Find how to meet a girl. How to meet a girl. Dating on forums and social networks

Getting to know a girl in front of everyone can be quite difficult if you don’t have some practical skills. How to meet and pick up chicks in public places?

It's quite difficult to meet a girl in front of everyone. But if you pay attention to a girl's gestures and respect her personal space, you are unlikely to be considered abnormal. The most important thing is to be respectful of others and follow the instructions below.

Start of the search

1. Go to a crowded place. To meet someone, you need to go out in public. Meet girls only in public places. If you approach a girl in a dimly lit alley, at an abandoned gas station, or in an empty subway, your attempts are doomed to failure. Do not do that.

Go to a coffee shop. Lots of people visit this place throughout the day, so you'll have more opportunities to strike up a conversation.

Go somewhere that interests you, such as a comic book store, a bookstore, or a Renaissance fair. There you will probably meet a girl with the same interests.

Go to a bar or club. Be sure to follow the instructions below on how to meet girls at a bar. Not every girl will want to meet you. Pay attention to body language, although the very atmosphere of such establishments is not very conducive to making acquaintances.

2. Make eye contact. If you like a girl, try making eye contact before talking to her. Continue looking into her eyes once you catch her eye.

If a girl glances at you every now and then, this is a sure sign that she is not against getting to know you. If a girl looks at you three times, she is most likely interested in you.

Why does a look have such power? Scientists suggest that eye contact activates the brain's pleasure center, the ventral striatum. What does this mean? Our DNA tells us that if they look at us point blank, then this is a reason for joy!

Smile. A friendly smile is a great way to show a girl that you care about her. A good sign would be to respond with a smile to a smile, and thereby she shows that she also wouldn’t mind getting to know each other.

Once you've exchanged a few glances and smiles, start observing her body language. This is the best way to find out if a girl likes you.

3. Observe body language. While it is NOT easy to accurately interpret another person's body language, be it a girl or a guy, there are a few things that can help you determine if a person is interested in dating. Respect the girl's right to be alone.

Is the girl's back turned to you? Are her arms crossed over her chest? Is she listening to music or reading a book? Is she frowning? Is she intentionally turning away from you? Although these are not entirely accurate indicators, such facial expressions and gestures are more likely to indicate that the girl wants to be left alone.

Body language isn't everything. Women are taught from childhood that they must be polite no matter what. If you are going to meet a girl, pay attention to her reaction and response words.

4. Approach the girl you are interested in. Start with common phrases. Maybe she's reading the same book as you, or wearing your favorite band T-shirt. Or maybe the bus is late, which will give you a reason to talk to her.

Leave her alone if she is not in the mood for conversation. There are many ways to determine this: the girl does not look you in the eyes, answers in monosyllables, looks around and looks for a reason to avoid continuing the conversation.

If a girl is interested, you will understand it immediately: the girl looks into your eyes, smiles, or moves closer.
As soon as you meet a girl and understand that she is interested in you, proceed directly to communication.

5. Talk to the girl. The conversation will start naturally as soon as you say the first phrase, but if not, here are some ways to start a conversation.

Ask her if she sewed her own dress, earrings or other accessory. You can even say something like, “I couldn’t help but notice that this dress matches the amazing color of your eyes.” This will make her feel attractive regardless of her appearance. Like all people, girls prefer to be liked not only for their appearance.

If you're in a bookstore or comic book store, ask her what kind of books she likes.

Listen carefully to what she says. This way you will learn more about her and have the opportunity to continue the conversation. In addition, she will understand that she is interested in you as a person.

6. Make plans for the future. Make plans for future dates if she is interested in you and is determined.

Give her your phone number or email address. This will make her feel like she is in control of the situation. You'll know for sure if she likes you if she calls or texts you.

Ask her for her phone number or email address. If she refuses, leave everything as it is. After all, she doesn’t owe you anything, even if she enjoyed communicating with you.

Ask her to go on a date with you right away. Ask her if she would like to have a cup of coffee. Always choose public places for spontaneous dates, because the girl should feel safe. Mentally choose a suitable coffee shop or ask the girl if she knows where you can sit quietly and drink coffee. This will let her know that she is in control of the situation.

7. Be polite. This is the most important aspect of meeting girls in public or in any other situation. If she is not interested in you, abandon your idea.

Remember that different girls have different requirements for guys, or lack thereof. The girl may simply feel that you are not her type. But there are other girls who might be crazy about you.

Hygiene is very important. Wash regularly, brush your teeth and ears, trim your nails, and so on.

Don't be discouraged if your original plan doesn't work out. This is life, and it does not mean that there is anything wrong with you.

Try not to talk about obscure hobbies, unless it would be interesting to both of you. For example, if you both love sports, you could talk about sports teams or watch a game together on your date.

Be yourself, especially when you first meet. You don’t want to show yourself not the way she liked you at the first meeting.

Don't skimp. If things go smoothly, pay for drinks, meals, or taxi rides home. If she insists that she wants to pay herself, say, “I’ll pay for this one, and you buy the next one.” But if she really wants to pay, don't insist. Just say you'll pay next time. Hint: This is a good excuse for your next date.

Ask your sister, mother or friend for advice, because only women can give you the right advice.

Try to make sure that you both participate in the conversation. There is nothing worse than communicating with a person who is focused solely on himself. Ask her what she thinks about something and listen carefully to her answer. This is a sure sign that you care about her opinion and that you know how to listen.


If you are rejected in public, don't react negatively, just smile at her and walk away.

