A celestial city floating in space has been discovered. City of God discovered in space. Nas mystery debunked

A three-dimensional moving image on a computer can reliably demonstrate how galaxies scatter. However, it is impossible to say that the galaxies are scattering exactly from the point where the city is located thanks to several images taken that year.

The most powerful and largest telescope on planet Earth is the Hubble Telescope. It is he who shows astronomers the unprecedented distant horizons of infinite space. According to a well-known story, in 1994, one of the images from the Hubble telescope caused a lot of noise both in the scientific world and in the media. Initially, astronomers discovered a small foggy spot on it. When the image was examined through Hubble's magnifying glass, it was discovered that the spot had an interesting structure. They decided to enlarge the image using Hubble with maximum resolution. The telescope mirrors were aimed at the desired area of ​​space. After enlarging the image, scientists saw a fantastic city in space. Nicknamed the City of God, the site of the anomalous creation stretched across billions of kilometers in the abyss of vacuum, and itself shone with an unearthly light.

A computer analysis of images from the Hubble telescope revealed that the City of God is moving, and its movement coincides with the movement of all the galaxies surrounding it. A three-dimensional study of this part of the Universe revealed that it is not it that is distant from our planet, but the Earth that is distant from it. The volumetric motion of images, simulated by a computer for that year, showed that all galaxies scatter to the sides precisely from this point in the Universe, where the unique city of God is located. In other words, all existing galaxies were formed in it. This is what American astronomers thought and claimed.

It is possible that the City of God, discovered by Hubble in 1994, could turn out to be a grandiose engineering structure of an unknown and powerful extraterrestrial civilization. Supporters of religion do not rule out that the Creator could have lived there. However, many years have passed since the discovery of this cosmic phenomenon in 1994, and any new information no more information was obtained about this part of the Universe. At least it wasn't leaked to the media or the Internet. Surely all subsequent photographs and information were well classified. Or maybe it's all Scientific research was it a loud duck?

It is not easy to answer this question, but it is possible. If you look at the question of the existence of the city of God from the point of view of physics, then its presence in space in the form in which it appears in the picture is simply impossible. Physical laws are to blame for this, if they work in that part of the Universe.

A three-dimensional moving image on a computer can reliably demonstrate how galaxies scatter. However, it is impossible to say that the galaxies are scattering exactly from the point where the city is located thanks to several images taken that year. This can be detected by comparing photographs taken in different time, or through the Doppler effect. There is no center of the Universe as such. We see it from our own perspective on Earth. If we moved to another place in the Universe, we would see the same picture. By the way, the size of the city of God is simply colossal! Well, a structure in the form of a building several thousand light years in size cannot exist in space.

Could the pictures of the City of God be fake? Quite yes. It is assumed that the sensational photograph that appeared in the media in 1994 could have been based on a photograph of the galaxy NGC3079, which was actually taken using the Hubble telescope. However, no city was found on it. The galaxy itself is 55 million light years away. And this is far from the center of the Universe. The image of the City of God, although it has a visible silhouette of a certain palace, is rather blurry. If you look closely, you will notice that the fake is revealed by the shadows on the city, which do not at all correspond to the light source in the photo. And the light emitted by the city of God could simply be painted.

This happened a long time ago, in 1994. But still few people know about this. In December 1994 there was a big uproar at NASA. The point is in the resulting images taken by the largest orbiting space telescope, the Hubble. They showed an incredibly large white city that seemed to float in space. At first they just saw some kind of white spot. But then University of Florida professor Can Wilson decided to look at this picture through a magnifying glass. To his surprise, something resembling a city was clearly visible in the picture. A city floating in space.

Very quickly, NASA classified everything related to this find. But for some time, until NASA turned off free access to the telescope server, these images became available.

This city is of incredible size, compared to which our Earth is just a grain of sand. Naturally, the assumption immediately arose that the Abode of the Creator had been found.

And when three-dimensional modeling of that part of the Universe where a city floating in space was discovered, another stunning fact was revealed. It turned out that it is not that part of the Universe that is moving away from us, but we are moving away from it. That is, it turns out that the place where the mysterious city was discovered is the center of the Universe. All galaxies have emerged and are diverging from exactly that point. That is, it is around this city that the Universe revolves.

More than 20 years have passed since that incredible discovery, but we still know nothing about that floating city. Perhaps some research is being conducted secretly, but so far the general public, unfortunately, knows nothing about it.

The most important telescope on the planet, NASA's orbiting Hubble Space Telescope, opens unprecedented horizons of deep space for astronomers. But, along with great discoveries, Hubble also presents greatest mysteries.

Astronomy has come a long way in its research into distant and nearby stars and galaxies. Hundreds of professionals and millions of amateurs point their telescopes at the starry sky every night.

The most important telescope on the planet, NASA's orbiting Hubble Space Telescope, opens unprecedented horizons of deep space for astronomers. But, along with great discoveries, Hubble also presents the greatest mysteries.

