New Year's competitions for the whole family at home (at the table and not only) for adults and children. New Year's competitions and games for the company and the whole family New Year's competitions for the family company

Especially! We offer a script for its organization, written by the talented author T. Efimova “An unforgettable New Year: memories for the year ahead!”, which will help entertain and captivate friends or relatives gathered at the same table to celebrate their favorite holiday. To celebrate, you will need simple props, which, like the holiday itself, can be easily made on your own by adding your own ideas and jokes to the proposed version.

Scenario "Unforgettable New Year: memories - for the year ahead!"

What is necessary? Garlands, a box for New Year's mail, CDs with popular songs and melodies, tape, A4 paper, cardboard, pencils, paints or markers, scissors (3 pcs.), Whatman paper (4 pcs.), plasticine, newspapers, corrugated and colored paper , bright paper in rolls (the more the better), large plates (2 pcs.), chiffon scarf or scarf (4 pcs.), balloons (20 pcs. or more), cosmetics, jewelry, hat, thick mittens ( you can use oven mitts), a bag for gifts, ribbons (1 m long, from 5 pcs.), rain.

What to make and how to do it yourself?

New Year's mailbox.

Cover a box (for example, a shoe box) on all sides with blue wrapping paper with snowflakes. In the upper part, cut a hole for letters measuring 0.5 by 10 cm and make a large white inscription “Mail”. The box for letters and wishes is ready. Place sheets of paper, pencils and markers next to the New Year's “mailbox” so that everyone can send holiday messages to each other.

Poster with unfinished phrases.

On whatman paper, write parts of the sentences in large block letters and leave empty space so that they can be completed.

Portrait of a snowman.

On whatman paper, draw a snowman in a bucket instead of a hat and with a broom in his hands. In place of the nose, cut a round hole, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the base of the cone, carrot.


While all the guests are gathering, the presenters offer to cut out snowflakes and stars from colored paper and write wishes on them. All New Year's cards are mixed and placed in a “mailbox”. The holiday begins with the traditional congratulatory part.

Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness and joy!
Everyone who is single should get married,
To everyone who is in a quarrel, make peace,
Forget about grievances.
To everyone who is sick - become healthy,
Bloom, rejuvenate.
To everyone who is skinny, become fatter,
Too fat - lose weight.
Too smart - become simpler,
Narrow-minded people need to wise up.
To all gray haired people, let them turn black.
So that bald people have hair
They thickened at the top,
Like Siberian forests!
For songs, for dancing
Never ended.
Happy New Year,
With new happiness,
My dear friends!

Game moment "New Year's mail"

Leading: Dear guests, the snowy breath of winter brought us a huge number of letters with wishes for the holiday. They are stored in a "mailbox". Throughout the evening, you can replenish it with congratulations and recognition to someone. They can be either anonymous or registered. Every hour mail will be checked, new letters will be taken out and transferred to the recipients. Well, now we will receive the first “snow” wishes that have arrived. New Year is a truly magical holiday! So let all the good things that are said today come true, and let all your wishes come true!

I invite two volunteers to take part in the first New Year's competition. They have to play the role of a blizzard, which sends its messengers - snowflakes - throughout the Earth. And to whom they will fly and what kind of message they will bring, we will soon find out.

The essence of the game:

Two volunteers take a snowflake from the “mailbox” (from those on which the guests wrote wishes). They put a snowflake on their lips, inhale the air and suck the leaf so that it does not fall. After this, each player chooses the recipient of his message, comes closer to him and sharply blows a snowflake so that it falls into the hands of the recipient or as close to him as possible. After the New Year's messages arrive, the participants who received them read out loud what was sent to them, take a snowflake as a souvenir and themselves become “postmen” who must send the next snowflakes.

The game can be paused at any time and resumed at the request of the participants or at the discretion of the host. It is not at all necessary to send out all the snowflakes - some of them can simply be read aloud by the host or distributed to guests at any time. One way or another, it is best to empty the New Year’s “mailbox” after this competition so that the snowflakes do not get mixed up with other congratulations that guests will write throughout the evening.

Competition "Continue the New Year's phrase"

Leading: We have just witnessed an original way of sending letters and congratulations, and some of you did it most skillfully. Some people are good at working with their hands, while others are good at working with their heads. Now I propose to identify among the guests the person with the most innovative thinking. A sense of humor and wild imagination are welcome!

The essence of the competition: On one of the walls there is a poster with unfinished phrases that need to be continued. Adults and older children participate. The person who comes up with the funniest ending writes it into the poster.

Options for unfinished phrases could be:

~ Santa Claus would have no value if... (he came every day).

~ Bad is the snowdrift that does not dream of becoming... (ice cream).

~ What does a real Christmas tree say about an artificial one?.. (“All silicone, and nothing else.”)

~ In terms of the amount of paper per person, we occupy one of the last places in the world, and one of the first... (by the number of brilliant literary works), etc.

(The competition can be held without additional props (posters). In this case, participants verbally compete in wit, coming up with original continuations of phrases)

Entertainment "Predictions and wishes under the Christmas tree"

Leading:- a magical holiday. Many people believe that if you make a secret wish, write it down on a small piece of paper, throw it into a glass of champagne and drink it while the chimes are striking, then it will definitely come true. We thought for a long time and decided, so as not to spoil your stomachs and snack on papers, to prepare special wishes and predictions for you. A kind of holiday horoscope or forecast for the next year.

Helpers take out a bag and pour balloons out of it (they should be small, about 10 cm in diameter, so that as many as possible can fit in the bag).

