Well, wait or two for one! Alexander Kurlyandsky “Well, wait a minute! or Two for One" (PDF) Stories, just wait a minute, read


You've probably seen the movie "WELL, WAIT!"

About the Wolf and the Hare.

In this book you will also meet the Wolf and the Hare.

But not only with them.

Also with the Bunny’s parents - his father is a doctor and his mother is a teacher.

And with his grandmother, a farmer.

And with the deceiver Lisa.

And with a real Gray Wolf from a real fairy tale.

Whose name is Kuzma.

And with Baba Yaga, also real.

And with Behemoth, who became one of the main participants in our history.

And with many other heroes.

You probably guessed it?


Now two Wolves are chasing our Bunny.

And I won’t say how it all ends. Otherwise, you will not be interested in reading the book.

Chapter first


The bunny lived in an ordinary large-block house.

In the same way as many of his fellow citizens: Deer, Hippos, Rams, Badgers, Bears, Goats. Workers and employees, writers and scientists, businessmen and...

No. Businessmen did not live in such houses. And if they lived, they were not very respectable.

In winter, snowflakes flew into the cracks between the blocks. And you could ski in the rooms. And in the summer the blocks got so hot that it was easy to fry cutlets on them. Press with the back of the pan and fry. The cutlets sizzled and splashed fat in all directions. But they turned out very tasty. Can't compare with any restaurants. It was getting hot in the apartment - no need to go south. Dive into your bath, if there is water, and consider that you are on the sea coast. And if there is no water, it’s also not scary. Can be dialed during rain. The roof leaked so much that on any floor there was knee-deep water.

A large-block house is good for everyone!

But most importantly, he teaches residents to overcome difficulties!

It was in such a house, on the third floor, that Bunny lived.

The Bunny's family was small but hardworking.

His mother, Zaychikha, worked as a kindergarten teacher. And dad, Hare, is a doctor in a children's clinic. Both dad and mom raised and treated other people's children. They did not have enough time for their own son. So the Bunny had to take care of himself. Wash your hands before eating, cook soup from bags, brush your shoes and teeth.

All this taught him to be independent.

And if you remember that Bunny lived in a large-block house, then it becomes clear where he got his dexterity, ingenuity and ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations.

On that ill-fated day when our story began, the Bunny did not think about anything bad. Summer was ahead, the holidays. A trip to visit grandma in the village. The screams of children from their mother’s kindergarten could be heard through the window. It smelled like medicine from my dad's clinic. At such moments you think only about good things. That you are healthy and you don’t need to be treated by your dad. And that you are already an adult. You don't have to go to your mom's kindergarten.

“Summer, ah, summer!.. Red summer, be with me.”

Grandma's village is full of mushrooms. And what fishing!

Eh, it’s good to live in the world!

The only thing that spoiled the mood was the Wolf. From the second entrance. A notorious hooligan. All his life he studied in the third grade, and smoked from the first. As soon as he sees the Bunny, immediately follow him! I had to not yawn and quickly move away.

Then, having caught his breath, Bunny thought:

"What did I do wrong to him?" Or: “Why don’t Wolves like us?”

He asked dad and mom. But they avoided a direct answer.

"When you grow up big, you'll know."

“The main thing, son, is to study well.”

One day the Bunny decided to make friends with the Wolf. I bought his favorite dromedary camel cigarettes.

He held out and said:

Smoke. It is for you.

The wolf took the cigarettes. I lit a cigarette. And then he looked at the Bunny in a bad way:

Do you know that smoking is harmful?

“I know,” said the Bunny.

You know, but you’re slipping it to me. Do you want to poison?

What do you? - said the Bunny. - I want to be friends with you.

The wolf grinned:

Then - on. Light up.

And he handed the pack to the Bunny.

“It’s too early for me,” said the Bunny. - My mother doesn’t allow me.

“And I allow it,” said the Wolf. - So tell your mom.

What was to be done? The bunny took a cigarette.

The wolf clicked his lighter. He brought the flame to his very face:

Come on, come on. Take a drag!

The bunny inhaled thick acrid smoke. It was as if a bomb had exploded inside him.

He coughed. The cigarette shot out of his mouth like a rocket from a launcher.

The wolf screamed, throwing off her burning debris.

The Bunny no longer tried to make friends with the Wolf. When she sees his stooped figure, legs in hands - and full speed ahead!

The bunny got up from the sofa and went to the balcony. "Can you see the Wolf?"

No, it doesn't seem to be visible. You can go for a walk.

Oh! He forgot to water the flowers! Mom asked.

The bunny returned to the room. I took a watering can from the kitchen. I filled it with water from a special jar “For flowers”.

He went out onto the balcony again.

And how many weeds there are among the flowers!

He placed the watering can on the concrete floor. He returned to the room again. I found my mother's scissors that she used to cut weeds.

And the Bunny did not see that the Wolf had been watching him from behind the bushes for a long time. That he tore the clothesline off the poles. He threw it like a lasso over the television antenna. And climbs up it, onto his balcony. And he whistles another song:

"If... a friend... suddenly appeared..."

Bunny didn't see any of this. He was busy: he was cutting off the insolent weeds.

“What kind of weed is this? Thick as a rope! It doesn’t belong here!”

Bunny - right! And he cut it off.

And it really was a rope.

And the Wolf flew down! Straight into a police wheelchair.

Perhaps he would not have ended up in the carriage. But just at that moment the blind Behemoth was crossing the street.

He went to order glasses. On the ground floor of the large-block building there was a pharmacy, specializing in glasses. And Behemoth had a recipe. According to which, as a pensioner, he was entitled to free glasses at this special pharmacy.

And he walked, rejoicing that soon he would be able to see everything well with his new glasses. Even your small pension.

But now he was without glasses and did not see the motorcycle.

The motorcycle squealed on its brakes, swerved sharply to the side and drove onto the sidewalk. Just where the Wolf fell.

That's why the Wolf landed right in the police wheelchair.

If it weren't for Behemoth, he would never have gotten there.

And that’s why the Wolf shouted with all his might to the whole street:


Chapter two


Sergeant Medvedev was happy. The Wolf has finally been caught. The same one. Who ate my grandmother too. And "Little Red Riding Hood". And seven kids. And he was going to eat three unfortunate piglets.

To jail!

In vain did the Wolf argue:

I didn’t eat anyone, citizen boss. For meat, I prefer fish. With beer. Vobla, canned herring. And for the little goats... Or the grandmothers?! Who do you take me for?

But Medvedev did not believe the Wolves. He believed only in the rules. And also to Captain Mishkin. But Captain Mishkin was ill. And in the charter it was clearly written: “No matter how much you feed the Wolf, everything looks into the forest.”

In other words, you can’t trust Wolves either in the forest or in the city.

The next day, in the morning, Bunny's dad, a doctor, unfolded the newspaper.

“Finally,” he said, “the Wolf was caught.”

