The phrase there will be in English. The phrase There is \ There are in English. There is there are a rule of use in different tenses

Turnover ‘there be’ /‘there is/ there are’, …/ (* Further in the text in the examples the abbreviation “THR” is used) from a grammatical point of view is a deviation from the norm. However, like many other deviations in the English language, it is regularly used in speech. It can be equally used both in oral and written speech, both in informal settings and in formal communication.

The use of this phrase is associated with a number of semantic ones, such as, for example, semantic ones: identification with the impersonal sentence ‘it is ...’, or the adverb /there/; grammatical: incorrect use of forms of the verb ‘be’, adding a verbal compliment to the predicate, etc.

Vs. 'there/there'

What is the difference between the phrase ‘there is/ there are’ and the adverb ‘there’?

‘There’ is often a common adverb of place, answering the question “Where?”, “Where?”, for example:

Are you comfortable there? / Are you comfortable there?

The book is there on the table/ The book is there, on the table.

In this case, the semantic emphasis falls on it, because it reflects the main “intrigue” of the statement.

However, ‘there’ can also act as a relative subject rather than as a place indication. This means that it becomes a pronoun, which nominally takes on the role of the subject, while the semantic subject is positioned as the object of the predicate. A semantic subject can be substituted for 'THR' without affecting grammar or overall meaning. The only thing is that some semantic connotation will be lost. In this turn, the pronoun 'THR' is not stressed and is pronounced casually.

Thus, /THR is/THR are/ is used to introduce new information and focus attention on it.

Vs.'it is'

How does the phrase ‘there is/ there are’ differ from the formal pronoun ‘it’ in the impersonal sentence ‘it is’? To do this, you need to briefly consider the topic and rheme. The theme is a background part that does not provide fundamental information; rhema is a key word (phrase) that plays a decisive role and is emphasized. ‘it’ is a fictitious representative of a logically non-existent subject, or existing somewhere in the context, and the rheme here is what happens to it, or what state it is in, what characteristics it has. Whereas ‘THR’ is a “warning” of the subject, which is semantically (logically) equivalent to the object of the predicate, and the rheme is, as a rule, someone or something. That is, the focus is on presence, presence, perhaps numbers.

Not used with Continuous, as an object or in passive voice (Passive V.)

In fact, the phrase 'there is/ there are' in English is a periphrasis of 'smth is', 'many are', where the verb 'be' appears in its semantic meaning - “to take place”, “to be”, “to be”, “to be present”, “to exist”, “to occur”. That is why it is not used with constructions of the Continuous aspect group (respectively, Perfect Continuous), and with the passive voice. For the same reason, it is not customary to use it with personal pronouns - it would sound like /THR am I/I am/, /THR are they/They are/, which is already implied, and therefore does not carry fundamentally new information, and from a semantic point of view is meaningless.

The rule for using the phrase ‘there is/ there are’

It follows from this that the construction can be used with:

Nouns with dependent words;

In the following constructions (only in active voice):

In all four times;

In the indefinite and perfect aspects.

The relative subject ‘There’ can be used in different tense-aspect constructions. in order to shorten the time, it is usually called simply the phrase ‘there is / there are’. The construction scheme for all constructions is as follows: the pronoun ‘There’ opens the sentence. It is followed by the auxiliary verb ‘be’ in one of its forms, depending on the situation; followed by a noun with dependent words (if any), i.e. noun group.

THR is work to be done/ There is work that needs to be done.

THR will be a party tonight / Today there will be a party.

THR was no damage/ There was no danger.

THR have been two telephone calls/ Two telephone calls have been received.

Turnover ‘there is/there are’ in singular and plural

When a noun group after a verb is in, you need to use the plural form of the verb:

THR are many reasons for this/There are many reasons for this.

THR were two men in the room/There were two people in the room.

We also use plural verbs before phrases denoting relative empirical remarks, such as ‘a number (of)’, ‘a lot (of)’, ‘a few (of)’:

THR were a lot of people camped there.

THR are only a few left/ There are only a few left.

If the noun in the group is singular or uncountable, then the verb is used in the same form:

THR is one point we must add here/ There is one point that we must add here.

THR isn’t enough room in here/ There isn’t enough space here.

The verb is also used in the singular if several objects or persons are mentioned in the sentence, but the first noun following the verb is in the singular. number, or is uncountable:

THR was a man and a woman.

