Nikolai Rastorguev does not take care of his health: the musician was convicted of an unhealthy lifestyle. Nikolai Rastorguev: latest news about his health, where does he live now? Personal life of Nikolai Rastorguev

Nikolai Vyacheslavovich Rastorguev is a legend of the national stage, the permanent vocalist of the Soviet and then Russian rock band “Lube”. From 2010 to 2011 he was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (since 1997) and People's Artist of Russia (since 2002).

Childhood and adolescence

Nikolai Rastogrguev’s small homeland is the village of Lytkarino near Moscow, where he was born on February 21, 1957. Vyacheslav Nikolaevich, the father of the future singer, was a driver, his mother Maria Alexandrovna worked in a garment factory. Later, when daughter Larisa appeared in the family, she left her job and began sewing at home in order to devote more time to raising children.

Remembering his childhood, Rastorguev noted that it was the most ordinary: yard games, football, forays into the forest, trips to nearby construction sites. For such adventures, he was often punished by his strict father, as well as for his mediocre academic performance: Kolya had C grades in almost all subjects, including behavior. Although the boy certainly could not be called “stupid” - in his free time he read a lot, drew, and played the guitar.

Rastorguev became interested in music thanks to a friend, whose mother was the director of the Illusion cinema and always provided her son and his friends with contraband. In 1974, the boys saw A Hard Day's Night on the big screen, a film about the history of The Beatles. The film became a real event in the life of the young Lytkar resident.

Inspired by the success story of the Fab Four, he began to master the guitar, although he was sure that he had neither hearing nor ability for music. However, it was precisely thanks to his vocal abilities that he was accepted into a musical ensemble that performed in the cultural center of neighboring Lyubertsy. And the singer’s love for The Beatles remained throughout his life. In 1996, he even released the album “Four Nights in Moscow,” presenting listeners with his cover versions of Liverpudlian hits, and once attending a Paul McCartney concert, he could not contain his feelings and burst into tears.

Nikolay Rastorguev – Hey Jude (The Beatles cover)

After graduating from school, the young man became a student at the Moscow Technological Institute of Light Industry. He entered there not of his own free will (he himself wanted to continue his musical career), but at the insistence of his parents. Nikolai often missed boring lectures, and in the end the management decided to deprive him and other persistent truants of their scholarships. After this, Nikolai decided in his own way to “deal with” the head of the group, who reported to the dean about the missed classes. The beaten headman ended up in the hospital, and student Rastorguev was expelled. It is noteworthy that Nikolai’s mother sided with her son: “He did everything right. I myself taught him that you can get punched for telling the truth.”

This was the end of Nikolai’s higher education. He got a job as a mechanic at the Lytkarino Institute of Aviation Engine Engineering, and soon married Valentina, a girl who lived in the same yard. In 1977, their son Pavel was born.

The beginning of a musical career

After his work shift, Nikolai earned extra money by entertaining audiences in restaurants and on dance floors. In 1978, jazzman Vitaly Kleynot drew attention to the young man, who invited Rastorguev to be a vocalist in the Six Young People VIA to replace Andrei Kirisov, who had left the band. A couple of years later, the future frontman of the group “Aria” Valery Kipelov joined the lineup, and in September 1980 the full musicians teamed up with VIA “Leisya, Song”.

Until 1985, Rastorguev performed as part of the VIA “Leisya, Song”, until the group was disbanded due to criticism of the authorities (the participants were accused of failure to fulfill the state program). Left without work, Nikolai auditioned for the VIA “Singing Hearts”, but there was no place as a vocalist for him. But he was warmly welcomed in the musical group “Rondo” - for about a year he was the band’s bass player.

Nikolai Rastorguev in the group “Rondo” (“Hello, lights out”, 1985)

In 1986, Rastorguev replaced vocalist Oleg Katsura in VIA “Hello, Song”. The new “assignment” became fateful for Nikolai: he met the aspiring composer and keyboard player Igor Matvienko, who, as it turned out, had long been nurturing the idea of ​​​​creating a musical group with songs on patriotic themes.

Rastorguev and the Lyube group

On January 14, 1989, work began on the first songs of the new band in the Sound studio. Nikolai Rastorguev was on vocals, guitar parts were performed by Alexey Gorbashov from the group “Mirage” and Lyubertsy Viktor Zastrov. This is how the first two songs were born: “Old Man Makhno” and “Lube”.

The history of the name “Lube” originates from the Ukrainian language - “Lube”, which in the youth slang of those years meant “anything, any”. By naming the group this way, the musicians wanted to emphasize that their songs would be received with a bang by all music lovers, regardless of age, gender and genre preferences.

