The most favorable days for replanting indoor plants. Replanting indoor plants. Technology and favorable days Transplanting flowers in March favorable days

To transplant flowers according to the lunar calendar 2017, including indoor ones, it is advisable to choose favorable days.

During various actions with indoor flowers, they are very easy to damage. Torn leaves, rupture of roots, fracture of the stem - all this will be a great stress for the plant, which can be minimized by adhering to the tips and recommendations given below.

Florist calendar for 2017

The influence of the night celestial body on the movement of waters, tides, and ebbs has long been no secret. The relationship between the position of the Moon in relation to the Earth is visible. Living beings are subject to monthly influences along with plants; in the latter, sap flow depends on the phase of the moon.

Why do you need a schedule?

On certain days of the Moon's course, the roots have reduced turgor and become less brittle due to their slight dehydration. For this reason, the transplanted plant quickly and painlessly takes root in its new location.

Abundant movement of liquid in the plant from the root to the leaves occurs during the waxing Moon. On the contrary, as the moon wanes, the roots are filled with moisture.

If you stick to this calendar and start working on favorable days for replanting indoor plants, it will be easier for you to create a healthy and fragrant garden in your indoor greenhouse.

An exception may be moments when the plant needs to be saved and an urgent transplant is needed:

  • the pot broke;
  • the stem broke off;
  • pests have settled in.

In this case, urgently rescue your green resident outside the schedule.

Even on days favorable for replanting indoor plants, it is not advisable to touch flowering plants. After such manipulation, it may get sick, and you will have to work hard to bring it back in life.

It is very convenient to have a Moon calendar for every day of the month and take care of your garden, following the recommendations. Then your flowers will delight you constantly.

Plant lunar calendar

January 2017

The amateur gardener's calendar lists all the dates for the year that are favorable for planting or replanting a plant with roots. Inconvenient days for this can be used for beauty care on the windowsill:

  • loosen;
  • water;
  • feed;
  • fight pests.

There are dates on which it is better not to disturb the plants; any manipulation will not be beneficial, but only harmful.

In January, the most favorable days for planting are from 1 to 11 and from 28 to 31. The unfavorable days are from 13 to 27. January 12 is a forbidden day.

February 2017

Each amateur gardener has his own specific rules for caring for indoor flowers:

  • Some people get tips from thematic magazines.
  • Some people learn from the experiences and mistakes of friends.
  • And there are those who put the opinion of astrology into practice.

In February, favorable days are from 1 to 10 and from 27 to 28. Unfavorable days are from 12 to 25. Planting is prohibited on 11 and 26.

March 2017

We know that there are days that are completely unsuitable for replanting flowers; these days include lunar and solar eclipses. During this period, green inhabitants are very susceptible and any minor damage can lead to the death of the plant. Positive days in March from 1 to 11 and from 28 to 31. Negative from 13 to 27. Complete ban on work on the 12th.

April 2017

Any indoor plants require regular replanting, there are several reasons for this:

  • the root is growing and there is not enough space for it in the old pot;
  • pushes out the soil, making watering difficult;
  • salts from hard water accumulate in the ground and slow down the normal nutrition of the flower;
  • the soil is depleted and any fertilizing becomes ineffective;
  • the earth becomes so compacted that the roots become starved of oxygen.

April days are getting warmer, daylight hours are increasing, which is favorable for starting work in the home garden. Acceptable days are from 1 to 10 and from 26 to 30. Unacceptable from 12 to 25, it is forbidden to practice on April 11.

May 2017

By the end of spring, sap begins to actively circulate in the plants on the windowsills, photosynthesis accelerates, and vigorous growth of young shoots begins.

This time is great for:

  • moving pets to a new place of residence;
  • trimmings;
  • plant rejuvenation.

To reduce the time of settling into a new post after transplantation to a minimum, it is important to use the hints of the lunar calendar. The best time to plant is from May 1 to May 10 and from May 25 to 31. Days from 12 to 24 are not suitable. The taboo is the 11th.

June 2017

The night silver ball has an influence on all living things on the planet. A person’s mood and emotions also depend on the phase of the month. If you take care of your plants according to the rules of the movement of the Moon, this will make the green resident feel better and will bring joy to its owner. It is favorable to plant from 1 to 8 and from 24 to 30. It is undesirable from 10 to 23 and prohibited on the 9th.

July 2017

Plants are grown at home not only for beauty. They help control the humidity of the microclimate in the room, neutralize harmful household appliances and filter harmful emissions from upholstery or interior painting.

If you are accustomed to caring for plants, but one of them becomes ill and withers, then try to carry out the care according to the lunar calendar schedule. Useful days from 1 to 8 and from 23 to 31. Undesirable days from 10 to 22, do not work on the plant on the 9th.

August 2017

On the waxing Moon, propagation using cuttings will be very fruitful. During this phase, the leaves and stems of the plant are filled with moisture, and the resulting injuries are easily healed. Plants will take root in their new location faster. Favorable days are from 1 to 6 and from 22 to 31. Unfavorable from 8 to 12, forbidden days from 7 to 21.

September 2017

Any plants tolerate replanting more easily if it occurs in spring or autumn, in warm weather. The main thing is to carefully select the day according to the lunar calendar. This principle will help the growth and reproduction of your pets.

