New Year's fun at home for the whole family. Fun competitions and games for the whole family. New Year's games at the table for a drunk company at a corporate party

What could be better than celebrating the New Year with your family, together with your loved ones? How interesting is it to organize a family New Year's holiday if married couples and children gather in the company circle? What games and competitions are best to choose for the New Year? If you are racking your brains over these questions, don’t worry, we will tell you a way to have a fun way to celebrate the family New Year and offer a New Year’s scenario for adults and children.



Let's think about how and what are the best family New Year's competitions and family games for the New Year to organize. Firstly, you need to take into account the number of participants in the holiday and their age, of course. Secondly, think over a menu for the festive New Year's table that is suitable for everyone. It’s good if the table setting is appropriate, for example, small children don’t necessarily need to watch adults drink alcohol, so bottles and glasses for alcohol can be “disguised” with the same tinsel. The main thing is not to forget to do the same for children, making juices and compotes even more attractive for them than for adults. You will not have any problems with this at all if you decide to organize a family New Year's holiday in the form of a themed party. For example, a New Year’s scenario for adults and children based on the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland” (everyone will drink from the tea set, and you yourself will figure out what to pour into the “teapot for adults”) or “Treasure Island” (all the pirates drink “ rum"), etc.

The most important thing for the holiday is family games and competitions for the New Year. It’s not difficult to come up with them for a themed party - based on the plot chosen for the script. And if your friendly group doesn’t really like dressing up and pretending, then the New Year’s scenario for adults and children can be arbitrary, the main thing is that everyone has fun. It is better to start such entertainment when celebrating the New Year with your family from approximately 21.00 in the evening in order to celebrate the New Year in an enthusiastic mood. By midnight, the kids will be tired enough to go to bed right after the chimes and let the adults have a blast! And so, a New Year's scenario for adults and children.


To begin with, you can give everyone a piece of paper and a pen so that they describe the most significant event of the outgoing year and their cherished dream for the coming New Year. Little kids can draw this. All the leaves are put into a box, which together is beautifully decorated with pictures, snowflakes, tinsel, etc. The box is sealed with tape and put aside until the next New Year to open it in the family circle, read it and fill it with new contents. Children will really like this activity, and parents will be interested in looking into it later, remembering the family New Year and saving children's doodles for a long time.

Let's imagine that there are a lot of guests and you need to organize a family New Year's party with games and competitions for everyone. If there are, for example, about twenty of you, then you need to prepare in advance for the participants of the evening:

  • 1. 10 sticks,
  • 2. 10 brooms (mini-applications similar to the “broom” emblem),
  • 3. 20 homemade envelopes;
  • 4. about a hundred snow balls, rolled them out of cotton wool yourself;
  • 5. Applique Christmas trees that act as a medal for each victory in the competition;
  • 6. balloons, newspapers, confetti, ice cream, prizes for competitions, etc.

We place sticks and brooms into the prepared envelopes, and put the envelopes themselves into a hat. When the time comes to hold family New Year competitions and family games for the New Year, we distribute envelopes to the guests. Those who received a wand become members of the “Fir-trees-sticks” team, others become members of the “Fir-trees-brooms” team (you can get creative with the names and attributes). Applications indicating membership in a particular team can be attached to clothing with a pin.

Family competitions for the New Year: “Competition for the best New Year’s costume.”

Buy toilet paper, masks, glasses, noses, jewelry in bulk in advance, pick up old dresses, scarves, skirts, etc. Next, the teams draw lots for who to prepare which costume. For example, you can wish for costumes of the Snow Maiden, a clown, an Indian, or a pirate. Whoever did it better and funnier gets a prize Christmas tree.

Family competitions for the New Year: “Frosty Breath”.

This competition will be more interesting for children. Paper snowflakes are laid out in one row on the table. Participants must blow on them so that they fall from the table to the floor. When all the snowflakes fall, we surprise the competition participants by informing them that the contestant whose snowflake fell the last won. That is, he has the most “frosty breath”; he froze a snowflake to the table.

Family New Year's singing competitions: "Song from a hat."

Put small notes in the hat with just one word written on them, for example: Santa Claus, icicle, frost, Christmas tree, etc. Each member of the teams takes turns taking notes out of their hats and performing a song or fragment of a song whose text contains the word written in the note - always winter or New Year's! Whichever team gives up first and cannot remember the right song loses.

