Minor by D. Fonvizin - a comedy of education. "Undergrown." The meaning of the title of the comedy by D.I. Fonvizina What is interesting about the comedy of the undergrowth in our time

Minor - in the time of Fonvizin, this was the name given to noble children who did not receive the minimum education. Peter the Great tried to eradicate illiteracy in the “noble class”, in 1714 he issued a decree ordering noble children to learn at least literacy, arithmetic and the law of God. Those who did not meet this minimum were prohibited from marrying and holding high government positions.

The modern ironic meaning of the word “minor” appeared precisely thanks to the comedy of Denis Ivanovich. It was created in 1782, during the time of Catherine the Second, who went down in history as a great educator. Despite Peter's decree, the issue of education and upbringing of the nobility was still very acute in that era. It is to him that the work is mainly dedicated.

The author managed to clearly and ironically show the beginning of this historical process - the ennoblement and cultivation of the Russian nobility. In the person of the narrow-minded and cruel landowner Prostakova, her spineless husband and bored son, Fonvizin reflects an entire era when the main concerns of the landowners were only money and thoughtless power.

The topic of upbringing and education raised by the writer remains relevant today. Nowadays, school education has become an accepted norm, and almost any information can be accessed from a mobile phone. But many teenagers are still not interested in learning about the world. With the abundance and accessibility of entertaining television programs, games and social networks, interest in real knowledge remains among a minority.

Problems of laziness and lack of curiosity can also be determined by upbringing. Just such a case is shown to us by Minor. Mitrofan does not have such an abundance of entertainment as modern teenagers, but he stubbornly avoids studying...

Mrs. Prostakova acts, at first glance, inconsistently: she hires three teachers for her son, but for three years she does nothing to ensure that the boy begins to study. But teachers for her are simply a matter of prestige, like purchased diplomas and certificates in the modern world. Illiterate herself, the woman continually speaks contemptuously about science and is sure that Mitrofanushka will live well without it. This is the real reason that the young man did not learn to read during his years of study: he was convinced by his mother that it was boring and useless. The main thing his mother teaches is selfishness: “When you find money, don’t share it with anyone. Take it all for yourself." In Mitrofan's family there is no example of even a respectful attitude towards people: Prostakova does not value not only serfs, but even equals by birth: her husband and potential daughter-in-law Sophia. She is kind only to those from whom she wants to benefit. Unfortunately, this behavior is still shown today by people who are given power over others, even if it is small. In the boring life of a poorly educated person, humiliation of the weaker is one of his favorite pastimes.
And we see that Mitrofanushka learned his lesson well, learning to shamelessly curry favor with his “superiors”: “you’re so tired, beating your priest.”

Excessive care and indulgence in the whims of children leads to the same results as two hundred years ago. Teenagers lose interest in life, while remaining unadapted to work and healthy mutually beneficial relationships with other people. At the same time, parents still want their offspring to be successful in life, but until the very end they hope that everything will be resolved by itself: “How is happiness destined for anyone, brother. From our family of Prostakovs, look, lying on their sides, they are flying to their ranks. Why is their Mitrofanushka worse?”

Money is another eternal theme in literature. It is the money issue that constitutes the main intrigue of the comedy. The struggle between Prostakova and Skotinin for Sophia’s dowry, which the girl is unaware of until the last moment, gives the reader several comic moments.

In his work, Fonvizin condemns a society that educates people with a low level of civic responsibility. When such individuals become part of the state system, the state cannot prosper. It is with regret that we have to admit that this particular problem is still the most pressing in our country. Created
the impression that most government posts are still occupied by “Prostakovs”, although more educated, but just as greedy and indifferent to people and the world.

Denis Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” is one of the most striking works of Russian classicism. The questions that the author focuses on in the play excite the minds of viewers and readers even in our time - more than three centuries after its writing. The work created by Fonvizin is difficult to compare with traditional classic comedies, because the ironic farce, ridicule of the vices of society, and topical themes in the play look as funny as they are tragic. Using the techniques of contrast, ridicule, and irony, the playwright leads the reader to the deep meaning and essence of “The Minor.”