IN JANUARY 1995, a German astronomical journal published short message, to which all scientific, religious and popular publications on the planet immediately responded. Each publisher drew the attention of its readers to completely different aspects This message, however, the essence boiled down to one thing: the Abode of God was discovered in the Universe.

After deciphering a series of images transmitted from the Hubble telescope, the films clearly showed a large white city floating in space.

NASA representatives did not have time to turn off free access to the telescope’s web server, where all the images received from Hubble go for study in various astronomical laboratories.

Thus, photographs taken from the telescope, subsequently (and still) strictly classified for a few minutes, became available to users of the World Wide Web.

After a short operational meeting It was decided to re-shoot the area of ​​the starry sky indicated by Professor Wilson with the maximum resolution for Hubble. The huge multi-meter lenses of the space telescope focused on the farthest corner of the Universe accessible to the telescope. There were several characteristic clicks of the camera shutter, which were voiced by the prankster operator who voiced the computer command to capture the image on the telescope. And the “spot” appeared before the amazed scientists on the multi-meter screen of the projection installation of the Hubble control laboratory as a shining structure, similar to a fantastic city, a kind of hybrid of Swift’s “flying island”. Laputa and sci-fi projects of future cities.

A huge structure, stretching across many billions of kilometers in the vastness of Space, shone with an unearthly light. The Floating City was unanimously recognized as the Abode of the Creator, the place where only the throne of the Lord God could be located. A NASA representative said that the City cannot be inhabited in the usual sense of the word; most likely, the souls of dead people live in it.

However, another, no less fantastic version of the origin of the cosmic City has a right to exist. The fact is that in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, the very existence of which has not even been questioned for several decades, scientists are faced with a paradox. If we assume that the Universe is massively populated by many civilizations standing at the most different levels development, then among them there must inevitably be some supercivilizations that not only went into space, but actively populated vast spaces of the Universe. And the activities of these supercivilizations, including engineering, to change the natural habitat (in in this case outer space and objects in the zone of influence) - should be noticeable at a distance of many millions of light years.
However, until recently, astronomers had not noticed anything like this. And now - obvious man-made object galactic proportions. It is possible that the City discovered by Hubble on Catholic Christmas at the end of the 20th century turned out to be exactly the desired engineering structure of an unknown and very powerful extraterrestrial civilization.

The size of the City is amazing. Not a single celestial object known to us can compete with this giant. Our Earth in this City would be just a grain of sand on the dusty side of the cosmic avenue. Where is this giant moving - and is it moving at all? Computer analysis of a series of photographs obtained from Hubble showed that the movement of the City generally coincides with the movement of the surrounding galaxies. That is, relative to the Earth, everything happens within the framework of the theory Big Bang. Galaxies “scatter”, the red shift increases with increasing distance, no deviations from the general law are observed.

However, in three-dimensional modeling of the distant part of the Universe An amazing fact has emerged: it is not a part of the Universe that is removed from us, but we are from it. Why the starting point was moved to the City. Because it was precisely this foggy speck in the photographs that turned out to be the “center of the Universe” in the computer model. The volumetric moving image clearly demonstrated that the galaxies are scattering, but precisely from the point of the Universe in which the City is located. In other words, all galaxies, including ours, once emerged from exactly this point in space, and it is around the City that the Universe rotates. Therefore, the first idea of ​​the City as the Abode of God turned out to be extremely successful and close to the truth.

What does this discovery promise for humanity and why has it not been heard of for almost seven years? Science and religion have long decided to make peace and, to the best of their ability and ability, help each other reveal the secrets and mysteries of the surrounding world. And if science suddenly encounters an insoluble phenomenon, religion almost always gives a very real explanation for what is happening, which is gradually being adopted by strict scientific circles.

In this case, the opposite happened; science, with the help of technical means, confirmed or at least provided significant evidence of the correctness of the main postulate of religion - the existence of a single Creator living in the shining City in the heavens.

However, no matter how expected such a message may be, its consequences are practically unpredictable. The general euphoria of religious fanatics, the collapse of the materialistic foundation of modern science - all this can lead to irreversible and dire consequences. Therefore, the photographs were immediately classified, and access to images of the City of God was given only to people vested with special powers, who in reality, and not on TV, control life individual countries and the planet as a whole.

However, secrecy is not the best means of achieving goals, and there is a master key against any lock. We offer readers one of a series of images transmitted from Hubble, depicting a mysterious City floating in the vast depths of endless Space. Today we can only wait for the official reaction of government agencies and senior officials of the Church to the message about the discovery by astronomers of something that humanity could only guess about for many millennia.
The US secret intelligence services put in their safes information that is of enormous importance for the entire Universe. But how can such a stunning discovery be hidden? Why America has arrogated to itself the right to decide what the inhabitants of the Earth can know, and what they should know too early. The answer to these questions can only be to remove them from the agenda. Either due to the establishment of complete US dominance on the planet, or as having lost relevance due to the complete declassification of today's archival secrets and mysteries. Well, we just have to wait for the opening of American safes in them. The abode of God turned out to be hidden from earthlings more reliably than in the depths of the Universe.

