Men are not interested if a woman does not resist. Last Minute Resistance (LMR)

14.12.2006, 22:57

15.12.2006, 03:14

15.12.2006, 08:04

I don't think it's the resistance that is of interest. But the degree of “resistance” plays a big role in the development of relationships. But after the man became “interested.”

Without any psychological frills, I will note that the degree of joy is an order of magnitude higher when the soul is open to each other, and no one resists or suppresses resistance, even after the man has become interested. But - to each his own.


15.12.2006, 11:13

I have often heard that a woman can interest a man if he meets resistance from her. It would be interesting to develop this topic. After all, on the one hand, if a woman turns out to be too inaccessible, then the man quickly loses interest. So he needs her to be accessible, but at the same time resist? I don't understand men's logic. What do they really need?

You see, men are different too... If, as a result of a woman’s resistance, a man’s interest in her increases sharply, then most likely you are faced with a typical “athlete” who is not interested in a woman as a person (or at least as a sexual object). For him, the very fact of “victory” is important. A climber, after all, also storms a mountain, not because he needs this mountain, but because he needs to prove to himself and others - I can do it! Of course, the more difficult and inaccessible the next peak looks, the stronger the sports excitement will be. Having conquered this peak, he inevitably loses interest in it.
So choose for yourself. If you take on the role of an “unapproachable beauty” and begin to actively broadcast this role into the surrounding society, then you will inevitably attract the attention of “athletes”. Men of a different type, who, like Existo, strive primarily for spiritual intimacy and mutual understanding, will simply bypass you. And then you will firmly form the opinion that such men do not exist in nature at all...

15.12.2006, 12:23

Rather, if you get a girl without any tension, it’s easier to admit to yourself that you made a mistake and go look for another one. But if you spent a month trying to achieve it, it’s not so easy to just quit. I put in the effort but the return is minimal.

15.12.2006, 14:39

Perhaps this is the result of a conscious or unconscious game of “Closer - further”.

And it works both ways.

17.12.2006, 12:37

Those. in case of resistance, it is not the girl herself who is of value, but the efforts made. And in the case of openness, it is the girl as a person who is of interest. And if the guy stayed with her, it means that he is interested in her and not the costs of conquering her.

18.12.2006, 14:32

This is quite an interesting point of view. :))). Are there situations when interest does not begin to appear immediately, but only together with the fear of losing?
That is, do you think this is a false interest that will not last long? If fear appears when there is a chance of loss, then there are several options. One is about damaged pride. But the second one is about the fact that they valued it, but they didn’t express it very much, and the other half froze and decided to leave. In the first case, it’s boring to run away as quickly as possible, but in the second, you can try to do something further :)

21.01.2007, 19:42

Because most men have a very strong desire to “win.” Those. For most men, sex and relationships are not as valuable as the opportunity to feel like a cool winner, strong and highly valuable.

The fear of losing is the fear of feeling unvalued. Abandoned means not needed, not important, not valuable. They left, “frozen,” which means they appreciated it, but... That’s why men tolerate the second easier.

21.01.2007, 19:51

22.01.2007, 18:01

U_know, I think this is more due to my youth...
Sometimes such youth lasts until old age. :))

Actually, you're right. But the fact is that we will be talking about psychological youth, or more precisely, psychological immaturity. And in our age, infantilism is becoming the norm.

22.01.2007, 23:31

U_knowAnd in our age, infantilism is becoming the norm. Not really. This is rather a trend in big cities and boys in the second and subsequent generations of city dwellers.

25.01.2007, 00:51

Hiero, I won’t argue, because it’s not interesting. And the show-off, which has already been discussed;) is precisely a consequence of the desire to win.

25.01.2007, 02:38

You know, forum members, I agree that this is a matter of taste..., but... there is a certain type of men who really like this game. They are usually very amorous. If they achieve what they want quickly, they begin to look for another object.. I read somewhere, that in psychology there is the “effect of an uneaten dish”... At the party there was a luxurious table... But no matter how hard you tried, one of the dishes - very, very beautiful and appetizing - was stealthily taken away by an obnoxious waiter... Then you painfully remember this the dish - what it was and you swallow your drool...
A man remembers a charming woman, and not only visual stimuli act - he remembers the timbre of her voice, the topic of conversations, perfume, a twinkle in her eyes, long eyelashes, beautiful hands, long legs, her care, her attention, letters, etc.
I think so.:)

27.01.2007, 13:29

There is a certain type of man who really likes this game. They are usually very amorous.
Yes. Read, they easily become addicted. :yes:

27.01.2007, 14:03

I have often heard that a woman can interest a man if he meets resistance from her. It would be interesting to develop this topic. After all, on the one hand, if a woman turns out to be too inaccessible, then the man quickly loses interest. So he needs her to be accessible, but at the same time resist? I don't understand men's logic. What do they really need?

