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Anatoly Kashpirovsky was born in 1939. The exact place of his birth is unknown. According to information on the official website, this is the Ukrainian village of Medzhybizh, but there is an opinion that the famous psychic was born in Stavnitsa or Proskurov (now Khmelnitsky). Anatoly grew up modest and hard-working, choosing a medical field for himself after school. After graduating from the Vinnitsa Medical Institute in 1962, he began working in a local psychiatric hospital, and his medical career here lasted almost 25 years.

Gradually, Kashpirovsky began to practice unconventional methods of treating patients for various ailments. It is still unknown how he discovered unusual abilities in himself and whether he really had them. Either way, people were thrilled that they were actually improving their health. In 1989, Anatoly was invited to perform on All-Union television. Live he demonstrated the technique of pain relief at a distance during surgical operations.

For Soviet society, extrasensory perception, and even on television, became a truly breakthrough event. Kashpirovsky has thousands of fans demanding that he appear on television as often as possible. Several more healing sessions followed, which were watched by more than 300 million Soviet people. After this, Anatoly began to be invited to foreign television. In addition, he took part in many scientific conferences and even presented a report before the United Nations.

Anatoly Kashpirovsky led an active political life and joined the Liberal Democratic Party, becoming a deputy of the State Duma. According to rumors, it was his influence that affected the successful career of the permanent leader of the party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky. In addition, the mysterious psychic has published many scientific books. The basis of his unique methods was strong suggestion, in fact, hypnosis of people, setting them up for self-healing. In the 90s, he also appeared on TV, but only as a guest on various programs, after which he emigrated to the USA.

Personal life

According to reports, Anatoly Kashpirovsky was married to a woman named Valentina, with whom he has two children, Elena and Sergei, who now live in the United States. The psychic married for the second time in 1992 to his new beloved Irina. They lived together until 2005, and the official divorce took place only in 2014.

Anatoly Kashpirovsky now lives in Brighton, America and has “stars and stripes” citizenship. He still practices his amazing methods of healing people, holding meetings with a fairly wide audience. In Russia, opinions about the parapsychologist are divided: today most people consider him an ordinary charlatan, while others are sure that Kashpirovsky is simply an experienced hypnotist and psychologist, capable of delving into the very depths of human consciousness.

Name: Anatoly Kashpirovskiy

Age: 77 years old

Place of Birth: Khmelnitsky, Ukraine

Activity: Soviet psychotherapist, psychic, TV presenter

Family status: married

Anatoly Kashpirovsky - biography

In the 90s of the last century, this stocky man with a piercing gaze was known throughout the Soviet Union. He has 11 million cured people, a remote anesthesia teleconference, the status of a Soviet millionaire and a very real opportunity to become the President of the USSR and the first space healer.

He was idolized and cursed, considered a genius and a charlatan, called the new Christ and a magician, sorcerer, psychic. And Anatoly Kashpirovsky invariably responded to these attacks: “I’m an ordinary person!” But it’s unlikely that any of us are capable of administering anesthesia with words. Or put 6 thousand people on the ground at the same time, at the same time improving their health. Or in 3 minutes you can relieve several hundred children from nocturnal enuresis. And although in the 1990s there were specialists who described Kashpirovsky’s method, even they argued: it alone is not enough. Personality is important. Very strong, charismatic personality.

Anatoly Kashpirovsky - childhood

He was born on August 11, 1939 in Ukraine, in the village of Stavnitsa, Medzhibozh district. The father is a military man, so the family often had to move. One day, a misfortune happened to the boy: he received an injury, due to which one leg became shorter and thinner than the other. Become disabled? A victim of fate? No way!

Anatoly decided that wrestling and weightlifting would help him recover. And once a decision has been made, it must be implemented! As a teenager, Tolya worked out with a two-pound weight every day. Already in his institute years, he lifted a barbell weighing up to 220 kilograms, did a “pistol” on his left leg with a load of 100 kilograms (and now Anatoly Mikhailovich can perform three approaches in a row!).