October 2017

It will be difficult for a gardener to create a lunar calendar, because in astrology most factors are taken into account: the zodiac sign at the position of the Moon and the Sun, the month, the lunar day.

Favorable days for planting are from 1 to 4 and from 19 to 31. Inappropriate days are from 6 to 18, prohibited day is the 5th.

November 2017

If your pet’s leaves have been crushed, withered, and haven’t bloomed for a long time, it means he wants fresh soil, a larger pot. If you followed the lunar calendar when replanting, the flower will delight you with longer flowering. Blissful days are from 1 to 3 and from 18 to 30, not quite: from 5 to 17, the forbidden day is November 4.

December 2017

With the onset of cold weather, the metabolic processes of your green resident slow down, and a period of calm begins. Winter transplantation is usually postponed, except for the urgent cases described above. Pleasant days are December 1 and 2 and from 18 to 31. Unpleasant days are from 4 to 17, forbidden day is the 3rd.

If you gave your love and care to a green household member, then he will delight you for many years. Let the advice of the lunar calendar always be at your fingertips.

Zodiac calendar of plants

The moon located in different zodiac signs will have different effects on the development and growth of home flowers. For example, if you are planning to replant tuberous or bulbous plants, the period of the waning Moon in the constellation Scorpio, or the growing month in the constellation Capricorn, is more suitable for you.

In almost every home there are several pots of indoor flowers on the windowsill. Someone really loves such plants, willingly cares for them and is interested in new specimens. For some, it doesn’t matter what kind of flowers are on the window, as long as they look attractive and don’t require special attention. But in any case, even the most unpretentious crops require minimal care, including periodic replanting. And it is best to perform it in accordance with the phase of the moon. And today we will talk about when you can replant indoor flowers in November 2017 according to the lunar calendar...

Since ancient times, people began to pay attention to the fact that the lunar cycle affects the growth processes of living cells. And over time, it was proven in practice that the development of plants really depends largely on the phase of the Moon, as well as on the location of our satellite in a certain zodiac sign.

When is it worth replanting flowers according to the lunar calendar??

So, when the Moon wanes, the vitality of plants tends to the roots, and when it grows, accordingly, to the stems, flowers and fruits (to the aboveground part). Therefore, to prevent the root system from being injured during transplantation, readers of Popular About Health need to carry out such work during the period of the waxing Moon. At the same time, during the new moon stage, it is not recommended to work with plants at all, since the crops will not receive enough vital energy for growth and development. The full moon is also not considered a favorable time for replanting; during this period, flower growers advise fighting pests and loosening the soil around the plants.

How to determine the phase of the moon?

When the night sky is clear and the Moon is not visible at all, this is the New Moon period. Afterwards, a narrow sickle appears in the sky; if you mentally “draw” a stick to it, you will get the letter “P” - this is the growing Moon. It gradually begins to increase and grows to a full disk - this, accordingly, is the Full Moon. Then the disk begins to shrink, becoming a thinner and thinner sickle every day, it is bent in the other direction and looks like the letter “C” - this is the period of the waning moon. It gets smaller and smaller until it disappears. And everything repeats again, a new lunar cycle begins.

The best time to replant indoor plants depending on the zodiac

The development of indoor plants also largely depends on what sign the Moon was in at the time of transplantation. It is best to carry out such work when our satellite is in the sign of Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces.

The optimal time to replant is November 2017

November 2017 begins with the waxing Moon, which is in the sign of Aries. This is not a favorable period for transplantation. The full moon follows, and then the moon begins to wane.

Already from the nineteenth of November, the Moon begins to grow again, but the optimal time for transplanting indoor crops comes on the twenty-first of November, when it is in the house of Capricorn. This period will last until the twenty-third of November inclusive, after which the Moon will enter the sign of Aquarius and the transplantation work will have to be postponed until later.

The next favorable period for transplantation begins on November twenty-sixth (Sunday), the waxing Moon will be in the sign of Pisces and will remain there until November twenty-ninth inclusive. There will be no more optimal time for working with indoor flowers this month.

So, it is best to replant plants according to the lunar calendar in November 2017. November 21 – 23 and November 26 – 28.

Experienced indoor plant lovers recommend replanting such crops in the spring, adhering to the lunar calendar. But in some cases there is an urgent need to transfer the plant to a new pot in the fall or even winter. In such a situation, it is important to provide the flower with comfort and tranquility after transplantation, provide it with sufficient lighting, a suitable watering schedule and optimal air humidity in the room.

ATTENTION! This is an archived page, current now:

Florist's lunar calendar 2017 - flower garden, indoor plants and flowers. Perennials. Dividing and replanting flowers

August 2017

The table of the lunar calendar given on this page is a thematic selection from the universal , made for the convenience of those who grow ornamental plants and flowers, both indoors and in a flower garden in the country.

August will come and establish its own rules.

When caring for flowers in August, the first priority is rejuvenating division and replanting of perennials. Getting ready to plant bulbs. Beds and ridges are made for them in advance. On clay soils, add sand (15-20 kg per sq. m) and compost (5-10 kg per sq. m) for digging. If necessary, the soil is limed (up to 30 kg per hundred square meters), and complex mineral fertilizers are also applied (up to 20 - 30 g per sq. m.)
August is a favorable time for replanting indoor plants and flowers.