If you're meeting a girl surrounded by friends, be prepared to impress the whole group.

Don't ask a girl to smile if she doesn't. Women are constantly told this, and it is not at all conducive to communication.

Don't be a fool who considers himself an expert on female psychology. If a girl says that she is not interested, she is not trying to play with you at all, she really is NOT INTERESTED!

DO NOT meet girls at the gym. They go there to exercise, not to flirt.

So, you decided to use all possible methods and find out how to meet a girl on the Internet and did not miss the article that will ensure your success? You did everything right, and taking into account all my advice, the acquaintance will be more than successful.

Basic rules of online dating

Let's start, perhaps, with what, without which all your further actions will be meaningless - with the rules and fundamentals of behavior on the Internet.

Be well mannered

You simply do not have the right to be vulgar and rude. Forget it will not give you points in the eyes of the lady. At best, she will simply think that she is dealing with a gopnik, at worst, with an unbalanced pervert.

Read also:

Try to master your literacy

Yes, some girls are also “not a fountain”, but you still try to write correctly. After all, if one out of 10 does not notice your gross mistakes due to their own illiteracy, then 9 will definitely pay attention to it. Even if all your commas are not placed correctly, the words “girls” or “want” are an irreparable stain on your reputation.

If your spelling is very bad, use special services to check texts. Finally, write your messages in Word, copy and paste into the dialog box.

A few tips

If for some reason you can’t see a girl’s photo or you can’t find out her age (this often happens on forums and dating sites), you can try using these tips:

  • If a young lady is very capricious and touchy, most likely she is beautiful (or at least considers herself so).
  • Cowardly, a little stupid and quite naive - most likely she is a teenager.
  • If he starts a topic about work, weekends, lack of free time, earnings, etc. - Most likely, she is already over 20.
  • If she starts talking about her studies, she is either a schoolgirl or a student.
  • If on a girl’s page you only see photos of her face, try to make sure you see her completely. You can just ask for a full-length photo of her if you are already close enough. Otherwise, you risk seeing on the first date something that is far from what you hoped for.

The advice is banal, but sometimes we forget to pay attention to such little things and what we get is not at all what we pictured in our minds.

Let's meet on a dating site

How to meet a girl on the Internet? Of course, on a dating site - they are all open to communication and dating, they don’t have boyfriends and they are just waiting for their prince. But on the other hand, there are thousands of active users on popular sites and they are not sitting idle.

Your task is to stand out from the twenty men who wrote to your beauty at the same time as you. What do I need to do:

  1. Never write to a girl what you could write to everyone else. That is, “you’re beautiful, let’s get to know each other” won’t work. And most likely, 15 of those 20 people will write to her exactly like that. Look at her profile and write something unique to her.
  2. If the site is designed in such a way that messages are conveyed with a subject, always make it beautiful.
  3. If possible, write to girls who are “online” - this way you will immediately see the result if she does not want to continue communication.

Young woman: « Marina, brunette, 17 years old, student at the pedagogical school"


Subject: “To the most charming girl in the pedagogical school”

Then I would like to tell you about myself: my name is Oleg, I do programming, and in my free time I prefer active recreation. I will soon turn 22 years old and for my birthday I would like to meet a wonderful girl with whom I can go on an interesting journey.”.

  1. The second rule follows from the written letter: a message on a dating site should not be too short. You have to make a girl read it and think about you. A simple 25th “Hello” risks even going unnoticed. But a long, interesting letter is sure to stand out from the background of banal one-word messages.
  2. Romance and mystery won't hurt you. For example, in communication, do not be shy about doing strange things: write that you are inviting her to a slow dance. In your next message you can write her the name of a beautiful slow song that she should listen to.

Experiment + example

For the sake of the experiment, 10 girls were chosen, the introduction was the same, and the answers were not particularly different. The goal is to get a phone number.

Me: Hello, are you looking for love?)
She: Maybe / Just communicating / Of course / No
Me: It’s unlikely that you can find anyone on this site, they only offer all sorts of nonsense...
She: Exactly / That's right / Blah-Blah-Blah
Me: I hope you’re a good girl, you’re not writing anything bad?))
She: No / No, I’m good / I don’t write...
Me: To be honest, I haven’t visited such sites before, and apparently I won’t visit them again, after what they write here. Let's talk on the phone for 2 minutes. Write the number)


  • 2 wrote their number after the last message;
  • 4 wrote the number after several messages, basically I complimented and said that I was in a hurry;
  • 3 continued the conversation, later giving a number (banal conversation about interests + intrigue);
  • 1 refused to give her phone number and the conversation was not continued

The dialogue is a little truncated, but the essence of the correspondence is clear, I will reveal the psychology of such an acquaintance in the following articles, if you are interested, write in the comments.

How to meet a girl on VKontakte

This site is known to you firsthand and you have probably already received many refusals. I want to warn you that this will continue. According to statistics, even with the most correct approach, girls on VK do not respond to messages in 45-50% of cases. Such a harsh truth. But if you do it wrong, you may lose even those 50% of girls who respond.

How to learn

To understand how to properly meet people on the Internet, you need to develop an approach. So, in order:

  1. You weed out the girls you will train on. Choose absolutely any city and put the same one on your page. You need to gain experience before writing to a girl you really like, and those with whom you communicate will even help with advice!
  2. Next, you choose 10 normal, not “fashionable”, not “scary”, but simple pretty girls “online”, perhaps with cockroaches - good for training.
  3. You write everyone the same message with an individual character for each of the applicants. below↓
  4. Let's call it exercise. You need to repeat it until 8 out of 10 girls continue the dialogue with you. Once a week is enough.

