New Year's fortune telling: for wish fulfillment and for love. Simple and truthful fortune telling for the Old New Year: for the future, marriage, money, wish fulfillment

On the eve of the New Year, every person dreams of a miracle. I really want the fairy tale to come true and my most cherished desires to come true. According to legend, it is on New Year's Eve that the future opens before us. This is a good time to tell fortunes about fate, betrothed, love and money. There are a lot of ways to do this. We have selected for you the most truthful fortune telling for the New Year.

Before you start guessing, you need to remember that the likelihood of predicting the truth increases if you take it seriously. Any fortune-telling rituals love complete immersion and silence. That is why if the New Year is celebrated in a noisy company, it is worth postponing fortune telling for Christmas or the old New Year. Since ancient times, it has been believed that the likelihood of receiving a correct prediction increases if there is a cat in the house at that moment. The main thing is to believe in the ritual being performed and then everything will work out.

But, the most important thing is not to overdo it or go too far. If you are not satisfied with the result obtained in some way, you should not just believe in fortune telling. In this case, it is best to treat the ritual as a fun pastime. In addition, if you have ever attended a reception with a real fortune teller, you could hear that there are times when cards or otherworldly forces simply do not want to “speak,” and it does not matter at all how complex or simple the ritual was.

If by chance you have discovered the ability to look into the future, and soon all the predictions begin to come true, it is best to stop. They say that excessive passion for such things can lead to not the most pleasant consequences - the future can be guessed. There is an opinion that the future could have been the way it was seen, but as a result of constant interference in it, dramatic changes occurred. Therefore, you should not get too carried away with going to fortune-tellers or astrologers.

It is worth remembering that not all fortune telling can be used by inexperienced beginners, since many of them are truly dangerous. During the New Year holidays, you can use fortune telling on cards or with a variety of objects. The fact is that this particular time is considered open to otherworldly forces that can tell about the future. Today, a large number of different fortune tellings are known, and it is also worth paying attention to dreams you had on a festive night. There is a belief that it is a dream that determines the future for the coming year.

Fortune telling for the New Year for love

For fortune telling you will need a Christmas tree. It is important that the forest beauty is decorated and stands in all weapons. You will also need an assistant who should blindfold you and give you a good spin. After this, go to the Christmas tree and remove the first toy you come across. After removing the bandage, pay attention to the color of the toy:

  1. White. Personal life will remain unchanged.
  2. Black. Unhappy love and a broken heart lie ahead.
  3. Red. You will meet your soulmate.
  4. Green. To the stormy passions that you will experience on New Year's Eve.
  5. Purple. Relationships with your loved one will cool down.
  6. Silvery. To meet a rich groom.
  7. Golden. Next year you will get married.
  8. Pink. Meet a man who will become your lover and friend.
  9. Blue. To quarrels and jealousy.
  10. Yellow. To separation from a loved one.

Fortune telling for the New Year 2018 for the betrothed

To find out who will become your husband, you need to tell fortunes for your betrothed for the New Year. This is not difficult to do. Fill a small bowl with water and place it under the bed. Place a wooden stick on top of it. Before going to bed say:

“Betrothed come to me in a dream, take me across the bridge.”

After that, don't talk to anyone. In your dream you should see your future spouse.

Fortune telling for the New Year for the betrothed on cards

There are several ways to tell fortunes on New Year's Eve using cards. One of them is to put the king of diamonds under your pillow and say before going to bed:

“The betrothed one appears to me in a dream.

Show yourself to me, the betrothed."

Which guy you see in your night dreams will become your beloved.

There is a fortune telling like this, but in this case four kings are placed under the pillow at once. In the morning you need to put your hand under the pillow and, without looking, pull out the first card you come across. Here's what each king means:

  1. Bubnovy. Your spouse will be a young man whom you want to see in this role. The marriage will be long and happy.
  2. Chervovy. Your beloved man will become your spouse, but you will have to fight for his favor, as a rival will stand in your way. There is a possibility that in the future the husband will walk to the left.
  3. Cross. The spouse will be a business person, for example, an entrepreneur, a military man or a man holding a senior position.
  4. Peak. The meaning is twofold. A respectable man who is either much older than you in age or occupies a high position in society can become a husband. Also, the king of spades can indicate a jealous husband or a miser.

Fortune telling for the New Year with money

For this fortune telling you will need four glasses of water. Put a spoonful of salt in one, sugar in the second, a ring in the third, and bread in the fourth. If you are guessing with an assistant, then ask him to blindfold you and swap the glasses. If you happen to perform the ritual alone, then blindfold yourself and turn around your axis three times, then go to the table and take the first vessel you come across.

Taste the water. The interpretation of fortune telling depends on what exactly was in the glass:

  1. Sugar. You will be incredibly lucky all next year. You will work fruitfully and have fun.
  2. Salt. The year will be difficult: the financial situation will be shaken, health problems, quarrels with loved ones and discord with a loved one are possible.
  3. Ring. Unmarried girls and single guys will have a wedding, married girls will have family happiness and the birth of a child.
  4. Bread. Next year you will strengthen your financial situation. There is a chance of receiving an inheritance or winning a big jackpot in a gambling game.

Fortune telling for the New Year for the future

To find out what awaits you next year, this fortune telling will help you. The only condition is that it must be frosty outside. On New Year's Eve, you need to pour water on a small mirror and go outside with it. Wait for patterns to appear on the surface, by which you will determine the future. Look which figures predominate in the picture:

  1. Circles. The year will be good. Success at work and in your personal life and monetary rewards await you.
  2. Squares. There will be problems and difficulties along the way.
  3. Spruce patterns. You will have to work hard to achieve what you want.
  4. Stripes. A stable period will come in life.
  5. Waves. Unexpected changes and receiving news from afar.

Fortune telling for the New Year for marriage using a bow

To find out if you will get married next year, take an onion and put it in water. If it germinates before Christmas, then expect a marriage proposal. If you can’t decide which of the suitors is your destiny, then take two onions and sign them with the names of the admirers. Plant the onions in water. With whose name the bulb grows faster, he will become your spouse.

Wax fortune telling

This is one of the simplest and most accessible options for New Year's fortune-telling. First you need to melt a small amount of wax, then quickly pour it into a cup previously filled with cold water. Now you need to carefully look at the resulting figure - it is this that determines the future for the entire coming year. Standard figures can also be formed - for example, a heart speaks of love, a ring predicts an imminent wedding, a dog is the personification of finding a new friend. Perhaps someone will see a figurine that will have some meaning for him. In this case, the interpretation will be individual.