Do you mean sexual availability and corresponding resistance??
It seems to me that everything depends on what kind of interest the woman attracted.
And what are the man’s goals in relation to this woman.
And resistance and inaccessibility are a woman’s shields from casual partners.

To resist, at a minimum, someone needs to start a capture operation. Because when a man holds the door for you when you enter the office, and after that you start asking the price of wedding dresses, it’s funny.

Rather, if you get a girl without any tension, it’s easier to admit to yourself that you made a mistake and go look for another one. But if you spent a month trying to achieve it, it’s not so easy to just quit. I put in the effort but the return is minimal.
Mmm...) Yes, a whole month is, in any case, a valuable girl. Holy shit, what time is it)))

Are there situations when interest does not begin to appear immediately, but only together with the fear of losing?
So you think this is a false interest that won’t last long?

A good phrase is “false interest.” It seems to you that it’s interesting, but in reality it’s not?))))

I think a woman just has to be picky. Do not rush into the arms of a person you are not sure about.
Yes. Let him rage for at least a month. So that the naughty fellow knows where the crayfish spend the winter. :D

And, at the same time, not have complexes, i.e. It’s easy to develop a relationship if you are confident in its long, happy continuation...
It's "easy" anyway. Going for the development of relationships if you are sure of their long and happy continuation is just a ceiling of complexes)

So, Why do girls break? Many modern girls and women have certain attitudes and beliefs imposed on them by society and parental upbringing. These beliefs are sometimes called cognitive attitudes. The most common of them: “intimacy only after the wedding”, “... only for love”, “I’m not the type to give right away”, “I don’t know you well”, “I don’t do this until the eighth (and ad infinitum) date” .

We know for sure that the girl is ready to have sex with you, but the beliefs in her head interfere with her and fetter her desires. Unfortunately, we will not be able to change years of built-in attitudes in one evening, but we can successfully bypass them by giving signals and influencing a woman’s desires and communicating, so to speak, with the unconscious.

We must clearly understand that having sex should be a girl’s choice. In addition, we must exclude any social pressure on the girl. It doesn’t matter whether you are her first or her hundredth.

How is it possible overcome resistance? There are different models of behavior, let's look at the most popular ones

So, ways to seduce a girl:

#1 Give the girl a choice.(Note that here we are not talking about transferring responsibility for making decisions to the girl, because the options offered may all be beneficial for you) This is something in the style of “choice without choice.” If you really try to convince or force a girl to do something that she doesn’t want or that she doubts, then most likely she will feel uncomfortable and even better understand that she doesn’t need this, perhaps even out of principle. Instead, offer options. Always generate new ideas and alternative methods and after some time return to your original goals. If people feel that they choose their own destiny, they will be happier in making their choices.

#2 Don't continue if the girl clearly asks you to stop. If you see a red light, it is wiser to stop so as not to crash your car. If you're already kissing her breasts and she asks you to stop because she feels awkward, move temporarily to the early stages to relieve tension, or gradually stop all attempts. They say it’s better to wait half an hour than to persuade for two hours. A pause will help the girl understand what she may have missed, and there is a possibility that the girl will attack you herself.

#3 Tell her you're not into seduction. She may think that you behave this way often with girls, in addition, she will test you whether you are a seducer or not. No girl wants everyone to know that she was easily seduced and “taken advantage of”, so to speak, along with other similar girls. In reality, of course, many guys would like to sleep with every girl they like, but this cannot be the case. However, if a girl is already lying naked in your bed, then she always thinks and imagines you as the best seducer in the world! Help her overcome her fears by reassuring her that you wouldn't normally take home a girl you don't know well or are on your first date, but you found something in her... and she'll feel comfortable enough to allow it to continue.

#4 Talk through her fears. The trick is to put into words those fears that you think may be present. If you think she's worried about other people's gossip, say, “Don't worry, honey. I’m not the kind of guy who tells his friends who he’s sleeping with.” If you think that she is worried that you will stop respecting her and leave her if she sleeps with you so quickly, then say: “Do you think once will be enough for me?” (jokingly). Be sincere.

#5 Explain to her your desires and the reasons why you want her. You should not specifically give these words formality, significance and attention, but it is better to combine these words with actions: “I know that this is really fast, but with you I feel like I’m going crazy. You are beautiful. I want to spend a lot of time exploring your body and kissing you here, here and here...”

I hope I answered the question of why girls break and how to overcome resistance. By using these five tips, mixing and matching them, you'll always find ways to seduce a girl.

They say that women don't understand men... How many times have you and your friends tried to understand what is really going on in their heads when they see a girl for the first time? What grabs their attention? "Signorina" invites readers to look at the results of a survey of the Italian men's magazine "Adversus", revealing to us the truth about what motivates a young man to start a relationship and what exactly attracts men to women.

