Up for auction for parts wowhead. Garrison: guide to the Trading Post. Addons for auction

Answer: Dear Sellers, before listing the goods, be sure to read the Rules for bidding on TP Soberu.ru

1. First you need to click on the “Sell product” icon

or go to the section “Personal Account” - “My Sales” - “Add Lot”

2.Enter the name of the lot you are exhibiting. When writing the name of the lot, use words that will make it easier for the buyer to find your product during the “Search”.

3. Next you need to select a category. You can select a category either from the list, or you can independently start entering the first letters of the category you need and the system will automatically display a list of categories from which you need to choose the most suitable one for your lot. The closer in meaning the category is to your lot, the greater the likelihood that your product will be sold more successfully and faster.

4. After selecting a category, you will need to fill out the “Condition” column, recording what condition your lot is in (for example: brand new, used, UNC, good condition, condition in the photo, etc.)

5. Next, you need to select the form of sale, select “Auction”.

6. Also in this line you must indicate the bet step. When placing a lot, assign an adequate start and step; lots issued with a disproportionate starting price and/or a deliberately inflated increment will be closed by the Administration (clause 2.1.3. Bidding Rules)

7. A new window appears: “Starting price”, set the price at which your lot will start.

8. In the “Buyout price” field, you can indicate the price at which you can buy your lot without participating in the auction, or do not fill out this field at all.

9. Specify the validity period of the lot. To do this, you need to indicate how long the auction will last (for example: 5 days, 2 weeks, and possibly 1 month)

11. In the next step you need to add a photo. In order to add it, you need to click on the “Browse” function and select a photo from your computer, this photo will be the main one, if you have several photos, add them to “Additional”

12. Next, add a description. In this section, describe your product in more detail, or the information that you consider necessary.

13. Then fill out the delivery information. You can also create a delivery template so that when placing a large number of lots you do not have to constantly fill out delivery information.

14. Below, check the box “I confirm the authenticity and authenticity of the product” and click the “Save changes” button. If your product is a copy/replica/, place the lot in the appropriate section - Copies, replicas.

15. After you have saved everything, a system message will appear stating that the lot was added successfully.

16. After this, you will have the opportunity to check the accuracy of the created lot and make adjustments. If necessary, then click “Edit”

17. If everything written is correct, and you are ready to add the item to the auction, click “Confirm”

18. After confirmation, the system message “Lot successfully placed” will appear.

You can check your lot by going to your Personal Account - My Sales - Products - Auctions.

Now wait for the bets!!! Happy bidding!!!

can be fun because the scope of the auction is very wide. You can find a variety of products on them, ranging from regular fabric to purple equipment. So how do you know what is most relevant to sell at auction? In this article I will try to reveal this.

Some things are constantly needed and are very easy to sell, for example any type of fabric. The fabric is needed for tailoring and first aid. It just flies away from the auction. The same thing happens with herbs, ore, hides and other things. In principle, everything that can be collected will be in good demand, but this “everything” must be useful and necessary. Everyone wants to purchase especially those things that will be in demand among several classes, for example, precious stones.

Also, a very important factor in any auction is the popularity of the server. The more people there are, the greater the demand for consumables and the greater the chances of getting more gold into your pockets. Just remember the main thing - fabric will always be in much greater demand than two-handed swords for dexterity, etc.

How to find out what is in demand now?

There is always someone in need of something, but that “something” may not be what you think. Green items are not needed at all at the auction, because they can be easily knocked out from any mob. has its own nuances, and if earlier there was a good demand for greens, because it was almost impossible to knock an item out of a mob and everything was collected strictly for quests, now there are vendors who sell good sets of things for leveling. It's the same with blue things.

Some people believe that the higher the level of a created item, the more people will look for it, but this is not true. You need to take into account the complexity of creation, and if a thing is really difficult to create, then you can find people who will help you with materials, and at the same time enrich both you and themselves. So what do players need besides things? Of course, symbols, gems and enchantments. You can make them yourself, or buy them at a low price from other players, and then resell them for several times more at an auction.

