Non-standard drawing technique for children. The use of non-traditional drawing techniques in the senior group. Sand painting on light tables

Understanding the world around them, children try to express their impressions about it through cognitive and creative activities: playing, drawing, telling stories. Drawing provides enormous opportunities here. To give children the opportunity to express themselves in a variety of ways, you can practice drawing with your child both in traditional techniques and in the most unusual ones. The more interesting the conditions in which the child’s visual activity takes place, the more rapidly his creative abilities will develop. Let's see what children's drawing techniques can be used for the development of a child.

Traditional painting techniques

The foundation for the overall comprehensive development of a child is laid in early preschool age. Drawing is one of the most important means of child development, during which the child learns about the world and forms an aesthetic attitude towards it.

When drawing, a child develops a wide variety of abilities, namely:

  • the child learns to visually evaluate the shape of an object, navigate in space, distinguish and feel colors
  • trains eyes and hands
  • develops the hand.

“Did you know that drawing is one of the main ways for a child to develop his senses, fine motor skills, sense of shape and color? With the help of this simple and exciting activity, children convey their attitude to reality.”

The success of upbringing and learning depends on what forms and methods a teacher or parent uses in creative activities with a child.

Thus, the main technique for children of primary preschool age is to demonstrate how to use a pencil and paints. At the same age, passive drawing is effective: when an adult guides the baby’s hand. When the baby grows a little, visual arts are taught using the information-receptive method: children study the shape of an object, tracing it with their hand, feeling its outlines. Such exploration of the subject helps the child create a more complete understanding of the subject. The next stage is the choice of drawing technique.

Traditional children's drawing techniques:

  1. Drawing with a simple pencil.
  2. Drawing with colored pencils.
  3. Drawing with felt-tip pens.
  4. Painting with a brush - watercolor, gouache.
  5. Drawing with wax crayons.

When starting to choose a drawing technique for your baby, you need to pay attention to his age and interest. To be useful and educational, drawing must first of all be fun.

Drawing with paints and pencils

Children enjoy drawing, especially if they are good at it. Even drawing using traditional techniques such as painting with paints and pencils requires certain skills. If the skills are missing, then the drawing may not turn out the way the little artist intended, as a result of which the child may become upset and no longer want to draw. Younger preschoolers are not yet skilled enough in drawing.

Let's see how you can teach your child to draw with paints and pencils.

Learn to paint with paints

Today, a child’s first use of paints is finger painting. As soon as your baby has learned to hold a brush in his hand, invite him to paint with it. For the first lessons it is better to use: it does not need to be diluted with water and it leaves a bright trace. Show your child this painting technique as “dipping”: a brush with paint should be applied to the paper with all its bristles. This will create an imprint - a leaf, a light, a trace of an animal, a flower, etc. Children can use this simple technique when depicting natural phenomena that are familiar to them. It will be interesting to draw on dark-colored paper (for example, blue) with white gouache. This is how you can depict, say, snowfall. The next stage of painting with paints is the image of straight and wavy lines.

Typically, a child masters working with paints and brushes by the age of 3.5–4 years. From this age, the baby can be given paints at his disposal: let him paint what he wants. And parents just need to suggest topics for drawing and show the correct techniques.

Let's start drawing with a pencil

At first, it is better to give the baby not a pencil in his hand, but a felt-tip pen: they leave a bright mark even when the child’s hand presses lightly. When your hand gets stronger, put a pencil in his hand. Draw different shapes together by moving your child's hand. This way he will gradually understand how to move the pencil to get the desired drawing. Repeat the movements many times, strengthening them.

"Advice. Support your child’s interest in drawing by providing good conditions for creativity: quality supplies, a separate table and chair in a bright place, appropriate for the child’s height.”

Children's unconventional drawing techniques

Non-traditional techniques for children's drawing stimulate the development of imagination and creative thinking, the manifestation of initiative and independence in the child. In the process of such drawing, the preschooler will improve his powers of observation, form an individual perception of art and beauty, and try to create something beautiful. And unconventional drawing also brings children a lot of positive emotions.

Let's see what non-traditional drawing techniques you can practice with your child at home.

For children of primary preschool age:

  1. Finger drawing. The kid dips his fingers in gouache and applies paint to the paper.
  2. Drawing with palms. The little one applies gouache all over his palm and makes prints on paper, which can later become funny pictures.

For children of middle preschool age:

  1. Foam imprint. The child dips a piece of foam rubber into the paint and makes an imprint on the paper.
  2. Imprint with cork.
  3. Combined drawing with wax crayons and watercolors. The child draws an image with wax crayons on paper, and then paints over only a sheet of paper with watercolors, without affecting the drawing.
  4. Drawing with cotton swabs or drinking straws. By dipping them in paint and applying them in different ways, you can create an interesting picture.

For children of senior school age:

  1. Drawing with sand or salt.
  2. "Spray." By picking up paint on a brush and hitting it on the cardboard above the paper, the child will receive a whole fireworks of paint splashes that will fall on the paper.
  3. Drawing with crumpled paper. Pieces of crumpled paper are painted and pressed onto the paper where the painting is planned to appear.
  4. Klyasography. You can blow colorful blots through a cocktail straw. Or you can put them with a regular plastic spoon. Using your imagination, blots can be turned into funny characters or landscape elements.
  5. Monotype. By covering thick paper or ceramic tiles with a thick layer of paint, and then applying a sheet of paper, we get a blurred print on the paper that can become the basis for a landscape.
  6. Engraving (grattage). After painting a sheet of paper with a thick layer of gouache, try scratching it out together with your child using toothpicks.

We use various materials

“Did you know that various non-traditional children's drawing techniques are becoming more and more popular every day? When drawing, kids act as they please.”

The beauty of non-traditional drawing techniques is that in the creative process a child can use a variety of materials and their combinations. That’s why these drawing methods are very interesting for both children and adults: there are no limits to imagination and self-expression.

What combinations of materials can be used when drawing to make the creative process enjoyable and the picture to turn out unusual and expressive?

  1. Imprints of natural materials. If you cover leaves, cones, flowers with different paints, and then apply them to paper, you will get a print. Having completed the missing details, the child will come out with an excellent one.
  2. Plasticine. You can not only sculpt figures from plasticine, but also draw on paper with it. This method is called plasticineography.
  3. Whatever is at hand. Using a wooden spool of thread, the thread itself, buttons of different sizes and shapes, a cardboard tube, a fresh orange peel, an ear of corn, a knitting needle and anything else you can find around the house and use for creativity, you can draw. Each item leaves its own unique imprint. With a little imagination, you can create unusual paintings using completely everyday objects. The coil will leave a mark that looks like a wheel or two tracks, a button - a circle with dots. You can cut unusual stamps from orange peel, for example, in the form of a spiral. And the function of a paint roller will be performed by a corn cob or a cardboard tube.

Drawing is an excellent leisure activity for a preschooler, a job that should not be forced. However, it is important to support the child and positively evaluate the results of his creativity. Expand your child's creativity. Traditional drawing will teach your child how to properly use a brush, paints, pencils and felt-tip pens, teach you to recognize and draw different shapes, and distinguish colors. And non-traditional drawing techniques will help him become more creative, emotionally stable, confident in his abilities, and proactive.

Fine arts activities provide an opportunity to enjoy positive emotions and feel like the master of your creativity. Children explore and learn to understand the world around them by copying it. Their drawings reflect their personal attitude to everything that happens around them. A variety of forms, methods and techniques for working in visual arts develops the child’s artistic abilities. This article presents certain types of non-traditional drawing techniques.

What is unconventional drawing?

This is an art that is not based on traditions, does not adhere to them, but is distinguished by its originality and originality. Drawing in an unconventional style captivates, fascinates, delights and surprises children. After all, unusual materials are used here, and most importantly, there is no place for the word “impossible.” You can depict what you want, how you want and with what you want. Moreover, it is not forbidden to come up with a new technique for depicting the image yourself.

