Draw a portrait of a person using geometric shapes. Lesson summary “Man made of geometric shapes”

Nadezhda Gadalina
Lesson summary “Man made of geometric shapes”

Plan – abstract direct educational activities

By design in the middle group.

Educator Gadalina N.N.

Topic of the week: "I- Human. (Our body)»

Subject classes: « Man made of geometric shapes

Integration of educational regions: "Cognitive Development" (design, "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development". "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".

Target: Develop skill make a person out of paper


Give an idea of ​​the structure person

To develop in children a sustainable interest in constructive activity; desire to experiment, create, invent;

Develop attention, ability to concentrate, memory, logical thinking; small muscles of the hands (motor skills);

Develop the ability to analyze, highlighting the characteristic features of an object, functional parts; establish a connection between their purpose and structure; continue to develop the skills to correctly and quickly navigate in space;

Cultivate respect for your own and other people’s work.

Materials: geometric shapes, glue, cardboard

Methods and techniques:

1. Verbal (conversation, explanation)

2. Visual (show)

3. Practical (finger gymnastics)

Introductory part:

Good morning guys!

I am glad to see all the children in our group healthy and cheerful! I really want you to remain in this mood until the evening! And for this we must smile more often and help each other!

No ordinary guest came to visit us. I will tell you a riddle, and you must guess it.

In this flower town

Summer shines all year round.

And the people here are cheerful -

They're called shorties.

Among them is Pilyulkin,

Dandelion - you can't count them all.

The most important one, guess what?

Well of course (Dunno)

Main part:

Dunno: good morning guys!

I came to you for help. I want to learn how to do man made of geometric shapes, but I don't know how. I don't know the name figures, and I don’t know the body parts. Will you help me?

IN: Guys, let's help Dunno?

I'll show you geometric shapes, and you have to name them and say what part of the body this one looks like figure.

Shows one by one (circle, oval, rectangle, triangle)

And now we will show Dunno how to make a little man.

Let's stretch our fingers

"Our body"

Here's a hand, and here's a hand -

Clap, clap, clap.

Here's a leg, and here's a leg -

Gop, hop, hop.

Well, this is the head.

You can make two nods.

We sit down at the tables and find the ones we need figures for a man. We lay them out on cardboard and then glue them.

Look how wonderful they are we got people.

But something is missing! What do you guys think is missing? That's right, they don't have a face. What do we need to do for this? That's right, draw!

IN: Dunno, did you remember what they are called? geometric shapes, and what parts of the body are there?

Dunno: Yes, I remember everything, thank you guys! It's time for me to go home, goodbye!


Guys, let's remember our class. Who came to visit us?

What did we do today? What were we made of? little men? How did they turn out? What have you learned?

What was difficult for you?

Publications on the topic:

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This original test is taken from the book “Graphic Methods in Psychological Diagnostics,” announced above.

The purpose of using the test is to identify individual typological differences.

Instructions: “You need to draw a human figure made up of ten elements, which may include triangles, circles, and squares.

You can increase or decrease these elements (geometric shapes) in size, stack each other as needed. It is important that all these three elements are present in the image of a person, and the sum of the total number of figures used is equal to ten. If you used a larger number of shapes when drawing, then you need to cross out the extra ones, but if you used fewer than ten shapes, you need to complete the missing ones. Carry out the drawing according to these instructions."

The subjects are offered three sheets of paper measuring 10x10 cm, each sheet is numbered and signed. On sheet No. 1 the first test drawing is made; further, respectively, on sheet No. 2 - the second, on sheet No. 3 - the third. After three drawings are completed, the data is processed. If the instructions are violated, the material will not be processed.

Data processing is carried out as follows. The number of triangles, circles and squares used in the image of a man is counted (for each picture separately), and the result is written in the form of three-digit numbers, where hundreds indicate the number of triangles, tens indicate the number of circles, and units indicate the number of squares. These three-digit numbers make up the so-called drawing formula, which assigns those drawing to the corresponding types and subtypes, which are presented in the table.

Our own empirical studies, in which more than 2 thousand drawings were obtained and analyzed, showed us that the relationship of various elements in constructive drawings is not accidental. The analysis allows us to identify 8 main types, which correspond to the typological characteristics described below.

