How patriotic is it to threaten the world with nuclear war? The Cote d'Azur is better than Donbass. How does patriot Maria Katasonova relax and how much does it cost? Activist of the national liberation movement Maria Katasonova

I understand perfectly well that among the 86% of citizens of our country who support Putin, there are not only good, smart, honest and beautiful people, but also complete idiots and crooks.

It is convenient for them, the scoundrels, to cling to power, howl at rallies in order to snag a cushy place in the state apparatus, and live enjoying all the delights that power can give. Money, a car with a flashing light, parliamentary immunity and, most importantly, almost complete impunity for any of his meanness.

Illustration: State Index website

Women are especially angry. The State Index website conducted a vote for Putin’s biggest fan, collecting in a poll all those who, in their opinion, support our president. And this is what came of it.

1. Maria Kozhevnikova-- the most remarkable figure on this list. She is a State Duma deputy from United Russia, and in the past she starred in a comedy sitcom on TNT as the stupid student Allochka.

Masha is a very good girl. Recently she was outraged by the MDK community, which mocked Zhanna Friske. True, the activist Potupchik Kozhevnikova chose not to notice the dancing on the bones, despite persistent questions to her.

This is where Masha’s achievements end. But she loves Putin and listens to Timur Prokopenko.

2. Irina Volodchenko- another contender for victory, assistant to deputy Fedorov. Our Irochka, as her boss admits, actively “walks among members” and carries bills on them. They, these projects, are very patriotic, and Ira also stands in single pickets with posters in front of the Euroset.

Irochka did not graduate from the university, but information about this is on the St. Petersburg State University website. However, the point is not in education, but in natural acumen, but she also failed - Ira was kicked out of a pornographic project on the TNT channel one step before victory.

Ira likes to do a manicure with a tricolor, confusing the order of the colors of our flag on her nails. Fur coats and airplanes appear on her patriotic Instagram with the same regularity as declarations of love for Putin.

3. Maria Katasonova, she's the same Kotopesova. Maria is a colleague of Ira “I Walk-On-Members” Volodchenko, also an assistant to Deputy Fedorov. Like KhpCh, Kotopesova stands in single pickets, but does not maintain Instagram. But it incites war.

Just the other day, Kotopesova was filming a video about the war in Donbass. The activist frankly could not stand the comedy of the situation and laughed when someone hit a sheet of tin too hard, imitating bomb explosions.

However, Kotopesova is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Immediately after the publication of the post about her hypocritical activities, she signed herself as an enemy agent and sent me a letter with an offer to destroy the NOD and her boss. It was a devilish cunning and a precise plan, but it failed because I didn’t answer Kotopesova.

4. Well, where would a beauty contest be without Christina Potupchik? Yes, she may be ugly, but she’s a patriot!

Christina set up tents on Seliger. She put girls in them and was generally cruel to them, but she got so carried away by all this obscenity that she was kicked out of the lake, and the whole organization was cancelled.

The dispersal of the Nashi movement strangely coincided with the brutal beating of journalist Kashin, but this, of course, is only a coincidence. It was not the Nazis who beat Kashin, but the enemies.

By the way, I need to ask Kashin who his enemy is - I keep forgetting.

Christina is also a goth, because the theme of death is very important to her. If someone gets seriously ill, Potupchik is right there - he jokes about this on Twitter. And if someone, God forbid, dies, even poems come out from under Christina’s fingers.

Freud would definitely have said something about this, but everything is clear to me even without him: latent necrophobia sooner or later leads to the morgue.

5. Tinochka Kandelaki By some miracle, she also ended up on the list. Tina loves to give advice. Including Masha Kozhevnikova, advising her not to pay attention to popular criticism.

Tina is our PR specialist, so she has the right to pretend that she understands something at all. Her agency Apostol unconditionally wins tenders for political advertising, and Kandelaki herself was appointed to head sports on NTV.

No, Utkin, you are wrong when you say where is sport and where is Tina! Kandelaki is on point, she goes to the gym! We all read about her healthy lifestyle, and after the scandal with CamelToe we also

The scandal continues to rage around the appearance on the Internet of the video “Russian TV has burned down,” which depicts a monologue by a supporter of Novorossiya Maria Katasonova– activist of the “National Liberation Movement” (NOM), an enemy of the Russian liberal opposition, and part-time assistant to a State Duma deputy Evgenia Fedorova.

Fake or not fake?