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference between Moscow and local time *)

Moon calendar

Work in the flower garden, work with indoor plants, flower care activities

from August 01, 2017 00:00 (Tue)
01 August 2017 15:01 (Tue)
Watering and root fertilizing of flower plants (application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers). Convenient time for watering, loosening, mulching the soil and composting. Vegetative propagation and planting of perennial flowers is possible. Replanting indoor flowers. Mowing lawns and lawns.
(We still have a blog: , login only from the lunar calendar)

August 1 (19.07 old style) - Makrinin’s day (Makrida)
“Makrida is wet, then autumn is wet, Macrida is dry, and so is autumn.”

from 01 August 2017 15:01 (Tue)
to 04 August 2017 03:36 (Fri)
Collecting flowers, collecting flower seeds. Application of mineral fertilizers to the soil. Dividing, planting and replanting perennial flowering plants.

August 2 (20.07 old style) - Elijah’s Day (Ilya the Prophet)
"From Ilya's day the night is long and the water is cold"

from 04 August 2017 03:36 (Fri)
to 06 August 2017 15:15 (Sun)
A favorable time for dividing and replanting rhizomes of peonies, irises and other perennials.
Planting and replanting plants overwintering in open ground. Planting cuttings of perennial flowering plants. Treatment of plants against fungal, bacterial diseases and pests.
from 06 August 2017 15:15 (Sun)
to 09 August 2017 00:56 (Wed)


It is not recommended to plant, replant, prune, shoot or pinch anything. You can loosen and mulch the soil. Processing and cleaning of vacated land. Application of organic and mineral fertilizers, liming of the soil can be carried out.
August 07, 2017 21:10 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (middle of the lunar month, - all full moon Moon in the sign of Aquarius)

from 09 August 2017 00:56 (Wed)
to August 11, 2017 08:22 (Fri)

Waning Moon in the sign of Pisces

Weed control. Land cultivation. Replanting perennial flowers and indoor plants. Watering and fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
from August 11, 2017 08:22 (Fri)
to 13 August 2017 13:39 (Sun)

Waning Moon in Aries

The best time to spray against pests and diseases. Digging up non-wintering perennial flowers. Clearing the land of plant residues. Trimming the stems of faded perennial flowers.
It is possible to carry out " dry irrigation"indoor plants - loosening the surface crust of the soil, destroying the capillaries that draw moisture from the depths.
Flowers cut at this time will last a long time.
from August 13, 2017 13:39 (Sun)
to 15 August 2017 17:06 (Tue)

Waning Moon in Taurus

Digging the soil, loosening the soil in pots. Fighting pests that live in the ground. Digging, dividing and replanting perennial flowers: lilies, irises, delphiniums and peonies, small-bulbous.
from August 15, 2017 17:06 (Tue)
to 17 August 2017 19:13 (Thu)

Waning Moon in Gemini

It is better not to plant or transplant.
Weeding, spraying against pests and diseases. Digging up non-wintering perennial bulbous flowers.
Application of dry fertilizers for indoor flowers.

August 15 (02.08 old style) - Stepan Senoval
“Like Stepan Senoval, so is September. In the next four days, we noted the weather for October, November, December and January.”

from August 17, 2017 19:13 (Thu)
to 19 August 2017 20:54 (Sat)

Waning Moon in the sign of Cancer

Digging the soil, spreading compost, half-rotted manure and old sawdust. Digging up anemones, dahlias and other non-wintering perennial plants. Planting bulbous flowers.

August 19 (06.08 art style) - Transfiguration. Apple Spas.
“As is the day on the Second Savior, so is the Intercession (October 1/14).
A dry day on Apple Spas foreshadows a dry autumn, a wet day foretells a wet one, and a clear day foretells a harsh winter. As is the second Saviour, so is January."

from August 19, 2017 20:54 (Sat)
to August 21, 2017 04:25 (Mon)

Waning Moon in Leo

Work with soil. It is beneficial to treat plants against pests.
"Dry watering"indoor plants.
from August 21, 2017 04:25 (Mon)
to August 23, 2017 07:04 (Wed)


It is not recommended to plant, replant, or prune anything. Digging, loosening the soil.
August 21, 2017 21:30 msk beginning of the lunar month: until August 21, 2017 23:25 Moon in the sign of Leo, then in the sign of Virgo
from August 23, 2017 07:04 (Wed)
to August 24, 2017 04:04 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in Virgo

Dividing and replanting perennial flowers: peonies, irises, lilies of the valley, primroses, etc. Disease-resistant flowers and indoor plants planted or replanted these days will suffer less.

August 23 (10.08 style) - Lavrenty.
“If there is intense heat or heavy rain, then it will last for a long time - all autumn”

from August 24, 2017 04:04 (Thu)
to August 26, 2017 11:53 (Sat)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

Unfavorable time for watering and liquid fertilizing.
A favorable period for planting, fertilizing, dividing and replanting perennial flowers. Hilling up the root collar of dahlias to protect against early frosts. Application of mineral fertilizers for flowers.

