How firmly the layers of plastic stick together or while the wife is not at home. The strongest metal in the world

It was presented at the MWC 2017 exhibition, along with the . Both smartphones are dressed in an aluminum case, have a similar appearance, are equipped with a Full HD screen and, corresponding to the budget level, a set of technical characteristics.

Moto G5 endurance test

Known for their ruthless experimentation, JerryRigEverything has already done a series of experiments with the Moto G5. Traditionally, attention has been paid to the reliability of the device, its resistance to scratches, fire and bending under mechanical stress. The apparatus went through the first two experiments without any special consequences, and as a result of bending, some problems arose. As a result of tests, the author determined that the inserts on the rear panel are made of plastic. The lock and volume control buttons are also made of plastic, which, however, corresponds to the status of a democratic device.

As a bonus, let's take a look at the practical Moto G4

In addition, the specialist shot a video with disassembly and assembly of last year's smartphone. The author demonstrates the ease of maintenance of the device. It turned out that the details of this rather simple design are fixed with 19 screws, after removing which it is quite easy to remove the display if it is replaced. After assembly, the device continued to work fully.

Most likely, most people know that the strength of printed products is not the same in all planes. So I decided to find out how well the layers of plastic stick together and which plastic (from what I have) is better to use for durable products.

For testing, I drew models of the holder where the test sample was inserted, and the test bar itself.
The following was assumed:

  • the device is attached to the edge of the table;
  • the test bar is inserted;
  • hanging an empty bottle;
  • pour water slowly
  • when the bar breaks, we weigh the water bottle.

For the purity of the g-code experiment, I used one for printing ABS and Nylon, the second g-code for PLA and Filamentarno, changing only the temperature of the extruder. Printing was carried out in two perimeters and 12.5 percent infill. Among other things, I intentionally printed with an overestimated temperature.
The following plastics took part in the tests:

ABS FDplast
PLA FDplast
ABS Classic Printproduct
Nylon M2 Printproduct
Nylon COSMIC Printproduct

Printed two copies at once

The cross section of the fracture point is 10 by 8 mm.

And so, I got the following results:

PLA plastic turned out to be the most durable (which was to be expected). But nylon, most likely, does not tolerate overheating well.

And now why you should not do this when the wife is at home:

Initially, I thought that a one and a half liter bottle would be enough, but ... the weight was not enough, I had to use five liter bottles. When falling, the water often splashed out and part of the room became wet.

When it comes to hard and durable metal, then in his imagination a person immediately draws a warrior with a sword and in armor. Well, or with a saber, and always from Damascus steel. But steel, although strong, is not a pure metal; it is obtained by alloying iron with carbon and some other metal additives. And if necessary, the steel is subjected to processing to change its properties.

Lightweight, durable silver-white metal

Each of the additives, be it chromium, nickel or vanadium, is responsible for a certain quality. But titanium is added for strength - the hardest alloys are obtained.

According to one version, the metal got its name from the Titans, powerful and fearless children of the Earth goddess Gaia. But according to another version, the silvery substance is named after the fairy queen Titania.

Titanium was discovered by German and English chemists Gregor and Klaproth independently of each other with a difference of six years. It happened at the end of the 18th century. The substance immediately took its place in Mendeleev's periodic system. Three decades later, the first sample of metallic titanium was obtained. And for a long time, the metal was not used because of its fragility. Exactly before 1925 - it was then, after a series of experiments, pure titanium was obtained by the iodide method. The discovery was a real breakthrough. Titanium turned out to be technologically advanced, designers and engineers immediately drew attention to it. And now metal is obtained from ore, mainly by the magnesium-thermal method, which was proposed in 1940.

If we touch upon the physical properties of titanium, then we can note its high specific strength, strength at high temperatures, low density and corrosion resistance. The mechanical strength of titanium is twice that of iron and six times that of aluminum. At high temperatures, where light alloys no longer work (based on magnesium and aluminum), titanium alloys come to the rescue. For example, an airplane at an altitude of 20 kilometers develops a speed three times higher than the speed of sound. And the temperature of its case is about 300 degrees Celsius. Only titanium alloy can withstand such loads.

In terms of prevalence in nature, the metal ranks tenth. Titanium is mined in South Africa, Russia, China, Ukraine, Japan and India. And this is not a complete list of countries.

Titanium is the strongest and lightest metal in the world

The list of possibilities for the use of metal is respectable. These are the military industry, osteoprostheses in medicine, jewelry and sports products, mobile phone circuit boards and much more. Designers of rocket, aircraft, and shipbuilding are constantly elevating titanium. Even the chemical industry did not leave metal unattended. Titanium is excellent for casting, because the contours during casting are accurate and have a smooth surface. The arrangement of atoms in titanium is amorphous. And it guarantees high tensile strength, toughness, excellent magnetic properties.

Hardest metals with the highest density

Osmium and iridium are also among the hardest metals. These are substances from the platinum group, they have the highest, almost identical, density.

Iridium was discovered in 1803. The metal was discovered by a chemist from England, Smithson Tennat, during the study of natural platinum from South America. By the way, from the ancient Greek "iridium" is translated as "rainbow".

The hardest metal is quite difficult to obtain, since it is almost non-existent in nature. And often the metal is found in meteorites that have fallen to the ground. According to scientists, the content of iridium on our planet should be much higher. But due to the properties of the metal - siderophilicity - it is located at the very depths of the earth's interior.

Iridium is quite difficult to process both thermally and chemically. The metal does not react with acids, even combinations of acids at temperatures below 100 degrees. At the same time, the substance is subject to oxidation processes in aqua regia (this is a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids).

