The image and characteristics of Masha Mironova in the novel “The Captain's Daughter” by Pushkin: description of appearance and character (Marya Ivanovna). The image of Masha Mironova in the story "The Captain's Daughter" (briefly) The image of Maria Mironova in the captain's room

Municipal educational institution

Beloyarsk secondary school

Literature section

Maria Sudakova Vladimirovna

Head: Luzanova Elena Valentinovna

teacher of Russian language and literature

Bely Yar, 2010


Literature section

The image of Masha Mironova in A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter”


1. The image of the captain's daughter

2. The character of Masha Mironova

3. Evolution of the image of Masha Mironova



Introduction. About Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter"

Historical works of fiction are one of the ways to master the specific historical content of a particular era. Every historical work is educational. But the main purpose of historical prose is not so much a reconstruction of the past, but an attempt to connect the past and the present, to “embrace” the movement of history, and to look into the future.

Our work is relevant, because interest in Pushkin’s work has not waned for more than two hundred years, and each time researchers find new sources for the creation of one or another literary image.

Writers of different eras turned to the past for different reasons. For example, romantics who did not find an ideal in the present looked for it in the past. Realist writers in the past tried to find answers to modern questions. And this method of searching for truth remains relevant to this day. Modern man is still concerned with philosophical problems: what is good and evil?, how does the past influence the future?, what is the meaning of human life? Therefore, the modern reader’s turn to historical prose is natural.

A work that arouses not only interest in a certain historical era, but also love for the work of A.S. Pushkin in general is his novel “The Captain's Daughter”, where the main historical event is the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev.

The idea of ​​a historical story from the Pugachev uprising arose in Pushkin under the influence of the social situation of the early 1830s. But why did the famous writer name his story exactly that? After all, the story is based on historical facts, and, according to many researchers, the development of the relationship between Grinev and Pugachev, the nobleman and the peasant king, occupies a central place. Throughout the story, the path of development of P.A. is shown. Grineva. We see how the main character changes, the discovery of the inner person in a person occurs. But what or who influences these changes in the hero’s inner world? Undoubtedly, these are historical events and the first sincere love awakened by a simple girl, the captain’s daughter. Who is she? Who is this captain's daughter? And here we would like to dwell in more detail on the image of Masha Mironova.

Goal of the work: trace all the changes that occurred with Masha Mironova, explain their reason.

Job Objectives: 1. Refer to the content of A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter”, and specifically, to the image of Masha Mironova.

2. Study critics’ reviews of Misha Mironova as a literary heroine.

This topic has not been sufficiently studied in the critical literature, which is why the idea arose to develop this topic.

The research material was the story by A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”

We assume that the image of Masha Mironova has undergone significant changes throughout the story.

2. The image of the captain's daughter.

Pushkin uses laconicism when depicting the main character. “Then a girl of about eighteen came in, chubby, ruddy, with light brown hair, smoothly combed behind her ears, which were on fire,” is how Pushkin describes the daughter of Captain Mironov. If you think about it, she wasn't a beauty, but she wasn't ugly either. We can note that the heroine is shy, modest, blushes every minute and is always silent. We can say that Masha “at first I don’t like” and “doesn’t make any impression” on Grinev. But one cannot judge by first impressions, especially since Grinev’s opinion about Masha soon changes. “Marya Ivanovna soon stopped being shy with me. We met. I found in it prudent And sensitive girl,” we read from Pushkin. What do the highlighted words mean? “Prudence is prudence, thoughtfulness in actions. Sensitive – having increased susceptibility to external influences,” we read in Ozhegov’s dictionary.

The reader guesses that some kind of feeling is awakening in Grinev’s soul... And only in Chapter 5 does Pushkin openly name this feeling to us - love. Let us pay attention to Masha’s care towards Grinev during her illness after the fight with Shvabrin. The simplicity and integrity of her feelings, the naturalness of its manifestation remain unnoticed, and for modern young people they are not understandable: after all, Masha and Grinev are connected only spiritual connection. During his illness, Grinev realizes that he loves Masha and proposes marriage. But the girl does not promise him anything, but chastely makes it clear that she also loves Pyotr Andreevich. As you know, Grinev’s parents do not give consent to their son’s marriage to the captain’s daughter, and Marya Ivanovna refuses to marry Grinev, sacrificing her love for the sake of her beloved. According to researcher A.S. Degozhskaya, the heroine of the story was “raised in patriarchal conditions: in the old days, marriage without parental consent was considered a sin.” The daughter of Captain Mironov knows “that Pyotr Grinev’s father is a man of tough character,” and he will not forgive his son for marrying against his will. Masha does not want to hurt her loved one, interfere with his happiness and harmony with his parents. This is how the strength of her character and sacrifice are demonstrated. We have no doubt that it’s hard for Masha, but for the sake of her beloved she is ready to give up her happiness.