Non-traditional drawing techniques in school and kindergarten teach children to express their plans freely, without any restrictions. Children's fears recede, self-confidence appears. The unusual nature of unconventional drawing is that it allows children to quickly get the desired result.

What is the importance of image technique when creating a children's drawing?

In the children's creativity, the world around them opens up differently each time. It depends on the inner state of the little artist: on his desires and feelings. Children are more susceptible to emotions. In their imagination, images appear that defy any explanation. They can draw a red elephant, yellow rain, or a running house.

Why does a child want to create, what motivates him to do this? First of all, of course, an imaginary image in his mind. At first glance, everything seems simple: I saw it and drew it. But in fact, this path is very difficult for a child, and requires a lot of knowledge and impressions from him. These are emotional experiences and the ability to be surprised and observe.

Drawing. Unconventional technique. Senior group

Drawing a drawing on paper with pencils or paints helps the child prepare for the learning process at school. After all, during classes, children show their individuality. Properly organized drawing lessons develop the child’s intellectual abilities and correct mental processes. And this is no coincidence. In such classes, preschoolers have the opportunity to confidently assess their strengths, which is very important for the future school team. Non-traditional drawing techniques contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Children in the older group of kindergarten learn to paint with fingers, wax, palms, foam rubber, and watercolors. The children draw with great interest using the method of blotography, dot images, prints, and splashing.

Blotography using thread

To paint a picture using this technique, you do not need a brush. The unconventional drawing technique, the photo of which is presented to your attention, is attractive because there are no strictly designated canons. For example, this blot must be drawn in a round shape. Using non-traditional drawing techniques in classes opens up wide opportunities for children's imagination.

So, for the work you need threads, paints and white paper. First, the thread should be dyed in the color you like best. Then lay it out on a prepared sheet of paper in a chaotic manner, but so that the tip remains behind the field. Cover with another sheet on top and pull out the thread. You will get spots and lines of bizarre shapes. With the help of a pencil they can easily be transformed into the desired image.


There are a wide variety of non-traditional drawing techniques for children. One of them is splashing, or splashing. In this technique, the drawing should be done with a hard brush or a toothbrush. To get an image, you first need to dip a brush in gouache and then spray it all over the sheet. The result is small droplets, which in some places merge into large spots. Just take a pencil and finish drawing your favorite character or object. If you dip a brush in toothpaste and spray it, you get snow.


There is a wide variety of non-traditional drawing techniques. Monotype is one of them. This is perhaps the most magical genre of drawing: neither painting nor graphics, but something between a magic trick and a beautiful fairy tale. Children's non-traditional drawing techniques provide the opportunity for free self-expression. This drawing method is very enticing for preschoolers, although it is rarely used in art classes. What is it?

This technique is used if you need to get a mirror image. With its help, a reflection on the water and objects located symmetrically are drawn. First, the design is depicted on smooth cellophane. To do this, you will need a soft brush or match wrapped in cotton wool. As a last resort, you can draw with your finger. The paint must be bright and thick so that it does not spread. The further action is as follows: until the paint has dried, turn the cellophane over onto a white sheet of thick paper, pattern down, and blot it, as it were. Then, carefully, so as not to smear, it rises. You get two identical drawings: one on paper, the other on cellophane.


This word translated from French means “scratch, scrape”, hence another name for this technique - scratching. To make a drawing using this technique, you need to fill the cardboard with paraffin, apply ink, wait until it dries completely and scratch out the desired design.


Drawing in this technique is done using water. To do this, a large gouache drawing is depicted on thick paper. When the paint dries, the entire drawing is covered with black ink and appears in water. The gouache will be washed off with water, but the mascara will remain. Unconventional drawing techniques work wonders. Flowers painted using this method are especially beautiful.

Water seal

This is a kind of drawing method. To work you will need a bath of water. Paint of different colors is poured directly onto its surface, and a landscape sheet of paper is placed on top of it. The resulting image can be completed with strokes using a brush.

Drawing with a candle or wax crayons

Unconventional drawing techniques have many names. One of them is drawing with a candle. To do this, you need to color a sheet of white paper with pencils of different colors. Then we draw houses, stars or some other object or image with a candle. After this, we paint over our drawing with watercolors.

Drawing with dots

Children really like unconventional drawing techniques. Writing a picture with dots is an unusual technique. To do this, take colored pencils or felt-tip pens and put dots on a white sheet of paper. But it’s better to do it with paints.

The match is cleaned of sulfur, a piece of cotton wool is wrapped around the tip, dipped in paint and dots are applied.

Foam rubber drawings

Many people associate painting with paints with a brush. But this is not an entirely correct judgment. After all, instead of a brush, you can cut geometric shapes from foam rubber and attach them to an unsharpened pencil or any straight stick. The homemade brush is ready. Next, each figure is dipped in paint and stamped on paper. Thus, circles, triangles, rhombuses are obtained. You can make an ornament out of them.

Chalk drawing

Children love it when variety is brought into their lives. This can be done using ordinary chalk or coal. They fit well on asphalt, ceramic tiles, stones, and porcelain. Capacious images of subjects are good to draw on asphalt.

If the work is not finished, you can continue the next day. Of course, there may be disappointments if it rains and washes away the entire drawing. Based on the plots drawn, children compose entire stories. It is convenient to depict small objects and patterns on ceramic tiles. But on the large stones are the heads of fairy-tale animals.


A common material to use - potatoes - can be used to depict animals on paper. To do this, you need to make a signet out of a vegetable. The potatoes are cut in half and an animal or object is drawn on the smooth side with a pen. Then, using the tip of a knife, carefully cut along the contour to a height of 1.5 centimeters, attach a handle and the seal is ready. The child applies the stamp to the foam rubber with paint, then applies the stamp to the paper. If the paint color needs to be changed, take another signet and foam rubber. This drawing technique is especially popular with children. After all, one and the same object can be depicted many times, and a whole composition can be made from it.

Leaf prints

When conducting classes with children, you can use a wide variety of non-traditional drawing techniques in preschool educational institutions. In early spring, when young sticky leaves bloom on the trees, and in late autumn, when they change color and fall off, the child watches them with interest. Therefore, when in class children are asked to print a real birch or maple leaf, they do it with great pleasure. First you need to cover the sheet with paint, and then apply the painted side to white paper. Each time you should take a different piece of paper. This way the veins will be imprinted better. If there is no petiole, no problem. It can be easily painted with a brush.

Blowing paint

If you need to depict shrubs, trees, unusual fairy-tale plants or corals, use this technique. You need to drop some paint onto a sheet of paper and use a cocktail straw to blow it up in accordance with the intended image. The drawing turns out bright and expressive. This technique is especially suitable for those children who have difficulty expressing their creativity through lines.

Drawing on wet paper

The types of non-traditional drawing techniques are so diverse that for each child you can individually choose the most interesting and exciting method for him. One of these is the image of a drawing on wet paper. The fact is that until recently it was considered possible to paint only on dry paper, since paint diluted with water already moistens it.

But there are plots, images, objects into which you need to introduce vagueness and uncertainty. For example, fog, a dream, night. However, the paper should not be too wet, otherwise the drawing will not work. There is no need to submerge all the paper in water. It is enough to wet a piece of cotton wool, squeeze it out and rub it over the surface of the sheet or its individual parts. The paper is prepared for work, you can start depicting images.

Drawing with hands

Children in the senior group of kindergarten enjoy learning this method of unconventional drawing. After all, the work uses fingers, which the child dips into gouache and begins to paint with them without any brush. Each finger can be dipped in a different color of paint. This way you get a whole set of brushes. And if you paint your palm and apply it to paper, an imprint will remain on it.

The children themselves give the image the desired shape. They easily turn him into a dragon, a butterfly, whoever has enough imagination. While completing this task, children make different movements with their hands: blotting, slapping, smearing.