Thanks to such training, your page will be filled with interesting girls from whom you can ask for advice, and you will gain confidence in your abilities and can easily develop a dialogue.

Your task:

  1. practice a certain model of communication that is inherent to you on the Internet;
  2. learn to determine which message suits a certain type of girl;
  3. be able to develop a dialogue until its final completion or its goal;

It is important to have a goal for communicating with a girl, that is, set a goal and achieve it in various ways, otherwise you will waste your time.

Everything must be perfect - 6 stages of preparation

If you have taken into account the rules, put a good photo on your avatar and filled out your page with suitable information, do not rush to relax:

Stage No. 1. Hide unnecessary albums

If you managed to post online photos from a wild drinking session, leave romantic photos with your ex-girlfriend, etc. - hide them. You must have an ideal profile: photos of moments of your success at work, photos in the company of your friends (adequate, sober...), photos in nature, on a trip, at a concert, etc. Hide everything that is compromising far away - leave what characterizes you from the best side.

The same goes for vulgar videos, vulgar idiotic songs, subscriptions to porn groups, etc.

Stage No. 2. Clean up the comments

Get into the habit of erasing comments that show all your cards. Entries like “Zai, yesterday was very good” should be deleted immediately (if you don’t stop at one girl).

Stage No. 3. Recognize fakes

To avoid wasting time on decoy pages, learn to recognize them right away. If you see that everything about a girl is too perfect or she has very few photos other than her avatar, it could be a fake. You need to take her photo, upload it to Google image search and see in what other profiles and on what sites this image appears. If you see her on various sex sites, etc. - it's fake.

You should be alarmed by the imbalance between the comments under the photo and the number of friends. Also, fakes often have over 1000 friends, and the page was created relatively recently.

Stage No. 4. Find the “right” girls

Your task is to find the girl with whom you have something in common. According to statistics and personal experience, ordinary compliments are powerless here, but common interests work very well. Go to the groups of your favorite musical groups, open the list of participants and look for pretty girls there. So from the first messages you will have a topic for conversation - “she also loves the group Nirvana.”

  • The same goes for groups dedicated to your favorite films, TV series, books, writers, places, travel, etc.
  • If you are not interested in anything at all, find common interests in her. She has beautiful legs and you like them? Most likely, she also likes her long legs. Why not a topic for conversation?
  • You can search for girls with the same last name as you. First act like you think you're related. Then just turn it into regular interesting communication.

In short, develop effective tactics, and don’t just add just anyone.

Stage No. 5. Be vigilant

You will have to add a huge number of girls as friends, among whom you may meet friends. But you are “not a noble womanizer, but a simple good guy who decided to meet a beautiful girl,” so you can’t get shot. As soon as you go to a girl’s page and see that your mutual friends are the one with whom you had a nice conversation 5 minutes ago, run away from there.

But if you have mutual friends who do not relate to the process of your hunting for girls, this will only be a plus for you. When girls see mutual friends, it seems to them that you already know each other, that they can trust you, etc.

Stage No. 6. Do not disappear

Be prepared for the fact that you will have to correspond with the girl for about two weeks. If you suddenly disappear for a week, things can get out of control. Therefore, do not be too intrusive, writing to her all day long. But don’t get lost for long.

Take pauses between messages, but the girl should not think that you are slow and squeezing out an answer.

The most important thing is the first message to a girl

All sites tell you that the first message on VK is the most important part of your acquaintance. But I’ll express a different opinion: if you have an awesome account, looking at which a girl thinks “he’s cool,” 85% of the work is done. In this case, it is enough that your first message is just normal.

  1. Do not write an offer to have sex in your first message, no matter how veiled it is.
  2. Don’t just write “Hello,” even if you follow it up with “How are you?” Girls almost never respond to such messages. You must come up with a phrase that will lead to the development of the conversation.
  3. Don’t be too cocky: “Sly, you’re going on a date with me today.”
  4. There is no need to be too sweet, from the first messages telling about how you dream of taking her on a date, so that she can caress you, etc.
  5. Also, be calm with compliments: beautiful, amazing, magnificent - this is too much for the first message.
  6. When you add as a friend, know why you are doing it and let the girl know about it.

Here are examples of how you can start a conversation:

  • You simply write: "I know something about you." She will definitely want to know what you know. In response, you can write about her what you noticed while studying her page, and what you yourself liked about her.
  • “When I saw your photo, I was simply amazed at how much Photoshop can do.” This phrase will touch her pride and make her pay attention to your message. Most likely she will answer that her photo is natural and she looks the same in real life.
  • "Hello. You look like an energetic girl. What sports do you do?”
  • “I noticed that you play tennis. How long have you been training?

The last two phrases can have hundreds of variations. All you have to do is understand what the girl is interested in and come up with a message about it .

It is important that the first message provokes the girl to answer you, that is, you need to ask a question at the end of the monologue!

  • "Hello. You seem like an attractive girl to me. Yes, and I'm not bad. We’re just destined to meet, don’t you think?”

This sounds atypical and a little provocative. You don’t shower her with compliments, raising her self-esteem to a sky-high level. But at the same time you say that she interests you. You yourself also behave with dignity, showing that she will receive a lot of good things from you. It’s clear from the example that you made her laugh with your non-standard behavior, but that’s good! Then you can develop the dialogue, because the girl is already ready to communicate.