The ideological meaning of the comedy “The Minor”

At first glance, the work is an ordinary everyday play - the central plot of “The Minor” is linear and revolves around Sophia’s marriage. The girl lost her parents at an early age and now lives in the care of the landowner Prostakov family. Prostakova, wanting to get rid of the “extra mouth,” decides to marry Sophia to her brother, Skotinin, without her consent. However, the news that the girl has become the heiress of a huge fortune, and her uncle is coming any day, changes Prostakova’s plans. The woman refuses Skotinin, offering her underage son Mitrofan as the new groom. Fortunately, Starodum, Sophia's uncle, turns out to be a reasonable man who exposes the interests of Skotinin and Prostakova, supporting the girl's desire to marry her lover Milon.

Even from a brief description of “The Minor,” it becomes clear that the plot of the play fits well into the canons of classic comedies. However, the work is complemented by a secondary storyline associated with Mitrofan - a stupid, spoiled, lazy, greedy and cruel young man, the son of the Prostakovs. Despite such a negative characterization, he is the most comical character in the play - the funniest scenes of the work are connected precisely with his training. In general, in “The Minor” there are only two funny characters - Mitrofan and Skotinin. They amuse us with their stupidity and lack of understanding when it is better to remain silent instead of saying absurd things.

“The Minor” can rightfully be called a play of education - since family ties in the work determine the character and inclinations of a person. However, if Skotinin and Mitrofan are similar even in their love for pigs, which also causes laughter, then you don’t want to laugh at Prostakova. Despotic, cruel and rude to her peasants and relatives, the woman finds no joy either in her “hopeless fool” husband or in her son, whom she blindly loves. Even her statements about how to count correctly (the scene of Tsyfirkin’s lesson) are funny, but they rather ridicule the morals of the old nobility rather than her. In terms of activity and influence in the play, she can be compared with Pravdin, however, if a man defends humanistic, highly moral ideals, then Prostakova is the bearer of “her own” landowner morality, which prescribes the greatest value of money and ranks before the life of her serfs, an honest name, education and virtue.

The main meaning of “The Minor” lies precisely in this opposition of two radially opposite views - new, humane, educational and outdated, landowner. Fonvizin focuses attention not only on the negative beginning of the latter, but also on the need to change the views of the old nobility, otherwise the “fruits of evil” will be inevitable. The author emphasizes that the origins of this malice are in their upbringing itself - Prostakova and Skotinin adopted their views from their parents and passed them on to Mitrofan, just as the foundations of humanism were laid in Sophia by her parents.

The essence of the comedy "Minor"

The essence of "The Minor" follows from the ideological meaning of the comedy - education must be correct and instill high ideals. According to the traditions of classicism, the surnames of the characters largely complement the characteristics of the characters and further reveal the author’s idea. Fonvizin gave Skotinin such a surname for a reason. In addition, let us remember that Prostakova only received her friend’s surname from her husband; she is also Skotinina. Mitrofan is the son of Skotinina. And the characters really resemble animals - they are illiterate, stupid, accustomed to looking only for their own benefit, for which they are ready to do anything (that is, they completely lack such traits as integrity and self-esteem). It is also noteworthy that Mitrofan is taught by people of the lower classes, actually servants. In the village of Prostakova, servants take care of the cattle, so from childhood the young man is raised not as a worthy nobleman, but, at best, as a servant.

Fonvizin not only exposes the ignorance of the “Skotinins”, contrasting them with the bearers of high human ideals - Pravdin, Starodum, Sophia, Milon, but also focuses on the failure of traditional upbringing and education, emphasizing the need for personal development. This is precisely the essence of the work. Fonvizin believed that as soon as every “Mitrofan” received the right upbringing and a decent education, Russian society would change and become better. Nowadays, the comedy “The Minor” is a reminder to every reader of the highest human ideals and the need to improve every day so as not to become like “Mitrofan”.