Drawing with a cloth swab. Master class on the topic

This form of conducting classes in kindergarten attracts children, their parents and teachers. Those who wish attend the master class with great pleasure. Unconventional drawing techniques are always interesting for their mystery and novelty. If the theme of the master class is drawing a landscape in black and white, then for the work you will need gouache of the appropriate color, pieces of cotton fabric, a white sheet of paper, PVA glue, colored cardboard, and scissors.

So, let's start working. We crumple the fabric and make a tampon from it of such a size that it is convenient to hold it. This will be your brush. Dip it in black paint and draw a horizontal line on a sheet of paper. It is the horizon, that is, it separates the sky from the earth. The higher this line, the more space opens to the eye.

We continue drawing with an unconventional technique. We will depict a forest at a distance. To do this, we print shrubs and trees from the horizon upward using chaotic touching movements. You should always remember that objects in the foreground are always larger and more distinct than those in the background. This rule also applies to non-traditional drawing techniques. The pictures then turn out beautiful, the objects depicted in them become similar to real ones.

Now we fill in the foreground and draw the shore line by drawing it from left to right. Using the same swab, we print bushes, then using the smear method we draw clouds in the sky. Next we depict ripples on the lake, the sun and its reflection in clear water. Drawing using non-traditional techniques is completed. The picture is ready.

Every child is an artist at heart. Almost all preschool children love to draw. Some people like pencils, some like crayons, some like paints. Fine art does not stand still; today there are many interesting and unconventional drawing techniques for children.

Unusual drawing methods help create real masterpieces and are suitable even for children who have not yet succeeded in such activities. We will learn all about drawing techniques for children such as two-handed drawing, stencil drawing, grattage and monotype, rock painting and sand painting on light tables.

What are the benefits of drawing for a child?

First of all, any drawing, just like drawing, perfectly develops fine motor skills.

And this contributes to:

  • training the muscles of the fingers and hands;
  • preparing the hand for writing;
  • development of the speech apparatus;
  • development of thinking.

Drawing is a creative activity. With the help of images of objects familiar or invented by the baby, the following develops:

  • creativity;
  • logics;
  • memory;
  • fantasy.

Did you know? Children whose parents pay enough attention to the visual arts very rarely need the help of a speech therapist and quickly master simple geometric shapes and remember colors.

In addition to pencils, felt-tip pens and paints that a child is used to, there are a lot of unusual drawing techniques that can help even an unlucky artist create real works of art.

Drawing with stencils

There is nothing complicated in this technique, but the drawings always turn out beautiful. For drawing, diagrams and stencils selected specifically for children are used.

You will need

  • paper;
  • stencils;
  • air markers.

How to prepare

  1. Choose a “safe” place in the apartment - finely dispersed paint, thanks to the child’s curiosity, will fly in all directions.
  2. If necessary, cover it with oilcloth.

How to draw

  1. Place a sheet of paper on your work surface.
  2. Place the stencil on top.
  3. Take a felt-tip pen of the color you want and blow paint onto the paper.

If your baby is very young, you can try painting without a stencil - let the child just learn how to blow paint. You can even decorate objects with such stencils.
Usually, stencils are already included with air felt-tip pens. We offer you a few more simple stencils:

Drawing with two hands using templates

This type of drawing is aimed at developing the child's intelligence. When a baby repeats movements with both hands, both hemispheres of the brain are involved. This stimulates the development of thinking and coordination well. Drawing with both hands is performed simultaneously according to templates selected for children according to age and skills.

What you will need

  • two identical pencils or felt-tip pens;
  • symmetrical dot patterns.

This kind of drawing does not require special preparation. Just explain to your child and show with a personal example how you will draw:

  1. Place the template in front of you.
  2. Take two pencils or felt-tip pens in your hands.
  3. Place the pencil leads in the center of the image.
  4. Draw lines symmetrically, connecting points.
  5. Then, for a little rest, invite the baby to color the resulting outline.
  6. Start these classes by drawing simple lines; you can use a checkered notebook sheet:
  7. Then you can move on to simple drawings:
  8. Over time, you can invite your child to draw two identical pictures in parallel:


A very interesting drawing technique. This is a method of creating a design by scratching on a prepared sheet of paper.

You will need

  • thick sheet of paper;
  • light colored paints (optional);
  • dark gouache;
  • wax or paraffin;
  • a piece of soap;
  • wide tassel;
  • skewer;
  • newspaper.

Let's prepare the canvas

  1. Take the paper. You can leave it white, or you can paint it in different colors with a wide brush - this will make the drawing more interesting.
  2. When the paint is dry, rub a sheet of paper with wax or paraffin.
  3. Dip a wide brush into dark paint, wash the brush with soap and paint the entire sheet.
  4. Wait until your canvas is thoroughly dry.

How to draw

  1. Spread a newspaper on the table - this will make it easy to clean your work area.
  2. Take a skewer and, with light pressure, scratch the outline of the design.
  3. Where you need a brighter outline, scratch off more dark paint with paraffin.

To draw, you can outline the contours of an object, or you can draw just like that. Using this technique you can draw anything:


This type of drawing allows you to create a mirror image.

You will need

  • a sheet of paper folded in half;
  • paints and brushes;
  • some water.

Prepare your work area in the same way as for regular painting.

How to draw

  1. Unfold the folded sheet of paper.
  2. On one of the halves, quickly draw half of a symmetrical design. The easiest way to start is with a butterfly.
  3. While the paint is still wet, lightly moisten the other half of the sheet with clean water using a brush.
  4. Carefully close the leaf. It is better to cover the painted part with the unpainted part - this way the paint will not flow.
  5. Iron the folded sheet well with your palms and unfold.
  6. Now you can complete the details and contours on both halves of the picture.

This is what the kids get:

Drawing on rocks

Painting on rocks is a great way for children to create real souvenirs from ordinary pebbles with your help. It’s also convenient - if the drawing doesn’t work out, you can always wash the stone, dry it and start again.

What you will need

  • stones (ordinary river pebbles will do);
  • a simple pencil with a soft lead;
  • gouache and brushes;
  • furniture varnish or hairspray.


  1. Pre-wash the stones and dry them.
  2. Prepare a place for drawing.
  3. Separately prepare the place where you will open the crafts with varnish. It is better to do this without the baby.

How to draw

  1. Draw the outline of the design on the pebble. You can first prime the surface of the stone with white paint.
  2. Carefully color the outline. Apply paint onto the brush thickly, so the picture will not bleed.
  3. Add decorative elements.
  4. When the drawing is thoroughly dry, you can open it with varnish. If you want to fix the design with hairspray, it is better to treat the craft in 3-4 layers.

You can make many souvenirs using this technique:

Sand painting on light tables

This is perhaps the most amazing trend in fine art. Using this technique they create real cartoons, show shows, draw real masterpieces, playing with light, shadow and halftones. Previously, this seemed like something inaccessible, but nowadays you can even take courses for children where they teach sand painting on light tables. There is nothing complicated about this; such drawing can be done at home.

What you will need

  • light table (you can have your dad make it, or you can buy it);
  • fine sand;
  • hands and imagination;
  • skewer.

How to prepare

  1. River sand works well. But first you need to dial it.
  2. When you have obtained sand, pour it into a bucket and fill it with water.
  3. Drain the water. Repeat the manipulation as many times as necessary until the water becomes clear. This way you will remove debris and dust from the sand, leaving only the fine sand we need.
  4. Leave the sand to dry in a wide container.

How to draw

  1. Pour sand along the edges of the table.
  2. You can take a handful or a pinch of sand and pour all kinds of lines, creating a pattern:
  3. To create a background, you can evenly distribute sand with your palm over the surface of the table. Against this background, you can create any drawings by removing excess sand with your fingers.
  4. With the help of the play of light and shadow, children manage to create all kinds of patterns and designs using their imagination and their hands.

Experiment with the thickness of the sand layer, draw with your palm, fingers, or draw precise lines with your fingernail or skewer.

