New special operation in warface black shark. Warface review: special operation “Black Shark”. From the crater of a volcano into a shark's mouth

The new season of Siege updates has been inaugurated with the addition of the Black Shark PvE mode to the game. We have already played it and now we want to tell you about it!


Fans of the free-to-play shooter will probably fondly remember the end of 2015 - the beginning of 2016: it was during this period that the developers opened the “Hunting Season” and made many different changes to the game - unique achievements, new guns, and new modes, about which, by the way saying, we tell you. Well, the trend is repeating itself. Now it’s the end of 2016 and it’s launching new season updates, which are decorously called “Siege”. The first serious update, which arrived on the game servers yesterday, brought a lot of different little things to the project, but the most pleasant innovation was the PvE mode “Black Shark”, which before the update some players could already try on the PTS.

Kiev branch Crytek decided not to reinvent the wheel, but to follow its previous course, using the rule “everything new is well forgotten old.” The legs of the “Black Shark” grow from the same place as the legs of the February PvE mode “Vulcan” - from “Liquidation”. The formula is painfully familiar: five Warface fighters need to break into the Blackwood headquarters under construction, which is a rather large skyscraper, smash everything there that moves and what doesn’t move into dust - move and smash. Along the way, you need to plant bombs on each floor, try to save the hostages here and there, and this whole extravaganza will end, as you might guess, with excellent fireworks and accompanying large-scale destruction. Instead of new concepts, developers develop what the public is guaranteed to like. And they do it well.

“Volcano” was good because it was a mode for everyone: on the first difficulty it was completed by five beginners with their eyes closed, on the second by a team of professionals with excellent combat skills, and on “Pro” only a very well-coordinated group with a well-thought-out approach could complete it. dozens of passages of special operations tactics. The same rule works in “Black Shark”, but the differentiation of complexity is carried out here to an even greater extent. Players are accustomed to the fact that the difficulty in the Bastards of “Elimination” increases in direct proportion to the floors occupied by the group, but in “Black Shark” they will already have to face difficulties just to get inside the building at all - the beginning of the special operation is very, very hot!

And if it’s so hot from the very beginning, then, of course, it certainly won’t get any easier. It seems that Crytek Kiev In "Black Shark" we used all the PvE enemies that are in the game: snipers, zombies, turrets, kamikazes - there is so much of it that sometimes you want to scream loudly and call your mother. For greater efficiency and greater shock value, the developers have added new animations to some familiar enemies. You might be quite surprised when you see for the first time that zombies are not only running at you from all sides, but also climbing the walls, and amid all this fun, special forces are also cheerfully flying into the windows. And of course, new turrets, where would we be without them, my dears? However, for some particularly unlucky players, a much greater challenge was the elevator on the first floor, which often leaves without its “riders.” The poor guys fell through the texture for about an hour and a half after launching the update and were unable to move on. Although this is a serious bug, it is the only and quickly fixed bug that we were able to discover as a result of testing.

For completing the “Black Shark” you can get a lot of different rewards - and it is logical that the most valuable prizes await those who manage to overcome the “Pro” difficulty, which is crazy challenging task. In one of the interviews, the developers admitted that they themselves never succeeded. You might think that these statements are made for lip service, but judging by the six-hour unsuccessful “trips” of “Pro” difficulty from famous YouTube let’s players specializing in , this may well turn out to be the absolute truth. Be that as it may, badges, tokens, achievements - all these insignia can be obtained for completing the “Shark”. And four multi-colored stripes with images of sharks will go to the most “skilled” players - such a beautiful thing in the profile will definitely be a good reason for pride.

In this guide we will tell you about the complete walkthrough of the special operation “White Shark” (alternative name “Liquidation”). To try out your skills in this mission, a fighter must reach rank 10 and also have at least one access token in stock. The team is sent to Blackwood headquarters to clear twenty floors of the building and eliminate the main antagonist Warface- Oberon White.


Class selection

This mission is no different special difficulties, ultimately, the outcome of a special operation is decided by the tactics of the group that goes through it. For successful completion“White shark” can be divided into several compositions:

  • Three attack aircraft, a medic, a sniper.
  • A couple of stormtroopers, two medics and a sniper.
  • Two snipers, two medics and an attack aircraft.
  • Two attack aircraft, a sniper, a medic, an engineer.

If you have not undergone the operation before, then it is best to take at least two snipers into your group. Therefore, we recommend a composition of two snipers, two medics and one attack aircraft.