God bless! - Mom was happy. - One less bully.

The newspaper published the following message:

A seasoned criminal has been caught. Nicknamed "Grey". In the interests of the investigation, we do not disclose details. But as we learned: the Wolf, nicknamed “Grey,” attacked his victims unexpectedly. Changed his voice to that of a goat. He put a red cap on his head. We ask the Three Little Pigs and the Seven Little Goats to appear as witnesses. And although there has not been a trial yet, the verdict is known.


Alexander Kurlyandsky “Well, just wait!”

Slide 1

Target: continue to work on the development of reading activity: expressiveness, awareness, reading fluency; cultivate positive attitudes towards the characters of the fairy tale, towards the professions of the people who created the cartoon; develop the ability to think independently, develop speech, the ability to highlight the main thing, draw a conclusion

Equipment: additional literature, children's drawings, captions for frames, audio recordings, projector, photographs by A. Kurlyandsky, illustrations for various episodes of the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!”

I. Checking homework.

What is the name of the section we are working on now? (The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...)

1. Name as many fairy-tale animal characters and their main qualities as possible. In this case, you need to name the fairy tales in which you met these animals.

* * * * * *

fox - cunning, insidious and deceitful;

wolf - evil, stupid, simple-minded;

bear - slow, strong;

rooster - proud, boastful, daring;

crow - evil, stupid, a messenger of misfortune;

hare - cowardly timid;

The hedgehog is a thrifty, hard worker.

Slide 2 Russian fairy tale “The Fox and the Cancer”

Slide 3 Russian fairy tale


Bear and Wolves"

Slide 4 African tale “The Adventures of the Wild Cat Simba”

Slide 5 Fairy tale of African Americans in the USA “How Br’er Rabbit made Br’er Fox, Br’er Wolf and Br’er Bear catch the moon”

Slide 6 Estonian fairy tale “Why does the hare have a cut lip7”

Slide 7 Latvian fairy tale “How the rooster deceived the fox”

II. Questions

(music from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” plays)*

What cartoons with animal characters have you seen?

Which cartoon do you like best? How?

Who has seen the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!”?

Remember the most interesting moments. Tell me.

How do the Wolf and the Hare from the cartoon differ from their counterparts from Russian folk tales?

(The character of the modern Hare has changed. He is not “cowardly, but brave and very resourceful”

Textbook III. Working with text before reading (p. 82).

1. What work will we read today?

(A. Kurlyandsky “Fairy tale - script for one of the series)

Kurlyandsky Alexander Efimovich - popular children's writer,

satirist, playwright. One of the creators of the most famous Russian animated series “Well, wait a minute!” It was with the first episode of the Wolf's pursuit of the Hare that Kurlyandsky made his debut in animation. The experience of working on films with sequels came in handy for the writer when he came up with The Magnificent Gosha (10 issues) and The Prodigal Parrot (3 issues).

2. Looking at the illustration (page 82).*

What characters are depicted and what are they doing?

What unusual do you see?

Is it possible to guess who they are now: friends or enemies?

IV. Working with text while reading.

1. Independent reading to yourself.

Question after reading:

So who are the Hare and the Wolf - friends or enemies?

2. Reading aloud and commenting as you read.

After reading on page 82.

Why did the Wolf and the Bunny watch TV together? What means as friends ?

Show how the animal athletes walked to the lake. (Students imitate the movements.)

Why is the Bunny surprised? Show surprise with your facial expressions.

How does the Wolf feel about the Walrus’ bathing? (Grins.)


Until the words “And after him the crocodiles came out” (p. 83).

What did the Wolf decide to do? (He decided to prove that he, too, could swim in the lake in winter.)

But how? (Heat the water with a boiler.)

Where was the wolf and where did it end up? Is this possible in life? (I was in front of the TV, I ended up on the TV screen.)

How to understand: The water is brilliant! New milk!

What are the tropics? (A place on Earth where it is warm both in summer and winter. There is a rich flora...)

What interesting transformations are happening on the screen? (Pine cones turned into pineapples, etc.)

Until the words “I figured it out!” (page 85).

Where did crocodiles come from? Like thisare they walking...like soldiers on the march?(They march according to their height.)

How many of you can sing a song?

(A large crocodile was walking along the street*

She, she was green...

She held a piece of blanket in her teeth

She, she was green)

physical minute

(the melody of the song “A big crocodile was walking down the street” sounds...)*

Did the Wolf see them? (No.)

How did the Bunny help the Wolf and warn him about the danger?

Why is one crocodile used as a saw in the fairy tale? (The crocodile has protrusions on its back that resemble saw teeth.)

What do crocodiles dream about? And the Wolf?

Which sentence contains a play on words? (“… That’s it. The wolf ends up as lunch.”) What mood were you in when you read these lines? Did you expect a bad ending? Why?

Why is the Bunny trembling? (Worries about the Wolf.)

After reading to the end:

How did the bunny save the wolf?

Was the Wolf satisfied? Is he grateful to the Hare?

Why does he say: “Well, well, Hare, well, just wait!” What meanspromised meaningfully?

How does the fairy tale end?

V. Working with a fairy tale after reading.

1. Conversation:

What fairy tale is this? (Cheerful.)

Why does the Wolf remain a wolf, and the Hare remain a Bunny? (The author’s sympathies are with the smart, cheerful Bunny.)

Did you feel sorry for the Wolf? Why does he get into all this trouble?

(Don’t offend the little ones, otherwise you yourself will end up in a stupid position)

2. Selective reading.

Boys – the words of the Wolf and his actions.

VI. Group assignment.

Draw a frame for the filmstrip on ½ landscape sheet.

Group 1 – up to the words “The boiler is seething.”

Group 2 - up to the words “The Bunny knocked on TV.”

Group 3 – up to the words “The Wolf is trembling, the trunk is cracking...”

Group 4 – up to the words “He looked from the screen through...”

Group 5 – to the end.

Write captions at the bottom of the album sheet.

(Exhibition of tasks drawn on the board)

VII. Lesson summary.

Why are all the episodes of this cartoon called “Well, wait a minute!”?*

(The Wolf wants to eat the Bunny, but the Hare’s resourcefulness and intelligence interfere with the Wolf. The Wolf gets into trouble, something happens to him, and he again threatens to deal with the Bunny.)

This cartoon is 38 years old. All episodes of the cartoon are very funny and educational.

What is the main thing in this animated series?

(“Don’t offend the small and weak, otherwise you yourself will find yourself in a stupid position”)

VIII. Homework

Retell the plot of any episode of the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” Page 82-85 read.

Boys - the words of the Wolf and his actions

IX. Screening of the cartoon series “Well, wait a minute!”*


You've probably seen the movie "WELL, WAIT!"

About the Wolf and the Hare.

In this book you will also meet the Wolf and the Hare.

But not only with them.

Also with the Bunny’s parents - his father is a doctor and his mother is a teacher.

And with his grandmother, a farmer.