2. The character of Masha Mironova

After hostilities and the death of her parents, Masha is left alone in the Belogorsk fortress. This is where the firmness, decisiveness of character, and the inflexibility of her will are revealed to us. The villain Shvabrin puts the girl in a punishment cell, not letting anyone in to see the prisoner, giving her only bread and water. All these tortures were necessary to obtain consent to marriage, since Marya Ivanovna did not agree voluntarily. There was and is only one person in her heart - Grinev. And in days of trials, in days of losing hope of uniting with Petrusha and in the face of danger, and perhaps even death itself, Marya Ivanovna retains her presence of mind and unshakable fortitude, she does not lose the power of faith. Before us is no longer a shy coward who is afraid of everything, but a brave girl, firm in her convictions. She faces death, but she hates Shvabrin. Who would have thought that Masha, the former quiet girl, could utter such words: “I will never be his wife: I better decided to die and will die if they don’t deliver me.”

Masha is a person of strong will. She faces difficult trials, and she endures them with honor. And here's one more thing. Grinev is taken to prison. And this modest, shy girl, left without parents, considers it her moral duty to save Grinev. Marya Ivanovna goes to St. Petersburg. In a conversation with the empress, she admits: “I came to ask for mercy, not justice.” According to D. Blagoy, during Masha’s meeting with the Empress, “the character of the captain’s daughter, a simple Russian girl, essentially without any education, who, however, found in herself at the necessary moment enough “mind and heart”, is truly revealed to us.” firmness of spirit and unyielding determination in order to achieve the acquittal of his innocent fiancé.”

Masha Mironova is one of those heroes of The Captain's Daughter, in whom, according to Gogol, the “simple greatness of ordinary people” was embodied. Despite the fact that Masha Mironova bears the stamp of a different time, a different environment, the outback where she grew up and was formed, in Pushkin she became the bearer of those character traits that are organic to the indigenous nature of a Russian woman. Characters like hers are free from enthusiastic fervor, from ambitious impulses towards self-sacrifice, but always serve man and the triumph of truth and humanity. “Delight is short-lived, fickle, and therefore does not have the power to produce true great perfection,” wrote Pushkin. Thus, the captain’s daughter - Masha Mironova - in Pushkin’s work deserves to take a place next to Tatyana Larina, who became the embodiment of simple, but distinctively natural traits of the national female character.

Pushkin reveals the complex contradictions that arise between political and ethical conflicts in the destinies of his heroes. What is fair from the point of view of the laws of the noble state turns out to be inhumane. But also the ethics of the peasant uprising of the 18th century. revealed itself to Pushkin from a very cruel side. The complexity of Pushkin's thought is reflected in the construction of the novel. The composition of the novel is constructed exclusively symmetrically. At first, Masha finds herself in trouble: the harsh laws of the peasant revolution are destroying her family and threatening her happiness. Grinev goes to the peasant king and saves his bride. Then Grinev finds himself in trouble, the reason for which this time lies in the laws of noble statehood. Masha goes to the noble queen and saves the life of her fiancé.

4. The evolution of the character of Masha Mironova

At the beginning of the work, we are presented with a timid, timid girl, about whom her mother says that she is a “coward.” A homeless woman who only has “a fine comb, a broom, and an altyn of money.” Over time, the character of Marya Ivanovna, “a prudent and sensitive girl,” is revealed to readers. She is capable of deep and sincere love, but her innate nobility does not allow her to sacrifice her principles. She is ready to give up personal happiness because she does not have the blessing of her parents. “No, Pyotr Andreich,” answered Masha, “I will not marry you without the blessing of your parents. Without their blessing you will not be happy. Let us submit to the will of God.” But the life around her changes dramatically, the “rebels of the villain Pugachev” come to the fortress, and Masha’s position also changes. From the captain's daughter, she becomes Shvabrin's prisoner. It would seem that a weak and timid girl should submit to the will of her tormentor. But Masha shows here traits that were still living latently in her. She is ready to die, just not to become the wife of Alexei Ivanovich.

