New Year's circus performance in kindergarten. Scenario of the New Year's matinee for the senior group: New Year's circus performance. New Year at the circus

Natalia Petrova
New Year's party "Circus" for the senior group

New Year's scenario« Circus» V senior group

(Children run to the music and stand scattered.)

Dance « New Year's signs» .

(After the dance they remain standing scattered).


A wonderful day is coming

New Year is coming to us!

A holiday of laughter and inventions,

Fairy tale holiday for children!


1 : On a noisy holiday, New Year

We gathered in an elegant hall.

Forest Christmas tree today

No one has ever seen anything more beautiful.

2 :Needles sparkle with gold,

And silver shines like rain.

And the forest smells, the pine trees are silent,

And today we are waiting for a miracle.

3 : What if her toys come to life?

Will a fox step out of the thicket towards us?

Forest animals will come running...

After all, we all believe in miracles!

4 : Snow is flying outside the windows,

Hastens towards the New Year,

And now the fairy tale comes to life -

Spin faster, round dance!

Round dance « Christmas story» .(“Under the new a year like in a fairy tale...")


There's a snowstorm across the field

And it circles and creeps,

Ahead of the carved sleigh -

Three fairy horses.

And she sits in the entryway

Beautiful Winter!

Dance "At the edge of the forest."

(After the dance, everyone freezes in place. Several children "whisper".)


What are you guys whispering?

What's your secret there?

1 :We want to arrange a surprise-

Nothing more surprising!

Leading: Is there a surprise here? That's interesting! What will you show us?

2 :Circus performance

We will show it to all guests!

3 :Everything is unusual today!

We're having great fun.

For guests and children

Circus Arrived at kindergarten!

4 :Listen, look All:

Let's start our parade!

Rebuilding to the march of M. Dunaevsky « Circus» .(They go to their place. They sit down.)


IN the circus is very good!

It's festive and bright everywhere!

Cheerful laughter rings here,

The Christmas tree is lush for everyone.

This is our stage -

It's called...

All: Arena!

Child: In every circus from the heart

They are greeted by kids.

They work miracles:

they say funny things

Tears flow like a fountain,

They tumble, they sing,

Faces are painted,

Performing... CLOWNS!

(Two clowns run out to the music.) "Dance of the Clowns".


1 :Once upon a time with moms

We are in went to the circus in winter.

2 :We saw a clown there

And we were very surprised!

1 :The clown was strong, brave,

I flew under the dome,

During the show

I laughed so hard!

2 :I'm more of a clown

Now I dream of becoming

And in circus in the arena

Perform at the Christmas tree!

1 :I'll be Bom the Clown today!

2 :And I am Clown Bim!

1 : Well, my dear brother Bim,

Let's surprise everyone now!

(Clowns jump on large balls to the music.)


Circus the show continues

The trainer is invited to the arena.

They run after her on their hind legs

Two artists in fashionable hats.

They stumble, they scream,

The tails are shaking finely.

(The trainer comes out to the music and the dogs run after her.)


1 :In a well-mannered dog

There's no time for a fight.

She needs to solve examples,

Jump over barriers

Bring balls in your teeth

Dance on two legs.

2 :We are dogs circus,

Smart and mischievous.


Come on, my friend, tell me, how much is 2+2?

(Barks 4 times. Doctor praises, treats)

Ball! What is 3+3?

Well done to us!

They can go to 1st grade!

Now please, dance

And amuse your guests!

"Dog Waltz".


Graceful kitty in circus performs,

He surprises us all with his amazing dance.

The cat comes out to the music. Carrying a mouse by the tail.


With the soft tread of a cat

New Year is coming to us.

I wish you all happiness,

A well-fed life without worries!

"Dance of the Cat".


Well, bravo! Circus we continue the program,

We invite strongmen to the arena!

Now we will introduce you

With cool strongmen

They play with weights

Like light balls!

(Strong men with weights and barbells come out to the music.)


1 : There are strong men in the arena!

Best in the world circus performers!

We throw weights

Like children's balls!

2 :Why is the giant strongman,

How is the baby playing ball?

Only to the giant strongman

This ball is on the shoulder!

The ball is wonderful, new,

One hundred kilogram!

"Strong Man Performance"

Clown runs out:

I can do that too! I'm also the strongest (Tries to lift a weight. Then - a second one.)


And I know who is the strongest in our hall! (calls dad, who presses the weight several times. Everyone counts. Another dad lifts the barbell.)


Circus we continue the program,

We offer rope performance.

In the arena there are ballerinas,

Like light fluffs

And they dance and twirl,

And at the same time they are afraid.

"Rope Dance".

Open the doors wider -

Performs in circus animals.

Meet the famous tamer and her trained tigers!


He's been going to the arena since morning training:

Predators jump into hoops deftly.

And the trainer himself for each jump

Throws a piece of sausage to the actors.