Family games for the New Year: “Snowball fight.”

Hand out snowballs made from cotton wool to the teams. At the command of the presenter, as soon as the cheerful music starts, everyone begins to throw snowballs at each other. When the host turns off the music, the task of the participants becomes to collect as many snowballs as possible, both their own and their opponents. The team that collects the most snowballs receives a prize Christmas tree. Don’t rush to turn off the music, let adults and children play a little - throwing snowballs is always fun, even if they are not real.

Competition for adults and children: “New Year’s competitions - riddles.”

The presenter asks the teams one by one riddles or simply asks questions on topics related to the New Year. The winner is the team that gives the most correct answers. Riddles and questions can be anything, but preferably fun, and so that they are suitable for adults and children, so that they are interesting for both adults and children to guess, that is, alternate their complexity and “adultness”.
: 4 months pregnant, 5 months pregnant, 6 months pregnant

Examples of riddles for the family New Year:

– Sewn with white, soft thread. First he walks, then he lies down. And then it will flow and disappear without a trace. What is this?
(ANSWER: snow)

“If you shout for a very long time and very loudly on New Year’s Day with the whole honest company, then she will certainly come.”
(ANSWER: police)

“We go to bed in the evening and don’t open our eyes until the morning, all in order to see these fabulous miracles.”
(ANSWER: sleep)

– What is the name of Marina Petrovna’s father?
(ANSWER: Petya)

- It’s frosty inside, It can store a lot of things, It’s spacious for pots and jars, But not for raincoats and suits.
(ANSWER: refrigerator)

– What happens if you turn right three times?
(ANSWER: turn left)

- Geese are flying across the sky: 2 behind and 1 in front, 2 in front and one behind, and one between two, and three in one row. How many geese are flying across the sky?
(ANSWER: 3 geese, one after another)

– What is male pattern baldness?
(ANSWER: Replacing combing with washing)

– Can an ostrich call itself a bird?
(ANSWER: no, he cannot speak).

Family games for the New Year: “Chain” competition.

All team members play, each standing in his own chain, alternating between “boy” and “girl”. Each participant takes a match between his teeth. The first one puts a ring on the match. The point of the game is to pass the ring along the chain - one after another, from match to match, without helping with your hands! And so on, until the last participant. Whichever team completed it faster won.

Funny family New Year's competitions: "Grandfather was involved."

Prepare two texts in advance about the New Year and the adventures of Santa Claus - at your discretion. In these texts, all adjectives must be omitted. Print them out so that there are blank spaces where the adjectives are. Do not show them to participants and do not reveal the essence of the game. Let the players take turns naming any adjectives, the presenter will write them in the empty spaces in the text. Then the presenter will read what happened. As a rule, it turns out to be very funny, and whoever has the funniest story is the winner.

Family New Year's entertainment: "Literary competition."

The essence of the game is to come up with the funniest continuation of a line in rhyme on the theme of the New 2014 Year of the Horse. The teams are given identical sentences, written in advance on sheets of paper, and in 10 minutes they must come up with original endings for them. Sentences and endings can be different, for example:

  • 1. After New Year’s Eve... – In the morning Vova doesn’t want to get up.
  • 2. Well, we waited for the gifts... - And we got into a fight with my sister.
  • 3. Grandfather Frost has arrived... - “Wait” will kiss someone.
  • 4. The chimes struck twelve... - It’s time for a hundred grams and... to bed!
  • 5. We will decorate the Christmas tree together... - Do we need to sleep somewhere in the morning?
  • 6. The year of the Horse has come... - Let's ride,... laugh...

The answers are compared, and those who have the funniest and most original ones receive a prize Christmas tree.

Games for the New Year: “It was my ball!!!”

One representative per team participates in this competition. They are given one New Year's inflatable ball, which is tied to the left leg of the participants. At the leader's command, they must try to crush the opponent's ball with their right foot. It is recommended to play in indoor shoes (participants wearing stiletto heels or canvas boots are not allowed to participate in the competition!). The winner is the one who “bursts” the opponent’s ball with his foot faster. You can use everyone one by one, counting the winning points.

New Year's family games: "Who will jump into the New Year better."

We invite participants to jump into the New Year. To do this, teams are paired up, one from each, taking into account age and height. Participants stand in one line and jump. The winner is the one who jumps the farthest. It’s not worth continuing the competition for a long time - the neighbors below may “not like it.”