Using this technique you can create real masterpieces.

  • If you don't know one of these techniques, don't despair. Today there are many clubs and art studios where real professionals will teach a child to create unusual works.
  • Experiment more with different drawing techniques - this is a good warm-up for your hands and head. The more techniques a child masters, the easier it will be for him to find his calling.
  • Support any endeavors of the baby. It doesn’t really matter to him what technique he uses, as long as his mother is happy.

Drawing techniques for preschool children - video

This video demonstrates the monotype technique, creating a landscape over a river.

This video shows a simplified version of preparing the canvas for scratching and demonstrates the technique of making the drawing.

This video shows the basic techniques for sand painting on a light table for children.

Many mothers want their child to develop harmoniously. Today, there are a lot of unusual drawing techniques that develop not only creative abilities, but also imagination, logic, and coordination. Some of them even adopted kindergartens.

Don’t be afraid to offer your child new techniques in his favorite activity, and support your child in his creative pursuits!

What unusual drawing techniques is your child familiar with? Where did he first try to draw like this: at home, in kindergarten or on a circle? If you know some other interesting drawing techniques, tell us about them in the comments!

What to do at home with your baby when it's cold outside? Of course, creativity! And we have made for you just a huge selection in which we talked about all sorts of unusual ways of drawing. Let's get started soon!

Top 40: unusual ways of drawing!

If you have a pencil at home with an eraser on the other end, then this idea is for you! With a little time to prepare, you can create vibrant pictures. You will appreciate the simplicity and accessibility of this type of creativity, and your little one will have a fun and useful time.
Let's draw with an eraser!

We have an entertaining idea for you and your little ones, which combines creativity and the study of the laws of physics! This activity will captivate the whole family!

Thanks to this idea, little ones will be able to better explore colors and their combinations. And the method will definitely surprise them!
Making magical colored milk!

We have a great idea for you on how to entertain your baby while developing his creative abilities. It won’t take a lot of your time and money, but the idea will definitely amuse your little one!
Let's spray paint!

If it suddenly starts to rain outside, this is not a reason to be sad! We offer you and your kids entertainment in inclement weather. Just don't forget to wear raincoats)

What are machines for? Of course, organize races, roll your favorite toys and give parents back massages in the morning) Have you tried using them as a drawing tool? We would like to offer you and your restless ones a simple but very unusual idea.

All kids love to do something unusual and interesting, discovering a lot of new fun. Therefore, we try to find only the most interesting and educational ideas for you and your little ones! And this time we invite you to make bright ice colors! In the process of drawing, the baby will easily learn colors and their combinations.

Have you ever drawn in 3D? We have found an extraordinary creative idea for you and your kids that combines painting, paper sculpture and nature study! It’s very simple to implement, but how much joy and new discoveries this activity will bring you!

After drawing with crayons, small “stubs” remain, which are no longer so convenient to use. We want to give you an idea on how you can use them. Keep drawing with them, just a little differently! Make paint out of them!

We will need: crayons, thick food bags, a hammer.
Place crayons of the same shades in a bag and close tightly. Tap the bag with a hammer to turn the crayons into powder. Be careful not to hit too hard, otherwise the bag may tear. Pour the resulting powder into a bowl and add water. The paint is ready! It's that simple! This paint will lay softly on paper or any other surface. Draw with pleasure!

This time we again want to invite your kids to draw, only now with ice-cold crayons! It turns out very beautiful and cool, besides, in the process the baby observes that the oil does not mix with water, and this can be used as an artistic technique.

In summer, nature appears before us in all its glory! Berries, fruits and vegetables are ripening, there is a riot of greenery outside, flowers are blooming and giving us their aroma. We invite you and your children to try one interesting summer fun - make natural watercolors! And if it’s cold outside, you can buy flowers in the store. This dye is completely natural and safe, plus it's so much fun to make! Try it yourself!

We want to tell you about one artist, whose name is Jackson Pollock, and about his painting technique, which your children will certainly enjoy. The great thing about this technique is that you get to “splatter” paint to your heart’s content! Jason Pollock's technique involves placing the canvas on the floor and spraying paint from the brushes without touching the brush to the canvas. In 2006, a painting titled “Number 5, 1948” was sold at Sotheby’s for $140 million!

We're sure you've never painted with frozen paint before! Today is the day to discover new horizons and try this fun form of drawing.

Is it still raining or has it stopped, but you didn’t get to see the rainbow?! No problem! Today we will make our own rainbow from colored rice (we will also tell you how to color it), and at the same time we will repeat all the colors and learn a funny rhyme about a rainbow. We can admire our rainbow at any time, regardless of the weather and time of year!

Have you ever thought about how you become an artist? That's right, with practice and training. In general, drawing teachers have a lot of interesting and entertaining exercises, while doing them you can’t even say that you are undergoing training. This is exactly how we treat them – as creative entertainment! Today we will share with you one of them - drawing circles.

Usually, at every holiday, balloons become obligatory guests. But then time passes, and the balloons begin to deflate. You think they can no longer bring joy, but you’re wrong! Today we will tell you how to create a wonderful portrait using a balloon. Fun guaranteed! :)

We want to talk about another fun type of art - drawing with film with pimples. So it’s time to get out the box from under the TV, mixer or juicer that has not been thrown away, the film from there will be very useful to us today in the creative process;)

Today we invite you to bring our hooligan idea to life. Let's combine water balloon throwing and art! What will we get? Of course, great fun for a warm summer day! Intrigued? ;)
Let's draw with watercolor pencils!

We decided to invite you and your children to master an unusual type of drawing, which is sure to amuse the whole family with its slightly hooligan attitude! Today we invite you to draw using old pieces of yarn or thick threads, which are probably found in every home!

We decided to show you a recipe on how to make body paints at home. The best part about this recipe is that the dye is absolutely safe for your baby’s skin! If your children are older, be sure to let them make their own paint, imagine their pleasure when they create real body paint from different materials!

Everyone knows about drawing on asphalt with crayons! Today we will tell you about another interesting idea for asphalt art - painting with paints, and we will also give you a recipe on how to make these paints from scrap materials! With this idea, you will always have an answer to your child’s question “What are we going to do today?!”

Everyone knows about painting with fingers, palms or a brush. Have you tried to draw with a living flower?

Want to learn another unusual type of drawing? Then this idea is for you, because today we will draw on stones. The idea is very simple, but, nevertheless, it can successfully keep your child occupied for a very long time. Such unusual drawing develops imagination and contributes to the development of the creative self of your fidget.

Coloring is always a fun activity for children. After reading this article, you will learn how easy it is to make your own unique drawing templates and color them! Abstract coloring encourages children to use their imagination and can keep them busy throughout the day. Drawing also actively develops fine motor skills, which has a beneficial effect on the development of speech and mental abilities.

Let's become artists today? But we will create our creative masterpieces in a very unusual way - by putting multi-colored stamps made from ordinary pepper. This simple method will allow even the youngest creators to create their first artistic work, and older artists will be able to show their imagination and understand that there are practically no limits to creativity.

We invite you to show your child what miracles there are in the world of science. Has your child ever seen colors grow before their eyes? If not, then try this unusual experiment. The child will be delighted when he sees that the picture has become three-dimensional!

Every child probably loves to embody their flights of fantasy in drawings. But are you already tired of ordinary paints and pencils? Try offering your little artist a new way to paint using salt and glue. You will be surprised how much delight and emotion this unusual way of drawing will cause. It’s so interesting to watch how the colors themselves “diverge” throughout the drawing, and the picture turns out bright and voluminous.

For many, autumn is a time of inspiration; some begin to write poetry or entire poems, others convey what they see in stories, and for others the creative process results in autumn paintings. It is on drawing that we want to stop and tell you about another unusual type - drawing on autumn leaves.