1 :I can throw a ball deftly

And jump into the hoop deftly.

I'm wonderful circus performer

I am a miracle of training!

2 :Loving art with all my soul,

I love the arena very much,

I let myself be trained

From morning until late at night!

"Performance by a trainer and tigers".


The rings fly higher and higher

Hoops, skittles, balls.

These are the jugglers who came out to the audience,

They are the most dexterous in the world!


1 :Circus performance

We will show you without any beauty!

2 :Musician, play the intro!

We work for you!

"Dance of the Jugglers"


The show ended -

Just to everyone's surprise!

All artists tried.

Let's give them our applause!

There's a song playing « Circus» performed by O. Popov. (The artists do a lap of honor, then bow and sit down.)


IN there are no vacancies at the circus,

Only who will give me answer:

Who's coming now big

With a long white beard?

Children: Father Frost!


Guys, it seems to me that Santa Claus is already close! Let's call him let's say:

Father Frost! Go quickly! IN the circus will be more fun! (speak 2-3 times.)

D.M.: I hear.

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter. D.M. stops in the center of the hall. When the music starts, the children stand around D.M., Snow Maiden stands in a circle with the children.)

Song “Who is this?”

Hello, kids, girls and boys!

Children: Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys!

Children: Hello, Snow Maiden!

I'm real Santa Claus

From a deaf, dense thicket,

Where there are spruce trees in the snowdrifts,

Where are the storms and blizzards,

Where the forests are dense

And the snow is loose.

Snow Maiden:

Happy New Year

Both hosts and guests,

We wish everyone happiness and good luck

And nice, clear days.

1 child: We were really waiting for you,

Santa Claus today.

It's good that you came

On holiday New Year!

We'll start a round dance,

We'll sing a song for you!

Round dance « New Year's song» ("We were looking forward to...")

Oh yes tree! Simply amazing!

So elegant and beautiful!

I've been to all the gardens -

I have never seen a better Christmas tree!


D.M., light the lights on the Christmas tree for us.

Come on, children, together let's say:“1,2,3, Christmas tree, burn!” (they say the lights come on.)

2 child: Come on, Christmas tree, stronger

Light up the lights!

Dear Grandfather Frost,

Play with your dreams!

3 child: Since you got caught in the circle-

Stay there!

You can't leave, Frost,

Don't break out!

A game “We won’t let you out!”

Let me go

cute children,

Because I love to dance

More than anyone else in the world!

Legs are shaking

They don't stand still.

So come on, friends,

Let's dance together!

“A bear walked through Greece” (at the end of the song D.M. loses his mitten.)

A game "Mitten". (at the end of the game D. M. dances.)

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather is tired, tired,

He danced very merrily.

Let him rest by the Christmas tree,

Who will read poetry to him?

Well done! You read poetry well.

And now it's time

Let us sing together, kids.

Song “There are freezing snowstorms outside”. (at the end they run away)

Snow Maiden:

Tricky question for you now

Grandfather Frost will ask.

Do you like to play snowballs? (Yes)

Do you like to lick snowballs? (No)

I don't advise you, brothers.

Overeat with snow porridge!

Snow Maiden:

Now we will play with you,

Let's find out who's the smartest!

Let's cook "Snow porridge"! (attraction)

Snow Maiden:

Now let's play in the snow,

We hit each other right!

"Snowball game"

Now take the snowballs

And put it in my bag.

You play snowballs well.

Can you guess the difficult riddles?

Snow Maiden:

D.M., what great guys, they solved all your riddles. And they also know a song about you. Really, guys?

A song about me? Sing, please.

Song "Hot time"

Snow Maiden:

Did Santa Claus play with the children?

Did you dance near the Christmas tree? (Yes)

Did you sing songs? (Yes)

Did you make the kids laugh? (Yes)

What else did he forget? (present)

Surprise "Living Bag"

Scenario of the New Year's party for children of the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten

Scenario for an interesting New Year's performance for a preschool educational institution. New Year's "circus performance" in kindergarten.

Children run into the hall to cheerful music and stop near the Christmas tree.


Hello, New Year's holiday,

Christmas tree and winter holiday,

All my friends today

We'll invite you to the Christmas tree!


We all feel very good

Have fun today

Because he came to us

New Year's holiday!


What is New Year?

New Year - frost and ice,

This is the laughter of merry friends,

This is dancing near the Christmas trees.


What is New Year?

This is a friendly round dance.

These are pipes and violins,

Jokes, songs and smiles.


Let's go near the Christmas tree

Let's start our own round dance.

Round dance "New Year is coming to us", music. V. Gerchik.


Everything is unusual today -

We're having great fun!

For guests and children

The circus came to kindergarten.

Listen and watch everything -

Let's start our parade!

The sound is "March" by I. Dunaevsky from the film "Circus". Children change formations in “fours” in front of the Christmas tree. Two leading children come out.