Dance competitions for the New Year: “Competition for the best dancer.”

The participants of each fun team are divided into pairs. They have a difficult dance ahead of them. A newspaper is placed under each couple's feet and the music is turned on. Participants need to dance in such a way as not to step over the edge of the newspaper. Then the task becomes more complicated - the newspaper is folded in half and the couples need to dance on these halves. Then we fold the newspaper again, and again... until there is only one pair left that can be held on a small piece of newspaper paper.

Next, the New Year's scenario for adults and children involves a dance disco, awarding the winners with symbolic prizes, and maybe a comic punishment of the losers - at your discretion. The fun New Year's party for adults and children continues! After the holiday fatigue finally wears off the kids, the adults can continue!

And a little more about how unexpectedly funny a New Year’s holiday scenario can be:

New Year's games for children and adults at home

Home New Year's holiday is a long-standing good tradition. The older members of the family want to give the younger ones a fairy tale, miracles, joy... On New Year's Day, the younger members of the family have a wonderful opportunity to learn folk customs, try themselves as a host (after all, you need to welcome guests and come up with an interesting program together with the adults), and also - this is the birth of family traditions.

Mysterious flags

Prepare a garland of flags, write a riddle on the back of each flag (if the guys are familiar with rebuses, then draw a rebus). During the holiday, remove the garland, distribute flags to the children and conduct a “Guess-Ku” (if the children cannot read, read the riddle). The guys can take turns reading riddles out loud; you can hold this competition before lighting the Christmas tree: after the last riddle guessed, the Christmas tree is lit.

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers,

The blizzard is walking. When does this happen? (In winter.)

I am small like a grain of sand, but I cover the earth. (Snow.)

The tablecloth was white and covered the whole world. (Snow.)

Who builds a bridge on a river without an axe, without nails, without wedges and without planks? (Freezing.)

They go into the forest and lay down canvases; they come out of the forest and re-lay them. (Skis.)

Not a beast, but howling. (Wind.)

I spin, I growl, I don’t want to know anyone. (Blizzard.)

There is a tree, this tree has twelve shoots, twelve shoots have four twigs, a twig has six tassels, the seventh is golden. (Year, months, weeks, days of the week.) Walks in summer, rests in winter. (Bear.)

The black cow overcame the whole world, and the white cow raised it. (Day and night.)

It neither burns in fire nor sinks in water. (Ice.)

White, but not sugar, no legs, but it goes. (Snow.)

No arms, no legs, but he can draw. (Freezing.)

There is a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut. (Snow.)

The mother is angry, but she covered the children with a duvet until the red day. (Winter.)

Downhill - a horse, uphill - a piece of wood. (Sled.)

Two Broadswords run into the woods with their toes turned up. (Skis.) The errands run, the crawlers crawl. (Horse and sleigh.) Three brothers live: one loves winter, the other loves summer, and the third doesn’t care. (Sleigh, cart and horse.)


Santa Claus suggests putting your hand into a bag in which various small objects are hidden, feeling for one of them and, without removing it from the bag, say what it is. If the item is named correctly, the player takes it for himself. You can put a chocolate bar, a wrapped gingerbread, a pencil candy, a lollipop, an eraser, a coin, a pencil sharpener, a calendar, a tennis ball, an apple, etc. in the bag.

Circle of wishes and predictions

Turn off the lights and light the candles. Sit your guests in a circle and place a chair in the middle of the circle. Guests take turns sitting on a chair. The presenter blindfolds them. The rest of the participants say New Year's wishes to the person sitting in the center. This exchange of wishes creates a friendly atmosphere and adds a little magic to the New Year celebrations.

Inversions of proverbs and sayings

Invite the participants in the game to decipher the inversions of proverbs, book titles, lines from poems and songs. You can offer to guess three shifters (one of each type). Points are awarded for the correct answer. Time to think is limited - 10-20 seconds.

Happiness moves in heaps

Misfortune never comes alone

Walk away from a new washing machine

Stay with nothing

Baldness is a male disgrace

Braid - girlish beauty

The back of the head is small from courage

Fear has big eyes

Other people's shoes are closer to their feet

Your shirt is closer to your body

The policeman's felt boots are getting wet

The thief's hat is on fire

You won't go lower than your heels

You can't jump over your head

If you hide that it’s algae, get out of the aquarium

Gruzdev called himself get in the body

Chicken boar friend

The goose is not a friend to the pig

You can fix borscht with sauce

You can't spoil porridge with oil

Glowing ball

Show the audience a table tennis ball. Count to three and light will appear inside the ball. The light is moving!