Symbols, gems (aka sockets) and cups:

1) You need certain knowledge. For example, there are types of ingots that fit a huge number of recipes. The best option would be to climb onto wowhead and from there look for what this or that ore is needed for. Take the same Titan Bar, which is almost not needed, but it is required to create the Bronze Bar.

2) Selling low and mid-level items. While increasing the level of your profession, keep an eye on the auction, laying out the created materials little by little and see whether your item is in demand or whether it is simply of no use. Record successful transactions in a table, it will be most convenient. When you reach the maximum level of the profession, you will definitely have a huge amount of unnecessary junk in your bags, which, instead of throwing away, you can sell.

3) Try to use auction addons. This will greatly help make your life easier. You can download the addon from this site by going to the appropriate addons section. Addons will help you create purchase and sales lists; the addon itself will see what is in demand and what will have to be abandoned.

4) Those items that are needed to create some objects are in much greater demand, and not ready-made things. Collect any recipes, especially culinary ones. For cooking you can create a lot of useful food that gives various useful buffs.

5) Any crafting profession requires an endless supply of materials both to improve craftsmanship and to create things. This means thousands and thousands of items will be added to your list.

What else might be in demand?

1) Reputation items were very popular before Pandaria, but now few people buy them.

2) Items for transmog have always been and will be needed. In turn, you can sell such things for a very nice price.

3) A new addition to Pandaria are pets, which are now in great demand. Rare pets can be sold at a good price. If you play on a popular server, then you can make good money on pets. Take a little look at the auction prices and go ahead!

Good luck in making money and I hope that this will not be the last article on making money in WoW.

Greetings to all mmoboom readers! And without long introductions, I’ll get straight to the point.
Today I will try to tell you about one way to earn gold in World of Warcraft. I'll tell you about the basics of playing at the Auction.
A little warning

A little warning

Why the Auction?
- Much more effective than simple farming
— Allows you to quickly earn gold to buy mounts and other stuff
- And besides everything, it’s fun!

Well, in the meantime I will continue. Now we have saved enough money and are now moving on to another activity, namely market research.

1. Auctioneer

To get started, download this addon.
In short, this addon is a very powerful tool that records and stores the history of price data for all auction lots. It comes with a complete set of all modules needed for future work. Even for a casual player, this addon can be a good help in making money. If you find it difficult to understand this addon right away, then try disabling and trying the modules one by one to feel more comfortable in the future.

One of the first things you will need is data collection. Spend at least a week on this, or better yet two, before you can safely trust what the addon tells you (at this time you can safely farm gold). Some players will drive down the price (by accident or not) by offering items at completely absurd prices. That is why it is very important to create a stable base for further work.

Tip: if the price for some item has been reduced, you can reset the price for it using the /auc clear command

The addon can collect data using "Scan" or through Getall. Function "Scan" they check each page one by one, which can take a very long time (to be honest, I don't remember the last time I used it). I recommend the feature Getall: It allows you to load all auction pages at once. To do this, simply enter /auc getall or bind this function. This process will take 2-3 minutes on weak machines and about 30 seconds on more powerful ones. You can trigger this function every 15 minutes or when you log in or out of the game.

Running 2-3 processes a day for ~10 days will help you create a database for most lots. Well, another step on the path to wealth has been completed and we are now ready for the “flip”.

    The addon offers several search modules:
  • Arbitrage
  • Converter
  • Disenchant
  • EnchantMats
  • General
  • Milling
  • Prospect
  • Resale
  • Snatch
  • Vendor

I'll tell you about the search methods in bold. In my opinion they are the most profitable. Let's start with " Resale".

2.1. Resale module

This is the simplest type of search. The module compares current prices with recorded ones. If configured incorrectly, it can output thousands of lots. Our goal is for the addon to display those items that have high resale value, high profitability and low purchase price.