Boy(with a "butterfly").

The program begins

Hurry to the circus, friends!

Preschool children, fathers, mothers,

All the guys: you and me!


Here it is, our stage -

It's called an arena.

Attention! Attention!

Today is a circus, smiles, laughter

And the tree is lush for everyone.

This holiday

Let's sing a funny song!

Song "Circus tent", music. G. Lapshina, lyrics. P. Sinyavsky.

There is a round tent in the park,

A carpet was spread in the center of the tent,

No one wants to pass by -

Everyone is invited to the circus tent.


Here the horses dance squatting,

And dogs solve problems.

Everyone is having fun here, everyone is interested,

Please take a seat.

At the circus our hearts skip a beat,

If a trapeze artist flies,

At the circus, the clown makes the whole audience laugh,

Here even the dome shakes with laughter.


It's just eye-opening here

From colorful magical wonders.

How we like the circus tent,

Never forget the circus tent!


Then again, to the “March” of I. Dunaevsky, the children disperse and sit on chairs. Two children come out - “drummers”.


There are no empty seats in the circus,

Just give me the answer:

Who should come big,

With a long white beard?

Children. Father Frost!


Let the drum rumble -

We ask Santa Claus to come to us!

"Drummers" perform rolls on the drums. Then a Russian folk melody sounds and Father Frost comes out.

Father Frost.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all the children!

Come on, hold hands,

Get into the circle quickly

We will sing and dance,

Celebrate the New Year at the circus!

Round dance "Like Grandfather Frost" to the melody "Oh, you canopy."

Here's a beard.

Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha, (grab the stomach)

Here's a beard.

Like Santa Claus (walking in a circle)

These are the mittens (show palms)

Hee hee hee, ha ha ha,

These are the mittens.

Like Santa Claus (walking in a circle)

These are the boots.

(They stop, put their foot on the heel, turn their toe.)

Hee hee hee, ha ha ha,

These are the boots.

Like Santa Claus (walking in a circle)

What a wearer! (show "nose")

Hee hee hee, ha ha ha,

What a wearer!

Father Frost.

Ah, they decided to tease me.

Come on, show me your hands, ears, nose -

Santa Claus will freeze everyone.

Children run to their seats and sit on chairs. From behind the tree one hears: “Ay-ay!”

Father Frost.

Quiet, I'll listen one more time!

Snow Maiden(because of the Christmas tree). Grandfather!

Father Frost(knocks with staff).

One two Three!

Snow Maiden, come out!

The Snow Maiden comes out, dancing.

Snow Maiden. Hello guys!

Hello, grandpa!

Hello, guests!

I was in a hurry to go to the circus for the Christmas tree

And I hurried the snowflakes,

I'll show you a trick -

There's snow in the hall.

Hey you cute snowflakes

My little stars,

Get whirled around in a blizzard,

White snow carousel!

Girls perform a snowflake dance.

Father Frost.

It suddenly became so bright

Everything around is white and white!


Nice and white

Our winter is winter!

Children perform the song “Crystal Winter”, music. A. Filippenko, lyrics. G. Boyko.


Grandfather Frost, today the circus at the Christmas tree is here -

It's time to light the Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden.

Grandfather, show me the main trick -

Light up the Christmas tree with lights!

Father Frost.

Well, take a closer look,

Say loudly together:

One two Three,

Christmas tree, shine!

Knocks the staff 3 times. The tree lit up with lights.

Father Frost.

Our tree is the best in the world,

Are you happy, dear children?!


The Christmas tree glows with lights,

Have fun with us!

Children sing any song about the Christmas tree. Then they take their seats.

Father Frost.

Well, let's continue the circus program,

We offer a strongman performance.

“Strongmen” with weights come out to the “March”.

1st strongman.

There are strong men in the arena,

The best circus performers in the world!

2nd strongman.

We throw weights

Like children's balls!

The strongmen's number is performed.

Snow Maiden.

Open the doors wider -

Animals perform in the circus!

The trainer comes out with the "bear".

Bear(child in suit).

I'm a very good bear -

Clap your hands for me!

Performs the "Bear" dance.


Misha loves on New Year's Day

Very tasty sweet honey.

Father Frost.

There will be honey for you, Misha,

If you find it.

Game with a blindfolded bear, "Find the jar of honey."

Snow Maiden.

And now the penguin is performing -

Citizen of the polar ice floes.

Penguin rides boldly

On a circus bike.

A child dressed in a penguin costume rides out on a children's bicycle. He circles the tree, gets into a pose, raises his hand up.

Penguin. Up!

It is proposed to perform the "Penguins" dance.

A trainer comes out with a large stuffed elephant. The leader lays out the rope.