According to bloggers, the video, allegedly filmed somewhere in a studio, simulates shelling by Ukrainian security forces. Presumably, a draft recording ended up on the Internet, which Maria for some reason herself posted on Twitter, calling it “failed.” The video only shows the girl's face, which is filmed against a black background. Maria says that she is reporting from Donetsk, almost from the front line, from the location of the motorized rifle battalion of the Vostok militia brigade. The sounds of explosions can be heard on the recording. After the words “Ukraine has been shelling LPR positions for four hours in a row,” the girl suddenly starts laughing, followed by the whole film crew laughing, and then the lights come on. Based on this video, the production of fakes, they suspected her of not even coming close to the front line, and filming this and other patriotic videos in peaceful Moscow.

Heavy artillery enters the battle

One of the most popular bloggers on the Runet joined the persecution of Katasonova Elena Miro (Mironenko), known not only for posts about the benefits of women’s fitness and about a “beautiful” life, but also for philippics against the opposition, and notes in defense of the authorities’ position on a variety of issues. After the appearance of the alleged fake from Katasonova, Miro accused the NOD activist of allegedly “framing Putin.” Without mincing words and allowing himself the forbidden technique of derogatory alteration of the names of his opponents, Miro writes: “This is a girl named Kotopesova, an active jingoist, friend / then there is a list of several more names with the addition of derogatory nicknames/. In general, this is the same company of girls from the nest who are ready for anything / another last name/,” writes Elena Miro. Let us note that Mironenko herself also has a far from flattering nickname on the Internet (Google to help readers...) “Kotopesova makes videos,” continues Miro, attaching the already mentioned “fake” video. - It escalates, tells what horror is happening in Ukraine. And he does everything to frame Putin. Putin doesn't want war. But the jingoistic patriots are trying to put our president before a simple choice: either you leaked - “Putin leaked,” or send in the troops!” According to Miro, the “jingo-patriots” who proclaim the idea of ​​the Russian World are in fact provocateurs, and it is they who are to blame for the war in the South-East of Ukraine. “No, they themselves will not go to war. Your husbands, sons, fathers will fight. And the jingoistic prostitutes will laugh at you and your loved ones, getting drunk on whiskey,” warns Miro.

Where is Maria Katasonova?

Without discussing the pathos of the fitness lover for women’s bodies, we note that Maria Katasonova is currently in the Donbass, as witnessed by correspondents in Donetsk who filmed the girl in more than a combat situation. In the photo at the beginning of the material, Maria Katasonova is in frames from a FAN report. Here is another photograph of Katasonova, taken by our photojournalists on the front line, at the position of the militia. And here is a fragment of material from which it is clear that Mary was exposed to real danger there. “The battle began with shelling of the position where we were located from an automatic grenade launcher, mortars and small arms. One of the grenades hit the loophole where the AGS was located. “AGS - remove, close the loophole. “And quickly, otherwise he’ll fly in again,” the officer on duty with the call sign “Gera” commands, “and several people rush to help the crew,” writes the author of the FAN report. Ukrainian anti-aircraft guns are hitting the positions of the militia, the guys are being bombarded with grenades, and an enemy sniper is working on them. The threat to life is very real, including for Maria. In the near future military correspondents Federal News Agency They promise to send material where Maria Katasonova’s everyday life at the front will be reflected in more detail.

The so-called “state patriotism”, when modern patriots (represented by officials, deputies, social activists, journalists, etc.) love Russia due to significant donations from its budget, has become very widespread in the last 15 years. To be honest, many of the current senior officials and United Russia deputies sitting in the State Duma, who constantly emotionally and angrily denounce the “State Department”, the “decaying Geyropa”, have quite good accounts and real estate in this very Europe and the USA, combining incompatible. This fashion spreads from the very top to the very bottom, and the “servants” fed by them, represented by all kinds of assistants, consultants, advisers and social activists, do not lag behind their bosses. A particularly striking example of such vile duplicity and hypocrisy is shown to us by United Russia deputy Evgeniy Fedorov and the religious and political sect he leads called “NOD,” the “People’s Liberation Movement” of Russia. It, as we know, for almost 5 years now has been tirelessly fighting for the freedom and sovereignty of our Motherland from the American occupation, the pernicious influence of Europe, and constantly exposes “foreign agents.” True, for some reason I don’t notice them under my nose.

Masha was ready to tear anyone up for Trump

Quite a lot of articles have already been written about Evgeniy Fedorov, so there is no point in repeating them. Today we will talk about his no less brilliant assistant, NOD activist, patriot, who quite recently threatened to die for Donbass and Novorossiya, Maria Katasonova. Personalities, to be honest, with a very dark and murky past. Masha became a public figure known to many only in 2014, with the beginning of the war in Ukraine. What the girl was doing before - everything is covered in an impenetrable fog. Apart from rumors about a “girl like Masha” who starred in adult films, almost nothing is known about her. Well, except that she was born in 1993 and lived in the village of Elektroizolyator, Ramensky district, Moscow region, and graduated from the Law Faculty of Moscow State University with a bachelor's degree. Everything else in her biography needs to be checked.