Fortune telling by candle

The light is turned off and the candle is lit, then a saucer is taken, which must be turned upside down. Paper is placed on top of the saucer and then lit with a candle. It is important to let the paper burn completely. Then it is taken with your fingers, but very carefully, since you cannot disturb the outlines of the ashes, and it is brought to the wall so that the light from the candle falls on it and a shadow is cast. It is in this shadow that what will happen in the new year will be predicted.

Fortune telling for the fulfillment of wishes on New Year's night

It is believed that the most cherished desires and dreams come true. The most important thing is to make the right wish and wish it with all your heart. To find out when your dream will come true, you can use one of the fortune telling below, which should be carried out on New Year's Eve.

  • Fortune telling No. 1. You will need to take paper, pen, saucer, lighter, champagne glass and champagne. When the chimes strike, you need to open the champagne and fill the glasses of all guests. On paper (you need to use a small piece of paper), write your most cherished desire. It is advisable to think through everything in advance and formulate your thoughts as clearly and concisely as possible. Then the paper is burned, and the resulting ashes are poured into a glass pre-filled with champagne. You should try to complete all these actions during the time the chimes are striking.
  • Fortune telling No. 2. Take a handful of rice and pour it onto the table, but you can use any other grain. Now you need to make a wish. The palm is moistened with water, after which it is placed on top of the rice and pressed as tightly as possible to the table. Then you need to carefully raise your hand, turn it over and count how many grains are stuck to it. If you get an even number of grains, it means that your wish will come true in the very near future.
  • Fortune telling No. 3. For this version of fortune telling, you will need to take 2 glasses. One glass is filled with clean water to the very brim. Now a wish is made, and water is poured from one glass into the second. These actions are performed only once, and no preliminary training is allowed. If too much water spills, it means that the wish will not come true, but if only a couple of drops spill, the dream will soon come true.
  • Fortune telling No. 4. You will need to take a large bowl of water and fill it with plain water. Then pieces of paper are thrown into it, on which wishes and dreams are written in advance. A candle is lit and placed in the middle of the bowl. Next you need to wait until the candle sets fire to one of the floating pieces of paper. The wish that will be written on it will come true in the coming year.

Love fortune telling for the New Year

Probably, not a single girl will refuse to look into her own future and find out who will become her betrothed. And this is very easy and simple to do if you use New Year’s fortune telling.

  1. Fortune telling by name. Take several sheets of paper on which different men's names are written. Then these leaves are placed under the pillow, and in the morning one of them is pulled out, but you must not peek. This fortune telling will help you find out the name of your betrothed.
  2. Fortune telling with a thread. This version of fortune telling can be used by any unmarried girl. Fortune telling is best done in company. Each girl takes one thread in her hand - it is important that they are the same length. Then the threads are set on fire at the same time, and the one who burns to the end the fastest will get married first.
  3. Fortune telling with matches. Take a box of matches and stick a match on its sides, after which they are set on fire. As soon as the matches burn out completely, you need to carefully look at how they are leaning - towards each other or in different directions. If the matches turn towards each other, it means that you are destined to be together with your chosen one, and when they turn in different directions, separation soon awaits, which most likely will happen in the coming year.
  4. New Year's fortune telling. An unmarried girl can find out the name of her future spouse in another way. On New Year's Eve you need to go outside. Having met the first man, you need to ask what his name is - this will be the name of the betrothed.

Fortune telling in the old New Year for the betrothed

You can tell fortunes not only on a festive night, but also on the Old New Year. There are beliefs that fortune telling carried out on the night of January 13-14 gives the most truthful answers. Most fortune telling for your betrothed comes down to the fact that you need to place certain objects under the pillow or perform some special actions in order for the one and only to appear in your dream. One of the most interesting fortune telling is the following:

  1. You will need to take several broom rods from which the bridge is laid out.
  2. This bridge is placed under the pillow on the night of January 13-14.
  3. Before going to bed, the following words are said: “My betrothed, mummer, take me across the bridge.”
  4. In a dream, the future husband should come and lead you across the symbolic bridge.

You can also place scissors with bread under the pillow instead of broom rods, but you need to be very careful not to accidentally cut yourself while sleeping

Fortune telling for the future in the New Year

  1. For fortune telling, you will need to take 3 glasses, which should be opaque.
  2. The glasses are filled with water, but only halfway.
  3. Then sugar is poured into one glass, salt into the second, and bread crumbles into the third.
  4. The fortuneteller closes his eyes and takes one of the glasses at random.
  5. If a glass with sugar is chosen - happiness awaits, salt - tears, bread crumbs indicate financial well-being.
  6. You can also put another glass in which the ring is placed. It will mean a wedding or engagement.

For those who have a well-developed imagination, the following version of New Year's fortune telling is suitable:

  1. Take a not very large mirror and douse it with water.
  2. At the moment when the chimes strike, you need to take the mirror out onto the balcony or outside and leave it for a while.
  3. As soon as patterns appear on the surface of the mirror, you need to bring it into the house and carefully examine what the frost has “drawn.”
  4. If circles are visible, wealth awaits you in the coming year, a triangle means luck and success will accompany you in all endeavors, a fir branch means hard work, and squares speak of difficulties in life.

Having considered various options for New Year's fortune-telling for love, fulfillment of desires and the future, you can choose the most interesting option for yourself. Holiday fortune telling is a great way to have fun with company.

Of course, New Year is considered one of the most magical holidays. We all hope that our cherished wishes will come true, so we resort to New Year's fortune-telling, which gives the holiday a special atmosphere.

Fortune telling for the New Year will help you find out what lies ahead and whether your dreams and desires will come true. You can get answers to your questions, and not just anywhere, but at home. There are many ways to do this.

Read in this article:

New Year's fortune telling "December 25"

According to folk customs, many people begin fortune-telling for the New Year on December 25th, and the time to look into the future will last until January 5th.

So, December 25 is the day of the solstice. Fortune telling using this method is performed only once a year. By following the recommendations, you can find out about the most significant events (change of job and place of residence, purchase of expensive things or an apartment, marriage). Your uncertainty in solving these problems pushes you to take the step of learning the right solution through the ritual of fortune telling. What should be done?