Saved by Pugachev and Grinev, Marya Ivanovna gradually regains her lost balance. But here’s a new test: Grinev is put on trial as a traitor. Only she can prove his innocence. Marya Ivanovna finds the strength and determination to go to the empress’s court to seek protection. Now in these fragile hands the fate of a loved one, the guarantee of future happiness. And we see that this girl had enough determination, resourcefulness and intelligence to save Grinev and restore justice.

Thus, throughout the novel, the character of this girl gradually changes.


The composition of the novel is constructed exclusively symmetrically. At first, Masha finds herself in trouble: the harsh laws of the peasant revolution are destroying her family and threatening her happiness. Grinev goes to the peasant king and saves his bride. Then Grinev finds himself in trouble, the reason for which this time lies in the laws of noble statehood. Masha goes to the noble queen and saves the life of her fiancé.

Masha Mironova is one of those heroes of The Captain's Daughter, in whom, according to Gogol, the “simple greatness of ordinary people” was embodied. Masha is a person of strong will. From a timid, dumb “coward” she grows into a brave and decisive heroine, capable of defending her right to happiness. That is why the novel is named after her “The Captain's Daughter”. She is a true heroine. Her best features will develop and manifest themselves in the heroines of Tolstoy and Turgenev, Nekrasov and Ostrovsky.


1. D.D. Good. From Cantemir to the present day. Volume 2 – M.: “Fiction”, 1973

2. A.S. Degozhskaya. Story by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" in school study. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 1971

3. Yu.M. Lotman. At the school of poetic word. Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 1988

4. N.N. Petrunina. Pushkin's prose (paths of evolution). – Leningrad: “SCIENCE”, 1987

A.S. Degozhskaya. Story by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" in school study. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 1971

D.D. Good. From Cantemir to the present day. Volume 2 – M.: “Fiction”, 1973

Masha Mironova image and characteristics of the heroine in the story The Captain's Daughter


1. “Pushkin’s” heroine.

2. Masha Mironova. Characteristics and image in the story “The Captain's Daughter”

2.1. Masha and parents.

2.2. First love.

2.3. Strength of spirit.

3. My attitude towards the main character.

In his talented works, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin created the image of an ideal girl, to which he returned more than once, from novel to novel, from poem to poem. The standard of the “Pushkin” heroine was a meek and pretty young lady, a little romantic, a little dreamy, kind and simple, but at the same time full of inner fire and hidden strength. Tatyana Larina was like that, and so was Masha Mironova.

The girl spent her childhood and youth in the solitude of the Belogorodskaya fortress, in poverty and labor. Her parents, although minor nobles, lived on a captain's salary alone. Therefore, they accustomed their daughter to a simple lifestyle and constant work. Masha, an eighteen-year-old young lady, did not shy away from helping her mother in the kitchen, tidying up the rooms, and mending clothes. She did not receive a decent education and upbringing, but she acquired more valuable and eternal things - a tender heart, a kind disposition, and spiritual beauty.

In the story, the girl appears to us as a respectful and polite daughter. She does not strive for balls and dresses, does not beg from her parents for a better, richer life. She is happy with what she has, she is very attached to her father and her mother and values ​​them. Masha knows that she dresses “simply and sweetly”, that she does not have a large dowry, which means she is unlikely to be able to find a good match. But this does not upset the main character. She does not cling to the first person she meets who shows her signs of attention. For the captain's daughter, sincere love and mutual sympathy are not an empty phrase. A girl refuses a rich gentleman because she notices bad character traits and base feelings in him. She is not ready to live with someone she doesn’t love just because it will ensure her comfortable existence. “When I think that it will be necessary... to kiss him. Never! Not for any well-being!” - Masha explains her refusal in simplicity. And at the same time, the girl is capable of strong tender feelings.