“Cages”, the first video of “Lube” (1989)

Two months later, the song “Old Man Makhno” was heard on the radio. And the group first appeared on television in 1989, performing the songs “Don’t chop, guys” and “Atas” at the second New Year’s festival “Christmas Meetings” by Alla Pugacheva. According to Rastorguev’s recollections, it was the prima donna who gave “Lube” some advice regarding her image. At her suggestion, the group members wore military uniforms from 1939: a tunic, tarpaulin boots and riding breeches.

In 1990, the demo album “Lyube” was released - “We will now live in a new way or rock about Lyubertsy.” The title song of the album told the story of a young man who lives with the times, plays sports, criticizes the Western way of life and promises to help his hometown start a new life. Later, the record formed the basis of the debut album “Lube” - “Atas” (1991).

The group's popularity is growing rapidly: a prize at the Song of the Year 1990 festival, appearances on television, including the popular intellectual show What? Where? When?". In 1992, the group’s second full-length album, “Who Said We Lived Badly?”, was released.

“Lube” - “Roulette”, performance on “What? Where? When?"

In 1993, the musicians decided to mix their music videos into a feature film. This is how the film “Lube Zone” with Marina Levtova in the title role was released. In the story, her heroine, a journalist, interviews prisoners and guards of the zone, and each story is a song by the group.

"Lube Zone"

In May 1995, “Lube” presented to the public a song that became their number one hit: the composition “Combat,” which instantly topped the domestic charts and was recognized as the best song of that year. A year later, the album of the same name was released, which, in addition to “Combat,” included the compositions “Soon demobilization,” “Moscow streets,” “Eaglets,” “Dark mounds are sleeping” and other hits. In support of the album, the group staged a large-scale tour, later there was a performance at the Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk and a duet between Rastorguev and Lyudmila Zykina (“Talk to Me”).

Two years later, the musicians delighted listeners with their fifth studio album, “Songs about People,” which included the compositions familiar to all fans of the group: “There, Behind the Fogs,” “Guys from Our Yard,” “Starlings,” “The Volga River Flows” (duet with Zykina) , "Song about a friend."

"Lube" - "Combat"

In 2000, “Lube” celebrated its 10th anniversary with the album “Half-Stanochki”. Almost all the songs from the new record became hits. Thus, the song “Soldier” was awarded the “Golden Gramophone”, and the composition “Let’s Break Through!”, with which the series “Deadly Force” began with Konstantin Khabensky, was known to every TV viewer in the “zero” years.

In 2002, Rastorguev was awarded the title of People's Artist. In the same year, Nikolai tried himself as an actor on the stage of the Mayakovsky Theater, taking part in the production of “Love in Two Acts.”

Rastorguev also has experience working on television: in 2005, he had the opportunity to host a series of documentary programs, “Things of War.”

Political activity

In 2006, Rastorguev joined the United Russia party. He justified his decision by the fact that this faction, in his opinion, was the only political force with potential. In 2007, he tried to enter the State Duma of the 5th convocation from the Stavropol region along with Sergei Shoigu and Alexander Karelin, but he did not have enough space. He was put on the reserve list, and in February 2010 the singer received a deputy mandate instead of Sergei Smetanyuk, then joined the Duma Committee on Culture.

In the 2012 presidential elections, Rastorguev supported Vladimir Putin; was registered as his official trustee.

Personal life of Nikolai Rastorguev

Rastorguev met his first wife, Valentina, at the age of 15: the blue-eyed blonde was the most beautiful girl in the courtyard, took up dancing and was preparing to enter a choreographic school. Four years later, they got married and began building a family nest in a 12-meter room in the apartment of Valentina’s parents.

Soon after the birth of their son Pavel, difficult times began in the young family. Valentina's father, who provided financial assistance to the newlyweds, died, Nikolai was left without work and did odd jobs. However, harmony reigned in the house: the understanding wife did not force Nikolai to do any job, believing that sooner or later his talent would be appreciated.

Alas, the marriage, which stood the test of difficulties and hardships, eventually cracked. 15 years after his marriage, in 1990, Nikolai met the costume designer of VIA “Zodchie” Natalya. For a long time they met secretly, and one day Nikolai simply did not return home from tour, and soon married his beloved. In 1994, the couple had a son, Nikolai.

The younger Rastorguev did not have a particular passion for singing, but he still sang in the school choir, and also voiced Giard, one of the main characters, in the cartoon “Prince Vladimir.”