Celestial City, Celestial Jerusalem photographed by the Hubble 1994 telescope

WASHINGTON, DC - Despite the recent renovation of the Hubble Telescope, NASA refuses to release old or new photos of Paradise!

In 1994, Dr. Maison smuggled out of the agency a top-secret telescope photograph supposedly depicting Paradise. Weekly World News was the first to print the photo and report on the doctor's findings, but despite media coverage, NASA refused to acknowledge the photo's existence.

Now that the telescope has been repaired and NASA has officially begun publishing some of its latest discoveries, the editorial team at Weekly World News believes that NASA must get to the bottom of this cosmic anomaly.

We haven't heard back from NASA yet, but here's our exclusive report on the first photo.

Just days after shuttle astronauts repaired the Hubble Space Telescope in mid-December, its huge lenses focused on a cluster of stars at the edge of the universe and photographed Paradise!

These are the words of author and researcher Marcia Maison, who claimed that senior NASA officials said that on December 26, the telescope sent more than a hundred photographs to the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

The photographs clearly show a huge white city drifting in the darkness of space.

Another expert, citing sources from NASA, argues that these are definitely photographs of Heaven, because life as we know it cannot exist in icy, airless space.

“This is it—this is the proof we’ve all been waiting for,” Dr. Maison tells reporters.

“With some luck, NASA pointed the Hubble telescope in the right direction at the right time and got these photos. I can’t call myself a believer, but I have no doubt that someone or something influenced the decision to point the telescope at this particular region of space.”

“Was it God himself? Considering the infinity of the universe and all the places to study where NASA could direct its attention, then most likely it is so.”

NASA officials declined to comment on the author's report, which "requires further examination of the photographs taken on December 26." Despite official silence, some knowledgeable agency members believe that NASA has discovered something that could completely change the future of humanity.

They also confirmed that President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore have a vested interest in the photographs and demanded a daily report. Dr Maison states: “The Hubble Space Telescope was designed to take pictures of the farthest reaches of the Universe, but until recent repairs to astronauts, a defect in the lens prevented it from performing its full function.”

“After they had finished their work, the telescope turned its huge eye to the outer edge of the Universe.”

“From what I understand, the first photographs taken with a telescope were just kaleidoscopic explosions of color and light.”

“After adjusting the focus of the lenses, NASA analysts couldn’t believe their eyes.”

“After numerous double-checks, they concluded that the photographs were genuine. They also theorized that life as we know it could not exist in this city.”

“The only logical explanation was the theory that the city was inhabited dead souls. One of my sources said, “We have found the place where God lives.”

There were rumors that Pope John Paul II himself asked to send these photographs to him, but the Vatican did not confirm, although it did not deny this information.

Dr Maison, who was able to obtain a single photograph from NASA sources, says the space agency's next move will be its "most revealing yet".

“This is a chance for NASA to come clean and tell the public and the rest of us what they really know,” she says.

21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.
21:2 And I John saw the holy city Jerusalem, new, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
21:3 And I heard a loud voice from heaven, saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them; they will be His people, and God Himself with them will be their God.

21:16 The city is laid out in a quadrangle, and its length is the same as its breadth. And he measured the city with a reed for twelve thousand furlongs; its length and breadth and height are equal.
21:17 And he measured the wall thereof an hundred and forty-four cubits, according to the measure of a man, as is the measure of an angel.
21:18 The wall thereof was built of jasper, and the city was pure gold, is like pure glass.
21:19 The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with all kinds of precious stones: the first foundation was jasper, the second was sapphire, the third was chalcedon, the fourth was emerald,
21:20 fifth sardonyx, sixth carnelian, seventh peridot, eighth virill, ninth topaz, tenth chrysoprase, eleventh hyacinth, twelfth amethyst.
21:21 And the twelve gates were twelve pearls: each gate was of one pearl. The city street is pure gold, like transparent glass.
21:22 But I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty is the temple thereof, and the Lamb.
21:23 And the city has no need of the sun or the moon to illuminate it, for the glory of God has illuminated it, and its lamp is the Lamb.
21:24 The saved nations will walk in its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory and honor into it.
21:25 Its gates shall not be shut by day; and there will be no night there.

Revelation of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian


Secret photographs of Hubble

On December 26, 1994, NASA's largest space telescope, Hubble, captured a huge white city floating in space. The photographs, located on the telescope's web server, became available to Internet users for a short time, but were then strictly classified.

The bottom line is this: the authorities (or is it not them?) are hiding a whole galaxy of aliens from us.

Look at the photo. Knowledgeable people know that there are usually supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies. Maybe aliens destroyed a black hole and are now using gravitational disturbances to generate energy on a previously unimaginable scale? And the authorities are probably simply afraid to reveal this, because we are powerless in front of them, so there is no need to bother the people...

Heavenly city floating in space

Astronomy has come a long way in its research into distant and nearby stars and galaxies. Hundreds of professionals and millions of amateurs point their telescopes at the starry sky every night. The most important telescope on the planet, NASA's orbiting Hubble Space Telescope, opens up unprecedented horizons of deep space for astronomers. But, along with great discoveries, Hubble also presents the greatest mysteries.