It’s better to fight for Donbass in Moscow and in an Aston Martin

We all remember well the photographs and videos of Katasonova from Donbass and Donetsk in 2014-2016, in which she threatened to “destroy the whole world” in a thermonuclear war if she lost, constant “trips to the front line” in which she reported “from under shellings,” which later turned out to be inept fakes filmed in a studio. Later, Maria Katasonova no less fiercely defended Russian President Vladimir Putin at rallies and in the media, and campaigned for US presidential candidate Donald Trump and French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen. Now, after the unprecedented tightening of sanctions by Donald Trump against Russia, his blatant threats against our country, Maria Katasonova no longer likes to remember her stupid chants, adventures in T-shirts with portraits of Trump, as well as lavish parties in his honor. The once beloved Donbass has also become uninteresting to the exalted Mashutka. For more than a year now, Katasonova doesn’t remember anything about him at all. Darling played enough with patriotism, love for the Russian people turned out to be short-lived...

Masha wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and threatens the world with thermonuclear war in case of defeat

Shelling of Donbass is so cool and fun!

All the attention of the assistant to the deputy Evgeniy Fedorov and as she calls herself “the head of the apparatus of the Parliamentary Club “Russian Sovereignty”” (Evgeniy Fedorov is the chairman there) is drawn to her foreign trips - to France, Italy, the UK, Monaco, Morocco, the United Arab Emirates and other foreign countries. She has traveled to France alone in the last 2 years at least 4 times. Moreover, Masha rested not in some godforsaken huts, but in expensive hotels on the Cote d'Azur, not denying herself walks on the sea on someone's private yachts, which, as you understand, is far from a cheap pleasure. If you look at her Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte, you will be very surprised. It seems that Madame Katasonova does not work at all, but constantly travels around the world and “tips her fingers on the keyboard,” posting her photos from foreign resorts on social networks and instant messengers. It’s as if we are looking at an Instagram not of a well-known “patriot” who previously vowed to “fight with Europe and the United States until her last breath in the Donbass,” but of a well-known “escort”, the mistress of the oligarch Deripaska, Nastya Rybka-Vashukevich. Maria Katasonova began to copy her protagonist in everything, in behavior, clothing, and verbally. In a word, the damned Western glamor has again defeated the eternal Russian patriotism. Not for the first time, by the way... Alas, all people are imperfect... Another patriot preferred the hotels of Paris and French resorts on the Cote d'Azur to the dirty trenches of Donbass and universal death in a thermonuclear war...

It is best for a true Russian patriot to love his Motherland in Antibes

In general, how Maria Katasonova spends her money and with whom she travels in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East is her personal business. He has the right, we have complete freedom in this regard. Everything seemed to be fine, if not for one detail that was inconspicuous at first glance. Maria Katasonova - as far as we know, is an assistant to deputy Yevgeny Fedorov, with a salary of 40 thousand rubles a month (this is if she works for him full-time, but if not, then there are even more questions). She seems to have no other sources of income. But nevertheless, she constantly allows herself expenses of about 5-6 thousand euros, several times during the year. Each such trip and stay in a European country for two or more weeks, and even at expensive resorts, will cost a tidy sum. Perhaps she pays for her trips herself, this is quite possible. It’s just not clear where she got the money for all this then. Did she really spend her entire annual salary as a deputy’s assistant on trips to France, and then spent the entire year living on bread and water? Of course, this can also happen, but the likelihood of this happening is vanishingly small. Another option is also possible - the girl is simply “taken” to European resorts, with everything paid for by her “selfless friends”, among whom, as we know, is the well-known “Russian patriot”, a resident of France, who has an expensive villa in Antibes, former deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Konstantin Rykov. We should not forget the deputy Yevgeny Fedorov himself, who has already presented his assistants with expensive clothes and trips to Europe. We understand very well how Mashenka pays in this case, we are not small children. Constantly enjoying a pleasant holiday in Paris, Dubai and Monaco requires sacrifices, sometimes quite significant ones. However, in the current State Duma deputies have a full herd of such “patriots” in the form of various kinds of assistants and secretaries; this will surprise few people. However, I would like complete clarity on this issue, due to which Madame Katasonova spends approximately 12-14 thousand euros per year on her constant trips abroad.