  1. Imagine that the outcome of your plan will only be favorable.
  2. Find a bird cherry and break off a branch no more than 10 cm long.
  3. It should be placed in a crystal glass of water and placed on the windowsill.
  4. Over the next 12 days, you need to take the glass in your hands, clasping it with your palms, and imagine for 5 minutes that your wish has come true.
  5. It will be a good sign if the branch blooms before January 6th. The wish will come true.

This ritual will not only tell you about the result of the mystery, but will also attract good luck to you.

Fortune telling “At the chime”

This New Year's prediction is the most popular. And it's easy to do.

1. On a blank piece of paper, write your cherished wish with a simple pencil.
2. At 23.45, burn the leaf and pour the ashes into a glass of champagne.
3. When you hear the chimes, you need to drink the contents. The wish will definitely come true.

New Year's rituals

You can perform the fortune telling ritual a little differently. An hour before the chimes start striking, prepare a note with your wish. On the first hit, set it on fire. If the note manages to burn out before the end of the battle, then it will come true.

Ritual New Year's fortune-telling “Water Transfusion”

An amazingly accurate method, more like a New Year's spell. To do this you need to prepare:

One glass is empty;
the second glass with water to the brim.

Having made a wish, quickly pour the water into an empty glass above the table. Pay attention to its surface. If three drops are spilled, the wish will come true. More than three drops - the plan will not come true. You can only pour water once!

New Year's fortune telling “Looking through the water in the mirror”

Fortune telling for the New Year in front of a mirror was popular in the old days, but today it has not lost its significance.

Place a decanter or jar of water. On three sides - light a candle. Look through the water in the container in the mirror. It can show a picture with a prediction.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve “On a wish”

In this way you can also cast a spell on the old New Year. Fill the glass halfway with water and, looking at it, whisper your deepest desire. Go to bed or continue having fun with your guests. In the morning, look at the water level. If there is more liquid, the wish must come true. If the level has decreased, it will not be fulfilled.

Fortune telling with a coin “For love”

Fortune telling is akin to a magical ritual and requires certain preparation. You will need:

An old coin, if one was inherited;

You can use a regular one, but charged with your energy. To do this, you need to carry it with you closer to your body, for example, in the pocket of a dress or shirt for five days. If possible (in cases of fortune-telling for your betrothed), let your lover hold the coin for a couple of minutes.

The white porcelain dish is new, specially purchased for fortune telling;
black mascara;
a photo of the person you are going to guess about or his personal item that he uses.

If you don’t have anything, then you just need to write his name and date of birth on paper. Fortune telling takes place at midnight.

  1. Place the dish on the table. In its center is a photo, a personal item or a note with a name and date of birth.
  2. On the right side of the dish, write the word “I” in black ink. On the left is “He”. At the top is “We”. Below - “She”.
  3. Start fortune telling. Take the coin with your right hand and place it in the center of the dish on the edge.

Unwind and say magic spells:

“From myself - to me, from her - to me, from them - to me, I - We, You and only - We.”

Say it three times and, starting with the word “I,” roll the coin in a circle for the third time.

The coin stopped immediately, without even going around a circle - you are dearly loved and devoted to you.
The coin stopped against the word “She” - you need to think about whether the person is worth your thoughts and feelings. Most likely, you have a strong rival.
“We” – you deserve each other.
“He” – the beloved loves himself more.

Fortune telling on “Bridge for the betrothed”

Prepare twigs from a broom and make a bridge out of them as best you can. When you go to bed, hide it under your pillow and say the words:

“My betrothed, mummer, take me across the bridge.”

Whoever you dream about this night will become your destiny. You can also put a comb under the pillow, do not comb it before going to bed and say three times:

“Betrothed mummer, comb my head.”

They also add a mirror to the comb and say the words three times:

“Come, come, comb your hair, comb your hair. Look at me and show yourself."

Whoever appears in a dream will be on your path and will meet you in the new year.

Fortune telling “For the betrothed” on a glass of water

This is the most popular method of fortune telling, because in 80% of fortune tellers everything comes true. Pour water into the most beautiful decanter, then slowly pour it into a glass with loving wishes to the one in your heart and say:

“You’ll get tired from the road, I have some water, come, betrothed, I’ll give you a drink.”

This spell must be recited three times. Place both the decanter and the glass at the head of the bed and go to bed. This night you will see your betrothed.

New Year's fortune telling “On Ice”

Interesting fortune telling for all guests. If you wish, sign each spoon with a marker. Give them out with the condition that they be filled with water. If the temperature outside is sub-zero, leave them on the veranda. If not, then in the freezer. In the morning, you can learn about your future from the ice and its patterns.

The water has frozen, forming a depression - to troubles, let him prepare to meet them fully armed.
The water froze with a tubercle - to profit.
Exactly - to successful deeds.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve “By patterns on the mirror”

Buy a new mirror and at midnight, after pouring water on it, take it outside if it’s frosty there. If the weather is positive, put it in the freezer for ten to fifteen minutes. Patterns will appear on the mirror surface:

Circles - to prosperity;
spruce branch - to good fruitful work;
squares – life difficulties;
triangles - success in business and good luck.

Fortune telling for the New Year will add variety to the holidays. Take care of yourself and be with Lady 40 plus during the most wonderful and significant events of your life.

It’s not for nothing that a series of New Year’s holidays are called magical and fabulous. Everyone who makes a wish on New Year's Eve is sure to wait and count on a miracle. Once a year, everything that is inaccessible to a person during the year suddenly opens up and makes it possible to use miraculous remedies.

Our ancestors did not waste their time, they knew for sure that it was difficult to think of a better time than the New Year for fortune-telling, so in order not to wait another whole year, they got down to business.

Unfortunately, we missed our ancestors a little, because for them the New Year came at a different time. After the change of chronology, we received the main holiday of the year from December 31 to January 1. But nevertheless, even in modern times, all fortune-telling works, apparently with modern man; the subtle world around us has also been restructured in a new way, which tells us the future with the help of fortune-telling.

Unlike Christmas, serious fortune-telling, New Year's ones are perceived as something humorous, childish and completely harmless. But this is far from true. Some directly state that apart from New Year's fortune-telling, they no longer recognize any other. And let everyone around us stand on their ears, have fun and drink champagne, we firmly believe that this New Year's fortune telling 2019 will definitely bring us happiness.

