Some what pronoun. Pronouns based on grammatical features. All personal pronouns

The Russian language has a huge number of speech possibilities, for example, allowing you to replace meaningful words others, without changing the meaning, but giving the narrative greater dynamism and variety. What are pronominal words and what is their role in language?

It is assigned an independent role among parts of speech. Pronominal words refer to objects without specifying their names, characterize the number, circumstances and characteristics of these active objects. The pronoun as a part of speech therefore has a generalized lexical concept.

In contact with

Classification and distinctive features

There are a lot of pronominal words, they differ in categories, functions and meanings. A table of pronouns will help you figure this out:

Link to: Are changing
Personal pronouns
Participants in the conversation: the one who speaks; the one - for whom they are speaking or those - about whom (what) they are talking about. They change the number: I, you, he, his - the only thing:

we, them, you - used in plural sense.

They have a gender marker only in the third person: he came, she liked it, she was invited, they talk about him.

I - me, she - hers, you - you, they - theirs.

I read this book – I was interested in this book.

She complied homework- Her asked to do homework.

The relationship or connection of an object with something or someone. They have numerical forms: a single attribute: yours, his, mine, mine; plural: ours, theirs, yours.

Case forms: my, my, mine.

Gender can be determined only in singular: her, him, her.

Example: I live in my own apartment. You live in your own apartment. They live in their own apartment. The first sentence is about the apartment of the speaker, the second is about the apartment of the one they are talking to, and the third is about those they are talking about.
An event occurs to an active subject. Persons, genders and numbers do not change.

In all cases, with the exception of the nominative, they are declined with a change in the ending: themselves, by themselves, to themselves.

Your reports are well prepared. My mirror broke. My clothes look very fashionable.
Interrogative pronouns
Used to enhance the question in speech Case changes: which, whom, which, whom, which, what, which.

The genus is defined in a single meaning - how sweet, how fresh, how cheerful.

Multiple expressions - what day, what news.

Remain unchanged pronouns-adverbs: Why did he come? Where to stay? When does your vacation start? Where did the bus come from?

On animate object refers to the pronoun “who?”. TO to an inanimate noun the question “what?” is posed.

Who committed the crime? What to give for your birthday?

Relative pronouns
Similar in properties to interrogative ones, but without a question mark. They are used as conjunctions to connect subordinate clauses in complex sentences with the main clause. Are changing in the same order, as are interrogative pronouns.
Examples: I understand who solved this problem. He remembers when the meeting starts.
Negative pronouns
Denial of the existence of something: persons, quantities, objects, phenomena or signs. They come from interrogative or relative categories, merging with the prefix “ni-”.

They change according to the same principle.

Used in p sentences expressing negation:

Nobody can solve this issue. I can never forgive you.

Indefinite pronouns
Unknownness, uncertainty of signs, properties and quantity. They are formed by adding the stressed prefix “not-”, the prefix “some-” and the postfixes “-that”, “-or”, “-something” to words of interrogative or relative content.

Features of morphology and grammar are similar to those of the interrogative category of pronouns.

There is no point in this action. There was no one here. I won't tell anyone.
Demonstrative pronouns in Russian
One of similar objects, special features, a certain number of them. They indicate without naming the event taking place, the cause, the purpose, the method. Adjective pronouns: declined in all cases - that picture, that paper, that bag; numbers - that room, those rooms; in a single meaning they have a generic sign - that basket, that backpack, that decision.

How numerals can change according to cases - So many beautiful fountains. Met so many friends. I owe you so much.

Pronouns and adverbs do not change: There is no way for you to go there from now on. These sounds come from there. Guests are coming here now.

Go to that table. This option does not suit us. These are the rules this year.

They are a tool for clarifying a subject attribute, object or subject. Pronouns - have the ability to change their form in - every time, every little thing, with all kinds of information. Numeric values– the very first, the most unexpected.

In a single form they have generic differences - any, any.

Pronouns and adverbs remain unchanged: The truth must always be told. Gardens are blooming everywhere. Birdsong can be heard everywhere.

Every person is obliged to protect nature. Parents are the closest people.

Transition to other parts of speech

Pronouns carry a substitutive meaning in the text of sentences - they are used to replace other parts of speech, or transform into them.

Syntactic features in sentences

Pronominal words can occupy parsing offers any place except the predicate. Thus, personal pronouns of the 3rd person serve as the subject. The defining feature is which part of speech in in this case replaces such a pronoun in the text.

Important! In order to correctly determine which part of the sentence the pronoun will play, it is necessary to correctly pose a question to it.