How wonderful it is when you can walk through the autumn park and enjoy the rustle of autumn leaves. But the weather is not always conducive to such a walk. Today we invite you, together with your fidgets, to create a unique autumn mood in your home - we will make leaves with unusual, creative colors.

To make your walks more vibrant and colorful, we suggest you pour paint into spray bottles and paint a snowman you have built or draw a whole picture in the snow.

Drawing, as you know, develops a child’s creativity and imagination, so we decided to offer you another unusual way of drawing, namely drawing with soap bubbles. You will get an unusual picture in which you can search for and represent animals, plants, or even various cartoon characters.

The experiment is very interesting and magical. You will see white flowers turn into colors. In addition, the wonderful holiday of March 8th is coming up and such a spring bouquet will be an excellent gift for mothers and grandmothers!

The art of depicting is not based on tradition.

My work is to use unconventional painting techniques. Drawing in unconventional ways is a fun, mesmerizing activity that surprises and delights children. The developing environment plays an important role in the development of a child. Therefore, when organizing a subject-development environment, I took into account that the content was developmental in nature and aimed at developing the creativity of each child in accordance with his/her Unconventional drawing

Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques

  • Helps relieve children's fears;
  • Develops self-confidence;
  • Develops spatial thinking;
  • Teaches children to freely express their ideas;
  • Encourages children to creative searches and solutions;
  • Teaches children to work with a variety of materials;
  • Develops a sense of composition, rhythm, color, color perception; a sense of texture and volume;
  • Develops fine motor skills of the hands;
  • Develops creativity, imagination and flight of fancy.
  • While working, children receive aesthetic pleasure.

Having become acquainted with the methodological literature of various authors, such as the manual by A.V. Nikitina “Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten”, I.A. Lykova - “Methodological manual for specialists of preschool educational institutions”, T.N. Doronova - “Nature, art and visual activity of children” by R.G. Kazakova “Visual activities in kindergarten” I found a lot of interesting ideas and set myself the following tasks:

  • To develop technical drawing skills in children.
  • Introduce children to various non-traditional drawing techniques.
  • Learn to create your own unique image using non-traditional drawings using various drawing techniques.
  • To introduce preschoolers to unconventional drawing.

There are many non-traditional drawing techniques; their unusualness lies in the fact that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result. For example, what child would not be interested in drawing with his fingers, making a drawing with his own palm, putting blots on paper and getting a funny drawing. The child loves to quickly achieve results in his work.


Finger painting.
Palm drawing.

Take a rectangular sheet of paper and 3 pencils. The adults and the child are divided: who will draw first, who will draw second, who will draw third. The first one begins to draw, and then closes his drawing, folding the piece of paper at the top and leaving a little bit, some part, for continuation (the neck, for example). The second, seeing nothing but the neck, naturally continues with the torso, leaving only part of the legs visible. The third one finishes. Then the entire sheet is opened - and almost always it turns out funny: from the discrepancy in proportions and color schemes.

Drawing yourself or drawing your favorite toys from life.

Rolling the paper.
“I draw mom”...
Imprint with crumpled paper.
Wax crayons + watercolor.
Candle + watercolor.
Leaf prints.

Foam drawings.
For some reason, we all tend to think that if we paint with paints, we must also use a brush. Not always, say TRIZ members. Foam rubber can come to the rescue. We advise you to make a variety of small geometric figures out of it, and then attach them with thin wire to a stick or pencil (not sharpened). The tool is already ready. Now you can dip it in paint and use stamps to draw red triangles, yellow circles, green squares (all foam rubber, unlike cotton wool, washes well). At first, children will draw geometric shapes chaotically. And then offer to make simple ornaments out of them - first from one type of figure, then from two, three.

Mysterious drawings
Drawing with crayons.
Preschoolers love variety. These opportunities are provided to us by ordinary crayons, sanguine, and charcoal. Smooth asphalt, porcelain, ceramic tiles, stones - this is the base on which chalk and charcoal fit well. Thus, asphalt is conducive to a succinct depiction of subjects. They (if there is no rain) can be developed the next day. And then compose stories based on the plots. And on ceramic tiles (which are sometimes leftovers stored somewhere in the pantry), we recommend drawing patterns and small objects with crayons or charcoal. Large stones (such as voluns) are asked to be decorated with the image of an animal’s head or a tree stump. It depends on what or who the stone resembles in shape.

Magic drawing method.

This method is implemented like this. Using the corner of a wax candle, an image is drawn on white paper (a Christmas tree, a house, or maybe a whole plot). Then, using a brush, or better yet, cotton wool or foam rubber, the paint is applied on top of the entire image. Due to the fact that the paint does not stick to the bold image like a candle, the drawing seems to suddenly appear before the children’s eyes, manifesting itself. You can get the same effect by first drawing with office glue or a piece of laundry soap. In this case, the selection of the background to the subject plays an important role. For example, it is better to paint a snowman drawn with a candle with blue paint, and a boat with green paint. No need to worry if

Painting small pebbles.
Nitography method.
Monotype method.
Drawing on wet paper.
Fabric images.
Volume applique.
Drawing using postcards.
Learning to make a background.
Visual activities using non-traditional materials and techniques contribute to the child’s development of:

  • Fine hand motor skills and tactile perception;
  • Spatial orientation on a sheet of paper, eye and visual perception;
  • Attention and perseverance;
  • Fine skills and abilities, observation, aesthetic perception, emotional responsiveness;
  • In addition, in the process of this activity, the preschooler develops control and self-control skills.

The creative process is a real miracle. Watch children discover their unique abilities and the joy that creation brings them. Here they begin to feel the benefits of creativity and believe that mistakes are just steps towards achieving a goal, and not an obstacle, both in creativity and in all aspects of their lives. It is better to instill in children:
In many ways, the result of a child’s work depends on his interest, so during the lesson it is important to intensify the preschooler’s attention and motivate him to activity with the help of additional incentives. Such incentives could be:

  • play, which is the main activity of children;
  • a surprise moment - a favorite fairy tale or cartoon character comes to visit and invites the child to go on a trip;
  • asking for help, because children will never refuse to help the weak, it is important for them to feel significant;
  • musical accompaniment. Etc.
  • finger painting;
  • stamped with potato stamps;
  • palm painting.
  • poke with a hard semi-dry brush.
  • foam printing;
  • cork printing;
  • wax crayons + watercolor;
  • candle + watercolor;
  • leaf prints;
  • palm drawings;
  • drawing with cotton swabs;
  • magic ropes.
  • sand painting;
  • drawing with soap bubbles;
  • drawing with crumpled paper;
  • blotography with a tube;
  • landscape monotype;
  • stencil printing;
  • subject monotype;
  • ordinary blotography;
  • plasticineography.

Imitation game.
“Magic flowers”.

Vocabulary work:
GCD move:

If you sharpen it,
You can draw whatever you want;
Sun, mountains, pine trees, beach,
What is this? (pencil).

(Repeat exercise 2 times)

- What do you hear?

(I show a drawing technique)

Physical exercise “Flowers”

Listeners are divided into groups. They were asked to make notes using unconventional drawing methods.

Discussion on the results of joint activities.

As V.A. said Sukhomlinsky: “The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest threads-rivulets, which are fed by the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child.”



« Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten and their role in the development of preschool children"

The art of depicting is not based on tradition.