Circus performance for older preschoolers

To the music of “Parade Alley,” the children enter the hall and change formation. Finally, they stop facing the audience in pre-planned places facing the audience. Following the children, the clowns Iriska and Klepa enter
Klyopa: Here, here, quickly
We'll have a circus here!
The show will begin
Fun now!
Toffee: There will be different animals here
And magic tricks and strongmen!
We call our parents and children
Hurry to the New Year's circus!
1 child: Surprises are prepared
Songs, jokes – just great!
2nd child: And today the circus is fun
He will light his fires for you!
3rd child: Let's say together: “One, two, three!
Children together: Circus light up your lights!
Children repeat the words in chorus. The circus garland lights come on. The end of the song “Circus, circus, circus!” sounds. - children line up in a common circle and stop in front of the Christmas tree.
1 child: Here we are at the circus New Year
It will bring a lot of joy!
Our miracle circus sparkles with lights.
It's like he wants to dance with us!
2nd child: It's snowing outside the window.
Fluffy snow, New Year's.
Happy New Year to everyone, everyone, everyone
Congratulations today!
3rd child: There are guests in the hall, we are glad to see them,
The Christmas tree has grown again!
Surprises us with her outfit,
If only you could dance with us!
4th child: The tree is full of new toys,
And the balls on it shine,
Our tree Happy New Year
Congratulations to all the guys!
5th child: And we can’t sit either -
We love to have fun!
The tree of our songs is waiting,
Let the round dance spin!
6th child: We will sing, dance, have fun,
Let's dance around the Christmas tree.
Let our Christmas tree sparkle with lights,
Let's light all the lights to the top!
Clowns: Once! Two! Three!
Christmas tree - Christmas tree, shine!
Children repeat, the garlands on the Christmas tree light up
Children take their seats
7th child: Dear viewers,
Children and parents!
With your permission
Let's start the show
Klepa drags a very heavy weight with effort
Klyopa: Oh, I’m tired, I could barely drag it.
Toffee (trying to move the weight to no avail):
Wow! Heavy! Maybe one of the guys can lift it?
1 child: We are strong guys
2nd child: We bend iron into rolls
3rd child: We throw the weights up,
Together: We are no stronger in the world!
Toffee: Public favorites, the most famous strongmen of the world………names
Meet us!
MINIATURE: “Strong Men”
Music from the film "Gentlemen of Fortune"
Attributes: Klyopa, I have a surprise for you.
Klyopa: Which one?
Toffee: Will you guess my riddle first?
Running on their hind legs
Two artists in fashionable hats
They stumble and scream
Little tails are shaking!
Klepa: Butterflies! Their wings are trembling.
Depicts “wings”
Toffee: Not wings, but tails!
Children: Dogs!
A dog is heard barking, and dog cubes are placed in the arena.
The clowns come up to the dogs and pet them.
Klyopa: And dogs can also count. Ugh, count your nose! (barks once) Butterscotch: Guff. count your tail! (Barks once)
Klyopa: Ah, how many eyes do you have? (barks twice).
Toffee: Guff, how many paws do you have? (Barks 4 times)
Klepa and Iriska (together):
Af and Gaf, how much hair is there in wool? (Barks many times)
Klyopa: Give the dogs a pat - they tried really hard!
8th child: What is New Year?

