What life questions does a thunderstorm make you think about? What does the play The Thunderstorm make you think about? Ostrovsky. A.i. Zhuravleva, MS. Makeev

In literary criticism, the problematics of a work are the range of problems that are addressed in one way or another in the text. This may be one or more aspects that the author focuses on. In this work we will talk about the problems of Ostrovsky’s “The Thunderstorm”. A. N. Ostrovsky received a literary vocation after his first published play. “Poverty is not a vice,” “Dowry,” “Profitable Place” - these and many other works are devoted to social and everyday themes, but the issue of the problems of the play “The Thunderstorm” needs to be considered separately.

The play was received ambiguously by critics. Dobrolyubov saw hope for a new life in Katerina, Ap. Grigoriev noticed the emerging protest against the existing order, and L. Tolstoy did not accept the play at all. The plot of “The Thunderstorm,” at first glance, is quite simple: everything is based on a love conflict. Katerina secretly meets with a young man while her husband left for another city on business. Unable to cope with the pangs of conscience, the girl admits to treason, after which she rushes into the Volga. However, behind all this everyday, everyday life, lies much larger things that threaten to grow to the scale of space. Dobrolyubov calls the “dark kingdom” the situation described in the text. An atmosphere of lies and betrayal. In Kalinov, people are so accustomed to moral filth that their resigned consent only aggravates the situation. It becomes scary to realize that it was not the place that made people like this, it was the people who independently turned the city into a kind of accumulation of vices. And now the “dark kingdom” is beginning to influence the inhabitants. After a detailed reading of the text, you can see how widely the problems of the work “The Thunderstorm” have been developed.

The problems in Ostrovsky's "The Thunderstorm" are diverse, but at the same time they do not have a hierarchy. Each individual problem is important in its own right.

The problem of fathers and children

Here we are not talking about misunderstanding, but about total control, about patriarchal orders. The play shows the life of the Kabanov family. At that time, the opinion of the eldest man in the family was undeniable, and wives and daughters were practically deprived of their rights. The head of the family is Marfa Ignatievna, a widow. She took on male functions. This is a powerful and calculating woman. Kabanikha believes that she takes care of her children, ordering them to do as she wants. This behavior led to quite logical consequences. Her son, Tikhon, is a weak and spineless person. His mother, it seems, wanted to see him this way, because in this case it is easier to control a person. Tikhon is afraid to say anything, to express his opinion; in one of the scenes he admits that he doesn’t have his own point of view at all. Tikhon cannot protect either himself or his wife from his mother’s hysterics and cruelty. Kabanikha’s daughter, Varvara, on the contrary, managed to adapt to this lifestyle. She easily lies to her mother, the girl even changed the lock on the gate in the garden so that she could go on dates with Curly without hindrance. Tikhon is incapable of any rebellion, while Varvara, at the end of the play, runs away from her parents' house with her lover.

The problem of self-realization

When talking about the problems of “The Thunderstorm,” one cannot fail to mention this aspect. The problem is realized in the image of Kuligin. This self-taught inventor dreams of making something useful for all residents of the city. His plans include assembling a perpeta mobile, building a lightning rod, and generating electricity. But this whole dark, semi-pagan world needs neither light nor enlightenment. Dikoy laughs at Kuligin’s plans to find an honest income and openly mocks him. After a conversation with Kuligin, Boris understands that the inventor will never invent a single thing. Perhaps Kuligin himself understands this. He could be called naive, but he knows what morals reign in Kalinov, what happens behind closed doors, what those in whose hands the power is concentrated are like. Kuligin learned to live in this world without losing himself. But he is not able to sense the conflict between reality and dreams as keenly as Katerina did.