Everyone is invited to burst the balloon and find out what awaits them in the new year.

Predictions and wishes may be as follows.

~ There should be only two opinions in a family: one is the wife’s, the other is wrong!

~ Give useful gifts! The wife gives her husband handkerchiefs, and he gives her a mink coat.

~ Take on the difficult task of spending the family budget without change.

~ Between worries, between tasks, you need to diligently lie on the sofa.

~ We all go somewhere sometimes,

Let's go, we'll sail, we'll fly like birds,

To where the unfamiliar shore...

The road abroad awaits you.

Table game "How we celebrated last New Year"

IN the traveler asks the guests to help him complete the text of the story in which definitions were missing. To do this, you need to name any adjectives, which the presenter immediately writes into the gaps in his story. After all the blanks are filled in, the New Year's story is read aloud.

It turns out to be a lot of fun, especially if you tell those present in advance that adjectives can have any emotional connotation, that is, not only positive, but also negative.

The text of the New Year's story may be as follows.

"It was the most (...) New Year of the year. We prepared (...) food, dressed up in (...) costumes and began to dance (...) dances. Everyone was (...) and ( ...), especially after they started making (...) toasts and drinking (...) drinks. The holiday became, well, just (...)! Competitions began (...) in which you could win (...) prizes. In the midst of it, (...) Father Frost and even more (...) Snow Maiden showed up. We had a blast listening to children's songs and were (...), (...). But that's all ( ...) quickly ends. We did not notice how (...) the morning of the first of January came, and everyone felt that they (...)! We will remember this (...) holiday for a long time!"

TEAM NEW YEAR'S GAMES "New Year's Tournament"

After the guests have relaxed, eaten and had fun, it’s time to begin active creative tasks. You can organize competitions between families, teams of adults and children, men (Snowmen) and women (Snow Maidens).

Leading: Dear guests, before the clock strikes midnight and Santa Claus puts gifts under the tree, I invite you to take part in the prize draw that we have prepared for you. declared open!

Fanfare sounds, after which the host invites all guests to split into two teams. To do this, they must pull the rain out of the hands of his assistant. Those who get the short one go to the first team, and those who get the long one go to the second.

(If there are a lot of people at the New Year’s celebration, the division into teams can be conditional. For example, the right side of the table is the first team, the left side is the second. Or some of the tables are one team, some are the other. In the second case, it is advisable to indicate which table is which the team sits. For example, you can put tinsel in the center or put a Christmas tree decoration of a certain color).

- The first stage of the New Year's tournament "New Year's dish"

Leading: New Year is a holiday that many look forward to with trepidation and excitement and celebrate noisily and cheerfully. Russians have a belief: the richer and more varied the food at the New Year's table, the more fertile the harvest will be. Following this tradition, we are announcing the first competition - a culinary one. Our teams will have to come up with an unusual dish using the ingredients available on the holiday tables (any products). And let the more interesting the dish be, the brighter the coming year will be!

The presenter's assistants bring out two small tables, the teams take large plates, any food and begin to build a festive dish - something unusual, but related to the New Year's celebration, for example, a Christmas tree, a New Year's toy, a card or a snowman. It could be a tower of sandwiches or any New Year’s composition, the main thing is to show your imagination. The competition takes place to music and lasts five to ten minutes.

When the dishes are ready, the jury evaluates the imagination and skill of the chefs and determines the winners.

- The second stage of the New Year's tournament "Christmas tree decoration"

Everyone is invited to paint toys cut out of cardboard in different colors (abstraction is encouraged) and make large loops on them for easy attachment to any object. Then the presenter selects several volunteers who go out with their toys to the middle of the room. All participants are blindfolded and spun at the same time. Their goal is to find a Christmas tree and hang a toy on it. You can only go straight until the first obstacle, which will be the “Christmas tree”. To create confusion among the players, spectators can spread out evenly around the room and get in the way. The winner is the one who hangs the toy on the Christmas tree, or the one who finds the most original place for the toy (for example, on some part of the body or clothing).

Artist competition "Family portrait of Father Frost and Snow Maiden"

Whatman paper is attached to the wall. Each team is given felt-tip pens and markers, as well as a set of pieces of paper on which words are written indicating body parts and clothing attributes, for example, “face”, “crown”, “beard”, “coat”, “staff”, “torso”, “nails”, etc. Each team member, without looking, takes out a piece of paper and draws on whatman paper what is written on the card. As a result, both teams should get Father Frost and Snow Maiden. The team whose drawing turns out to be the brightest and most beautiful will win.

(The competition will be livelier and more interesting if you turn on fast music, which will stimulate portrait artists.

During the competition, the presenter and his assistants must monitor how the teams are doing and what stage they are at. As soon as one of the groups completes their creation, the music stops and the drawing process stops).

- Fashion designer competition "New Year's Costume"

Leading: We forgot to warn you that a New Year's costume competition is planned for today's holiday. But don't worry: you have plenty of time to prepare. Ten whole minutes. This is exactly how much is allocated for the next competition, which, as you probably already guessed, is called “New Year’s Costume”. The whole team participates in it. You need to choose one person - a model for whom the outfit will be sewn. The remaining team members will become seamstresses and fashion designers. As materials for the holiday “outfit,” you can use everything that the model is already wearing, plus any additional items (Christmas tree decorations, jewelry, etc.). The main thing in this competition is your imagination and ingenuity. Good luck!