There are a great many ways to look into the future, as well as the events that people predict. So, let's go.

Fortune telling for the New Year: Chimes

The most important thing in this New Year's fortune-telling is not to chat and not miss the moment when the main clock begins to count down the final seconds of the outgoing year. This is perhaps one of the most famous New Year's fortune telling. All you need is a piece of paper, a glass of champagne and, of course, the desire itself. It should not be bulky and should easily fit on a piece of paper. During the chiming clock, you set fire to the paper, pour the ashes into champagne and quickly drink it. Don’t delay, the whole procedure should fit in a minute while the clock, so to speak, strikes twelve. What is fortune telling, you ask? It’s simple - if you have time to eat, your wish will come true; if you don’t have time, be more efficient next time - in the coming 2019.

Chiming clock. Method 2

For those who do not like to rush and do everything at the last minute, there is a second method of fortune telling by chimes. Generous New Year's traditions give you a whole hour instead of one minute. At 23.00, write your wish on a piece of paper. Do you have a whole hour of free time, what to do? Practice on empty pieces of paper and wash them down with water, otherwise training with real champagne may not allow you to survive until the New Year. And then you do the whole operation again, but this time you don’t need to eat anything. Your desire should completely burn out along with the piece of paper.

Water fortune telling for the New Year

New Year's fortune telling on the water - fortune telling for those with dexterous hands. In addition to your limbs, we will also need two glasses of water. Fill one of the glasses with water to the very brim, make a wish and instantly, almost without thinking, pour the water into another glass with one movement of your hand.

Now let’s look at the table on which you manipulated. If no more than three small drops are spilled, then thank nature for excellent coordination, your wish will come true.

If you caused a small flood on the table, you will have to practice, or be more picky in your desires. And yet, even if you become the world champion in pouring water from glasses, this will not bring you one centimeter closer to your cherished dream. On the contrary, with your sportive anger you will scare away all the magic.

Fortune telling for the New Year: Water, mirror and candles

The most mysterious and mystical set for a fortune teller for the New Year. Fill the decanter to the top, place three candles around it at equal distances. Now look carefully at the decanter and try to see something in the mirror through the thickness of the water. Look carefully, very soon the mysterious trinity of water, fire and reflection will begin to give a picture. Just don’t be afraid, what you see will not harm you.

New Year's fortune telling for love: Money on a saucer

Look in your pockets to see if you have a couple of coins lying around, not just ordinary ones, but some old ones. If the currency from the times of Peter the Great or Ivan the Terrible is a little tight, then the old Soviet heels will do. Every home should be full of this goodness, visit your grandmother, after all, she has a couple of three-liter jars of this goodness.

If grandma’s wealth is a little tight, then for New Year’s fortune telling for love, an ordinary coin will do, you just need to first recharge it with your powerful energy. Wear it somewhere close to your body for a week. You don’t have to sew it into your underpants, of course, but it would be perfect in your breast pocket.

If you have a loved one, ask him to hold the money in his hand for a couple of minutes. Now let’s compare the clocks: your fortune telling will begin exactly at midnight.

The exact time is 23 hours 55 minutes. Everything is ready for New Year's fortune telling. Oh yes. You need a white saucer and black ink. Well, is everything ready now?

Then quickly place the saucer on the table and conditionally divide it into four equal zones. On each side write: he, we, me, she.

How much was it? Two minutes to twelve.

It's time to start. Take a coin in your hand, place it on its edge in the center of your saucer and at exactly midnight, spin it harder! Now look in which sector your ancient coin has rolled. If it’s HIM, you have big problems in your relationship, if SHE, your rival will soon visit you, the WE sector, everything will be fine with you, and, finally, Me, delve into yourself, somewhere deep the problem is buried in you.

Borderline conditions also occur, for example, when a coin lands on two sectors at once. Everything here, according to the laws of geometry, if most of the coin lies in one of the sectors, then fortune telling will be valid for this particular result.

A decanter of water will predict marriage

There is a glass on the table, next to a full carafe of water. Start pouring water from the decanter into a glass and at the same time say: if you are a good fellow, you were very tired along the way, come and visit me, I will give you some water. Speak in a calm, flirtatious voice, as if you were really chatting not with a decanter, but with a real young man.

Three times will be enough. Place the decanter and glass by the bed and go to bed. A good fellow will definitely come to you in a dream, don’t miss it.

New Year's tree fortune telling for love

If you haven’t decorated the Christmas tree yet, then there’s no need to start guessing. The New Year's beauty should already be fully armed, and the more toys she has, the better. For this fortune telling you will need an assistant.

Let him blindfold you with a thick cloth and spin you thoroughly clockwise. Then you confidently, but a little staggeringly, approach the Christmas tree and remove the toy from it. Just don’t choose what your hand rests on, then take it off.

We look at the color of the Christmas tree decoration. If the toy is white, then you will not see any changes in your personal life. If it is a black toy, unhappy love lies ahead. Red - you will soon meet your love, and green promises you intense feelings not sometime in 2019, but right on New Year's Eve itself. If you come across a purple toy, it means there is a chill in the relationship. Silver or gold indicates a meeting with an eligible groom. The main thing is not to hang only gold and silver decorations on the tree, as it can get seriously damaged.

Paper fortune telling for the New Year

Write down some of your deepest desires on different pieces of paper. If there are a lot of them, then write until the ink runs out, all the paper is worn out and your hand gets tired. After all your wishes are written down, put them under your pillow. Early in the morning on January 1, the first thing you do is not go to the bathroom to brush your teeth, but put your hand under the pillow. The first piece of paper that comes across will be the wish that will come true in the New Year.

Telephone fortune telling

Here we will do without desires and just look for answers to the simplest questions. Those that can be answered unequivocally either yes or no. Any telephone is suitable for fortune telling - push-button, rotary and mobile. So, mentally ask your question, think about it, keep it in your head, and then ask the question out loud and look carefully at the phone. And now the minutes of waiting began. If a man calls first, then your answer to the question will be yes, but if it is a call from a mother, grandmother, friend or any other woman - alas, no.

New Year's wealth fortune telling: coin on a plate

Now let's see which of you will have untold riches next year. Of course, everyone, but some will get more, some will obviously get less.