Achieving this effect is very simple. There should be a light source about three meters from the ball, for example, a simple light bulb. And in the ball there is a round hole with a diameter of up to one centimeter. When you show the ball to the audience, you cover the hole with your finger. Counting to three, turn the ball with its hole towards the light bulb and, removing your finger, open it. This is where the audience gets the impression that light has appeared in the ball. And for the light to move, you just need to move the ball up and down and left and right, but do not turn it.

Five seconds to think

This game can be played in different ways. The main rule: you have five seconds to answer. The number of correct answers is the number of bonus points.

Option 1. Prepare the required number of question cards and invite the player to take any of his choice (agree in advance on how many cards to take). And then - according to the rules.

Option 2. Ask, for example, five questions to the first player, five to the second, etc.

Option 3. You can ask questions one at a time to several players at once. You just need to make sure that all players answer the same number of questions.

Note. If several participants score an equal number of points, you can offer them a final round.

Girl's daughter

Doesn't have bad weather

The green one that kills flies

Jacket for diaper

Baby vest

Letters lined up for roll call

Grandma's audio system

Bagel epicenter

Hunter of other people's furs

A fairground device that makes your head spin


Folklore intelligence test

New building for the brooding ram

A word for which there is no judgment

Back of the head

The part of the leg that baldness is often compared to

Sheepskin coat, which figure skaters often have a triple coat

Five seconds to think (continued)

Part of the face that is sometimes hung

Horse Dormitory

Unit of account in autumn


A note that is a sin to pour on a wound

Lover of skating in oil

Anniversary, it's round

It's time, which is Indian in September

Wise time of day

Favorite atmospheric phenomenon of playwright Ostrovsky

Light after the bath

Cool way to roll Sivka

Bedroom for Chicken Ryaba

Damnation scientifically


Sausage unit

Firewood house

Own Bingo

Prepare cards for each guest or for a couple, three, etc.

Offer to remove any items from purses and pockets and place one item at a time on empty squares; just in case, prepare a bag with small items. Agree in advance which cells should remain empty: horizontally, vertically, diagonally. And now - in a circle... Each player (or a player from each two or three) takes one item from his card, raises it up and loudly says the name of the item to those present, for example, “telephone”. All players who have a phone on a cell remove it from their cards. The next player repeats everything again, and so on. This continues until someone with certain squares left shouts, “Bingo!”


Game "Identity"

Ask guests in advance to bring a photo of themselves as a baby (preferably no more than one year old).

Prepare pencils, paper and labels (you can use name tags).

Before the game, all photographs must be collected, numbered and placed on the wall or table (this must be done in the absence of guests). Guests are required to pin name tags or pins to their clothing.

Guests are invited into a room where photographs are hung or laid out. They must “identify” each guest from a photograph and write down the photo number and the guest’s name on a piece of paper. No more than eight minutes are allotted for “identification”. The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

The most family holiday in our country is getting closer and closer. And if so, then the time has come to prepare for it, and there is still a lot that needs to be done. From the list of things to do, the following stand out: gifts for relatives, treats for the holiday table and home decoration. What about entertainment? And we will take care of them. A new interesting scenario for the New Year 2019 is perfect for a holiday with your family. Games, competitions, a lot of ideas - you will remember this New Year's Eve forever.

Let's say right away that this is not the scenario you imagine. There are no words from the leader, no order of actions. We simply wrote down our thoughts and ideas for games and competitions that you could use for the New Year at home. If you like it, we're happy. If you don’t like it, offer something of your own.

Idea 1

First you need to spend the outgoing year. Let's do it this way: each member of seven will write on a piece of paper the three best events that happened to him or his family in 2018. Then we open the champagne, pour it, and put the leaves into the empty bottle. The bottle needs to be capped and the whole family needs to hide it somewhere away. But when to open it - decide for yourself. Maybe in a year, or maybe in ten years.
You can also write down the wishes you want on pieces of paper. To be fulfilled with you in the future. Then such a bottle should be opened after ten years and checked - is it fulfilled?!

