Nikolai Noskov in which hospital? Doctors are fighting for the life of singer Nikolai Noskov. Artist currently

Doctors are doing everything possible to stabilize the singer’s condition.

However, the artist’s official representative claims that his condition is stable. “We just spoke with Nikolai’s attending physician. His condition is assessed by specialists as stable. Doctors believe that he is recovering,” the Moscow agency quotes Yulia Sazhina.

Let us remind you that Nikolai Noskov was taken to the hospital on the night of March 27. The 61-year-old artist was diagnosed with a stroke. Concerned journalists contacted Noskova's press secretary Yulia Sazhina, who spoke about the artist's condition. “Nikolai Ivanovich is in the Lapino clinical hospital, where he is undergoing intensive therapy. The artist was admitted to the department in serious condition, which specialists managed to stabilize. Based on the results of the examination, doctors are preparing him for surgery to remove a blood clot in the cervical spine.” They also noted that they do not want misunderstandings, so they ask journalists to be correct.

Fans are very concerned about Nikolai’s condition. Judging by the symptoms, Noskov suffered an ischemic spinal stroke. This is an acute necrosis of a section of spinal cord tissue due to the cessation of its blood supply.

“The causes of this disease can be very different,” said the doctor. – This is age (and Noskov is already 61 years old), cholesterol level in the blood, uncontrolled blood pressure. In ischemic stroke, there is such a thing as a “therapeutic window” - this is the time from four to six hours when it is possible to do it non-surgically and carry out thrombolytic therapy. If time is lost and the cells die, then the disease can even threaten paralysis of the limbs.”

According to the specialist, it is also important what type of thrombus the patient has - a parietal one, which partially reduces the lumen of blood vessels, or one that blocks small arteries and veins. The choice of treatment method depends on this. A person’s recovery after surgery, as a neurologist assures, can last up to two to three months.

Let us note that Noskov had six box office concerts planned for April 2017 - in Samara, Saratov, Ulyanovsk, Penza, Nizhny Novgorod and Saransk, but whether they will take place is still unknown.


Nikolai Noskov was born on January 12, 1956 in the city of Gzhatsk (now Gagarin), Smolensk region. Father, Ivan Alexandrovich, worked at a meat processing plant. Mother, Ekaterina Konstantinovna, was a milkmaid and worked at a construction site.

When Nikolai was 8 years old, the family moved to the city of Cherepovets. Since childhood, he has participated in amateur groups. At the age of 14, he received first prize as the best singer at the North-West region competition.

He has no professional musical education; from a young age he participated in amateur groups, independently taught himself to play the piano, guitar and drums, and while serving in the USSR Armed Forces, he also played the trumpet.

Since 1981 he has performed with the Moscow ensemble.

Later he was the main soloist of the Singing Hearts ensemble. Since 1987, he has worked as a vocalist and composer in the legendary group Gorky Park.

In 1989 and 1990, together with Jon Bon Jovi and Klaus Meine (Scorpions), he recorded songs performed as a duet. Nikolai Noskov’s song “Bang” took first place in the charts on US radio stations.

In 1989, the Gorky Park album took 81st place on Billboard magazine's list of the two hundred most popular albums, and was certified gold in sales in Denmark.

In 1993 he began his solo career, creating the group “Nikolai”. With her in 1994, he recorded the album “Mother Russia” in English.

In 2002, he established a charitable foundation for the support of ethnic music “Wild Honey”.

In 2011 he performed the song “Melody” by the poet Nikolai Dobronravov and composer Alexandra Pakhmutova in the musical television program “Property of the Republic”, which took first place in the finals of the program.

In 2012 he released the album “Untitled”.

In 2017, he plans to release his sixth studio album, which, according to him, “will be rock and roll” and as a bonus there will be three instrumental compositions performed by the Magnetic Fantasy quartet.

Family status

Married, has a daughter.

We wish recovery to a very talented singer.

In the spring of 2018, it became known that the musician was very seriously ill. Noskov Nikolai and his state of health are of interest to fans today. Due to the illness that struck him, the talented artist was forced to stop his performances, he felt so bad.

Did he manage to cope with the unpleasant illness? We’ll also look at the photos and remember some facts from the biography of this popular artist.

Biography of Nikolai Noskov

Noskov was born on January 12, 1956 in the city of Gzhatsk. This is the Smolensk region. Nikolai's family was large - five children. And his parents were completely poor people. And despite the fact that no one instilled a love of creativity in Nikolai Noskov, the boy was drawn to him from childhood. He tried himself in a variety of sections, took part in school plays, and was always active at matinees.

In 1981, Noskov became a soloist of the Moscow ensemble. Here a talented guy plays the guitar. As part of this group, he even recorded the first album, which was called “UFO”. And David Tukhmanov himself, the legendary Soviet and Russian composer, helped the young musicians.

N. Noskov as part of the group “Gorky Park”

Further, Noskov’s career continued. He became the vocalist of the Singing Hearts ensemble in 1984. And after another three years he was invited to the young collective group “Gorky Park”. It is this moment that becomes a turning point in the artist’s creative path and real popularity comes to him. It was the Gorky Park group that was able to win the hearts of many people not only in the USSR, but also beyond its borders.

At the beginning of the 1990s, Noskov nevertheless left the cult group and decided to concentrate on solo work. The musician records his first album in English. True, it cannot be said that this record was a huge success. In his homeland, the artist was loved for his other compositions - “This is great”, “Getting to know you”, “Snow”, “Paranoia”.

Personal life

It is known that Nikolai Noskov is happily married. He has a daughter, and two of his granddaughters have already been born. It is also interesting that the musician is a supporter of a healthy lifestyle. He is a vegetarian. The artist lives in the Moscow region and prefers solitude or the company of his closest people to noisy parties.