Work test

Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin wrote the comedy “The Minor” during the era of autocracy. The author ridicules the system of upbringing and education used in noble families and creates images of ignorant landowners.

The meaning of the word "minor"

So, let’s try to figure out what the word “minor” means. The meaning of the comedy's title is difficult to determine without understanding its meaning. Initially, this was the name given to young nobles who had not yet reached adulthood and had not entered the public service. The second meaning appeared after the publication of Fonvizin’s comedy. The word “minor” began to be used to describe a short-sighted young man, a dropout. The main character of the comedy, Mitrofanushka, is the personification of a young man mired in ignorance and stupidity.

Having an idea of ​​the meaning of this word, the meaning of the title of Fonvizin’s comedy “Minor” will be much easier to understand.

Issues raised in comedy

The title of the work is a characteristic of an entire era and elevates young nobles and exposes the morals prevailing among representatives of this class.

Fonvizin chose very bold and original ones to write the play “Minor.” The meaning of the comedy's title helps to see the problems of society of that time.

All scenes of the work are filled with merciless and caustic satire, exposing the way of life of the Prostakovs and Skotinins.

So, the first problem that worries Fonvizin is the deplorable state of the moral foundations of society. Through remarks from Starodum and Pravdin, the author expresses the idea that the complete power of the landowners over the serfs and the lack of a proper example on the part of high society became the reason for complete arbitrariness. As a result, representatives of the noble class forgot about their duties and class honor, which practically led to the degeneration of the class.

This is how the problem of degradation of representatives of the nobility is illuminated in the play “The Minor.” The meaning of the comedy's title is revealed more fully if you know the shortcomings of the society of that time.

The second problem that the author raises is the issue of education. Fonvizin examines it in great detail in his work “The Minor.” The meaning of the comedy's name has a lot to do with the gaps in this area. Fonvizin's sarcasm, with which he depicts the scene of Mitrofanushka's exam, is a verdict on the education of the Skotinins and Prostakovs.

This problem worries the author so much for the reason that we are talking about advanced members of society. It is bad that a young nobleman, whose duty is to serve the Fatherland, is brought up in the absence of moral principles with the complete indifference of his parents to the interests of society. The hero of the comedy, Mitrofan, had no other desires than to chase pigeons, eat and get married.

Court life is an example for such education, because the nobles have long forgotten what serving for the benefit of the state is.

Comedy idea

The meaning of the title of Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” will become clearer if we turn to the idea that the author laid down in his work. Denis Ivanovich wanted to show that the “minor” will forever remain a “minor” and will never change, will not develop morally and spiritually.

The meaning of the main character's name

Literally translated into Russian as “showing his mother,” which means he is similar to her. This is true. The boy's mother is the leader in the family, and he strives to be like her. Mitrofanushka is not devoid of natural intelligence and intelligence, but uses these qualities exclusively in her own interests. He's a mama's boy. Mitrofanushka is spoiled, absurd, capricious.

The meaning of the title of the play “Minor” is revealed to an even greater extent after realizing that the name was not chosen by the author by chance.

Relevance of the problem of education

To understand the extent of education that Fonvizin raises in his work, you need to understand what is happening in modern society.

Of course, school these days is not always able to awaken a child’s interest in learning. In addition, many parents strive to provide education because it is necessary, for show, often conveying this understanding to their child.

As a result, it turns out that in our time the problem identified by the author of the comedy “The Minor” has not lost its relevance.

What comedy can teach a child

The main points that Fonvizin wanted to convey to readers in the play “Minor” were outlined above. The description of comedy cannot be complete without indicating what this work can teach a child.

Using the example of Mitrofanushka, whom the author ridicules, an eighth-grade student can come to understand how important it is to study, to be independent, and responsible.

The relevance of this comedy is manifested in the fact that it is often staged in the theater. Spectators of different ages watch it with pleasure, laugh and, of course, draw the necessary conclusions.