To access this module, go to the search tab, expand "Searchers" and select the required module. There are several configurations available:

  • Minimum Profit: Minimum earnings. A larger number will display fewer elements, while a smaller number (20-30g) can display more than a hundred items.
  • Minimum Discount: Minimum discount from the original price. I set myself 65%. For example, if you want 9 kg, but resell 10 kg, then put 90%.
  • Check Seen Count: Ignores all elements that you have already seen n times. I'm worth 3, but I also know most of the items used in the game well. This option can help avoid the price gouging I mentioned earlier.
  • Enable Individual Maximum Price: Sets the maximum amount you are willing to pay for an item.
  • Price Valuation: How the addon evaluates initial items. The market price is perfect for this value.
  • Allow Buyout, Allow Bid, Fees Adjustment: everything is clear here.
Run a search and the addon will display all lots that match your criteria. You can also sort lots here (I recommend sorting by profit):

In this trial run, the addon showed you all the lots for which you can make a profit. All four items next to "1" can be resold and will make you a profit. Point “2” is shown as very profitable, but this is only the result of price reductions. Instead of resetting the data for this item, just click "ignore" and the addon will no longer show this element. Item "3" may not be that expensive, but this recipe was removed from Cataclysm and therefore can be sold for a lot of money. The last mark "4" tells us that we can take part in the auction. This isn't particularly helpful, especially on a Tuesday night. You can select these lots only if they are displayed for a period of no more than 12 hours. This way you can make a couple of good trades while the servers are being updated.

Remember: there are several ways to avoid price gouging. The first one is a button "Ignore Price", as shown in the picture above. Or you can completely ignore all such items by clicking "Ignore". Sometimes you may feel that the prices of a certain item do not tend to go up. This happens when multiple players try to control the market. If you started playing at the auction at the wrong time, then sometimes it makes sense to reset the price again using /auc clear .

Again, I cannot overemphasize the importance of knowing what you are buying before you invest. If you don't recognize an item, then Wowhead can help you.

Resale Search has one drawback. He will not find extremely rare items that can simply be sold for astronomical sums. Solution? Snatch Search!

2.2. Snatch module

This module searches for lots within certain price ranges that you set. Let's say you ask him to find a certain item (let's say, for 3500g or less) and if it is on the auction, the module will immediately recommend you buy it. Looks like a shopping list frequently checked for availability at an auction.

Setting up this module is quite simple. Click "Snatch" on the search tab and place the item in the empty field that appears in the addon interface. Enter the price and click "add item". Creating a comprehensive list in this module is an integral part of successful entrepreneurship. Most players don't even know what to look for. It's also worth checking out this list.

Tip: To add items to the list that you don't have in your bag or in the auction, then find it on Wowhead and click on the red "Link" button that is located on the panel towards the right side. A window will pop up with approximate content:


/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("\124cffa335ee\124Hitem:67151:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h[Reins of Poseidus]\124h\124r");

Copy this and paste it into WoW chat. You will now be able to place this item on your list.

Some players put literally everything on this list, but I prefer to use this module only for rare items, epics or crafting materials. You can also create separate lists, for example one for rare stones, and another for different fabrics, and so on.

This module is quite simple and if you have understood the previous module, then there should be no problems here.

2.3. Arbitrage module

Cross-faction trading involves purchasing goods from one faction, smuggling them through a neutral auction, and reselling them to another party. This method is one of the most profitable and effective ways to earn gold. Of course, there are several disadvantages to this method, but it has still become very popular over the past 3 years.

The configuration is very similar to the module setup "Resale", but with some additional settings:

Pay attention to the highlighted element. This item is not available to Horde players, which explains the profitability of this resale. Interested in more items like this? That way.

2.4. Disenchant module

This module will be very useful for Inchanters. Essentially, the addon determines the value of the result of disenchanting items and their price at the auction. So he finds items that are profitable to buy, and then resells the resulting substances or dust.