Is this a friendly round dance?
This is the laughter of happy guys
Near all the decorated Christmas trees!
9th child: The one who wants to be cheerful,
It turned out to be New Year -
May you be with us today
He will sing a snow song!
SONG: “WINTER” by Devochkina
Presenter: The children all came to the Christmas tree.
Guests are here, but here's a question:
Where does our merry wander?
Good Santa Claus?
It's time for him to come
He was delayed on the way
Santa Claus: Aw! Aw!
Do you hear me calling you?
He listens, there is no answer.
Clowns: Guys, let's call Santa Claus together.
The children call Santa Claus, and Alice the Fox and Basilio the cat appear instead. The clowns go behind the tree, the tree goes out.
Fox: Let the lame disabled person, eyeless poverty, Cat Basilio through!
Cat: We were frozen in the cold. It's so cold here in the Country of Fools!
Fox: We are looking for a large tree to cut down, melt and warm ourselves.
Cat: Oh, look Alice, here is the tree. Large, branchy - lots of firewood
it will work out.
Lisa: Look, it's dressed up. Balls on it, lanterns.
Cat: Don't worry, we'll cut down the tree now. Let's collect these balls, make beads and
Let's sell them in the Land of Fools.
Lisa: And we will have money.
Cat: How will we divide the money? Again, will you give me two gold pieces and three for yourself? It's not fair!
Fox: Wait, you, Basilio, don’t rush. First we need to cut down this tree. Where
They look around, looking for a saw. They find fallen beads under the tree, begin to pull them in different directions, saying: “I found this!” These are my! Give it back!”
Presenter: Robbers! Tramps! What a shame!
Soon Santa Claus will come
Oh, someone will get it!
Lisa: I beg you, be silent.
You don't talk about us!
Presenter: To warm up, you don’t have to damage the trees, you can dance happily.
Cat: Well, teach me!
Presenter: And in general, we have a circus performance today. Do you know anything?
Cat: Of course, even though I’m blind, I can show tricks.
Fox: I'm a cunning fox
I also love magic tricks
I'll outwit whoever you want.
Cat: We warmed up a little.
Lisa: Now it’s time to hit the road.
Bye everyone, it's time for us to go
Happy New Year kids!
Basilio the cat and Alice the Fox leave.
Presenter: Where is Grandfather Frost?
He was delayed on the way
It's time for him to come!
10th child: Snowfalls and blizzards,
They could have led him astray
Deep snowdrifts in the forest
They lay down at grandfather’s feet.
11 child: Then he's definitely lost,
Our circus horses
I'll call my grandfather to help.
(Calls) You horses, hurry up,
Help Santa Claus!
There is a trainer in the center of the circle. He has colorful ribbons in his hands, the horses hold on to the ribbons and perform movements. After the dance, the girls run away from the hall and return with Santa Claus - “riding on a sleigh.” The first three girls hold an arc with bells. Santa Claus holds the reins.
Father Frost: Hello guys,
Dear grandchildren (children answer)
I made my way to you through the snowstorms,
Finally reached the goal.
And I thought of one thing:
I dreamed of going to the circus for a long time,
And the desired hour has come,
I'm very glad to see you!
Happy New Year!
I wish you happiness and joy
Turns to the tree:
Your Christmas tree is amazing
And fragrant and beautiful
Presenter: Only the sad one stands
The lights don't sparkle!
Father Frost: Let's fix this problem,
Let's make all the lights shine!
He speaks slowly, confidently:
My magic staff
Stand on your heels.
Strikes the floor with his staff.
Stomp once and spin...
Spinning around with a staff, showing them the tree
Come on, Christmas tree, light up!
The lights on the tree light up
Father Frost: Come on, circus people
Join the round dance!
Because in our circus...
All children together:
New Year! New Year!
Similar to the game “Pass the Mitten”
The children sit down.
Father Frost: Which circus performer will still amuse grandpa? Who will surprise the old man?
Presenter: Come on, tigers come out,
Surprise Santa Claus!
Father Frost: Guys, aren't you afraid of frost?
12th child: We are not afraid! We don't mind the cold!
We are not afraid of the cold!
We dance and sing
We have a lot of fun!
Father Frost: So you're not afraid? But I'll check it now!
Children stand near the chairs, Santa Moreau leads his staff close to the children’s feet. The children are jumping up and down.
Father Frost: Oh, I haven't played like this for a long time!
Oh, how tired grandfather is!
Presenter: Sit down, grandpa, relax,
Yes, listen, look,
And the guys will have a rest,
They will read poetry for you.
Children read New Year's poems.
Santa Claus: Oh yes, well done!
13 Child: We were waiting for you, Santa Claus,
We'll see you for the evening,
How happy everyone is
New Year's Eve!
Presenter: You are such a great guy, you know how to joke, and you play happily with children. And here
can you dance?
Father Frost: Oh, it’s as easy as shelling pears,
One or two and you're done!
Presenter: Well, then at our Christmas tree
Let's all dance together!
Santa Claus: Oh yes, well done, Santa Claus was amused and he deserved his gifts!
Clowns, come on, help, give gifts to everyone!
Children - clowns - come out from both sides.
Presenter: Well, Grandfather Frost
You made us laugh to tears.
Where did you put the gifts, remember?
Father Frost: Look how much snow there is under your Christmas tree
We'll do a little magic
Let's blow on the snow together...
Let the snow sparkle and sparkle.
Let them turn into gifts!
Knocks with a staff:
Let's shovel the snow under the tree
And we will find gifts there!
Adults remove the blanket, children see gifts. Santa Claus distributes gifts.
Father Frost: He gave gifts to everyone,
Have you forgotten anyone?
Children answer:
Time moves forward
The New Year has arrived!
Grow strong and healthy
And play a little bit,
It's time for me to go on a long journey
Goodbye, kids!
Santa Claus is leaving.
1 Presenter: Well, friends, it's time for us,
He goes home.
2 Presenter: Our circus was a great success,
You guys are great
Real artists
Circus performers and brave men!
1 Presenter: I wish everyone fun
Happiness, joyful troubles!
Well, believe me, Santa Claus
Will come back to us in a year!
Children leave the hall to cheerful music

(Children run into the hall to the music from two entrances, crossing diagonally, form a round dance and dance around the Christmas tree).


Our dear guests! We hasten to congratulate everyone.

May good luck and success come to you in the coming year!

May it be for you, good people who are not afraid of worries,

It will be not just a new year, but a happy new year!

1. Happy New Year! Happy New Year! With a song, a Christmas tree, a round dance!

With beads, firecrackers, new toys!