    One of the main characters of Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” is Prostakov Mitrofan Terentyevich, the noble son of the Prostakovs. The name Mitrofan means “similar”, similar to his mother. Maybe with this name Mrs. Prostakova wanted to show that her son is a reflection...

    Prostakova is a rude and unbridled nature. She is impudent if she does not meet resistance, and at the same time cowardly when she encounters force. Merciless towards those who are in her power, she humiliates herself, ready to lie at her feet, begging for a petition...

    D.I. Fonvizin was destined to live in the rather dark era of the reign of Catherine II, when inhumane forms of exploitation of serfs reached the limit that could only be followed by a peasant revolt. This frightened the Russian autocrat...

    The comedy "The Minor" absorbed all the experience accumulated by Fonvizin earlier, and in terms of the depth of ideological issues, the courage and originality of the artistic solutions found, it remains an unsurpassed masterpiece of Russian drama of the 18th century....

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  1. New!

    In the very year when the fate of Panin’s party was decided, when Panin himself lost his strength, Fonvizin opened a battle in literature and fought to the end. The central moment of this battle was “The Minor,” written somewhat earlier, around 1781, but staged in 1782...

Sh. Valentina, studytsa8 classB

MAOU Gymnasium No. 6, Tomsk, teacher

Trushina Olga Vitalievna



    introduction (justification of the topic, goals and objectives of the study);

    main part;

    conclusion with the results of the conclusion;




Subject: Productions of Fonvizin's comedy "The Minor": history and modernity

Relevance of the work is that the comedy “Nedorosl” has been one of the most repertoire plays of the Russian theater for more than 200 years. How many famous directors and artists were raised on this work. The monarchy and serfdom are a thing of the past, but the play reminds people (the audience) of eternal values. Issues of upbringing a citizen, education, attitude to power, and money are important today. It is difficult to imagine a drama theater that would never turn to Fonvizin and offer its own version of the production. I study at the Sintez theater studio, and I think that we will also stage this play. It’s interesting to know what theatrical productions the country’s theaters offer to modern audiences

Goal of the work: prove that the comedy of D.I. Fonvizin's "The Minor" has been of interest to theater audiences for more than two centuries.


Find out the history of the first production of the play;

Analyze theatrical performances of the comedy “Minor”, ​​compare with the text of the play;

To trace what trends are characteristic of the modern theater, which puts the comedy “The Minor” in its repertoire.

Practical significance : this work can be useful in literature lessons for a deeper understanding of the text of the play, for preparation for the OGE and the Unified State Exam in literature, for the possible implementation of a theatrical production of the comedy “Nedorosl” in the studio “Sintez”

Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin worked on the comedy “The Minor” for about 3 years. He wrote it in 1781, when the ideas of an enlightened monarchy dominated in Russia. These ideas were widespread, as they were supported by Catherine herself.II. Being a nobleman, Fonvizin had the opportunity to observe the supporters of these ideas, their thoughts and misconceptions, and reflected everyone in his comedy “The Minor.”

Fonvizin's innovation as a playwright:

1. The beginning of Russian realistic drama was laid;

2. the dependence of a person’s character on the environment and circumstances is determined;

3. typical phenomena of Russian life are shown and typical images are created;

4. the connection between serfdom and the moral character of the nobility has been proven;

5. the dangerous influence of money on a person is predicted.

First production.

The path of comedy to the stage was very difficult. First it was banned from being staged in St. Petersburg, and then in Moscow. However, a little later, permission to stage it was given. The premiere took place on September 24, 1782 in St. Petersburg at the Karl Knipper Theater. Denis Fonvizin himself took part in the production of this play and appointed the actors for the roles. The production made a stunning impression. People admired the author’s bold work, because no one had ever created a work that so openly criticized the foundations of the state system. Particular attention was given to the monologues of Starodum (actor Ivan Afanasyevich Dmitrevsky), the monologues were pronounced slowly, on low notes. Fonvizin wrote: “The success was complete.” According to legend, Grigory Potemkin, after watching the comedy, said to the author: “Die, Denis, you can’t write better.” But EkaterinaIIwas offended by the ridicule of state principles, among the courtiers the empress complained as if in jest: “Mr. Fonvizin also wants to teach me how to reign.” Later, she suppressed all possibilities for publishing Fonvizin’s works.