The problem of power

In the city of Kalinov, power is not in the hands of the relevant authorities, but in those who have money. Proof of this is the dialogue between the merchant Dikiy and the mayor. The mayor tells the merchant that complaints are being received against the latter. Savl Prokofievich responds rudely to this. Dikoy does not hide the fact that he is cheating ordinary men; he talks about deception as a normal phenomenon: if merchants steal from each other, then it is possible to steal from ordinary residents. In Kalinov, nominal power decides absolutely nothing, and this is fundamentally wrong. After all, it turns out that it is simply impossible to live without money in such a city. Dikoy imagines himself almost like a priest-king, deciding who to lend money to and who not. “So know that you are a worm. If I want, I’ll have mercy, if I want, I’ll crush you,” is how Dikoy answers Kuligin.

The problem of love

In "The Thunderstorm" the problem of love is realized in the couples Katerina - Tikhon and Katerina - Boris. The girl is forced to live with her husband, although she does not feel any feelings other than pity for him. Katya rushes from one extreme to another: she thinks between the option of staying with her husband and learning to love him, or leaving Tikhon. Katya's feelings for Boris flare up instantly. This passion pushes the girl to take a decisive step: Katya goes against public opinion and Christian morality. Her feelings turned out to be mutual, but for Boris this love meant much less. Katya believed that Boris, like her, was incapable of living in a frozen city and lying for profit. Katerina often compared herself to a bird; she wanted to fly away, to break out of that metaphorical cage, but in Boris Katya saw that air, that freedom that she so lacked. Unfortunately, the girl was mistaken about Boris. The young man turned out to be the same as the residents of Kalinov. He wanted to improve relations with Dikiy in order to get money, and he talked with Varvara about the fact that it was better to keep his feelings for Katya secret for as long as possible.

Conflict between old and new

We are talking about the resistance of the patriarchal way of life to the new order, which implies equality and freedom. This topic was very relevant. Let us remember that the play was written in 1859, and serfdom was abolished in 1861. Social contradictions reached their climax. The author wanted to show what the lack of reforms and decisive action can lead to. Tikhon’s final words confirm this. “Good for you, Katya! Why did I stay in the world and suffer!” In such a world, the living envy the dead.

This contradiction most strongly affected the main character of the play. Katerina cannot understand how one can live in lies and animal humility. The girl was suffocating in the atmosphere that had been created by the residents of Kalinov for a long time. She is honest and pure, so her only desire was so small and so great at the same time. Katya just wanted to be herself, to live the way she was raised. Katerina sees that everything is not at all as she imagined before her marriage. She cannot even allow herself a sincere impulse - to hug her husband - Kabanikha controlled and suppressed any attempts by Katya to be sincere. Varvara supports Katya, but cannot understand her. Katerina is left alone in this world of deceit and dirt. The girl could not bear such pressure; she finds salvation in death. Death frees Katya from the burden of earthly life, turning her soul into something light, capable of flying away from the “dark kingdom.”

We can conclude that the problems raised in the drama “The Thunderstorm” are significant and relevant to this day. These are unresolved questions of human existence that will worry people at all times. It is thanks to this formulation of the question that the play “The Thunderstorm” can be called a timeless work.