Idea 2

Well, everyone is at the table and the TV is on in the room. And what goes along it? That's right - Soviet New Year's comedies! This means that you can play a game on this topic.
Show guests a video where still images appear. The video shows a still from the film, and the rest must guess what kind of New Year's film it is. The one who guesses correctly gets one point. And whoever scores the most points has the right to choose the channel and what to watch on TV all night long!
And here is the video for the game:

Idea 3

Continuing the theme about New Year's films. In this competition you also need to guess films about the New Year, only without videos. The leader, or whoever is in charge of him, reads the riddles, and the rest guess them. It's simple, but fun.
And here are the riddles:

Idea 4

Everyone is looking forward to the chimes and the beginning of the new 2019. Do you want to know what the coming year has in store for you? Then play a funny game for your guests - a comic horoscope for the year of the pig.
This can be done in the form of a skit or simply read all the horoscopes about the zodiac signs.

Idea 5

Does everyone remember the cartoon about the three construction pigs? We choose three heroes who will be builder pigs.
And so, our heroes must build a high tower, and the higher and stronger it is, the greater the chance of victory. We will build from different materials: first from empty plastic cups, then from apples, and then from grapes or corn. Let's see who can create the most reliable house.

Idea 6.

It's time to play forfeits. This is a fun game that is suitable for the whole family. Its essence is simple: you write down tasks on separate pieces of paper, and then the guests take turns taking out cards for themselves and doing what is written there.
Examples of tasks for playing forfeits:
- show a happy pig
- show the pig who saw people making barbecue
- you need to sing a New Year's song as if you were a rapper
- without using your hands you need to eat salad with mayonnaise from a flat plate
- you need to come up with an advertising slogan for your grandfather (grandmother)
- dip your nose in mayonnaise and write with your nose: 2019
- quickly list all the significant holidays in Russia

There are many questions and you, knowing your relatives, can come up with others.

Idea 7

Who am I? Usually this question is asked to oneself on January 1, but we will get ahead of things a little. To play the game you will need these masks:

Although you can choose any. If there are no masks, then just leaves with inscriptions. When the masks are put on the guests, they take turns asking questions about themselves, that is, about their mask. And based on the answers of others, they try to guess what kind of mask they have.

Idea 8

Well, let's get back to the topic of New Year's films. This time, guests will have to guess not the name of the film, but what is hidden behind the gift. Everything seems easy, but remembering such little things is not very easy.
Watch the video for the game:

Idea 9

Everyone remembers the game from childhood - pin the tail. This time this game is very relevant. Prepare some cardboard and draw a pig and a place for the tail on it. Make a tail and let guests take turns blindfolded and try their hand at it. Whoever manages to find the right place for the tail receives a piece of meat as a gift!

Idea 10

The chimes are just around the corner and it's time to sing. Let the guests perform New Year's and simply popular songs, but do not sing them, but grunt. And the rest must guess what kind of song it is.

New Year is one of the most favorite holidays of every person in the world. It is the New Year that all people look forward to. No wonder it is believed that the New Year is a family holiday. On this day, each family gets together, prepares 12 different dishes and celebrates. How to make this night unforgettably fun? After all, it’s not for nothing that people say: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” To make the whole Year as happy as this night, you should amuse your family with funny competitions.

Competition No. 1. "Heroes of Fairy Tales".

This is a very fun, family competition. All you need are balloons and markers or markers. Each family member is given a ball and a felt-tip pen. Your task: draw the face of your favorite hero from a famous fairy tale on the ball. It could be Shrek, Peter Pan or Cinderella. The winner is the participant whose portrait on the ball everyone recognizes. Remember that balloons are quite fragile, it would be nice to have a couple of spare ones.

Competition No. 2. "Divination".

As they say: “New Year is a time of magic and miracles.” It is the night from the 31st to the first that is the time to find out your destiny. What is needed for this? The presenter prepares two hats. You need to put notes with questions in one, and notes with answers in the other. Each family member then draws one note from the first hat and one from the second. You will be surprised how the answers can accurately answer some questions. In addition, this competition is very funny, it will definitely amuse all the guests.

Competition No. 3. "Christmas tree".

This competition requires 2 teams, each with 2 people. One person on the team is a Christmas tree. Parents should provide decorations that are not too much to spare. These can be unbreakable balls, candies or cones on strings. In each team, one person decorates the “Christmas tree” without using their hands. But the “Christmas tree” can help a member of its team with its “needles”. 3 minutes are given for everything. The team whose “Christmas tree” will have the most decorations will win.