The interpretation of the test is based on the fact that the geometric figures used in the drawings differ in semantics. The triangle is usually referred to as a “sharp”, “offensive” figure associated with the masculine principle. A circle is a streamlined figure, more in tune with compassion, softness, roundness, and femininity. It is easier to build something from square-shaped elements than from others, therefore a square or rectangle is interpreted as a specifically technical structural figure, a “technical module”. Typology based on the preference for geometric shapes makes it possible to form a kind of “system” of individual typological differences.

System of individual psychological differences identified when performing constructive drawings based on preference for geometric shapes 901 802 1 ----1 703 1 604 505 406 307 208 109 910 811 712 613 622 514

325 217 226 118 127 136 019 028 037 820 721,

730 631 532 433 334 235

640 541 442 343 244 145 046

550 451 352 253 154 055 064 073 082 091

Type I - “leader”. Usually these are people with a penchant for leadership and organizational activities. They are oriented towards socially significant norms of behavior and may have the gift of good storytellers, based on a high level of speech development. They have good adaptation in the social sphere and maintain dominance over others within certain limits. Usually they choose green color (according to M. Lucher) and draw a “Christmas tree” in the “Tree” test.

Drawing formulas: 901, 910, 802, 811, 820, 703, 712, 721, 730, 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

Dominance over others is most severely expressed in subtypes 901, 910, 802, 811, 820; situationally - at 703, 712, 721, 730; when influencing people with speech - verbal leader or “teaching subtype” - 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

It must be remembered that the manifestation of these qualities depends on the level of mental development. At a high level of development, individual traits are developed, realizable, and quite well understood. At a low level of development, they may not be detected in professional activities, but are present situationally, worse if they are inadequate to the situations. This applies to all characteristics.

Type II - “responsible executive” has many features of the “manager” type, being adjacent to it, however, there are often hesitations in making responsible decisions. This type of people is more focused on “the ability to get things done”, high professionalism, has a high sense of responsibility and demands on themselves and others, highly values ​​being right, i.e. characterized by increased sensitivity to truthfulness. They often suffer from somatic diseases of nervous origin as a result of overexertion.

Drawing formulas: 505, 514, 523, 532, 541, 550.

Type III - “anxious and suspicious” - is characterized by a variety of abilities and talents - from subtle manual skills to literary talent. Usually, people of this type are cramped within one profession, they can change it to a completely opposite and unexpected one, and also have a hobby, which is essentially a second profession. Physically they cannot stand disorder and dirt.

They usually conflict with other people because of this. They are characterized by increased vulnerability and often doubt themselves. They need gentle reassurance.

Drawing formulas: 406, 415, 424, 433, 442, 451, 460. In addition, 415 is a “poetic subtype” - usually people who have such a drawing formula have poetic talent; 424 - a subtype of people recognized by the phrase “how can you work poorly? I can’t imagine how it could work poorly.” People of this type are particularly careful in their work.

Type IV - “scientist”. These people easily abstract from reality, have a “conceptual mind,” and are distinguished by the ability to develop their own theories “for everything.” They usually have peace of mind and rationally think through their behavior.

Drawing formulas: 307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370. Subtype 316 is characterized by the ability to create theories, mainly

global property, or carry out large and complex coordination work; 325 - subtype, characterized by a great passion for knowledge of life, health, biological disciplines, and medicine.

Representatives of this type are often found among people involved in synthetic arts: cinema, circus, theatrical and entertainment directing, animation, etc.

Type V - “intuitive”. People of this type have a strong sensitivity of the nervous system and high fatigue. They work more easily by switching from one activity to another; they usually act as “minority lawyers”, behind whom lie new opportunities. They have increased sensitivity to novelty. They are altruistic, often show concern for others, have good manual skills and imaginative imagination, which makes it possible to engage in technical types of creativity. They usually develop their own moral standards and have internal self-control, i.e. prefer self-control, reacting negatively to attacks on their freedom.

Drawing formulas: 208, 217, 226, 235, 244, 253, 262, 271, 280. Subtype 235 - often found among professional psychologists or individuals with an increased interest in human psychology; 244 - has the ability of literary creativity, 217 - has the ability to inventive activity; 226 - great need for novelty, usually sets very high standards of achievement for himself.