Teams approach tables on which there are materials for costumes (rolls of colored toilet paper, newspapers, corrugated paper, balloons, plastic bags, ribbons and bows, which the presenter and his assistants give to the teams in advance). The music turns on, and the participants begin to “tailor” New Year’s outfits.

After the “designers” complete their work, the “models” show off the clothes. The winner is the team that was able to create the most striking and unusual image.

- Competition of musical pop groups "One word, two words - there will be a song"

The presenter puts cards with New Year's words in the hat (for example, “Christmas tree”, “round dance”, “New Year”, “snow”, “icicle”, “snowflake”, etc.). Teams take turns drawing cards and reading a word or phrase out loud. Participants must remember a song in which this word or phrase appears and sing at least one verse. If players cannot play the song, the right goes to their opponents.

The “musical group” that remembers the largest number of New Year-themed songs wins the competition.

- Game "Red Nose"

A Whatman paper with an image of a snowman is brought into the hall. Two assistants hold him at human height so that everyone can see.

Leading: What's New Year without snow and a snowman? In order not to freeze our noses on the street, we drew a snowy friend of all the children on whatman paper. Everything would be fine, except our snowman lost his carrot somewhere, and where his nose used to be, he has a round hole. Disorder! Please help restore the snowman to his previous appearance.

The participant is blindfolded and given a cardboard red nose. The player takes five steps back from the place where the poster is located, spins three times, and then tries to reach the Whatman paper with the snowman, figure out where he thinks the nose should be, and insert it into the right place. The player is considered to have completed the task if he correctly identified the location of the poster and inserted the carrot into the hole. Whether she fell out of it or remained holding on does not matter.

(Only players under nine years of age are allowed to suggest direction of movement)

- Game "Santa Claus's Mittens"

Leading: In the next competition we will check how well you know each other and how much you became close during the festive banquet.

One team lines up, and the second chooses two volunteers. One of them is put on thick mittens (potholders or mittens) and blindfolded, while the other is hidden among the members of the second team. The blindfolded player's task is to find a member of his team among his opponents. They can be touched and smelled. The main thing is that the second player is found and returned to the team. In this case, the participant receives a winning point. When the search is completed, the teams switch roles. After one or more rounds (three or four), the winning team is determined, which managed to find and correctly determine the maximum number of its players.

Leading: Our New Year's tournament has come to an end! All its participants passed the tests with dignity, showed creativity, ingenuity, mischief and agility. And while the jury sums up the results, I suggest dancing and relaxing at the tables with treats and drinks.

Guests are invited to the table to taste hot dishes and drinks, and recharge their energy for the dance part


Leading: The minute is approaching when the clock will strike and gifts will appear under the tree as if by magic. To make the time fly by, let's dance and play the game “Come on, repeat!” The one who manages to repeat all the movements after me and never make a mistake will receive a prize.

(Dancing games with repetition of movements are based on the fact that the leader recitatively tells some story, poem or verse of a song, setting the rhythm. Music in this case is either not needed at all, or is of a background nature, so as not to drown out the leader’s voice).

- Dance game "Gifts from Santa Claus"

The presenter tells the New Year's story, using movements and gestures to depict the gifts that Santa Claus brought for the New Year. Players try to repeat all the actions of the leader as accurately as possible.

The story could be as follows.

Santa Claus brought gifts to everyone on New Year's Eve. Gave my dad a comb (the presenter “combs his hair” with one hand). Son - skis (without stopping “combing”, moves his legs as if he were skiing). Mom - a meat grinder (“rotates” the meat grinder handle with his free hand, “combs” and “goes” on skis). For my daughter, a doll that can open and close its eyes, smile and say: “Congratulations!” (depicts this talking doll, “rotates” the handle of the meat grinder, “combs” and “goes” on skis).

The most accurate player, who managed to simultaneously perform all the actions without losing his way, is rewarded with a prize.

- Dance game "Santa Claus has a lot of reindeer"

The game is similar to the previous one. The presenter reads a poem and shows a pantomime, the participants repeat all the actions after him.

Santa Claus has a lot of reindeer (shows deer antlers),

They love to dance so much (makes a turn on the spot).

They stand in snowdrifts year after year

They keep repeating: “Front hooves!”

(the presenter shakes his hands).

Without ceasing to shake his hands, the leader begins the “dance” all over again. With the only difference: at the end of the poem he replaces “front hooves” with “hind hooves” and adds feet that have been trampling in place to the hands that have been shaking for a long time.

Then the presenter reads the poem again from the beginning, only the last line changes: “They don’t stop repeating: “Oh, my eyes!” At this moment, the presenter, and behind him the participants, add blinking eyes to the constantly stomping feet and shaking hands.

Then the dance continues, adding a shaking head to the stomping feet, shaking hands and blinking eyes.

It turns out that the dancers shake their heads and arms, blink their eyes, stomp their feet and at the same time try to perform the simple movements mentioned in the poem (showing horns, making turns). This is quite difficult, since you need to force your body to carry out many commands at the same time.

After the gifts are presented, champagne is poured into glasses, wishes are made, and everyone celebrates the New Year with the chimes ringing.

(A wonderful addition to this scenario would be an impromptu New Year’s fairy tale - you can see a version of the fairy tale for a home party

New Year is one of the most favorite holidays of every person in the world. It is the New Year that all people look forward to. No wonder it is believed that the New Year is a family holiday. On this day, each family gets together, prepares 12 different dishes and celebrates. How to make this night unforgettably fun? After all, it’s not for nothing that people say: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” To make the whole Year as happy as this night, you should amuse your family with funny competitions.