Work test

We studied many works of Russian classics in literature lessons. I would like to tell you about one of the works. This is the drama of Ostrovsky Groz. It interested me with its content, and the main character of the drama, Katerina, especially fascinated and attracted my attention. The development of the drama is built on the relationships between people. Showing the life of the heroes, their feelings and experiences, Ostrovsky especially highlighted, using the example of the main character Katerina, a feeling that lives forever and on which life, love, is based. ...Love is a beautiful dream that only a select few dream of, wrote Shota Rustaveli. And speaking about Katerina, one cannot but agree with this statement. Pure, tender love is given only to people with a huge heart and a big soul. Love will come suddenly, creep up silently, swirl like a whirlwind, and there is no escape from it. A person forgets about everything bad, he immerses himself in his feelings, plunges into emotions. This is how love captured Katerina, made her happy and at the same time the most unhappy woman. The image of Katerina is the most vivid and complex of all the images in the play The Thunderstorm. Her husband Tikhon cannot, and, rather, does not try to understand her spiritual world. Katerina tolerates the tyranny of Kabanikha (Tikhon’s mother). Katerina's character is strong and freedom-loving. Katerina is a free bird in her spirit. ...Why don't people fly? she says to Varvara. You know, sometimes it seems to me that I am a bird. Having met Boris along the way, she surrenders to love to the end, without demanding anything in return, and... dies. Who is to blame for her death? It is difficult to give an exact answer to this; You can name many reasons, among which will be such as the way of life in which Katerina lives. She dies because the world is ruled by a dark kingdom, where rudeness, violence, ignorance and indifference to others reign. Katerina is sharply different from the representatives of the dark kingdom, even from Boris, whom she fell in love with, feeling happy for a moment, and who leaves her. I think Katerina’s death is a challenge to everything dark in human life. Why did Katerina decide to commit suicide, because it is a sin, because she could have stayed to live in the dark kingdom, resigning herself to its orders and laws, but this is not her character. With her death, she probably wanted to express a protest against the cruelty surrounding her and, to some extent, justify herself, her relationship with Boris, her love. After all, Katerina is a religious woman, and love for Boris is a sin for a married woman. Dobrolyubov calls Katerina Russian, strong character, a ray of light in a dark kingdom. Throughout the play, one feels the approach of a thunderstorm, which broke out at the end of the drama. It seems to me that a thunderstorm is a symbol of freedom, and in Ostrovsky it is not just a natural phenomenon, but as a shock to existing foundations. Thinking about the actions of the characters in the play, following the changes in events in it, I noticed a change in the feelings and views of the residents of the city of Kalinov. Katerina's death affected the heroes of the play in different ways, especially Tikhon, and for the first time in his life he expresses his opinion, enters for a moment (even if only for a moment) into the fight against the dark kingdom, exclaiming: You ruined her, you, you... He seems to forget who he is talking to, before whom he has trembled all his life. Tikhon says for the first time that he cannot live in this family: Good for you, Katya! Why did I stay in the world and suffer! Ostrovsky's work, in my opinion, has taken a step forward in all of our literature. It aroused and continues to arouse interest among readers. I believe that this drama certainly deserves the attention of both readers and critics and gives us a reason to reflect on the relationships between people, to develop a sense of kindness towards others, as well as the opportunity to appreciate all-consuming love and discover new qualities of the soul and new emotional aspirations.

Jan 26 2011

It seems to me that even people who are completely far from literature know the works of Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky. So often performances based on the plays of the great Russian playwright are shown on television. I also remember several of his plays. Especially about the dowryless, proud Larisa, whose main fault is that she did not have a dowry, and who was played between the master and the merchant. ended, as we know, tragically, just like the fate of Ostrovsky’s other heroine, Katerina. Our writers of the 19th century often wrote about the unequal position of Russian women. “Share you! - Russian female share! It’s hardly more difficult to find,” exclaims Nekrasov. Chernyshevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov and others wrote about this. But personally, A.N. Ostrovsky truly revealed to me the tragedy of the female soul in his plays.

“Once upon a time there was a girl. Dreamy, kind, affectionate. She lived with her parents. She did not know the needs, since they were wealthy. They loved their daughter, they allowed her to walk in nature, to dream, they did not force her in anything, the girl worked as much as she wanted. The girl loved to go to church, listen to singing, she saw angels during church services. And she also loved to listen to the wanderers who often came into their house and talked about holy people and places, about what they saw or heard. And this girl's name was Katerina. And so they gave her away in marriage...” - this is how I would begin the story about the fate of this woman if I were telling my younger sister about her.

We know that out of love and affection, Katerina ended up in the Kabanikha family. This powerful woman ruled everything in the house. Her son Tikhon, Katerina’s husband, did not dare to contradict his mother in anything. And only sometimes, after vomiting to Moscow, he went on a spree there. Tikhon loves Katerina in his own way and feels sorry for her. But at home, the mother-in-law constantly eats it, day after day, with or without work, sawing it like a rusty saw. “She crushed me,” Katya reflects.