Type VI - “inventor, designer, artist.” Often found among people with a “technical streak.” These are people with a rich imagination, spatial vision, and are often engaged in various types of technical, artistic and intellectual creativity. More often they are introverted, just like the intuitive type, they live by their own moral standards and do not accept any outside influences other than self-control. Emotional, obsessed with their own original ideas.

Drawing formulas: 109, 118, 127, 136, 145, 019, 028, 037, 046. Subtype 019 - found among people who have a good command of the audience; 118 is the type with the most pronounced design capabilities and ability to invent.

Type VII - “emotive”. They have increased empathy towards other people, have a hard time experiencing the “cruel scenes of the film”, can be “unsettled” for a long time and be shocked by cruel events. The pains and concerns of other people find in them participation, empathy and sympathy, on which

Because they spend a lot of their own energy, as a result it becomes difficult to realize their own abilities.

Drawing formulas: 550, 451, 460, 352, 361, 370, 253, 262, 271, 280, 154, 163, 172, 181, 190, 055, 064, 073, 082, 091.

Type VIII - has the opposite tendency to the emotive type. Usually does not feel the experiences of other people or treats them with inattention and even increases pressure on people. If this is a good specialist, then he can force others to do what he considers necessary. Sometimes it is characterized by “callousness,” which arises situationally when, for some reason, a person becomes isolated in the circle of his own problems.

Drawing formulas: 901, 802, 703, 604, 505, 406, 307, 208, 109.

The method of drawing people from geometric shapes has been used in psychology for a long time. Some believe that it was proposed by graphologist from San Francisco E. Mahoney. But, unfortunately, no data were found to confirm this. A systematic study of the results obtained from this test began relatively recently. A. V. Libin collected a large collection of this kind of drawings.

The purpose of the test is to determine the individual typological characteristics of a person based on the relationship of geometric figures in the drawing, as well as the graphic features of its execution.

Instructions: draw a man from ten geometric shapes - a triangle, a circle and a square. The shapes can be increased or decreased in size, or superimposed on each other. It is important that they are all used in the drawing, that is, you cannot draw a person from 10 squares, 10 triangles or 10 circles.

Data processing: count how many triangles, circles and squares you have in the drawing of a man, and write down this number as a three-digit number, for example: triangles - 3, circles - 2, squares - 5. The resulting number is: 325. Thus, we get a three-digit number that represents the “drawing formula.”

Based on differences in preferences for geometric shapes when making drawings of people, eight main types (or groups) and 63 subtypes are formed.

If you get a number from this series: 901, 910, 802, 811, 820, 703, 712, 721, 604, 613, 622, 631, 640 - you are one of the Type 1 “Leader”.

Numbers: 505, 514, 523, 532, 541, 550 - Type 2 “Responsible Executive”.

Numbers: 406, 415, 424, 433, 442, 451, 460 - Type 3 “Anxious and suspicious.”

Numbers: 307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370 - Type 4 "Scientist".

Numbers: 208, 217, 226, 235, 244, 253, 262, 271, 280 - Type 5 "Intuitive".

Numbers: 109, 118, 127, 136, 145, 019, 028, 037, 046 - Type 6 “Inventor, designer.”

Numbers: 550, 451, 460, 352, 361, 370, 253, 262, 271, 280,154, 163, 172, 181, 190, 055, 064, 073, 082, 091 - Type 7 "emotive".

Numbers: 901, 802, 703, 604, 505, 406, 307, 208, 109 - Type 8 is “the opposite of emotive.”

Some comments on the psychological portrait can be made based on the features of the images of the little men:

The small size of the drawings may be associated with fatigue, stiffness, and discomfort;

Increased shading - with internal tension, suspicion, sometimes with state

Facial drawing is often associated with increased sociability, and its absence is associated with difficulties in communication, which is advisable to find out;

The presence of a “neck” in a person often indicates a person’s high vulnerability, which makes communication difficult and which it is advisable to get rid of;

The presence of square pockets on the human body may indicate increased care towards children;

The presence of round “buttons” indicates compassionate care for older loved ones;

The presence of “triangles” indicates the need to make some order or instructions.