For fortune telling you will need one coin and as many as three plates, and the evening of December 31st. And be sure to make sure there is an assistant nearby. Leave the room where you will be guessing, but ask your assistant to place a coin under one of the plates. When you return to the room, try to guess where exactly the coin is.

If everything worked out, then you don’t have to worry, just as clearly and confidently you will find in the New Year 2019 not just one coin, but a whole bag. And the best thing is a suitcase and not coins, but paper money.

If you find a coin only on the second try, then don’t be discouraged here either, there won’t be much money, but it will be enough for a decent existence.

But if you correctly identified the location of the coin only the third time, you will not have a very sweet time. There will be money, of course, but very little. By the way, they say that there were cases when during this fortune-telling a person could not find a coin even the third time. But the problem here is a joker-assistant who forgot to put a coin under one of the plates, so choose a worthy, serious assistant.

New Year's fortune telling using mirror patterns

I wonder if you would trade your future for a table, champagne and a congratulation from the president? If yes, then this fortune telling is especially for you.

Exactly at midnight you need to forget about the chimes and the table, go outside with a small mirror, which you need to pour water over before that. We are waiting for the water on the mirror to freeze and turn into a beautiful pattern. As soon as this happens, run home and look carefully in the mirror. What do we see - the patterns form circles, which means that we can only be happy for you - there will be good prosperity in 2019.

If you end up with patterns with right angles forming rectangles, you will most likely have to tighten the belts a little.

If the ice is frozen in the form of triangles, great luck awaits you in all your endeavors.

It happens that the patterns become similar to spruce branches, this means that the year will be calm, without nerves.

The clearer the lines, the less reason to worry, and if the patterns flow smoothly, constantly bending, then everything will be fine, you will be surrounded by communication and recognition awaits you.

If the patterns on the mirror form zigzags, loneliness may await you. Seeing dots will mean that all undertakings will be completed in 2019 and quite successfully.

In addition to lines, dots and figures, more interesting patterns often appear on the mirror, for example, the outlines of people, some objects and even faces. If you see a person or even his face, then know that soon changes will happen in life and you will probably meet your love.

Is the surface of the mirror stained? This means that not everything is so smooth, and not on the mirror surface, but in your life. Be careful, the future development of events depends on each further step.

Fortune telling about the gender of the unborn child: Needle

Young girls who dream of having a child, as a rule, really want to know - who will they have - a boy or a girl? With the help of this fortune telling, you can try to shed light on this mystery.

You will need a regular needle and thread, approximately 25 cm in length. Thread the thread through the eye, take the hand of the girl who is expecting a baby, and hold the needle over her palm. If the needle begins to make circular movements, then you are having a girl, and if it starts to swing like a pendulum, then it is a boy.

Window fortune telling: Light in the window

You need to guess this way when it gets dark and people in their houses turn on the lights. Surely there is a multi-story building in your city. Go up to him and turn your back, say to yourself the question you want to get an answer to. Then turn around and carefully count the number of bright windows. An even number gives a positive answer, an odd number gives a negative answer.

New Year's fortune telling for the husband: Street fortune telling

Girls, do you want to know the name of your future husband? Still would! Then, after the chimes announce the onset of the New Year, go outside and approach the first man you come across and ask him to introduce himself. Most likely, this will be the name of your future husband, and in some, especially rare cases, this man will be your fiancé. If it’s scary to walk alone and pester men, you can take your friends to help and take turns telling fortunes on New Year’s Eve.

Fortune telling with rice

Surprisingly, ordinary rice can tell a lot about our future. To do this, you again need to silently say the question that interests you, then raise your left palm over the container with rice, hold it over it for a while, and then take a small pinch and pour the rice onto a piece of paper or a napkin. Count the number of grains of rice. An even number gives a positive answer, an odd number gives a negative answer.

Fortune telling by book

Take the most ordinary book, touch it with your left palm and again say the question to yourself. With the same hand, open any page, move your palm over the text and the lines under your thumb should answer your question.

You can also try another way of fortune telling with a book. It's even simpler. It is enough just to name the page out loud, and then open the book and read what is written. Just don’t assume that this line, which will be under your finger, will contain the exact answer, say: you are asking how old I will be when I get married, and in the book the answer is: it was a sunny day, not a single cloud in sight. sky. This answer should be interpreted as positive, you will definitely get married soon, but you won’t be able to name the date.

Fortune telling about husband's profession

All girls want to know who their betrothed will be. It’s a pity that there is no such profession - oligarch, otherwise one could tell fortunes on him.

So, for this fortune telling we will need bread, keys, a book and coal. These items symbolize the husband's occupation, respectively, peasant, merchant, priest and worker. While workers can still be found, it will be difficult to find peasants with merchants and priests. Let's get creative and take objects suitable for modern life. A flash drive is an IT specialist, a book is a scientist, a ball is an athlete, a tie is a politician, and so on. What matters here is what you put into each item.

Fortune telling for the betrothed: Rod, broom and comb

It looks more like the title of a Brothers Grimm fairy tale, but this fortune telling will help girls find out about their betrothed.

We take a broom and pull out several twigs from it. Before going to bed, make a small bridge out of them and put them under the pillow, while saying: my betrothed, mummer, take me across the bridge. Then go to sleep peacefully and watch your dreams carefully.

He will definitely take you across the bridge. A comb is needed in order to also find out the name of the betrothed. You also need to put it under the pillow and at the same time say: betrothed, comb my hair. The mirror also goes under the pillow. You just need to say other words: my betrothed, come to me and show yourself. Watch your colorful dreams carefully and remember the image of your future husband.

Fortune telling for the New Year on ice

On New Year's Eve you need to leave a saucer of water on the balcony or outside. When you wake up, take the saucer and look at the resulting patterns. If the water is fixed in the form of waves and irregularities, then the next year will turn out in two ways - there will be successes and defeats. If everything is smooth with ice, then it will be exactly the same in your life, no worries, turmoil or force majeure. If the ice in the saucer stands on end, then only good news lies ahead. Holes in the ice will indicate that some bad event is ahead.

Fortune telling on a chain for the New Year

Just before the New Year (about 15 minutes), sit down at a flat table and take the chain. Rub the chain in your hands for 10 minutes, as soon as you feel heat starting to release, place the chain in your right fist and shake it sharply five times, and then throw the chain onto the table in one sharp movement.