If you have a good sense of humor, show her this, and don’t write “you know, I have a great sense of humor.” You can joke and even tease her - this will only cheer up the girl. But always control what you say: in extreme cases, your jokes and jokes can really be offensive.” You can even start your dialogue with some kind of joke, for example: “Wasn’t it you who ate all the tangerines in the supermarket yesterday? Continuation: It seems similar - that girl was so pretty too".

In general, a joke may be suitable for the first message, but not vulgar or offensive. You don’t need to immediately shower her with compliments or show her what a super man you are, saying, “As you said, so it will be.” Just be yourself, communicate naturally and easily, letting her know about your interest, but without showing that you began to idolize her from the first glance at the photo.

I want to tell you that even this hated “Hello” can work if you completely fit into her framework. That is, if on your page she found a photo of a young man attractive to her, and then reinforced this opinion by reading the information on the wall, she will even respond to a regular greeting. That is why there are no 100% methods, phrases and methods. You can only remain yourself and not do anything stupid in communication, thus getting what you want, and using our tips you will understand how easy it is to meet people on the Internet.

If you have suggestions or real examples of your online dating success, write them in the comments, everyone will be very interested in supplementing their knowledge.

Dating a representative of the fair sex is one of the biggest and most difficult pickup sections that every man who wants to start a strong relationship with his future companion must know. Many guys are concerned about the question of how to meet a girl on the street, on social networks, on dating sites?

As you know, the stage of conceiving a new relationship with a girl is a rather short and subtle moment, but for most guys it has become the starting point that raises the largest number of all kinds of questions. This is due to the fact that the first conversation with the opposite sex sets a certain tone of seduction, which can significantly facilitate the further establishment of relationships or, conversely, delay their development for a long, long time.

Thus, below are several options for the most effective ways to meet a girl, which you can use not only in the form in which they are given, but also adapt them to your situations and circumstances. It also contains tips that will help you avoid mistakes and be more likely to meet a beautiful girl.

In order to meet a girl, you first need to remember a few simple rules and know how to behave and how not to behave. What you need to pay attention to and how to behave:

  1. You need to appear confident.
  2. You need to dress neatly and stylishly.
  3. You need to be open and sincere.
  4. Give compliments, but only in moderation and on topic.
  5. Be polite and tactful so as not to scare the girl.
  6. Try to notice details and information about the girl and use this in behavior and conversation.
  7. Try to notice the nuances of your surroundings and use them as well.
  8. Try to get to know as many people as possible - this will not only reduce the fear of meeting people and allow you to “roll back” your working patterns, but will also increase your chances of success. A simple theory of probability - the greater the chances, the greater the likelihood of meeting a beautiful girl.

Let's move on to consider several styles of dating on the street, and then consider how to meet people on social networks and dating sites.

How to “simplely” meet a girl

As you know, naturalness has always attracted many women. In this regard, when first communicating with a female person you like, it is better not to bother yourself with all sorts of trifles, but to direct all your efforts to directly winning the lady’s heart. Although doing this is much more difficult than talking.

However, it's still worth a try. How to easily meet a girl? For example, the simplest and most natural way of dating is that a man, when meeting a young lady, should express exactly what is spinning in his head at the moment.

Let's say a guy is very attractive to some girl with whom he definitely wants to meet. In this case, he should simply approach her and say: “Good afternoon! You are lovely! Let's get acquainted".

As a rule, this simple method of dating is often used by children, and it should be noted that they do it very well. After all, sincerity and simplicity are always valued first and foremost by the opposite sex.

Of course, this method of dating at the initial stage is difficult to implement even for an experienced heartthrob. However, the more often a man practices it, the better he will develop the language of communication with unfamiliar girls, and, therefore, very soon he will achieve the favor of the beauty he likes.

The second method of meeting a girl on the street and starting a relationship is more technical. As a rule, it is more intended for those guys who are already theoretically savvy in this matter. In addition, a man is required to have a clear awareness of the dating process itself, which is based on basic knowledge of female psychology, as well as the ability to use certain practical non-verbal techniques. For example, correctly positioning the body, being able to correctly touch the object of desire, instantly gaining trust, etc.

Due to such subtleties, such a method of dating will effectively prove itself only after a man has studied a fairly large amount of material that can be found on the Internet.

It is also worth noting that this method, in addition to studying its basic theory, requires special training and practice under the direct supervision of specialists, trainers or seducers with more extensive experience.

In order to meet a girl on the street in this way, you should study the following books on dating and pickup:

  • "Life without panties" Alex Leslie
  • "How to Meet Girls" Eric Weber
  • "The Mystery Method" Eric von Markowicz
  • "Woman. Where is her button? Vis Vitalis
  • “A man in great demand” Egor Sheremetyev

Original methods to meet a girl

The originality of this method of meeting a girl lies in making such a positive initial impression, the likes of which have never happened before in the life of this girl. No matter how strange it may sound, such a “simple” method, as described above, may well serve as such a method. After all, few people in our time are able to approach a girl without any embarrassment or constraint and openly tell her about their sincere and tender feelings. However, a more effective original method of meeting a girl is precisely the one that, in the very first minutes of communication, can simply knock down any beauty.

As a rule, many guys who decide to woo a girl exclusively in such a non-standard way quite often resort to certain templates for dating. For example, you can easily learn special original phrases, which are subsequently appropriate to insert into a conversation with the object of desire.