1. The desire to look him in the eyes without thinking. An open look into the eyes, symbolizing trust in a man and one’s own independence.

Men never cease to amaze... This survey item received the most votes. We never think that men are attracted not just by a certain set of physical qualities, but, above all, by our attitude towards them.

2. Long hair. An eternal symbol of true femininity, which triumphantly returns after the predominance of “minimalist” trends. Most men like long hair and undoubtedly impress the stronger sex. This is what a man will first notice when he sees a woman for the first time.

3. A pair of endless legs. Nothing can be done about this... Stunning long legs can completely drive the stronger sex crazy. A miniskirt combined with beautiful legs is your winning weapon.

4. Sexy shoes. Men like girls who are not afraid to wear high heels. The graceful thin heel evokes admiration and excites the instincts. Not all women can afford it, but the excuse that shoes are uncomfortable in everyday life is not a sufficient excuse.

5. Absencebra. Of course, not everyone can afford this, since gravity has its own laws, but the knowledge that a girl does not wear underwear can take a flight of fancy into unknown wilds, and the expectation of intimacy is too strong a test for the male psyche.

6. Foreign accent. Mysterious foreigner... what could be more attractive to men? Her hair carries the scent of a distant foreign country, and her voice with a slight accent seems incredibly sexy and attractive.

7. Speed ​​and fast cars. The men of the Italian publication claim that a girl who loves speed and owns a sports car has absolute power over them! Few of them are able to cope with such temptation.

8. Stockings. Young people are unable to resist if a girl wears stockings and does not advertise it. Men have an instinct for such things... Awareness of this can cause real hormonal storms in the body of the stronger sex.

9. Talking about sex. Some may be intimidated because men like to think that only they can talk about certain things, while women never do. However, the fact that a girl is not afraid to communicate on certain topics is irresistibly attractive to most.

10. Piercing or small tattoo which not everyone can see. Hidden from prying eyes, according to the survey, has an alluring effect on some men. For example, a belly button piercing.

Due to some differences in thinking, sometimes it is difficult for a woman to understand what is wanted from her man. So, what men expect from a woman depends on their character, mood, sexual and social needs.

Despite their physical superiority, men are often more vulnerable and less confident than women. They constantly need persuasion, praise, support and comfort. Yes, there are men who are completely independent and can live their entire lives with one woman, or without a woman at all, but such men are extremely rare. Most men need the support and love of a woman. It is quite obvious that man gets attached to you because you calling in him sexual desire.

What do you like men in women?

First of all, they look at the face. Almost every man creates a certain type in his imagination, from which he then builds off.

Regarding the figure: there are few men who pay attention to plump women and do not like or, on the contrary, prefer plump women. American psychologists have found that most often men react to the proportions of their figure. Moreover, for 50 percent of men, a woman’s weight does not matter at all.

Also men receive sexy impressions of you from your hair, skin, chest or gait. It makes sense to try to find out if there is something in your appearance that your partner does not like. Because sexual attractiveness is made up of little things and accidents. For example, he hates long nails painted with bright varnish. It's a small thing, but it could ruin everything.

How openly can you show your sexy behavior? This largely depends on the age and personality of your lover. Many men are very embarrassed when they are kissed and caressed in public, while others are delighted by it. In general, be careful. The main thing is to let everyone know that you like him.

How sexy does he think you should dress? This also largely depends on his age and character. There was an opinion that the less clothes a woman wears, the sexier she looks. But that's not true. Studies have shown that men consider a regular tight-fitting blouse, a long skirt with a slit and heels to be the sexiest women's outfit.

Your lover wants you to be good in bed and able to return his love, and will always appreciate your attempt to bring more imagination and creativity into your intimate life.

You need to differentiate when man wants you, and when he wants to express negative emotions through sex. With women it's just the opposite If they are depressed about something - it is difficult for them to tune in to a sexual mood. Create an atmosphere in the conversation so that he can relieve emotional tension.

Never completely reject sexy your partner's proposal. Men are very vulnerable in this matter. If the answer is no, let him know that he means a lot to you and you love him very much.

Sometimes a man just needs sex, not love. You can even say this: men prefer sex, and women prefer love.

Most women like it when their partner whispers something pleasant in her ear. But men rarely do this. Not because they don’t want to, it’s just difficult for them to say and do something at the same time. Sometimes we women feel like man looks withdrawn and detached after sex. Therefore, we must know that a sense of self-control is important for men. And after making love, they just need time to pull themselves together and cool down their emotions after orgasm.

Besides sex, what else does he expect from you? Listen carefully when he talks about his official affairs, because this is his daily life, which he may have no one else to tell about except you. A word of caution - love a man as he is now, otherwise you will be disappointed.