In January 1995, a German astronomical journal published a short message, to which all scientific, religious and popular publications on the planet immediately responded. Each publisher drew the attention of its readers to completely different aspects of this message, but the essence boiled down to one thing: the Abode of God had been discovered in the Universe.

On December 26, 1994, there was a big uproar at the US Aerospace Agency (NASA). After deciphering a series of images transmitted from the Hubble telescope, the films clearly showed a large white city floating in space.

NASA representatives did not have time to turn off free access to the telescope’s web server, where all the images received from Hubble go for study in various astronomical laboratories. Thus, photographs taken from the telescope, later (and still) strictly classified, became available to users of the World Wide Web for a few minutes.

So what did astronomers see in these amazing photographs?

At first it was just a small foggy speck in one of the frames. But when University of Florida professor Ken Wilson decided to take a closer look at the photograph and, in addition to Hubble optics, armed himself with a hand-held magnifying glass, he discovered that the speck had a strange structure that could not be explained by diffraction in the lens set
telescope itself, nor interference in the communication channel when transmitting the image to Earth.

After a short operational meeting, it was decided to re-shoot the area of ​​the starry sky indicated by Professor Wilson with the maximum resolution for Hubble. The huge multi-meter lenses of the space telescope focused on the farthest corner of the Universe accessible to the telescope. There were several characteristic clicks of the camera shutter, which were voiced by the prankster operator who voiced the computer command to capture the image on the telescope. And the “spot” appeared before the amazed scientists on the multi-meter screen of the projection installation of the Hubble control laboratory as a shining structure, similar to a fantastic city, a kind of hybrid of Swift’s “flying island”
Laputa and sci-fi projects of future cities.

A huge structure, stretching across many billions of kilometers in the vastness of Space, shone with an unearthly light.

The Floating City was unanimously recognized as the Abode of the Creator, the place where only the throne of the Lord God could be located. A NASA representative said that the City cannot be inhabited in the usual sense of the word; most likely, the souls of dead people live in it.

However, another, no less fantastic version of the origin of the cosmic City has a right to exist. The fact is that in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, the very existence of which has not even been questioned for several decades, scientists are faced with a paradox. If
assume that the Universe is massively populated by many civilizations at very different levels of development, then among them there must inevitably be some supercivilizations that not only went into space, but actively populated vast spaces of the Universe. And the activities of these
supercivilizations, including engineering - by changing the natural habitat (in this case, outer space and objects located in the zone of influence) - should be noticeable at a distance of many millions of light years.

However, until recently, astronomers had not noticed anything like this. And here is an obvious man-made object of galactic proportions.

It is possible that the City discovered by Hubble on Catholic Christmas at the end of the 20th century turned out to be exactly the desired engineering structure of an unknown and very powerful extraterrestrial civilization.

The size of the City is amazing. Not a single celestial object known to us can compete with this giant. Our Earth in this City would be just a grain of sand on the dusty side of the cosmic avenue. Where is this giant moving - and is it moving at all? Computer analysis of a series of photographs obtained from Hubble showed that the movement of the City generally coincides with the movement of the surrounding galaxies. That is, regarding the Earth, everything happens within the framework of the Big Bang theory. Galaxies “scatter”, the red shift increases with increasing distance, no deviations from the general law are observed.

However, during three-dimensional modeling of the distant part of the Universe, an amazing fact emerged: it is not part of the Universe that is moving away from us, but we are moving away from it. Why was the starting point moved to the City? Because it was precisely this foggy spot in the photographs that turned out to be the “center of the Universe” in the computer model. Three-dimensional moving image is clearly visible
demonstrated that galaxies are scattering, but precisely from the point of the Universe in which the City is located. In other words, all galaxies, including ours, once emerged from precisely this point in space, and it is around the City that the Universe rotates. And therefore, first
the idea of ​​the City as the Abode of God turned out to be extremely successful and close to the truth.

What does this discovery promise for humanity, and why has it not been heard of for almost eight years?

Science and religion have long decided to make peace and, to the best of their ability, help each other to reveal the secrets and mysteries of the world around us. And if science suddenly encounters an insoluble phenomenon, religion almost always gives what is happening a very real explanation, which is gradually adopted by strict scientific circles.

In this case, the opposite happened; science, with the help of technical means, confirmed or at least provided significant evidence of the correctness of the main postulate of religion - the existence of a single Creator living in the shining City in the heavens.

However, no matter how expected such a message may be, its consequences are practically unpredictable. The general euphoria of religious fanatics, the collapse of the materialistic foundation of modern science - all this can lead to irreversible and terrible consequences. Therefore, the photographs were immediately classified, and access to the images of the City of God was given only to people vested with special powers, who in reality, and not on TV, control the life of individual countries and the planet as a whole.

However, secrecy is not the best means of achieving goals, and there is a master key for every lock.