The chain will lie flat on the table in the form of an interesting figure, which will later tell you about future events.

If it stretches out in a straight line, then fortune will not offend you in 2019. The chain stretches out in the form of a snake, be careful, someone among your closest friends is betraying you.

A round chain will symbolize a difficult situation from which you will be looking for a way out throughout the year, an oval will indicate that someone has feelings for you, a triangle will promise difficulties in business, but good luck in love, a bow will mean a quick marriage, and the loop predicts large financial losses.

They call it the most magical and wonderful holiday. After all, it is on New Year’s Eve that both young and old wait for a miracle and believe in the fulfillment of their cherished desires. In general, the period from December 25 to January 19 is special, because it is at this time that all those who like to look into the future begin to do this in every possible way, and New Year's fortune telling helps them. Let's talk about this.

The most famous fortune telling for the New Year

Now we will remind you of one of the most famous fortune-telling for the New Year, because, probably, each of us at least once in our lives tried to realize all our cherished desires in this way. So what should you do? And everything is very simple! Write your deepest desires on a paper sticky note, fill your glasses with champagne and wait until the traditional chimes begin to strike. It is worth noting that many New Year's fortune-telling is in one way or another connected with the striking of the chimes.

When the clock on the Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower begins to count 12, quickly burn this sticker, and carefully pour the remaining ashes into your glass of champagne and try to drink it as quickly as possible. All this must be completed before the chimes strike for the last time for the outgoing year. If you are even 1 second late, then, unfortunately, your wishes will not come true in the coming year. In any case, that is what is commonly believed.

Hair fortune telling

New Year's fortune-telling and predictions are not limited to New Year's Eve. You can lift the veil of your future over several days - from December 25 to January 19. One of these fortune-telling events occurs on the night of December 30-31. What kind of method is this? It's simple! You need water, salt, ash, sugar and hair. So, pour water into a shallow bowl, then throw in a pinch of salt, sugar and ash. Mix everything thoroughly.

When mixed, place 4 of your hairs and 4 of your loved one's hairs into the water. Attention, they need to be placed on the water in a strand, and not thrown randomly. That's it, after that go to bed. On the morning of December 31, take a close look at your and your significant other’s hair floating in the water. If they stick together, you will be together for a very long time, and if not, soon one of you will start walking to the left.

Simple New Year's fortune telling

One of the simplest fortune-telling for the New Year is performed using an ordinary glass filled with water. Late in the evening, pour cold water into a glass and, looking carefully into the water, make your deepest wish. After that, go to bed and don’t think about anything. In the morning, wake up and look into your glass. If it seems to you that there is more water than there was, your wish will certainly come true. If its level in the glass decreases, the wish will not come true.

Another popular and at the same time easy fortune-telling for the New Year is performed through a decorated Christmas tree. There must be colorful toys hanging on it. Ask your friend to blindfold you and spin you clockwise a few times. After that, blindly select any toy hanging on the Christmas tree. The color of the decoration will predict your future fate.

For example, a white toy does not portend any drastic changes in your personal life. Black means unhappy and unrequited love. Any Christmas tree decorations that have green shades promise you new love affairs. If you choose a toy with blue tints, be careful: there may be discord in your relationship with your loved one. Jewelry with silver and gold flowers predicts a rich groom for the girls.

Another fortune telling on the water

As you already understand, New Year's fortune telling (comic and simple) is mainly carried out using water and some object. In the first case it was hair, in the second it was water itself, and now it will be a pebble. Pour clean and cold water into a wide bowl. Focus on what really interests or worries you. After this, throw a small pebble into the glass. Circles should appear on the water. Count how many there are. If there is an even number of circles, the answer will be negative, and if there is an odd number, the answer will be positive.

New Year's fortune telling. Gypsy options

Mostly women are engaged in the gypsy "trade". As a rule, it is precisely such predictions that are considered the most truthful and accurate: only true gypsy fortune tellers have the power of foresight, especially when it comes to palmistry - fortune telling by lines on the hand. It would seem, what is the connection between gypsy predictions and the New Year... Indeed, there is no connection here, but who’s stopping you from asking a gypsy to cast a spell on New Year’s Eve? Why is this not a New Year's fortune telling?

In the end, you can try to predict your near future yourself. But if you have neither the time nor the desire to learn the art of palmistry, you can lift the veil of secrecy using easier, but no less truthful and effective gypsy methods.

For example, New Year's fortune-telling and predictions of one's fate can be based on the use of a hunting knife. This is a fairly ancient gypsy way of finding out your destiny: 13 strips of paper with wishes written on them are laid out in a circle. A knife is placed in the center, after which it is thoroughly unscrewed. Whichever lane he points to will be a prophecy.

How else can you tell fortunes for the New Year?

As you know, every self-respecting company holds various corporate parties dedicated to certain holidays. New Year is, of course, no exception here. What if you tell fortunes right during such an event? Fortune telling at a New Year's corporate party is a very bold and unusual option for developing the situation. Agree, in an atmosphere of fun and high spirits, it will be absolutely useful to find out what the coming year has in store for us!

The fate of an accountant

Corporate New Year's fortune-telling is more likely to be comic games than serious predictions. Nevertheless, it will be interesting and entertaining. Place three items on the table: a modern cell phone, a radiotelephone and an ordinary spoon. Blindfold your accountant, spin him around and ask him to take one of three things lying on the table. When he makes his choice, remove his bandage and predict his immediate future.

So, if an accountant takes a spoon, then in the near future problems are coming for him and the entire company in the form of the tax inspectorate. If he chooses a radiotelephone, then he should be wary of ill-wishers and envious people. Here we are talking about telephone wiretapping. But if a person chooses a modern mobile phone, then good luck will come knocking on his professional life: he may be promoted, he may receive a bonus, etc.

Fortune telling for profit

Some of the most exciting corporate predictions are New Year's fortune-telling (comic, of course) for profit and with the participation of the manager. Blindfold your boss (with his permission, of course) and give him a good spin. As soon as the leader loses orientation in space, shout to him: “Stop!”

In the last days of December, the Moon usually either wanes or waxes. In this regard, tell your boss to look at the month outside the window the moment he was stopped. Untie his eyes, and then render the appropriate “verdict.” If the boss turns his right side towards the month, he will be rich; if his left side, he will be poor; if his back is turned, he is at a crossroads in life; and if his face is turned, he is too trusting of people.