Key to the test “Drawing a man from geometric shapes”:

Type 1 – “Manager” (901, 910, 802, 811, 820, 703, 712, 721, 604, 613, 622, 631, 640). The “leader” is characterized by the presence of organizational and oratorical abilities, orientation to social norms of behavior, and a high level of social adaptation. Individuals of this type have pronounced goal-oriented behavior, which characterizes them as leaders. In achieving their goals, they may not take their health into account and are stress-resistant. Oratory skills and the ability to be a good storyteller allow them to engage in teaching and pedagogical activities. Their will and energy are visible to everyone, since they represent their most striking qualities. The ability for intense volitional effort, long-term and sustainable, is reflected in their inner life and external behavior. Their firmness, perseverance, endurance and self-control puts them in the center of attention of others. They always have a clear awareness of what they want, what they are striving for and what ways they can achieve what they want. These are people in whom nature itself has invested the ability to influence other people, directing them according to its plans and intentions. The ability for energetic and prolonged tension, the ability to fight for their interests, self-control and resistance contribute to the fact that these people usually become talented administrators, representatives of the executive branch, and business leaders. People of this type have to revise their conclusions and redo their projects many times before they are finally convinced of their correctness. Hence their well-known conservatism, their disapproving attitude towards “shaking the foundations”, towards criticism of established principles. When it comes to fulfilling what they consider to be their responsibility, neither personal temptations nor requests from loved ones are able to turn them away from the chosen path, which seems to them the only correct one. They have a particularly developed sense of self-esteem, sometimes turning into strong pride and conceit from the fact that a person striving for power and forced to enter into a fight with others because of this cannot help but protect his “I” from attacks.

Type 2 - “Responsible Executive” (505, 514, 523, 532, 541, 550). Has many traits similar to the “leader” type, but often hesitates in making important decisions. People of this type usually have a high level of professionalism. They are characterized by increased demands on themselves and others. The predominance of deliberate and rational actions over all mental movements leaves a peculiar imprint on all personality traits. People of this type can often be found among the owners and managers of commercial and industrial enterprises, banks, i.e. among people who deal with an organization made up of a large number of material and technical objects and documentation, which requires maintaining and maintaining affairs in order not only hard work, but also intelligence.
Caution and prudence help them to be economical and thrifty, and their stability and constancy contribute to the strength of the business, which they develop slowly but surely. They do not take risks, despite the brilliant prospects that open up, but prefer to act for sure. They are conservative in politics or moderately liberal, never following extreme views. Prudent restraint and prudence are characteristic of them in matters of love and marriage. They are able to subordinate their love interests to the demands of reason. Possessing a fairly developed intellect and will, they are well versed in the realities of life and their affairs, which they carry out with great care. They are often lovers of truth. Due to increased demands on themselves, they can work without noticing fatigue, undermining their health. Diseases of nervous origin are their frequent companions. Therefore, “responsible executors” need to carefully monitor compliance with the work and rest regime.

Type 3 - “Anxious and suspicious” (406, 415, 424, 433, 442, 451, 460).

This type is characterized by a variety of abilities - from literary to abilities for precise manual skills. Despite the abundance of talents, he needs gentle encouragement, as he often unreasonably does not believe in his abilities and doubts himself. The “anxious-suspicious” type has increased attention to order and cleanliness, physically not accepting dirt and disorder. People of this type can change their profession unexpectedly for others. Usually they are closely confined to one specialty; they have a hobby in which they are very successful. Often art becomes this new profession for them. Therefore, we can see how a doctor becomes a singer or entertainer, a former construction worker goes on stage and reads skits, and a magazine editor begins to create arts and crafts. There are often cases when people of this type show their extraordinary abilities in other forms of art, for example, a musician has a penchant for painting or sculpture, a poet is interested in music,
the actor improves his vocal skills, etc.

For people of this type, the pursuit of art is essential, it constitutes the epicenter of their life, which absorbs them. They devote most of their time to art. This is also due to the peculiarity of their emotional sphere, which is strongly influenced by their fantasies. Possessing the ability for subtle aesthetic experiences, they prefer aesthetic pleasures to everything else. They are distinguished by observation, lively receptivity, developed imagination, and their heightened powers of observation allow them to notice a lot of things that escape the eyes of others.

415 - poetic subtype, characteristic of people capable of versification and poetic talent.

424 - this subtype is distinguished by the fact that everything it undertakes is done with extreme care.