We offer readers one of a series of images transmitted from Hubble, with
depicting a mysterious City floating in the vast depths of endless Space. Today we can only wait for the official reaction of government agencies and senior officials of the Church to the message about the discovery by astronomers of something that humanity could only guess about for many millennia.

The US secret intelligence services put in their safes information that is of enormous importance for the entire Universe. But how can such a stunning discovery be hidden? Why did America arrogate to itself the right to decide what the inhabitants of the Earth can know, and what it is too early for them to know? The answer to these questions can only be to remove them from the agenda. Either due to the establishment of complete US dominance on the planet, or as having lost relevance due to the complete declassification of today's archival secrets and mysteries. Well, we just have to wait for the opening of American safes. In them, the Abode of God turned out to be hidden from earthlings more reliably than in the depths of the Universe.

The solar system was born in unique conditions!

American and Canadian scientists have used computer simulations to prove that the formation of the solar system required unique conditions, and it represents a very special case among other planetary systems. The results of the study were published in the journal Science. Most previous theoretical models explaining the formation
The solar system from a protoplanetary disk of gas and dust was built on the assumption that our system is “average” in all respects.

IN last decades About 300 exoplanets have been discovered - planets orbiting other stars. Summarizing these data, astronomers from the American Northwestern University (Illinois) and the Canadian University of Guelph came to the conclusion that the Solar System is in many ways a unique case and that its formation requires very special conditions.

“The solar system was born under special conditions to become the calm place we see. The vast majority of other planetary systems did not meet these special conditions at the time of their emergence, and are very different,” says lead author
research, astronomy professor Frederic Rasio, whose words are quoted in a press release from Northwestern University.

For the first time, astronomers have created a computer model of the entire process of formation of a planetary system from beginning to end - from the formation of a gas-dust disk, which remains after the formation of the central star, to the appearance of full-fledged planets.

Until the 1990s, the planets of the solar system were the only ones that were known, and astronomers had no reason to consider our system as something unusual, but after the discovery of exoplanets, the situation changed. “We now know that other planetary systems are not at all like the solar system,” says the study’s lead author, Prof.
astronomy Frederic Rasio from Northwestern University. “The shape of the orbits of exoplanets is elongated, not circular. Planets end up not where we expect them to be. Many Jupiter-like giant planets, known as “hot Jupiters,” end up so close to their stars that they orbit them in a matter of days. Obviously, we need to refresh our understanding of the process of planet formation due to the huge variety of planets we see now,” Racio adds.

The simulation showed that the gas disk from which the planets form relentlessly pushes them towards the central star, which could cause them to collide with each other. There is fierce competition for gas among growing planets, and as a result of this chaotic process, a wide variety of planetary masses appears. As planets move closer to each other, they often fall into
gravitational resonance, which turns their orbits into elliptical ones. As a result, some planets may be thrown out of the planetary system into space.

“Such a turbulent history leaves little chance for a quiet solar system like ours to form, and our models confirm this. Certain conditions must be precisely met for the solar system to appear,” says the scientist.

A gas disk that is too massive, for example, leads to the appearance of “hot Jupiters” and bodies in elliptical orbits. A disk that is too light leads to the formation of “ice giants” like Neptune, with little gas content.

“We now have a better understanding of planet formation and can explain the properties of the strange exoplanets we observe. We also know that our solar system is special, and we understand what makes it special,” Racio said.

Secrets underworld Voitsekhovsky Alim Ivanovich

“The Abode of God” - a city in space?

It all started like this... On December 26, 1994, the decoding of a series of images transmitted from the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope caused a big stir at NASA. Before the amazed gaze of earthlings, a large White City floating in outer space. NASA representatives did not have time to turn off free access to the telescope’s web server, where all the images received from Hubble go for study in various astronomical laboratories around the globe.

Cosmic city - Abode of God. One of the photographs taken from the Hubble telescope

Consequently, photographs taken from the telescope, subsequently and, by the way, still strictly classified, became available to users of the World Wide Web for a few minutes. And indeed, already in January 1995, a German astronomical magazine published a sensational message: “The Abode of God” was discovered in our Universe!

So what did astronomers see in the amazing photographs transmitted to Earth by Hubble?..

At first it was just a small foggy “spot” on one of the frames. But when University of Florida professor Ken Wilson decided to look at the photograph in more detail and, in addition to Hubble optics, used a hand-held magnifying glass, he discovered that the “spot” had a strange structure that could not be explained by some technical reasons when transmitting the image to Earth. After a short meeting, NASA management decided to re-image the area of ​​the starry sky indicated by Professor Wilson with the maximum resolution for Hubble.

The huge multi-meter lenses of the space telescope focused on the farthest corner of the Universe accessible to Hubble's view. And so the “spot” appeared before the amazed scientists on the multi-meter screen of the projection installation with a stunning picture of the city, similar to a hybrid of Swift’s “flying island” of Laputa and science fiction projects of cities of the future.