Once, during a family life ethics lesson, we had a general conversation about whether a young family should live with their parents. A dispute broke out, stories began about how the parents divorced the newlyweds. And others, on the contrary, talked about how children lived well behind their parents, but were left alone, quarreled and ran away. We also remembered “Grown Children”. I did not participate in the dispute, but for the first time I thought about this complex problem. Then I decided: “It would be nice to live together, if not crowded. If parents tactfully do not interfere in the relationship between the bride and groom, they try to help them, and they, in turn, help the parents. Probably many mistakes can be avoided this way. But if parents want their children to live according to their orders, tyrannize them, and even more so quarrel, then the matter is different. Then it’s better to live among strangers, in the worst conditions, but alone.”

Katerina found herself in an environment where hypocrisy and hypocrisy are very strong. Her husband’s sister Varvara clearly speaks about this, claiming that their “whole house rests on deception.” And here is her position: “And, in my opinion: do what you want, as long as it’s safe and covered.” “Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good!” - this is how many people argue. But not that kind of Katerina. She is extremely honest, she is sincerely afraid of sinning, even in her thoughts of cheating on her husband. It is this struggle between her duty, as she understands it (and she understands it, I think, correctly: she cannot cheat on her husband) and a new feeling that breaks her fate.

What more can be said about Katerina’s nature? It's better to do it in your own words. She tells Varvara that she does not know her character. God forbid that this should happen, but if it happens that she becomes completely tired of living with Kabanikha, then no force will be able to stop her. He will throw himself out the window, throw himself into the Volga, but will not live against his will.

In her struggle, Katerina does not find allies. Varvara, instead of comforting her and supporting her, pushes her towards betrayal. The boar is harassing. The husband only thinks about how to live without his mother for at least a few days. If he knows that his mother will not stand over him for two weeks, then what does he care about his wife? With such captivity you will run away from your beautiful wife. This is what he explains before parting with Katya, who hopes to find support in at least one person. In vain... And the fatal thing happens. Katerina can no longer deceive herself. “Who am I pretending to be!” - she exclaims. And he decides to go on a date with Boris. Boris is one of the best people who live in the world shown by Ostrovsky. Young, handsome, intelligent. The customs of this strange city of Kalinov are alien to him, where they made a boulevard, but do not walk along it, where the gates are locked and the dogs are let down, according to Kuligin, not because the residents are afraid of thieves, but because it is more convenient to tyranny at home. A woman who gets married is deprived of her freedom. “Here, whether she got married or whether she was buried, it doesn’t matter,” says Boris.

Boris Grigorievich is the nephew of the merchant Dikiy, who is known for his scandalous and abusive character. He harasses Boris and scolds him. At the same time, he appropriated the inheritance of his nephew and niece, and he reproaches them. It is not surprising that in such an atmosphere Katerina and Boris were drawn to each other. Boris was captivated by “she has an angelic smile on her face,” and her face seems to glow.

And yet it turns out that Katerina is not a person of this world. Boris, ultimately, turns out to be no match for her. Why? For Katya, the most difficult thing is to overcome the discord in her soul. She is ashamed, ashamed in front of her husband, but he hates her, his caress is worse than beatings. Nowadays, such problems are solved more simply: spouses divorce and look for their own again. Moreover, they have no children. But in Katerina’s time, divorce was unheard of. She understands that she and her husband will live “until the grave.” And therefore, for a conscientious nature, which “cannot atone for this sin, never atone for it,” which “will fall like a stone on the soul,” for a person who cannot bear the reproaches of many times more sinful people, there is only one way out - death. And Katerina decides to commit suicide.