The negative side of this method is that if the template was invented exclusively by the man himself, then it is advisable to test it in advance in order to ensure that it is humorous and original. If this example was borrowed from any Internet resource, you should also make sure that it is unique and non-standard.

Another method of meeting a girl on the street in an original way is to completely destroy the pattern that the female herself uses. After all, surely every representative of the fair sex expects that the entire process of getting to know a man, which will take place with a man, will undoubtedly take place as if according to a written script, without any deviations to the right or left. It is the violation of this stereotype that has been formed over the years that will arouse in her enormous interest in your person. For example, when a guy approaches a girl and just starts a conversation, she immediately replays in herself the outcome of events that so often happens in such situations.

And if a man does not use a standard set of words when meeting him on the street, then the girl’s entire planned pattern is immediately torn apart. Let’s say such an original approach to a lady could be a non-standard phrase: “Hello! Would you like me to tell you where the nearest metro is?” Such a puzzling question will undoubtedly become a non-standard way to meet a particular girl.

However, it is worth noting that this method still has its drawbacks - if you break the established pattern too much, then the woman may completely freeze in thought after your sweeping question.

The third way to win a girl's favor on the street in an original way is to show exceptional emotionality. In other words, when meeting a young beauty, a man should be in a fairly high mood, which can directly affect the state of the girl herself. For example, such an original method could be some kind of action with getting down on one knee and emotional cries that you simply cannot live without this wonderful and charming individual.

However, remember that this method can either work or have exactly the opposite effect.

A “beautiful” way to meet a girl

Of course, absolutely all representatives of the fair sex are imbued with romanticism to the depths of their souls. It is the presented girlish quality that can become the basis for how to easily and quickly win the heart of the girl you like. As a rule, by a beautiful dating method, most women understand exactly the beginning of a relationship that meets all their standard ideas about a romantic moment.

These could be gifts. If you are sitting in a cafe, then buy a treat for the table of the girl you like.

For example, the most spectacular and effective way of dating will be the one that this girl has dreamed of since early childhood. And, as a rule, absolutely all representatives of the fair sex dream of such a prince who approaches his unfamiliar princess with a huge bouquet of red roses and shouts loudly that only she is worthy of such beauty as these flowers, which match her entire appearance.

Another way to make a “beautiful” acquaintance is to do everything that a girl simply cannot refuse. An example of this approach to seduction can easily be the famous films about agent 007. As you dare to notice, there is simply a colossal number of strategies thanks to which even the most inexperienced and shy guy can meet the girl of his dreams.

How to meet people on social networks?

  1. Get your page in order, clean your photos, your wall, leave or hide your participation in dubious groups.
  2. Do not like the photo of the girl you like without writing messages and comments; she is unlikely to write to you herself if you like her; on the contrary, it will scare her away. Comment on her posts, or write a message.
  3. When communicating, be polite and competent, but avoid extremes such as capitalizing “You” on a regular basis or questionable speech patterns.
  4. Don’t be intrusive, try to interest the girl so that she herself wants to write to you.

Where is the best place to meet?

It is best to meet people in thematic groups. Why? There is immediately a specific reason to hit up, and there is also an extensive topic for conversation, discussion and debate; you don’t have to come up with something to talk about in order to interest a girl.

An effective and daring way to meet a girl on social networks can be a provocative comment that will force her to write to you herself or respond to your comment. This way the dialogue will start on its own. However, there is no need to go to extremes; the word provocation does not mean writing a comment under her photo “You’re kind of creepy.” Ideally, this should be a neutral discussion of something without getting personal.

How to meet people on dating sites?

Meeting a girl on dating sites is also a very real option. As with social networks, you need to start with a profile. Choose good photos - without naked torsos and especially genitals, it is advisable that the photos are neutral.

Let's move on to the dating technique on the site, which was tested by the author and definitely works:

  1. Girls on dating sites are bombarded with messages like “Hi. How are you?”, “Let’s have sex,” etc. These phrases will not surprise you.
  2. Come up with an original message, or better yet, several templates. They need to be tested and over time there will be several working options. Under no circumstances should the message be similar to the standard one; this should be avoided. It must be original and arouse interest, laughter, any positive emotions, and then you need to promote the situation.
    Example message: “Hi! I know your little secret! Such a message will interest the girl, she will definitely want to know what the secret is, but you don’t need to reveal all your cards right away; play with her, change the conversation to another topic.
  3. To increase the likelihood of meeting someone, you need to “spam” as many girls as possible. Set the search criteria - gender, age and go through the list, sending a message and not delving too deeply into their profiles - perhaps this girl will not even answer you, and you will spend a lot of time studying her profile, although you could have met a bunch of girls during this time. But if she answers, then it’s worth studying her profile carefully in order to continue the communication substantively and “don’t lose your fish.”
  4. Don’t expect that everyone will like your message, someone won’t answer, someone will send it, someone will say that you are writing a template to everyone (by the way, this case is also a positive result, more than once I managed to make acquaintance with a girl after as she pointed out that the message is formulaic, the main thing is to play it correctly or joke about it).
  5. Avoid rudeness and nonsense, communicate adequately and preferably with humor.

All these tips, if used correctly, will help you meet a girl both in real life and on the Internet. Go for it!

You can meet a girl under any circumstances, but in some places it’s easier. Most often now people meet on social networks. Dating in public places has more advantages, does not require special financial expenses and allows you to meet a girl based on common interests. Don't forget about places that are not at all suitable for this.

Good places to meet women

Below are the most unusual places where it is easiest to meet a good girl.

