From the moment I locked the door of our one-room apartment and left there, I’ve been sincerely waiting for someone to show up? He will give money there, the parents of the namesake will come) Thank God, there is none of this. They don’t need us, no matter how pathetic they sing in my ears about how they loved me for these 7 years, how they loved my children)

    Our relationship has also deteriorated. but I attribute this to the fact that we gave birth to children very quickly and did not have time to get used to it. But now it’s difficult to separate, because the children love him very much, and he loves them. We are trying to keep the family together. I live my life. Work, hobbies, friends. How can he help, but I don’t expect much...

    The relationship is the same, good, but intimacy is very rare, I’m so tired that I just don’t want to. I’m scared, and I’m also going to drink OK, they will completely reduce my libido

    The first year the children had a strong misunderstanding, now the children are 2 and it’s like we’re on a honeymoon again. The children have grown up and become almost independent. We managed to “fit” our daughters into our family, although it was very difficult, after 10 years of life without children! Also IVF, JF+MF. Now the children are with us everywhere - to the store, on vacation, to visit) The husband has learned to communicate with his daughters, or the children have simply grown up and can now communicate with their dad themselves.
    We want a third, consciously, now knowing exactly what children are and what we will have to go through again

    Good ones. We also waited for THEM for a long time. And the weather is following them. We are both very tired, we don’t know how, and my husband also works day and night, sleeps for 2-3 hours, i.e. Fatigue certainly affects intimacy. But I know for sure that I can’t find a better dad for my children (and my husband)!

    Our relationship deteriorated a little when our first child was born. We just probably had to get used to a new role - the role of parents! When our first son was born, we had 3 years of marriage behind us, and another 3.5 years of the so-called dating-courtship period. 2B was the same as 1, planned and rescheduled, BUT definitely no one planned twins. My husband was in SHOCK and somehow moved away from me a little. Apparently he has come to his senses yet. But the relationship was later restored when the little ones were born. helped a lot. it was difficult because Mostly we were with the children ourselves. Our grandmothers are workers. They don’t sit with their grandchildren. There was no intimacy for some time. We just crawled to the bed and fell asleep in flight. so that after 1-2-3-4 hours - again in a circle.
    Now the children are 3, the eldest is 8. The relationship is good, everything is in order on all fronts. We swear, of course, but probably like everyone else, “We can swear for 5 minutes and only be offended for 2 minutes” (c)
    Of course, dad doesn’t spend much time with the children, but what can you do about work?

    Probably everyone who has children understands how difficult it is and how their appearance changes your life. And although this is endless happiness, banal fatigue, lack of sleep, monotony, of course, make married couples vulnerable. Here you need to find the strength to understand your husband, to look at yourself from the outside, a tired, nervous person, without the former sparkle in her eyes... There is no need to rush. Another year and everything will be back to normal, it will become easier with children, you will get used to your new roles, everything can become better than it was. And you will always have time to get a divorce, but who will need your children (and for your husband, although belatedly, his father’s feelings will prevail). So try to rest more, give your husband a rest. hire a nanny for at least 2-4 hours a day. Take your time.

    Girls, mine is 1.3 years old. I left my husband twice. The first time almost immediately after my son’s severe heart surgery, the children were three months old, they lived for about a month with my parents, it was a bit cramped, of course, since there was also a sister and niece - a 2-room apartment - ra. A month later he brought us back... Six months ago I couldn’t stand it again, the children were in an armful and to their parents... We didn’t communicate normally for 2 months, then communication seemed to improve. 2 weeks ago we returned again, I hope for good. Soon with My son is going to the next operation, my daughter will stay with her dad. Girls, if the children were healthy, I probably wouldn’t come back...

    you know, one of my friends told me how she discouraged her husband from threatening to sue her children - she has three of them - in response to the next threat, she calmly said to him - you want to sue - ok, here’s a week for you, try to understand how it is to be alone with children - and she left (really) not far away and to a psychologist friend on the next street who advised her to do this)) leaving him with a daily routine including trips to all sorts of development sites, etc.) and her husband, having missed work for two days, called her and begged her to come back. They have a hard time understanding that when they look after their children, they will not only have to play with them in the evenings, but also feed them at least three to four times a day, take them to school, to kindergarten, to educational activities, to the doctor, etc., and how to combine this with work and nannying Now they’re not cheap, and they also need a house worker)))) - they just often scare you because it’s hard to imagine your normal day, and you shouldn’t be scared of this, but you should give it a try and the best option is to record it on video as he and the children then I kept my mouth shut))))

    excuse me, please, but I have a slightly similar situation with children
    My son also has heart problems, he has already had one operation, and there will be more
    If it’s not difficult for you, write how is your boy? Is he far behind his daughter?
    I now have a very visible difference both externally and physically
    and, by the way, I agree with you about the fact that sick children tie us to our husbands