No, really, there is another way out. Katerina offers it to her lover when he is going to Siberia. “Take me with you from here!” - she asks. But in response he hears that Boris cannot do this. It is forbidden? And why? - we think. And I remember the first scenes of the play, where Boris tells Kuligin how Dikoy robbed him and his sister after the death of their parents. Boris knows that even now Dikoy will make fun of them a lot, but will not give them money. Because this merchant really doesn’t like to repay debts. But, despite the fact that Boris knows this, he continues to obey his uncle. But, probably, he could have made money without Dikiy. For Boris, parting with the woman he loves is... But he tries to quickly forget about his love. For Katerina, with Boris’s departure, life ends. These are such different natures. And they had all the happiness - ten nights...

The difference in their natures is also evident in their last farewell words. Boris says that all we need to do is ask God for her to die as soon as possible. Strange words... Katerina’s last words before her death are addressed to her beloved: “My friend! My joy! Goodbye!" It hurts to read about these ruined feelings, about lost lives. Today there is no order that reigned in Kalinov, and women have equal rights with men. But there is hard work, not for women, queues, instability, communal services. And there are also plenty of wild boars among mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law. But still, I believe that a person is in his hands and high love will definitely await him if he deserves it.

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We studied many works of Russian classics in literature lessons. I would like to tell you about one of the works. This is Ostrovsky's drama "The Thunderstorm".
It interested me with its content, and the main character of the drama, Katerina, especially charmed and attracted my attention.
The development of the drama is built on the relationships between people. Showing the life of the heroes, their feelings and experiences, Ostrovsky especially highlighted, using the example of the main character - Katerina, a feeling that lives forever and on which life is based - love.
“...Love is a beautiful dream that only a select few dream of,” wrote Shota Rustaveli. And speaking about Katerina, one cannot but agree with this statement.
Pure, tender love is given only to people with a huge heart and a big soul. Love will come suddenly, creep up silently, swirl like a whirlwind, and there is no escape from it. A person forgets about everything bad, he immerses himself in his feelings, plunges into emotions. This is how love captured Katerina, made her happy and at the same time the most unhappy woman.
The image of Katerina is the most vivid and complex of all the images in the play “The Thunderstorm”. Her husband Tikhon cannot, and, rather, does not try to understand her spiritual world. Katerina tolerates the tyranny of Kabanikha (Tikhon’s mother). Katerina's character is strong and freedom-loving. Katerina is a “free bird” in her spirit.
“...Why don’t people fly? - she says to Varvara. “You know, sometimes I feel like I’m a bird.”
Having met Boris along the way, she surrenders to love to the end, demanding nothing in return, and... dies. Who is to blame for her death? It's difficult to give an exact answer to this; you can name a lot
reasons, among which will be such as the way of life in which Katerina lives. She dies because the world is ruled by a “dark kingdom”, where rudeness, violence, ignorance and indifference to others reign. Katerina is sharply different from the representatives of the “dark kingdom”, even from Boris, whom she fell in love with, feeling happy for a moment, and who leaves her.
I think Katerina's death is a challenge to everything dark in human life. Why did Katerina decide to commit suicide, because it is a sin, because she could have stayed to live in the “dark kingdom”, resigning herself to its orders and laws, but this is not her character.
With her death, she probably wanted to express a protest against the cruelty surrounding her and, to some extent, justify herself, her relationship with Boris, her love. After all, Katerina is a religious woman, and love for Boris is a sin for a married woman. Dobrolyubov calls Katerina “Russian, strong character,” “a ray of light in a dark kingdom.” Throughout the entire play, one can feel the approach of a thunderstorm, which broke out at the end of the drama. It seems to me that a thunderstorm is a symbol of freedom, and in Ostrovsky it is not just a natural phenomenon, but as a shock to existing foundations. Thinking about the actions of the characters in the play, following the changes in events in it, I noticed a change in the feelings and views of the residents of the city of Kalinov.
Katerina’s death affected the characters of the play in different ways, it especially affected Tikhon, and for the first time in his life he expresses his opinion, enters for a moment (even if only for a moment) into the fight against the “dark kingdom,” exclaiming: “You ruined her, you, you...” He seems to forget who he is talking to, before whom he has trembled all his life. Tikhon says for the first time that he cannot live in this family: “Good for you, Katya! Why did I stay in the world and suffer!”
Ostrovsky's work, in my opinion, has taken a step forward in all of our literature. It aroused and continues to arouse interest among readers.
I believe that this drama certainly deserves the attention of both readers and critics and gives us a reason to reflect on the relationships between people, to develop a sense of kindness towards others, as well as an opportunity to appreciate all-consuming love and discover new qualities of the soul and new spiritual qualities. aspirations.