Competition No. 1. "Heroes of Fairy Tales".

This is a very fun, family competition. All you need are balloons and markers or markers. Each family member is given a ball and a felt-tip pen. Your task: draw the face of your favorite hero from a famous fairy tale on the ball. It could be Shrek, Peter Pan or Cinderella. The winner is the participant whose portrait on the ball everyone recognizes. Remember that balloons are quite fragile, it would be nice to have a couple of spare ones.

Competition No. 2. "Divination".

As they say: “New Year is a time of magic and miracles.” It is the night from the 31st to the first that is the time to find out your destiny. What is needed for this? The presenter prepares two hats. You need to put notes with questions in one, and notes with answers in the other. Each family member then draws one note from the first hat and one from the second. You will be surprised how the answers can accurately answer some questions. In addition, this competition is very funny, it will definitely amuse all the guests.

Competition No. 3. "Christmas tree".

This competition requires 2 teams, each with 2 people. One person on the team is a Christmas tree. Parents should provide decorations that are not too much to spare. These can be unbreakable balls, candies or cones on strings. In each team, one person decorates the “Christmas tree” without using their hands. But the “Christmas tree” can help a member of its team with its “needles”. 3 minutes are given for everything. The team whose “Christmas tree” will have the most decorations will win.

Competition No. 4. "Christmas decorations".

All family members can participate in this competition. Parents put various Christmas tree decorations on the table. Their number should be one toy less than the number of participants in the competition. One of the parents will be the presenter. The presenter turns on cheerful music. The whole family walks around the table with Christmas tree decorations. As soon as the music turns off, everyone should have time to take one toy for themselves. The one who is left without decoration is eliminated from the game. But so that he doesn’t get upset, he is given a delicious, sweet gingerbread. Then one toy is removed from the table and the game continues. The winner will be the one who remains in the game last.

Competition No. 5. "Airplanes".

It’s 23:00, all the dishes are ready a long time ago, but everyone is lazy and doesn’t want to take them to the festive table. How to turn boring table setting into a fun game? Very simple. Now your children and husband are airplanes. They fly into the kitchen, and you give them valuable cargo, be it salad, forks or napkins. From point A - the kitchen, they fly to point B - the living room, and unload their valuable goods onto the festive table. The same can be done after the holiday to clear everything from the table. This game is not only fun, but also useful. After all, this is also an invaluable help for mom.

This competition is not only a fun time, but will also help you decorate your apartment very beautifully. Each participant is given scissors and napkins. All family members should cut out as many beautiful snowflakes as possible. And then, together choose the best works and decorate the apartment with them. For their efforts, each participant receives candy.

Competition No. 7. "Funny puzzles."

This competition is very suitable for calming down a little after active games and competitions. All family members are divided into two teams. For example, for the “Children” team and for the “Parents” team. Each team is given a box of puzzles, preferably with a New Year's theme. The team who completes their picture the fastest will win. Of course, parents will have to give in a little to their beloved children so as not to upset them. If you don’t have puzzles at home, you can print two pictures on A4 sheet and simply cut them.

Competition No. 8. "Gifts from Santa Claus."

Both adults and children love this competition. Santa Claus should come to visit you, whose role can be played by the father or uncle of the children. But Santa Claus did not come empty-handed, he came with a red bag full of various gifts. The task of each participant in the competition, without looking, is to put his hand into the bag, take out his gift and try to guess what it is. Believe me, every guest in your home will be pleased to receive a small gift from Santa Claus.

Competition No. 9. "Crocodile".

Probably everyone knows this game. This is the favorite game of many children. Its essence is that the presenter tells one participant what he should portray. It could be a famous person, an animal or even an object. The participant who was given the task must portray it without words, only with facial expressions, gestures and various movements. The one who first guessed what exactly was shown becomes the next one to be given the task. This game is really addictive. You can play it for hours, because it is not only fun, but also incredibly interesting.

Competition No. 10. "Creative person".

Everyone present can participate in this competition. Each participant is given a bag in turn, in which there are many notes with one word related to the New Year theme. For example: “Christmas tree”, “Snowflake”, “Snow Maiden” and the like. When the participant receives their note, they must recite a poem or sing a couple of lines from a song that mentions that word. When he has done this, the bag goes to the next participant. At the end, each family member is given a tasty reward.

Competition No. 11. “Find the candy in the snowdrift.”

This competition involves two people. There are two bowls of flour (with “snow”) on the table. The task of each of them is to get more candies from the “drift” in a minute than the opponent. But you need to do this without using your hands. But the point of the competition is not even to determine the winner, but to make the whole family laugh with funny faces. The main thing is to be careful and not accidentally inhale the flour.

Competition No. 12. "Snowflakes in a basket."

This competition requires two people. The presenter scatters snowflakes cut out of paper on the floor. Participants must search blindfolded. The task of both is to collect as many snowflakes as possible in their basket. The one who has more of them wins.

Competition No. 13. "The most beautiful Christmas tree."

Everyone loves to decorate the Christmas tree. It's a New Year's tradition that never gets old. Two people must take part in this competition (two “Christmas trees”). Each participant has a mountain of different clothes (Christmas tree decorations) in front of them. Everyone’s task is to put on as many “decorations” as possible in a minute. Then the presenter counts how many clothes each “Christmas tree” managed to put on. The participant who wore the most clothes won.

Competition No. 14. "Flying Snowflake"

This competition is open to everyone present. The presenter gives each participant a “snowflake” (a small blue balloon). The task is very simple, each family member must throw their “snowflake” into the air and blow on it to prevent it from falling. The one whose snowflake flew the longest was the winner.