Equipment selection

  • Stormtrooper It’s better to take an automatic rifle with you (the gamer’s choice); we don’t recommend taking a machine gun. Grab a semi-automatic pistol with a good supply of ammunition in the clip (for example, “FN Five-SeveN”).
  • Medic can be equipped with a pump-action or semi-automatic shotgun (we recommend taking a shotgun with the ability to reload one cartridge at a time), a semi-automatic pistol with a large clip, and, if possible, the best class equipment (first aid kit, defibrillator) that can be purchased in the game store.
  • Engineer– there are no special tips for equipping an engineer, so the choice of equipment for this class rests entirely with the gamer.
  • Sniper– A semi-automatic rapid-fire rifle is perfect for this operation (for example, ACR SPR, AS50, MK 14 EBR or Crazy Horse).
  • To successfully complete it, you should equip yourself with combat or elite equipment that restores health points and armor. Don't forget to wear equipment that increases limb protection.
  • Each team member should take a flashbang and a smoke grenade with them, they will come in handy at the end of the mission.
  • If completed correctly, you may not need return signs at all, but if you are completing the mission for the first time, first purchase about ten return signs. A maximum of two signs can be used in one room.


The fighters appear on the ground floor of the building. Wait for the elevator and go upstairs.

  • 00:20 (mm/ss)

First floor

The elevator stops due to the Blackwood security system being blocked. It will take time for Warface technicians to crack the code of each floor. Only a small group of heavy infantry awaits you on this floor.

  • Tactics: arbitrary.
  • Total time until elevator departure: 00:40 (mm/ss)

Second floor

On this floor, security personnel and stormtroopers are added to the heavy infantry.

  • Tactics: arbitrary.
  • Total time until elevator departure: 00:50 (mm/ss)

Third floor

Your opponents will be heavy infantrymen and shield bearers.


  • After exiting the elevator, head to the right. Take up the defense first by shooting the shield bearers.
  • Total time until elevator departure: 01:00 (mm/ss)

Fourth floor

Throughout the entire time, your opponents will only be security officers of easy and medium difficulty levels.

  • Tactics: arbitrary.
  • Total time until elevator departure: 01:10 (mm/ss)

Fifth floor

This floor will be dominated by security personnel, heavy infantry and grenade launchers.


  • The sniper takes a position in front of the elevator entrance and shoots the grenade launchers in a timely manner.
  • One medic watches the two portals at the table, while the rest of the group deals with the arriving enemies.

  • Total time until elevator departure: 01:30 (mm/ss)

Sixth floor

Where grenade launchers appeared on the previous floor (along the edges of the bridge), attack aircraft will appear on this level. Shield bearers will become opponents at the lower level.


  • Immediately after exiting the elevator, gather as a team in the right corner. The sniper shoots the emerging stormtroopers, and the rest of the group destroys the shield bearers, preventing them from getting too close.
  • Total time until elevator departure: 01:15 (mm/ss)

Seventh floor

On this floor, not only shield-bearing shooters, but also security personnel will emerge from the portals. No opponents are expected on the balcony.


  • The same as on the sixth floor.
  • Total time until elevator departure: 01:30 (mm/ss)

Eighth floor

The first, truly difficult level of special operations. Grenade launchers will only appear on balconies in several places; there will be no enemies on the lower level.


  • The group should be distributed behind the shelters: two snipers behind the first racks on the right and left to shoot the arriving grenade launchers at the top.
  • Medics sit down with snipers to restore health points.
  • Total time until elevator departure: 01:40 (mm/ss)

Ninth floor

The ninth level is very similar to the seventh, only security personnel and shield-bearing shooters will emerge from the portals, and stormtroopers and grenade launchers can appear anywhere on the balcony.


  • Immediately after exiting the elevator, the group gathers in the right or left corner (it doesn't matter at this stage). The sniper shoots the attack aircraft that appear on the top, and the rest of the soldiers destroy the guards.
  • Total time until elevator departure: 01:50 (mm/ss)

Tenth floor

On this floor you will meet almost all types of opponents: special forces soldiers, stormtroopers and snipers on the balcony; shield bearers and heavy infantry from portals.