Again, I note that it is very important to have a stable price base for performing searches. If an addon has inflated prices for, say, Absolute Dust, then it may incorrectly mark it as profitable.

    The setup is very simple:
  • Minimum profit: Minimum profit from atomized item. Set it to 5-10g to make it worth your time.
  • Minimum discount: Minimum discount acceptable for purchases. Set it to 30% or so that you had some margin of freedom.
  • Maximum price for disenchant: The maximum amount you are willing to pay. Set it to 1000g so that you are no longer bothered by this element.
  • Price valuation method: There are many options here, but the market value and the addon itself will tell you the best choice.

That's all! Choose, buy, spray. Combine this with enchanting scrolls for an easy profit. You'll be swimming in gold before you know it.

2.5. Real time search

The big problem with these modules is that they use slightly "stale" data. Real auction deals happen a couple of seconds before they can be taken off! And again, the addon offers us a solution. Realtime Search. It's actually very simple. It updates the last pages of the auction and also compares them with already known data. When an item is found, the addon will notify you about it and you just need to click "Ransom". It uses the same criteria that you have set in other modules. Using this function you can win several lots in a few seconds. You may be accused of "botting" if you are very fast.

It's my favorite. Have you configured all modules? Now you can use them all at once, just tell the addon about it.

Note: this module is very suitable for neutral auctions. For a complete guide to trading in cross-faction auctions

Again, this module uses the criteria for previously installed search engines. I only recommend using Resale, Snatch and Arbitrage.

  • Search while browsing: Whether to notify about items while you are viewing auction items.
  • Enable automatic last page refreshing: Allows the addon to update the last page.
  • Reload interval: The time interval after which the last page will be updated. It was most convenient for me to set it to 6 seconds, there is a greater chance of earning money.
  • Pause after manual search: If you search manually, the addon will wait before refreshing the last page.
  • Alert settings: How you want the addon to notify you about transactions.
  • Show alert in chat window: Allows the addon to display a message in the chat window. Not necessary.
  • Show searchUI window: Not entirely sure what this function does. Be sure to check it out and select the sound to play when a good deal is found.
  • Power user setting – one click buyout: Check if you want to buy lots with one click.
  • Searchers to use: Select the modules you want to use (I talked about this above).
Once everything is set up, click on the small magnifying glass. The addon will start searching for all the lots that suit you and notify you if it finds something.

I'm sure you have more important things to do than stare at the addon interface window all day. The good news is that you can minimize WoW to tray and the addon will continue to work. I advise you to install the game in windowed mode. And you also need to leave background sounds turned on so that the addon can notify you when it finds a good deal.

You can leave the addon running while you go watch a movie, clean your room, or cook dinner. Even while you finish reading this article. Sometimes, I leave the addon to work overnight, setting very high prices for lots, because it wouldn’t hurt at all if the sound of pure gold woke you up!

Note: Reduce real-time Search updates to 1-2 seconds.


By default, real-time updates have a minimum of 6 seconds. But you can change up to 1-2 seconds if you really want to. Interface > Addons > Auc-Advanced > Modules > Auc-Util-SearchUI > Open SearchRealTime.lua using Notepad.

Find: "realtime.reload.interval", 6, 60, 1, "Reload interval: %s seconds"
Change to: "realtime.reload.interval", 1, 60, 1, "Reload interval: %s seconds"

Save the changes, restart WoW and now in the settings you can lower the slider to 1-2 seconds.

3. Undermine Journal

The sad truth is that you can't play WoW 24/7 (at least most of us). For us, as entrepreneurs, this means that we are simply missing out on tons of deals. I rate this a 10/10 on the disaster scale, along with famine and nuclear explosion.

But it would be great if we could always scan an auction, wouldn't it?