    Yes, we have a significant difference in development. Our son was born weaker, his heart was operated on on the 10th day of life, it took a long time to recover, then there were numerous diagnoses of neurology, neurosurgery, surgery, orthopedics, etc., etc.... My daughter caught up with her peers in one year, weighed 10 kg , height 78 cm, her son has caught up with her in height, but is more than 2 kg lighter... My daughter runs around with all her might, and her son crawls on his belly, he recently started sitting up himself, but if you put him in a seat, he won’t sit down or get up (we have dandy syndrome -Walker), he can’t eat food in pieces, he can’t stand with support for long... His immunity is weak, he’s only had 2 vaccinations. Every three weeks I try to give him a 15-day massage + injections + medications... There are still some defects in his heart, the holes may heal on their own, but observation for life, soon we will go to surgery with him, and in the fall we will see neurosurgeons and cardiologists... And my daughter is so healthy, we only see a neurologist, the hypoxia is taking its toll... We can even see in the photo that our daughter is larger...

    we have a similar situation
    and the weight gap is also 2 kg
    and the baby isn’t even crawling yet, although he’s almost a year old
    Why doesn’t your food eat pieces? Is this some kind of feature of it?
    and we do massages, but often they are not allowed because of the heart
    in general, the path will also be long and difficult, but I believe in it so much that there is no doubt about the good!
    I wish you and your son strength and patience!!!

    We have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and neurology, I often vomited, now it’s better, I don’t grind my food so carefully. Doctors don’t give forecasts, but I really want my son to get up on his feet and walk... and I wish the same for you! And my son is looking after his daughter stretches...I talked to many mothers who have “difficult” children, the main thing is not to give up and not give up, even if not right away, but many of the sores go away...Have you registered for disability? They gave us 2 years in kindergarten I registered both of them (for 2012), but I’m not sure that my son will be allowed...

    Our relationship has improved. Maybe no one will believe this, but we used to have sex less often than now. At first, of course, my husband shirked help; he kept saying that I couldn’t do it. But because There are two of them, then I had to learn everything... By the way, I noticed that the more he deals with children, the more he loves them. He already sometimes behaves like a mother: he notices bruises, allergies on the cheeks, other changes in the child, new skills, only a person who really tinkers with children a lot can do this. My friends’ husbands don’t notice all this at all... But our parents also help us. For example, my mother comes to us for an overnight stay once a week or two, and we can go for a walk in Mega, go to the cinema, sit in a restaurant. We also go to visit my husband’s parents once every two or three weeks, where we can visit friends, and our in-laws look after the children in the evening. Of course, leaving the children completely with their grandmothers and going on vacation is not the question, or rather it was, but the grandmothers do not agree... And my husband and I, when there is nothing to do, we always go somewhere on weekends with the children: then to some estate for a walk, then to the zoo. Anything is better than staying at home. And the house is cleaner when we are not there and we need variety. And when we put the children to bed, in the evenings we watch movies with my husband, he always finds something interesting.

    Girls, are you sure that a year or two is normal for restoring a relationship? Until the children grew up (up to 5 years old, when they began to sleep normally), there was tension in our relationship, but it was naive to expect anything different. Still, there are a lot more problems, and men find it more difficult to bear. And they consciously love children, as a rule, when they are already grown up, when there is communication. Maybe we just need to get over it? Although... we gave birth to twins when the eldest was already 12 years old, there is a difference....

    At first things got worse for me, but then we found a way out.
    The problem was that I gained weight, I relied on everything, on my husband... there was almost no sex.
    The way out is to talk, find out the reasons for quarrels, misunderstandings... put yourself in order, look at yourself as a woman, return sex to the couple.