2 . How beautiful it is in our hall, we invited guests here.

All the people are having fun - we are celebrating the New Year!

3 . Soon our beloved Santa Claus will be with us,

He will not forget anyone, he will bring a cartload of gifts.

4. Dads, moms are with us, we are celebrating the New Year!

It will bring both adults and children a lot of happiness!

5. And today, on a wonderful day, we will start a round dance,

Let's sing together a song, hello, hello, New Year!

Round dance “Winter song” (sleigh)

6. There are garlands, beads and balls hanging on our Christmas tree.

They sparkle and shine for adults and children.

7. The lights began to blink and the Christmas tree smiled.

And she straightened every needle.

8 . You dressed up amazingly, so elegant, so beautiful,

All in toys, lanterns, gilding and lights!


Let the tree burn today, let it sparkle at this hour

Together, in chorus, amicably, loudly

We'll light it up now

Let’s say together “One-two-three, our Christmas tree is on fire!”

The Christmas tree does not light up.

Presenter: For some reason our Christmas tree isn’t lighting up, let’s say these words:

One two three four five

Once! We'll join hands ( join hands)

Two! Let's knock softly ( knocking their feet on the floor)

Three! Let's smile at each other ( smile at each other)

Four! Let's be silent for a minute

Five! Let's prepare our hands

Six! And let’s clap: “One, two, three!”

Seven! Let's say together:

“Our Christmas tree, burn!”


Let's hold hands together and walk around the Christmas tree.

Let's smile at our dear guest and sing a song joyfully!

Song "Herringbone"

All children sit on chairs. Two children remain near the Christmas tree and whisper.


What are you guys whispering?

What's your secret there?

We want to arrange a surprise

Nothing more surprising.


Is there a surprise here? That's interesting

What will you show us?

Children together

Circus performance

We will show it to all guests! (sit on chairs)


Look, look, the lights are coming on,

And this is where the show truly begins.

Look at this miracle! Our Circus lights up!

We will sing and dance and celebrate the New Year at the circus.


There are no free places in the circus, just give me the answer:

Who should come big, with a long white beard?

Children: Father Frost!


He will definitely come and bring gifts.

In the meantime, we are not bored. Let's start the circus show!

Listen, watch everything -

Let's start our parade alley!



In the circus the music doesn't stop today,

The cheerful clown entertains everyone.

Two clowns run into the hall to the sound of a cheerful tune.

Bom:(Joyfully) Bam!

Bim:(Surprised) Bom!

Bom: How glad I am to see you!

Bim: And I’m even more happy! (hug)

Presenter: Clowns, say hello to the audience.

Bom: Where are the bagels? What kind of bagels?

Presenter: Here is the audience!

A! Public! Bow to you, dear viewers!

Would you like to laugh?

Where did you buy it, sir?

That red tomato?

Amazing question!

This is my own nose!

Red-haired, freckled clown - stroke themselves on the head, show freckles,

The guys really like it. - three claps

Nose like a red tomato. - stroke your nose alternately with your hands

And there is enthusiasm in his eyes. - using hands to depict eyes and clap eyelashes - fingers

Tears flow like a faucet - " collect tears in the palm of your hand

In multi-colored pockets. – show palm-to-hip pockets.

And in your pockets, here and there, - The hands are folded into a “bud”, raised up, and the “petals” open.

Red roses are growing.

Now he cries, now he laughs, - index fingers vertically to the eyes, then to the lips.

Either he is kind, or he fights, - stroke their hands, then throw their fists forward.

Oh, how clumsy he is - hands on the belt, body tilts left and right.

But that’s how everyone needs him. – arms are crossed on the chest, to the sides and on the belt.

What, are you tired of sitting on a chair?

Look, look, look

And there they completely fell asleep. (laughs)

To shake yourself up, don't yawn

Let's dance together.

Dance “Ice Palms”


The performance continues, to everyone's surprise!

In an arena filled with wild hurricane winds

Circus horses rush as if in pursuit.


We are not easy horses, we are circus horses!

We love to run and jump, no one can catch us!

"Dance of Circus Horses"


Attention! Attention!

The cowboys have come to us

They make people happy.

They gallop dashingly and are ready

Surprise everyone of course

"Cowboy Dance"

Bom: Can you tell me the next number? ?

Presenter: Here, take the program.

Gymnasts twirl hoops in colorful attire.

If the number was good, you clap your hands.

Dance exercise on trampoline

(Bom runs out screaming).

Oh oh oh. Theft! Guard, robbery, disappearance!

The thief sneaked in early in the morning! He stole everything from his pocket.

Stop, Bom, shut up! Shut up, don't shout!

You can’t live without deception, you don’t have a pocket!

Bom: How! Why didn't you say it before? Guard! Pocket stolen!!!

Bim: Again you got everything mixed up. What is it, what happened?