The consequences of the injury disappeared, or rather, transformed into the understanding that a person is able to overcome any adversity. If he really wants to. Hence the choice of further path: psychiatry.

At that time, it was a conglomerate of very harsh, “punitive” techniques: electric shock, injections of potent narcotic drugs, the absolute power of the doctor over the patient. Fortunately, in the 1960s, the development of domestic psychotherapy began, which involved a much softer influence - hypnosis, suggestion...

Kashpirovsky became interested in these methods later, after graduating from college and becoming a doctor at the Vinnitsa mental hospital named after A.I. Yushchenko began to put them into practice. He, of course, had to convince the management (until he himself headed the clinic), but it was worth it: Anatoly Mikhailovich really wanted to help the patients. This was the beginning of his unique method.

The work of a psychiatrist is one of the most difficult. A clouded consciousness often coexists with a brilliant intellect. Looking for ways to restore sanity to a person, Kashpirovsky “understood reason through madness” and often took huge risks - for example, he allowed his patients to go for walks. Because I was sure that it would be better for them.

Kashpirovsky traveled all over the country, performing in village clubs in front of drunken collective farmers, and in front of prisoners in colonies, and in front of reindeer herders who hardly understood Russian. More than 1,700 sessions, hundreds of thousands of people.

At first, Anatoly Mikhailovich adhered to classical methods. True, the first evening in the city of Yampol almost became the last: it was possible to hypnotize the audience only the third time. Then - months of developments. In 1971, using the same hypnosis, Kashpirovsky successfully performed pain relief for 17 operations in the ENT department of the Vinnitsa railway hospital, treated children with enuresis, and later trained the Soviet military contingent in Afghanistan. And gradually he built his own revolutionary method. And starting in 1974, he categorically refused to use hypnosis: “I realized that it is not a component of healing. The main thing is installation. Attention setting."

Anatoly Kashpirovsky: “I give instructions!”

Briefly about his method, Anatoly Mikhailovich says this: “I believe that the human brain contains a “bank of information” about the state of the entire organism. In my sessions, I create such an attitude in the patients’ psyche, in which this bank seems to be liberated, and through it the nervous system finds a vulnerable spot in the body, strives to heal it... There is faith of the conscious mind and faith of the subconscious. My method is rather to influence the subconscious. It is in the subconscious that I give instructions for healing.”

It sounds vague, but the main thing is not the words, but the result. And Kashpirovsky’s patients got rid not only of psychosomatic, that is, diseases caused by “nerves,” but also of serious systemic ailments - psoriasis, diabetes, osteochondrosis, arthritis, heart attacks, aneurysms, esophageal obstruction, allergies... And if before 1989 There were thousands of such healers (more than 60 thousand letters of gratitude per year), then after the famous “television health sessions” on Central Television (since October 1989), the count went into the millions.

True, there were those who felt worse after watching the programs. A wave of criticism fell on Kashpirovsky: some called him a charlatan, others called him an evil hypnotist-manipulator. And he managed to remotely, while in a television studio in Kiev, protect two women in Tbilisi from pain during abdominal operations at the same time: one for 3 hours, the other for more than six hours. And he explained: “There is a truth, a pattern that I simply approached. This is inherent in nature: a person can relieve pain from a distance and cause positive reactions in the body. And I just poured my soul into this process.”

It is probably this “heart and soul” that frightened and frightens Kashpirovsky’s opponents. After all, the session itself is simple: to the music, a short man in black rises onto the stage, sits down and begins to talk about his method and the person in general. No negative information, paradoxes, explanations that are fascinating and understandable even to a poorly educated person, among them the rare instructions “Now all of you will not have any pain” or the famous “I give instructions”, real examples of cures: one’s allergies went away, another’s hair darkened. For a long time, minute after minute. And all in order to transfer the critical mind of the audience onto other tracks, to reach their subconscious and give it those same attitudes.