    We are 3.5 years old, our relationship is just getting better after a sudden escape to the sea for a month, long conversations, trips to a psychologist, mutual buttings, and so on. so it's difficult. the birth of twins is happiness, but it is also a huge difficulty; how a couple will go through such a difficulty is in many ways an indicator.

    Primus. Recognition of America.

    If it weren’t for the nannies, I think we would be in the same situation. But our main income comes from me, so we both work. Taking care of children yourself without the help of others is a colossal work and simply a feat.
    And even then, my husband is also like a third child, so the presence of children simply showed even more that he is very bad with responsibility, and with independent making of logical decisions, and with memory, and with caring for children.
    But divorce is not in my plans at all, no matter what happens; I believe that if we initially liked each other and got married, then the relationship must be constantly built and improved as if the option of divorce did not exist at all. I understand that everyone’s situation is different, and the man in our generation was terribly crushed and overindulged, but what can you do?
    Thank God, THANK GOD that there are children. Without them there would be very little joy in life.

    Primus. Recognition of America.

    Yes, I forgot to write about sex. There is no such letter in this word! I can squeeze it out of myself three times a month, I have no desire. Again, not so much because of fatigue and children, but because of the exposure of many problems and misunderstandings between us.

    One thing that saves us is that we both have a rather easy-going disposition. Let's yell (or rather, I'll yell), and calm down.

    As my mother says, a man is an alien
    Girls, it’s difficult for us, all the responsibility is on us, the feeling of motherhood is inherent in us! But this feeling comes to a man over time - when the child already understands something, when you can play with him. Most of them believe that we spend all day almost idle, sleeping, eating, walking, and they, the poor ones, work and work at home. It would really be nice, as they wrote above, to leave them all alone with the kids for a week, so they could check out their women
    Essentially, our relationship is good, my husband helps, plays with the kids, there were and are, like everyone else, our misunderstandings, we resolve them without leaving them for later. In the summer we go to our grandparents for a month, leaving the folder alone, and the distance makes it clear how much we miss and love each other. When he comes home from work in the evening, it’s “my” time, he plays with the children, bathes them, for example, I can watch TV, read, surf the Internet, if the kids will allow it. But this probably also depends on upbringing, what is inherent in a person from childhood, what example he saw in his parents, he transfers this attitude to his family. Mine are almost two years old and I see that my folder with them is becoming more and more interesting, they understand each other. And as for sex... yes, I get tired, and even if I don’t need it, I understand how important it is to him! That’s why I try to have this action happen as often as possible. And if I’m tired, then during the day, when the kids are sleeping, I try to sleep with them or surf the Internet. The only thing that is missing is romance, we want to take a walk in the evening or go to the cinema, but we have no one to leave the kids with.
    But I’m not working yet, I don’t know what will happen next...

    The relationship remained the same, but this is more likely because when our boys appeared, we had lived for 18 years, had already gotten used to it and went crazy. One problem is the almost complete absence of sex, but there are probably other reasons for this.


    I haven’t written for a long time, I’m reading more and more
    I am 5.8 years old and my relationship with my husband has not worsened, but changed. What was before is not there, but now they are no worse, just different.
    Well, how can they not change? if earlier all the attention was on your husband and your beloved, but now all your attention is only on the children. Of course, everyone had to adapt to a new mode of life.
    IMHO, but it seems to me that we women, especially those with twins, are very absorbed in children and sometimes forget that there is another child in the house - a husband. He may be big and an adult, but he is a child and he also needs to be given attention. Somewhere to cry to him about my unfortunate fate, somewhere to feel sorry for him that you’re so neglected, I’m completely overwhelmed with the children, I even forgot to sew up a hole in your sock, forgive me, my love.
    My husband, for example, during the first year of the children’s life switched to complete self-care. When he came home from work at night, he diluted the formula and fed the children, changed diapers, held me up - and at the same time did not wake me up. He will leave a note in the morning when he fed them and how much they ate. He ate baby food without complaint, helped me with housework, and drove 2 hours into the city to buy medicine or diapers. All the money he received was spent only on children.
    Girls, this is not enough! This is caring.
    We sometimes blow their minds like that... about all sorts of bullshit... and who will they complain to? It's not easy for them either.

    Author, I suggest you calm down and look at everything from his side. Are you doing everything to change your relationship? Sometimes it is better to close your eyes to what is happening and wait. Don’t get too excited, children need a father and it’s in your power to save the family.