But despite Catherine's cruel reactionII, the production became very popular in Russia. In Moscow, the comedy was staged on May 14, 1783 at the Moscow University Theater, and then 8 performances took place. Provincial theaters in Kharkov, Poltava, and Kazan also successfully staged the new play.

But there were sophisticated spectators who were contemptuous of the play. L.I. Kulakova in the monograph “D.I. Fonvizin. Biography of the Writer” gives an example: “Already at the beginning of the 19th century, one of the magazines wrote that the pictures depicted in the comedy do not give people anything of a “better tone” and “are liked most by the philistinism and the people.” To please the people of the “best tone,” the directors shortened the speeches of the positive characters and mutilated Prostakova’s tongue.” (p.109)

In the 19th century, “Nedorosl” was performed 5-10 times a year. In the period 1813-1827 in Moscow the comedy was staged 27 times, and in St. Petersburg 14. It is thanks to Fonvizin’s heroes that the play of Russian actors acquires truthful, life-reliable features, and a realistic method of acting begins to take shape. This was especially evident in the work of the great Mikhail Semenovich Shchepkin (1788-1863), who played all the roles in “The Minor.” V.I. enjoyed great love among the audience. Zhivokini (1805-1874), the actor destroyed the boundaries of the hall and stage, could turn to a prompter, improvise, and finish the role behind his partner’s back with facial expressions. This was one of the best mitrofanushki of the 19th century.

Heroes of the comedy "Minor"

There are 13 characters in the play: nobles, landowners, serfs, commoners. There are main characters, secondary and non-stage characters.
Each hero has his own speech characteristics.

Kuteikin, a half-educated seminarian, uses Church Slavonicisms in his speech: “To the Lord’s home, peace and many years of joy to the children and household.”

Tsyfirkin, a former soldier, speaks clearly in military terms: “We wish your honor good health for a hundred years, twenty years, and more.”

The language of the positive characters is bookish, filled with social vocabulary and Old Church Slavonicisms. In modern productions, it is the monologues of Starodum and Pravdin that are shortened the most.

For example, these words were removed from the Maly Theater production:
Starodum: “People forget the duty of obedience, seeing in their master himself a slave of his vile passions.
Pravdin: “... out of my own deed of heart, I will not leave to notice those malicious ignoramuses who have complete power over their people and use it inhumanly for evil.”

But the speech of negative characters in productions is not reduced.

Common speech and swear words have not changed in more than 200 years. “Brother, I won’t bark with you. From my childhood, father, I never scolded anyone. I have such a disposition.”

It was the speech of the negative heroes that went to the people and became proverbs and sayings:
“I don’t want to study, I want to get married” (Mitrofanushka)
“He ate too much henbane” (Mitrofanushka)
“Learning is nonsense” (Skotinin)
“For good, for health” (Skotinin)

Staged by the Maly Theatre.

The premiere of the play took place on January 6, 1986, and since then it has firmly entered the repertoire of the Maly Theater. During this time, the cast has changed more than once, but one thing has remained constant – the classic interpretation of Fonvizin’s play. Of course, if we meticulously check all the lines and monologues of the characters, we will see: after all, some things were edited. Action 1, episode 1 - Pravdin’s reasoning about the command to “go around the local district…” is excluded.

Act 3, episode 2 - Starodum’s words are excluded: “Leave wealth to the children! Not in my head. They will be smart, they will manage without him; and wealth is no help to a stupid son. I’ve seen fellows in golden caftans, but with lead heads...”

Today these words sound more relevant than in the 80s of the 20th century, when the play was staged.

