Dishonest employer. Basic methods of dealing with unscrupulous employers. “Your income depends on you”

1. He didn't clearly define his position.

– Any typical position (accountant, economist, sales manager) requires a certain functionality. But if the wording is vague, then you can expect anything from the vacancy, including an unlimited number of responsibilities. What, for example, should a nurse with administrative and economic functions do? It turns out that administrative and economic functions include opening an office, preparing a workplace, answering all calls, filling out documents, monitoring the sending of tests to the laboratory, etc. That is, in addition to their functionality, also performing the duties of other specialists. Why be surprised if this nurse is asked to wash the floors and bring coffee?

2. Everything is “by agreement” with him

– Salary – by agreement, schedule – by agreement, bonus program – by agreement, etc. Such “agreements” may mean that for each potential employee the conditions will be formulated in their own way: whoever agreed will work as they agreed. As a result, several people with different salaries and motivational conditions will meet in the same position with the same functionality.

3. He is evasive but too positive.

– The employer’s answers during the interview are positive and friendly, but not specific. “How are you paid for working on weekends?” - “We don’t have much of her, we won’t hurt her with money.” “What is the amount of travel allowance?” - “Nobody complains, there is enough food.” But he talks a lot about goals and objectives, about the development of a project, about the history of work on a certain product or about business in general. This charismatic and energetic leader's goal is to get you excited about the idea! After the interview, we can ask the potential employee: “How did the interview go?” - “Great!”, “When is your first day, what is your schedule?” - “We didn’t talk about such nonsense, we talked about the idea!” And then it turns out that his workplace is in the corner behind a closet, he constantly has to go on business trips, and his team is weak and unprofessional.

4. He doesn’t process the documents from the first day (if he does them at all)

– At the interview stage, it is important to find out whether the employment relationship between employer and employee is formalized from the first day of going to work. Many companies apply for a Labor Code only after the end of the probationary period - until this moment a person works either under a fixed-term contract, or under a contract agreement, or just for nothing. Let’s imagine: a young employee’s probationary period is ending, but the employer still doesn’t understand whether she is suitable and assigns her another probationary period. And then the girl needs to go on maternity leave - without a doubt, the employer kicks her out the door, pointing out that this is not his problem. And most importantly, the poor woman has nowhere to go for support: there are no documents confirming that she works in this company.

5. He doesn't pay twice a month.

– It is also important to clarify the format of salary payments at the interview stage. According to the law, wages must be paid twice a month: in the form of an advance and a final payment. However, such a system is not installed in all companies. The “easiest” type of violation is when they pay once a month, explaining this by not wanting to overburden the accountant. Another type of violation is systemic delays in payments. And not because the company doesn’t have money, but because they want to make a “motivational anchor” out of their salary. It’s as if the company always owes the person - he receives earnings for January in March, for February in April, etc., and the employee is always in a state of dependence and cannot even quit: it is unknown when he will be paid and whether he will be paid at all. Often this scheme is found on construction sites, in manufacturing companies or in vacancies for students.

“It’s naive to think that an unscrupulous employer is an evil pirate with a bandaged left eye and frowning eyebrows who walks around shouting: “What? Salary? You’ll never get it!” – Natalya Storozheva summarizes. – A dishonest employer seems peaceful, positive, and inspiring. If necessary, he can begin to put pressure on the sense of professional pride, self-esteem, sense of duty, compassion - these people are excellent psychologists. You need to remember this and not allow yourself to be manipulated.

Detailed results of the Roskachestvo study of mobile applications for job search are available.

Finding a job has always been a rather difficult process. And the selection of a suitable employer plays a huge role in it. It is not always so easy and simple to find someone who will truly value his employees and will not begin to deceive them. Therefore, we have to study who an unscrupulous employer is, how he can be detected at the interview stage (or in the first days of work), and also how applicants have the right to punish the deceiver. These are all very serious questions. Especially if you take into account the fact that the Internet and newspapers are full of false advertisements, which, in principle, are a fraudulent technique.

No conscience

The first step is to find out who the unscrupulous employer is. Although this is not so difficult to understand.

As a rule, this is said about those who constantly deceive their employees and, of course, do not comply with the terms of the employment contract. Or he promises the applicant one thing when applying for a job, but in practice it turns out something completely different. But do not confuse unscrupulous employers with scammers - the latter cheat blatantly, and their goal is to extract money from gullible citizens. But in the case of dishonesty, the motive is different - recruit better employees, pay less, strain subordinates more. And, as a result, to get rich at someone else’s expense, but legally.

Beware, scammers!

Before studying at least an approximate list of unscrupulous employers (each city, as a rule, has its own and includes a huge number of candidates), you need to remember the mentioned difference between dishonesty and fraud.