And with the deceiver Lisa.

And with a real Gray Wolf from a real fairy tale.

Whose name is Kuzma.

And with Baba Yaga, also real.

And with Behemoth, who became one of the main participants in our history.

And with many other heroes.

You probably guessed it?


Now two Wolves are chasing our Bunny.

And I won’t say how it all ends. Otherwise, you will not be interested in reading the book.

Chapter first


The bunny lived in an ordinary large-block house.

In the same way as many of his fellow citizens: Deer, Hippos, Rams, Badgers, Bears, Goats. Workers and employees, writers and scientists, businessmen and...

No. Businessmen did not live in such houses. And if they lived, they were not very respectable.

In winter, snowflakes flew into the cracks between the blocks. And you could ski in the rooms. And in the summer the blocks got so hot that it was easy to fry cutlets on them. Press with the back of the pan and fry. The cutlets sizzled and splashed fat in all directions. But they turned out very tasty. Can't compare with any restaurants. It was getting hot in the apartment - no need to go south. Dive into your bath, if there is water, and consider that you are on the sea coast. And if there is no water, it’s also not scary. Can be dialed during rain. The roof leaked so much that on any floor there was knee-deep water.

A large-block house is good for everyone!

But most importantly, he teaches residents to overcome difficulties!

It was in such a house, on the third floor, that Bunny lived.

The Bunny's family was small but hardworking.

His mother, Zaychikha, worked as a kindergarten teacher. And dad, Hare, is a doctor in a children's clinic. Both dad and mom raised and treated other people's children. They did not have enough time for their own son. So the Bunny had to take care of himself. Wash your hands before eating, cook soup from bags, brush your shoes and teeth.

All this taught him to be independent.

And if you remember that Bunny lived in a large-block house, then it becomes clear where he got his dexterity, ingenuity and ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations.

On that ill-fated day when our story began, the Bunny did not think about anything bad. Summer was ahead, the holidays. A trip to visit grandma in the village. The screams of children from their mother’s kindergarten could be heard through the window. It smelled like medicine from my dad's clinic. At such moments you think only about good things. That you are healthy and you don’t need to be treated by your dad. And that you are already an adult. You don't have to go to your mom's kindergarten.

“Summer, ah, summer!.. Red summer, be with me.”

Grandma's village is full of mushrooms. And what fishing!

Eh, it’s good to live in the world!

The only thing that spoiled the mood was the Wolf. From the second entrance. A notorious hooligan. All his life he studied in the third grade, and smoked from the first. As soon as he sees the Bunny, immediately follow him! I had to not yawn and quickly move away.

Then, having caught his breath, Bunny thought:

"What did I do wrong to him?" Or: “Why don’t Wolves like us?”

He asked dad and mom. But they avoided a direct answer.

"When you grow up big, you'll know."

“The main thing, son, is to study well.”

One day the Bunny decided to make friends with the Wolf. I bought his favorite dromedary camel cigarettes.

He held out and said:

Smoke. It is for you.

The wolf took the cigarettes. I lit a cigarette. And then he looked at the Bunny in a bad way:

Do you know that smoking is harmful?

“I know,” said the Bunny.

You know, but you’re slipping it to me. Do you want to poison?

What do you? - said the Bunny. - I want to be friends with you.

The wolf grinned:

Then - on. Light up.

And he handed the pack to the Bunny.

“It’s too early for me,” said the Bunny. - My mother doesn’t allow me.

“And I allow it,” said the Wolf. - So tell your mom.

What was to be done? The bunny took a cigarette.

The wolf clicked his lighter. He brought the flame to his very face:

Come on, come on. Take a drag!

The bunny inhaled thick acrid smoke. It was as if a bomb had exploded inside him.

He coughed. The cigarette shot out of his mouth like a rocket from a launcher.

The wolf screamed, throwing off her burning debris.

The Bunny no longer tried to make friends with the Wolf. When she sees his stooped figure, legs in hands - and full speed ahead!

The bunny got up from the sofa and went to the balcony. "Can you see the Wolf?"

No, it doesn't seem to be visible. You can go for a walk.

Oh! He forgot to water the flowers! Mom asked.

The bunny returned to the room. I took a watering can from the kitchen. I filled it with water from a special jar “For flowers”.

He went out onto the balcony again.

And how many weeds there are among the flowers!

He placed the watering can on the concrete floor. He returned to the room again. I found my mother's scissors that she used to cut weeds.

And the Bunny did not see that the Wolf had been watching him from behind the bushes for a long time. That he tore the clothesline off the poles. He threw it like a lasso over the television antenna. And climbs up it, onto his balcony. And he whistles another song:

"If... a friend... suddenly appeared..."

Bunny didn't see any of this. He was busy: he was cutting off the insolent weeds.

“What kind of weed is this? Thick as a rope! It doesn’t belong here!”

Bunny - right! And he cut it off.

And it really was a rope.

And the Wolf flew down! Straight into a police wheelchair.

Perhaps he would not have ended up in the carriage. But just at that moment the blind Behemoth was crossing the street.

He went to order glasses. On the ground floor of the large-block building there was a pharmacy, specializing in glasses. And Behemoth had a recipe. According to which, as a pensioner, he was entitled to free glasses at this special pharmacy.

And he walked, rejoicing that soon he would be able to see everything well with his new glasses. Even your small pension.

But now he was without glasses and did not see the motorcycle.

The motorcycle squealed on its brakes, swerved sharply to the side and drove onto the sidewalk. Just where the Wolf fell.

That's why the Wolf landed right in the police wheelchair.

If it weren't for Behemoth, he would never have gotten there.

And that’s why the Wolf shouted with all his might to the whole street:


Chapter two


Sergeant Medvedev was happy. The Wolf has finally been caught. The same one. Who ate my grandmother too. And "Little Red Riding Hood". And seven kids. And he was going to eat three unfortunate piglets.

To jail!

In vain did the Wolf argue:

I didn’t eat anyone, citizen boss. For meat, I prefer fish. With beer. Vobla, canned herring. And for the little goats... Or the grandmothers?! Who do you take me for?

But Medvedev did not believe the Wolves. He believed only in the rules. And also to Captain Mishkin. But Captain Mishkin was ill. And in the charter it was clearly written: “No matter how much you feed the Wolf, everything looks into the forest.”

In other words, you can’t trust Wolves either in the forest or in the city.

The next day, in the morning, Bunny's dad, a doctor, unfolded the newspaper.

“Finally,” he said, “the Wolf was caught.”

God bless! - Mom was happy. - One less bully.

The newspaper published the following message:

A seasoned criminal has been caught. Nicknamed "Grey". In the interests of the investigation, we do not disclose details. But as we learned: the Wolf, nicknamed “Grey,” attacked his victims unexpectedly. Changed his voice to that of a goat. He put a red cap on his head. We ask the Three Little Pigs and the Seven Little Goats to appear as witnesses. And although there has not been a trial yet, the verdict is known.