At the end - a few demonstrations: he called a dozen people onto the stage (each with their own sores), pointed a finger at them (or looked), they fell. And we got up almost (or completely) healthy. It seems to be nothing complicated, but there have not yet been those who could repeat Kashpirovsky’s experiments.

However, he himself is aware of this, blurting out: “I myself am a method. I can start reading any book, and people will get better.” Success is hidden not in the techniques, but in the unbending will of the psychotherapist. It is she who breaks through the barriers of thoughts into the depths of the human subconscious - even if there are a lot of people - and activates it.

And then, if the patient’s psyche is healthy, improvement occurs, if not, problems come to the fore. Is it dangerous? According to Kashpirovsky himself, it’s nothing more than getting up on the alarm clock. And he is also sure: every person is endowed with a will that is capable of acting independently. The psychotherapist sees the next task in awakening her. Therefore, at the age of 77, he continues to conduct sessions. Despite everything. The decision has been made and it must be carried out.

In New York, Anatoly Kashpirovsky speaks in a hotel conference room on the outskirts of the city. Interest in the healer has not faded either in America or in Russia. True, meetings with him are now called not “mass hypnosis sessions,” but “creative evenings” and “conferences,” writes Komsomolskaya Pravda.


“He works in Russia. It’s just that now he has performances in America. People were waiting for him. These are immigrants, long-time fans, and Americans,” said the assistant master, Sergei. Moreover, on May 29, Kashpirovsky held a global action: he promised to rid all the inhabitants of the planet from snoring. The only condition was that you had to concentrate for three minutes, and after that you couldn’t touch your nose for six hours.

“The fantasticness of this unusual action lies not only in the instant (in three minutes) correction of the nose of thousands of people, but also in the absolute absence of any visual, audio and video contacts with me as the source of this programming,” Kashpirovsky himself said about the session .

According to the healer’s lawyer Sergei Zhorin, Anatoly Kashpirovsky is in excellent physical shape. He exercises and does 1,200 squats a day: 600 in the morning and 600 in the evening, and this at 77 years old. The healer is officially divorced, and if he ever ties himself in marriage, it will certainly be with a “goddess”, for whom he himself will be a “god”.

“There is no hypnosis in my practice. I do not at all advocate that there be faith in me. Who am I to believe in me like that? But I believe in people,” the psychological treatment specialist himself once said. This is how the healer now calls himself, gathering stadiums and television audiences of millions at his sessions.

1989 October 9. The first therapeutic television show of Anatoly Kashpirovsky on Central Television, which brought together millions of Soviet viewers in front of blue screens.

Waiting for a miracle

Almost the entire population of the country (from young to old, from boss to housewife) intended to be cured of various illnesses, everyone was waiting for a miracle, and it happened. Even if not with everyone, most of the television audience felt some kind of magical influence, something unusual in everyday life, which crossed from television screens into the houses and apartments of ordinary citizens. Some people's warts and post-operative scars disappeared, while others inexplicably got rid of old diseases. And heated discussions of this and five subsequent television sessions, vivid examples of “healed” people led to the massive faith of a huge audience in the Kashpirovsky phenomenon, which painlessly relieved enuresis, ulcers, alcoholism and other ailments. The country was divided into two camps: some believed him, others tried to catch him cheating. But as soon as the show began, both of them sat down in front of the TV.

Kashpirovsky: biography

Photos of Kashpirovsky were easily distributed throughout the country, they were in almost every family, because almost everyone wanted to experience the healing effects of something so unusual and captivating. So who is he - Anatoly Kashpirovsky, who made the whole country talk about himself in an instant?

Kashpirovsky's biography is quite ordinary and is not much different from the life of the average Soviet citizen. Born in 1939, August 11; He spent his childhood in the Ukrainian town of Proskurov (now Khmelnitsky). It can be assumed that at an early age Anatoly might have been interested not in cars, but in the actions and intentions of the people around him. After graduating from Vinnitsky in 1962, he worked for a quarter of a century in a psychiatric hospital as a psychotherapist, and in 1987 - as a psychotherapist for the USSR athletics team. Kashpirovsky’s biography boasts the title of Candidate of Medical Sciences, as well as Master of Sports of the USSR in weightlifting. All his life, Anatoly Mikhailovich loved to sing, so it is not surprising that his trained ligaments became an indispensable tool when conducting television shows and public speaking in front of huge audiences.