A huge structure, stretching across many billions of kilometers in space, shone with an unearthly light. On the compacted base, various structures were clearly visible, including large arches, towers and other buildings, strangely similar to those on earth. The City floating in space was unanimously recognized as the Abode of the Creator, the place where only the throne of the Lord God can be located. A NASA representative said that the heavenly City cannot be inhabited in the usual sense of the word, since, most likely, the souls of dead people live there, near the throne of the Lord God.

However, another, non-fantastic version of the origin of the heavenly City also has a right to exist. The fact is that in the search for extraterrestrial Intelligence, the very existence of which has not been questioned for a long time, Earth scientists are faced with the following paradox...

If we assume that the Universe is populated by many civilizations at different levels of their development, then some of them not only entered outer space a long time ago, but also actively populated vast spaces of our vast Universe. In this case, the activities of these supercivilizations, including engineering, aimed at changing the natural habitat, should have been noticeable to us at a distance of many millions of light years. However, nothing like this was noticed by terrestrial astronomers until very recently.

And now, finally, we have before us an obvious technical object of galactic proportions... It is possible that the City discovered by Hubble on Catholic Christmas at the end of the last century is just such an engineering creation, built by representatives of an unknown and very powerful extraterrestrial civilization.

The size of the celestial City is amazing, since no celestial object known to us can compete with it. Our Earth in this city would look like just a grain of sand on the dusty side of the cosmic avenue. Where is this cosmic giant moving - and is it moving at all? Computer analysis of a series of photographs obtained from Hubble shows that the movement of the City generally coincides with the movement of the surrounding galaxies, in other words, everything happens within the framework of the Big Bang: galaxies scatter, the red shift increases with increasing distance.

However, during three-dimensional modeling of the distant part of the Universe, an amazing fact was obtained: this part of the Universe is not moving away from us, and we are not moving away from it. This happened because in the photographs this foggy “spot” turned out to be the “center of the Universe” in the computer model. The volumetric moving image clearly demonstrated that the galaxies are scattering precisely from the celestial City. This means only one thing: the true rotation of the Universe occurs around the City. And the first idea of ​​the City as the Abode of God turned out to be extremely successful and close to reality.

Thus, science, with the help of technical means, has received or confirmed proof of the correctness of the main postulate of religion - the existence of a single Creator who lives in the shining City in heaven!

However, we have to admit the fact that the consequences of this event are unpredictable, since the euphoria of religious fanatics and the collapse of the foundations of materialism in modern science- all this can lead the situation on our planet to irreversible and terrible consequences. In this regard, photographs of the Hubble telescope were immediately classified and taken under the jurisdiction of the US secret intelligence services, although we understand that secrecy is not the best way to hide anything from world public opinion.

Now it remains to be seen how the official authorities of various states and heads of Churches will react to the sensational report of American astronomers about something that humanity could only guess about for many millennia. But how can such a stunning discovery be hidden?.. Well, let's wait for the publication amazing message, locked with a key in American safes. In them, the Abode of God is hidden from earthlings much more reliably than what happens in the depths of our Universe...

Are aliens building a new planet?

This mysterious story took place in the second half of the 70s of the 20th century. In the summer of 1977, the National Laboratory jet propulsion US Aerospace Agency (NASA), located in American city Pasadena (California), prepared for launch the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft, intended to explore distant areas of outer space.

After a successful launch and flight, Voyager 1, which moved to a distance of 1.5 billion kilometers from Earth, flew up to the planet Saturn in 1979. Using on-board television cameras, he photographed and transmitted to the Control Center very clear images of a giant cigar-shaped object that did not resemble either an asteroid or a planet.

The length of the discovered object was approximately more than 11 thousand kilometers, which was almost equal to the diameter of our planet. Scientists in Pasadena, having difficulty recovering from the shock caused by the photographs, suggested that this object of fantastic size has been wandering around Saturn for a long time and, apparently, is currently uninhabited.

Of course, it is difficult to agree with such a conclusion of American scientists, since a puzzling question arises: why such a giant, located within the solar system, has not yet been discovered by ground-based telescopes of observatories in many countries? An answer to this question was found that satisfied all interested parties: the object discovered by Voyager 1 for a long time... was hiding behind Saturn. But this was only the preamble to this story...

Further events happened like this... The sensational discovery of the “Abode of God”, obtained with the help of the Hubble telescope, made it possible to use the telescope to take other photographs and, in particular, the environs of the planet Saturn, where the previously recorded fantastic space object was located.

In February 1996 in scientific journal Science News reported that Hubble had taken a series of color photographs of Saturn, which showed an image of a huge, oval-shaped object moving around the outer side of the planet's rings. These are the amazing

“photographic” events that took place in the region of the sixth planet from the Sun in its system are already at the present time. I wonder if there was something similar in our history?

Answering a similar question, journalist V. Zabelyshensky writes the following in his article “Paradise Abode”:

“...In the 2nd century AD, John the Theologian, while on the island of Patmos, observed a strange phenomenon - a city floating in the sky. At that time, it was believed that heavenly cities, which can be seen not only by saints, but also by mere mortals, served as a refuge for souls wandering between our world and another.