Bom: I lost the circus program according to which I announced the acts.

Bim: What to do now? Now let's have an intermission, and then figure out how to find the program.

Bom: Intermission!

Bim: The children will play during intermission!

A game

Bom: Oh oh oh. The intermission is over and we haven’t found the program, what are we going to do?

Bim: Or maybe the Snow Maiden will help us find the program? You need to call her loudly: “We call you Snow Maiden, come quickly, we are waiting!”

(Clowns repeat words, attracting children).

The Snow Maiden enters to the music .

Snow Maiden.

Just before the New Year from the land of snow and ice

I’m in a hurry to visit you here with Grandfather Frost.

Everyone is waiting for me for the holiday, everyone calls me Snegurochka.

Hello, kids, girls and boys!

With new happiness! Happy New Year! Happy new joy to everyone!

Let your wishes come true! And great success will come!

Hey, Snow Maiden - master of white snow, sister

Help the clowns and find the program.

Snow Maiden.

1,2,3,4,5 – we begin to search.

You go to the right (to the clowns). You go left.

When you hear noise and knocking, the program is here!

The clowns are looking, as soon as they meet, the children clap and stomp, and as they disperse, they sit quietly. One time - the clowns look behind each other, shrug their shoulders, another time - they search each other. At the end they find the program.

Snow Maiden:

Well done boys. And now, friends, I will continue!

I announce the next issue of our program!

The circus has arrived, the circus has arrived

And under the dome of the arena

They want to dance Charleston!

Dance "Charleston"

The clowns run in and start playing

Game "Caps". Two identical paper caps are tied together with a thin thread and placed on top of each other. Bom puts the cap on his head. Bim also wants one. He approaches Bom, takes the cap off his head, and puts it on for himself, not seeing that Bom still has the same cap on his head. The cap falls off Bom's head. Bum runs for his cap, puts it on his head, and at this time the cap falls off Bim. So the game is repeated several times. The Snow Maiden resolves the dispute between Bim and Bom, breaks the thread and puts caps on the heads of both clowns. Bim and Bom hug joyfully.


What a circus, what a surprise! But we'll interrupt the show!

Footsteps are approaching... I don’t understand, whose are they?...

Stealthily and whispering, they enter the hall Felt boots.

Voluminous felt boots made of foam rubber. Inside each is a child, a hat on his head, a scarf on his neck, and mittens on his hands.

Father Frost enters the hall to the cheerful song “Musical Santa Claus.”

Father Frost:

Hello guys!

Hello, dear guests!

Hello Snow Maiden

Where did my felt boots go?

Oh, there are so many people, and I’m barefoot.

That's a shame.

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather, don’t worry, your felt boots will be found. Let's congratulate everyone on the holiday!

Father Frost:

Granddaughter, what are you saying, how can I celebrate a holiday in slippers? Yes, I won’t go to a party without felt boots! Until you find felt boots, don’t even call. Am I your Santa Claus or who? (leaves)

Snow Maiden:

Dear children, our guests, we have lost our felt boots,

Maybe you've seen them? (wait for the guests' response) (everyone is looking)

What to do? Shouldn't we call the police? Well, let them search! (calls) Hello, police? Santa Claus's felt boots are missing, we can't find them without you, please come as quickly as possible!

Policeman enters

Police officer:

Did you call the police?


They called, our felt boots were missing! We can't find it anywhere!

Police officer:

Don't worry, citizen, we'll find you. Come on, citizens, spectators, show your legs! (not finding felt boots, he says). So, citizens, it is clear that this is a dark matter.

(He sees the tracks, goes behind the screen and speaks from there)

Here they are, my dears! (everyone goes out together to the music).

They are knocked off their feet here, they are looking for them, and they are rolling down the hill with snowflakes. Snow Maiden, call Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden: What if these weren’t his felt boots, his felt boots were magical! They could not only speak, but also sing.

Police officer:

Let's check it out! Hey, you runaways can sing? (felt boots nod).

Well, sing and we’ll listen.

Valenki sing ditties

1. We started playing with the snow,

The holiday is already here!

Oh, probably, we got it from Grandfather,

It will come from Frost!

2. Grandfather is tired and before lunch

Lie down on the bench, lie down

And we quietly from Grandfather

Let's run off for a walk!

3 . Don't look what we have

The mittens are too small!

We were made to order,

We are big boots!

4. We shouldn’t be singing,

Are we stomping in vain?

Why in this room

No one claps for us?!

Snow Maiden: It was them, I recognized them by their voice.

Police officer: Then why are we standing, let's go to Santa Claus (they leave)

Santa Claus comes to the music

Father Frost:

Dear friends, my felt boots have been found!

Happy new year, happy new year

Congratulations to all the guys!

Let the songs sound joyfully under this firmament!

Walked through storms and blizzards,

To achieve your goal.

And I thought of one thing:

I dreamed of joining the circus for a long time.