The subject or nominal part of the predicate is usually noun pronouns, sometimes pronominal adjectives.

We are going to the theater. Who read this play? Something will happen soon. Some on the exam passed the test successfully.

All categories of pronouns can be additions: Relatives came to see me. You won't be able to tell everything. You're wearing beautiful clothes.

As definitions adjectives appear(determinative pronouns, possessive pronouns, interrogative, indefinite, demonstrative). I'll invite my friends for a walk. For some time now I stopped trusting him. No difficulties will change our plans.

A circumstance as a member of a sentence contains questions: where from?, why?, how? There is no specific distinction as to whether the pronoun in this case is an adverbial adverbial or an object. Both options are considered correct:

You give the teacher a headache. It was fun to be with him.

Correct spelling grammar

There are certain rules for writing pronominal words with various prepositions and particles. Use with prepositions and other words can be merged, separate or using a hyphen. Not with pronouns - important topic which requires careful study.

How negative pronouns are written and how to distinguish an indefinite pronoun:

Spelling with the prefixes “not” and “nor”:

  • In the absence of a preposition between the prefixes and the root, “not” and “neither” are written together: there is no one to ask, someone else, no one in sight, several years, something interesting.
  • With a preposition before the root it is written separately: nothing to complain about, doesn’t relate to anything, no passerby, didn’t play with anyone, no one to try for.
  • When using “not” in the sense of negation, everything must be written separately: we didn’t do it, we didn’t come ourselves, we didn’t come here, it doesn’t apply to everyone.

Learning Pronouns

Important! You should remember: for nothing, for no reason, for nothing, not at all.

Together, separately or with a hyphen

  • In the case when a pronoun in a phrase without loss of meaning is replaced by another part of speech or is completely excluded from it, they are written separately with the preposition: behind that turn - behind the turn - behind sharp turn; along this route - along the route - along a difficult route.
  • At merging a preposition and any attribute pronouns-adverbs are formed, which are written together: then pour water, be therefore, therefore he did not answer, because it matters.
  • With the prefix “some-” or the postfixes “-” and “-” it is correct to write using a hyphen: somehow leaves, someone brought it, is located somewhere, is located somewhere.

Pronouns in Russian

Types of pronouns, lesson


There are a lot of pronouns in the Russian language, and their types are quite diverse. No other language gives such a role to this part of speech. They differ in their functions in speech and their roles in syntax and grammar. The ability to replace other parts of speech without losing meaning allows you to compose a competent and logically correct sentence and add variety to the text.

Pronoun- part of speech devoid of its own lexical meaning and consumed instead of one or another name noun or adjective, without naming the object (phenomenon, etc.) or its characteristics, but only pointing to them or their relationship to other objects (phenomena, etc.).

There are also classes of lexemes that have the properties of pronouns and are formed from pronouns - first of all, these are pronominal adverbs, and some scientists also distinguish pronominal verbs - but they are usually not combined with “nominal” pronouns.

In Russian, pronouns are divided into personal, returnable, possessive, interrogative, relative, index fingers, definitive, negative And uncertain.

Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns indicate the person being spoken about. 1st and 2nd person pronouns designate participants in speech ( I, You, We, You). 3rd person pronouns indicate a person or persons not taking part in the speech ( He, she, it, They).

Inflected by persons, numbers and (in the third person singular) genders, and also declined according to cases.

Reflexive pronoun

Transfers the meaning of the direction of action to the subject of action ( I see myself in the mirror).

Declined by cases:

  • myself ( rd., ext. cases), self ( dt., pr.), by myself, by myself ( TV).

There is no nominative case form. It does not change according to persons, numbers and genders.

Possessive pronouns

Possessive pronouns indicate that a particular object (subject, property, etc.) belongs to a particular person.

They change according to persons, numbers and genders, and are also declined according to cases, consistent with the noun being defined. 3rd person pronouns ( his, her, theirs) do not bow.

Interrogative pronouns

Interrogative pronouns are used in interrogative sentences. This group (as well as related groups) relative, negative And uncertain pronouns) includes the most heterogeneous words from a grammatical point of view. The ability to change in numbers and gender, as well as to decline in cases, fully corresponds to the properties of the words that they replace:

Relative pronouns

Same as interrogative questions. Used for joining subordinate clause to the main thing. At the same time, they become allied words and perform the role of a union, while being a member of the sentence. For example: Ask what his grade is. Scheme: SPP (Complex Sentence); [=],(which -) (the word “which” will be underlined with a wavy line, since it will be a definition)

Demonstrative pronouns

Determinative pronouns

Negative pronouns

Comment. In negative pronouns neither is always unstressed, and Not is under stress.