August 7 (25.07 old style) - Anna Winter Pointer
“Light and warm weather foretells a cold winter, and if it rains, a snowy and warm winter.”

from August 26, 2017 11:53 (Sat)
to August 28, 2017 22:47 (Mon)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Convenient time for watering, loosening, mulching the soil and composting. Propagation by dividing perennial flowers. The time is favorable for transplanting indoor flowers. Possible time for planting and replanting any plants. Planting tulip bulbs.
(About favorable days: on favorable days everything goes most successfully, but this does not mean that, for example, replanting indoor plants cannot be done on other days - do as you wish, the only thing is, do not plan to work on days of the lunar calendar that are unfavorable for this - the likelihood of mistakes on these days is very high)
from August 28, 2017 22:47 (Mon)
to 31 August 2017 11:18 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Dividing, planting and replanting perennial flowering plants. Application of mineral fertilizers to the soil.
Collecting flowers, collecting flower seeds.

August 29 (16.08 art style) - Khlebny Spas.
“They note the weather by the timing of the birds’ departure: If the crane flies to the third Savior, then there will be frost on Pokrov”

from August 31, 2017 11:18 (Thu)
to 31 August 2017 23:59 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Capricorn

Digging the soil. Planting and replanting plants overwintering in open ground. Possible time for dividing and replanting rhizomes of peonies, irises and other perennials. Planting perennial flower plants from cuttings.
Flowers cut at this time will not last long.

Table continuation:

Work on the lunar calendar table, flowers and indoor plants for August 2017, completed 07/07/2017

In August, winter begins to fight with summer.

Based on one rather interesting folk sign, it is compiled (for Moscow, St. Petersburg and N. Novgorod).

* To determine the local time of a lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

As is known, the movements and phases of the Moon influence the behavior of living beings and terrestrial objects containing water. Since ancient times, people began to pay attention to the processes occurring with plants in one or another phase of the Moon and gradually systematized their phenological observations. This is how the lunar calendar appeared, which helps to choose the best dates for harvesting fruits, for replanting plants, for watering flowers, for pruning and pinching.

The accumulated knowledge and useful observations allow us to draw up an annual calendar with dates suitable for transplanting, propagating, feeding, and pruning plants at home. Many gardeners use lunar calendar of indoor plants for growing your home collection.

❶ For example, during the period waxing moon vital energy actively rushes from the root system of the plant to the shoots, leaves and fruits. This period is very favorable for safe transplantation and after the procedure the plant takes root faster in the new soil. Fruits collected during the waxing moon contain the greatest amount of vitamins and nutrients. But on full moon You can do loosening and hilling by adding soil to the exposed roots. If you grow lemon trees, mangoes, kiwis and other fruit-bearing crops at home, you can easily choose the best date for harvesting the fruits according to the lunar calendar.

❷ And here on the new moon It is not at all advisable to replant flowers and decorative foliage plants, since vital energy actively flows into the roots, and in the above-ground part of the plant the circulation of juices and other processes are extremely slow. But for the formation of the crown, pruning and pinching, the new moon is the most favorable period. During the new moon and waning moon, you can collect seeds if you plan to use this method of propagating your flowers. Seeds collected during this period concentrate energy for active growth and, after planting, produce rapid seedlings that actively develop and do not die.

❸ Passing through different zodiac signs Moon has different effects on the growth and development of indoor plants. For example, for transplanting bulbous and tuberous plants (tuberous begonia, domestic gloxinia or Sinningia, oxalis oxalis, hippeastrum, European and Persian cyclamen, clivia beautiful and cinnabar, amaryllis belladonna, eucharis Amazon lily) it is best to choose the period when the waning Moon moves across the constellation Scorpio, and increasing - according to the constellation Capricorn.

❹ For transplants For many decorative foliage plants (ficus rubber and Benjamina, dracaena, asparagus, peperomia obtufolia or wrinkled, dieffenbachia, monstera, chlorophytum), it is advisable to choose dates in the lunar calendar when the waning Moon is in the constellation Cancer, and the waxing Moon passes through the constellations Pisces, Scorpio, Libra, Gemini.

❺ For transplants for hanging indoor species (bell campanula, petunia) and climbing vines, it is best to choose dates in the lunar calendar when the waxing Moon is in the constellation Gemini, and the waning Moon is in the signs of Virgo and Sagittarius.

❻ Indoor plants do not absorb moisture and nutrients well when the Moon is in the constellation Aries according to the lunar calendar. It is not advisable to fertilize the soil, water it, or treat the plant with pest and disease control agents when the Moon is in the constellation Leo.

❼ Sowing seeds is best done during the waxing moon in Virgo or waning when crossing the constellation Scorpio or Cancer. Effective rooting of cuttings occurs during the waxing Moon, when it passes the constellation Aries, Cancer, Taurus, Libra. Pruning and pinching to form the crown of a houseplant is best done during the waning Moon in the lunar sign of Aquarius or Gemini.


Favorable days for planting and replanting indoor flowers


(not suitable for sowing, planting or transplanting flowers)


- 14, 15 and 16

- 1, 2, 3, 16, 17, 18, 30 and 31

- 15, 16, 17, 29 and 30

- 14, 15, 16, 28, 29 and 30

- 12, 13, 14, 27, 28 and 29

- 12, 13, 14, 26, 27 and 28

- 10, 11, 12, 25, 26 and 27

- 8, 9, 10, 24, 25 and 26

- 8, 9, 10, 23, 24 and 25

- 6, 7, 8, 22, 23 and 24

- 6, 7, 8, 21, 22 and 23




The winter month is suitable for moderate care of plants, most of which hibernate. Their growth slows down, so active care is not required. Set mineral fertilizers aside. They will enhance flower growth, but without active solar support your plants will be weak and may become sick from lack of light and heat.