And then there’s a photo of the Wolf. Behind bars. In a large cell.

When the bunny saw it, he gasped!

It is not true! This is not his fairy-tale Wolf. He was the one who ate everyone.

Anyone else in Bunny's place would have been happy. The wolf is behind bars. Drink carrot juice and go for a walk!

But this is not how the Bunny was raised.

“We must live honestly,” dad often said.

And my mother added:

“If you see a lie, son, don’t pass by.”

And the Bunny did not pass by. He ran.

But Sergeant Medvedev did not believe him.

We know you. Wolf and Hare - two boots in a pair!

What do boots have to do with it?

Comrade Sergeant, - the Bunny did not let up. - I know him. He is bad. Hooligan. But he didn't do it.

Captain Mishkin will recover and sort it out. Who did it and who didn't. And just in case, leave your address. You're too protective of your friend.

The Bunny walked home in a sad mood. If Captain Mishkin is seriously ill, untruth will prevail. Can this be allowed? No! Never!

The day was approaching evening. The sun dropped behind the roof of a high-rise building. The bunny stepped on his long, long shadow. And immediately it felt cool.

No, summer is still far away.

“I wish I could bring this Sergeant Medvedev a real Wolf. The fabulous one. Bring him and say:

"Here he is - a seasoned criminal. Feel the difference!"

And as soon as the Bunny thought this, he saw a bright shop window, all covered in lights:


Computers shone behind huge windows that spanned an entire floor. The sensors were flashing. Sharp laser beams hit my eyes. Like in a science fiction movie!

The doors in front of the Bunny opened by themselves. And he went inside.

The inside was even more mysterious than the outside.

Instead of a ceiling there is a black starry sky. A cold, flickering light fell from the sky. No street noise, no sound of voices. Screens, screens. Everywhere you look there are only screens.

What do you want?

A salesman stood nearby. In a black suit. And huge dark glasses. He looked like a magician from a circus.

It's dark and I'm wearing glasses!

He took off his glasses and handed them to Bunny:

Take a look!

The bunny looked through his glasses.

And I saw some castle on a rock. A horseman galloped towards the castle gates. The sun sparkled on the tip of the spear.

The bunny closed his eyes.

“What is that,” the seller smiled. - We have helmets. You put it on and go wherever you want. A virtual reality! At affordable prices. Quite accessible, young man.

Is it possible to get into a fairy tale? - asked the Bunny.

To a fairy tale? Nothing could be simpler.

The seller waved his hands and took out a huge transparent helmet. Like astronauts. Only more.

You put on this helmet. And you are in a fairy tale.

Where should I look? - asked the Bunny.

But nowhere. Sit down in this cozy chair... What fairy tale do you want to go to? Ours? Or to Hans Christian Andersen?

“To ours,” said the Bunny.

“I praise you,” said the seller. - So young, but already a patriot.

He waved his hand again.

This time he had a floppy disk in his hand.

Who do you want to be in a fairy tale? Maybe a frog princess?

Here's another! Jump through the swamps and eat bugs.

But,” said the seller, “then you will become a queen.” ...


You've probably seen the movie "WELL, WAIT!"

About the Wolf and the Hare.

In this book you will also meet the Wolf and the Hare.

But not only with them.

Also with the Bunny’s parents - his father is a doctor and his mother is a teacher.

And with his grandmother, a farmer.

And with the deceiver Lisa.

And with a real Gray Wolf from a real fairy tale.

Whose name is Kuzma.

And with Baba Yaga, also real.

And with Behemoth, who became one of the main participants in our history.

And with many other heroes.

You probably guessed it?


Now two Wolves are chasing our Bunny.

And I won’t say how it all ends. Otherwise, you will not be interested in reading the book.

Chapter first


The bunny lived in an ordinary large-block house.

In the same way as many of his fellow citizens: Deer, Hippos, Rams, Badgers, Bears, Goats. Workers and employees, writers and scientists, businessmen and...

No. Businessmen did not live in such houses. And if they lived, they were not very respectable.

In winter, snowflakes flew into the cracks between the blocks. And you could ski in the rooms. And in the summer the blocks got so hot that it was easy to fry cutlets on them. Press with the back of the pan and fry. The cutlets sizzled and splashed fat in all directions. But they turned out very tasty. Can't compare with any restaurants. It was getting hot in the apartment - no need to go south. Dive into your bath, if there is water, and consider that you are on the sea coast. And if there is no water, it’s also not scary. Can be dialed during rain. The roof leaked so much that on any floor there was knee-deep water.

A large-block house is good for everyone!

But most importantly, he teaches residents to overcome difficulties!

It was in such a house, on the third floor, that Bunny lived.

The Bunny's family was small but hardworking.

His mother, Zaychikha, worked as a kindergarten teacher. And dad, Hare, is a doctor in a children's clinic. Both dad and mom raised and treated other people's children. They did not have enough time for their own son. So the Bunny had to take care of himself. Wash your hands before eating, cook soup from bags, brush your shoes and teeth.

All this taught him to be independent.

And if you remember that Bunny lived in a large-block house, then it becomes clear where he got his dexterity, ingenuity and ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations.

On that ill-fated day when our story began, the Bunny did not think about anything bad. Summer was ahead, the holidays. A trip to visit grandma in the village. The screams of children from their mother’s kindergarten could be heard through the window. It smelled like medicine from my dad's clinic. At such moments you think only about good things. That you are healthy and you don’t need to be treated by your dad. And that you are already an adult. You don't have to go to your mom's kindergarten.

“Summer, ah, summer!.. Red summer, be with me.”

Grandma's village is full of mushrooms. And what fishing!

Eh, it’s good to live in the world!

The only thing that spoiled the mood was the Wolf. From the second entrance. A notorious hooligan. All his life he studied in the third grade, and smoked from the first. As soon as he sees the Bunny, immediately follow him! I had to not yawn and quickly move away.

Then, having caught his breath, Bunny thought:

"What did I do wrong to him?" Or: “Why don’t Wolves like us?”

He asked dad and mom. But they avoided a direct answer.

"When you grow up big, you'll know."

“The main thing, son, is to study well.”

One day the Bunny decided to make friends with the Wolf. I bought his favorite dromedary camel cigarettes.

He held out and said:

Smoke. It is for you.

The wolf took the cigarettes. I lit a cigarette. And then he looked at the Bunny in a bad way:

Do you know that smoking is harmful?

“I know,” said the Bunny.

You know, but you’re slipping it to me. Do you want to poison?

What do you? - said the Bunny. - I want to be friends with you.

The wolf grinned:

Then - on. Light up.

And he handed the pack to the Bunny.

“It’s too early for me,” said the Bunny. - My mother doesn’t allow me.

“And I allow it,” said the Wolf. - So tell your mom.

What was to be done? The bunny took a cigarette.

The wolf clicked his lighter. He brought the flame to his very face:

Come on, come on. Take a drag!