As already mentioned, the main goal of the latter is open and blatant enrichment by extracting funds from applicants. It is usually accompanied by a lack of actual hiring. That is, your conversation will not go beyond the interview. But an unscrupulous employer will still provide you with opportunities to perform your job duties.

Fraudsters are now very easy to identify. They create enticing advertisements. In them, the age of the applicant, as well as his status and gender, are usually not important. They offer little work (about 4 hours a day), and the earnings are simply sky-high. True, all communication is maintained exclusively via the Internet. The interview takes place via email, or at best, Skype.

Eventually you will find out that you must pre-pay the insurance premium before being hired. And this is a clear indication that the potential employer is a fraudster.

Black list

And now a little more about bosses without conscience. Where can I complain about an unscrupulous employer? And where can you look at those who are already considered not the best management offering employment to applicants?

As a rule, so-called black lists are now created in every city. They publish all the companies that violate their employment contracts. In other words, here you can see unscrupulous employers.

Moscow deceivers

Well, let's try to understand which employers do not perform their duties very well in Moscow. It is in the capital that many come to work, and therefore the list of unscrupulous employers in Moscow can be useful to everyone.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of candidates, so it’s not worth listing them all. It is better to pay attention only to some well-known companies.

For example, Burger King. This is a great fast food cafe, but not entirely suitable as an employer. Students are often recruited here, and there is a huge turnover of staff. They are constantly left to work overtime; quite often, students and schoolchildren even fail to complete the probationary period. Why? This unscrupulous employer conducts special testing. And in most cases it turns out that you failed it. You are not paid for your training (probationary period).

Many fast food cafes operate on similar principles (for example, Three-S Food, Krabs, Teremok-Invest). But the list doesn't end there. Unscrupulous employers in Moscow are the vast majority of companies. Even large retail chains are often blacklisted: Detsky Mir, Kari, Kari Kids, Baucenter, and so on. And lesser-known, but large corporations generally turn out to be real scammers in most cases. So you should be careful when finding employment in Moscow!

Who makes the lists

There is a question that has begun to interest job seekers: who compiles the blacklists of employers in certain cities? After all, someone originally came up with this? There is no clear answer. Everything is much more complicated than it might seem at first glance:

  1. Blacklists can be created by users themselves. They write reviews about unscrupulous employers on forums and in the media, share their employment experience so that others do not get deceived - a common phenomenon at the moment.
  2. A blacklist regarding Russian regions can be compiled by recruitment agencies. Such a technique is needed in order to simply not get involved with certain employers and not to discredit your reputation. Although sometimes such lists are published in the public domain.
  3. A register of unscrupulous employers can also be compiled by competing firms. It is easy to recognize such a technique - the activities of all organizations that will be on such a black list have the same direction or are generally similar. The phenomenon is not very common, but it does occur.

Where to complain

Where can I complain about an unscrupulous employer? A lot depends on your situation as a whole. Every victim always has a choice. But with a high degree of probability, there will be no sense in your attempts to defend your rights.

To begin with, you can report what is happening to different recruitment agencies. If you initially looked for an employer through such an organization, then all claims, even more so, should be accepted by personnel officers.

You can also simply go to the Internet to write a review of your work on the corresponding blacklist of employers in your city.

But if you are determined and can prove the dishonesty of your management, it is advisable to file a claim in the district court. Such cases are not that rare. Especially if the employer delays wages or already owes a tidy sum to his subordinates.

Perhaps this option is considered the best if you suddenly decide to think about how to punish an unscrupulous employer. True, it is rarely possible to achieve justice. The judiciary is not interested in such cases. They always have more important things to do.


Now let’s try to figure out how to identify an unscrupulous employer. This is not so difficult to do if you look closely at some key points. Most likely, you will be able to recognize the deceiver at the interview stage, or even earlier.

First of all, pay attention to the ad text. Often, not the most conscientious employers try to place their offers in newspapers (free publications), on poles, road signs, fences, entrances, stops - where there are a lot of people and a lot of traffic.

If we are talking about a virtual ad, then pay more attention to the text of the message. Here, most likely, they will inform you that there is no age limit. Unless you must be over 18 years old. But there are no requirements for gender and other nuances - this is an alarm bell. In addition, often several advertisements are posted simultaneously from the same employer on the same virtual platforms with little frequency. This is also something to think about.


To attract the attention of job seekers, an unscrupulous employer will use a variety of tricks and techniques. And often even before the interview. And your first meeting with potential bosses will simply duplicate the ad that attracted you.

What is another indicator of the likelihood of deception? Limited supply. In the text of the advertisement, you can note to yourself that there are few vacancies left. And the supply is limited. This pushes the applicant to hurry up with the application, and, as a result, confuses the person - the person loses vigilance and attentiveness.