Indefinite pronouns

  • someone
  • something
  • some
  • some
  • interrogative pronouns with prefix some or suffixes -That, -or, someday: someone, somewhere, someone, something...

Comment. Indefinite pronouns contain an accent particle Not.

Classes of pronouns in Russian

1. pronouns associated with nouns(generalized-objective): I, we, you, you, he (she, it), they, one, who, what, no one, nothing, someone, something, someone, something and others; In academic grammar, some pronouns are sometimes separated into a special part of speech - pronominal noun, which includes pronouns of different classes indicated above on the basis of syntactic and morphological characteristics common to the noun (for example: all personal, reflexive, part of interrogatives - who what, negative - nobody, nothing, vaguely personal - someone, something and etc.)

2. pronouns associated with adjectives(generally qualitative): mine, yours, yours, ours, yours, which, which, whose, that, this, most, every, each and others;

3. pronouns corresponding to numerals(generalized-quantitative): as much as.

4. pronouns correlating with adverbs: Shots came from the right: there the battle broke out.

The pronoun represents independent part speech, which combines words whose semantics are oriented towards the names of objects, but do not name them. Pronouns in a sentence can replace an adjective, a numeral, a noun and an adverb.

However, unlike these parts of speech, the pronoun does not name objects, but points to them. For example: Sasha thought for a long time what would be better to give to his mother for her birthday. After much thought, he settled on the most successful gift option.

We see that the pronoun "He" in the second sentence, replaces the noun “Sasha”, which is the subject in the first. Thus, we know who we are talking about in the second sentence, while avoiding repetitions of the noun “Sasha”.

Pronoun grades

All pronouns are divided by category into the following groups:

Personal pronouns: you, I, he, she, they, it. Such pronouns indicate participants in a speech or action that was carried out before, is happening now, or will happen in the future.

Reflexive pronouns: yourself, you, them. Pronouns that indicate the addressee, identified with the actor.

Possessive pronouns: yours, hers, mine. Indicate any affiliation with a specific person.

Demonstrative pronouns: that, so much, this. They identify the person who is (was, will be) discussed in the sentence.

Determinative pronouns: most, all, every, any. They cover a person, object or sign, often performing a clarifying role.

Negative pronouns: nothing, no one, no one. Point to negative characteristics person and object.

Indefinite pronouns: something, someone. Indicate deliberately hidden or uncertain objects or persons.

Grammatical properties of pronouns

When declension of pronouns, non-standard paradigms and suppletive forms are used. For example: the pronoun “nothing” cannot have the nominative case form, while the pronoun “someone” exists only in the nominative case. Pronouns are divided into three grammatical categories: pronominal nouns, pronominal adjectives and pronominal numerals.

Pronominal nouns include such categories of pronouns as reflexive, personal, negative and interrogative-relative. Such pronouns are considered to be similar to a noun, since they have a case category identical to them, as well as a syntactic function.

Pronominal adjectives consist of demonstrative and attributive pronouns. Such pronouns have forms of numbers, cases and gender, and perform the function of definition in a sentence.

According to its meaning and grammatical features pronouns in Russian are divided into several categories: personal, reflexive, possessive, interrogative, relative, negative, indefinite, attributive and demonstrative.

Table “Dispositions of pronouns”

To correctly determine the category of pronouns, we will find out what meanings they have in speech and highlight their main grammatical features.

ExamplesSyntax function
Personal I, you, we, you, he, she, it, they I went to the window.
My phone rang.
Returnable myself Look at yourself in the mirror.
Cats are capable of living on their own.
Possessivesmy, yours, ours, yours, yours I know your opinion.
His face became sad.
Interrogative Who? What? Which? what?
which one? whose? how much?
Who's knocking on the door?
At whose window are the pigeons sitting?
How many apples are on the table?
Relative who, what, which, which, which, whose, how many I can’t understand what could have delayed them so much.
This is the house within whose walls I spent my childhood.
Negative no one, nothing, no one,
nothing, nothing,
nobody's, not at all
Nobody answered me.
There is no one to ask about this now.
There is no mistake here.
Undefined someone, something, some,
someone, how many,
anything, someone,
some, any,
someone's, somebody's, somebody's
Someone was singing a song.
Someone's voice was heard in the yard.
Mark the seedling with something.
Definitive himself, most, everyone,
any, everyone, whole,
different, all, different
Another path lies ahead of us.
Tomorrow everything will seem different.
Index fingers this, that, such,
such and such, such and such,
so much, so much
There is a cafe behind that house.
There was so much joy in her eyes!
The essence of the issue is that it is better to solve it together.