Online dating through social networks

They often meet through social networks, as they are one of the main common channels for communication. Here you can meet a real person and immediately find out all the information you need about him.

You shouldn’t just write to the first girl you like: having received a message from a stranger in the format: “Hello!”, she will simply ignore it. First, you need to study the page and find something that really grabbed your attention (except for photos of your beloved). It could be music, a movie, an interesting post on the wall, or even mutual friends. The conversation should begin by mentioning this fact.

For example, if you notice on Instagram a photo of a book that you yourself recently read or want to do in the future, you can ask what the girl thinks about it, whether she has read other books by this author or from this series. Such correspondence, if the young lady is willing to make contact, can then be transferred to personal messages on another social network, and there you can use all your charisma and achieve a personal meeting.

Your personal page must be completed, have real photographs and at least a couple of posts on the wall. “Fake” pages are intimidating, and if a girl is really interested in you, she will be interested in looking at your interests and making sure that you are a real person.

A step-by-step guide on how to... From this article you will learn how to prepare your page, how to choose a girl, what to write when meeting.

After meeting, you need to maintain her interest in communication. To do this you need to follow.

Free book

Do you want to learn a lot more interesting things about where and how to meet beautiful girls, what to talk to them about, how to invite them on dates so as not to be refused? Then we strongly advise you to read new free book by Yegor Sheremetev. To download the book and leave your e-mail. An email will be sent to you with a link to the pdf file.

Various group classes, clubs, master classes, trainings

Dancing. At the dance school, there are more girls among the clients than men, so you can confidently sign up for any courses you like. In order not to spend money, you can go to free open lessons and try to meet people there.

In addition, dancing classes help maintain good physical shape, train posture and develop self-confidence - all this attracts girls.

Young ladies over 25 years old love classical couple dancing, so if they don’t have a partner, they often look for a partner in dance school groups or on forums. You can try your luck there and sign up together with a pretty partner, for example, for a tango course.

Psychological trainings. Mostly girls go to this kind of training, as well as dancing.

It’s worth coming early and sitting down with the person you like or even two friends. You can talk about the topic of the training, ask how close this topic is, what the girl can tell about the speaker.

If the lesson is long, then in the middle there is usually a break, during which you can also get acquainted. But it is preferable to do this at the beginning: often at psychological trainings they give paired tasks, so if you make acquaintances at the very beginning, then this can come in handy later.

Foreign language courses. Here there is a whole scope for creativity: attending language courses reveals a man as a person who is open to the world and new knowledge, and women like it.

Learning a language allows you to make new acquaintances, learn a lot about different countries and diversify your resume.

Men increasingly appear in language courses to learn a language for a specific purpose, and women as a hobby. In such a situation, girls are open to new acquaintances and will welcome attention from the opposite sex.

In addition, when learning a language, many topics are raised during the lessons themselves, so even before you meet, you can find out a little information about the girl you like.

If you want to learn how to meet and communicate with girls, be sure to read:. In this article, one of our regular authors spoke about his experience of seducing women.

Various group activities are great for helping overcome shyness when communicating with women. If this is your problem, then you will find a lot of useful information in.

After you find a suitable girl, you need to invite her on the first date. It is very important to choose the right place. - Here.

Shops, supermarkets

Girls have a natural desire to help others, so you can safely use this in stores.

If we are talking about a clothing store, then you can find out advice about whether a particular item suits you or not. In a grocery supermarket, you can clarify the quality of a particular product, ask whether it is difficult to prepare what you want to buy. Girls rarely refuse help.

Just don’t ask for help in choosing women’s clothing or baby food: they may misunderstand you and the acquaintance will not continue.

Making acquaintances in such places does not require additional financial investments, but there is a high risk of not continuing communication outside the store.

Libraries, bookstores

Since there are consultants almost everywhere, you should immediately stop asking questions regarding where you can find this or that book. If there is a girl standing by the bookcase with a volume that you have already read, you can come up and give advice on whether this book is worth buying or not.

It’s also good to get acquainted in thematic departments, choosing a girl with a similar literary taste. The main advantage of such an acquaintance is that you can find a young lady with similar interests.

Mass events, holidays, sports matches

At public events, everyone is in a good mood, people come to relax and enjoy communicating with random strangers.

In such a situation, you can without any problems strike up a conversation with your seatmates, go up to the common table to chat and invite a pretty girl to take part in a competition with you. People are willing to communicate, and after the event the acquaintance can be moved to a quieter place.


The beach is another great place where people come to relax. The resort atmosphere is conducive to easy acquaintances and relaxed communication. We have . You will learn how to approach her, what to say, how to behave.

Museums, art galleries, exhibitions, theaters

If you are interested in history or art, then museums and exhibitions are also good places to get acquainted. The principle here is the same as at concerts or in bookstores.

One of the advantages of this place is that, as a rule, adults, wealthy women over 30 years old come here. Therefore, if you want a stable, mature and serious relationship, then such places are ideal for making acquaintances.

If you are knowledgeable about painting or some other area of ​​art, you can interest a woman in telling a story about a specific exhibit.

In large cities there are also unusual museums: for example, with old slot machines, where you can also play Soviet games. Meeting someone at an exhibition or in a theater can immediately turn into a first date.

Night clubs

There are many girls in nightclubs who are not against dating for one evening.

You can meet someone at the bar by simply saying hello. You can also join the girl on the dance floor. Such acquaintances almost never develop into long-term relationships, and you will also have to spend money on 1-2 cocktails for each girl.