Having met Grinev, she falls in love with him sincerely and passionately. This is not a fleeting feeling caused by momentary weakness or euphoria. Masha loves truly, selflessly. Feelings between the main characters do not immediately develop; the girl gradually begins to understand that she is passionate about it for a long time. Imperceptibly observing Grinev, noticing his positive qualities and habits, the captain's daughter begins to love with all her heart and soul. But even here its deep moral basis is visible. Without flirting, without playing with the man’s feelings, Masha “without any affectation” reciprocates young Peter’s proposal. Her love is pure and innocent, just like herself. And although the girl is truly in love and “sensitive,” she values ​​​​her good name and untarnished honor.

The captain's daughter is also prudent and intelligent. She does not want to marry Grinev without the blessing of his parents and is even ready to return his promised word. “If you find yourself a betrothed, if you fall in love with another, God be with you, Pyotr Andreich,” says Masha, crying, and later adds: “I will never forget you; Until your grave, you will remain alone in my heart.” Apparently, the girl agrees to sacrifice her feelings for the well-being of her chosen one. In addition, she is ready to remain faithful and devoted to her beloved until death.

But the best qualities of Marya Ivanovna are revealed to us during her terrible trials - Pugachev's rebellion. It is then that the main character shows those feelings and that strength of spirit that, it would seem, is impossible to expect from her. Having suddenly lost her father and mother, deprived of freedom and her usual way of life, having experienced the betrayal of soldiers and having gone through the bullying of a cruel officer, the captain’s daughter remained true to her principles and beliefs, her concept of duty and honor. How much fortitude and courage she needed to survive the death of her beloved parents and her imprisonment. How much courage and boldness the girl needed to resist Shvabrin’s attempts to force her to marry him. Sick, destitute, starving, she steadfastly withstood the test of her love for the Fatherland and for Grinev.

Much about Masha’s character can be seen in the fact that Grinev’s parents liked her. The girl did not harbor any grudge against them because they did not immediately accept her as a daughter-in-law, and did not torment them with lamentations and complaints. She behaved respectfully and meekly, so that soon her future fathers-in-law “sincerely became attached to her, since it was impossible to recognize her and not love her.” Courage and moral strength were needed by these people who fell in love with each other when they learned about Grinev’s arrest and the terrible sentence that was handed down to him.

Special courage and perseverance were required from Masha. She remained faithful to her beloved both in her grief and in his misfortune. She did not leave him, did not doubt his honor, did not take advantage of his absence to find herself a more distinguished and richer groom. No, Maria Mironova boldly decided to take the initiative into her own hands and turn to the empress herself for pardon of the convicted person. This action shows the strong determination, absolute independence and skillful enterprise of the young girl. She sincerely and clearly explains everything to the empress, and she grants forgiveness to the innocent.

Having gone through difficult difficulties and trials, Masha Mironova and Pyotr Grinev did not stop loving each other. Having got married, they lived happily ever after, in peace and harmony. I am amazed by the strength of spirit and moral purity of the main character. Her modesty and common sense, respectful attitude towards elders and unyielding persistent spirit are an example and standard to follow. Those who possess such qualities and character traits, regardless of whether they are men or women, will definitely be rewarded by fate. After all, true happiness and success must be earned and won.

The characterization of Masha Mironova from “The Captain’s Daughter” is important for understanding the specifics of the work: it was born in the work of the great Russian writer under the influence of the popularity of the translated novels of Walter Scott.

The image of Maria Mironova in the story “The Captain's Daughter”

He aroused a peculiar attitude towards himself from various critics - the character was not perceived as deep or even remarkable.

Pushkin's close friend P. Vyazemsky saw in the image a certain variation of Tatyana Larina. The frantic V. Belinsky called him insignificant and colorless.

The lack of interest and character was also noted by composer P. Tchaikovsky. Template and empty - assessment of the poet M. Tsvetaeva.

But there were also those who did not attribute the image of the main character to the weak points of the story. Perhaps the most authoritative voice here is the opinion of N. Gogol, who appreciated Pushkin’s short story for its artlessness, truly Russian characters and the simple greatness of unremarkable people.

Characteristics and description of Masha Mironova

Some researchers see the heroine of the novel “Edinburgh Dungeon” by Walter Scott as the prototype of Masha. However, the similarity here is only plot.

To define a character briefly: it is a paradoxical (like history itself and life in general) combination of ordinaryness and simplicity with greatness and exclusivity. Maria Ivanovna is the eighteen-year-old daughter of the captain of the Belogorsk fortress.

The modesty of her family position is combined in her with intelligence and kindness, which the main character of the story appreciated and loved.