Inventory: Cotton wool.
Preparation: Lumps resembling a snowflake are made from cotton wool.
Hosted by Santa Claus.
Game: at the leader’s signal, the participants begin to blow from below onto the lump so that it flies like a snowflake. The task is to prevent the “snowflake” from falling.
Winner: the participant who keeps the “snowflake” in the air the longest.


A game of attentiveness. We answer yes or no. It turns out pretty funny.
Everyone knows Santa Claus, right?
He arrives at seven sharp, right?
Santa Claus is a good old man, right?
Wears a hat and galoshes, right?
Santa Claus will come soon, right?
He will bring gifts, right?
The trunk is good for our Christmas tree, right?
It was cut down with a double-barreled shotgun, right?
What grows on the Christmas tree? Bumps, right?
Tomatoes and gingerbread, right?
Well, our Christmas tree is beautiful, right?
There are red needles everywhere, right?
Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right?
He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?
Well, the questions have been answered,
You all know about Santa Claus.
And this means the time has come,
Which all the kids are waiting for.
Let's call Santa Claus!


2 players each receive an elegant bag and stand at the coffee table, on which in a box there are scraps of tinsel, unbreakable Christmas tree decorations, as well as small things not related to the New Year holiday. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, blindfolded participants put the contents of the box into bags. As soon as the music stops, the players are untied and look at the collected items. The one who has the most New Year's items wins. The game can be played 2 times with different players.


Children form 2 teams. Near each team, the leader places a box with unbreakable Christmas tree decorations. At a distance from the teams there is a small decorated artificial Christmas tree. The first players take one toy from the box, run to their team’s Christmas tree, hang the toy and return - and so on until the last player. The first team to decorate the Christmas tree wins.


Required: baskets according to the number of participants, cubes, marbles, balls - an odd number. Place cubes, marbles and marbles on the floor - these will be the potatoes.
Each player is given a basket in his hands and blindfolded.
The task is to blindly collect as many “potatoes” as possible and put them in a basket.
The participant who collects the most “potatoes” wins.

This competition is a team competition, it is best to conduct it with a large number of participants. Divide the children into two teams and place them in a line opposite each other. Music is played for each team in turn. The players' task is to dance. But the whole team must do one specific movement, and as synchronously as possible. When the music ends, a musical fragment is played for the second team, which dances its movements. Team movements should not be repeated.
The game continues until one of the teams “freezes”, unable to come up with the next move. The “frozen” team is considered a loser. The winners are given a prize (for example, candy or tangerines), and the losing team is given music again so that they can dance and “warm up.”

This competition is for children who have already started school. If there are a lot of children, divide them into several teams; if not, let everyone play for themselves. Each team or player is given a pen and a piece of paper. In the allotted time, you need to come up with as many words as possible that contain the syllable “fir”: April, drops, blizzard, pipe... Five to ten minutes will be enough, if given more time, the children may get bored.
The catch of the game is that most players will only remember words that end in “spruce,” especially if you give them just such an example at the beginning. And only the most perceptive will understand that the syllable “fir” can appear at the beginning or in the middle of a word, for example: gorge, dolphin, spruce forest, slacker, businesslike...
For each word invented, the team (or player) is awarded one point. The one who scores the most points wins. This player (or team) is awarded a sweet prize.


The teams line up in two rows, a bucket (New Year's, beautifully decorated) is placed on the floor in front of them at a certain distance, and on command, the children take turns throwing all their snowflakes into the bucket. You cannot pick up unsuccessfully thrown snowballs. The team that throws more accurately will win.


Each player gets a name, say, a cracker, a lollipop, an icicle, a garland, a needle, a flashlight, a snowdrift... The driver goes around everyone in a circle and asks various questions: - Who are you? - Firecracker. - What holiday is today? - Lollipop. - What do you have (pointing to your nose)? - Icicle. - What drips from the icicle? - Garland... Each participant must answer any questions with his “name”, while the “name” can be declined accordingly. Those answering questions should not laugh. Whoever laughs is out of the game. Well, the most persistent person gets the prize.


New Year is a sweet holiday, and there is no shortage of sweets. Offer the children a fun competition to see who can pick up the most candies. You cannot hide sweets in your pockets or in your bosom, only in your hands. After counting the candies and determining the winner, announce to the kids that they can eat these candies as a prize!

To make the New Year's celebration interesting and joyful, hold a couple of competitions for guests. The article contains entertainment that is suitable for events of various formats.

For the whole family

Guests young and old will be able to take part in family competitions for the New Year 2019. Each game is designed to bring loved ones closer together on the eve of the holiday.

Memory Relay

You will need a symbolic baton. It can be any object, for example, a chocolate bar. The goal of the competition is to spend the outgoing year with kind words and pleasant memories.

A person with a baton in his hands must quickly remember the most wonderful event that happened to him over the past 12 months. He tells the crowd about it. Then he passes the wand to any of those present.
If someone hesitates and cannot quickly remember anything positive, then he is awarded the comic prize “Lucky of the Year 2018”. Among New Year's games and entertainment for the family, this relay race is one of the most heartwarming competitions.

Balloons with wishes

You need to prepare for this entertainment in advance. Write wishes for your household on pieces of paper, then place them inside inflatable balloons. You will also need a hat or cap. Leaves with the names of different parts of the body (elbow, heel, knee) are placed in the headdress.