Of all the dating sites, this may require the largest financial investment.

On the street

In order to meet a beautiful girl, you don’t have to choose any special place. Sometimes it's enough to just step out of the house and look around.

It is best to meet people on the central streets of the city, squares, parks and public gardens, i.e. where people come just to walk and breathe fresh air.

There is an opinion that girls have a negative attitude towards meeting people on the street. Actually this is not true. Most girls have an absolutely fair attitude towards guys who approach them in public places. If you are positive and confident, she will probably chat with you for a few minutes, agree to a date and give you her phone number.

Public transport

You can also start new relationships right on public transport. All you need is a little self-confidence, persistence and a couple of suitable first phrases. We talked about all the tricks in the article:.

Dating websites

The simplest option, which does not require any unnecessary movements at all. All you need to do is fill out the form correctly and post some beautiful photos.

However, there is some specificity here. Often there are girls sitting there who cannot meet each other in everyday life. This is often due to either unattractive appearance or oddities in character and behavior. This method of dating requires a serious investment of time, as well as a reserve of patience: you will have to search for a long time.

A serious disadvantage is that many sites require financial investments: in order to gain access to complete information in girls’ profiles and have an unlimited message limit, you have to pay.

Where and how you shouldn’t meet people and why

There are also not the best places to meet people.

Waitresses in bars and restaurants, saleswomen in stores

Girls who work in the service sector constantly attract male attention. They develop a kind of “immunity” to clients.

Most often, store saleswomen and waitresses are divided into two categories:

  1. Those who it is forbidden to have a relationship with clients according to the rules of work in the establishment. Managers often don’t want problems at work, especially when it comes to bars and restaurants. Tipsy young men can cause problems if other visitors show increased attention to their girlfriends;
  2. Those who themselves We set ourselves this rule. Due to the large number of male clients, girls simply get tired of attention to themselves and stop all attempts to get acquainted.

If you want to meet such a girl, then it is best to “watch” her immediately after the end of her shift on the way home.

While intoxicated

No normal woman would introduce her to a tipsy young man. It’s better to approach a girl sober and in a positive frame of mind, rather than staggering with fumes.

So, to meet a girl, they turn to social networks or go to places where they can find a friend with similar interests. Often no financial costs are required, unless you go to a nightclub. You should avoid saleswomen in stores, do not confuse girls by trying to meet them on public transport, and do not waste time on dating sites.

It doesn't matter why you want to meet a girl. Knowing the fishing spots and showing basic male initiative, you can set any goals. The experience of experienced men and my constructive advice will help you. Spend a little time to find out the answer to the question that every second man asks - where to meet a girl. Enjoy reading!

Dating statistics

Three life hacks for dating

All women do this

Where to meet for sex

Selection of a dating site

Habitat: good and not so good places to meet a girl

The question “where to meet” is heard almost more often than the topical “how”. In fact, there are no right places and no fail-safe phrases for dating. But there is a theory of probability and common sense practice, according to which a club, a cafe and a street are not the best places to meet people.

Where you don't need to meet girls

Most guys are sure that the club, cafe and street are fishing spots. To this I will say - banal, boring and ineffective.

  • To meet a girl on the street, you need balls, and yet the street has low efficiency. People are in a hurry, in a hurry, thinking about their own things - it is difficult to take a person out of context and focus on yourself.
  • In a cafe, people eat or meet on business. Believe me, a rare girl will like it when a suitor from nowhere looks into her plate or mouth. And... Such an awkward moment, who should pay the bill.
  • The night club is a good place. Its owners did their best for you - they caught up with the girls and made them drunk. However, the competition will be fierce, investments will be above average, and the chances of a long-term relationship will be almost zero.

Now let's talk about the geography of a successful hunt - where it is easier to meet a girl.

TOP 5 places for effective dating

Psychologists call the most profitable places for dating: transport, library, fitness room, supermarket and the sea.

  • Transport. Convenient from the point of view of enclosed space - at least until the next stop, the girl will be forced to listen to your tirades. The main thing is to quickly and accurately take the number. Her stop could be next. Yours, by the way, too, even if it’s not so.
  • Library (exhibition, museum, concert hall, etc.). Psychologically mature girls who are ready for both serious relationships and flirting without obligations come here. The main thing is that these girls (praise the intelligence) quickly indicate where the wind is blowing from and where. As long as your IQ doesn't let you down.
  • Fitness room (yoga courses, swimming pool, dancing, etc.). You already have something in common. This generality, multiplied by the pheromones of a half-naked, sweating body, is an excellent springboard for unbridled communication. In the end, it’s just nice to know that your chosen one is watching her figure. By the way, if you like a girl, but have questions about her figure, remember, she is on the path to perfection.
  • Supermarket. Women love to cook and talk about food, so take advantage of this little feminine weakness. Check the calorie content of the product, ask about the nuances of preparation. Don't forget to pick up your phone for some more nutrition advice.
  • Sea. The situation itself encourages one to behave a little immorally. Morality is where home and work are. Here - sun, sand and flirting. And you get what you see, not a pig in a poke. The flaws are obvious. No makeup or oversized clothes.

I remind you where I met the girl - meet her there. Don’t wait for the beauty to enter the transport, shop or buy a ticket to the sea.