Among other things, not the best employers attract applicants to their candidacy with the help of promises regarding earnings. The principle “work less, get more” works here. That is, they will promise you that you don’t need to work hard after you’ve been hired - you’ll literally get the money for nothing. And even in indecently high sizes.

These are all old and well-known techniques. They are used by both unscrupulous employers and scammers. Thus, take this fact into account and do not be fooled by offers of high earnings. The exception is if the vacancy is truly prestigious.


Another point that will help you avoid meeting a less than ideal employer is the requirements for applicants. Pay attention to them. Often you will be given a minimum, which cannot be considered requests at all. Plus, vague requirements are possible.

What does it mean? It is enough to be purposeful, decent, and learn quickly. That's all. Work experience is not important for the employer. Often they even write openly: “No experience.”

Among other things, advertisements from unscrupulous employers contain a minimum of contact information. Not always, but very often. Especially if the company is small or has only recently been opened.

Let's meet at the interview

An interview can also open your eyes. Unscrupulous employers have already learned how to write advertisements correctly so as not to arouse suspicion. But an interview can reveal a deceiver.

How exactly? The following reasons indicate deception:

  • demanding money for paperwork;
  • mass interviews;
  • the conversation will begin with stories about your dreams and successes;
  • the manager constantly points out the rapid development of the company;
  • they promise to personally teach you how to make money quickly;
  • the signing of the employment contract is delayed;
  • They cannot tell you about job descriptions in full.

By remembering all of the above, we hope you will be able to avoid meeting with unscrupulous employers and scammers. Good luck!

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 8 minutes


The labor market in the Russian Federation is an excellent field of activity for scammers. Unscrupulous employers extract money from citizens by deception when hiring, or fire them after completing any amount of work under the pretext of not completing the probationary period, naturally, without paying remuneration.

We will try to describe how to protect ourselves from such troubles in this article.

Signs of unscrupulous employers - how to recognize fraud when applying for a job?

The very first thing you need to know and never forget is that you came to work to earn money, not to spend it. If during your employment require some kind of advance payment , for example - for a uniform or work tools, there is clearly something wrong here.

For most people, their job search occurs in three stages:

1. Search for a vacancy announcement.

2. Phone call to the employer.

3. Interview with the employer.

  • First stage job search usually begins with searching for advertisements in the media or on the Internet. Already at this stage signs of employer dishonesty you can see it if you look closely.

1. The ad is too tempting

The requirements for the applicant are significantly lowered. In the advertisement, the employer does not show interest in the age or work experience of the candidate, and often, on the contrary, even focuses on this.

2. Large circulation of advertisements in various media and job portals

Constantly repeated in new publications over a long period.

3. The contact details for the ad contain suspicious information.

There is no company name or cell phone number provided for contact. This, of course, is not the main reason, but still.

After finding a suitable advert, it is best for a job seeker to do their own research. This is very easy to do, especially since modern people have all the tools for this.

Criteria that you need to pay attention to when checking the work you are interested in more deeply:

1. The salary level indicated in the advertisement is higher than the average market salary for similar work.

2. Lack of an official website on the Internet or a description of the company and its activities on information resources. Complete lack of information.

3. Frequent editing of the same ad in different media and on different resources on the Internet, which indicates a high turnover.

4. A very annoying invitation to an interview.

  • Second phase

After searching for an ad and checking at least brief information about the organization that placed the ad, the stage of making a phone call to the specified number begins. This stage can also provide a lot of information if you approach it correctly, know what to do and what to say during the first telephone conversation with the employer.

  1. The employer refuses to provide information about himself and his type of activity. He does not give the name of the company, the address where it is located, or the full name of the director. Instead, you are asked to attend an interview to obtain all this information. In most cases, an ordinary reputable employer has absolutely no need to hide personal information
  2. Your questions regarding the vacancy are answered with a question in response to a question., for example, they ask you to first tell about yourself. Most likely they just want to extract information from you in order to understand whether it is possible to work with you further.
  3. The interlocutor answers your questions regarding the vacancy with abstract phrases. For example, “We are a team of professionals” or “We promote global brands on the market.”
  4. The interview is scheduled outside of business hours. In any conscientious company, the hiring of employees is carried out by the HR department, which, in turn, cannot have a flexible schedule and traditionally works only on weekdays and during working hours. For example, from 9-00 to 17-00.
  5. The address at which the interview is scheduled is the address of a private apartment. This is easy to check through the reference book. It often happens that the company’s office is actually located on the territory of the apartment, but there must be appropriate information about this. If it is not there, it is better to refrain from such an interview.
  6. During a telephone conversation, the employer asks you to send your or passport data by email. The resume is your personal confidential information, but if it is disclosed, most likely there will be no damage. But with passport data it’s quite the opposite. At the stage of the telephone conversation and interview, the employer should definitely not be interested in your data.