January 1-2.
During the first days of the month, the Moon is in its waxing phase and is in the constellation Cancer. This is the right time to take care of your plants. You can spray broad-leaved flowers, ridding them of dust and dirt, and loosen the soil to allow oxygen to reach the root system.

January 10-11. These days, the energy of the waning moon ensures good development of the root system. The influence of Scorpio is also positive, and these days you can devote to replanting overgrown flowers and planting new seedlings. You can purchase new plants that will decorate your home.

January 20-21. The growth of the Moon ensures rapid germination of plantings. Dedicate these days to caring for climbing flowers. Remove excess shoots and dried parts of plants. The constellation Pisces has a good effect on newly transplanted flowers, which will grow quickly, delighting you with new bright shoots.

January 25-26. The constellation Taurus in alliance with the Moon will supply the space with positive energy. These days you will be able to actively care for your winter garden, paying attention to those flowers that require care.

January 29-30. The constellation Cancer and the energy of the Moon these days will be favorable for caring for flowers that are gaining buds. They need additional feeding, otherwise they may lose color and not please you with bright inflorescences.


In February, plant care is no less important, because many of the flowers are already ready to bloom. Proper care of them on favorable days will allow you to enjoy beautiful flowers and watch the development of newly acquired flowers. To always have harmony and comfort in your home, purchase plants of happiness.

February 6-8.
During these days, carefully examine each plant. The Moon in Scorpio gives the space positive energy, and you will be able to cure diseased plants without hassle. Spray them with special products and move them away from healthy shoots.

February 12-13.
Under the influence of Capricorn, plants develop well and therefore do not require special care. Limit yourself to watering, loosening the soil and wiping wide parts of plants from dust.

February 17-18. These days, the constellation Pisces and the rise of the Moon will allow you to start breeding new flowers with seeds. You can grow excellent seedlings both for your home garden and for planting plants in open ground. You can start planting bulbous flowers, such as lilies.

February 21-22. The energy of these days is favorable for any work with plants. Taurus has a beneficial effect on shoots, enhancing the growth of flowers and giving them good resistance to various diseases.

February 25-26. The moon is in fertile Cancer, which means it’s time for active work. If your flowers do not require care, start sowing lettuce for an excellent source of vitamins.


March is the time of awakening and active growth of plants. During this period, they need care and attention, as well as changing the soil and transplanting into new pots. Don’t forget about fertilizing, because in spring flowers begin to grow rapidly, and mineral fertilizers will help them make up for the lack of nutrients.

March 1-2. The Moon in Pisces is in the growth phase, which means attention should be paid to plants with a well-developed crown. Newly planted flowers will grow quickly, so they need to be supported. Feed the shoots so that they please you with their healthy appearance.

March, 6. The moon in Scorpio provides seeds with rapid growth, so you can safely soak the seeds, plant seedlings and begin work on outdoor flower beds.

March 20-21. The Moon in Taurus will give you the opportunity to actively work on your winter garden, move plants to sunnier areas, replant flowers and purchase new evergreen shrubs for your home.

March 22. The Moon in Gemini is a favorable time for working with terrestrial parts of plants. Do not disturb the roots and soil so as not to interfere with the active growth of your flowers.

March 25-26. Under the influence of Pisces, flowers develop quickly. Your care and feeding will allow ornamental trees to quickly form a crown, and fertilizing the soil of plants preparing to flower will allow them to form many buds.

March 27-31. Dedicate the end of the month to carefully caring for your plants. If weather permits, they can be moved to enclosed balconies to provide them with maximum sources of sunlight and energy.


In April, gardeners should take a closer look at the plants, move light-loving flowers closer to sunlight, but not to direct rays, so as not to damage the delicate leaves. Also this month you can “evict” cacti onto closed balconies. By hardening off these plants, you will get them to bloom abundantly in winter.

April 3. The waning moon moves into the constellation Scorpio. The root system of flowers is actively developing, so direct your energy to the upper parts of the plants. These days, you can spray the flowers or give them a shower, having previously protected the ground from erosion.

April 17-19. For a three-day period, the Moon will impart positive energy to the flowers. Her presence in Taurus and then in Gemini will provide an opportunity to prove herself as a breeder. Cross your flowers to create new colors.

April 21.
On this day, the energy of the constellation Cancer allows you to replant existing plants, as well as purchase seeds and seedlings of new ones.

April 25-26.
These days, the growth of the Moon and the zodiac Virgo provide plants with additional strength for active growth and development. If you plan to crown ornamental shrubs, refrain, as the sap is actively moving towards the leaves at this time.

April 29-30. The constellation Scorpio has a positive effect on flowers, and timely care, watering and processing of plants can safely begin these days.


The days of May provide the plants with sufficient light and sunny air, so you can safely take the plants outside. However, keep an eye on the changing weather so that your flowers do not freeze or break due to strong gusts of wind.

9th May.
A day favorable for flowers will be under the influence of Pisces. On this day, you can safely start transplanting flowers into prepared soil and sowing seeds of new plants.

May 16-19. Four days of the positive influence of the Moon, which is first in Gemini and then in Cancer, should be devoted to actively caring for existing plants. It will not be superfluous to fertilize the soil.