Type 4 - “Scientist” (307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370). People of this type can easily abstract from reality in their judgments, make interesting theoretical generalizations, and “have their own theory for everything.” As a rule, they have a tendency towards clear, consistent thinking, which results in the ability to establish patterns, connections and relationships between what is happening. These people can often be found in a state of thoughtful and intense thought. Analyzing facts, they can, if persistent and methodical, make generalizations, turning a chaotic pile of material into a harmonious, developed edifice of science, if science is their hobby or profession. This kind of ability helps people take their rightful place in various fields of activity. Thus, a politician with a scientific mindset will be valuable because he is well versed in the complex interaction of factors influencing public life. A teacher can understand the complex processes of students acquiring knowledge, and a businessman can take into account the most risky circumstances in his transactions.

People of this type, having ideological interests that they work on consciously and persistently, often strive in their careers for scientific activity, summarizing their professional experience with a dissertation or book. They are rational and carefully think through their behavior. However, despite all their rationality, they have very significant artistic abilities, do not get lost on stage, and know what needs to be done when asked to “play something.” They gravitate toward “synthetic” forms of art: theater, cinema, circus, and stage.

316 - in the field of science, these are, as a rule, “global theorists” who deal with interdisciplinary, methodological or scientific problems; in practice, such people usually make excellent coordinators of various services.

325 - a subtype with this combination often gravitates towards biology, medicine, botany. Loves growing plants and caring for animals.

235 - a subtype often found among psychologists;

217 - a subtype characterized by the ability to technical invention.

244 is a subtype common among people who write scripts and instructions.

226 - a subtype characterized by setting the highest bar in one's achievements, as well as high criteria for evaluating other people.

Type 6- “Inventor, designer” (109, 118, 127, 136, 145, 019,028, 037, 046). People of this type have a “technical flair”, a rich imagination, spatial vision, are often engaged in some technical types of creativity, are employed in technical professions, and are prone to design and invention. They adhere to the social norms that they create for themselves. More focused on subject activity. Emotional, obsessed with their own original ideas. Sometimes their creativity manifests itself not only in the technical, materialized sphere, but also in the intellectual sphere, the sphere of ideas. People of this type have good memory and observation skills. They are usually more interested in the external material world than in subjective experiences. Facts in their eyes are of much greater value than reasoning and theories. Their will and energy are directed towards the materialization of ideas, inventions, rationalization, and reconstruction of technical objects. Possessing great ability to work, they often achieve significant results in their chosen activities. Their home usually has a lot of tools, since their penchant for tinkering, fixing, and repairing is often not only their profession, but also their hobby.

019 - a subtype that has the ability to engage in interesting forms of interaction with the audience, for example, an inimitable entertainer.

145 - a subtype that is keen on composing or loves to sing, often has a musical education.

Type 7 – “emotive” (550, 451, 460, 352, 361, 370, 253, 262, 271, 280,154, 163, 172, 181, 190, 055, 064, 073,082, 091). People of this type have increased empathy towards other people. They are soft and kind-hearted. They find it difficult to endure cruel film footage or excerpts from criminal chronicles, and are especially sensitive to the misfortunes of others, so much so that any unpleasant news or events can unsettle them for a long time. The pain and suffering of other people resonates with them with particular force; it takes a lot of energy, which often prevents them from realizing their potential. People of this type have strong emotional memory, depth and stability of feelings. They have warmth, cordiality and responsiveness, seeing their purpose in helping people in grief and need.

The peculiarities of their mental makeup make it possible to call these people altruists, capable of self-sacrifice. They are distinguished by modesty, trying to belittle and hide their merits, their importance, not counting on praise from others. Meek, sensitive and delicate, they are incapable of either being offended themselves or offending others. But when it comes to their personal spiritual convictions, they can be adamant, do not give in to threats and do not retreat one step from what they consider fair. They have the ability to intuitively penetrate into the mental life and mental makeup of another person. They believe in the possibility of enlightenment and the ideological and moral regeneration of humanity and have a passionate and selfless love for people suffering need and deprivation. They are active and energetic in implementing ideas that deeply captivate them. Their mercy often knows no bounds.