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Hello! It seems that just recently you were rejoicing at the birth of a child, making plans together, and suddenly your husband left you and the children. You are at a loss... For you, a situation in which your husband leaves you with a small child is an absolute wrong that could never happen to your family.

Your husband leaves the family with one or two children - and now the most important thing for you is to return the father to the children. Not a husband for the family - but a father for the children. After all, children are the most important thing. Almost all women make this mistake.
But he hasn’t stopped being a father (whether he’s a good or a bad father, he’s still a father). He left you, his status as a husband is changing, so it is important and necessary to focus on this.

First, I’ll tell you what the reason for this common misconception is, and what you need to do if your husband doesn’t need you and your children. What you will learn from me will help you restore your family if your husband left you with your children. Read this.

Why do men abandon their children?

Men leave their pregnant wives, leave their wives immediately after childbirth, the husband leaves the family with two children. The most striking examples that are widely heard: Arshavin, who left his wife and three children; actor Evgeny Tsyganov left his wife with seven children! And this list can be continued endlessly. Why is this happening?

People are divided into men and women not only by external signs. Each group is clearly assigned a specific model of behavior.

You have heard more than once, and perhaps you yourself have said to your son: “Men don’t cry,” or to your daughter: “Girls don’t behave like that.” Moreover, the smallest baby understands what we are talking about.

There is external identification, and there is internal self-awareness:

  • Family: you are a woman, you are a daughter, you are a wife, you are a mother.
  • Social: you are a teacher, you are an economist.
  • National.
  • Territorial.
  • Religious

There are many points. We won't list everything. What matters in this case is that some social roles are more important to us than others. And here we finally come to the main idea.

For a woman, an important internal role is “I am a mother”. This does not mean that she does not want to be a beautiful woman, does not want love, or does not plan to build a career. This means that she can sacrifice all other manifestations of her “I” if necessary for the sake of the children.

For a man, an important internal role is “I am a man”. This does not mean that he does not love his children or does not want a happy family. This means that he can sacrifice all his other manifestations of his “I” if it is necessary to maintain the feeling of being a man in the first place.

And now it’s very simple mathematics - as soon as a woman begins to treat her husband, basically, as the father of her children, and not as a beloved and, most importantly, desired man, a siren begins to sound inside him, warning of danger.

As a result, we see the following picture: your husband left you with the children and left, and you...

  • Wanting to establish contact with your husband, who abandoned you and your children, you remind him of his fatherly responsibilities: the children need to buy something, need to be taken there, they don’t feel well. You know that he will react to this exactly. You think that his love for children will smooth out. And if not, then move on to the next point.
  • Reproach him that he abandoned his children, that he is a bad father, that he left you - and not the children, that no one relieved him of responsibility for their upbringing. You focus on his cruelty and heartlessness, etc.
  • And the most extreme option is to forbid your husband to meet with your children: “If you don’t want to see me, you won’t see them either!” It hurts you yourself and you hurt both your husband and children - for whom parents are equally important.

    This is all strategically incorrect behavior, which only aggravates the situation.

What to do if your husband left you with the children?

Let's first decide on your end goal. Do you just want a man with you, even if he is unhappy next to you? Or again have a strong family and a loving spouse?

The answer is obvious only at first glance, since, wittingly or unwittingly, women continue to manipulate children, trying to restore the family.

Yes, there is a chance that your spouse may succumb to pressure and stay with you, sacrificing his emotions for the sake of the children. Only this will not be a family - although it may last your whole life. He will love children and tolerate you because of them. And the saddest thing is that you will feel and know it every day.

The second option is that your reproaches will only cause aggression or complete ignorance. Your husband will stop all contact with you altogether.

He himself knows what he is. He himself knows that this is bad. Your husband, making the decision to leave you with a small child, is already internally prepared for these accusations. Therefore, these reproaches are off target. You can remind him as much as you like that the most important thing is the children, but this will only distance you from each other.

Actually, he went into all serious troubles - he walks, cheats, leaves precisely because his “I am a Man” overpowered his “I am a Father” in him.

Do you understand?

It is very important. This is the key to how to get your husband back, the key to understanding what exactly he is missing.

HowIs it right to return your husband to your family?