The bunny inhaled thick acrid smoke. It was as if a bomb had exploded inside him.

He coughed. The cigarette shot out of his mouth like a rocket from a launcher.

The wolf screamed, throwing off her burning debris.

The Bunny no longer tried to make friends with the Wolf. When she sees his stooped figure, legs in hands - and full speed ahead!

The bunny got up from the sofa and went to the balcony. "Can you see the Wolf?"

No, it doesn't seem to be visible. You can go for a walk.

Oh! He forgot to water the flowers! Mom asked.

The bunny returned to the room. I took a watering can from the kitchen. I filled it with water from a special jar “For flowers”.

He went out onto the balcony again.

And how many weeds there are among the flowers!

He placed the watering can on the concrete floor. He returned to the room again. I found my mother's scissors that she used to cut weeds.

And the Bunny did not see that the Wolf had been watching him from behind the bushes for a long time. That he tore the clothesline off the poles. He threw it like a lasso over the television antenna. And climbs up it, onto his balcony. And he whistles another song:

"If... a friend... suddenly appeared..."

Bunny didn't see any of this. He was busy: he was cutting off the insolent weeds.

“What kind of weed is this? Thick as a rope! It doesn’t belong here!”

Bunny - right! And he cut it off.

And it really was a rope.

And the Wolf flew down! Straight into a police wheelchair.

Perhaps he would not have ended up in the carriage. But just at that moment the blind Behemoth was crossing the street.

He went to order glasses. On the ground floor of the large-block building there was a pharmacy, specializing in glasses. And Behemoth had a recipe. According to which, as a pensioner, he was entitled to free glasses at this special pharmacy.

And he walked, rejoicing that soon he would be able to see everything well with his new glasses. Even your small pension.

But now he was without glasses and did not see the motorcycle.

The motorcycle squealed on its brakes, swerved sharply to the side and drove onto the sidewalk. Just where the Wolf fell.

That's why the Wolf landed right in the police wheelchair.

If it weren't for Behemoth, he would never have gotten there.

And that’s why the Wolf shouted with all his might to the whole street:


Chapter two


Sergeant Medvedev was happy. The Wolf has finally been caught. The same one. Who ate my grandmother too. And "Little Red Riding Hood". And seven kids. And he was going to eat three unfortunate piglets.

Book: “Well, wait a minute! Or Two for One" (Alexander Kurlyandsky)

To open the book, click READ ONLINE (126 pages)
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Book text:

You've probably seen the movie "WELL, WAIT!"
About the Wolf and the Hare.
In this book you will also meet the Wolf and the Hare.
But not only with them.
Also with the Bunny’s parents - his father is a doctor and his mother is a teacher.
And with his grandmother, a farmer.
And with the deceiver Lisa.
And with a real Gray Wolf from a real fairy tale.
Whose name is Kuzma.
And with Baba Yaga, also real.
And with Behemoth, who became one of the main participants in our history.
And with many other heroes.
You probably guessed it?
Now two Wolves are chasing our Bunny.
And I won’t say how it all ends. Otherwise, you will not be interested in reading the book.

Chapter first

The bunny lived in an ordinary large-block house.
In the same way as many of his fellow citizens: Deer, Hippos, Rams, Badgers, Bears, Goats. Workers and employees, writers and scientists, businessmen and...
No. Businessmen did not live in such houses. And if they lived, they were not very respectable.
In winter, snowflakes flew into the cracks between the blocks. And in the rooms you could ride on
skiing And in the summer the blocks got so hot that it was easy to fry cutlets on them. Press with the back of the pan and fry. The cutlets sizzled and splashed fat in all directions. But they turned out very tasty. Can't compare with any restaurants. It was getting hot in the apartment - no need to go south. Dive into your bath, if there is water, and consider that you are on the sea coast. And if there is no water, it’s also not scary. Can be dialed during rain. The roof leaked so much that on any floor there was knee-deep water.
A large-block house is good for everyone!
But most importantly, he teaches residents to overcome difficulties!
It was in such a house, on the third floor, that Bunny lived.
The Bunny's family was small but hardworking.
His mother, Zaychikha, worked as a kindergarten teacher. And dad, Hare, is a doctor in a children's clinic. Both dad and mom raised and treated other people's children. They did not have enough time for their own son. So the Bunny had to take care of himself. Wash your hands before eating, cook soup from bags, brush your shoes and teeth.
All this taught him to be independent.
And if we remember that the Bunny lived in a large-block house, then it becomes clear
where does he get his dexterity, ingenuity and ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations.
On that ill-fated day when our story began, the Bunny did not think about anything bad. Summer was ahead, the holidays. A trip to visit grandma in the village. The screams of children from their mother’s kindergarten could be heard through the window. It smelled like medicine from my dad's clinic. At such moments you think only about good things. That you are healthy and you don’t need to be treated by your dad. And that you are already an adult. You don't have to go to your mom's kindergarten.
“Summer, ah, summer!.. Red summer, be with me.”
Grandma's village is full of mushrooms. And what fishing!
Eh, it’s good to live in the world!
The only thing that spoiled the mood was the Wolf. From the second entrance. A notorious hooligan. All his life he studied in the third grade, and smoked from the first. As soon as he sees the Bunny, immediately follow him! I had to not yawn and quickly move away.
Then, having caught his breath, Bunny thought:
“What did I do wrong to him?” Or: “Why don’t Wolves like us?”
He asked dad and mom. But they avoided a direct answer.
“When you grow up big, you’ll know.”
“The main thing, son, is to study well.”
One day the Bunny decided to make friends with the Wolf. I bought his favorite dromedary camel cigarettes.
He held out and said:
- Smoke. It is for you.
The wolf took the cigarettes. I lit a cigarette. And then he looked at the Bunny in a bad way:
- Do you know that smoking is harmful?
“I know,” said the Bunny.
- You know, you’re slipping it to me. Do you want to poison?
- What do you? - said the Bunny. “I want to be friends with you.”
The wolf grinned:
- Then - on. Light up.
And he handed the pack to the Bunny.
“It’s too early for me,” said the Bunny. “Mom won’t let me.”
“And I allow it,” said the Wolf. “Tell your mother so.”
What was to be done? The bunny took a cigarette.
The wolf clicked his lighter. He brought the flame to his very face:
- Come on, come on. Take a drag!
The bunny inhaled thick acrid smoke. It was as if a bomb had exploded inside him.
He coughed. The cigarette shot out of his mouth like a rocket from a launcher.
The wolf screamed, throwing off her burning debris.
The Bunny no longer tried to make friends with the Wolf. When she sees his stooped figure, legs in hands - and full speed ahead!
The bunny got up from the sofa and went to the balcony. “Can you see the Wolf?”
No, it doesn't seem to be visible. You can go for a walk.
Oh! He forgot to water the flowers! Mom asked.
The bunny returned to the room. I took a watering can from the kitchen. I filled it with water from a special jar “For flowers”.
He went out onto the balcony again.
And how many weeds there are among the flowers!
He placed the watering can on the concrete floor. He returned to the room again. I found my mother's scissors that she used to cut weeds.
And the Bunny did not see that the Wolf had been watching him from behind the bushes for a long time. That he tore the clothesline off the poles. He threw it like a lasso over the television antenna. And climbs up it, onto his balcony. And he whistles another song:
“If... a friend... suddenly turned up...”
Bunny didn't see any of this. He was busy: he was cutting off the insolent weeds.
“What kind of weed is this? Thick as a rope! He doesn’t belong here!”
Bunny - right! And he cut it off.
And it really was a rope.
And the Wolf flew down! Straight into a police wheelchair.
Perhaps he would not have ended up in the carriage. But just at that moment the blind Behemoth was crossing the street.
He went to order glasses. On the ground floor of the large-block building there was a pharmacy, specializing in glasses. And Behemoth had a recipe. According to which, as a pensioner, he was entitled to free glasses at this special pharmacy.
And he walked, rejoicing that soon he would be able to see everything well with his new glasses. Even your small pension.
But now he was without glasses and did not see the motorcycle.
The motorcycle squealed on its brakes, swerved sharply to the side and drove onto the sidewalk. Just where the Wolf fell.
That's why the Wolf landed right in the police wheelchair.
If it weren't for Behemoth, he would never have gotten there.
And that’s why the Wolf shouted with all his might to the whole street:

Sergeant Medvedev was happy. The Wolf has finally been caught. The same one. Who ate my grandmother too. And "Little Red Riding Hood". And seven kids. And he was going to eat three unfortunate piglets.
- To jail!
In vain did the Wolf argue:
- I didn’t eat anyone, citizen chief. For meat, I prefer fish. With beer. Vobla, canned herring. What about Little Goats... Or grandmothers?! Who do you take me for?
But Medvedev did not believe the Wolves. He believed only in the rules. And also to Captain Mishkin. But Captain Mishkin was ill. And in the charter it was clearly written: “No matter how much you feed the Wolf, everything looks into the forest.”
In other words, you can’t trust Wolves either in the forest or in the city.
The next day, in the morning, Bunny's dad, a doctor, unfolded the newspaper.
“Finally,” he said, “the wolf was caught.”
- God bless! - Mom was happy. “One less bully.”
The newspaper published the following message:
A seasoned criminal has been caught. Nicknamed "Gray". In the interests of the investigation, we do not disclose details. But as we learned: the Wolf, nicknamed “Grey,” attacked his victims unexpectedly. Changed his voice to that of a goat. He put a red cap on his head. We ask the Three Little Pigs and the Seven Little Goats to appear as witnesses. And although there has not been a trial yet, the verdict is known.
And then there’s a photo of the Wolf. Behind bars. In a large cell.
When the bunny saw it, he gasped!
It is not true! This is not his fairy-tale Wolf. He was the one who ate everyone.
Anyone else in Bunny's place would have been happy. The wolf is behind bars. Drink carrot juice and go for a walk!
But this is not how the Bunny was raised.
“We must live honestly,” dad often said.
And my mother added:
“If you see a lie, son, don’t pass by.”
And the Bunny did not pass by. He ran.
But Sergeant Medvedev did not believe him.
- We know you. Wolf and Hare - two boots in a pair!
- What do boots have to do with it?
- And despite the fact that the charter must be read. They teach you in schools, they teach you. It's of little use.
“Comrade Sergeant,” the Bunny continued. “I know him.” He is bad. Hooligan. But he didn't do it.
- Captain Mishkin will recover, he will sort it out. Who did it and who didn't. And just in case, leave your address. You're too protective of your friend.
The Bunny walked home in a sad mood. If Captain Mishkin is seriously ill, untruth will prevail. Can this be allowed? No! Never!
The day was approaching evening. The sun dropped behind the roof of a high-rise building. The bunny stepped on his long, long shadow. And immediately it felt cool.
No, summer is still far away.
“I wish I could bring this Sergeant Medvedev a real Wolf. The fabulous one. Lead and say:
“Here he is - a seasoned criminal. Feel the difference!"
And as soon as the Bunny thought this, he saw a bright shop window, all covered in lights:
Computers shone behind huge windows that spanned an entire floor. The sensors were flashing. Sharp laser beams hit my eyes. Like in a science fiction movie!
The doors in front of the Bunny opened by themselves. And he went inside.
The inside was even more mysterious than the outside.
Instead of a ceiling there is a black starry sky. A cold, flickering light fell from the sky. No street noise, no sound of voices. Screens, screens. Everywhere you look there are only screens.
- What do you want?
A salesman stood nearby. In a black suit. And huge dark glasses. He looked like a magician from a circus;
- It’s dark, and I’m wearing glasses!
He took off his glasses and handed them to Bunny:
- Take a look!
The bunny looked through his glasses.
And I saw some castle on a rock. To gate
A horseman was galloping through the castle. The sun sparkled on the tip of the spear.
The bunny closed his eyes.
“What is that,” the seller smiled. “We have helmets.” You put it on and go wherever you want. A virtual reality! At affordable prices. Quite accessible, young man.
- Is it possible to get into a fairy tale? - asked the Bunny.
- To a fairy tale? Nothing could be simpler.
The seller waved his hands and took out a huge transparent helmet. Like astronauts. Only more.
- Put on this helmet. And you are in a fairy tale.
- Where should I look? - asked the Bunny.
- But nowhere. Sit down in this cozy chair... What kind of fairy tale do you want to go to? Ours? Or to Hans Christian Andersen?
“To ours,” said the Bunny.
“I praise you,” said the seller. “So young, and already a patriot.”
He waved his hand again.
This time he had a floppy disk in his hand.
- Who do you want to be in a fairy tale? Maybe a royal frog?
- Here's another! Jump through the swamp and eat bugs.
“But,” said the seller, “then you will become a queen.” You will rule the kingdom.
- I wish I could cope with my homework. Not like with the kingdom. Do you know how much they ask?
“I know,” said the seller. “I also went to school.”
He thought:
- Then I recommend the fairy tale “Kolobok”. I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, and I will also leave you, teacher...
He laughed:
- Don't be offended, I'm joking. What can I offer you? Don’t you want to be a Bunny, like in life?
- No. I don't want to be a bunny. Tired of it.
- In vain. Very good people - Hares. So sweet, kind, sympathetic. They don't wish harm to anyone.
- But anyone can offend.
- Then become a Wolf.
- A wolf? - the Bunny was indignant. - This was not enough yet!
- What should we do?.. Do you want to be strong and brave? - the seller thought. - Maybe a soldier then?
- Is there such a fairy tale? - the Bunny was happy.
The seller pressed the button. The names of fairy tales flashed on the tiny screen.
- Here! - said the seller. - Found it! "Ivan -
good soldier." This fairy tale also contains Baba Yaga and the Gray Wolf.
- Real?
- You offend me, young man. Everything we have is real.
This was a chance! Catch and bring to the police
the same, real Gray Wolf. But Baba Yaga... scary.
- Is it impossible without Baba Yaga?
The seller was even offended:
- It’s not for us to remake fairy tales. People have been creating them for centuries!
“Sorry,” said the Bunny. “I didn’t think.” You're right. Let everything be as the people created it.
“You’re so smart,” the seller nodded. “I liked you right away.” The culture and upbringing are felt. Who are your parents?
- Dad is a doctor. And my mother is a teacher of ancient history. But now she works as a teacher. In kindergarten.
- Say hello to them. When you return from a fairy tale.
- Necessarily.
The seller put a space helmet on Bunny's head.
- Good luck! Bon Voyage!