THR was a sofa and two chairs/There was a sofa and two chairs.

Cases of use

We use the phrase ‘there be’ (‘there is/ there are’, ...) when we say:

About the existence or presence of people and objects:

THR are two people who might know what happened/ There are two people who may know what happened.

About something that happened:

THR’s a meeting every week/Meetings are held every week.

THR was a fierce battle/There was a fierce duel.

About number or quantity:

THR are forty of us, I think.

Modal verbs

The phrase ‘there is/there are’ can also be followed by ‘be’, ‘have been’ (in addition to those for the future and the future in the past):

THR could be a problem.

THR should be a change in government/There must be a change in government.

THR can’t have been anybody outside/ Nobody could be on the street.

THR must have been some mistake.


The phrase 'there is/there are' in English in colloquial speech or an informal situation allows for the abbreviation of the verb 'be' or a modal verb and its adjoining to 'there' through an apostrophe ("'s" - 'is' or 'has', " 're' 'are', ''ll' - 'shall' or 'will', ''ve' - 'have', ''d' - 'had', 'should' or 'would'):

THR's no danger/No danger.

THR'll always be a future for music/There will always be a future for music.

I knew THR’d be trouble/I knew there would be a problem.

THR's been quite a lot of research into it.

I didn’t even know THR’d been a murder/I didn’t even know that a murder had been committed.

‘Appear to be’

Also, in addition to the existential verb 'be' - that is, meaning “to be”, “to happen” - the less unambiguous “seems to be taking place”, “there is a feeling that is happening...” and similar phrases with verbs like 'appear' and 'seem':

THR appears to be a vast amount of confusion on this point.

THR seems to have been some carelessness.

- this is one of the cases when in the Russian language there is no direct, one hundred percent equivalent of the English construction, so its use often causes difficulties for beginners.

Meanwhile, turnover there is \there are is used quite often not only in business or scientific language, but also in ordinary everyday speech. This is one of the constructions that you need to use and understand without the slightest difficulty, fully automatically. Fortunately, its use is not difficult; the most important thing is to understand the meaning of this construction.

The meaning of the construction There is \ There are

Literally there is translates as “is/is present here”, and there are as “there are/are present” (plural). But it would be more accurate to say that the phrase there + to be is used to denote the presence or presence of something or someone.

For example:

There is an old church in this town. – There is an old church in this city.

There are ten or eleven kids in the classroom. – There are ten or eleven children in the class.

There is always a way out. – There is always a way out.

There are two ways out of this tunnel. – There are two exits from this tunnel.

What is the difficulty of saying There is \ There are?

The difficulty is that, as can be seen in the examples above, this construction is not translated into Russian in some unique correct way - you need to select a translation according to its meaning. The words themselves there is \there are, as a rule, are not translated literally (“there is here”), their meaning is conveyed by other means.

This can be the verb “to be”, “to appear”, “to be present”.

There is a nice pizza place in this mall. - In this shopping center There is good pizzeria.

There is only one player. Where are the others? - Here present only one player. Where are the others?

But in Russian, verbs like “to be” are often omitted.

Good, now there are all four players. Deal the cards. - Okay, here now (There is) all four players. Deal the cards.

What other door? There is only one door. -What other door? Here (There is) only one door.

In general, you need to remember that if you want to say something about presence/absence object or person in some place, then you can often use the phrase there is \ there are.

There is a chair here. – There is an armchair.

There are many mirrors in this house. – There are many mirrors in this house.

Just don’t confuse presence/absence with possession, with the case when we say that a certain person possesses something. In this case, the meaning of the verb (to have) is appropriate:

I have a chair. – I have an armchair.

I have many mirrors in my house. – I have many mirrors in my house.

Using the phrase There is \ There are in tables with examples

The phrase there is \ there are can be used in the affirmative (as in the examples above), negative and interrogative forms. It can also be used in different tenses: present, past and future. The tables below provide examples of the use of there is \ there are in tenses Simple(Indefinite),

This phrase is also used in tenses Perfect(in Continuous and Perfect Continuous is not used), but much less often than in Simple, especially in colloquial speech. Examples are given in the table at the end of this article, however, this topic refers to “advanced”, and the phrases themselves are rarely used, some are practically not used at all, even in written speech.