Teleconference on psychological anesthesia at a distance

In addition to television broadcasts, Anatoly Kashpirovsky, whose biography is rich in various significant events and memorable meetings that are not given to every person, held two teleconferences on Central Television, performing live anesthesia for two patients before surgery without the use of anesthesia. The patients of that memorable broadcast were Lesya Yurshova and Olga Ignatova, for whom medical anesthesia was contraindicated due to a high allergic predisposition to all drugs. They underwent surgery to remove a hernia. To this day, not a single hypnotist has been able to repeat this trick.

Meetings with audiences: growing appreciation and popularity

There were also meetings with spectators (the so-called healing sessions), at which Kashpirovsky showed letters from grateful, cured people. At such meetings, various “healing” paraphernalia were sold (photos of Kashpirovsky, videotapes with recordings of his sessions, etc.), which subsequently aroused great interest from the prosecutor’s office, because the goods sold were not labeled.

America in the life of Kashpirovsky

In 1995, Anatoly Kashpirovsky, whose biography took a new turn in life’s spiral, moved to the United States. There he relieved Russian emigrants of excess weight; the cost of the session was $50. There he was awarded the US Commemorative Medal “For the Improvement of Veterans of the Second World War.” Before living in America, he traveled almost half the world conducting his wellness sessions. He practiced in Poland for almost 20 years, and it was he, the only foreign citizen, who was awarded a significant prize by Polish television for the enormous popularity of the series of television programs “Television Clinic of A. Kashpirovsky,” and Lech Walesa, the President of Poland, expressed gratitude for the improvement of the nation.

Kashpirovsky against the clergy and official medicine

The biography of Anatoly Mikhailovich Kashpirovsky includes constant conflicts with official medicine, which recognized him as a charlatan, and the sessions he conducted were harmful to the psyche. The clergy categorically did not recognize Kashpirovsky, believing that only the Lord God could give healing. Kashpirovsky’s biography has such an interesting fact as beating his opponent during the filming of the TV show “Let Them Talk” (broadcast on December 14, 2005), which Mikhailovich did not agree with.

In 2006, in Chelyabinsk he was charged with illegal practice of traditional medicine. Moreover, it was compiled by an independent expert - psychotherapist Shadrina, who was not present at any of Anatoly Mikhailovich’s speeches. In this opus, Kashpirovsky was placed on a par with the charlatans of the 90s who called themselves healers. However, the man who saved thousands of lives, and who was repeatedly threatened with going to jail, continued to treat people.

In 2009, the biography of Kashpirovsky, who had a long creative break, continued with the series of investigative documentaries “Session with Kashpirovsky.”

The series “The Miracle Worker” about Kashpirovsky?

In November 2014, the premiere of the dramatic series “The Miracle Worker” took place, dedicated to the theme of psychics and mystics. Fyodor Bondarchuk, who played one of the main roles, played Kashpirovsky very similarly, although he himself claims that he did not play him. Even Kashpirovsky himself, whose biography is clearly visible in this series, noticed the resemblance to himself and was very upset by this, because he considered the series a failure. And Bondarchuk, in his opinion, failed to cope with the role. Anatoly Mikhailovich was especially offended that in the film he was compared to Alan Chumak, whom he never recognized as a doctor.

What is Kashpirovsky’s secret?

The “Kashpirovization” of an entire country at that time could only be compared in its emotionality to the film “Slave Isaura.” How can we explain the effects that occurred during television sessions? Was it a powerful healing field or some kind of strong energy that could penetrate the homes of grateful viewers through the blue TV screens? Although, even if we assume that such energy took place, it would definitely not be enough to charge the entire population of a vast territory. And Kashpirovsky himself never voiced during the sessions that he was transmitting some kind of energy or fluids through the screens; he always carried out his work professionally, like a psychotherapist of the highest class. Although some time later, Kashpirovsky’s popularity was interpreted as a manifestation of mass psychosis.