  • Third stage and the last one is, of course, the interview itself. If you still decide to go for it, then you need to pay attention to the following criteria:
  1. Interviews are scheduled for several applicants at the same time. If the employer is decent, and the job he offers is stable and well-paid, this interview format is not acceptable.
  2. During the interview you are asked to deposit some money., let's say - for special clothes or tools, to take some kind of paid test or training - turn around and boldly leave. Such actions are completely illegal.
  3. If during an interview you are asked to sign any documents or agreements about non-disclosure of commercial information or something like that, then this is also a sure sign of the employer’s dishonesty. At the interview stage, you do not have any legal relationship with the employer and are not required to sign anything.
  4. During the interview you are told that the first time you work in their company is not paid, since it is considered a probationary period or training period. In this case, this clause must be described in the employment contract and clearly state the wording under which circumstances the probationary period is considered completed and under which it is not.

Knowing the criteria described above and operating with them, you can protect yourself from the actions of unscrupulous employers and protect yourself from getting into unpleasant situations, primarily related to the senseless waste of time on scammers.

Anti-rating of the most unscrupulous employers in Russia

Of course, creating such an anti-rating is quite difficult. But still there is resources , which are designed to perform precisely this task. Their work, as a rule, is based on correspondence from employees of a particular company with reviews and recommendations.

In the vastness of such resources, it is possible to find almost any company you are interested in in any industry and in any region.

  • One such resource is the project. It will offer you more than 20,000 thousand real reviews for review, and if you yourself find yourself in a not very pleasant situation, then you can take part in the formation of anti-ratings yourself.
  • You can also get a lot of information from the resource.

Of course, there is no single register of unscrupulous employers, but it should be noted The most frequently pop-up companies on resources like are:

  • Garant-Victoria– imposes paid training, after which it refuses applicants due to unsatisfactory results.
  • LLC Satellite – they ask applicants to pay 1000 rubles. to organize a workplace, which is completely contrary to the law of the Russian Federation.
  • Hydroflex Russland LLC – the company’s managers, the general director and his wife, the commercial director, do not value their employees at all, and the principle of their work is to organize staff turnover, with the aim of non-payment of wages under the pretext of fines.
  • LLC "Mosinkasplomb" – is engaged in the construction business, which he understands absolutely nothing about. Hires contractors represented by the companies BelSlavStroy LLC and ABSOLUT-REAL ESTATE. Very often they do not pay employees anything other than an advance payment under the pretext of poorly performed work.
  • LLC "SF STROYSERVICE" - these are large and good objects in Moscow and the Moscow region. SF STROYSERVICE LLC does not have its own staff of finishers and constantly searches for finishers via the Internet. After completing the work, he does not pay workers wages under the pretext of poor-quality work.
  • LLC SHIT-M– the company is engaged in renting private apartments. It is known for the lack of payments under employment contracts.
  • 100 percent (Language Center) – systematically delays wages. Many employees were never paid their salaries even after dismissal. * 100PA (Group of Companies) - when applying for employment, they do not tell the truth about working conditions. There are a lot of illegal immigrants who work and live right in the workshops. They pay much less than they promise when hiring.
  • 1C-SoftClub– they conclude fixed-term contracts with applicants, and after a month they kick them out without paying wages.

Of course, reviews also need to be properly filtered. Since competitors often order compromising information on their opponents, they can still be trusted. Especially if they are massive.

On the one hand, summer is a favorable time to look for work.

On the other hand, along with good vacancies, “lures” are growing like mushrooms: job advertisements, the purpose of which is to make money from unlucky applicants. How not to end up with a nose?

Today, RG, together with experts from the HeadHunter portal, will try to answer this question.

Ad with a trick

So, let's start with advertisements that are not even worth calling, writing or going to an interview for.

Type one: “Work in an office, possible at home with a flexible schedule, possible remotely, salary from 60,000. Education and experience - any. Age - from 16 to 70.” Just a dream: you don’t need to know or be able to do anything, the schedule is free, and the salary is high. But that doesn't happen. No employer in his right mind would engage in charity work and just pay big money to just anyone.

Signs of fraud:

  • the promise of a high salary for easy work;
  • any schedule option, including free time, remote work;
  • low requirements for education and qualifications:
  • an offer to buy any materials supposedly necessary for the work;
  • rush to fill a vacancy (“the last available position, only until the end of this week”);
  • lack of specific information about the job, and all the details are promised to be revealed during the interview.

How can scammers use these ads?

With the help of an attractive ad, scammers force applicants to get in touch, and then the “victim” becomes part of some unpleasant scheme - from trying to force them to pay money during an interview to leaving the “hired” person without a salary.