In the table we got acquainted with the categories of pronouns with examples of their use in the Russian language. We previously learned.

Personal pronouns “I”, “we”, “you”, “you”, “he”, “she”, “it”, “they” point to a person or object.

Pronouns "I", "we" refer to the first person; "you you"- to the second; "he she it"- to the third.

I climbed a tall pine tree and began to scream (K. Paustovsky).

We followed the elk trail (K. Paustovsky).

Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region? (K. Simonov)

Have you seen how a saffron milk cap walks under a pine roof in morocco boots? (A. Kovalenko)

At pronouns "he she it" determined by masculine, feminine and neuter gender.

He sang, and from every sound of his voice you smelled something familiar and vastly wide, as if the familiar steppe was opening up before you, going into an endless distance (I.S. Turgenev).

After Masha rummaged through her works, she settled on novels (A. Pushkin).

To the left, from the edge of the village, a field began; it was visible far to the horizon, and throughout the entire width of this field, flooded with moonlight, there was also neither movement nor sound (A. Chekhov).

Personal pronouns have a singular and plural category.

Let's compare:

  • I, you - we, you;
  • he, she, it - they.

However, we mean that pronouns "I" And "We" , "you and "You" are not singular and plural forms of the same word. Pronouns "We" And "You" do not indicate "I'm a lot" or "you are a lot". They indicate the speaker or interlocutor along with other persons participating in a conversation or in a particular action.

All personal pronouns change by case. When they are declined in oblique cases, completely different words appear:

  • I - me;
  • you - you;
  • she her;
  • they are theirs.

As soon as I touch mathematics, I will again forget everything in the world (S. Kovalevskaya).

Reflexive pronoun "myself" indicates the person being spoken about.

Will you look into yourself? There is no trace of the past there (M. Lermontov).

I erected a monument to myself, not made by hands (A. Pushkin).

This pronoun does not have a nominative case form, grammatical categories of person, gender, or number. It changes only by case:

  • i.p. -
  • r.p. myself
  • d.p. to myself
  • v.p. myself
  • etc. yourself
  • p.p. About Me

horse (im.p.) (whose?) his (r.p.).

The nightingale happened to fly to their noise (I.A. Krylov).

The noise (whose?) of them- inconsistent definition.

Possessive pronouns "his", "her", "their" do not change.

Words that nouns answer ( Who? What?), adjectives ( Which? whose? what? which one?) and numerals ( how much?) are interrogative pronouns.

Who's knocking at the gate? (S. Marshak).

What will I do for people? - Danko (M. Gorky) shouted louder than thunder.

Suddenly he turned to his mother: “Avdotya Vasilievna, how old is Petrusha?” (A. Pushkin).

“What don’t you understand?” - Pavel Vasilyevich asks Styopa (A. Chekhov).

What news did you receive yesterday?

What is the answer to my question?

Which math lesson will it be?

The same pronouns, only without a question, serve to connect simple sentences as part of a complex sentence and are called relative:

Look how many flat-bottomed scows lie on my shore (A. Kataev).

A hundred paces from me there was a dark grove, from which I just left (A. Chekhov).

He was not at all what Konstantin (L. Tolstoy) imagined him to be.

It was already getting dark, and Vasily could not understand who was coming (K. Paustovsky).

Often I wanted to guess what he was writing about (A. Pushkin).

I also thought about the person in whose hands my fate was (A. Pushkin).

Indefinite pronouns

Indicate unknown objects, signs and quantities:

“someone”, “something”, “some”, “several”, “someone”, “something”, “someone”, “anyone”, “anyone”, “someone” ”, “some”, “any”, “any”, “someone’s”, “someone’s”, “someone’s”, “how much”, “as much”.

Someone was playing the violin...the girl sang in a soft contralto voice, and laughter could be heard (M. Gorky).

It became scary, as if in this silence some danger was silently lurking for him (V. Kataev).

In the living room, something small fell from the table and broke (A. Chekhov).

You are unable to act from any motives (K. Fedin).

But, perhaps, he was right about some things (M. Sholokhov).

Negative pronouns

Negative pronouns “nobody”, “nothing”, “no one”, “nothing”, “none”, “nobody”, “not at all” serve to deny the presence of some object, sign or quantity or to strengthen the negative meaning of the entire sentence.

I don’t want to sadden you with anything (A. Pushkin).

Nobody really knew anything (K. Simonov).

Vladik stood silently, not bullying anyone and not answering anyone’s questions (A. Gaidar).

They are formed from interrogative (relative) pronouns using an unstressed prefix neither- or shock attachment Not-.