Competition No. 4. "Christmas decorations".

All family members can participate in this competition. Parents put various Christmas tree decorations on the table. Their number should be one toy less than the number of participants in the competition. One of the parents will be the presenter. The presenter turns on cheerful music. The whole family walks around the table with Christmas tree decorations. As soon as the music turns off, everyone should have time to take one toy for themselves. The one who is left without decoration is eliminated from the game. But so that he doesn’t get upset, he is given a delicious, sweet gingerbread. Then one toy is removed from the table and the game continues. The winner will be the one who remains in the game last.

Competition No. 5. "Airplanes".

It’s 23:00, all the dishes are ready a long time ago, but everyone is lazy and doesn’t want to take them to the festive table. How to turn boring table setting into a fun game? Very simple. Now your children and husband are airplanes. They fly into the kitchen, and you give them valuable cargo, be it salad, forks or napkins. From point A - the kitchen, they fly to point B - the living room, and unload their valuable goods onto the festive table. The same can be done after the holiday to clear everything from the table. This game is not only fun, but also useful. After all, this is also an invaluable help for mom.

This competition is not only a fun time, but will also help you decorate your apartment very beautifully. Each participant is given scissors and napkins. All family members should cut out as many beautiful snowflakes as possible. And then, together choose the best works and decorate the apartment with them. For their efforts, each participant receives candy.

Competition No. 7. "Funny puzzles."

This competition is very suitable for calming down a little after active games and competitions. All family members are divided into two teams. For example, for the “Children” team and for the “Parents” team. Each team is given a box of puzzles, preferably with a New Year's theme. The team who completes their picture the fastest will win. Of course, parents will have to give in a little to their beloved children so as not to upset them. If you don’t have puzzles at home, you can print two pictures on A4 sheet and simply cut them.

Competition No. 8. "Gifts from Santa Claus."

Both adults and children love this competition. Santa Claus should come to visit you, whose role can be played by the father or uncle of the children. But Santa Claus did not come empty-handed, he came with a red bag full of various gifts. The task of each participant in the competition, without looking, is to put his hand into the bag, take out his gift and try to guess what it is. Believe me, every guest in your home will be pleased to receive a small gift from Santa Claus.

Competition No. 9. "Crocodile".

Probably everyone knows this game. This is the favorite game of many children. Its essence is that the presenter tells one participant what he should portray. It could be a famous person, an animal or even an object. The participant who was given the task must portray it without words, only with facial expressions, gestures and various movements. The one who first guessed what exactly was shown becomes the next one to be given the task. This game is really addictive. You can play it for hours, because it is not only fun, but also incredibly interesting.

Competition No. 10. "Creative person".

Everyone present can participate in this competition. Each participant is given a bag in turn, in which there are many notes with one word related to the New Year theme. For example: “Christmas tree”, “Snowflake”, “Snow Maiden” and the like. When the participant receives their note, they must recite a poem or sing a couple of lines from a song that mentions that word. When he has done this, the bag goes to the next participant. At the end, each family member is given a tasty reward.

Competition No. 11. “Find the candy in the snowdrift.”

This competition involves two people. There are two bowls of flour (with “snow”) on the table. The task of each of them is to get more candies from the “drift” in a minute than the opponent. But you need to do this without using your hands. But the point of the competition is not even to determine the winner, but to make the whole family laugh with funny faces. The main thing is to be careful and not accidentally inhale the flour.

Competition No. 12. "Snowflakes in a basket."

This competition requires two people. The presenter scatters snowflakes cut out of paper on the floor. Participants must search blindfolded. The task of both is to collect as many snowflakes as possible in their basket. The one who has more of them wins.

Competition No. 13. "The most beautiful Christmas tree."

Everyone loves to decorate the Christmas tree. It's a New Year's tradition that never gets old. Two people must take part in this competition (two “Christmas trees”). Each participant has a mountain of different clothes (Christmas tree decorations) in front of them. Everyone’s task is to put on as many “decorations” as possible in a minute. Then the presenter counts how many clothes each “Christmas tree” managed to put on. The participant who wore the most clothes won.