Type 8 - having properties opposite to the emotive type (901, 802, 703, 604, 505, 406, 307, 208, 109). These are people who feel compassion for others, but adhere to fairly strict requirements. Thus, outwardly there is sympathy for others, but in specific cases they show strict demands, sometimes excessive. These make extremely demanding teachers who will “force” you to do what needs to be done, regardless of resistance, illnesses and other reasons cited by their students. They can be found among directors who are said to be “despots”, among managers who are extremely demanding of their subordinates. People of this type can often be found behind the store counter. They tend to show their authority, even rudeness. These are their ways of self-affirmation. They have a good sense of people they can “put pressure on” and do not hesitate to do so. The desire to rise in life at any cost, to make a career, forces people of this type to concentrate all their energy and intellectual capabilities to achieve their goals, often using cunning, hypocrisy and resourcefulness. Possessing wounded pride, sometimes they see insult, ridicule or mockery in the simplest and most innocent jokes. They can be vindictive and seek revenge on the offender.

This projective psychogeometric online test was created based on a modification by psychoanalyst A.F. Ermoshin of the Libins' ideographic test. The test is based on a combination of three principles of psychographic personality analysis:

  • preferences for the semantics of basic geometric shapes
  • design drawings
  • psychographic image of the human figure

After passing the test, you will find out your personality type and its description, as well as expert assessment, relationships with the opposite sex, your general psychological status and the self-description of people with the same mental type as you (perhaps you say something similar).

Test instructions
From geometric shapes - triangle, square, circle - you need to make a drawing of a person. In this case, firstly, you need to use exactly ten shapes, and, secondly, each geometric shape (triangle, square, circle) must be used at least once. The shapes can be scaled, rotated, and superimposed on each other. Special accuracy and artistic authenticity are not required. Draw as your imagination tells you. When all ten shapes have been used, the Test Result button will appear.

Shape management
drag and drop: click on element + move mouse
scale: mouse pointer over shape + mouse wheel
width scale:"W" key + mouse wheel
height scale:"H" key + mouse wheel
rotation:"R" key + mouse wheel
add a shape: drag the shape into the work area (pale yellow rectangle)
remove a figure: drag the shape outside the work area

14.11.2016 143448 +1005

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Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

2 slide

Slide description:

Instructions: On three sheets of paper measuring 10 x 10 cm, each of which is numbered and signed, you need to draw a person using triangles, circles and squares. Each person consists of exactly 10 figures (you cannot use only one figure 10 times: “Square Man”, but you can draw a person from 9 figures of one type and one figure of another).

3 slide

Slide description:

Data processing The number of triangles, circles and squares used in the image of a man is counted (for each picture separately), and the result is written in the form of three-digit numbers, where hundreds are the number of triangles, tens are circles, and units are squares. The resulting three-digit number forms the drawing formula (the sum of the three digits is 10).

4 slide

Slide description:

Order of drawings The first drawing represents the dominant type, the second - the type present as a state, the third - future prospects.

5 slide

Slide description:

Type 1 - “leader”. Usually these are people with a penchant for leadership and organizational activities. They are oriented towards socially significant norms of behavior and may have the gift of good storytellers, based on a high level of speech development. They have good adaptation in the social sphere and maintain dominance over others within certain limits. Drawing formulas: 901, 910, 802, 811, 820, 703, 712, 721, 730, 604, 613, 622, 631, 640. Dominance over others is most severely expressed in subtypes 901, 910, 802, 811, 820; situationally - at 703, 712, 721, 730; when influencing people with speech - a verbal leader or “teaching subtype” - 604, 613, 622, 631, 640. It must be remembered that the manifestation of these qualities depends on the level of mental development. At a high level of development, individual traits are developed, realizable, and quite well understood. At a low level of development, they may not be detected in professional activities, but are present situationally, worse if they are inadequate to the situations. This applies to all characteristics.

6 slide

Slide description:

Type 2 - “responsible executive” has many of the traits of the “manager” type, but there is often hesitation in making responsible decisions. This type of people is more focused on “the ability to get things done,” high professionalism, has a high sense of responsibility and demands on themselves and others, highly values ​​being right, i.e., they are characterized by increased sensitivity to truthfulness. Often suffers from somatic diseases of nervous origin as a result of overexertion. Drawing formulas: 505, 514, 523, 532, 541, 550.