Super popular hypnotist

So who is he - Kashpirovsky? The biography and family of this man - the ruler of other people's souls and consciousnesses - are of constant interest to many people, because they want to understand what mechanisms of influence he used that allowed him to achieve very impressive results and caused fierce debate and confrontation of opinions.

In 1989, in the Soviet Union, Kashpirovsky was recognized as the person of the year, surpassing famous politicians in popularity. The secret services were afraid of him, because today the psychotherapist was talking about warts, and tomorrow he could send a crowd of people to the Kremlin.

Kashpirovsky's methods were aimed at activating a person's internal reserves, especially if the latter was easily suggestible and emotional. Most of the “healings” come from such viewers. During the television shows, fairly high numbers of cures for various diseases were announced, the percentage of which in relation to the total number of viewers was small.

What contributed to the success of Kashpirovsky’s television shows?

Kashpirovsky's voice: confident, persistent, powerful

Anatoly Kashpirovsky, whose biography and family are of constant interest to a large mass of the population, behaved very confidently and confidently in front of television cameras, while maintaining all the required accessories of a professional hypnotist: the appropriate look, gestures, posture, intonation and And since most of the population knew practically nothing about the work of psychotherapists, this certainly led to an increase in the expected effect, being perceived as a “magical” action. Also, the perception of the audience was indirectly influenced by the uncharacteristic behavior of some people present at the session (waving their arms, turning their heads, slowly, as if dancing, moving around the hall). Such unusual actions of the easily suggestible audience, due to their boundless faith in Kashpirovsky’s capabilities, caused a corresponding reaction among those present, infecting them with similar feelings.

The method of influencing the audience chosen by Kashpirovsky, which in psychotherapy is called the Kretschmer-Erickson method, played an important role in the psychotherapist’s practice. Its technology consists in the absence of direct pressure on those participating in the hypnotic session.

Kashpirovsky knits a web of words, periodically inserting a phrase, the content of which carries a direct suggestion, which acts with particular force against the background of indifferent stimuli, because the listeners get the impression of participating in the process together with the psychotherapist.

Kashpirovsky: biography, personal life

Anatoly Mikhailovich was married to his fan Valentina, with whom he lived for 22 years, having two children: a son and a daughter. In terms of plan, Kashpirovsky’s biography is quite successful. His children and grandchildren are his pride. Son Sergei is a boxer, daughter Elena is a three-time American champion in karate-do, granddaughter Inga is a two-time champion in the same sport.

In recent years, his personal assistant Irina, a citizen of the Czech Republic, has been with the psychotherapist, who is his chosen one and personal companion.

Kashpirovsky's biography positions this unique person as a citizen of the world, an absolute ascetic who cares little about material wealth. He, like every loving parent, dreams only of the happiness of his own children and grandchildren. Today, Kashpirovsky continues to conduct sessions in Russia, America, Kazakhstan, and Germany, collecting full houses.

Kashpirovsky became the founder of the mass appearance of sorcerers, magicians, and psychics who considered themselves entitled to treat people whose basic illiteracy is reflected in the destructive habit of creating their own idol.

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Biography, life story of Anatoly Mikhailovich Kashpirovsky

Kashpirovsky Anatoly Mikhailovich - Soviet psychotherapist, hypnotist, TV presenter.

Childhood and youth

Anatoly was born on August 11, 1939 in the village of Stavnitsa (Medzhibozh district, Kamenets-Podolsk region, Ukraine) into a military family. I met the war when I was little. His father went to the front, and he and his mother Yadviga Nikolaevna, brother and two sisters were evacuated to the Kazakh SSR, to the Chu River area.

In 1962, Kashpirovsky graduated from the Vinnitsa Medical Institute.