Affirmative form

In the affirmative form, the phrase there is \ are is used as follows:

There is \there are in the affirmative form
Singular Plural
Present Simple There is
  • There is a shop here.
  • There is a store here.
There are
  • There are four wires.
  • There are four wires here.
Past Simple There was
  • There was a statue at this place.
  • There was a statue at this place.
There were
  • There were a few coins on the table.
  • There were several coins on the table.
Future Simple There will be
  • There will be a car in the backyard.
  • There will be a car in the backyard.
There will be
  • There will be two more TV’s in the room.
  • There will be two more TVs in the room.

Sometimes a sentence lists several items, with the first being singular and the second plural (or vice versa). In this case, the turnover there + to be agrees in number with the noun that comes after it.

For example:

There is a small box and two bigger boxes. – There is a small box and two larger boxes.

The noun comes first in the singular, so the verb is also singular – there is.

There are two big boxes and one bag. – There are two large boxes and one bag.

The first in the list is the plural noun, the verb takes the corresponding form - there are.

Negative form

The negative form can be constructed in two ways:

1. Using the particle not.

In this case, abbreviations are usually used: there is not = there isn’t, there was not = there wasn’t, there were not = there werent’, there will not be = there won’t be.

There isn't a chair here. - There is no chair here.

If after not If there is a plural countable noun or an uncountable noun, then the pronoun is added - not any.

There aren't any chairs here. - There are no chairs here.

There isn't any oil here. – There is no oil here.

After no goes a noun without an article or pronoun any.

There is no chair (chairs) in the room. – There is no chair(s) in the room.

There is no oil here. – There is no oil here.

There is a slight stylistic difference between these variants, which is understandable to native speakers. In addition, some set expressions are used either with no, or with not simply because it is customary.

There is no point in doing this! – There is no point in doing this!

It is generally believed that negation with not more categorical, but in fact everything depends heavily on the context and situation. In my opinion, no matter how you say it no or not, you will be understood in any case.

There is \there are in negative form
Singular Plural
Present Simple There is no\isn’t
  • There is no(isn’t a) tool in the box.
  • There is no tool in the box.
There are no aren't
  • There are no(aren’t any) beds in the bedroom.
  • There are no beds in the bedroom.
Past Simple There was no\wasn’t
  • There was no(wasn’t an) engine in the car.
  • The car had no engine.
There were no wasn't
  • There were no(weren’t any) mistakes in his work
  • There were no mistakes in his work.
Future Simple
  • There will be no(won't be any) help.
  • There will be no help.
There will be no \ There won’t be any
  • There will be no(won’t be any) corrections.
  • There will be no corrections.

Interrogative form

To construct an interrogative form, you need to move the verb to be to the beginning of the sentence.

There is \there are in interrogative form
Singular Plural
Present Simple Is there..?
  • Is there Anyone there?
  • Is there anyone there?
Are there..?
  • Are there two or three exits?
  • Are there two or three exits?
Past Simple Was there..?
  • Was there a bottle in the fridge?
  • Was there a bottle in the refrigerator?
Were there..?
  • Were there any losses?
  • Were there any losses?
Future Simple Will there be..?
  • Will there be a new school in the neighborhood?
  • Will there be a new school in the area?
Will there be..?
  • Will there be more guests here?
  • Will there be any more guests here?

Video lesson on the topic There is \ There are

The topic There is \ There are is explained in sufficient detail and very clearly in the video tutorial on Puzzle English. Let me remind you that on this service for learning English you can not only watch free video lessons, but also go through exercises (composing phrases).

Turnover There is \ There are in Perfect tenses (for advanced level)

Attention: this topic is very difficult, advanced and full of nuances. It is by no means for beginners. I provide a general overview of it for informational purposes only.

This phrase is sometimes used in Perfect tenses, although much less often than in Simple tenses, especially in colloquial speech. To complete the picture, I will add a table of the use of there is \ there are in Perfect. It makes sense to study it only if you already know what it is:, and understand what the features of their meaning are.

As in the above types of tense forms, in constructions like There has been we are talking about an action that took place before the moment of speech, the result of which is relevant at the time of speech.