From a very early age, children try to reflect their impressions of the world around them in their visual arts.
My work is to use unconventional painting techniques. Drawing in unconventional ways is a fun, mesmerizing activity that surprises and delights children. The developing environment plays an important role in the development of a child. Therefore, when organizing a subject-development environment, I took into account that the content was developmental in nature and aimed at developing the creativity of each child in accordance with his/herUnconventional drawing
individual capabilities, accessible and appropriate to the age characteristics of children. There are so many unnecessary interesting things at home (toothbrush, combs, foam rubber, corks, polystyrene foam, spool of thread, candles, etc.). We went out for a walk, take a closer look, and see how many interesting things there are: sticks, cones, leaves, pebbles, plant seeds, dandelion fluff, thistle, poplar. All these items enriched the corner of productive activity. Unusual materials and original techniques attract children because the word “No” is not present here, you can draw with whatever you want and how you want, and you can even come up with your own unusual technique. Children feel unforgettable, positive emotions, and by emotions one can judge the child’s mood, what makes him happy, what makes him sad.
Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques

  • Helps relieve children's fears;
  • Develops self-confidence;
  • Develops spatial thinking;
  • Teaches children to freely express their ideas;
  • Encourages children to creative searches and solutions;
  • Teaches children to work with a variety of materials;
  • Develops a sense of composition, rhythm, color, color perception; a sense of texture and volume;
  • Develops fine motor skills of the hands;
  • Develops creativity, imagination and flight of fancy.
  • While working, children receive aesthetic pleasure.

After analyzing the drawings of preschoolers, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to facilitate drawing skills, because not even every adult will be able to depict any object. This can greatly increase preschoolers’ interest in drawing. There are many non-traditional drawing techniques; their unusualness lies in the fact that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result.
Participation in the city methodological association “Young Artist” prompted me to think: “Shouldn’t I try non-traditional drawing techniques in practice in drawing classes?”
I drew up a long-term work plan for each age group, wrote lesson notes for children of different preschool ages. And I chose the topic for self-education “Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten.”
The success of teaching non-traditional techniques largely depends on what methods and techniques the teacher uses to convey certain content to children and develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Having become acquainted with the methodological literature of various authors, such as the manual by A.V. Nikitina “Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten”, I.A. Lykova - “Methodological manual for specialists of preschool educational institutions”, T.N. Doronova - “Nature, art and visual activity of children” by R.G. Kazakova “Visual activities in kindergarten” I found a lot of interesting ideas and set myself the following tasks:

  • To develop technical drawing skills in children.
  • Introduce children to various non-traditional drawing techniques.
  • Learn to create your own unique image using non-traditional drawings using various drawing techniques.
  • To introduce preschoolers to unconventional drawing.

The diagnostic results showed that the high level of mastery of the program in the section “Child in the world of fiction and fine arts” increased by 25%.
Experience has shown that mastering non-traditional image techniques brings true joy to preschoolers if it is built taking into account the specifics of the activity and age of the children. They are happy to draw different patterns without experiencing any difficulties. Children boldly take on art materials; children are not afraid of their diversity and the prospect of independent choice. They take great pleasure in the process of doing it. Children are ready to repeat this or that action many times. And the better the movement turns out, the more pleasure they repeat it, as if demonstrating their success, and rejoice, attracting the attention of an adult to their achievements.
While working, I encountered a problem: children are afraid to draw, because, as it seems to them, they don’t know how, and they won’t succeed.
This is especially noticeable in the middle group, where children’s visual arts skills are still poorly developed and form-building movements are not sufficiently formed. Children lack self-confidence, imagination, and independence. An incentive to encourage children to be active, to make them believe that they can very easily become little artists and create miracles on paper. And I managed to find what I needed. I took advantage of the experience of my colleagues in teaching children to draw. And later she reworked it and made her own adjustments.
I plan to hold a “Weekend Day” to interest parents in the technique of unconventional drawing.
There are many non-traditional drawing techniques; their unusualness lies in the fact that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result. For example, what child would not be interested in drawing with his fingers, making a drawing with his own palm, putting blots on paper and getting a funny drawing. The child loves to quickly achieve results in his work.


It consists of teaching children how to make blots (black and multi-colored). Then a 3-year-old child can look at them and see images, objects or individual details. “What does your or my blot look like?”, “Who or what does it remind you of?” - these questions are very useful, because... develop thinking and imagination. After this, without forcing the child, but by showing him, we recommend moving on to the next stage - tracing or finishing the blots. The result can be a whole plot.
Drawing together on a long strip of paper.
By the way, it is useful to change the paper format (i.e., give not only the standard). In this case, a long strip will help two people to draw without interfering with each other. You can draw isolated objects or scenes, i.e. work nearby. And even in this case, the child is warmer from the elbow of mom or dad. And then it is advisable to move on to collective drawing. The adults and the child agree on who will draw what to create one story.
Poking with a hard, semi-dry brush.
Means of expression: texture of color, color. Materials: hard brush, gouache, paper of any color and format, or a cut out silhouette of a furry or prickly animal. Method of obtaining an image: the child dips a brush into the gouache and hits the paper with it, holding it vertically. When working, the brush does not fall into the water. In this way, the entire sheet, outline or template is filled. The result is an imitation of the texture of a fluffy or prickly surface.
Finger painting.
Means of expression: spot, dot, short line, color. Materials: bowls with gouache, thick paper of any color, small sheets, napkins. Method of obtaining an image: the child dips his finger in the gouache and puts dots and specks on the paper. Each finger is painted with a different color. After work, wipe your fingers with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.
Palm drawing.
Means of expression: spot, color, fantastic silhouette. Materials: wide saucers with gouache, brush, thick paper of any color, large format sheets, napkins. Method of obtaining an image: a child dips his palm (the entire brush) into gouache or paints it with a brush (from the age of 5) and makes an imprint on paper. They draw with both the right and left hands, painted in different colors. After work, wipe your hands with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.
Drawing with a secret in three pairs of hands.
Take a rectangular sheet of paper and 3 pencils. The adults and the child are divided: who will draw first, who will draw second, who will draw third. The first one begins to draw, and then closes his drawing, folding the piece of paper at the top and leaving a little bit, some part, for continuation (the neck, for example). The second, seeing nothing but the neck, naturally continues with the torso, leaving only part of the legs visible. The third one finishes. Then the entire sheet is opened - and almost always it turns out funny: from the discrepancy in proportions and color schemes.

Drawing yourself or drawing your favorite toys from life.