  • At this level, it is better to split up: the medic and the sniper, after exiting the elevator, take a position on the left, and the remaining ones in the opposite direction. This way, snipers will promptly destroy enemies on the balcony, and doctors will cover the exits from the portals.
  • Total time until elevator departure: 02:10 (mm/ss)

Eleventh floor

An excellent opportunity to score a couple of dozen frags on security officers. Just don’t let them get too close, the difficulty of such bots is high and they will kill you in three hits.

  • Tactics: arbitrary.
  • Total time until elevator departure: 02:20 (mm/ss)

Twelfth floor

Special forces soldiers will appear on the balcony, and on the first level security officers, shield bearers and the level boss are waiting for you - Juggernaut.


  • After leaving the elevator, the group should be distributed: a medic and a sniper / an attack aircraft and a medic in one direction, and the rest in the other.
  • Look for cover behind flower beds and columns. The snipers shoot the fighters with the laser target, the rest cover the exits from the portals.
  • In order to complete the level, it is absolutely not necessary to kill Juggernaut. If you don’t want to bother, just wait until the elevator turns on.
  • You can destroy Juggernaut after the elevator turns on. The appearance of bots will stop, and he will be left completely alone.
  • Total time until elevator departure: 02:10 (mm/ss)

Thirteenth floor

The eighth floor was a warm-up. Constantly appearing grenade launchers are waiting for you at the top on both sides. No enemies are expected on the lower level.


  • Just like at the eighth level, two snipers take positions behind the shelves on the right and left. The level is very easy to complete if you quickly destroy the arriving enemy forces.
  • Medics take cover behind the central table, and periodically, after volleys of grenade launchers, they run up to the snipers and restore health points.
  • Total time until elevator departure: 02:10 (mm/ss)

14, 15, 16

At these levels you will find all the enemies you encountered earlier in this mission (except Juggernaut). Of course, all groups experience things differently. We only present the simplest passage tactics, which are the same for all three levels:

  • Two snipers get into the elevator, each of them takes his own side of the defense (right or left) and begin shooting enemies.
  • One medic heals himself and the snipers.
  • The remaining fighters stand at the entrance, destroying the approaching security personnel, shield bearers and heavy infantry.
  • Total time until elevator departure: 02:30 (mm/ss)

Seventeenth floor

It is considered the most difficult level of the entire mission. If you have passed this level, you can consider that the special operation has been completed. The most important thing at this level is correct actions each member of the group, because of the absurd mistake of one, the whole team can suffer. Fighters with LCCs, grenade launchers and heavy infantrymen will predominate here. Occasionally, a shield-bearing archer may appear.


  • We need to take positions before General Lee Wharton finishes his monologue. Immediately after this there will be a checkpoint and the appearance of opponents.
  • Choose your side in advance: gamers usually take the left side after exiting the elevator. We recommend taking the right one, since there is still a little more room for cover there.
  • Covers on this level include flower beds and two sofas. Not much.

  • Absolutely all fighters in the group must lie down so that the fighters with the laser do not shine their “searchlights” on them. Don't even try to get up during the battle; two precise hits from such an enemy will finish you off.
  • The first medic takes a position at the outermost portal and promptly eliminates the enemies appearing in it.
  • If there is an engineer class fighter in the group, the next point is just for him. He lies down facing the first medic and watches for enemies on the bridge. An infantryman who was not killed in time will get to the machine gun and kill the entire group. This place can be taken by a fighter of any other class.
  • The stormtrooper should take a position opposite the penultimate portal behind the flowerbed. His vision will immediately include two enemy exit points, which he controls until the end of the firefight.
  • The second medic goes behind the stormtrooper to restore his health points.
  • The last point is fundamental at this level. Usually it is occupied by a fighter of the “Sniper” class, but experienced units can also cope with an attack aircraft. The fighter’s task in this position is to shoot all enemies in sight. Many gamers make the mistake of starting to destroy the top bots on the opposite side. You should not do this: when you destroy all the “bug” bots on the balcony, they will begin to appear at the top from your team’s side. If this happens, the group will be broken up.
  • Total time until elevator departure: 02:50 (mm/ss)

Eighteenth floor

This level is a little easier than the previous one, but there is no need to relax. For three minutes you need to repel the attacks of numerous bots such as a shield-bearer-shooter, a security officer and a special forces soldier.


  • Proceed according to the principle of the previous level: the entire group heads to the right, occupying key positions.
  • A distinctive feature is a column, behind which a sniper or attack aircraft can stand, destroying enemy fighters on the opposite side.