A few words about prepayment. The ad offers simple work from home that provides progressive income (as much as you do, you earn as much). Gluing envelopes, typing texts, growing mushrooms, sorting beads - the imagination of scammers is limitless. These unusual vacancies have one thing in common: you will have to make an advance payment for the source materials (a disk with scanned texts, plant seeds, beads). The amounts most often required are small - 100-150 rubles, so that you don’t feel sorry for taking risks in the hope of a miracle business. Of course, after sending the money, no discs or seeds are sent to you.

Experts recommend carefully filtering job postings. Check on the Internet the name of the company indicated in the ad: whether it exists at all, what is written about it. Reviews very often turn out to be useful: those who fall for scammers try to warn others. Do not under any circumstances respond to dubious letters from “interested employers” - this will not lead to employment, and scammers will receive your contacts, which they can later use to send spam.

Telephone "probing"

If the ad passes the “filter”, everything looks decent, you decide to call. But scammers can deceive you into their networks even from a distance. How to recognize the catch and not waste time traveling to the “office”?

Signs of fraud:

  • they don’t want to go into details over the phone: they promise to tell you everything at the interview;
  • to statements that you cannot find the name of such a company on the Internet, they say that it is new, has recently changed its name or something like that;
  • after questions about officials, details, legal address and other things that demonstrate your knowledge, they hang up.

A few tips: during the first call, find out as much as possible: what the company does, legal address, whether they draw up an employment contract, what the names of the top officials are. If the interlocutor voiced the answers, check whether such a company exists and what they say about it on the Internet. Someone else's bad experience can save you time. For example, a company may actually exist, but engage in not entirely legal activities. Olga got a job at a company that called itself “the official distributor of a famous German cosmetic brand.” After checking, it turned out that there was no official website for such a brand; the page of the company itself (very unprofessionally made) did not contain any useful information - neither certificates nor details of the manufacturer. And judging by reviews on the Internet, company representatives were supposed to force cosmetics that did not have any documents on people in shopping centers. And, of course, no one was going to pay consultants.

HR departments of companies involved in network marketing are ready to attract applicants by all means. They promise high wages, a benefits package, a good team, a conveniently located office: they will say anything over the phone, except what the company actually does. You can find out the truth only by extracting the name of the company from your interlocutor, and then start searching for information on your own.

First date trap

If the advertisement and telephone conversations do not arouse suspicion and you arrive for an interview at the company, look around: the fraudulent company is immediately visible.

1 With honest employment, you will never be asked to pay for anything, including for consideration of your candidacy, a photo for your resume, a club card, insurance, a set of documents, a work uniform, and so on. Any attempts to take money during the employment stage are illegal.

2 If there are a lot of people sitting in the waiting room who have come for an interview, this should alert you. Mass recruitment into a small company - something is wrong here.

3 If there are no office equipment in the room, there are only telephones on the desks, this is a clear sign of a fly-by-night company.

4 If the interview is conducted by a talkative person who, after briefly hearing a few words about you, begins to talk about the company, it means that his goal is not to hire a specialist, but to deceive him.

5 The employer avoids talking about paperwork. The emphasis is on a probationary period, on a “gray” salary in an envelope, an irregular schedule... If you are offered to work without any guarantees provided by law, it is better to leave immediately.

6 During the interview, the candidate discovers that the employer is just an agent who offers “the best vacancies on the market” for a certain fee. It is clear that this is also a scam.

How to play it safe? If you have any doubts, ask to see the company charter, job descriptions, and a sample employment contract that you will sign. If the demands confused the interlocutor, something is fishy here.

Is your job related to sales? Ask to see certificates of origin and official distributor. Those who work under dubious schemes and with dubious products do not have official documentation.

Has it come to hiring? Check the deadlines for completing documents; do not agree to work without signing an employment contract. Offers to get comfortable in a new place while the HR department is preparing an employment contract (about two weeks) will end with the fact that, after working for a month or even more, you will understand that they are not going to pay you, for example, because you “don’t passed the probationary period."

As an exception

However, there are rare exceptions when an advertisement that seems strange at first glance can offer a really good job.

Marina came across an amazing vacancy on the Internet: “A small company requires a Taurus for an office job. Age and education are not important. The salary is decent.” Marina decided to call as a joke; she just happened to be a Taurus. As it turned out, the advertisement was submitted by the real director of the company, but with a few quirks: he needed a personal assistant, he was sure that he could not work with anyone other than a Taurus. The girl passed the interview, was given a good salary, and the boss turned out to be an excellent boss.

Sometimes the reason for suspicious telephone responses can be either the employee’s lack of knowledge, or the fact that you have already begun to be checked. Anna called the ad to find out the details: the salary suited her, as did the location of the office. When asked about functionality, she heard the mysterious: “You’ll find out at the interview.” Other questions on the other end of the line were also answered mysteriously. This seemed suspicious, but Anna went for an interview.

In fact, it turned out to be a good company, it’s just that the HR specialist had his own method of checking the motivation of candidates. Anna got a job. But the personnel officer with the extravagant methodology did not stay long in the company.