Nice, Dubai and Sardinia will also work

After this, appreciate all the blatant hypocrisy of the leaders of the same “NOD”, and even Evgeniy Fedorov himself, who are simply profiting from their narrow-minded fans for selfish purposes. All their ostentatious “patriotism” is a common deception and a scam for the gullible. They themselves definitely do not believe in the delusional theses voiced by Fedorov (most likely Fedorov himself does not believe in them, but the role of a clown he plays requires him to constantly talk about these topics). With the money of stupid and deceived patriots, they calmly go to the “decaying West” and enjoy life there, living in grand style, while wasting money on yachts and in restaurants. In return, their adherents in Russia receive only poverty, mockingly low salaries and pensions, disgusting medicine, poor nutrition and destroyed roads with leaky pipes, with permanent residence in depressive regional centers. Just like in the Russian proverb, “to whom are the tops, and to whom the roots...”

Now Maria Katasonova is fighting for her homeland by destroying sanctioned cheese, champagne and mussels in expensive hotels

Those who called for supporting the Russian Donbass in 2014-2018 found themselves in a very ambiguous position. After all, for a long time Masha Katasonova was the unofficial media face of the movement for Novorossiya, and due to this she received good PR in the media, they wrote a lot about her and willingly . Now this face has been very seriously smeared with mud and Masha’s unseemly actions over the past two years, which, unfortunately, no one has condemned so far. It seems that supporters of Novorossiya will have to make up their minds in the very near future and express their attitude to what is happening. If they do not do this, then the dirt of Fedorov and Katasonova will fall on them as an indelible and shameful stain. Whether they need such a spot - let them decide for themselves, as well as who they should take as their traveling companions...

These are exactly the kind of people we need in the State Duma.....

Well, Masha will delight us all more than once with her photographs from foreign resorts, hotels, beaches and yachts. No, don’t think anything bad, we are not at all against such trips, we are all for it, but we advise the heroine of our story to attach the price tag to them, because such services have recently become much cheaper in Russia, and you can’t pay exorbitant prices for them I would like...


The other day, one of my blog readers wrote to me and asked me to publicly comment on a video that shocked him. In this video, a young girl, known in patriotic circles, threatens “on behalf of all Russian citizens” with nuclear war to the entire world. To be honest, at first I didn’t even believe that this was possible. But having seen such threats with my own eyes, I decided not to ignore such antics.

So, this girl is known to many, her name is Maria Katasonova.

Previously, as far as I remember, she was a member of the NOD and worked for deputy E.A. Fedorov.

It is worth noting that Maria looks nice and speaks well:

She can be seen quite often at NOD rallies, in various videos, and even in news footage federal TV channels.

To be honest, I don’t particularly follow Maria’s activities, I just sometimes come across some videos with her participation.

But the video that her comrades from the NOD drew attention to made me think.

I quote the text of Mary’s appeal:

“For the joy of people. To the death of enemies. Merry Christmas! Happy New Russia! Victory will be ours!

In principle, this is where we should stop. Do you remember this legendary phrase by V.M. Molotov, which he said at noon on June 22, 1941?

Literally it sounded like this: “Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours» .

Our President often likes to repeat this phrase.

What is there to disagree with? If there is an aggressor, then, as during the Great Patriotic War, we must resist him.

“And if we lose... We will destroy the whole world.»

After which footage of a nuclear explosion is shown.

As far as I remember, the last woman who threatened anyone with nuclear retribution was Yulia Tymoshenko (in the published recording of her telephone conversations).

I understand that it is quite likely not Maria herself who films, edits and writes the script for the videos.

But don't you understand that the direct threat of a nuclear attack is discredit not only GCD, but also of the entire patriotic movement?

This is discredit all of Russia and our President, including.

Look how this video is already spreading among “independent” sources:

Maria and her colleagues, don’t you understand that such antics, which cannot be called otherwise, not only contradict the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, but are essentially a call for terrorism?

You take upon yourself the right to be responsible for the Russian State and at the same time threaten the entire world with a nuclear catastrophe. How is this in general?

Dear readers, I ask you to convey this information to Maria Katasonova herself.

I think that she became a victim of provocation, a victim of deception. Someone made this video with the intention of using it later against Russia.

Who shot this video? Who invented it? Who wrote the script? Who is responsible for calling for nuclear war?

Imagine how you can speed up the new “mobilization” of cannon fodder that Poroshenko is conducting in Western Ukraine just by showing this video. Like, “the Russians want to launch a nuclear strike.” And not only in Ukraine, but throughout the world (“we will destroy the whole world”).

You need to think with your head before shooting and distributing such videos.

Let me remind you, in fairness, the only country that has used nuclear weapons is the United States. And do you want to be like them?

This is not the position of Russia, not the Russian people, not the patriotic majority. This is your personal position. Or the position of those who organized this video.

The position is completely irresponsible. The US has still not responded for the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.

Who will be responsible for such threats of nuclear war?

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