Act 4, episode 1 - the dialogue between Starodum and Sophia about reading is excluded. Starodum’s thought about Western authors is not outdated: “I happened to read everything from them that was translated into Russian. True, they strongly eradicate prejudices and uproot virtue from the roots.” In the same phenomenon, other monologues of Starodum are shortened: “Without good morals, an intelligent person is a monster,” “Think, what is a position? This is a sacred vow..."

Act 5, phenomenon 1 - words about upbringing are excluded: “We see all the unfortunate consequences of bad upbringing. But what can come of Mitrofanushka for the fatherland, for whom ignorant parents still pay money to ignorant teachers?”

The rest of the text is spoken word for word by the actors. But, thanks to the excellent acting skills, the performance is still watched in the 21st century. This is confirmed by audience reviews.

This Maly Theater performance is a classic production, “following the author,” no jokes other than those found in comedy, no newfangled directorial innovations, everything is strictly according to the text. I was very afraid how such a complex (even by ear) text would hold the viewer’s attention, but the old-school artists did a great job.

Yesterday I went with my 12-year-old daughter and her friend to the play “Minor.” At the entrance, seeing whole classes of children aged 13-14, I immediately thought that the performance might be ruined. And hearing them start squealing, screaming and clapping, like at a football game, confirmed my worst fears.

But ten minutes later the children were completely captivated by the performance.
Despite the fact that the language is outdated, the children understood everything and were absorbed in the action.
A wonderful performance and wonderful acting. Amazing scenery and costumes, how nice it is to see such a production! And how modern she is without any efforts or pretensions!
I highly recommend going!

We sat in the second row of the stalls. The teenagers around were serious and didn’t make any noise.

The hall is dominated by schoolchildren, because this work is included in the literature program. The Maly Theater is famous for its productions of classics, so the excitement is understandable - the hall is full. We must give the teenagers their due - they watched with pleasure, in silence, almost without rustling or negotiations. (from the site .)

The Maly Theater version contains interesting directorial and acting discoveries.

For example, in act 3, at the end of phenomenon 8, Vralman openly flirts with Prostakova. “Poti, my mother! Saletna bird! Your voices flow with him.”

Act 4, scene 7. Dialogue between Starodum and Skotinin with an unexpected serious revelation from both:

Starodum. You make me happier. People touch me.

Skotinin. And I'm such a pig.

Act 5, scene 4. The plan to kidnap Sophia failed. Prostakova is about to begin to crack down on the serfs. Her threats make me scared. Even a modern teenager understands what the arbitrariness of a landowner is and how great her power over serfs is: “Well! Now I will give the dawn to my people. Now I'll go through everyone one by one. Now I’ll find out who let her go. No, scammers! No, thieves! I won’t forgive a century, I won’t forgive this ridicule!”

I liked the idea of ​​Afanasy Ivanovich Kochetkov, the first performer of the role of Starodum in this production, that “in our vague reality, it is almost impossible to predict with what, when and how exactly the morality underlying the classical work will respond in the viewer.”

"Musical performances

But oddly enough, fewer and fewer theaters are choosing to stage classic comedy.Sometime in 1969The play was set to music by the famous composer Yuli Kim. And, director Yuli Eidlin staged the opera “The Minor.” The authors kept all the storylines. As the directors say, they created a folk opera that contains parody, humor, and “bright musical numbers.”

Today this performance can be seen at the Stavropol Academic Drama Theater named after. M.Yu. Lermontov.

Director Mikhail Kovalchuk in an interview (“Stavropolskaya Pravda” 2014) shared his findings:
“There will be a lot of unexpected things, for example, Skotinin’s musical number in the style of a gavotte.”
Or Starodum, a kind of free man with money... his act is in the style of an old romance.

Thanks to the musical treatment, comedy has become more modern and accessible.”
Source:www. stavteatr. ru

The Vologda Youth Theater followed the same path.

The didactic plot of “The Minor” was turned into an entertaining satirical story, freed from “cumbersomeness and moralizing,” retaining the main conflict between ignorance, lack of spirituality and virtue, adorned with the reason of enlightenment (

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