Affirmative form

Singular Plural
Present Perfect There has been
  • There has been fish in the fridge.
  • There was fish in the refrigerator.
There have been
  • There have been some problems lately.
  • There have been some problems lately.
Past Perfect There had been
  • There had been and wedding that afternoon at the church.
  • In the afternoon there was a wedding in the church.
There had been
  • There had been two weddings that afternoon at the church.
  • During the day there were two weddings in the church.
Future Perfect There will have been
  • There will have been a lot of money in the safe.
  • There will be a lot of money in the safe.
There will have been
  • There will have been Anna's letters in the mail.
  • There will be letters from Anna in the mail.
Negative form
Singular Plural
Present Perfect
  • There has been no(hasn’t been a) guest here.
  • There was no guest here.
There has been no\hasn’t been
  • There has been no(hasn’t been any) people in my house.
  • There were no people in my house.
Past Perfect There had been no\hadn’t been
  • There had been no(hadn’t been a) key in the lock.
  • There was no key in the lock.
There had not been
  • There had been no(hadn’t been any) glasses on the table.
  • There were no glasses on the table.
Future Perfect There will have been no \ There won’t have been
  • There will have been no(won’t have been any) profit in that.
  • There will be no benefit in this.
There will have been \ There will have been no
  • There will have been no(won't have been any) casualies.
  • There will be no casualties.
Interrogative form
Singular Plural
Present Perfect Has there been..?
  • Has there been any progress with this?
  • Is there any progress on this?
Have there been..?
  • Have there been any obstacles?
  • Were there any obstacles?
Past Perfect Had there been..?
  • Had there been a wall there?
  • Was there a wall?
Had there been..?
  • Had there been any mistakes?
  • Were there any mistakes?
Future Perfect Will there have been..?
  • Will there have been help?
  • Will there be help?
Will there have been..?
  • Will there have been any new episodes?
  • Will there be new episodes?

Many people, knowing the basics of the English language, can always get confused in the use of the phrase there is / there are or even neglect it. Of course, this limits our combinatorics in constructing new sentences, and also gives us a chance to misunderstand our interlocutor. So let’s try to abstract ourselves and understand this topic.

Turnover there is / there are typically used to determine the location of objects or if the sentence does not use a verb.

The structure of the sentence is as follows: there is/are + noun + adverbial place.

There is is only used for singular nouns:

  • There is a cat in the garden - the cat (is) in the garden;
  • There is a beach down here – There (is) a beach;
  • There is a new club near the college – There is a new club near the college;

You can also most often hear the abbreviated form there is – there’s:

  • There’s an apple on the table - there is an apple on the table;
  • There’s a refrigerator in the kitchen - there is a refrigerator in the kitchen;
  • There’s a pen on the school desk - a pen (lies) on the desk;

The indefinite article a/an can be replaced by the numerator one:

  • There is one chair in my room – in my room (there is) one stool;

There are is used for plural nouns:

  • There are twenty students in the class - there are twenty students in the class;
  • There are four girls and two boys in her family - in her family (there are) 4 girls and 2 boys;
  • There are three hospitals in town – there are three hospitals in the city;

Using there at the beginning of a sentence has no effect on using there at the end of that sentence:

  • There are big gray clouds over there - there (are) big gray clouds;

For clarity, the sentence there is/are is better translated from the adverbial place.

The affirmative sentence there is/are can be converted into an interrogative sentence. To do this, just swap there and is/are:

  • Is there a train to Moscow? – Is there a train to Moscow?
  • Is there a good restaurant in the street? – Is there a good restaurant on this face?
  • Are there a lot of children in the pool? – Are there many children in the pool?
  • Are there thirty or thirty one days in this month? – Are there thirty or thirty-one days this month?

And how to give a short answer to a similar question:

  • Is there money in your pocket? – Yes, there is – No, there isn’t
  • Are there a lot of policemen in the city? – Yes, there are – No, there aren’t

Affirmative sentences with the phrase there is/are can also be converted into negative sentences by adding the negative particle not:

  • There is not a knife in your bag - there is no knife in your bag;
  • There isn’t a battery in the phone - there is no battery in this phone;
  • There are not a instruments in my hangar - there are no instruments in my hangar;
  • There aren’t handsome guys in the hotel - there are no handsome guys in this hotel;

Or you can add the negative word no:

  • There is no sugar in this cup of coffee - there is no sugar in this cup of coffee;
  • There are no wheels in that car - there are no wheels in that car;

Thus, it is worth noting once again the use turnover there is / there are. There is is used only with singular nouns, respectively, there are with plural nouns. Both turns serve to explain, define or make statements about the location of an object. The order of construction of the phrase is first there is/are, then the noun and at the end the adverbial clause. The phrase there is/are can take a negative and interrogative form. And it is advisable to translate sentences from there is/are from the adverbial location.