Unfair employer– an employer who unilaterally violates the terms of employment agreements and/or initially knowingly misleads an employee (or potential employee). Now, this is the standard definition of an unscrupulous employer. An employer's dishonesty can be conscious or unconscious.
Deliberately dishonest employer- this is the one who is initially going to deceive us and not fulfill his obligations.
Unknowingly dishonest employer- this is one who does not refuse to fulfill his obligations, but the conditions and rules of the game established by him are feasible only in theory, but not in practice and certainly not for the average specialist. Which frees him from fulfilling his obligations.
No matter which kingdom (conscious or unconscious) of the unscrupulous the employer belongs to, one thing is clear: he is always popular on job boards, you should not apply for a job with him.

In this article we will try to classify unscrupulous employers by all segments, give many examples and warn you, the readers of the portal, against wasting time, money, nerves, personal reputation and other losses caused by an unscrupulous employer.
When studying data from numerous thematic blogs, forums, data from labor inspectorate employees, as well as our own logic and common sense, the unequivocal conclusion was made that the increased risk zone for unscrupulous and frankly vile and criminal “employers” includes:

  1. Young girls and boys of student and post-school age up to 22 years old (for any type of activity)
  2. Job seekers in active sales (the younger, the higher the risk)
  3. General workers to work in another city.
  4. Middle managers, most often of commercial services.

Criminal dishonesty at the hiring stage

Deliberately dishonest employer.
Bad faith mechanism- outright entrapment with the help of a seemingly harmless, but very tempting advertisement, and during a personal meeting at an “interview”, the manifestation of mechanisms of psychological pressure, hypnosis, promises of unrealistic prospects and even threats and violence.

"Girls aged 18 to 23 with good appearance are required for work; housing is provided to non-residents." The pay is high.
"We are looking for masseuses between the ages of 18 and 27. Good appearance. Accommodation is provided for non-residents. The pay is high."
"Girls aged 18 to 23 are needed to work as dancers abroad."
"Girls aged 18 to 23 are needed to work in a modeling agency abroad"

Unfortunately, there are a lot of such examples that can be cited, through which literally “Our people and the future of the country are going down the drain” .

Target risk group: The target risk group of these employers, or rather criminals, includes precisely those young girls aged 18 to 22 years, especially with good external data, teenage naivety and lack of education in such matters, as well as from regional centers, villages and the need for money.

When a job seeker (applicant), flattered by such an advertisement, calls– receives the answer: “When can you come to us for an interview??? Today at 18:00 can you???” After arriving at the so-called interview, there can be a lot of surprises, most often offers - engage in prostitution , do porn, with preliminary tests right at the “interview”, etc. to the point of outright rape and kidnapping. The mechanism of psychological influence and divorce for such people is usually worked out clearly and... If you came to such an interview, then... trouble cannot be avoided.

How not to get caught or avoid evil:

Firstly, under no circumstances should you respond to such advertisements, and you and I, dear parents and decent adults, should explain to our children as much as possible about the danger, and make the evil as public as possible.

It will also be very useful, through numerous anonymous and non-anonymous appeals, to attract the attention of the prosecutor’s office and all possible state law enforcement agencies and services to such “employers.”
People, be smarter and be like moths - don’t fly to the candle!!!

Dishonesty at the hiring announcement stage, but most likely not criminal.

This type is characterized as: consciously dishonest and unknowingly dishonest employer.
Mechanism of bad faith: open luring with the help of an attractive advertisement that promises almost anyone, regardless of education, gender and age, to realize professional ambitions, solve financial problems and work with pleasure. Why not contact???
Here is an example of such advertisements:

“A highly paid job for active and ambitious people. Working in the office with people and documents"
“An assistant manager is required to work with people and documents. High profit payment. Flexible work schedule. Interview.
“We are looking for a director for a young company. Working with people and documents. Salary is high"
“A young and developing company requires young and active people. Requirements: active life position, ambition. The pay is high."

Target risk group: people of any age, most likely without a specific specialty, with financial problems, naive and unenlightened in such matters.
When an applicant calls for such an advertisement, he receives the following response: “All details during the interview. For example, can you come to our office at 5:30 pm today?”
Such “employers” are unlikely to be able to kidnap you or involve you in dirty deeds, but they can take a fair amount of your time and money.
Such advertisements most often hide network marketing (with a different number of levels) or luring you into sales agents - peddlers, for direct sales of any sales or services. Moreover, the promised conditions will most likely be fulfilled, and purely theoretically, earnings can reach colossal sizes, but in practice……….your time, money and disappointment.