7 slide

Slide description:

Type 3 - “anxious-suspicious” is characterized by a variety of abilities and talents - from subtle manual skills to literary talent. Usually, people of this type are cramped within one profession, they can change it to a completely opposite and unexpected one, and also have a hobby, which is essentially a second profession. Physically they cannot stand disorder and dirt. They usually conflict with other people because of this. They are characterized by increased vulnerability and often doubt themselves. They need gentle reassurance. Drawing formulas: 406, 415, 424, 433, 442, 451, 460. In addition, 415 is a “poetic subtype” - usually people who have such a drawing formula have poetic talent; 424 - a subtype of people recognized by the phrase: “How can you work poorly? I can’t imagine how it’s possible to do a bad job.” People of this type are particularly careful in their work.

8 slide

Slide description:

4th type - “scientist” These people easily abstract from reality, have a “conceptual mind”, and are distinguished by the ability to develop their theories “for all occasions”. They usually have peace of mind and rationally think through their behavior. Drawing formulas: 307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370. Subtype 316 is characterized by the ability to create theories, mostly global, or carry out large and complex coordination work; 325th - characterized by great passion for knowledge of life, health, biological disciplines, and medicine. Representatives of this type are often found among people involved in synthetic arts: cinema, circus, theatrical and entertainment directing, animation, etc.

Slide 9

Slide description:

5th type - “intuitive” People of this type have a strong sensitivity of the nervous system, its high depletion. They work more easily by switching from one activity to another; they usually act as “minority lawyers”, behind whom lie new opportunities. They have increased sensitivity to novelty. They are altruistic, often show concern for others, have good manual skills and imaginative imagination, which makes it possible to engage in technical types of creativity. They usually develop their own moral standards, have internal self-control, and react negatively to attacks on their freedom. Drawing formulas: 208, 217, 226, 235, 244, 253, 262, 271, 280. Subtype 235 is often found among professional psychologists or individuals with an increased interest in human psychology; 244th - has the ability of literary creativity; 217th - ability for inventive activity; 226th - a great need for novelty, usually sets very high standards of achievement for himself.

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6th type - “inventor, designer, artist” Often found among people with a technical streak. These are people with a rich imagination, spatial vision, and are often engaged in a wide variety of technical, artistic and intellectual creativity. More often they are introverted, just like the intuitive type, they live by their own moral standards, and do not accept any outside influences other than self-control. Emotional, obsessed with their own original ideas. Drawing formulas: 109, 118, 127, 136, 145, 019, 028, 037, 046. Subtype 019 is found among people who have good command of the audience; The 118th is the type with the most pronounced design capabilities and ability to invent.

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7th type - “emotive” They have increased empathy towards other people, have a hard time experiencing “cruel scenes of the film”, can be “knocked out” for a long time and shocked by cruel events. The pains and worries of other people find their participation, empathy and sympathy, on which they spend a lot of their own energy, as a result it becomes difficult to realize their own abilities. Drawing formulas: 550, 451, 460, 352, 361, 370, 253, 262, 271, 280, 154, 163, 172, 181, 190, 055, 064, 073, 082, 091.

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The 8th type has a tendency that is opposite to the emotive type. Usually does not feel the experiences of other people or treats them with inattention and even increases pressure on people. If this is a good specialist, then he can force others to do what he considers necessary. Sometimes it is characterized by callousness, which arises situationally when, for some reason, a person becomes isolated in the circle of his own problems. Formulas of the drawings: 901, 802, 703, 604, 505, 406, 307, 208, 109 (if these formulas coincide with formulas of types 1-6, one of the interpretations, at the discretion of the psychologist, can be considered additional).

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A person will answer the following question in the affirmative if there is a neck - “Are you a vulnerable person; does it happen that you are too easily offended?”; ears - “Are you considered a person who knows how to listen?”; pocket on the man’s body - “Do you have children?”; on the head of a hat in the form of a square or triangle in one drawing - “Apparently, you made a forced concession and are annoyed by it?”; if there is a hat in all three images - “Can we say that now you are going through a “stripe of a constrained position”? a fully drawn face: “Do you consider yourself a sociable person?”; just one mouth on the face - “Do you like to talk?”; just one nose: “Are you sensitive to smells, do you like perfume?”; images of a circle on a person’s body - “Are you currently caring for an older loved one?”; images of a triangle on the body of a man - “Does your range of concerns include the need to give orders to someone?”

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Instructions: By arranging the presented geometric figures in order of their preference, from the figure placed in first place, you can determine the main dominant features of personality and behavior.

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