Guests choose their favorite balls. But they shouldn't just eat them. This must be done with the part of the body that is written on the piece of paper from the hat. As a reward for their efforts, everyone will receive good wishes for the coming year.

New Year's Oscar

The New Year's Oscar is awarded for the best performance in the role of the symbol of the New Year. The mascot of the upcoming holiday is a pig. Everyone has a specific role. One will be a “sad pig”, another will be a “mysterious”, the third will be a “piggy dreaming of rolling in the mud.”

From those who did not want to try on the role of the symbol of the New Year, you can assemble the “academy jury”. All “actors” are given props – toy snouts and ears.

Over the next 15-20 minutes, each player behaves according to their role. At the same time, you can continue to communicate with each other, but this must be done in the manner of the pig that the participant received.

At the end, the jury deliberates and writes the winner's name on paper. The leaflet can be placed in a pre-prepared envelope so that everything is like at a real ceremony. The winner receives a prize for the most artistic pig.

For children

These entertainments will appeal to kids who do not yet go to school and elementary school students. All children's competitions are active and aimed at uniting the children.


The competition consists of two parts. The first is making snowballs. The children are divided into two groups and a pile of newspapers is dumped in front of each of them. In a minute, the guys must “blind” them into snowballs.

After the children make “projectiles”, you can move on to the second part of the competition - the accuracy competition. Teams line up in two rows. Colored tape is glued to the floor in front of them. It marks a line that participants must not cross.

A few meters from the markings, baskets are placed - children should aim snowballs there. Time is noted again. Participants one by one approach the “firing line” and throw snowballs into the basket. The team whose catch is greater wins.

Decorating the Christmas tree

Ideally, for this competition you will need two small New Year's trees. But you can show your imagination and choose “Christmas trees” from children. The remaining players are divided into two teams. They are given safe, unbreakable toys on strings. The goal of the competition is to hang as many decorations as possible on the spruce tree in a minute. In this case, the child in the role of a tree should stand motionless.

You can complicate the game by placing “Christmas trees” at a distance of several meters from the teams, so that the participants take turns running up to it with decorations.


Two teams stand opposite each other. Each participant is given tinsel. The competition begins to the New Year's tune. The first player must tie his tinsel around the hand of the second child, and the latter must tie the hand of the third. When it’s the last participant’s turn, he runs to the first and puts his tinsel on his hand.

After this, the children raise their hands up together. The team that does this first wins.


Sometimes you want to have fun without leaving the table. Below are competitions that will give guests a good mood without taking up a lot of energy.

Remember the alphabet

“Remember the Alphabet” is an entertainment that is ideal for that moment when guests have already drunk and eaten, but are still cheerful and cheerful. For this competition you will need filled glasses and a sense of humor.

The presenter says that he forgot the entire alphabet due to alcohol. In order for him to remember it, the guests must take turns making toasts. The first participant begins his speech with the letter A, the second with B, the third with C, and so on in a circle. For example: “Shouldn’t we drink to your health?”, “Be happy in the new year!”, “Money and good luck to everyone.”

At the end, the most original toast is chosen, and the guests drink to the winner.

Song from the hat

For this game you need to write on pieces of paper words on a New Year's theme (winter, blizzard, Snow Maiden, snowflake). The papers are sent to the header.

Guests take turns taking out pieces of paper and singing songs that contain the word they come across. To make it even more fun, you can include karaoke videos from the Internet as an accompaniment.

And again about gifts

For this game you need to prepare a bag with small comic gifts. The presenter turns to the guest sitting on the left and says: “I have wanted to give you this thing for so long, but I couldn’t give it to you because of...”. Here you need to come up with a funny reason, for example, “I myself was sorry to part with this item” or “this thing cost a fortune.”

Then the presenter blindly pulls out a gift and hands it to the guest. After this, the person who received the gift takes the bag and makes a speech for his neighbor on the left. The more ridiculous the reason why the gift was not given, the merrier.

For adults

Competitions for adults require the use of strong drinks. However, there is also fun non-alcoholic entertainment.

Drink and snack

Guests are given two pieces of paper. One sticker says “drink”, the other says “snack”. Everyone must supplement the first piece of paper with an object from which to drink, for example: “Drink from the palm of the neighbor on the right” or “drink from the pan.”

On the second piece of paper, guests write what the person will have as a snack: “salt”, “sniff with hair”. The stickers are then placed in two hats or boxes and taken turns being pulled blindly.


An A4 sheet is hung on the wall. One person names another character from any New Year's movie and hands a marker. The player will have to explain to the guests who they wished for him using a drawing. Artistic skills do not play any role here. The one who guessed the hero first becomes the explainer, as in the famous game “Crocodile”.

Festive cocktail

For this game, the participant is blindfolded with thick cloth. After a person “loses his sight,” one of the guests prepares a cocktail for him from any drinks that are on the table. The miracle potion is then given to the player to try. He must determine what components his New Year's cocktail consists of.

Guests write down his result, for example, “Igor - guessed 3 out of 5.” Then the same thing is done with the next participant. The one who correctly names all the ingredients wins. The current prize in this competition will be a hangover pill.

For a group of adults who don't drink, you can hold a similar competition, in which instead of a cocktail, the participants are given a sandwich. It can include any food that is on the table.

We are holding a lottery

The main condition for the lottery for the New Year 2019 is that it is win-win. On this holiday, everyone should go home with gifts and a good mood. Therefore, you need to know the exact number of guests in advance. Just in case, you can prepare two or three more presents.