After opening the elevator, you need to act very quickly since you will only have about 30 seconds to destroy the plane. All fighters who have smoke grenades throw them onto the platform, and two previously prepared fighters descend to the places where the RPG appears and shoot down the helicopter. The sniper or attack aircraft must remain on the stairs to destroy the arriving enemies from the portals at the top.

At this time, security officers will appear from the lower portals in large quantities. It was for them that we first threw smoke and flash grenades.

Three hits from an RPG are enough to bring down a helicopter. Be careful, if you miss more than five times, the helicopter will leave and the mission will fail.

After you destroy aircraft go back to the elevator. Mission completed. What a pity that the mission target remained in the building on the thirteenth floor.

In this guide we will describe complete walkthrough special operations " Black Shark» at the “Pro” difficulty level, we will give advice and highlight effective battle tactics. As in any of our guides, we will first highlight the optimal composition for passing, as well as equipment for each class.



Let us highlight the main effective compositions for successfully completing the operation at the maximum level of complexity:

  • Three attack aircraft, a medic, a sniper.
  • Three attack aircraft, a medic, an engineer.
  • Two attack aircraft, a medic, an engineer, a sniper.


  • Weapon: a large-caliber machine gun with a large supply of cartridges in the clip; gun of the gamer's choice; improved class equipment (ammo).
  • Equipment: combat/elite helmet and body armor. Gloves for quick reloading of main weapons (assault, Kevlar, elite, combat). Player's choice of boots.


  • Weapon: pump-action or semi-automatic shotgun with the ability to reload one cartridge at a time; improved class equipment (first aid kit, defibrillator).
  • Equipment: Combat/elite body armor. Gloves; boots and helmet of the player's choice.


  • Weapon: PP at the discretion of the gamer; improved class equipment (repair kit).
  • Equipment: combat/elite helmet. Gloves, boots and body armor are at the discretion of the player.


  • Weapon: semi-automatic sniper rifle; additional all-round mine.
  • Equipment: combat/elite helmet and body armor; Gloves for quick reloading of the main weapon (sniper gloves, Kevlar, elite, combat). Player's choice of boots.
  • When choosing weapons, remember that gold and crown weapons deal increased damage to zombies. It is also rational to use the “Zombie Killer” or “Punisher” weapon series.

Mission access

  • To access each mission, the gamer must pay one access token. These tokens are issued once a day for free, and if desired, they can be purchased for credits in the game store.
  • The gamer will be able to begin performing special operations on the “Easy” and “Difficult” difficulties already at the fifth rank.
  • Operations at the “Pro” difficulty level become available at rank ten and only after the gamer successfully completes a special operation at the previous difficulty level.


The Warface group arrives on the first floor of the Blackwood construction site. Don't rush - most teams make mistakes because they are in a hurry. Throughout the entire operation, actions must be coordinated and clear, otherwise you will not be able to conquer the “Pro” heights.

Go up the first stairs - enemies with grenade launchers and special forces will begin to appear on the upper levels on the left, while infantry will arrive from the opposite side. If they are not destroyed in a timely manner, they will cause considerable harm to the entire team. There is plenty of cover in this location: spread out behind them and eliminate the enemy. You should not advance further while there are living enemies.

All group members descend to further advance. A sniper may remain at the top, since the Moray turrets are not dangerous at long range. Following the Moray eels, the fighters will have to destroy two pairs of Cobra turrets. At this stage you need to be careful - to shoot the turrets, it is better for teammates to take a position in the dead zone of the combat mechanisms: attack aircraft can climb the stairs so that the turret is practically invisible. In this way, you need to destroy subsequent turrets. Don't forget about the grenade launchers on the balcony to the right and left.

The group destroys the infantry, and two pre-selected players climb the stairs and throw grenades into the hatch with the Porcupine. You need to have time to take cover before they start attacking. Around the turn to the left, several Cobra turrets will be waiting for the team - use the dead zones to deal with them.

First floor

On this floor, the team will encounter three waves of different types of enemies: grenade launchers on the balconies on both sides of the elevator, special forces soldiers and snipers on opposite buildings, as well as attack aircraft directly on the construction site. Wait until the enemies begin to arrive and take places behind the covers opposite them. You shouldn't stick your neck out too much, since the damage caused by bots at this difficulty level is very high.