They had to overcome a lot to be together: the intrigues of a rival for Masha’s love, the refusal of the groom’s father to bless the marriage, the Pugachev uprising and a military tribunal.

An ordinary girl became the cause of fatal trials for the main character and reaches the empress herself in the hope of saving him.

The moral beauty of the heroine

The author constantly emphasizes the noble naturalness of the heroine, the absence of coquetry, affectation, and any pretense in feelings and speech. In dealing with people, she is distinguished by sensitivity, tenderness and kindness - the wise Savelich calls her an angel, saying that such a bride does not need a dowry.

Her inherent sweet femininity encourages careful handling of weapons and, in general, everything related to war: a girl who grew up in a military fortress is terribly afraid of the sound of gunfire.

Avoids conflicts and quarrels: he does not say anything bad about Shvabrin, he is immensely upset about Grinev’s duel and his father’s disfavor. The witty and well-educated Shvabrin could not win a love victory over the young lady who was, in his own words, rather stupid - because behind the brilliant manners there is no truly noble person.

Loving Mary wants happiness above all for the person she loves - even if this means marriage to another woman. And all this without romantic pathos and contempt for everyday life: he understands that for happiness a person needs not only love, but also peace and quiet in the family, some kind of prosperity and certainty.

Appearance of Masha Mironova in the story “The Captain's Daughter”

Pushkin consciously sketched her portrait very schematically. In the face and figure of the girl who inspired her to perform feats, there is no subtlety or exoticism of features, no expressive originality -

her appearance is not romantic and purely Russian.

Together with the main character, the reader sees for the first time a young girl with a round face and rosy cheeks. The light brown hair is unfashionably tidied up - not curled, but completely pulled away from the face, revealing her ears, “which were burning in her eyes” (an expressive detail that simultaneously characterizes the young man’s first, far from delighted, impression and the girl’s sensitivity).

Gradually, the reader, together with Pyotr Grinev, begins to perceive Masha with her heart. “Sweetheart,” “kind,” “angelic” are constant epithets when talking about her.

The lover sees that the unfashionable young lady dresses “simply and sweetly”, her voice seems “angelic”.

Masha's parents

Ivan Kuzmich and Vasilisa Egorovna Mironov are a married couple from poor nobles who treated the main character like a family.

The commandant is a long-time officer who loves to drink and has served for almost 40 years. Kindness and carelessness of character do not help him in his work in a leadership position and make him henpecked by his own wife. He is a man of honor, simple-minded and straightforward.

The elderly “commandant” is an excellent hostess, kind and hospitable. A lively and “very brave” woman, she actually controls her husband and the entire garrison. Strength of character is combined with femininity: she does not know how to keep secrets, but she loves and regrets her husband.

In the face of death, the father touchingly and simply blesses his daughter, the husband and wife say goodbye to each other in such a way that all the tenderness, strength and depth of their love is visible.

Quote from Masha Mironova

The speech characteristics of the heroine’s character can be expressed in two very meaningful quotes.

“If you find yourself a betrothed, if you fall in love with another, God is with you, Pyotr Andreich; and I am for both of you...”, she says to her lover, having learned from her father-Grinev’s letter about the ban on their marriage.

Everything is here: the effort to calmly accept the impossibility of one’s own happiness, the dignity of humility, the desire for good for the beloved, the sincerity of feeling without beautiful words.

“Whether we will have to see each other or not, God alone knows that; but I will never forget you; “until your grave, you will remain alone in my heart,” said Masha, freed from captivity, going to Grinev’s parents.

A faithful soul speaks almost in a common manner - and naturally poetic. As in one of Pushkin’s poems, a heartfelt “you” replaces a polite “you” - this change conveys Maria’s combination of heartfelt depth and self-esteem, natural spontaneity and good manners.

Pugachev's capture of the Belogorsk fortress and the fate of the heroine

Pugachev’s raid on the fortress happened faster than expected: the Mironovs’ plan to evacuate their daughter to Orenburg did not come true.

Both of Masha’s parents died after the capture of the Belogorsk fortress: her father was hanged by rebels, and her mother died from a blow to the head with a saber, received in response to lamentations over her murdered husband.

A friend of the priest's mother hid the orphan, who fell ill from shock, in her home, passing her off as her niece to Pugachev, who lived in the same house. Shvabrin knew and did not reveal this secret.