You have to prepare not only gifts, but also lottery tickets. Since the year of the pig is coming, you can download a funny image of a pig from the Internet and print out many copies of it. Place numbers on the pictures according to the number of participants.

You can simply hand over tickets to guests before the start of the party. But it’s more interesting if you show your imagination. For example, attach pictures with numbers under the chairs. If the company is small, then you can call guests one by one to the center of the hall and ask them to sing a song, tell a poem or an anecdote. As a reward for the action, the person dips his hand into the ticket hat and pulls out his lucky pig.

Any little thing can be used as prizes - from a pin to a chocolate bar. It will be very funny if you accompany the presentation of a gift with a comic couplet. For example: “To be like in the picture all year round, get ascorbic acid!”

For schoolchildren

Competitions for schoolchildren are suitable for students of any age. Both fifth-graders and graduates usually enjoy running and jumping.

Whoever managed it sat down

The chair game is a timeless classic for schoolchildren. Before the entertainment begins, count the number of participants. Chairs must be placed one number less. Children run around them to cheerful New Year's music. As soon as the melody turns off, the guys must sit on the chairs. The one who does not have enough space is eliminated. Despite the fact that this game has been around for many years, it always causes a lot of excitement among teenagers.

Jump into the New Year

The competition is based on an old German tradition. On New Year's Eve in Germany it is customary to stand on a chair and jump from it. It is believed that the further you jump, the happier you will be over the next 12 months. To avoid injury, you can avoid using chairs. The winner is the one who jumps the farthest.

Hand to hand

All players are divided into pairs. The presenter turns on fiery music, to which the guys begin to jump and dance. During the fun, all couples must separate and mix. Then the music stops abruptly, the presenter shouts: “Hand to hand!” Everyone must quickly find their partner and touch hands. Whoever is last is eliminated. In each round, the presenter gives different tasks: “Heel to heel”, “forehead to forehead”.

For the New Year 2019, the game can be complicated. To do this, you will need themed items, such as snowflakes made of cardboard, toy piglets, and candies in the form of Santa Claus. They must be placed in the room where the holiday is taking place. In the next round, the presenter announces: “Snowflake to snowflake,” after which everyone must take a snowflake and touch them. The last one to find the item is eliminated.

For young people

Below are several cool competitions that are perfect for celebrating the New Year in the company of young people.

Unloading the Christmas tree

Two volunteers are selected who will have to remove candies from the Christmas trees with their eyes closed. And all the other guests act as the New Year's tree. They are lined up and candy is attached to each one. You can do this using clothespins. Participants are blindfolded, given a basket and taken to different ends of the “guest tree.” On command, players begin by touch to remove candy from people and put it in their basket. The competition ends when the participants collide with each other in the middle. Whoever has the most candies wins.

Firecrackers and girls

At the beginning of the holiday, all the boys are given a cracker. Then the rules of the competition are announced. Throughout the evening, each guy must "blow up" his firecracker without warning. And the girls, hearing the next “bang-bang,” jump into the arms of any young man standing next to them. Anyone who gets confused or forgets about the competition will have to complete some fun task from the guests.

Tangerines of Friendship

The guests are divided into two teams and lined up. You need to prepare two bowls of tangerines and two large empty plates. The first participant takes the tangerine with his teeth and passes it to the other person’s mouth. The last player must place the tangerine on the plate. You can't help yourself with your hands. The team that manages to collect the most citrus fruits in two minutes wins. Don't forget to wash the tangerines before the competition.

For a corporate event

Competitions for corporate parties include both outdoor games and entertainment that can be arranged without leaving the table.

Decorating the Christmas tree

Participants in the competition will have to blindly decorate a Christmas tree. But before you hang the toy on the tree, you still need to find it. Everyone who wants to is taken to the center and given a piece of jewelry. Then the guests are blindfolded and forced to spin around their axis several times.

After this, everyone begins to move forward until they come across some object or living person. The participant must hang his toy on the obstacle he encounters. The one who is lucky enough to stumble upon the Christmas tree wins. While moving, you cannot change its direction. Another prize is given to the player who “found” the most original place for his toy.

Dance Marathon

For this competition we will have to select several diverse musical cuts. Participants are divided into pairs. Each of them will have to perform a dance to music that absolutely does not correspond to it. For example, the presenter announces: “The first couple is dancing Lezginka.” And the song “The color of mood is blue” sounds.

The more inappropriate dance and music turn out to be for each other, the merrier. As tasks, you can recall ancient genres such as minuet and waltz.


Everyone is given stickers on which guests write three things they will definitely do in the coming year. These leaves are then rolled up and thrown into the hat, where they are mixed. After that, each guest blindly draws a promise and reads it out loud. Funny coincidences cannot be avoided.

You can complicate the entertainment so that the one who reads “his” promise guesses who it actually belongs to.

Funny competitions

In the entertainment presented below, everyone will be able to show their artistry and imagination. All competitions are aimed at making others laugh and having a good laugh.

New Year's crocodile

To play the festive crocodile, you need to prepare a lot of stickers with the names of New Year's films. For example, “Love Actually”, “Irony of Fate”, “Carnival Night”. The first player draws a piece of paper at random. The participant must perform such a pantomime so that the other guests can guess the name of the film.

The first one to name the correct answer is the next to draw a leaf from the hat. At the end, you can give out a prize for the most artistic performance.

Snowman T-shirt

Prepare three large men's T-shirts. Before the start of the holiday, they need to be rolled up and placed in the freezer. Select three men to participate in the competition. They get to wear these T-shirts. Whoever does it the fastest wins. Considering the condition of the T-shirts from the freezer, the task ahead will not be easy.