If the husbandleft you with the childrenit can be returned! After all, in fact, a man loves his children, he wants a family, he wants comfort. But at the same time, he finds it extremely difficult to perceive that he is now playing a supporting role in his woman’s life. And the man simply runs away from the family, instead of finding out the reasons and finding a way out.

To youWe urgently need to take the situation into our own hands.

Why is it important to hurry? Most often, a man leaves a family with children for his mistress. Only a woman can give him the feeling that he is valuable in himself, that he is the main thing in someone’s life. That he can still evoke emotions, desires, feel that his whole life - until the end of his days - does not consist only of: “You owe this,” “You owe that.” Do you understand?

“I am a Man” speaks and acts in him. Now, due to various circumstances, you have “lost” the man in him and therefore your husband is looking for a feeling of need for these qualities on the side.

He believes that another woman understands, desires and appreciates him. Someone else, not you. And you can visit children on weekends. After all, half the country lives like this.

And that is why we will not return the father to the children, but the beloved man to you. First you are a wife, building a relationship with your husband, and only then you are a mother. As a result, you have a strong family, a loving husband and you are sure that he is happy with you!

Understanding the reasons is only half the battle; it is especially important for you not to succumb to attacks of emotions. Being alone with children is difficult from any side: moral, material - it’s just where you can find the strength and start acting. It is so?

On this page you see a video clip “How to get your husband back.” Listen to it!

I wrote down step-by-step instructions on what and how Withdo so that you can restore the relationship with my husband and returnfather to children.

This technique works!
Even if he already lives with someone else.
Even if you are already divorced from him.

I remind you once again - you are now returning your beloved man to your family. Let him feel it.

Now gather your attention and listen to this lesson!
With faith in you, Maria Kalinina.

Charming, with developed intelligence, excellent memory, able to listen and understand, witty, they magnetically attract and bewitch. One of the most incomprehensible, contradictory and unpredictable signs of the Zodiac is Gemini. Let's take a closer look at Gemini in marriage and life.

Even Geminis who have not received sufficient education surprise with their intelligence and resourcefulness. They always understand their benefits, achieve success, and know how to arrange their lives quite comfortably, although not immediately. A Gemini man will always charm the desired woman. But how sometimes she has to shed tears! As much as the Gemini mind is rational, their feelings are chaotic. They have a very sensitive nervous system, and even a woman's touch can arouse desire. Constant readiness for action and impatience pushes him to rash actions. After a surge of emotions, the mind enters the fight. And a woman who seemed attractive yesterday seems uninteresting tomorrow. The man is ashamed, and the woman is in pain. Gemini's mood changes from euphoria to negativism. Geminis are mobile, but their impulsive actions often cause surprise. There are many more bigamists among men of this sign than among all others combined. People of this sign have at least one divorce case behind them. They often feel remorseful and want to restrain themselves, but cannot pass up an opportunity to experience something new. Among the negative types we find: Satyr, fetishist, homosexual and pervert. Curiosity pushes Gemini guys to experiment in the field of sex: he will try any type of sexual intercourse, at least once: nothing will shock Gemini.

Gemini men in relationships

Here are examples from life. The girl asks: “We had such wonderful meetings, we understood each other so much, why did he disappear?” The woman is surprised: “We had such great sex, why doesn’t he try to repeat this unforgettable night?” Because there is a certain coolness in the nature of Gemini, a moment of mood is often mistaken for high feelings by both the Gemini themselves and their partners. Gemini is a cold-blooded sign. First, the desire to learn new things pushes them into a love adventure, and then their sophisticated intellect begins to analyze everything, compare all the pros and cons, analyze the thoughts, words and actions of their partner. If this is unprofitable for him, he is transferred to a new target. Therefore, in their youth they are fickle, and in adulthood they divorce. A Gemini wife in her late forties may ask: “My husband suddenly packed up his things and left for another woman. He will return?" Most likely, the triangle situation will drag on for a long time. When Gemini decides to leave the family, he does not have the patience to sort things out and wait for a divorce. He prefers to simply disappear, he may lie. So does this mean that men of the Gemini sign are completely unreliable and should not be in a relationship with them at all? Of course not! After all, they are not polygamous, do not strive for infidelity, and prefer one woman. You just need to know their main features and take them into account.

How to understand and conquer a Gemini?

