Hi all. I'm new here, so if I wrote something wrong, don't blame me. I will be extremely frank because I really need help.... So, I'll start... 6 years ago my husband and I met, from the first day we knew that we would be together. On the very first evening, he invited me to meet... We were deeply in love, I couldn’t look into his eyes enough, he looked into mine and we could sit opposite each other for hours... It seemed to us that we were so identical, that we we think and feel the same thing, we even had similar destinies... I loved him and he loved me... after 1.5 years, our relationship, like many others, reached a dead end, he earned little, I was constantly missing at work Moreover, it also brought in a little money, and he spent all his free time playing on the computer. And to all my attempts to talk to him and take him out somewhere to have fun, I heard refusals, I heard how tired he was, how sick, how he wanted to sleep, how he didn’t want to go anywhere and other needs... I despaired... It seemed to me that that he feels comfortable with me as a mother, I cook, clean, do laundry, bring breakfast to bed, and still have time to work and study, but he doesn’t want to do anything. Resentments were accumulating inside me, and I began to remain silent... One terrible time day I found an outburst of all my emotions, I had another... I was sure that I would part with my future husband without any regret, but when I started a conversation and he left, I realized that I didn’t want him to leave, I didn’t I don’t want anyone else, but at that time I had already been dating a new man for almost 3 months and the relationship was quite serious, with all that it entails. We had a relationship... It turns out that I cheated on him for 3 months and didn’t tell him, and when I tried, I chickened out and fell silent... We broke up with my lover the same evening when I started a conversation with my husband, but about my lover to my husband she never said anything... Half a year later we decided to get married, and so we did. A year later, a daughter was born, everything was great with us, we bought a big apartment, a good car, I got a new job, better paid, everything went like everyone else. In 2014, my little son was born, he is now 3 months old... But my secret would not let me go, I was ashamed that I had betrayed him before marriage. 4 years have passed since then... And 2 months ago I decided to repent to him, I told him everything... But this was not enough for him and he began to search and dig for all the details, and dug everything out, down to the slightest detail... Now he throws mud at me every day for 2 months, endlessly insults me (although in all 6 years he has not said a rude word), and wants to leave, he says that this is the only way out. He says that he doesn’t want to live with a woman who betrayed him and then built a family on this betrayal, he reproaches me for giving birth to his children, he said that everything I have, I don’t deserve it. And I literally beg him to stay, because I can’t see life without him. I never thought that I would have to beg a MAN to stay.... But this is not just a man, this is the father of my children, this is the person with whom I was truly happy. I cry all day long, I don’t see the colors of life anymore, I have 2 children, but I don’t have the strength to take care of them... I’m ashamed, annoyed, terrible at what I did, I torment myself so much about it, but I understand, that it was before marriage, that we had no children, no family. And now everything is collapsing, everything that I built and collected piece by piece. He says that if I cheated once, then I will definitely cheat in the future, but I was so tormented by remorse and I worried and thought about all this for so long that I am almost sure that I will try to do everything to ensure that this does not happen again.. . What should I do? let go and live with two children and, looking at them, feel remorse that I destroyed my family with my own hands, even when they were not even in the plans? Or try to stop your husband? But what words should I say to him if he doesn’t perceive anything?? I really repent and love my husband very much, this is bad, terribly bad, but nothing can be changed...