Health problems

In his interviews, Rastorguev repeatedly noted that he wanted to serve in the army, but received a white ticket due to health problems. However, some sources cite different words: allegedly Nikolai wanted to get into the airborne forces, but he studied at the university, which is why he did not join the ranks of the conscripts.

In 2007, the singer became seriously ill. Constant fatigue, insomnia, lower back pain... At first he blamed his heavy workload and age, but doctors diagnosed him with “chronic renal failure” in an extremely advanced state.

A kidney transplant was required, and while doctors were looking for a donor, Rastorguev had to undergo hemodialysis every day. Because of this, the geography of Lube’s tours was seriously reduced, until the singer underwent a transplant in 2009.

Nikolay Rastorguev: exclusive interview for the 60th anniversary

In September 2015, Rastorguev was hospitalized during a concert in Tel Hashomer, Israel. Due to the extreme heat, his blood pressure dropped; He staggered, barely finished the last song and almost collapsed on the floor, after which he was admitted to a local clinic.

Nikolay Rastorguev today

In June 2017, the Lyube vocalist was urgently taken to the hospital before a concert in Tula, where the group was supposed to perform at a celebration in honor of Russia Day. The singer suffered a heart attack, but doctors said there was no threat to life.

In February, the leader of the Lyube group, Nikolai Rastorguev, celebrates his 50th anniversary. On the eve of the holiday, the musician is full of creative plans, which even a serious illness cannot disrupt. We already wrote that last year Nikolai Rastorguev ended up in a hospital bed. The musician had pneumonia, which caused complications on his kidneys. A year has passed since then, but my health problems have not disappeared.

“I have a rather serious story, and it continues,” Nikolai admitted in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper. “We are fighting, as they say.”

“The council of very serious representatives of medicine, which met about me, was unable to determine exactly what could have caused the disease,” said the musician. “One of the versions: many years ago I suffered from a sore throat, which gave complications to the kidneys, and this process developed imperceptibly for several years, and then suddenly manifested itself. In our country, all medical examinations have been screwed up, and now, if you feel more or less tolerable, you will never go to the doctor. But you should donate blood at least once every six months, take care of yourself."

Previously, Nikolai was practically not sick at all, and had not consulted a doctor since 1983. However, even after the news of the illness, almost nothing changed in the life of the Lyube leader. At least he has no desire to go to church or turn to a psychic.

“No, this doesn’t occur in my mind,” says the artist. “But I give myself an account of what happened to me and am psychologically preparing for the next serious procedure. Apparently, a kidney transplant is coming.” Nikolai does not yet know where exactly the operation will take place, in Russia or abroad.

In general, Rastorguev has already gotten used to his new condition. “The difficulty is that three times a week you need to go to certain procedures,” the musician complains. “And this takes a lot of time. But otherwise, I live exactly the same as before.”

The illness of its leader also does not affect the creativity of the group in any way. On February 23, the group will hold a big solo concert in the Kremlin, and “Lube” regularly goes on tours in Russian cities.

This is what Nikolai himself says about this: “As soon as I left the hospital, we immediately continued to perform closely. Now we have coordinated our tour schedule with my procedures, and everything is in order. Moreover, today not only in Moscow, but also in other cities have qualified doctors."
The band's immediate plans are to release a new disc. Work on the material is already underway. “We have now prepared three new songs, I hope that we will soon add a few more compositions to them and, without rushing, not by any dates, we will release another record,” Rastorguev shared. “I believe it will turn out to be light, not busy...”

As is known, the songs of “Lube” often display patriotic themes. Nikolai himself speaks about his attitude to the current situation in Russia: “Not everything, of course, is to my liking, but development, it seems to me, is going in the right direction. And there is no need to repeat all the time that everything is bad here, to drive people into a corner. We need to be optimistic about the future."

Nikolai Rastorguev admitted that every time he boards a plane, he asks for a yellow newspaper. According to him, the artist is instantly understood. The singer spoke about the rumors that hover around his name. In particular, Rastorguev commented on the information that he allegedly went to Germany for treatment, where he will undergo a hemodialysis procedure. "Spit in this journalist's face! What kind of nonsense is this?" – the artist was indignant.


Rastorguev said that he feels great now. “And I always felt like that,” the singer noted. And yet, information about hemodialysis and indiscreet questions from journalists drove the artist crazy. “What kind of ***? Who can write such a ***? First of all, I haven’t done anything like this for ten years. Just a minute to remember. It’s called hemodialysis. A person can’t live without it. But when he had surgery, transplantation, no hemodialysis is needed here. Why do a transplant? To get away from hemodialysis,” quotes the indignant Nikolai Rastorguev, “You won’t believe it!”