May 24. The constellation Libra has a positive influence on plants, and gardeners can devote this day to actively caring for their garden.

May 28-29.
During the Full Moon period, when the Moon takes its position in the constellation Scorpio, you can safely engage in plants. Watering and trimming dead parts of flowers will help them develop.


Favorable days in June will be enough for quality care of both flowering plants and tropical wonders. Pay attention to roses, which will be susceptible to attacks by aphids and other pests in the summer months.
June 7. The Moon in Pisces imbues the space with positive energy, which allows your beautiful flowers to develop quickly. On this day, take care of plants that require abundant watering and loosening of the soil.

June 14-15. The influence of Cancer these days can be used both for caring for existing plants and for planting overgrown flowers.

June 26-28. The positive influence of the night light is suitable for active manipulations with plants. These days you can take care of capricious flowers, including violets. They can be planted and leaves taken to grow new shoots.


In July, plants receive the maximum amount of sunlight, so many amateurs and professionals put flowers outside to harden them off and give them a chance to develop in natural conditions.

4th of July. The waning Moon will be in Pisces on this day, which means it’s time to plant bulbous flowers and plants with an extensive root system. Under the influence of positive energy, germination increases.

July 17-20. For four days, the Moon will supply plants with positive energy, visiting Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. Dedicate this time to caring for your plants, and they will delight you with strong and healthy shoots, gorgeous foliage and abundant flowering.

July 22-27.
The development of flowers these days can be accelerated by watering them with nutrient solutions. You can make your own nutritional substance or purchase ready-made solutions at flower shops.


In August, the growth of many plants begins to slow down, and the most capricious of them require your attention. Tropical flowers should be kept in rooms without drafts and sudden temperature changes, which are not uncommon in August.

August 1. The first day of August, the Moon gives positive energy, which can be used to care for house plants and work in the garden or on a personal plot.

August 9. The constellation Cancer on this day has a positive effect on the growth of flowers. Timely watering and loosening the soil will help them develop properly and form lush crowns.

August 14-18.
A long period of influence of the night luminary will charge you with optimism, and give plants an additional impetus for growth and development. At this time, you can safely do any work with flowers both at home and in open flower beds.

August 21-23.
The moon moves into the constellation Capricorn, which has a positive effect on plant growth. Newly planted flowers quickly take root and are resistant to temperature changes.

August 26, 28. The constellation Pisces will help you deal with pests and provide good care for the plants: wipe the leaves and remove excess shoots to form the correct growth of ornamental trees.


In September, proper care of evergreens will help them prepare for the winter period and endure it without any problems. Many plants can no longer be left outdoors, as heavy dew can negatively affect their health.

September 11-14.
Energy-favorable days can be devoted to caring for plants that need to be transplanted into larger pots. Modern manipulations will preserve their roots, and new containers will allow them to actively develop.

September 18-19.
The growth of the Moon in Capricorn is favorable for watering and loosening the soil, as well as for planting newly acquired plants.

September 23-24.
The moon is growing in the constellation Pisces, and this is a good time for caring for citrus fruits. They can be safely trimmed to form a crown, and young bushes can also be grafted with cuttings from other plants.


In October, plants do not need active watering, except for moisture-loving flowers, so the month can be devoted to loosening the soil and keeping the flowers in optimal conditions for their development.

October 2-3.
The Moon will spend these days in Cancer. Plants do not require close attention. You can start growing new seedlings.

October 10-12. This period is favorable for sowing flower seeds, as well as for actively caring for plants that are preparing to bloom.

October 15-16.
During this period, active plant care should not be carried out. Start selecting new flowers for your winter garden. Astrologers recommend paying attention to plants that have the function of purifying the air.

The 20th of October. On this day, the Moon in Pisces will help your flowers gain strength. A little fertilizing will be appropriate for those plants that continue to actively grow.

October 30.
Pay attention to citrus trees. They are starting to get ready to bloom and need extra care and watering.


In November, pay attention to the microclimate in your winter garden. Central heating dries out the air, so plants will need to be sprayed with water at room temperature.

November 8. This time will be favorable for sowing flowers, including annuals. Thanks to the influence of Scorpio, they will sprout quickly and in the middle of winter will delight you with beautiful inflorescences.

November 11-13. These days, the influence of Capricorn will ensure rapid germination of bulbous flowers. If you plan to please your loved ones with a fresh bouquet, then plant tulips or other spring primroses.

November 16-18. Planting and replanting flowers these days is possible due to the influence of the zodiac Pisces. At this time, plants quickly take root, avoiding diseases and forming strong shoots.

November 21-22. These days the energy of the space is positive, but the plants need rest. You can limit yourself to minimal watering or generous spraying of flowers.


The end of the year is important for caring for tropical plants, which not only grow actively in winter, but also often delight owners with flowering flowers.
You can also safely buy or accept new ornamental plants as gifts.

December 4th.
On this day, you will be able to loosen the soil of palm trees and wipe the leaves of dracaenas and ficus trees from dust.

December 9-10. All plants that require direct access of oxygen to the roots will require care on this day. The moon is growing in Capricorn, so all the juice goes into the shoots. You can safely engage in root tillage.

December 14. On this day, go shopping to buy new interesting plants. Pay attention to flowers that attract money luck.