Garland of fate

Comic New Year's fortune-telling and predictions are not limited to the participation of any one person. If you think carefully, you can predict the fate of several dozen people at once. How exactly? Now you'll find out! To do this, you need to make a so-called garland of fate. In addition to Christmas tree decorations, tinsel and well-known stars, there will be homemade cards and predictions dedicated to the New Year.

Such a garland should be hung at the entrance to the hall where the corporate party will be held. Each employee must choose one or another postcard with a comic prophecy. This will allow all employees to get into the New Year mood from the very first minutes and give them a cozy atmosphere of a fun holiday.

Modern methods of predictions for the New Year

Many New Year's fortune telling for 2015 are somewhat different from all of the above. Of course, one cannot seriously hope for the veracity of this or that prediction, but there is no need to write them off completely either. One of these methods is the so-called advertising fortune telling. You need to mentally ask yourself any question, for example: “I want to go on vacation. Where will I go? Advertising, tell me!”

After this, you need to turn on the TV, radio, computer, or simply open any newspaper. As soon as you come across an advertisement for a vacation spot, take note. Perhaps this is where you will go during your vacation. You can do it another way: write down the address of this travel agency and go there for vouchers. If, for example, your question is: “What should I do?” you came across an advertisement for a pet store, run there and buy a pet! By the way, he will help you in the next method of fortune telling.

Cool New Year's fortune telling is not limited to “advertising” methods. You can also tell fortunes based on pets, for example, cats. Your pet will definitely not deceive you. To do this, first leave your door a little open, then make a wish or some question and call your cat. Important! Watch carefully which paw she will step over the threshold. If it’s right, then the answer to your question is “Yes,” and if it’s left, “No.”

Since ancient times, the Slavs have considered New Year's Eve truly mystical and unusual. People who wanted to find out their future, bewitch a gentleman, attract luck, gain wealth, etc., arranged fortune telling on New Year's holidays. Of course, this tradition has lost its popularity in our time, but if you want to have a little fun on the New Year and cast a spell, then our article can help you with this. Most often, those who resort to fortune telling on holidays do not believe in their results, and take it as a funny joke. Others are confident in the veracity of such prophecies. It is impossible to prove the first or second point of view, but this has never upset those who want to know their future. Why did New Year's Eve become the ideal period for predictions? The fact is that at this time there is a farewell to the past year and a meeting of the next, and this is considered the ideal moment to find out your prospects for the future. You can get answers to questions about love, success in business or any other events. Agree, very often people in anticipation of the holiday expect something incredible from it. It seems as if life will change dramatically next year, and, of course, only for the better - hoping for this, many make wishes during the chimes. Others, wanting to increase the likelihood of success, resort to fortune telling. Of course, it’s up to you to decide whether to believe in fortune telling or consider it just ordinary holiday entertainment.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve for the betrothed

Unmarried girls are most attracted to fortune telling by the opportunity to find out something about their likely life partner. Surprisingly, not only single women are trying to find out the future. Often those who already have a lover or fiancé decide to once again check the accuracy of their choice. If you are wondering what kind of betrothed fate has prepared for you, then be sure to use one of the fortune telling methods given below.

By the name of the first person you meet

One of the simplest but most interesting ways to find out the name of your future spouse is through fortune telling with the help of the first person you meet. Just go outside on New Year's Eve and ask the name of the first person you see. Most likely, your chosen one will have the same name, and if you are even luckier, maybe this new acquaintance will become your favorite. In fortune telling, it is very important to be honest and not adjust the situation to yourself, otherwise all your efforts will be fruitless. Of course, in this case it is difficult to turn anything in your favor, but still do not choose which of the strangers to ask for a name, go to the one that is closest. If there are a lot of people on the street, ask the name of the person who will be the first to pass near you. This fortune telling can also be used at any other time, but it is believed that on New Year’s Eve, fortune telling is always more successful than at other times. There are various versions of this fortune telling. One of them is not just to ask the name of the person you meet, but before that to feed him something. This is believed to increase the likelihood of success in fortune telling.

An equally simple and practically effortless fortune-telling for your betrothed is fortune-telling by telephone. There are also several different options here. Here's one of them: dial any number at random. If a man answers you, you will soon be able to get married, and the name of your future husband will coincide with the name of the one who answered the phone. If a woman answers you, then you will not get married in the near future. If you have any question about your betrothed, then ask it before calling. Formulate your thought so that the answer is “Yes” or “No.” Then dial the number at random. If you have done this before for another fortune telling, do not use the same unfamiliar number. Just like last time, the voice in the man’s voice will be positive, and the woman’s will be negative. There is also divination for the near future in terms of love. As in previous fortune telling, dial a random number. This time, it doesn't matter who answers you, the only thing that matters is what he or she tells you. If you hear “Hello” on the phone, then in the very near future nothing will change in your life. If they tell you “Yes,” rejoice, because very soon your dreams of life with your loved one will come true. When the first answer is “Listen,” then everything depends only on you. If you put in your best effort, you can achieve what you need. If no one answers you, the future is not yet determined. The voice message “Subscriber is out of range” will mean that you are more likely to have enemies than a lover. A large number of problems and trials in love will await you if the subscriber is busy. Also, you can ask a question that interests you, and then monitor the phone. You will get the answer “Yes” if a man calls you first, but if a woman calls you, it means “No”.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

The simplest and most effortless fortune-telling is considered to be divination in the name of the betrothed using a computer. Just write a large list of male names in a Word file. Let there be thirty or more of them, do not repeat yourself. Then close your eyes and click on one of them with your mouse cursor. Most likely, this is what your future life partner will be called. Just don’t try to figure out where to click to turn the fortune telling in your favor, otherwise you won’t know the truth. Of course, you will please yourself that you got exactly the name you wanted, but it is far from a fact that this is really the correct answer. To be more honest with yourself, you can do the same fortune-telling on pieces of paper. Write one male name at a time on a small piece of paper, fold it several times, and then mix it all in a bag or some kind of container. Then, without looking, pull out one of the pieces of paper. The name on it must match the name of the future lover. As was written earlier, do not repeat the same thing several times.