Let me give you an example from my life: My friend and I decided, for fun, to call similar advertisements and even agreed to come for an interview based on one of them. The interview was scheduled for 18:00 in one of the business centers in Ryazan. Despite the fact that we are quite intelligent people with an athletic build (weightlifters), we prepared well for the interview - we didn’t shave for two days, drank a liter of beer and dressed in sports tights (just like yard thugs) and came straight to talk with bottles of beer. An interesting picture appeared before us. A large crowd of people (about 15 people) were sitting in the hall, everyone filled out forms and waited for their interview. It was our turn to be interviewed. Our laughter knew no bounds when this employer, after reading our questionnaires, replied: “You have passed a special psychological test and are ready for our work! Just before starting work, you must undergo special training, it costs 500 rubles.” Of course, we didn’t go anywhere, but my cell phone was melting for another two weeks from intrusive calls from this so-called “employer.” There are many such examples that can be cited; they are all united by luring people into dubious work with the promise of unearthly benefits (trips to Switzerland, a personal helicopter, a yacht, and a life in chocolate).

P.S. We are not against network marketing and peddling (direct sales), but this work is not for everyone. And you should come to her only out of your own initial desire, but certainly not by being lured into her by deception.

Signs of an unscrupulous employer

At the hiring announcement stage.

  1. The ad is too tempting. At the same time, the requirements for the candidate are excessively low, without interest in work experience, education, or they focus on the candidate’s inexperience, youth and naivety.
  2. Advertisements with similar content are too widely circulated and are repeated many times in the vacancies section.
  3. This announcement is constantly posted in all issues of the vacancy rubric.
  4. The ad indicates a cell phone as a contact. Of course, this is not an indicator, but it once again confirms other signs of an unscrupulous employer.

During the telephone conversation:

  1. The employer refuses to give the name of the organization, field of activity, website address, full name of the manager, and a brief description of the specifics of the work. Instead, “All interview questions.” It makes no sense for an ordinary employer to hide the answer to the above questions, and if his goal is only to lure you to an interview, then be prepared for obvious surprises - this, at best, involves involving you in unnecessary and unprofitable (in short, not your) work, and at worst, assume yourself. Without getting answers to these basic questions, don’t even think about going anywhere.
  2. To sensible and logical questions (all the same - name of the organization, website address, name of the manager, position of the telephone interlocutor, specifics of the work for the vacancy of interest), the employer answers - “First, tell us about yourself!” Remember - this is, to say the least, rudeness. You are not obligated to tell anyone anything about yourself, without your voluntary desire. And the employer advertising for employment must be prepared to make telephone calls and answer basic questions.
  3. To sensible and logical questions (all the same - name of the organization, website address, name of the manager, position of the telephone interlocutor, specifics of the work for the vacancy of interest), the employer gives abstract answers like: “We are a large company, we promote global brands, we are a company of professionals, we are a community of idea generators, we are the largest information center, etc.” And he skillfully avoids answering specific questions, while inviting you for an interview. Think, but don't take risks!
  4. The interview is scheduled outside of business hours. Employees in any traditional organization may only conduct interviews during work hours. And if it is scheduled during non-working hours, then we are talking about a non-traditional organization and the work in it will also be non-traditional, good if it is harmless to your life. And in the best case, such an employer himself works at his main job, and after his working day he conducts interviews with “naive simpletons.” Why do you need to waste your time on these???
  5. The interview is scheduled at the address of a residential apartment. Particular attention should be paid to this sign, especially for young girls with good appearance. In the best case, such an employer currently does not have the funds to rent an office (do you need it???), and in the worst case, it is in private apartments that prostitutes and young porn actresses are recruited. Do not tempt fate and under no circumstances go to such an interview unless you are sure that the address of this residential apartment has not been converted into an office, a well-known company or a store. But it’s better to think 1000 times, imagine all the possible consequences of the visit and go only once.
  6. Over the phone, one might say, they openly told you or clearly hinted at something that would be unacceptable for any sane person, but they invited you for an interview. Well, decide for yourself!!! Everyone chooses a profession, a life partner and..... EXECUTIONER!!!
  7. During a telephone conversation, an employer who, apparently, without hiding the answers to the questions you asked, is a functioning traditional organization, but without any reason for obvious interest in you, is actively inviting you for an interview. Perhaps there is nothing wrong with this and such an interview is worth going to, but gather as much information as possible about this company and show maximum care and alertness during the interview.
  8. During a telephone conversation, the employer refuses to tell you specifically about himself, skillfully avoids direct questions, and asks you to send your resume by email, and sometimes also demands your passport information.
  9. Remember that your resume is your personal confidential information, and send your resume only to the address of the organization about which you have the necessary information and for which you really want to work. But certainly no one should be interested in passport data at the interview stage.

At the interview stage:

In this chapter we will not dwell on all the subtleties, but will go through only the most basic features.