Labor activity

After university, Anatoly worked for a year as a physical therapy doctor at the Railway Hospital in Vinnitsa. Then, for 25 years, Kashpirovsky worked in a psychiatric hospital named after academician Alexander Yushchenko. At the same time, he worked at third-party enterprises and was engaged in other activities. So, in 1987, he was a psychotherapist for the USSR national weightlifting team. In 1988-1989 he headed the Republican Center for Psychotherapy in Kyiv. In 1989-1993, Kashirovsky was the head of the Kyiv International Center for Psychotherapy.

In 1989, Anatoly Mikhailovich’s career began on central television. The screening of the author's programs “Health sessions of psychotherapist Anatoly Kashpirovsky” has started. During the programs, Anatoly Mikhailovich treated the audience for all ailments with the help of his healing energy. There is a known case when Kashpirovsky performed a live anesthesia procedure for two patients who were contraindicated for anesthesia for medical reasons before surgery. The patients, or more precisely, the patients - Lesya Yurshova and Olga Ignatova - underwent operations to remove hernias. This was the only time in history that a professional surgical procedure was performed under hypnosis. Since then, no hypnotist has been able to repeat this trick.

In 1990, Anatoly Kashpirovsky was very popular in Vietnam and Poland. Polish television even awarded him the Victory Award for the program “Television Clinic of A. Kashpirovsky.” In 1991, the psychotherapist offered his services to the UN to combat AIDS and the effects of radiation exposure.


In 1993, Kashpirovsky published the monograph “Nonspecific Group Therapy”, the books “Believe in Yourself”, “Awakening” and “Thoughts on the Way to You”. In the same year, Anatoly Mikhailovich was elected deputy of the State Duma of the first convocation from the Liberal Democratic Party. He was involved in politics until 1995.

In 1995, Kashpirovsky participated in negotiations with terrorists during the tragic events in Buddenovsk. Anatoly Mikhailovich was confident that he would hypnotize everyone and resolve the conflict, however, when he arrived at the scene and saw all the horror happening there, he could not cope with his emotions. Kashpirovsky felt bad. Nevertheless, he found the resources within himself to gather his strength, went to the hospital where the hostages were kept, and talked for several hours in a row with the head of the terrorist group, Shamil Basayev. After the conversation, most of the hostages were released.

In 2006, Kashpirovsky conducted sessions in Chelyabinsk. The local branch of Rospotrebnadzor, after a traditional inspection, identified several packages of charged salt that were not marked. Law enforcement agencies were forced to interrupt one of the hypnotist's performances. The police seized 160 packets of salt from the psychotherapist and wanted to initiate an administrative case against Kashpirovsky for illegally practicing medicine. But for a number of reasons this did not happen. The investigation department of the Chelyabinsk police department considered that there was no corpus delicti.

In 2017, Anatoly Mikhailovich spoke on the talk show “Let Them Talk.” During the program, the healer was accused of charlatanism and deception. Kashpirovsky was extremely outraged and even wanted to leave the set. But he still stayed and defended his good name with arguments, stating that many of his patients were cured of serious illnesses during the sessions.

Interesting Facts

Anatoly Mikhailovich - Master of Sports of the USSR in weightlifting.

In 2014, Kashpirovsky became an honorary doctor of psychological sciences at the G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.

Personal life

Anatoly Mikhailovich’s first wife’s name was Valentina. This marriage produced children - daughter Elena and son Sergei, both of whom became athletes. Elena is a karateka, three-time American champion in karate-do. Sergey is a professional boxer. Anatoly and Valentina divorced when Kashpirovsky was at the peak of his popularity. Due to constant travel, the couple practically did not see each other. Because of this, the relationship gradually faded away.

In December 1992, Kashpirovsky married Irina, a young girl from the Czech Republic, his ardent fan. But the family boat quickly began to crack. In 2005, husband and wife were already living separately. In 2011, the couple filed for divorce. The process dragged on and the last documents were signed only in 2014.

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