TUJ scans auction data 24/7. It uses crawler accounts to achieve its goal and stores all data in a single database. All this information can then be made available to the user via a web interface on the Internet. TUJ is a very powerful tool and at the same time absolutely free, without advertising or anything like that, and it is developed through donations.

3.1. Notification Market

The most interesting feature of TUJ is the notification market. Very similar to the real-time search function of the addon that I wrote about above, that is, it searches and notifies you of all items found based on specified criteria. The plus is that it works 24/7.

The notification market operates using email notifications. If you have access to WoW at work, then you can set up notifications to be sent to your mailbox and select prices for lots right away at work. Most of us can't access WoW at work, so you can use other methods to manage your auction remotely ($3/month).

So I add the dragon to my list, buying each one for 2500g and below (arbitrary amount). Setting up notifications takes four simple steps:

  • Register with TUJ
  • Set up your account
  • Find the item you want to receive notifications for
  • Fill out the notification field
  • Ready!
Adding all the elements can be a lot of work. But you can use . Just use "import" and copy-paste from this thread. Voila, you are one step closer to becoming a tycoon! I'm sure you already feel like a tycoon.

In my case, WoW and remote auction management are not available at work, so a different plan of attack is required. To do this you will need:

  • Authenticator
  • Subscription to remote auction management
  • iPhone or Android smartphone
  • Internet access
First, attach an authenticator to your WoW account and download the corresponding smartphone app. And then install the application to manage the auction. The idea is to receive notifications on your smartphone and make purchases from it.

You can use this system literally anywhere and anytime as long as you have access to the Internet!

The only downside to this method is that notifications are not instantaneous. An item may hang for 45-60 minutes before you receive a notification about it.

3.2. Market of profitable professions

TUJ has a huge number of useful features - I'm only scratching the surface. But let's look a little deeper, I think this is appropriate here.

In chapter "Enhancement" you will find links to some professions. Let's check out Blacksmithing:

Yes, you guessed it! TUJ collects information about every profession so you can find the most profitable deals. What to do is quite obvious...

4. Automation

Note: This is a very brief overview of what TSM can do. you will be able to find a complete guide.

Putting all the items up for auction manually can be a very tedious task. Fortunately, some addons can automate this process, such as TSM (after some configuration, of course). Such additions are required if you want to completely control the market. Let's take a quick look at this topic.

Note: Keep an eye on the development of this addon. It's quickly gaining a reputation as a way to earn gold in WoW. Honestly, soon it will do everything that the addon does, which I wrote about at the very beginning.

The concept of TSM is extremely simple. You set up "groups" for the auction. You move items into these groups, and TSM places them in the auction according to the rules set for each group. To start click "Create Category/Group".

Here I can see the category that I named "gouge", and it in turn consists of groups of essences, dust and fragments (1). I am offering them at a completely absurd price, while there are no other materials. You can click "add>>" to add more items to groups. The list on the right side shows which items are in this group (2). Pressing "Group Overrides", you will be taken to the settings of this group.

TSM offers a huge number of settings that you can change as you please. I won't rehash what the full guide covers, so let's just cover the basics:

  • Post time: Time for which lots are placed. I set 12 hours for symbols and 48 for everything else.
  • Post cap: The total number of lots that will be offered.
  • Price threshold: The minimum price you are willing to sell for. At this point I prefer to use a fixed cost, although you have several options here that you can play with to create interesting configurations.
  • Fallback price: the addon will post at this price if there are no similar lots.

After setting up TSM, open the auction interface and click on the small TSM button. Then click "Post auctions" and the addon will post the lots accordingly. Bam! and 2 hours of work done in 1 minute!

Thanks to everyone who made it through this article to the end! If you have any suggestions, notice any mistakes, etc., please write in a personal message, not in a comment! I will be glad to any criticism. The article is a free translation and adaptation of this guide



I also advise all future entrepreneurs to read this article from the well-known gaming magazine.

Afterword No. 2
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