Perhaps you want to clarify something on this topic. Leave a comment below with a question

The phrase there is/there are is a speech construction that begins to be studied at the initial stage of learning English. If you need to talk about the location of an object or person, then you will need to use this phrase. The phrase there is/there are in English means “there is, is located.” But for a correct translation into Russian, you need to study some rules for handling this construction.

General concept

So, the phrase there is/there are is used quite often in English, since we constantly need to indicate the position of this or that object. And this phrase helps to do this in the best possible way. For example, you need to say that there are three doctors in a certain room.

With the help of turnover we get the following sentence: There are three doctors in the room. In this case, we draw your attention to the order of words in the sentence.

There is (thr is)

There are (thr are)


We see that the phrase begins with a phrase, then an object is indicated, and only at the end the place where this object (or person) is located is noted.

Why does the turnover look this way? What is the difference between thr is and thr are? The answer is simple. The first option is used to describe one object or person, and the second to describe two or more objects.

  • Thr is a dog on the bed. - A dog is sitting on the bed.
  • Thr are dogs on the bed. - There are dogs sitting on the bed.

There is/there are: translation into Russian

It is important to understand that the sentence in which this phrase is used cannot be translated literally. The correct way to do this is to start at the end of the sentence. This will make you sound beautiful in your native language.

  • Thr is a book on the table. - A book is on the table.
  • Thr are dogs in the yard. - There are dogs running in the yard.

I would like to note that the phrase there is/there are has several translation options. It all depends on the specific object and situation. When translating, the main thing is to maintain correctness and plausibility, and not to deviate from the norms of the literary language.

Temporal features

The next thing that needs to be said when discussing the phrase there is/there are is the different forms of the verb “to be” when the phrase is used in different tenses. As you know, the strong verb to be has many forms, and in our case, a different form is used in each time period.

Present tense

Past tense


All of these forms can be part of this construction, since the phrase there is/there are can be used both in the present tense and in the past or future.

  • Thr is a kitten in the corner. - There is a kitten sitting in the corner.
  • Thr are students in the hall. - There are students in the hall.
  • Thr was a car near the shop. - There was a car near the store.
  • Thr were green trees in the center of the square. - There were green trees in the center of the square.
  • Thr will be a lot of pupils in the bus. - There will be many students on the bus.

We see from examples how the form of the verb changes and how the phrase changes. The translation style is also clearly visible: we change the meaning of the verb depending on the specific situation.

Questions, answers and denials

The phrase there is/there are, the rules of formation of which we discuss here, can be used not only in declarative sentences. We can also use it to pose questions, answer them and use it in negative constructions. Let's look at all these options in turn.

The construction of the question occurs by simple rearrangement of words. Depending on the type of question, the verb is placed in first or second place:

  • General question: Is thr a dog in the park? - Is there a dog in the park?
  • Special question: What is thr in the river? - What is there in the river?
  • Alternative question: Is thr a book or a pen in the bag? - Is there a book or pen in the bag?
  • Dividing question: Thr is a boy on the bench, is not there? - It's the boy on the bench, isn't it?

The answer to general or disjunctive questions using this phrase will be the option Yes, there is or No, there isn't (depending on the speaker's intention) or Yes, there are / No, there aren't, if the plural form was used in the sentence numbers.

Negative sentences can be constructed in two ways:

  • use of the negative particle not,
  • use of the pronoun no.

If we choose the first option, then in addition to the negative particle, we must use the pronoun any, which means the absence of something or someone.

  • Thr is not any dress in my room. - There is not a single dress in my room.
  • Thr are not any houses in this place. - There are no houses in this place.

By using the second option, we can do without unnecessary additional words, and the negative pronoun itself will relate more to the noun than to the verb:

  • Thr is no phone in my pocket. - There is no phone in my pocket.
  • Thr are no birds in this forest. - There are no birds in this forest.

Important points in using there is/there are

Translation into Russian of such a phrase is not the only feature that should be taken into account. There are a few more points that should not be forgotten when using this phrase. There are variants of proposals when we need to indicate the location of not one object, but several, that is, apply an enumeration. In this case, the following rule will apply: when listing several objects or people, you need to take into account the word that is located immediately after the phrase itself. The choice of verb form will depend on it:

  • Thr is a book, 2 pens and a bag on the sofa. - On the sofa there is a book, two pens and a bag.
  • Thr are 2 pens, a book and a bag on the sofa. - There are two pens, a book and a bag on the sofa.