Drawing from life develops observation, the ability to no longer create, but to depict according to the rules, i.e. draw so that it is similar to the original in proportions, shapes, and color. Suggest that you first draw a picture of yourself while looking in the mirror. And be sure to look in the mirror many times. Better yet, show how you adults will draw yourself, making sure to look in the mirror many times. Next, let the child choose an object for himself. It could be a favorite doll, a bear, or a car. It is important to learn to observe for a long time, comparing parts of an object. And further. If a child departs from nature, brings in something of his own, resulting in a completely different object or toy, do not be upset. Praise your child: “You drew a new car today! You probably want one?” But at the end of such a drawing, it is important to ask: “How does the drawn car differ from this one?”
Rolling the paper.
Means of expression: texture, volume. Materials: napkins or colored double-sided paper, PVA glue poured into a saucer, thick paper or colored cardboard for the base. Method of obtaining an image: the child crumples the paper in his hands until it becomes soft. Then he rolls it into a ball. Its sizes can be different: from small (berry) to large (cloud, lump for a snowman). After this, the paper ball is dipped in glue and glued to the base.
“I draw mom”...
It would be good to continue drawing from life or drawing from memory (family members, relatives and friends could become objects for such an image). As supporting material there may be photographs or conversations about the characteristic features of the appearance of absent relatives...Photos are taken and examined. A conversation is being held: “What is Grandma Valya like? What kind of hair does she have? Hairstyle? Favorite dress? Smile?” And the process of co-creation begins. After a while, you can offer to draw the girlfriends from memory. When enough drawings depicting relatives and friends have been collected, we recommend organizing a mini-exhibition “My Relatives and Friends,” where the first portraits of a preschooler are appreciated.
Imprint with crumpled paper.
Means of expression: stain, texture, color. Materials: saucer or plastic box containing a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber impregnated with gouache, thick paper of any color and size, crumpled paper. Method of obtaining an image: a child presses crumpled paper onto a stamp pad with paint and makes an impression on the paper. To get a different color, both the saucer and the crumpled paper are changed.
Wax crayons + watercolor.
Means of expression: color, line, spot, texture. Materials: wax crayons, thick white paper, watercolor, brushes. Method of obtaining an image: the child draws with wax crayons on white paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolors in one or more colors. The chalk drawing remains unpainted.
Candle + watercolor.
Means of expression: color, line, spot, texture. Materials: candle, thick paper, watercolor, brushes. Method of obtaining an image: a child draws on paper with a candle. Then he paints the sheet with watercolors in one or more colors. The candle pattern remains white.
Children like everything unconventional. Drawing with dots is an unusual technique in this case. To implement it, you can take a felt-tip pen, a pencil, place it perpendicular to a white sheet of paper and start drawing. But the best thing to do is dotted drawings with paints. Here's how it's done. A match, cleaned of sulfur, is tightly wrapped with a small piece of cotton wool and dipped in thick paint. And then the principle of drawing dots is the same. The main thing is to immediately interest the child.
Means of expression: point, texture. Materials: paper, gouache, hard brush, piece of thick cardboard or plastic (5x5 cm). Method of obtaining an image: the child picks up paint on a brush and hits the brush on the cardboard, which he holds above the paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolors in one or more colors. Paint splashes onto the paper.
Leaf prints.
Means of expression: texture, color. Materials: paper, gouache, leaves of various trees (preferably fallen ones), brushes. Method of obtaining an image: the child covers a piece of wood with paints of different colors, then applies it with the painted side to the paper to make a print. Each time a new leaf is taken. The petioles of the leaves can be painted on with a brush.
Conducting a series of classes using a variety of techniques to identify children’s abilities over the course of time, it is clear that children have the ability to work with paints using non-traditional techniques. In children with poorly developed artistic and creative abilities, the indicators are slightly higher than at the beginning of the school year, but due to the use of non-traditional materials, the level of enthusiasm for the topic and technique and the ability to perceive color have improved.
Foam drawings.
For some reason, we all tend to think that if we paint with paints, we must also use a brush. Not always, say TRIZ members. Foam rubber can come to the rescue. We advise you to make a variety of small geometric figures out of it, and then attach them with thin wire to a stick or pencil (not sharpened). The tool is already ready. Now you can dip it in paint and use stamps to draw red triangles, yellow circles, green squares (all foam rubber, unlike cotton wool, washes well). At first, children will draw geometric shapes chaotically. And then offer to make simple ornaments out of them - first from one type of figure, then from two, three.

Mysterious drawings
Mysterious drawings can be obtained as follows. Take cardboard measuring approximately 20x20 cm and fold it in half. Then a semi-woolen or woolen thread about 30 cm long is selected, its end 8 - 10 cm is dipped in thick paint and clamped inside the cardboard. You should then move this thread inside the cardboard, and then take it out and open the cardboard. The result is a chaotic image, which is examined, outlined and completed by adults and children. It is extremely useful to give titles to the resulting images. This complex mental and verbal work, combined with visual work, will contribute to the intellectual development of preschool children.
Drawing with crayons.
Preschoolers love variety. These opportunities are provided to us by ordinary crayons, sanguine, and charcoal. Smooth asphalt, porcelain, ceramic tiles, stones - this is the base on which chalk and charcoal fit well. Thus, asphalt is conducive to a succinct depiction of subjects. They (if there is no rain) can be developed the next day. And then compose stories based on the plots. And on ceramic tiles (which are sometimes leftovers stored somewhere in the pantry), we recommend drawing patterns and small objects with crayons or charcoal. Large stones (such as voluns) are asked to be decorated with the image of an animal’s head or a tree stump. It depends on what or who the stone resembles in shape.

Magic drawing method.

This method is implemented like this. Using the corner of a wax candle, an image is drawn on white paper (a Christmas tree, a house, or maybe a whole plot). Then, using a brush, or better yet, cotton wool or foam rubber, the paint is applied on top of the entire image. Due to the fact that the paint does not stick to the bold image like a candle, the drawing seems to suddenly appear before the children’s eyes, manifesting itself. You can get the same effect by first drawing with office glue or a piece of laundry soap. In this case, the selection of the background to the subject plays an important role. For example, it is better to paint a snowman drawn with a candle with blue paint, and a boat with green paint. No need to worry if

Painting small pebbles.
Of course, most often the child draws large stone tiles on a plane, on paper, or less often on asphalt. A flat image of a house, trees, cars, animals on paper is not as attractive as creating three-dimensional creations of your own. In this regard, sea pebbles are ideally used. They are smooth, small and have different shapes. The very shape of the pebble will sometimes tell the child what image to create in this case (and sometimes adults will help the kids). It is better to paint one pebble as a frog, another as a bug, and the third will produce a wonderful fungus. Bright, thick paint is applied to the pebble - and the image is ready. It’s better to finish it like this: after the pebble has dried, cover it with colorless varnish. In this case, a voluminous beetle or frog made by children’s hands shines and shimmers brightly. This toy will take part in independent children's games more than once and bring considerable benefit to its owner.
Nitography method.
This method exists mainly for girls. But this does not mean that it is not suitable for children of a different gender. And it consists in the following. First, a screen measuring 25x25 cm is made from cardboard. Either velvet paper or plain flannel is glued onto the cardboard. It would be nice to prepare a cute bag with a set of woolen or half-woolen threads of various colors for the screen. This method is based on the following feature: threads having a certain percentage of wool are attracted to flannel or velvet paper. You just need to attach them with light movements of your index finger. From such threads you can prepare interesting stories. Imagination and sense of taste develop. Girls especially learn to skillfully select colors. Some thread colors suit light flannel, and completely different ones suit dark flannel. Thus begins the gradual path to women’s craft, a very necessary handicraft for them.
Monotype method.
A few words about this unfortunately rarely used method. And in vain. Because it contains a lot of tempting things for preschoolers. In short, this is an image on cellophane, which is then transferred to paper. On smooth cellophane I paint with paint using a brush, or a match with cotton wool, or my finger. The paint should be thick and bright. And immediately, before the paint has dried, they turn the cellophane over with the image down onto white thick paper and, as it were, blot the drawing, and then lift it up. This results in two drawings. Sometimes the image remains on cellophane, sometimes on paper.
Drawing on wet paper.
Until recently, it was believed that painting could only be done on dry paper, because the paint was sufficiently diluted with water. But there are a number of objects, subjects, images that are better to draw on damp paper. Clarity and vagueness are needed, for example, if a child wants to depict the following themes: “City in the fog,” “I had dreams,” “It’s raining,” “City at night,” “Flowers behind the curtain,” etc. You need to teach your preschooler to make the paper a little damp. If the paper is too wet, the drawing may not work. Therefore, it is recommended to soak a ball of cotton wool in clean water, squeeze it out and rub it either over the entire sheet of paper, or (if required) only over a separate part. And the paper is ready to produce unclear images.
Fabric images.
We collect remnants of fabrics of various patterns and different qualities into a bag. As they say, both chintz and brocade will come in handy. It is very important to show with specific examples how a design on a fabric, as well as its dressing, can help to depict something in a plot very vividly and at the same time easily. Let's give a few examples. Thus, flowers are depicted on one of the fabrics. They are cut out along the contour, glued (only with paste or other good glue), and then painted on the table or vase. The result is a capacious colorful image. There are fabrics that can serve well as a house or the body of an animal, or a beautiful umbrella, or a hat for a doll, or a handbag.
Volume applique.
It is obvious that children love to do appliqué: cut something out and stick it on, getting a lot of pleasure from the process itself. And we need to create all the conditions for them. Along with planar appliqué, teach them to do three-dimensional applique: three-dimensional is better perceived by a preschooler and more realistically reflects the world around them. In order to obtain such an image, you need to wrinkle the applicative colored paper well in children’s hands, then slightly straighten it and cut out the required shape. Then just stick it on and, if necessary, draw in individual details with a pencil or felt-tip pen. For example, make a turtle that is so beloved by children. Remember the brown paper, straighten it slightly, cut out an oval shape and stick it on, and then draw on the head and legs.
Drawing using postcards.
In fact, almost every home has a ton of old postcards. Go through old postcards with your children, teach them to cut out the necessary images and paste them into place, into the plot. A bright factory image of objects and phenomena will give even the simplest unpretentious drawing a completely artistic design. Can a three-, four-, or even five-year-old child draw a dog and a beetle? No. But he will add sun and rain to the dog and the bug and will be very happy. Or if, together with the children, you cut out a fairy-tale house with a grandmother in the window from a postcard and paste it on, then the preschooler, relying on his imagination, knowledge of fairy tales and visual skills, will undoubtedly add something to it.
Learning to make a background.
Usually children draw on white paper. This way you can see it more clearly. It's faster that way. But some stories require a background. And, I must say, all children’s works look better against a background made in advance. Many children make the background with a brush, and an ordinary, small one. Although there is a simple and reliable way: to make a background with cotton wool or a piece of foam rubber dipped in water and paint.
The concept itself explains the meaning of this method: it combines several of those described above. In general, we ideally think the following is important: it is good when a preschooler is not only familiar with various image techniques, but also does not forget about them, but uses them appropriately, fulfilling a given goal. For example, one of the 5-6 year old children decided to draw summer, and for this he uses a dotted pattern (flowers), and the child will draw the sun with his finger, he will cut out fruits and vegetables from postcards, he will depict the sky and clouds with fabrics, etc. There is no limit to improvement and creativity in visual arts. English teacher-researcher Anna Rogovin recommends using everything that is at hand for drawing exercises: drawing with a rag, a paper napkin (folded many times); draw with dirty water, old tea leaves, coffee grounds, berry juice. It is also useful to color cans and bottles, spools and boxes, etc.
Visual activities using non-traditional materials and techniques contribute to the child’s development of:

  • Fine hand motor skills and tactile perception;
  • Spatial orientation on a sheet of paper, eye and visual perception;
  • Attention and perseverance;
  • Fine skills and abilities, observation, aesthetic perception, emotional responsiveness;
  • In addition, in the process of this activity, the preschooler develops control and self-control skills.

The creative process is a real miracle. Watch children discover their unique abilities and the joy that creation brings them. Here they begin to feel the benefits of creativity and believe that mistakes are just steps towards achieving a goal, and not an obstacle, both in creativity and in all aspects of their lives. It is better to instill in children:“In creativity there is no right way, there is no wrong way, there is only your own way”
In many ways, the result of a child’s work depends on his interest, so during the lesson it is important to intensify the preschooler’s attention and motivate him to activity with the help of additional incentives. Such incentives could be:

  • play, which is the main activity of children;
  • a surprise moment - a favorite fairy tale or cartoon character comes to visit and invites the child to go on a trip;
  • asking for help, because children will never refuse to help the weak, it is important for them to feel significant;
  • musical accompaniment. Etc.

In addition, it is advisable to vividly and emotionally explain to the children the methods of action and show depiction techniques.
With children of primary preschool age it is recommended to use:

  • finger painting;
  • stamped with potato stamps;
  • palm painting.

Children of middle preschool age can be introduced to more complex techniques:

  • poke with a hard semi-dry brush.
  • foam printing;
  • cork printing;
  • wax crayons + watercolor;
  • candle + watercolor;
  • leaf prints;
  • palm drawings;
  • drawing with cotton swabs;
  • magic ropes.

And in older preschool age, children can master even more difficult methods and techniques:

  • sand painting;
  • drawing with soap bubbles;
  • drawing with crumpled paper;
  • blotography with a tube;
  • landscape monotype;
  • stencil printing;
  • subject monotype;
  • ordinary blotography;
  • plasticineography.

Each of these techniques is a little game. Their use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more spontaneous, develops imagination, and gives complete freedom for self-expression.
Imitation game.
Summary of a lesson on visual activities in non-traditional drawing techniques for the senior group on the topic:“Magic flowers”.
The lesson is conducted in one stage.
Tasks: Using non-traditional drawing techniques, develop in children a strong interest in visual arts. Develop the ability to independently choose the color scheme of paints that matches the joyful summer mood. Develop color perception, improve fine motor skills of fingers and hands. Arouse a positive response to the results of your creativity.
Equipment: woolen threads, album sheet, watercolor paints or gouache, brushes, one pencil for each child, containers of water for each table, wet cloth napkins for hands.
Vocabulary work:multi-colored summer, red, green, yellow, orange, blue, magical flowers, rustling (pencil), ball.
GCD move: through a short conversation about summer, create a joyful, positive mood in children for the upcoming drawing lesson.
- Guys, what color is summer? (Children list the bright colors inherent in a warm, sunny summer)
- What kind of flowers do you know? (Chamomile, petunia, roses, etc.)
Let us today remember the warm summer, although you are already looking forward to winter, and draw those very beautiful flowers that we saw on our site.
- Do you want to draw them? Then take your seats at the tables and please guess the riddle:
If you sharpen it,
You can draw whatever you want;
Sun, mountains, pine trees, beach,
What is this? (pencil).
- That's right, guys! What else can you draw with? (Felt pens, chalk, brushes and paints)
- What helps us draw with all these and other objects? (With the help of leading questions, if the children do not answer immediately, get the correct answer - hand and fingers).
- Tell me, in order to be ready for a long, interesting day, to feel cheerful and cheerful, what do we do in the morning? What are we doing? (charging).
- Right! So, in order for us to start drawing, we need to prepare our fingers for work. Let's play with them.
Finger game “Five and Five”.

(Repeat exercise 2 times)
- Well done! Now take the pencil in both hands between your palms, pinch it and roll it. Bring it to your right ear (to your left ear).
- What do you hear?
- What sound does a pencil make? (He rustles)
- That's right, he rustles. Rub another pencil between your palms and listen.
Now put the pencil down and touch your palms. What have they become? Place them on your cheeks and forehead. What do you feel? (Palms became warm)
- Right! Now your hands and fingers are ready to draw. Today I offer you an unusual way of drawing. You've never drawn like this before. Want to try and learn? It's called "nitcography".
(I show a drawing technique)
- I take the thread, and now roll the thread onto the sheet so that it forms a ball. Now you need to dip the thread into the chosen paint, holding the end of the thread and carefully using a brush to help roll the thread onto a piece of paper, as you did with dry thread. I direct the end of the dry thread downwards, holding it in my right hand, and with the palm of my left hand, lightly pressing down on the ball, slowly pull the thread out from under the palm. Magic has happened!
Want to try it yourself? First, wake up your beauties, but not all of them, but only those that are suitable for summer.
- Try it, and let’s see if you can create magic? I'm sure it will work! (Children do the work)
As the children complete the task, I admire the bright colors they chose and the successful manifestation of their magical skills, and while they dry out, turn into flowers themselves and play a little.
Physical exercise “Flowers”

(Repeat the exercise 2-3 times)
- Guys, while we were resting, our flowers painted in an unusual way dried up, and we can finish drawing them, draw leaves for them (The children finish the work, and while the work dries, we wipe our hands and tables with wet wipes, put things in order in the workplace )
- Well, your flowers are completely ready and you can give them to your mothers!
Listeners are divided into groups. They were asked to make notes using unconventional drawing methods.

Discussion on the results of joint activities.

There lives an artist and poet in each of us, but we don’t even know about it, or rather, we have forgotten. Remember the parable of the “buried talents”. But indeed, many “bury” their talent in the ground, unable to reveal themselves. This is how “undiscovered talents” walk the streets and live everyday lives. It’s just that no one paid attention to the inclinations and abilities in childhood. You need to remember a simple rule - there are no untalented children, there are undiscovered children. And we, adults, must help reveal these talents!
As V.A. said Sukhomlinsky:“The origins of children’s abilities and gifts are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest threads-rivulets, which are fed by the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child.”

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