The Stormtrooper class fighter takes a place behind the left cover after exiting the elevator so that the sides of the enemy attack, as well as the grenade launcher on the balcony, are in view. After the first wave, take positions behind the opposite covers. All actions on this wave are identical to the previous one. On the third wave, a small surprise awaits the group: now enemy infantry is arriving from both sides! The above-described attack aircraft does not leave its position, the rest are distributed as follows: a medic and a sniper help the attack aircraft on one side, the remaining two attack aircraft hold back the enemy onslaught from the opposite side.

Second floor

Blackwood fighters are not expected to appear on this floor, but in their place you will meet a horde of the living dead. It was for these floors that we advised taking crown, gold, or weapons from special series against cyberzombies. Take one corner to the right or left of the elevator (players' choice). Now the main thing is not to scatter around the floor, but to cover each other. If you sit opposite each other, you can easily shoot your teammates!

Coping with the first wave won't be much of a problem. The medic takes a position on the side to destroy the approaching zombies, and the stormtroopers must promptly replenish the ammunition of their teammates. Stay in this position until the terminal is activated.

Third floor

One of the difficult floors of the mission. General Lee Wharton advises not to poke around in the dark, but staying in the center of the room is an even worse idea. The fact is that on this floor there will be several waves of cyberzombies that will arrive from all directions. One effective tactic: exit the elevator and head as a team to the far right corner. This is the safest position of all, since it is in this corner that zombies spawn in very small numbers compared to others.

By the sound you can determine from which side the enemy will attack, and first throw a smoke grenade there. This way you can see the silhouettes of the undead and eliminate them at a safe distance. Each fighter performs his assigned task: the medic destroys the zombies that have picked up, the stormtroopers eliminate the dead at medium distance, and also promptly replenish the ammunition of their teammates.

Fourth floor

On this floor you will find several waves of Blackwood infantry on opposite buildings and cyberzombie attacks. The most important thing at this stage is to take the right positions. The attack aircraft and sniper take cover behind the nearby crates, they must hold back the cyberzombies on both sides. Two stormtroopers take seats opposite each other behind the far crates, and the medic lies down between them.

The enemy's infantry will constantly be replenished: ordinary attack aircraft will soon be replaced by special forces soldiers and soldiers. It is better not to disturb the grenade launchers on the lower levels - first deal with the waves of zombies and other enemy fighters. If one or another attack aircraft, holding back enemy attacks from nearby buildings, is distracted by reloading, a medic can cover him.

Fifth floor

There are only two types of enemies waiting for you here: grenade launchers and Kamikaze-type cyberzombies. One of the effective tactics on this floor:

  • The attack aircraft and sniper take positions behind the first two columns to shoot the emerging grenade launchers on the sides of the elevator and the kamikazes directly in front of it.
  • The remaining two attack aircraft use briquettes with building materials as cover and hold the top of the tower.
  • At this stage, the medic must constantly move, diverting the attention of enemies with the RPG to himself. When receiving damage, such a fighter will be able to restore health points without stopping distracting the enemy.
  • If one of the fighters is lazy and receives critical damage, it is best not to resort to the help of a medic, but to use the sign of return.

Sixth floor

Take positions behind cover relative to the arrival of the enemy - to the right or left. A lot of cybernetic zombies await you, as well as three Scolopendra turrets on each side. The sniper's primary task is to immediately destroy the turrets that appear. At this time, the stormtroopers take on all the undead. On this floor, try not to waste return signs - the medic must immediately revive dead teammates.

Seventh floor

Two attack aircraft take up positions at the end of the hall parallel to the elevator and turn away from each other so as not to cause damage when shooting. At this moment, people will start jumping into the room. After this, the entire group takes cover behind the right or left boxes. This is done so that all the zombies start attacking from one side, and do not scatter throughout the room.

The remaining two waves are absolutely identical in the number and type of bots, they will only pass from different directions. Position yourself behind cover: two attack aircraft do not allow cybernetic opponents to get close, an attack aircraft and a sniper eliminate the infantry in a timely manner. Fighters with laser target launchers and grenade launchers are especially dangerous - the sniper is recommended to destroy such opponents without delay.

Eighth floor

Four waves of opponents with different types of combat mechanisms await you. The first wave will start on the right: position yourself behind cover, you can first destroy the enemy infantry, and then switch to turrets. Try not to leave cover, as enemies deal a lot of damage, and Scolopendra turrets will kill you on the first hit. It is best to fire at mechanisms of this type using dead zones. Be careful: after the end of each wave, a grenade launcher will come out on the balcony to the right or left. After the last wave there will be several of them.