December 19-20. Plants that overwinter or slow down do not need to be replanted, but for other flowers, watering or loosening is enough.



- Favorable and unfavorable days for planting, replanting indoor flowers, house plants

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for January 2017:

3rd and 4th - Moon in the sign of Pisces, refrain from feeding these days, as well as from preparing the earthen mixture.
On January 7 and 8, the Moon will be in the sign of Taurus. These are the most favorable days for replanting plants (closer to the end of the dormant period).

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for February 2017:

If you plan to replant some plants from your flower collection this month, we advise you to choose February 8 and 9, when the Moon will be in the zodiac sign Cancer.
On the 14th and 15th the Moon is in the sign of Libra and on these days we recommend doing pruning, pinching and shaping the crown.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for March 2017:

March 2-4, the Moon in Taurus is the most favorable day for replanting flowering plants during the dormant period.
On March 26 and 27, the Moon will be in Pisces; it is not advisable to feed or water any house plants at this time.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for April 2017:

The most favorable days for planting indoor flowers are April 3 and 4, when the Moon will be in the sign of Cancer. The best period for transplantation in April is the 26th, 27th, when the Moon will be in Taurus.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for May 2017:

The best days for planting and replanting plants are May 28 and 29, when the Moon will be in Cancer. On May 7-8, it is useful to loosen and fertilize (Moon in Libra).

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for June 2017:

If you plan to replant some house plants in June, then choose the 7th-8th, when the Moon will be in Scorpio. The period of June 26-29 is perfect for planting, rooting, grafting, and taking cuttings.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for July 2017:

The most favorable days for replanting plants are July 3 and 4, when the Moon will be in Scorpio. On the waning Moon (July 10-22), you can start sowing, pruning, and planting bulbous plants.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for August 2017:

The best days for planting and replanting plants in August are the 26th-28th, when the Moon will be in the sign of Scorpio. On the waning Moon on August 8-20, you can start pruning and crown formation.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for September 2017:

On the waxing Moon in September, transplanted plants take root very well. If you need to replant some indoor flowers this month, then the most favorable days for this are the 23rd and 24th, when the Moon will be in Scorpio. On the waning Moon (September 7-19), we recommend doing organic feeding, planting bulbs, and crown formation.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for October 2017:

On the waxing Moon, during the period of October 1-4 and October 20-31, you can start preparing cuttings for rooting. Favorable days for transplantation are the 20th-22nd, when the Moon will be in Scorpio.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for November 2017:

It is better not to plan a transplant this month (only if absolutely necessary). November 26-28, when the Moon will be in the sign of Pisces, is best suited for planting seedlings. During the New Moon period (November 18 and the coming days), it is useful to remove dried branches and leaves of plants and pinch them.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for December 2017:

The 28th and 29th (the waxing Moon in Taurus) are the most favorable days for transplanting weak or whimsical flowering plants at the end of the dormant period.
On the waning Moon, December 4-17 is the safest period for caring for the above-ground parts of houseplants.


Unfavorable dates for planting or replanting indoor flowers in 2016:

9, 10, 11, 12, 23, 24, 25;

7, 8, 9, 21, 22, 23;

6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 22, 23, 24;

2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 21, 22, 23, 29, 30;

1, 6, 7, 8, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28;

4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24;

3, 4, 5, 19, 20, 21, 22;

2, 3, 4, 17, 18, 19, 31;

1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 30;

1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 30, 31;

1, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 28, 29, 30;

4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 28, 29, 30, 31.


It is better to care for flowers on certain days. Many indoor plant lovers grow them at random, especially beginner gardeners. And they are faced with the problem of insufficient growth, poor survival rate after transplantation - even to the death of plants.

Meanwhile, most problems can be easily avoided if you approach the matter correctly. You can get all the necessary information about the technology of replanting indoor plants in the calendar for gardeners. It indicates the time favorable for activities such as watering, fertilizing and changing soil. Flowers transplanted these days easily take root and grow actively.

Techniques for proper transplantation

Replanting an indoor flower is required when the leaves wither, the soil becomes raised, and flowering disappears. Most often, the soil needs to be replaced. The new pot should be larger than the previous one by about 4 cm.

To remove the flower, carefully moisten the soil and carefully remove the plant along with the soil. Place drainage in a layer of about 1 cm at the bottom of the new pot. If the container is large, the thickness of the layer can reach up to 5 cm. Pour soil on top in the form of a mound and strengthen the plant.

About the most favorable days for replanting indoor plants

You cannot place the flower in the sun or fertilize it immediately after the procedure. Transplantation should be performed in the absence of flowering, taking into account a certain time of year. The most suitable periods for this procedure are March-April and September-October. We should not forget that each plant has individual characteristics and can bloom and grow actively at completely different times.

The best time to change the soil is when the sap is moving towards the stem and leaves. Plants with reduced elasticity of the root system take root in new soil. When transplanted, they are less susceptible to breakage and other negative impacts.

Determining the optimal timing

It is recommended to change the soil of the flower during the waxing phase of the moon. You can determine it by looking at a special lunar calendar. Experts recommend changing the soil at specific periods. These are the spring months - March and May, the summer months - July and August, the whole autumn without restrictions (on favorable days), and the winter months - December.

These tips are based on years of research. It is believed that on the mentioned dates the change of habitat occurs less painfully, and the negative effects are little perceived by plants.