Later, scientists tried to explain this phenomenon by reflection in the atmosphere of real cities or by the special state of clouds and water vapor. They were observed in Europe and America, in late XVIII centuries they appeared over China and Japan. But as optical instruments improved, the version of mirages lost its credibility.”

Let us present two more facts about similar observations. The first example we give dates back to October 1889, when the American newspaper The New York Times reported that an unusual city had been observed in the skies over Alaska:

“...Houses, clear silhouettes of streets and trees. Here and there, high spiers rose above huge buildings reminiscent of ancient mosques and cathedrals... All this looked not like a modern American city, but like an old European city.”

And our second example was written about in the next year, 1890, by the American newspaper New York Sun, which reported that residents of the city of Ashland (Ohio) saw a large unknown city in the sky:

“...Many people who observed this strange city, high in the sky, believed that it looked like Jerusalem, others argued that it was more like Mansfield or Sandusky.”

The researcher of anomalous phenomena and writer Charles Fort (1874–1934) in his book “New Lands” notes that similar observations of “heavenly cities” were recorded back in the very early XIX century. Then the flights of these objects began to be repeated and they were observed almost over the heads of people. Considering the lack of good telescopic installations among the inhabitants of the Earth, then this could be tolerated on the part of the aliens. But time passes and the situation changes. Nowadays, the appearance of “heavenly cities” is observed only in remote areas of outer space: apparently, the aliens in charge of their flights in the earth’s sky simply forbade...

Let's very briefly recap what we talked about in this chapter. At first our conversation was about the possibility of people living inside the hollow Earth they created. Then he spoke about the transformation of the surface and climate change of our planet by representatives of a Higher Intelligence living somewhere in the vastness of our Universe. And finally, we talked about the sensational discoveries of our time: the observation of strange cosmic objects in far and distant space and the magnificent Cosmic City, nicknamed “The Abode of God.” That's all, actually!.. What else can I add?..

Many of our contemporaries sincerely believe and are even convinced that our home planet has long been studied far and wide. This opinion is really not difficult to form. Aircraft flew millions of hours and billions of kilometers in the vastness of the air ocean; Since ancient times, marine vehicles of all classes and types have plied the seas and oceans; Submersibles painstakingly explore the relatively shallow depths of the World Ocean, and where it is very deep, bathyscaphes come to the rescue.

Yes, the land does not remain without the same attention. She is almost constantly photographed from airplanes and artificial satellites. Numerous amateur and professional travelers penetrate into the most hidden corners of the Earth, leaving fewer and fewer “blank spots” for their followers. It would seem that everything has been studied and re-studied for a long time. All that remains is to systematize and comprehend what was found and discovered, heard and photographed.

However, it turns out that things in this regard are not as good as it seems at first glance: suddenly, in one place or another, something so strange and mysterious is discovered that stubbornly refuses to fit into the usual framework of one or another concept scientific knowledge. And not only does he not want to, but “this” found is generally impossible to push “into any gate.”

It is precisely such incredible and mysterious sensations that small newspaper reports or short magazine publications that appear aperiodically tell us. Although they intrigue readers, they are unlikely to make them think deeply about the content of what they read, as well as about the significance of the information they contain, conveyed to us for a reason, but for knowledge and use in our future destiny...

And now we move on to one of the main or main points of this chapter of the book, which is mentioned in a small publication in the newspaper “Anomalous News”...

So, imagine, dear readers, there is something else, something extraordinary, which we must tell you about!.. In this case, we will talk about the CONSTRUCTION OF A SECOND EARTH IN THE AREA OF SATURN BY ALIENS OR ALIENS FROM SPACE... A SECOND EARTH!..

This started unusual story very everyday and simple... One Russian scientist, unfortunately, his name is not given in the publication about this discovery, fascinated by the old, dust-covered mystery of the appearance of “crop circles” in the grain fields of many countries around the world, deciphered the secret of these “circles”: it turned out that they are in fact WRITINGS or MESSAGES intended for all mankind...

And soon, quite recently, another grand discovery was made. It was carried out by employees of the NASA astronomical laboratory. The essence of this sensation is that an “extra planet” was discovered in our solar system, which, as it turned out, is a direct twin of the Earth. An incomprehensible space object, the diameter of which is over 700 kilometers, is located very close to the Earth, in the orbit of the planet Saturn.

What evidence could there be for this “space project”?.. Imagine that we have some of them on Earth... In the last few years, scientists have discovered a rather strange phenomenon. The discharge of the “glacial shell” of Antarctica into the World Ocean has clearly intensified, and the salinity of the water has even decreased. But the most unpredictable thing was that the level of the World Ocean did not rise by a single meter. Why?.. The answer to the question was revealed after deciphering the riddles of the “crop circles”, but, forgive us, more on that later...

And now, instead of continuing our conversation, we will say just a few words to the readers of the book about the appearance of certain images on the earth’s fields...