Ninth floor

The group should position themselves behind cover immediately after exiting the elevator. The Stormtrooper class fighter is located behind the bags against the wall on the right, the Stormtrooper and medic are behind the central column, and the remaining ones are behind the column on the left. Thus, all the fighters try to shoot the bots from their sides, and the medic, if necessary, changes his location to resuscitate or restore health points to his teammates.


The decisive stage of the special operation. We advise the entire group to take seats with right side(as seen from the elevator). Distribute yourself so as not to injure your comrade sitting in front of you. At the same time, the fighters “in the front row” should not make unnecessary movements so as not to get into the sights of their teammates positioned behind them. Don't forget to replenish your ammunition and that of your teammates. At this stage, the medic must shoot cybernetic zombies along with other teammates, and, if necessary, revive them.

Vladislav Shamshurov

Here the player is given a lot of opportunities.

Leveling up your character is quite exciting, thanks to a well-functioning system of daily missions, as well as many PVP modes.

One of the coolest adventures, incredibly spectacular, is the special operation “Black Shark”.

Let's find out all the features of the "Black Shark" in the Warface game.

New addition

The adventure is reminiscent of Assassination, the game's first serious co-op adventure. But then the players fought their way through the floors of the “White Shark,” which were well guarded by the local evil corporation Blackwood.

Now the corporation has decided to move its headquarters, and another high-rise building is called “Black Shark”. Her goal is to restore order on the planet.


  1. The structure of the supplement is similar to “Liquidation”. Again, a squad consisting of five players will have to travel by elevator. The difference is that there is no need to protect the floors separately - the elevator here jumps over several floors.
  2. There are ten levels in a special operation. At the same time, it seems that the squad is moving to the roof of a huge skyscraper. This is explained by the fact that all levels are different.
  3. At some levels you will fight closely and hide among the boxes scattered everywhere, at others you will have a long-range shootout. There are levels separated by partitions, and they begin to fall as you progress, thereby opening up new opponents and new zones.


Perhaps, here you will meet all types of opponents that are available in the Warface game - from turrets to zombies.

Moreover, this is the first special operation where Various types opponents are attacked simultaneously. While snipers in distant positions are trying to take out grenade launchers, the rest of the players are fighting off the zombies to prevent them from getting close.

Opponents are equipped with new techniques. For example, special forces can now descend on cables absolutely silently, and zombies can climb columns and walls.

Thanks to such features, the battles in Black Shark are unlike any others you have seen before.

Tips for passing

The Black Shark adventure has 3 difficulty levels. Each is designed for players with different skill levels.

In a special operation, it is important not to gape, no matter what your level of completion. On high levels In general, you should “keep your eyes open” - otherwise even a minimal mistake can become fatal.

The composition of the team for the special operation must be selected correctly. This also applies to combat tactics and the choice of weapons.

Change tactics almost constantly. The design is incredibly varied and this adds to the problems. After all, game situations are different on different floors, so be careful.

Black Shark is beautifully designed, and the adventure has some truly cinematic moments.

For example, fighters who jump into windows and begin an attack even before the broken glass begins to fall. If you follow the plot in Warface, then this is where you can find out how the previous PvE adventure ended.

The emotions from the special operation are truly off the charts. It has absorbed all the best that we have seen in previous gaming adventures.

If you are into PvE battles, start preparing. The adventure in Warface is promising, dynamic, exciting, although difficult. Wish you luck!

Target: place charges on the supports, climb onto the roof and leave the building.

Set the charges and then this damn shark will fold like a house of cards. We still don't know why Oberon decided to build a skyscraper in this wilderness. Any information will be useful - including from laptops and terminals. On upper floors something strange is happening, some sounds are coming from there.

Connect to the terminal, there is probably something valuable there. Oberon seems to have no idea how to control these creatures. Remember the last operation? Blackwood scientists screwed up the signal, as a result the so-called “super soldiers” turned into monsters and destroyed the base, and then the surrounding villages. Nothing has changed since then.

There are cells for prisoners on one of the floors, and recently someone was taken there. We'll have to stay late. It can not be! This is the Ice Peak team! They disappeared about a year ago. We need to get them out of here. Surely they have something to tell us. There's no way to open the doors from here. There must be a generator somewhere that supplies them with energy. We'll have to clear the floor and turn it off. These guys are the only ones who managed to get into the Siberian bunker. We lost contact with them immediately after that. Turn it off so we can get our guys out.

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