What is the lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants

It is compiled by research specialists in order to simplify the task of caring for representatives of the plant kingdom. The lunar calendar contains information on the topic of loosening, watering and other care. There are detailed days when the flower’s habitat should not be changed.

It is compiled according to the lunar phases. If you follow these recommendations when replanting indoor plants according to the lunar calendar, your flower will not have problems getting used to the new pot. It will begin to grow actively. There are also days in the calendar when any manipulations with plants are highly discouraged. The risk of damage during transplantation for a flower is quite high, and to avoid it you should listen to the advice of specialists.

Below we provide a lunar calendar for indoor plants and flowers for 2017.

Moon phases and our flowers

The state of the moon is considered a serious factor affecting the process of growing flowers. The stem actively lengthens and feeds on sap during the growth phase. When the celestial satellite is in the full moon phase, changing the habitat of the flower should be avoided. This is because the root system is currently actively feeding.

On the days of lunar eclipses, nature provides moments of rest and accumulation of strength. All living things are slowly reborn, and therefore working with the earth during this period is not recommended. It is precisely this data that astrologers rely on when compiling a lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants.

About zodiac signs

When caring for plants, it is recommended to take into account which zodiac sign the moon is in at one time or another. Favorable signs include Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces. When the moon is “visiting” Leo or Aquarius, working with the earth is not recommended. All other signs, according to astrologers, do not actively influence flowers.

All of the above is quite understandable from a scientific point of view. After all, the position of the moon affects the state of the water, sea tides and tides. The nature of our entire planet, along with the process of vegetation growth, largely depends on the lunar phases.

How does this happen

Those dates of the lunar calendar that are indicated as favorable days for replanting indoor plants coincide with the period when the juice moves to the stem and leaves, that is, to the top of the flower. At the same time, the root system experiences a decrease in turgor and slight dehydration of cells, as a result of which they become less fragile. That is why replanting under these conditions is tolerated as easily as possible, as is the process of taking root in the new soil. Then you can successfully propagate flowers from cuttings, taking advantage of the most favorable days for replanting indoor flowers.

The above coincides with the waxing phase of the moon. When it decreases, the opposite happens - the roots are filled with moisture. They should not be disturbed at this time. Thus, it is much easier to achieve a blooming and healthy appearance of an indoor garden by consulting the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

In emergency situations

We do not consider cases where an emergency transplant procedure may be required. Pests may suddenly appear, pots sometimes break, and stems break. If it is necessary to urgently save a flower, of course, they no longer pay attention to the schedule. A similar procedure is recommended outside of the plan in the case of crushing and yellowing of leaves, or a long absence of flowering.

If the plant has bloomed, it is not advisable to replant it even on one of the favorable days for replanting indoor flowers. There is a very high probability that the green pet will become ill for a long time as a result, and it will be very difficult to cure him.

What to do at other times

There are also unfavorable days for transplanting and planting plants, as well as relatively neutral ones. This time can be filled with procedures of a less radical nature. We are talking about fertilizing, loosening, watering, and treating pests. But on those dates that are indicated in the calendar as completely unfavorable, it is better to leave the flowers completely alone. No type of care at this time will benefit the plant.

The most unsuitable days for transplantation are those when there are lunar and solar eclipses (including partial ones). The vulnerability of flowers at this time is increased, and even the most minor injury can destroy the plant.

Why do you need regular transplantation?

There may be several reasons for this:

1. Overgrown roots no longer fit in the usual container. The earth begins to rise, making watering difficult.

2. Due to hard water, salts accumulate in the soil, making it difficult for the flower to feed.

3. The soil is depleted, its organic component decomposes. As a result, fertilizing does not give the desired effect.

4. Due to soil compaction, oxygen starvation of the roots occurs.

The function of indoor plants is not only decorative. They can significantly improve the microclimate of a living space by humidifying and air conditioning, as well as neutralizing positively charged ions emitted by household appliances. Many types of flowers save owners from harmful emissions from finishing and furniture materials by absorbing toxins.

Even in the absence of strict compliance with the requirements of the lunar calendar, the plant will tolerate replanting work better when it is done in the spring, during the warm season. It is then that the permanent place of residence for the rooted cuttings is determined. If for some reason you decide to have an “operation” in the fall, careful observance of favorable days for replanting indoor plants is even more important.

Using this approach, you will speed up the growth of your favorite variety and get a lot of little “babies”. Compiling a lunar calendar on your own is a rather difficult task. Ordinary amateur flower growers, as a rule, cannot do it. After all, professional astrologers take into account a large number of different factors in their work: from the lunar day and month to the position of the sun and moon in certain zodiac signs.

Flowers in spring and winter

All work with house plants is resumed, as a rule, in April - due to warming and increasing daylight hours. In the last month of spring, juices actively circulate in flowers, metabolic processes (respiration, photosynthesis) accelerate, and greenery begins to grow intensively. Such days are good for rejuvenating overgrown bushes and moving to a new place.

Winter replanting is not recommended. This is due to the fact that during the cold season a quiet period begins and any process in the living organism of a flower tends to slow down. To avoid harm, gardeners try not to touch plants in winter.

By following these simple recommendations regarding favorable days for replanting indoor plants and carefully adhering to the lunar calendar, you can surround your green pets with real love and care. And then your efforts will pay off handsomely!

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