Read my lips

Two players are given a pair of headphones that play music. The volume should be at such a level that people cannot hear each other. Then one player is given cards with questions about the holiday. For example: “How much do you usually drink on New Year’s Eve?” or “What do you like to do on the first of January?”

The second participant must try to understand the question being asked and answer it as accurately as possible. After a few minutes, the question cards are passed to the other pair of players. Those who answer the most questions correctly win.

For relaxed guests

Not every company likes noisy or lively competitions. The next three entertainments are just for those who like calm but fun games.

Funny fortune telling

On pieces of paper, guests write questions about what awaits them in the coming year. The stickers are then rolled up and thrown into the hat. After this, guests are given new pieces of paper on which they need to write answers, for example: “this will definitely happen” or “you’ll have to wait another year.” They are thrown into another hat.

Guests take turns pulling leaves from first one, then from another headdress and read out what they came across. The more creative the questions and answers, the merrier.

Chrismas story

During this entertainment, guests will feel like real writers. Everyone is given 8-10 pieces of paper on which they need to write different words.

Half of them should be related to the New Year, and the other part should be an unlimited flight of fancy. Then all the leaves are placed in a hat and mixed thoroughly.

The first participant pulls out two or three pieces of paper. He says: “One New Year’s Eve...”. And then he needs to come up with the beginning of a story using the words that he came across.

The next person also pulls out a few pieces of paper. His task is to continue the story with his own words. Typically, such collective stories take on plot twists that are more interesting than those in Hollywood blockbusters.

I remembered these games and came up with them for our family New Year. Some of them have been tested before, some we will experience for the first time in nine days.

Memories. Each participant remembers and writes down the most important events of the past year. If there are several married couples at the holiday, you can compete to see which pair will have the most matches. In one family, it’s simply interesting to compare these lists, who remembered and highlighted what. And if you have a large family (6 or more people), you can award as many points for each event as the number of people who remembered it. And based on the amount, determine the winner.

Secret Santa Claus. You can start playing on the morning of December 31st or even a few days before the New Year. By drawing lots, each participant receives the name of another participant (if his name is found, a retake is required). And you need to try to give this person surprises and something pleasant. But so that he doesn’t figure you out right away. At midnight you can discuss who noticed what, who guessed, who didn’t. But the main thing in this game is not the result, but the feeling of miracles and celebration that certainly arises in the process. Therefore, even three people can play it (we are going).

Present. You need to prepare small prizes (sweets, stationery, household items - preferably something funny and insignificant) and write their names on cards. Participants take turns pulling out a card and pantomime showing their item to the rest of the guests. Whoever guessed correctly receives the item as a gift (“it’s better to sell” cards after the end of the drawing). If the participants are of different ages, you can exclude from the further drawing those who have already received prizes, or simply give the children a head start in time.

New Year's nim. The first participant says: “January 1st.” Each subsequent player, in turn, names a new date, following the rule that you can increase the number of the month by one, two or three, or the month by one. That is, the next player can say “January 2”, “January 3”, “January 4” or “February 1”. The participant who says “December 31” on his turn wins.

Board game. It's very easy to collect tasks and gifts for a board game. This is the kind of game we made a few years ago.

Snowball. A well-known game in which children with good memory beat adults. The first participant says: “In Santa Claus’s bag...” (and names any toy, and maybe something funny). Each next participant must list all the items that other participants named before him and add something of his own. They play until everyone says something (and at the end you can try to draw this wonderful bag) or until everyone is completely confused.

Looking for surprises. You need to prepare a lot of small surprises. This is not so difficult, since candies, nuts, cookies, stickers, beautiful beads, bells and just good predictions will do. It is much more difficult to wrap each of these prizes separately (it is better to wrap all the prizes in the same paper). After this, the presenter, for example, at the moment when everyone goes outside to set off fireworks, places the packages in visible places. Those who search must be warned that they should not climb into cabinets and drawers; all the packages can be seen simply with the eyes, without moving anything. At the signal, all participants go on a search. It’s better to leave a few packages with the presenter in case someone is upset that they didn’t find enough surprises.

In the fall, we played “let’s swing without looking” several times. This seems like a good New Year's game for exchanging small gifts or candy.

You can build fortresses from pre-frozen ice cubes, place candles in the center and admire the magical spectacle. And if you forgot to freeze the ice, try making a building out of lump sugar.

Lottery of plans. Have a lot of plans for the New Year and don’t know what to do first? Make a numbered list of things to do - necessary (disassemble a shelf, sort out clothes), interesting (go to the Paleontological Museum, finish drawing your board game), pleasant (have a day of doing nothing). It’s better to make a general list of joint things to do for the whole family. But you can create custom lists to include personal projects. And after that, each participant rolls the dice and determines what to do (for everyone or for him personally) in the first week of the new year.

It’s very good for the whole family to dream and make plans for the New Year.

Memories with numbers. Try to remember all the events of the past year related to numbers and collect these numbers in total 365. For example, you can add up three lost teeth for your son, second place in a competition for your daughter, 16 birthday gifts for children, 20 thousand awards, 5 wonderful films , 3 favorite books that appeared, 1 new flower pot on the window, a new nephew, 16 wonderful days of travel... There are a lot of memories, but it’s not so easy to dial the right number (and if it’s easy, try counting 2014).

Snowmen. It seems right to me to prepare the New Year's table with the whole family, with joy and imagination. And at one time this master class really inspired me - a great idea for a New Year's breakfast.

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