For the future: where to meet a girl for a serious relationship

Places for dating should be calibrated with an eye on the goal. It’s clear that you shouldn’t hunt for family-type young ladies in a club, and you shouldn’t look for a girl for a break in a museum. Although in life anything happens, and in the still waters there are devils. But today we are talking about places with high efficiency and first-order probabilities. So, where to meet a girl for a serious relationship?

Dating statistics

Let's turn to the statistics on dating with the finale in the registry office (“Without statistics, it’s not life at all, but some kind of hard labor,” the film “Office Romance”).

  • 27% of married people met in public places such as parks, cafes and cinemas (a small percentage belong to clubs);
  • 21% got married through work - as colleagues or having met through professional activities;
  • 17% of spouses had known each other since school or student years, and some even, as they say, from the sandbox;
  • 16% learned about each other’s existence through friends or relatives, that is, in a narrow circle of close people.

The rest met in other circumstances. We draw the following conclusion: you can basically meet your “soul mate” anywhere except the sofa (if you’re holding a laptop in your hands, that’s a different matter).

Three life hacks for dating

By the way, do you know what qualities girls value most in a man? Start getting acquainted with this.

  • Girls love care. If you help carry packages from the supermarket, pour oil into the car, or simply open the door and let you go ahead, consider that an acquaintance has taken place.
  • Girls love confident people. Confidence equals sexiness. But being confident doesn’t mean jumping into your pants right away. This means getting into a state of drive before dating begins and getting maximum pleasure in the process.
  • Girls love compliments. True, giving compliments is an art. And don’t turn it into an arthouse like this: “You’re so beautiful that I’m willing to crawl 15 kilometers on broken glass just to jerk off in your shadow.”

For the night: where to meet a girl for sex

All women do this

Everyone appreciates good sex. Many people prefer to meet in the “no obligation” format, and girls are no exception. Each has its own reasons. Some people want to try themselves in the role of a sophisticated vamp who changes men like gloves. The other is simply yearning without tenderness, and is ready to sacrifice principles. Third... Listen, what difference does it make to you? Just write it down in your subcortex: women want it, and more than you think. And many of them prefer one-time sex. Question - where can I find one?

Where to meet for sex

It’s not difficult for a professional pick-up artist to take a girl to bed even from the library. The rest go to a club or to dating sites for pleasure. The efficiency is high both there and there. For a list of the best dating sites, follow the link. And don't be shy. You have the right to any whim. In addition to the usual dating portals, there are thematic ones: don’t waste time on Mamba, when there is a “black” one, if you like it rough, and so on. Let's talk about online dating in more detail, since it is this method of gender communication that is becoming a leader today.

Girls living online: where to meet people on the Internet

It doesn't matter what your grandmother thinks about the Internet. Remind her that dating by correspondence existed during her youth. Well, today everyone hangs out on the Internet - they work, communicate and, of course, get to know each other.

Benefits of online dating

  • You can get acquainted and communicate without interrupting your current affairs. Very convenient in conditions of total time shortage.
  • The choice is unlimited - this is a place where there are no language or territorial barriers.
  • A godsend for introverts – people who are “inside themselves” and who can’t be dragged into public places with either a carrot or a stick.
  • It's easy to take the first step. If sometimes you don’t have enough balls to approach a girl on the street, on the Internet you can make contact by putting two fingers on the keyboard.
  • Virtual communication provides an opportunity to think about your words. In real life, we are subject to emotions that force us to act reactively.

If until now the Internet has been a place for you to download music or watch pornography, it’s time to expand your horizons.

Social networks as a dating resource

Social networks are a godsend for a guy who wants to meet a girl. An account on a social network is a sea of ​​“hooks” that can easily turn into openers. Any photo, video or even like can be used to your advantage. And don't forget to clean up your page. Remove posts about women being fools and other incriminating evidence. Your account should be exemplary.

Pitfalls of dating sites

The main advantage of dating sites is their specialized profile. On a dating site, girls want, oddly enough, to meet people. Grab some popcorn, choose a dating site, and see for yourself. But don't count on easy pickings and 100% returns, because...

  • Lots of competitors. The Internet underestimates the value of a guy and overstates the importance of a girl. Even the “ugly ones” receive a stack of offers a day. In order not to get lost in the masses, present yourself to the public from the best side. How to fill out a profile for a guy to impress a girl, we said - click and read.
  • Lots of virtual machines. A large number of women of different ages will never meet you. They seduce, seduce and assert themselves without personal contact. Some are married, some are afraid, and some have nothing to do. A lot of time can be wasted. Therefore, don’t talk too much. Slowly but inevitably move the conversation towards a real meeting.
  • Lots of illusions. Communication on the Internet is communication primarily with a virtual image. This is how the brain works: having a minimum of information, it figures out the rest. Therefore, see the point above. Take communication to another level as quickly as possible.

I'm not even talking about scammers, fools, prostitutes and other categories of ladies who will definitely meet on your way. But the one who walks will master the road. Go!

About light bulbs: the secret of Thomas Edison's success

I repeat it like a mantra: where you like a girl, there is a place to meet her. A street, a concert hall, a dating site - it is not the place that determines the outcome, but your ability to act. And misfires happen to everyone, even a pickup guru. Take it as a fact - they will reject you. And this is not a reason to return to your comfort zone. This is an incentive to bookmark our site and read expert advice on how to improve your personal communication skills.

What do light bulbs have to do with it? It is said that Thomas Edison performed 10,000 failed experiments to create the incandescent electric light bulb. The great scientist perceived every failure as an experience that moves him closer to success. Take note. Any obstacle lends itself to persistent and persistent assault. Good luck!

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