If you like a man of this sign and he likes you, keep a longer distance from him, the best position is that of a touchy girl with a strict upbringing and good education, or a divorced woman who is careful. And you will have a chance not to be abandoned, but to win and hold Gemini. Remember: Gemini needs time to think to make a decision, and you shouldn’t rush it. Don't make plans after several meetings, you also need time to check his feelings and intentions. There is another very important feature. If you are dating a Gemini and cannot understand him, get to know his family and their traditions. Gemini is the sign that, like no other, gives importance to childhood impressions that influence his entire life. If his family or one of his parents has instilled in him the correct moral concepts, then he will adhere to these rules and transfer them to his family. But if in his youth or childhood there were no correct moral guidelines, then such a guy will rebel against conventions, break off relationships and family ties. The same will happen for Geminis in marriage.

How compatible are you with Gemini?

In youth, Gemini is best suited for Libra, Taurus, Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio. They stabilize Gemini's indecisiveness. By the age of thirty, Gemini becomes less restless and will appreciate the stability of Taurus, as well as the personality and passion of Aries. After 40 years, Gemini has already learned to control their restless mind and at this time can be compatible with Sagittarius and happy with Gemini in marriage. Gemini is incompatible with the signs: Pisces and Virgo.

I myself found out about this only 20 years later... An interesting story happened in my life. When I found out that it turned out that I had cheated on my husband, through his own fault, I didn’t know what to do.

Andrey and I got married when I was thirty and he was thirty-one. Andrey was already unsuccessfully married, but divorced a long time ago. He and his ex-wife had no children. I got married for the first time.

My husband had a twin brother, Igor. He was also divorced, but he had two children: a boy and a girl. I really wanted children, and I often told my husband about this. We didn't take any precautions, but pregnancy still didn't occur. I wasn’t very worried about this, because we were not eighteen years old, not all at once...

One day my husband called me from work and said that he would be late, asked me not to wait for him and go to bed. I did so. Andrei arrived long after midnight, undressed without dinner and went to bed.

He kissed me tenderly and said that he missed me. Naturally, I woke up, and what happened between us was what usually happens between spouses in bed.

Now that I already know about everything, I remember that that night everything was somehow different between us... Then I attributed this feeling to the fact that I was sleepy, but now I understand why.

In the morning, my husband left for work before I woke up. Then everything was as usual, only the delay made my heart beat faster. With trembling hands, I took a test and saw the coveted two stripes. Andrei, having learned that he would soon become a father, was very happy. He took great care of me while I was pregnant.

We had a son, Yaroslav. Andrei suggested that his brother Igor become our boy’s godfather. I had no reason to refuse, even though we didn’t communicate very closely.

Yaroslav grew up as a healthy and smart child. Since childhood, he was very similar to his father. My son studied well and entered college after school. In the fourth year, he introduced us to his fiancee and decided to get married.

We didn’t mind, we had just completed a new cooperative apartment and we were getting ready to move; the young people had a place to live.

While packing for the move, I decided to go through everything thoroughly and throw away absolutely everything unnecessary that I had accumulated over the years. While sorting through the papers, I found some old medical certificates from my husband.

To understand whether they were needed or not, I began to read their contents. These were some kind of medical examinations, and in the conclusion of each one there was a diagnosis of “infertility”...

I couldn’t understand why Andrei never told me about this and how I managed to give birth to an infertile man? I prepared information and questions for my husband’s arrival...

At first Andrei evaded answering, talked about some kind of “miracle”, and then, unable to withstand my pressure, confessed to what he had done.

Yes, he was completely sterile. His first wife left him for this very reason. And also because he suggested that she give birth to his twin brother. Well, what difference does it make, it’s just blood. The ex-wife was a decent woman and refused to sleep with her husband's brother.

Andrei really wanted to experience fatherly feelings, so by marrying me, he decided to correct all the mistakes he had made with his first wife. He didn’t tell me about his diagnosis, but secretly put his brother in my bed... Everything worked out. And I would never have suspected anything if I had not found these papers.

I needed to digest this information. I silently packed up and left. I wandered around the park and could not understand that, without knowing it, I had cheated on my own husband... I understood that Andrei had arranged all this for our common good, but I did not understand whether I could forgive him...

When I returned home, I told my husband that I forgive him and never want to talk about this topic again. Andrey thanked me for my understanding with almost tears in his eyes. Then our life went on as usual, we never thought about it again, but looking into Igor’s eyes now became a problem for me...

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