And everything immediately disappeared...
As soon as the seller put the helmet on the Bunny’s head, it became dark. Almost like being in bed under the covers. Then the light dawned a little...
And the Bunny saw himself on a hillock, at the edge of the forest
The river meandered in the distance.
The sun had just dropped below the treetops. Their jagged shadows covered the hillock and buried themselves in the riverbed. Fog floated over the river. It smelled of dampness and autumn leaves.
Yes, yes, in the fall. It's spring in the city, but here it's autumn!
The Bunny had high boots on his feet. Behind his shoulders is a gun and a backpack. He felt strong and brave. As befits a soldier... But it was still a little scary.
- Hello, soldier! - a nasty voice rang out.
Baba Yaga flew by, almost hitting him with a broom. There was a felt boot on one leg, and a pulled down stocking on the other. The stocking fluttered like an upside-down flag.
Baba Yaga made a circle and landed.
- Are you tired, soldier? Spend the night at my place. You'll take a steam bath in the bathhouse. I'll give you some tea.
Baba Yaga smiled with a toothless mouth.
“We know your teas,” thought the Bunny. “We’ve read fairy tales.”
But he said out loud:
- Why not take a steam bath? And you have the Wolf
There is?
- Which Wolf? Where is Wolf from? - the grandmother squealed. “There is one... Old, shabby.” You can’t even call him a Wolf.
“A pensioner, or what?” the Hare grinned.
- What? - the grandmother was surprised. “I’ve never heard such a word.”
“SONGS-oner,” corrected the Bunny. “Who sings songs.”
- Not. He doesn’t sing, his song is sung... Well, sit on the broom.
The bunny sat down on the broom in front of the grandmother. She wrapped her bony hand around him. With her other hand she lifted the broom slightly...
And they flew into the air.
It was uncomfortable to sit on the broom. You're about to fall off. If the Bunny had not been a brave soldier, he would have shouted to the whole neighborhood: “Ma-a-ma!”
But he was a soldier. Brave and courageous. And that's it.
They flew over the river, catching wisps of fog with their feet. We rose a little higher... Suddenly we flew out into the sun.
It immediately became warm, and the red solar ball... No, not a ball, but the edge of a ball, no larger than a watermelon rind, filled the entire sky with a fabulous scrambled egg.
But then it became dark again. The watermelon rind fell over the horizon. The festive colors have faded. But the moon lit up. It was as if someone had turned off the sun and turned on the moon. And now their flight took place in the greenish light.
We flew over the forest. It was hard to see which one. In the moonlight all the trees seemed gray.
Something very large rustled in the air. Bird?.. No. Carpet plane!
A man in a long robe stood on the carpet.
Mustachioed, with a saber. Turning around, he gave them a ceremonial bow.
Baba Yaga shouted after him:
- Get out of here, get lost! Is the sky not enough? The mulberry flew apart in our fairy tales! I'll kill you! I'll meet you again - I'll pick you up!
She couldn't calm down for a long time:
- Orders have been established. Whoever wants to, flies. Magic carpets, all sorts of Carlsons. Scattered! Foreign evil spirits!
The forest beneath them began to thin out, and the water surface sparkled. Sea-lake! Everything is covered in silver lambs. And a sailing ship in the middle. The sails on the masts are like snow-white pillows.
The guns from the pier are firing, the ship is ordered to land!
This is true. The roar of guns!
This is from the other side.
On the other bank is the royal palace, surrounded by a wall. From above, the palace looks like a cream cake. Painted curlicues, turrets, transitions.
Everything sparkles and sings! The sun came out.
Dawn! Fast, like in a fairy tale.
“Now it’s not far,” said Baba Yaga.
And they flew very low, along the shore. It smelled like algae. The spray from the waves tingled my face.
Below, an old man with a white beard was pulling a net out of the water.
- How's the fish? Getting caught? - Baba Yaga shouted to him.
The old man grabbed a stone from the sand:
- Fly away, damned one!
- Can't get caught! Can't get caught! - Baba Yaga laughed. - And your wife is old. And the hut. And he himself is not Ivan Tsarevich.
The bunny felt awkward. He turned to Baba Yaga:
- Why are you doing this? To an elderly person...
- What is he? I caught a golden fish, but couldn’t manage it. Ugh! The loach is rolling.
The old man shouted something and waved his fists. But they didn't hear.
They jumped over sand dunes, flew over a stunted swamp, and again the forest began to grow below. But already black, alarming.
Huge spreading spruce trees, centuries-old pines. And suddenly - the forest parted, a clearing. Let's go for landing.
The end of the broom rustled across the grass. They ran a few meters...
All. We landed.
“I almost lost my stockings,” grumbled the grandmother. “I darn, darn... And buy new ones - where is the money?”
The bunny noticed a hut at the edge of the clearing. On chicken legs. Very similar to huge “Bush legs”. Only with claws.
The door swung open with a bang, and onto the porch
Wolf jumped out. Gray back, reddish belly. Evil green eyes.
Bunny's heart sank to his feet.
“Wow, ‘older,’” was all he said.
The wolf realized his mistake, crouched and limped:
- The bones are old. My lower back cramped. My head is breaking. There is noise in the ears. Oh, I feel bad, I feel bad!
“My poor, sick man,” the grandmother stroked him. “You’ve completely fallen apart.” Well, nothing, Kuzma. I'll give you some weed. You will leave.
“I won’t leave,” Kuzma muttered. “I feel like I won’t leave.”
- I burst into tears. Better bring some firewood. And cones for the samovar. And you, soldier, settle down. First - tea, then a bathhouse. All the illness will come out of you.
“We know your teas,” thought the Bunny. “We’ve read fairy tales.” If you drink a cup, you won’t need another.”
But he said out loud:
- I love tea! More than anything else. More cabbage, carrot juice. More than the stalks themselves.
- FAQ? - the grandmother was surprised. - What kind of juice? Carrot?
“Birch,” corrected the Bunny. “It’s hot and dusty on the hike.” No water, no stream. We can only save ourselves with this juice.
- What juice in summer? - the grandmother was surprised. “Are you familiar, dear?” Birch sap in spring! And that’s the earliest one.
- In the spring! Right. We stock it up for the whole year. In banks. Three-liter. Roll up the lids and drink.
- Lids? - Baba Yaga was surprised.