Appointed as the new commandant of the fortress, he began to force her into marriage, threatening to hand her over to the rebels.

Rescue of the captain's daughter

In Orenburg, besieged by the Pugachevites, Peter receives a letter from Masha with a story about Shvabrin’s unworthy behavior. The main character asks the military commandant to let him go with a military detachment to Belogorsk. Having received a refusal, Grinev voluntarily leaves Orenburg along with the faithful Savelich.

On the way to Belogorsk, they were captured by rebels near Berdskaya Sloboda. The nobleman turns to Pugachev himself with a request to rescue his beloved. Pyotr Grinev found his beloved sitting on the floor, in a torn peasant dress, with disheveled hair, pale and thin. She boldly and simply expresses contempt for Shvabrin.

After her release, Masha goes to Grinev’s parents - they subsequently accepted and fell in love with her.

The love story of Masha Mironova and Peter Grinev

The fate of the relationship between two young people is complexly connected with a tragic episode in the history of an entire country. Love in this work is a circumstance, the main condition for the manifestation of the best human qualities of a man and a woman: kindness, loyalty, honor, a thoughtful attitude towards oneself and others.


It is no coincidence that the educational novel or biography is entitled “The Captain’s Daughter”. Maria Mironova is just a woman and a person, but she remains herself and does not betray herself even in the face of death. She brings love, feelings of admiration for the kindness, courage and devotion of people into the life of the main character.

The story “The Captain's Daughter” by A. S. Pushkin depicts many bright and original characters - courageous,

decisive, fair. However, what most attracted my attention was Masha Mironova, the main character of the work, the daughter of Captain Mironov.

Masha's life takes place in the Belogorsk fortress, whose commandant is her father. The portrait of the girl is unremarkable: she is about eighteen years old, she is “chubby, ruddy, with light brown hair, smoothly combed behind her ears.” Her mother considers her a “coward,” and the evil Shvabrin characterizes the girl as “a complete fool.”

However, further acquaintance shows that Masha has many advantages: she is a welcoming, sincere, sweet, “prudent and sensitive” girl. Her even character and friendliness cannot leave others indifferent.

Finding herself in a critical situation, Masha reveals a new side. She shows incredible resilience and fortitude when she finds herself in the hands of the hated Shvabrin. Neither force nor threats can break a defenseless girl; she is ready to die rather than agree to marry an unloved person. Left without parents and separated from her fiancé, Masha decides to fight for her happiness alone.

Having learned about the arrest of Pyotr Grinev and his accusation of treason and betrayal, she goes to St. Petersburg with the intention of submitting a petition to the empress. Confident of her beloved’s innocence, she so simply and sincerely talks about his relationship with the leader of the rebels, Pugachev, that she wins over Ekaterina P. “By personal order,” Grinev is released from prison, in addition, the empress undertakes to arrange the condition of the orphaned Masha.

I believe that Masha Mironova is one of the best heroines in Russian literature. She harmoniously combines tenderness and willpower, femininity and determination, sensuality and intelligence. Getting to know this girl evokes sincere sympathy and affection. I really want to become like Masha, because I consider her the ideal woman.

    The historical story “The Captain's Daughter” is the last work of A.S. Pushkin, written in prose. This work reflects all the most important themes of Pushkin’s creativity of the late period - the place of the “little” man in historical events, moral...

    Masha Mironova is the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress. This is an ordinary Russian girl, “chubby, ruddy, with light brown hair.” By nature she was cowardly: she was afraid even of a gun shot. Masha lived rather secluded and lonely; grooms...

    A very special role in the novel is played by Grinev’s dream, which he sees immediately after his first meeting with his counselor Pugachev. The lack of study of Pushkin's realism of the 1830s leads to the fact that the symbolic principle in him is ignored and not taken into account...

    The image and character of Shvabrin in the story The Captain's Daughter Shvabrin is an aristocrat who previously served in the guard and was exiled to the Belogorsk fortress for a duel. He is smart, educated, eloquent, witty, resourceful. But to the people, to everything that does not concern their personal...

    Just as “The Bronze Horseman” is connected with “The History of Peter,” so Pushkin’s “The Captain’s Daughter” grows out of “The History of Pugachev.” Pushkin, the artist in the mature period of his work, relies on his own historical research and works, which pose to his imagination...

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