Interest, as a source of electrical energy, is the isotope of iridium 193 m 2. Since the half-life of the metal is 241 years. Iridium has found wide application in paleontology and industry. It is used in the manufacture of nibs for pens and the determination of the age of different layers of the earth.

But osmium was discovered a year later than iridium. This hard metal was found in the chemical composition of the precipitate of platinum, which was dissolved in aqua regia. And the name "osmium" came from the ancient Greek word for "smell". The metal is not subject to mechanical stress. At the same time, one liter of osmium is several times heavier than ten liters of water. However, this property is still unused.

Osmium is mined in American and Russian mines. Its deposit is also rich in South Africa. Quite often, the metal is found in iron meteorites. For specialists, osmium-187 is of interest, which is exported only from Kazakhstan. It is used to determine the age of meteorites. It is worth noting that just one gram of the isotope costs 10 thousand dollars.

Well, they use osmium in industry. And not in its pure form, but in the form of a hard alloy with tungsten. Produced from the substance of incandescent lamps. Osmium is a catalyst in the manufacture of ammonia. Rarely, cutting parts are made of metal for the needs of surgery.

The hardest pure metal

The hardest of the purest metals on the planet is chromium. It is highly machinable. The bluish-white metal was discovered in 1766 in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg. The mineral then received the name "Siberian red lead". Its modern name is crocoite. A few years after the discovery, namely, in 1797, the French chemist Vauquelin isolated a new metal from the metal, already refractory. Experts today believe that the resulting substance is chromium carbide.

The name of this element is derived from the Greek "color", because the metal itself is famous for the variety of colors of its compounds. Chromium is quite easy to find in nature, it is common. You can find metal in South Africa, which ranks first in terms of production, as well as in Kazakhstan, Zimbabwe, Russia and Madagascar. There are deposits in Turkey, Armenia, India, Brazil and the Philippines. Specialists especially appreciate some chromium compounds - these are chromium iron ore and crocoite.

The hardest metal in the world is tungsten

Tungsten is a chemical element, the hardest, if we consider it along with other metals. Its melting point is unusually high, only carbon is higher, but it is not a metallic element.

But the natural hardness of tungsten at the same time does not deprive it of flexibility and pliability, which allows forging any necessary details from it. It is its flexibility and heat resistance that makes tungsten an ideal material for smelting small parts of lighting fixtures and TV parts, for example.

Tungsten is also used in more serious areas, for example, weapons manufacturing - for the manufacture of counterweights and artillery shells. This tungsten owes its high density, which makes it the main substance of heavy alloys. The density of tungsten is close in value to gold - only a few tenths make up the difference.

On the site, you can read which metals are the softest, how they are used, and what they are made of.
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Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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HOW STRONG IS THE PAPER Completed by a 7th grade student Valeria Belyavskaya Supervisor: Donskaya L.N. physics teacher MOU Erdenevskaya secondary school with. Golovteevo, 2015

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Description of the slide:

The purpose of the work: Find out where paper comes from in our world, how it is made, how durable it is and where it is used; Research objectives: To study popular science literature on the appearance, manufacture and use of paper; To get acquainted with the processes of industrial production of paper; Find out what grades of paper exist and where they are used; Make paper of your own production; Make a paper craft.

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Introduction Paper is a sheet material consisting of fibers of plant origin, closely intertwined with each other. from Italian bambagia-cotton

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Primitive people made their drawings on the walls of caves, carved them on the rocks. Clay tablets were the very first subject of writing. They were written on, scratching out signs with a sharp object. In southern countries, clay tablets were replaced by papyrus, a writing material made from a plant of the same name. In some countries, people have learned to write on palm leaves. In Russia they began to write on birch bark. Letters on birch bark - birch bark letters - are still found during excavations. After many years, papyrus was replaced by a strong and durable material - parchment. The Chinese Tsai Lun is considered the father of paper. Since 105 A.D., papermaking technology has hardly changed HISTORY OF PAPER HISTORY OF PAPER

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Paper production is carried out in 4 stages 1. Grid part: paper pulp is freed from water. 2. Press part: water is squeezed out under the action of presses. 3. Drying part: the paper web is rolled through the drying cylinders. Here it is glued. 4. Finishing part: polished cast iron cylinders compact the paper, making its surface smoother. PAPER MAKING STAGES

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For the production of paper, cellulose of various tree species and annual plants and wood pulp are used, various additives are introduced: minerals; sizing materials that increase the strength and density of the sheet; paper dyes; chemical fibers for special types of paper. Many special machines have been invented for the production of paper. A liquid mass is boiled from chips in a special solution. In another boiler, sticky pulp is cooked from the same chips. Both substances are mixed in the mixing tank. The resulting mixture passes through a paper machine, and after squeezing, ironing, smoothing, the paper is sent to factories where notebooks are made, to a printing house for printing books, newspapers and magazines. In modern machines, the width of the paper web has been increased several times, the production speed has increased tenfold. Instead of rag raw materials, cellulose fiber from wood began to be used. Synthetic polymer resins and fibers are increasingly being used. PAPER MAKING Printing properties of paper: - whiteness - smoothness - elastic elasticity - absorbency - opacity - non-clogging - strength of the surface layer - flatness

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Paper is used to make: newspapers, books, money, notebooks, toilet paper, napkins, cardboard and many other goods. APPLICATION OF PAPER Types of paper: Drawing - drawing Writing Colored Glossy Flower - corrugated Flower - thin. Tracing paper Napkin Wallpaper Newspaper Book and magazine Covering Shagreen paper Packaging and wrapping Cardboard Sanitary and hygienic Marbled

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Paper techniques: Origami Volumetric origami Decoupage Kirigami Quilling Mosaic Tools: Scissors Hole punches Cutter Stapler Glue CREATIVITY WHEN WORKING WITH PAPER

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