Nikolai is a romantic not only on stage, but also in life. While still a young man, he met his wife Marina and immediately drew attention to her. Despite the fact that the sympathy was mutual, the girl initially resisted the advances. The candy-bouquet period lasted two years, and after that the young people got married. In 1992, their daughter was born, who was named Ekaterina.

Nikolai Noskov with his wife and daughter

I must say that at first Katya was embarrassed that her father was so popular. There was a time when she even forbade people from picking her up from school. And after that it passed, and Catherine began to be proud of her talented dad.

The musician has a dog, Rose, whom he loves very much. The shepherd is very loyal and accompanies its owner everywhere.

Noskov's disease

Fans of Nikolai Noskov were shocked by the news that his health leaves much to be desired. Today it is known that the artist is very successfully fighting the disease. But let's remember how it all began.

So, on March 28, 2018, the public was excited by the news that the artist was in a Moscow hospital after suffering a stroke. The information that Nikolai Noskov is unwell was also confirmed by his press secretary. Noskov lost the ability to move normally and even had difficulty speaking.

During the examination, a blood clot was found in the artist’s cervical region, and an operation was performed to remove it. If urgent measures had not been taken, the situation could have ended very sadly.

In November 2018, it became known that the artist was feeling much better. Nikolai Noskov, whose condition worries fans so much today, reported on the social network that the disease has receded. Now, according to the artist, nothing threatens his life. He is ready to continue working and delight the audience with his magical voice. Of course, the singer’s fans could not help but be delighted by such good news. They sincerely wished their beloved artist to get well soon and resume his concert activities.

Noskov said that the rumors spreading on the Internet about his separation from his wife Marina are just false information. They are still together. Moreover, Marina deals with her husband’s creative issues and takes care of him.

Also, on December 26, another good news appeared related to Nikolai Noskov. The artist became a grandfather for the second time. Of course, Nikolai’s fans congratulated him on this grandiose event and wished him excellent health in the New Year. This is all the information about Nikolai Noskov for today, about his health. We hope that he will soon be able to recover completely from his illness, and soon we will see fresh photos of the artist on stage.

Nikolai Noskov's condition worsened, and doctors connected him to a life support machine. Currently, the popular performer is in intensive care, being monitored by the best resuscitators at a private hospital. Doctors are doing everything possible to stabilize Nikolai Noskov’s condition, reports.


However, the artist’s official representative claims that his condition is stable. “We just spoke with Nikolai’s attending physician. Experts assess his condition as stable. Doctors believe that he is on the mend,” the Moscow agency quotes Yulia Sazhina.

Let us remind you that Nikolai Noskov was taken to the hospital on the night of March 27. The 61-year-old artist was diagnosed with a stroke. Concerned journalists contacted Noskova's press secretary Yulia Sazhina, who spoke about the artist's condition. “Nikolai Ivanovich is in the Lapino clinical hospital, where he is undergoing intensive therapy. The artist was admitted to the department in serious condition, which specialists managed to stabilize. Based on the results of the examination, doctors are preparing him for surgery to remove a blood clot in the cervical spine,” the site heard comment from the performer's press service. They also noted that they do not want misunderstandings, so they ask journalists to be correct.

Fans are very concerned about Nikolai’s condition. Judging by the symptoms, Noskov suffered an ischemic spinal stroke. This is an acute necrosis of a section of spinal cord tissue due to the cessation of its blood supply.

site contacted a neurologist of the highest category at the Scientific Diagnostic Center for Clinical Psychiatry. “The causes of this disease can be very different,” said the doctor. “This is age (and Noskov is already 61 years old. – Editor’s note), blood cholesterol levels, uncontrolled blood pressure. With ischemic stroke, there is such a thing as a “therapeutic window “This is a time of four to six hours when you can do it non-surgically and carry out thrombolytic therapy. If time is lost and the cells die, then the disease can even threaten paralysis of the limbs.”

According to the specialist, it is also important what type of thrombus the patient has - a parietal one, which partially reduces the lumen of blood vessels, or one that blocks small arteries and veins. The choice of treatment method depends on this. A person’s recovery after surgery, as a neurologist assures, can last up to two to three months.

Let us note that Noskov has six box office concerts scheduled for April 2017 - in Samara, Saratov, Ulyanovsk, Penza, Nizhny Novgorod and Saransk, but whether they will take place is still unknown.

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Popular Russian singer and former lead singer of the Gorky Park group Nikolai Noskov was taken to the hospital. The 61-year-old artist was diagnosed with a stroke and is now in serious condition. The performer of the hits “Moscow Calling” and “It’s Great” was hospitalized on the night of March 27, but only now did journalists learn about it. Currently, Noskov is in the Lapino clinical hospital, where doctors are fighting for his life, reports.


Let us note that Nikolai Noskov is going through hard times. A couple of years ago, the popular performer canceled concerts several times due to his ill health, which greatly set the organizers up. The total losses from the cancellation of performances in Irkutsk and Chita amounted to about 800 thousand rubles. The artist himself was allegedly ill and even lost his hearing. Director Noskova told the press about health problems.

"The situation was such that the artist really couldn’t sing. We have all the information. He had a very serious cold. His throat was hoarse and hoarse. And on top of that, his ears were blocked. He simply couldn’t hear anything. Because of this, we canceled the concerts not only in Irkutsk and Chita, but also in Tula, Orenburg and Ufa,” Noskov’s director Andrey Atabekov told reporters.

However, every cloud has a silver lining. At the end of 2015, Nikolai became a grandfather. The singer shared the good news during a concert at the capital’s House of Music. The audience congratulated the popular performer with applause. As cunning journalists found out, the musician’s daughter Ekaterina gave birth to a girl.

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