“With jars,” corrected the Hare. “Three-liter jars.”
- I don't like this soldier. “Oh, I don’t like it!” Kuzma said in a whisper.
- FAQ?
- Cowardly it hurts. There are no such soldiers. And he smells like spirit.
- Russian? - asked the grandmother.
- Hare. Like from a brown hare.
“You’ve become old, Kuzma,” the grandmother said, also in a whisper. “You’re confusing a Soldier with a Hare.”
And she added louder:
- Go! Do it!
They went into the hut. There was a huge oven inside. With walls black from soot. Next to the stove is a wooden table. There are dirty, unwashed dishes on the table.
- Hey! - Baba Yaga shouted to Kuzma. - Who will wash the dishes?
The wolf obediently jumped into the hut:
- Forgot. I'll be there in a jiffy.
He quickly licked the bowls with his tongue:
- All! It doesn't get any cleaner.
“We need to remind you of everything,” the grandmother grumbled. “Every time.”
She brushed a huge bone off the table and it flew into the corner where the scraps lay.
“Bring some firewood, throw away the bones!” the grandmother shouted.
- Why throw them away? - came from outside. - I’ll chew some more.
Grandma pretended to sigh:
- With your teeth? You'll break the last ones.
She covered the scraps with a dirty towel:
- She was a good chick... She should live and live.
“I shouldn’t have chosen this fairy tale,” the Hare regretted. “It would have been better about the Frog Princess.” No Wolf there, no Baba Yaga. The largest predator is the frog frog."
- Where can I wash? - he asked out loud.
“There,” said the grandmother and nodded towards the stove. “When the fire goes out, we’ll splash some water.” Nice bathhouse, oh, nice! In black. Or have you never washed like this, little soldier?
Kuzma flew into the hut. His eyes sparkled bloodthirstyly:
- Well? Have you already steamed? And that is, I really want to.
“Not to eat, but to drink,” his grandmother corrected him. “To drink tea.”
“Yeah,” said Kuzma. “To drink tea, but I really want to eat.”
While the stove was melting, the grandmother inflated the samovar. The samovar was bouncing on the floor from the excess steam.
“Sit down, dear,” the grandmother invited. “First, tea, and then a bathhouse.”
- After the bathhouse - Vanka! - joked the Wolf.
The grandmother hit him on the back with a log:
- Damned Herod! Is this how guests are treated?
And she quietly poured the grass into one of the cups.
“Datura grass,” the Hare guessed.
And again his heart sank to his feet:
- I don’t want tea.
- How can you not want to? - the grandmother was surprised. “Everything is ready!”
She took turns placing cups under the samovar tap:
- Enta cup - for you... Enta - for me... Enta for my gray friend.
The bunny noticed that his cup had a crack. Barely noticeable. Under the handle.
And then a saving thought came to him. He saw how a magician once quickly and deftly changed places of cups.
- An old trick! - exclaimed the Bunny and quickly swapped the cups. “I put raspberries in one of the cups.”
He threw a raspberry into his cup, with a crack.
- I cover all the cups with this handkerchief. I change them under the scarf... Now tell me, dear citizens, which of these cups contains raspberries?!
Baba Yaga and the Wolf blinked their eyes.
- The prize will be a gold ruble!
And the Bunny pulled out a sparkling gold coin from the soldier’s pants.
“Eh,” he thought, “our brother was paid well!”
- Hurry up! - he shouted. “Don’t think for a long time!”
- In this! In entoy! - Baba Yaga shouted and slammed the handkerchief on one of the cups.
- No - in this one! - Wolf pointed to another cup.
The bunny pulled off the scarf. The raspberries, as expected, were in his cup, with a crack. Baba Yaga guessed right.
The bunny handed her a gold ruble, the old woman beamed as brightly as the coin:
- I’ll buy stockings, I’ll buy a new broom.
And the cup with the crack now stood in front of the Wolf.
- Well, well... Shall we drink some tea? - asked the Hare.
“We will, we will,” said Baba Yaga.
- Let the soldier drink first! - said the Wolf.
- Why is it me? - asked the Hare. - Maybe your seagull... that one. Eh, grandma?
- What are you doing, honey?! And how could he think such a thing?
She moved the cup with datura grass closer to the Wolf:
- Drink, Kuzma!
“It’s hot, it hurts,” said the Wolf.
- Drink to whom I tell you!
There was nothing to do, Kuzma sighed and took a sip from his cup.
The Hare and Baba Yaga looked at him intently.
- No tea! - Kuzma was delighted. And he took another sip. “Oh, nothing!”
He looked cheerfully at the other teapots:
- Why don’t you drink?
- Let's drink, let's drink!
Baba Yaga took the Wolf's cup.
She was sure that the tea in this cup was not poisoned.
And she took a sip too.
- Now it’s your turn, soldier. Help yourself!
- I? With great pleasure!
The hare was calm. He knew that he was drinking normal, unpoisoned tea.
The Wolf was the first to smell the datura grass. He yawned, showing his toothy mouth to the whole world.
His eyes closed. And quietly, without noise, he slid to the floor.
Then Baba Yaga realized what had happened:
- Oh, vile soldier! Oh, damn it! Well, I'll tell you...
She rushed out of her seat and opened the chest. I probably wanted to take the life-saving medicinal herb from there... But I didn’t have time. Just as quietly as the Wolf, she sank to the floor.
“That’s better,” said the Hare Soldier. “You will know how to drink tea.”
He found a bag. With difficulty he pushed the Wolf's head into it. Then he rested his feet on the wolf’s ass and pushed everything else through.
And he wrapped the bag tightly with ropes!
But suddenly everything disappeared. And Baba Yaga and the hut.
- All! - a pleasant voice rang out. “We’re closing.”
The bunny was in the store again.
- Well? Liked?
And suddenly the seller noticed a bag next to the Bunny.
- Wow! - that’s all he said. “This is the first time I’ve seen anything brought from there!”
Chapter Four You will chase TWO WOLVES...

Chapter first
Why don't Wolves like Hares?
Chapter two
Sergeant Medvedev
Chapter Three
The hare is a good soldier
Chapter Four
You'll chase two Wolves
Chapter Five
It's all the Hares' fault!
Chapter Six
Market for stolen goods
Chapter Seven
It's better to be rich and healthy!
Chapter Eight
Everyone on the floor! This is a robbery!
Chapter Nine
Give it to the poor astronaut!
Chapter Ten
Trickster Fox
Chapter Eleven
Lesnaya village, Khvoynaya street
Chapter Twelve
Another plan of the Fox
Chapter Thirteen
Grandson - for a barbecue!
Chapter fourteen
The verdict is final
not subject to appeal
Chapter fifteen
Well, Behemoth, wait a minute!

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