  1. The interview takes place in a crowded stream or in a group manner. I would like to make no comments, but I have to add: That if we are talking about hiring for a stable, serious and paid job, then this method of conducting interviews is not acceptable in principle. And if you are satisfied with the option of unstable, frivolous and unpaid work,’s up to you - GO!!!
  2. During a job interview, you are asked to deposit some money. (If we are talking about, say, the purchase of special clothing with reimbursement of your costs according to the cash receipt, then there are no questions). But if you are offered to undergo paid training, or purchase a set of educational methodological literature for money, or make a sum of money as a share contribution in order to indicate the seriousness of intentions on your part, then... say: “I’ll think about it, and leave immediately and don't come back! You get a job in order to earn money, but not in order to spend it, even at the initial stage.
  3. The employer states that it is not customary for them to formalize their relationship with the employee legally and offers you an unofficial job. Well, at a minimum, you will not have any social guarantees (paid leave, sick leave), and as a rule, the employer can fire you without paying a penny for your work and the time spent on it. You shouldn't agree to this.
  4. The employer declares such a clause in the conditions that the first time (maybe 2 weeks, a month, two) of work with them is not paid and is considered as time for training, understanding the essence of the matter, etc. Consider this as an infringement of your rights: firstly, you are not even required to get to your place of work for free, and secondly, during this student period you can be used to carry out certain assignments, and after its completion, declare that you have not passed the test and leave with you. Moreover, this practice is not uncommon.
  5. The employer offers the employee to work as an individual entrepreneur or director of his own LLC. If, of course, you want to formalize your relationship with the employer in the form of cooperation between two independent individuals, and this is due to the interests of both parties, then this practice is successfully used for system administrators, IT controllers, and accountants in small firms. Each such specialist similarly cooperates with a number of companies as a provider of certain services.
    But if you do not know about this type of labor relationship, but are simply looking for a job and receive an offer under these conditions, then regard this as an infringement of your rights and an attempt to deceive. Indeed, in this case, the employer disclaims all responsibility to you in accordance with the Labor Code; in this case, the employer does not owe you anything, except for paying your invoice, and then only after he has signed a certificate of the work you have done. And he may not sign this act, citing some shortcoming on your part. So you can sue later.
  6. As conditions, the employer offers to work for a certain probationary period for free, and if it is successfully completed, formalize it and assign the salary already due, justifying such a requirement with examples of other organizations in Russia or Europe. REMEMBER!!! This is an outright deception on the part of the employer (especially often used for low-skilled workers, sellers, sales agents, office managers), so that after completing this “probationary period” the employer will tell you about professional inconsistency and, with the help of such deception, will recruit new free labor. DON'T FORGET that even the time you have to get up in the morning, which is necessary to arrive at work on time, must already be paid for and is included in your salary, and YOU SHOULD UNDER NO EVENT even come to work for free!!! And such a practice, no matter how the employer convinces you, is used only by scammers.
  7. To apply for a job, a potential employer asks you to solve a test task (often practiced for commercial applicants), for example, to put on paper your vision of the business process, or to present your work plan for the first month, or to lay out on paper all the clients with whom you will work try to conclude an agreement. There are quite a few conflicting opinions on this matter. Most opinions boil down to the fact that no tasks should be done for free. Although, performing a simple test of the professionalism of a particular candidate is better and more rational than going through multi-stage interviews and questionnaires.
    It is important for you to be able to distinguish a test from an attempt to extract a free result. If completing a test task will take you, at most, an hour of time, and the completed task will not be of any value to the employer, only a test, then it is quite logical to agree to it (for example, roughly outline the plan for the first two months of your work as a commercial director, or solve a simple a task to calculate the cost of fictitious products of a fictitious enterprise, or, with regards to programmers, delete data on a computer via a local network with password protection, etc.)
    But if the tasks require significant time investments from you, access to statistics and specific and detailed tasks, then... think for yourself!!! Do you need this? After all, your time is not free!!!

Unscrupulousness of the employer at the work stage (or wormy employer).

According to the above signs, an unscrupulous employer is scary for young and inexperienced applicants, for applicants who have little knowledge of the labor market and the legal aspects of relationships (it should be noted that very often people who want to take “other tracks” fall for such bait, for example, if an assembly line production worker with experience wants to retrain as a clean office clerk, not really understanding the specifics of his future work, then an advertisement for the recruitment of promising, motivated people to work in an office with people and documents who want to earn money is just for him).

If we are not one of those people, we have a good idea of ​​what we want from work and what we want to receive for it, then we are unlikely to not only agree, but even look at the section with such advertisements. But... the further into the forest, the easier it is to get lost!

Accepting invitations from a seemingly decent and serious employer, we still run the risk of experiencing the employer’s dishonesty, but already at the hiring stage, at the stage of labor relations. This will be discussed in more detail in the next article. “A wormy employer or dishonesty at the work stage”

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