Pronouns “no one”, “nothing” do not have a nominative case.

They were silent because there was nothing to tell each other (I.A. Goncharov).

There is no one to ask when it is your own fault (proverb).

Pronouns “nobody”, “no one”, “nobody”, “no one”, “nothing” can be used with a preposition that comes after the prefix:

not from anyone, on anything, under no one, behind anyone, not from anyone, not because of anything, etc.

In nothing does the national character manifest itself so freely as in song and dance (A. Fadeev).

I don’t want to think about anything, interfere in anything (M. Prishvin).

An attempt to intercept Masha on the road did not lead to anything (A. Fadeev).

“that”, “this”, “such”, “such”, “so much” serve to highlight a certain object, feature, or quantity among others.

I would strictly forbid these gentlemen to approach the capitals for a shot! (A. Griboyedov).

All this would be funny if it weren’t so sad (M. Lermontov).

There are as many heads as there are minds (proverb).

In the dark, I climbed into such a windfall, from which it would be difficult to get out even during the day. However, I managed to get out of this labyrinth (V. Arsenyev).

Determinative pronouns - “all”, “everyone”, “himself”, “most”, “everyone”, “any”, “different”, “different”, “whole”.

Everyone who is young, give us your hands - join our ranks, friends! (L. Oshanin).

Every work of a master is praised (proverb).

Learn to control yourself; Not everyone will understand you like I do; inexperience leads to trouble (A. Pushkin).

To the right the whole village was visible, the long street stretched about five miles away (A. Chekhov).

These pronouns change in gender, number and case, like adjectives.

Video lesson on the Russian language for 6th grade students “Pronoun. Pronoun grades"

A pronoun should be called an independent non-nominal part of speech that indicates objects, quantities and characteristics, but does not name them. The grammatical features of pronouns are quite different, and their diversity depends on what part of speech the pronoun should replace in the text.

Pronouns by meaning

  • Personal pronouns - I, he, you, she, we, they, you. Personal pronouns are a kind of pointer to the participants in the dialogue themselves (I, we, you, you). Personal pronouns also indicate persons who are not involved in the conversation itself and objects (he, it, they, she).
  • The reflexive pronoun is oneself. This is a pronoun indicating the identity of a person or thing, which is considered to be the subject of the person or thing that is named by the word itself. For example, “his hopes were not justified” or “he will not offend himself.”
  • Possessive pronouns - my, yours, yours, ours, his, yours, theirs, hers. Pronouns of this type show that an object belongs to a person or another object. For example, here are the pronouns of this category in the sentence: “This is my book. Its contents are very interesting.”
  • Demonstrative pronouns. These include this, that, such, such, so much, this, that. These pronouns indicate directly the attribute or quantity of the object or objects itself.
  • Determinative pronouns. Let's list which pronouns are attributive - himself, most, all, everyone, each, any. Determinative pronouns are needed to indicate the attribute of an object. Also to attributive pronouns refer to – other, other, everyone and everything.
  • Interrogative pronouns - who, what, which, which, how many, whose. These pronouns are some kind of interrogative words indicating persons, objects, quantity and characteristics.
  • Relative pronouns - they are the same as interrogative pronouns; they are connectives for parts of complex sentences.
  • Pronouns are negative. These include no one, nothing, no one, nothing, none, no one. These pronouns indicate the absence of a sign or object.
  • Pronouns are indefinite. These include someone, something, some, some, several. Also to indefinite pronouns include all pronouns that are formed from interrogative pronouns thanks to the prefix something or suffixes -, -or, -something.

Pronouns based on grammatical features

Pronouns, by their grammatical characteristics, correlate with other parts of speech, such as nouns, adjectives or numerals. Therefore, they can be divided into several types:

  • Pronominal nouns. They point to an object or person. These include all personal pronouns, reflexive (oneself), interrogative-relative (who or what), or indefinite and negative ones formed from them. Such pronouns include no one, no one, nothing, no one, someone and others.
  • Pronominal adjectives. They indicate specifically the attribute of an object. These include all the possessive pronouns that exist, as well as attributive and demonstrative pronouns, for example, “this”, “that”, “such”, “this”. These also include interrogative relative pronouns, such as “which”, “which”, “whose”. As well as indefinite and negative pronouns formed from them, for example, “no one”, “nobody”, etc.
  • Pronominal numerals. They indicate quantity. These are the pronouns “so much”, “how many”, as well as those derived from them “somewhat”, “several” and others.

Now you know everything about what pronouns are, even if you forgot school curriculum Russian language. This will allow you to better explain the material to your children or apply the information in your life.

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