We studied the works of Russian classics in literature lessons, and read them independently, for the needs of our souls. I would like to dwell on one of these works. This is Ostrovsky's drama "The Thunderstorm".
It interested me with its content, and the main character of the drama, Katerina, especially charmed and attracted my attention.
The development of the drama is built on the relationships between people. Showing the life of the heroes, their feelings and experiences, Ostrovsky especially highlighted, using the example of the main character, a feeling that lives forever and on which life is based - love.
“...Love is a beautiful dream that only a select few dream of,” wrote Shota Rustaveli. And speaking about Katerina, one cannot but agree with this statement.
Pure, tender love is given only to people with a huge heart and a big soul. Love will come suddenly, creep up silently, swirl like a whirlwind, and there is no escape from it. A person forgets about everything bad, he immerses himself in his feelings, plunges into emotions. This is how love captured Katerina, made her happy and at the same time the most unhappy woman.
The image of Katerina is the most vivid and complex of all the images in the play “The Thunderstorm”. Her husband Tikhon cannot, and, rather, does not try to understand her spiritual world. Katerina tolerates the tyranny of Kabanikha (Tikhon’s mother). Katerina's character is strong and freedom-loving. Katerina is a “free bird” in her spirit.
“Why don’t people fly? - she says to Varvara. “You know, sometimes it seems to me that I’m a bird.”
Having met Boris on her way, she surrenders to love to the end, demanding nothing in return and... dies. Who is to blame for her death? It's difficult to give an exact answer to this; You can name many reasons, among which will be the way of life in which Katerina lives. She dies from the foundations of the time when the world is ruled by the “dark kingdom,” where rudeness, violence, ignorance and indifference to others reign. Katerina is sharply different from the representatives of the “dark kingdom,” even from Boris, whom she fell in love with, feeling happy for a moment, and who leaves her.
I think Katerina's death is a challenge to everything dark in human life. Why did Katerina decide to commit suicide, because it is a sin, because she could have remained living in the “dark kingdom”, resigning herself to its orders and laws, but this is not her character.
With her death, she wanted to protest against the cruelty surrounding her and, to some extent, justify herself, her relationship with Boris, her love. After all, Katerina is a religious woman, and love for Boris is a sin for a married woman. Dobrolyubov calls Katerina “Russian, strong character,” “a ray of light in a dark kingdom.” Throughout the entire play, one can feel the approach of a thunderstorm, which broke out at the end of the drama. It seems to me that a thunderstorm is a symbol of freedom, and in Ostrovsky it is not just a natural phenomenon, but as a shock to existing foundations. Thinking about the actions of the characters in the play, following the changes in events in it, I noticed a change in the feelings and views of the residents of the city of Kalinov.
Katerina’s death affected the heroes of the play in different ways, especially Tikhon, and for the first time in his life he expresses his opinion, enters for a moment (even if only for a moment) into the fight against the “dark kingdom,” exclaiming: “You ruined her! You! You!..” He seems to forget who he is talking to, before whom he has trembled all his life. Tikhon says for the first time that he cannot live in this family: “Good for you, Katya! Why did I stay in the world and suffer! »
Ostrovsky's work, in my opinion, has taken a step forward in all of our literature. It aroused and continues to arouse interest among readers.
I believe that this drama certainly deserves the attention of both readers and critics and provides a reason for reflection on the relationships between people, for the development of a sense of kindness towards others, as well as an opportunity to appreciate all-consuming love and discover new qualities of the soul and new spiritual aspirations .

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