New Year's fortune telling for next year

Many men, as well as many married women, use fortune telling to get answers to love questions. For them, however, like for everyone, it is also interesting to find out what turns fate has in store for them. You just need to know this in order to be prepared for any troubles, or to at least change the future a little. The following fortune telling will be able to slightly lift the veil of secrecy for the coming year.

One of the good entertainments for you, if you are going to celebrate the New Year in a company, will be the following fortune telling. Invite each person present to write a wish on a piece of paper. Then put it all together and mix. Now let everyone take a leaf for themselves. What is written in it must come true in the coming year. This activity will not only be an unusual fortune-telling, but also an interesting way to wish each other something good. Also, you can make a lottery with this fortune-telling. Prepare small predictions in advance and hang them on the tree so that the contents are not visible. Then invite each of those present to take one of the wishes from the tree. Try to think of something interesting and large-scale. For example, buy or expand an apartment, have a child, and so on. Predictions can concern any area of ​​life: relationships with relatives, work, luck, love, new acquaintances, travel - in general, everything that can come to your mind.

Fortune telling on dumplings

Anything is possible on New Year's Eve! Even what you eat can affect your future well-being, but only if you want it to. To find out what awaits you and your family, cook dumplings. Make most of them ordinary, that is, with the filling that your family prefers, but the rest will be fraught with surprises. If you put dill inside the dumpling, then whoever eats it will experience good health next year. If someone comes across a coin, his wallet will soon be significantly filled. Sugar in dumplings will mean a sweet life, that is, good luck in all areas of activity. Carrots are used to symbolize unexpected and interesting meetings, while pepper symbolizes serious changes. If you eat a dumpling with rice, you should expect good news, a cucumber means success in work and profit, and garlic is an amazing solution to all difficulties and problems. If you want to wish someone strong love or a wedding, put caramel or a ring in the dumpling, respectively.

Money fortune telling

Every person wants to have a good job and decent income so that neither he nor his family needs anything. If you want to find out whether such a future awaits you soon, you can use one of the following fortune telling. One of the easiest ways to find out whether you will have money in the near future is fortune telling using water. At midnight, take a full glass of water and place it on the windowsill. In the morning, look at the condition of the water. If there is something floating in it, some kind of speck and a hair, rejoice, you will soon have money. For another fortune-telling you will need a bowl of water and a handful of rice or buckwheat. Pour the cereal into a bowl of water, and then stir it with a spoon to form a funnel. If this results in all the rice drowning, your money situation is not going to change anytime soon. If a large number of grains remain on the surface, serious changes await you in the financial sphere of life. If only one grain remains on the surface, then soon you will have a good opportunity to get rich.

Fortune telling for the new year 2018 for love

Most likely, many single guys, and, of course, girls this New Year will make a wish to meet their soulmate. If you want to find out whether happiness in love awaits you in the approaching 2018, there are several interesting fortunes for your attention.

The morning after the New Year, it is customary to conduct fortune telling using coffee grounds. Be sure to brew your own coffee. As you drink it, talk to someone about a topic that interests you. Then turn the cup over on a saucer for ten minutes, the grounds should be a little damp to flow down the edges. If the grounds have formed a large, even circle, your problems can be solved very easily and quickly. If the coffee residue looks more like a blot, you will face difficulties in achieving what you want. If almost all the grounds remain in the cup, and there are only a few drops on the saucer, be prepared for trouble. Stars and dots on the grounds will mean the approach of good luck in the New Year. Circles and crosses usually appear as a warning.

Fortune telling using Christmas tree toys

You will have the opportunity to find out your future in company, and also have a lot of fun if you use a fortune-telling game with Christmas tree decorations. Let those who want to know their future blindfold them. Then let it spin around its axis several times. One of the friends should lead him to the Christmas tree, and then the person with his eyes closed will have to take off one of the toys. If the decoration is white, then 2018 will not bring any changes in the love plan. A black toy is a harbinger of unhappy love in the near future. Anyone who comes across a pink, or red, or orange toy in 2018 can safely count on passionate feelings. Green will mark new love, while purple and blue will be used by someone whose relationship is soon to cool a little. Gold, silver and yellow colors, in turn, will mean the appearance of a wealthy admirer. Before performing fortune telling, make sure that all the above-mentioned colors are present on the tree, otherwise the fortune telling will not be true.

Ask all your guests to bring their own hand-carved snowflake. You can also do this all together, right before midnight. Let them also write on each of them their expectations for the coming year. Then, immediately after the chimes and the first toast, everyone should go out onto the balcony and simultaneously release snowflakes. After that, go outside and see how each of them fell. If the wish is on top, it will come true, but if it is below, then it will not. In addition, let everyone throw away their own snowflake. You should not carry out this fortune telling if you live above the third floor. Most likely, your snowflakes will simply get lost. Or you can tie a small weight to a snowflake with a string.

On New Year's Day we tell fortunes for marriage.

Since ancient times, on New Year's Day, girls gathered together and told fortunes about marriage. Nowadays, if girls are going to bewitch, then they are also concerned about the issue of marriage.

Fortune telling by book

Take any art book with any number of pages. First, open the book to the page whose number corresponds to your birthday. Write down the first letter on this page on a piece of paper. Then open the book to the page of your birth month. And for the third time, open the book with the page number on the date of your father’s birth. All three letters that will be placed first will represent the initials of your future husband's name. There will be a high probability of success if the book you chose for fortune telling is about love. This spell can be used not only on New Year's Eve.

To find out how long you will have to wait for a marriage proposal, there is fortune telling with a ring. Jewelry for the ritual must be made of precious metal. You should not use other people's things, only if it is the engagement ring of your relative or friend. Tie the ring to your hair and lower it into an empty glass. Count how many times it hits the walls. This number will correspond to the number of years you will have to wait to get married. For the success of this fortune telling, do not forget to remove any jewelry from yourself before casting your fortune. Also, you should let your hair down and comb it. It's also good to wash your hair first.

Card reading

Use one of the easiest fortune telling on cards if you want to tell your fortune for love. To do this you don't need any skills, just a new deck of cards that has not yet been used for games. Shuffle it thoroughly. Then you can ask questions that concern you out loud, but only formulate them so that the answer is “Yes” or “No.” Then turn over the first card. If her suit is heart or diamond, then the answer to your question is yes. If you saw a pike, the answer is negative. The cross suit card will mean “Maybe. All in your hands". Pay special attention to the fact that you can ask anything, even if it has nothing to do with love problems.

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