This is easy to understand and remember, since in Russian this construction also looks different (lie, lie).

It is also worth remembering about nouns that can be countable and uncountable. If a word cannot have a plural form, then only the form suitable for the singular should be placed in front of it, regardless of the accompanying words:

  • Thr is a lot of water in this glass. - There is a lot of water in this glass (water does not have a plural).
  • Thr are a lot of glasses on the table. - There are many glasses on the table (glasses can be used in the plural).


In order to always write and speak correctly, you need to practice using the phrase there is/there are. The exercises for this topic are simple and aimed at developing automatic memorization, as well as training to quickly select the correct form. For example:

  • Put the correct form of the verb. Thr...a kite in the sky. - A kite is flying in the sky.
  • Put a question to the proposal. Thr are a lot of girls at the party. - There are a lot of girls at the party.
  • Translate the sentence. On the table there is a computer, many books and notebooks.

Even if you have just started learning English, you have probably come across a sentence that begins with the phrase there is or there are. From our experience, we know that even students with an average level of knowledge have difficulty using there + be. Not because this construction is difficult to understand, but because in Russian there is no direct equivalent to the phrase. This is why students often forget to use it. In this article we will talk about possible use cases there + be, we will give examples and a small test at the end of the article.

What does there + be mean

So, what does RPM mean? there is / there are in English and when should we use them? You know what the word is there translated as “there”, and the verb to be- be. If you combine two words, you get “there is.” This is where the function of this construction follows: when we want to communicate that something is somewhere, we use there + be.

There is a new shopping center in that village. – There is a new shopping center in that village.

There are many books in room 145. – There are many books in room 145.

Please note that the revolutions themselves there is / there are are not translated into Russian. Conventionally, they can be translated into Russian with the words “is”, “is available”, “exists”, “is located”. That’s why we so want to start translating literally from Russian it exists , it there. But you can't do that. And also sentences that start with there+be, we start translating from the end, that is, we first tell the place where something is located.

How to use there is / there are in English


We can use there + be in all times: present, past and future. Accordingly, for this we need to change the form of the verb be.

There is There is bottle of milk. (there is now, therefore the present tense and form of the verb to be “is”)

There was a bottle of milk in the refrigerator. - In a refrigerator was bottle of milk. (used to be, so the past tense and form of the verb to be “was”)

There will be a bottle of milk in the refrigerator. - In a refrigerator will bottle of milk. (will be in the future, so the future tense and form of the verb to be “will be”)

And also to be is unique in that it can have a singular or plural form. If after there + be there is a singular noun, then take is or was. And if it comes in the plural - are or were. A will be– is universal and can be used with both singular and plural forms.

Now let’s look at a table that clearly shows everything:

There Be What/who is Where is
There is
will be
something somewhere


A negative sentence can be composed in two ways: either using a negative pronoun no, or using a negative particle not and pronouns any. And in this way you will say that something is missing somewhere.

There is no table in the room. = There is not(isn't) any table in the room. – There is no table in the room.

There are no souvenirs on the shelf. = There are not(aren't) any souvenirs on the shelf. – There are no souvenirs on the shelf.


The question is easy to construct: take the desired form be and put it at the beginning of the sentence.

Is is there a table in the room? – Is there a table in the room?

Were are there many people at the party? – Were there a lot of people at the party?

Features of using there + be

  1. If we are listing objects and the first word is in the singular, then we should take to be singular ( is/was):
  2. There is a lamp and four tables in the room. – There is a lamp and 4 tables in the room.

  3. If we list objects and start with the plural, then we should take the plural ( there are):
  4. There there are four tables and a lamp in the room. – There are four tables and a lamp in the room.

  5. It is important to pay special attention to countable and uncountable nouns.
  6. There is a lot of sugar in coffee. – There is a lot of sugar in coffee. (sugar is an uncountable noun, it does not have a plural form, so we use the verb is, despite the word “a lot” - a lot)

    There are a lot of oranges in the box. — There are a lot of oranges in the box. (we can count oranges, the word has a plural so we use are)

As you can see, from a grammatical point of view, this construction is not difficult to use. It is important not to forget to do this. In conclusion, as always, we invite you to take the test and download our sign. This way you will always have access to this information.

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