Since the second half of the 80s of the last century on the pages of newspapers and magazines different countries around the world, curious reports about “crop circles” began to appear. To date, many hypotheses have been put forward about the causes of these phenomena. Let's list just a few of them: atmospheric phenomena, crafts of earthly jokers, plasma vortices, manifestations of static electricity, spiral vortices of air, etc.

However, in some fields not only primitive circles appear, but also more complex formations. Thus, the English researcher P. Delgado discovered from an airplane near the town of Punch Bowl in Hampshire a huge inscription on a grain field: “WE ARE NOT ALONE,” which translated into Russian means: “We are not alone.” Each letter of this message was 36.6 meters high. The wheat on the field was “laid” in the same way as in the mysterious circles that appeared earlier. If these are not the tricks of “amateur jokers” (and to carry out such a “joke” unknown technologies are required), then all that remains is to turn to the hypothesis of the manifestation of the activity of another Mind...

English crop circles

This drawing appeared near Stonehenge

Dutch "Scorpio"

A pictogram that appeared on July 27, 1990 near Marlborough (England) and is aimed at the oldest burial ground in Europe, Silbury Hill.

A strange image of a “chain” obtained in England

In the UK, in the county of Hampshire, a pictogram appeared in a wheat field depicting an alien and something like a computer disk

But today, researchers are more and more inclined to think that such drawings on grain fields are a kind of information code of aliens from outer space, telling us, earthlings, some important information. Let us give just one more example of the appearance of such an image...

In the summer of 2002, in a wheat field near the city of Winchester, Hampshire (UK), a composition appeared consisting of the “face” of an alien, bordered by a frame with a disk with mysterious symbols or writing superimposed on it (like a stamp on a photograph on some kind of ID card). . The dimensions of this agricultural symbol - 76 x 110 meters - are such that it was possible to see it in its entirety only by rising above the field to a considerable height.

Several researchers of such phenomena, both specialists and amateurs, have begun studying the “text”. One of them, an American, who called himself Richard and said that he “ most his life is engaged in encryption, as well as deciphering the ciphers of various messages,” claimed that the encoding of this “message” is given using the standard American ASCII code in English language. This is what the mysterious “message” said:

“Beware of the bearers of false gifts and their unfulfilled promises. A lot of grief and lost time (damaged word). There is goodness there. We stand against lies and deception. The channel is closing."

The damaged word or the seemingly meaningless combination of letters “EELRI,” according to another decipherer, actually denotes the place where this “good” is located. It is quite possible that this is the name of a star or planet from the world where the compilers of the “message” live. It is appropriate to say here that this is not the first text message on this field...

Let's continue the conversation we started about modern reasons not raising the level of the World Ocean... Everything turns out to be simple and incredible: it turns out that the water level did not rise only because the earth was scooped up from the ocean floor. Who can do this and why?..

It turned out that the collection of bottom soil from the oceans was, and perhaps is still being done today, by representatives of another civilization. For what?.. The point here is that the aliens, as mentioned above, are building a new planet for us. The core and crust of this new Earth-2 are made from materials mined from the rings of Saturn, soil is brought from the Earth, and water is brought from the satellites of Jupiter, the rings of which, by the way, were “disassembled” to “rework” our Earth in the past.

The construction of Earth-2, as the alien “message” reports, is planned to be completed by 2014, so that soon it will be possible to “move” there. But the question is, who will have to move there to populate the new Earth-2? According to the same transcripts of the “crop circles,” potential “sinners” will be sent to a new place of residence. In other words, all those who behave badly (apparently, according to the aliens) on our Earth. How all this will be carried out, what kind of expeditions will be formed, etc. is still unknown... Let's look at the calendar, there is not much time left until 2014. Well, let's wait and see what will happen during this wait...

Unfortunately, humanity is not yet able to answer most of the questions discussed in this chapter. He simply does not have enough knowledge for this. In fact: the scientific principles of searching for “traces” of visits to the Earth by aliens from outer space are still only being developed, and the research itself on these issues is being conducted at a level that is very far from scientific rigor. One can understand the interest in such phenomena, but one must say “yes” or “no” equally responsibly. Both must be justified.

Thus, to the supposedly available real facts We also need evidence, but there is none! There are arguments, conjectures, conjectures, but not a single “clear” proof of the reality of “traces” of aliens has been presented either on Earth or in near or far space. And yet, why, having stepped into outer space, does humanity deny this achievement to others?

Yes, there is no generally accepted evidence of the existence intelligent life outside the Earth. But there is an unproven confidence or conviction that it is there... Then why can’t we assume that highly developed inhabitants of other worlds “suggested” to people the idea of ​​​​transforming our Earth into a “hollow” planet?..

Why don’t we want to agree that representatives from outer space could in the past “modify” the surface of the Earth and change climatic conditions, adapting them for our prosperous living on the planet?.. And, finally, why do we not attach any attention and importance to the fact that what exactly did the aliens “allow” us to discover strange “space objects” in the Saturn region, and in deep space a BRIGHT BIG CITY, nicknamed by us “THE ABUSE OF GOD”?...

Questions, questions, questions... Who knows when humanity will receive or, rather, wait for an answer to them...

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