The desired hour has come,

I'm very glad to see you!

Come on, circus people,

Stand together in a round dance!

“New Year’s round dance” (“Hello winter, winter”)

Father Frost:

Aren't you afraid of frost? Beware, beware, as soon as I blow or whistle, I’ll blow frost in an instant. Come on, show your hands and put them back, I’ll freeze anyone I touch, but only in jest!

Game "I'll freeze"

Father Frost:

What a fun circus show you have, but I’m not an ordinary Santa Claus. Not only can I give out gifts, but I can also perform in the circus.

Bim: What can you do?

Father Frost: Yes, I'm a wizard! And now I’ll delight you with some magic tricks.

Magician's music sounds

Focus 1 “Water – water”

Father Frost:

Look - one-two-three

These banks are in front of you

There's emptiness inside them

The Snow Maiden brings water, pours it into jars, closes them with lids on which a little watercolor paint has been previously applied.

Father Frost:

You are water, water,

You are my beautiful friend

Become water-water

Not simple, but red

Shakes a jar with a red lid - the water turns red

Father Frost

You are water, water,

My friend you are cold

Become water-water

Not simple, green

He takes a jar with a green lid, shakes it - the water turns green.

Father Frost

You are water, water,

Light as frost

Become water-water

Not simple, but blue

He takes a jar with a blue lid, shakes it - the water turns blue.

The water was colorless

And it became colorful

Focus 2 “Magic Box”

Father Frost:

Here is my magic box. Let the Snow Maiden take out handkerchiefs of any color from it. I will turn away, close my eyes and guess what color the Snow Maiden’s handkerchief is. She stands sideways to the audience and children, raising the scarf of her choice high. The clown plays and helps D.M.

(the color of the scarf is suggested to Santa Claus by the first letter of his question).

TO what color is this scarf? Red.

WITH Tell me, grandpa, this scarf... Blue.

Z guess what color... Green..

AND The children want to know what color this scarf is. Yellow.

He comes out with an empty bag.

Father Frost.

I'll tell you a secret -

Nothing here yet

Answer, children together,

What do we need to find in the bag?


Father Frost:

I'll open my bag... Just be quiet, that's it... keep quiet!

We'll do a little magic, let's blow on the bag together,

Let's clap our hands and stamp our feet!

One, two, three - look at the gift. (takes out an egg)

Bim: Santa Claus, are you kidding?

Snow: Grandpa, what's going on?

Father Frost:

The witchcraft did not work...

An egg fell into my hands,

Oh, where is it taking me?

There's a lot going on in the hall.

(Misses the egg)

What's happened? What's happened?

Oh, (grabs his head) the egg rolled away.

(scolds himself)

Well, what did you do old?

You missed the egg!

Calm down, Santa Claus,

Don't worry and keep your nose up...

Now I'll catch the egg

I will definitely return to the gym.

(runs out the door) (from behind the door)

Wait, wait. Caught up with!

Do you hear, grandpa, I caught it!

It's very difficult for me to carry

Bim, hurry up, help me.

(Bim and Bom roll up a big egg)

Father Frost:

And the egg has grown,'s heavy.


Quiet…. (finger to mouth)

Someone is knocking on it

Santa Claus, he's grumbling there...

(a knock and growl is heard from the egg, Drakosha comes out)

Bim: What kind of forest animal is this?

Snow: We don't know each other!

The Dragon:

I am the Dragon, now it’s my turn!

I'll be in charge all year!


Oh, what a terrible beast you are,

What should we do now?

How to protect yourself from fire?

We urgently need water.

Father Frost:

Our Drakosha is a dear friend,

will not offend us, of course!

You are our guest of honor, and I give you the title of symbol of the year!

Wear it all year long!

The Dragon:

Well, thank you! It is so sweet! I will try to justify the trust and be a good symbol! Kind and honest!

Together with you, I am Drakosha!
So it will be a good year!
We will sing and dance.

We will continue the holiday.

Dance "Dragon - Rock"

The Dragon:

I just have a question:

Why are you sad, Santa Claus?

Father Frost:

Looks like I'm getting old, friends...

No gifts, kids.

The Dragon:

Look into the shell

Put the smile back on your face...

(D.M. looks in and takes out gifts)

Bim: Hooray! I see gifts...

Father Frost: Happy New Year to you, friends!

The Dragon:

I promise you, friends,

What next year

Only joy and love

(Gift distribution).

Father Frost. Well, kids, be healthy, live together, without worries.

Snow Maiden. And don’t be bored, we will come back to you again in exactly one year.

The Dragon:

I promise you, friends,

What next year

Only joy and love

I'll bring it with me.


Our New Year's circus performance is over.

They performed in the arena, everyone tried very hard,

So that the guests in our hall laugh merrily.

Goodbye, goodbye, we will come to you again!

And today, clap for us goodbye!

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