In some cases, your lover may want to see you as a mother. There are moments in life when even the strongest and most powerful men feel helpless and look for help, consolation and advice from a woman.

You yourself must decide how widely your maternal feelings can extend to him. But beware of a man who constantly needs to express them. His love is immature, and when the moment comes to lean on him, you
may be disappointed. Besides, If you treat a man like a little boy, and he will behave accordingly. Treating the man you love like a mother means killing the passion in your relationship.

Few men are so independent as to work and fight only for themselves all their lives. You can help him enjoy the fruits of his labors by showing him your respect and celebrating his achievements with him. What's the point in doing some big commercial project or writing a bestseller? If There is no woman nearby who could appreciate it. Praise your man (along with constructive criticism). It is impossible to overestimate the importance of praise and recognition for men. They need it much more than you can imagine.

What can you expect from a loving man?

Some women are ready to do anything to keep the man they want. They forgave him, although they knew perfectly well that he did not deserve it. They endured indifference, irritability and lack of respect. If Since your relationship is important to both of you, you should not hide your dissatisfaction with your partner. Because unspoken words still remain, and sometimes they weigh heavily on the heart. You can't fundamentally change his character, but some men need a sharp tug from time to time to keep their nose from turning up.

If he wants you to be near him, then he himself must take care of how to make your life joyful and enjoyable. There's no point in continuing the relationship If you are unhappy. You shouldn't sacrifice yourself. This will not earn you love. The more you sacrifice, the less of your personality remains with you. Under no circumstances should you lose self-respect, but rather, increase your self-esteem.

Men love perfection in a woman. Therefore, do not hide your merits and achievements, because otherwise you will not deserve respect for your professionalism from a man.

Most men don't like it when women are nervous or upset. They feel responsible for your pain or guilty for not being able to relieve you of it.

Women love to talk about love, about relationships. At first glance, men are less interested in this. And the whole point is that it is simply more difficult for them to switch from thoughts to feelings than for women. Men assert themselves primarily through career achievements, and women through relationships. In order to talk with your partner about love, try to make him relax and forget about his work, writes

An ideal girl can only be ideal if If she has man, with which all her talents can be revealed. Whatever he wants from you, you have the right to expect love from him in the full sense of the word.

LMR or Last Minute Resistance is a feature built into all girls, it’s natural and it’s an emotional defense mechanism that appeared 40,000 years ago, from a male tumbleweed, because... if she gets pregnant and the man is not around, then the child and she will die!!! :))))

The emotional state of the girl can be imagined using the following example. LMR is when you have 10 thousand bucks, you play roulette, put everything on red and you have a 50/50 chance that you will win. That's what LMR means to a girl.

There are only 5 ways to overcome LMR, but the main principle is not to overcome it with persistence... but the principle is to help her cope with this feeling so that she does not feel it in the first place. It is impossible for a girl to feel used, coerced and raped.

Here are 5 methods:

  1. 7 o'clock. You need to spend 7 hours on her before you start harassing her, this will reduce the LMR by a lot.
  2. Convince her that you are connected, two halves... And you will not leave simply by seducing her. After 10 minutes of communication with the girl, working in the style:

    Quote "Do you want to hear the strangest thing? I... I really feel some kind of special connection with you. It's so strange." Say that when she left, you really missed her.

  3. Cooling. This is a classic method. If a girl stops you and a simple “2 steps back, one step forward” doesn’t work, you STOP! At all. Stop. Say, “I understand.” And go do something else. It is IMPORTANT not to be offended and not to pout. It’s better to just keep communicating, “if you don’t want to do this, it’s okay.” But in fact, this is a punishment for her, because you excited her before. So you're saying, you won't get the reward of "me turning you on" until you take it all off... Anyway, stop doing something else, then come back, maybe touch her leg, and it'll all start again. And tell her to do what she didn’t let you do before...
  4. “You're right, we have to stop.” This is in the case of “apparent resistance”, when a girl gives you a bunch of stupid reasons like “we don’t have to do this / I can’t, it’s wrong.” In such cases, simply say, “You're right, we should stop,” and move on.
  5. Look, I have three rules for life. First, I always wear a condom. Especially if I’m meeting a girl for the first time. Second, I want it to be pleasant for both of us. I want everyone to win. I want you and I to like it. Third, when you remember this day tomorrow, I want us to enjoy remembering that we did it. If this is what happened, I want it to happen again. If we don't really feel it, then we shouldn't do it.
Here’s another very powerful thing from me that works great!
Quote When there is only a little left, she is almost completely undressed and excited - take out your penis and give it to her!!! I've done this many times, it works. And don’t forget that you can get your finger into it even when she’s still wearing jeans. If you excite well, there will be much less problems.

translation: ifslayer

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