The artist was not reassured by clarifying questions about whether he had really been hospitalized some time ago, almost from the stage. Then Nikolai allegedly developed heart problems. Rastorguev denied everything. “Well, complete crap! This really infuriates me!” – admitted the upset performer.

The permanent leader of the Lyube group also said that he had purchased real estate in Baden-Baden, Germany, next door to producer Igor Matvienko. Allegedly, the apartment cost the artist 30 million rubles. “I don’t live in Baden-Baden. Who told you that? It’s some kind of nonsense,” Rastorguev said. He noted that he visits this resort town, but lives in a prestigious village in the Moscow region.

The famous Russian singer Nikolai Rastorguev, leader of the Lyube group, who has been suffering from an incurable disease for several years, underwent a kidney transplant.

According to relatives, the artist now feels fine.

It is already known that the operation was successful. Rastorguev was transferred to a separate ward, where he can communicate with relatives and friends, but only by phone, since it is not yet possible to visit the singer - only one day has passed since the operation.

All upcoming tour performances of the Lyube group have been postponed to a later date, because Nikolai will need rehabilitation after a complex operation.

Let us remind you that doctors diagnosed Rastorguev with “chronic renal failure”. The singer did not consult a doctor for ten years, coping with severe lower back pain using folk remedies. However, a couple of years ago, in 2007, for the first time in many years, he ended up in the hospital for several weeks. The diagnosis plunged the Lyube soloist and his loved ones into shock.

According to one version, Rastorguev’s kidneys could not withstand the frantic pace of the artist’s life, when he endured all illnesses on his feet, self-medicating and swallowing painkillers.

Doctors periodically connected the singer to an “artificial kidney” machine and long ago rendered their verdict: a donor kidney transplant is necessary. Not so long ago, Nikolai himself mentioned in the press that he was facing a kidney transplant, for which he was psychologically preparing.

At one time, the singer flatly refused the option of someone close to him donating his kidney to a loved one. Nikolai also refused to use his name and connections to speed up the process of finding an outside donor. “I don’t want to focus on the disease. Let my health not worry my fans. The main thing is my creativity. “I’ll deal with my health myself,” he said.

Rastorguev’s colleagues are sympathetic to his problems. Administrators and concert organizers know: do not invite the singer to events on Tuesday and Thursday - on these days he has hemodialysis.

The Lyube team says that usually the artist these days tries not to leave the capital, or only to those cities where there is an “artificial kidney” device. The other day, after a concert in Tomsk, Nikolai spent four hours in a general ward with nine beds undergoing hemodialysis (during the procedure he watched movies on a laptop), and then steamed in the sauna, jumped into the snow, and dived into the pool. And the next day I set off on the tour route.

As it became known, the artist is now at the Transplantation Institute. Yesterday he was transferred from intensive care to surgery.

“We just had an examination, we gave him a sedative,” said the clinic doctor. - Everything is fine, Nikolai Vyacheslavovich is sleeping now.

“The operation went well,” said Nikolai Rastorguev’s press secretary Ekaterina Bykova. - We won't make a secret about this. We hope that everything will be fine soon.

As experts say, in terms of surgical intervention, a kidney transplant is quite easy. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Urology of the State Medical University Safar Hamidov, said that “on the 10th day it is already possible to remove the skin sutures. And after a month - discharged from the hospital home. Provided that the patient is in good physical condition and there are no complications - inflammatory reactions and rejection reactions. Donors are carefully selected for genetic compatibility, so organs from relatives - parents, brothers and sisters - are considered the most suitable. With this option, the donor organ begins to function already on the fifth day and takes root better.

The “unrelated” organ begins to work only after two weeks. But our body perceives even the organ that is closest in genetic composition as a foreign body, turns on the immune defense and begins to actively push it out.

As practice shows, the peak of possible donor organ rejection occurs in the second or third week after surgery. Therefore, at this time the patient must be under strict supervision. He is prescribed large doses of various immunosuppressive medications. Subsequently, the doses of drugs are changed depending on the tolerability and effectiveness of therapy. But patients must still take them for life, because the risk of organ rejection always remains. In the future, patients should undergo professional supervision every 3–6 months. And, if everything goes well, then Rastorguev will be able to return to the stage in about three months.”

"Lube" is a Russian musical group founded in 1989 by Nikolai Rastorguev and Igor Matvienko. Nikolai Rastorguev - Honored Artist (1997) and People's Artist of Russia (2002). The group's musicians Anatoly Kuleshov, Vitaly Loktev and Alexander Erokhin were also awarded the title of Honored Artist (2004).

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