Competition No. 14. "Flying Snowflake"

This competition is open to everyone present. The presenter gives each participant a “snowflake” (a small blue balloon). The task is very simple, each family member must throw their “snowflake” into the air and blow on it to prevent it from falling. The one whose snowflake flew the longest was the winner.

We are all preparing long and carefully for the New Year. Preparations are underway in all directions, and the holiday itself takes place in one night. But that's the beauty of it. After all, it is for this very night that we live all year. And to help you prepare, we have new funny competitions for the New Year 2018 that you can do with your family. Why in the family circle? Everyone knows that this holiday is a family holiday and not many people break this tradition, and people of different generations gather together at the festive table. And they will be interested in playing what we offer. So take a look, choose and play.

We say goodbye to the old year

Since one family has gathered at one table, then the old year should be spent in a special way.
Let's do it this way: make a list of significant events for your family members over the past year. Every event has a date. Then you write each date on a separate card, and put all the cards in a bag. At the beginning of the holiday, you invite guests to take out one card at a time and guess the event and with whom it happened by date. Let's see how well you know each other and what kind of family you are.

New Year's candies

You need to buy identical candies in wrappers. Also prepare small pieces of paper and write tasks for the guests on them. Then you unwrap the candies, and first wrap them in a sheet with the task, and on top in your own wrapper.
At the holiday, you offer guests to eat sweets with pepper! Sweet is candy, and pepper is a task. Guests choose one candy, unwrap it and read the task. They must complete it and only then eat the candy.
It turns out to be an unusual game of forfeits.
Here are examples for tasks:
- tell a poem about the New Year.
- sing a New Year's song.
- tell the recipe for salad under a fur coat in the style of rap.
- after singing a song in the forest, a chanson-style Christmas tree was born.
- dance a melodic dance with a bottle of champagne.
- collect one spoon of each salad from the table into one plate, mix and convince guests to try the best vinaigrette in the world!

Movies about dogs

2018 will be the year of the dog. Do you know the movies where they are dogs? Do they play the main roles? Wait, about the competition!
And so, you show the guests this video, which contains footage of dogs from different films. Guests must guess the name of the movie. Then another frame appears, by which everyone can name the film.

Watch the video:

Cartoons about dogs

If you have children present at your party, this competition will be interesting to them. For the competition, prepare masks of cartoon characters about dogs. For example, Barboskins, Squirrel and Strelka and Paw Patrol. You put these masks on the children's faces so that they cannot see their mask. And then they ask each other questions about their mask, get answers to them and try to guess what kind of mask they have on their face and name the hero.
Questions should be answered simply: yes, no, perhaps not always, and so on. Whoever guesses their hero first wins.

New Year's questions

5 people play in the competition. 8 chairs are placed in a circle and participants sit on them. Prepare questions in advance that only need to be answered: YES or NO. Questions are written on cards and all cards are mixed in a bag. The presenter approaches the first participant and he takes out a card. Then he reads the question and gives an answer. If the answer is YES, then he moves one chair. If the answer is NO, then it remains where it is. And so with each participant in the game. The task of the participants is to return to their place from where they started the game faster than others.
During the game, it may happen that several people will sit on one chair. Then they just sit on each other's laps. It turns out funny when three or more participants occupy one chair.

Aerial snowmen

We assemble teams from the guests. It is important here that the teams include both children and adults. Each team has balloons and strings. The team's task is to inflate three balloons and make a snowman out of them. That is, all three balls must be of different sizes: large, medium and small. And the snowman should turn out right. Whoever does it faster wins.

Twins dance

Do you want to dance? Then let's do it, but only for special reasons1 newspaper spreads are needed for the competition. Fold the newspaper in half and draw a circle on it. We cut out a circle, unfold the newspaper and we get a newspaper spread with two circles. We select teams, each team has two people. We carefully place a newspaper spread on their heads, that is, we push their heads into the circles. And that’s all - the participants’ task is to dance so that the newspaper does not tear. This is difficult to do, so you have to try hard.

Food bowl

New Year and on holiday you can eat ice cream. It’s also the year of the dog, and dogs eat out of bowls. That's why we prepare clean bowls or take out deep plates.
Place ice cream without wrapper on plates, preferably frozen ice cream. Each participant has one ice cream. At the leader's command, participants must eat ice cream using their tongues. You cannot help with your hands, only with your tongue. So you'll have to lick the ice cream until it's gone. Children will love the game, and adults will have fun too.

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