The image of molchalin in grief from his mind. Woe from Wit characterization of the image Alexey Stepanych Molchalin. Negative personality traits

The comedy “Woe from Wit” by A. Griboyedov was created in 1824. Due to the revealing content of the work, it was published only in 1833, and even then selectively. Only in 1862 did a full-fledged comedy see the light. In his work, the author wished to speak out about what pained him after so many years of contemplating the hypocrisy and sycophancy of the people around him. The comedy “Woe from Wit” is a confrontation between an intelligent, thinking, active, open and honest person and vile, vile, immoral people who care only about wealth and rank.

General characteristics of Molchalin A.S.

Famusov's faithful dog, Sophia's dear friend, a sycophant, a hypocrite, a rootless official, Chatsky's main antagonist - that's who Alexey Stepanych Molchalin is. The characterization of the central character of the comedy shows a typical representative on whom serfdom-bureaucratic morality had its corrupting influence. Since childhood, Molchalin was taught to be servile, to please everyone around him: the boss, the owner, the butler, the janitor’s dog, in the end, so that he would be affectionate.

The character's character is fully revealed by his self-explanatory surname. Basically, Alexey Stepanych is silent, suffers humiliation, screams, even unfair reproaches. He understands perfectly well that a rootless official cannot live in this callous and cynical society without the support of those in power, so he pleases everyone around him, trying not to quarrel with anyone, to be good for everyone, and he succeeds excellently. The author of the comedy is sad that society is teeming with such heroes who know how to remain silent where necessary, stroke the dog of an influential lady, say a compliment, lift a scarf and for all this receive formal awards and ranks, while in reality remaining servants.

Quote from Molchalin

Secretary Famusov is characterized by different characters in the comedy: Chatsky, Sofia, Famusov, Lisa. Someone speaks of him as a modest, handsome, quiet and timid person, ready to endure all humiliation and reproaches. Some heroes of the work guess about his low soul, and only a few see Molchalin’s true face.

Sophia sees in Alexei Stepanych a fictitious image: “I’m ready to forget myself for others,” “the enemy of insolence, - always shy, timid.” The girl thinks that Molchalin behaves shyly because he is modest by nature, not suspecting that this is just one of his masks. “He served under his father for three years, he often gets angry to no avail, but he disarms with his silence, forgives out of the kindness of his soul,” Alexei’s slavish obedience speaks of his certain position in life, which involves remaining silent, enduring, but not getting involved in a scandal.

Molchalin reveals his true face to Lisa: “Why are you and the young lady modest, but the maid a rake?” Only her secretary tells her about his true feelings for Sophia. Chatsky also guesses about Alexei’s duplicity and pettiness: “He will reach the well-known levels, because nowadays they love the dumb,” “Who else will settle everything so peacefully! There he will pet a pug at the right time, here he will wipe a card at the right time...” A brief description of Molchalin shows that his silence is not at all a manifestation of stupidity. This is a clearly thought out plan for obtaining benefits.

Speech characteristics of Molchalin

The manner of conversation of Alexey Stepanych very successfully characterizes his inner appearance. Toadying, humility, and servility are the main characters, so in his speech one can discern diminutive words, self-deprecating intonations, exaggerated courtesy, and an obsequious tone. To please people who are richer and higher in rank, the hero adds the prefix “s” to words. Molchalin is mostly silent and tries not to engage in conversation unnecessarily. He shows his eloquence only in front of Lisa, in front of whom he can take off his mask and show his true face.

The hero's attitude towards Sophia

The ability to please helps in moving up the career ladder - that’s exactly what Molchalin thinks. The character’s description suggests that he even started an affair with Sophia for the reason that she is Famusov’s daughter, and a close relative of the boss cannot be denied fulfilling his whims. The girl herself came up with a hero and imposed her feelings on Alexei Stepanych, making him a platonic admirer. In order to please the lady, he is ready to abandon his native bourgeois dialect and communicate in the language of silent glances and gestures. Molchalin sits silently next to Sophia all night long, reading novels with her, only because he cannot refuse the boss’s daughter. The hero himself not only does not love the girl, but also considers her a “deplorable theft.”

Comparative characteristics of the images of Molchalin and Famusov

The problem of bureaucracy is one of the main issues addressed in the comedy "Woe from Wit." Molchalin's characterization gives the reader an idea of ​​a new type of official of the early 19th century. He and Famusov belong to the world of bureaucrats, but still are not alike because they belong to different centuries. The master is an elderly rich man with an established opinion and an established career. Alexey Stepanych is still young, so he works as a minor official and is just climbing the career ladder.

In the 19th century, a new type of Russian bureaucrat emerged who abandoned the commandments of the “fathers.” This is exactly what Molchalin’s characterization shows. "Woe from Wit" is a story about a socio-political conflict that expresses the situation of society. Be that as it may, Molchalin still belongs to Famusov’s entourage, and just like his boss, he admires rank and wealth.

Molchalin and Chatsky

A comparative description of Molchalin and Chatsky shows how different they are. Molchalin, Famusov’s secretary, does not have a noble origin, but has developed his own tactics, following which he builds a reliable and comfortable future for himself. You can’t get a word out of him once again, but he knows how to run on tiptoe, work with papers and appear at the right moment, and many people like this. Silent, helpful, spineless people were valued in the era of Nicholas I, so someone like Molchalin was expected to have a brilliant career and awards for services to their homeland. In appearance, he is a modest young man, Sophia likes him with his meekness and compliance, pleases Famusov with patience and silence, curries favor with Khlestova and only shows his true face to the maid Liza - vile, two-faced, cowardly.

Chatsky is the embodiment of the image of the Decembrists, a romantic nobleman who reveals the evils of serfdom. It is his antagonist who is Molchalin. The characterization of the hero shows that he embodies the features of an advanced thinking person of the early 19th century. Chatsky is convinced that he is right, therefore, without hesitation he preaches new ideals, reveals the ignorance of the current rich, exposes their false patriotism, inhumanity, and hypocrisy. This is a freethinker who fell into a rotten society, and this is his trouble.

The hero's life principles

Griboyedov's hero Molchalin became a common name for lackeys and meanness. The character's description shows that Alexey Stepanych, from childhood, programmed a plan in his head on how to get out among the people, build a career, and achieve a high rank. He walked along his path without turning to the sides. This person is absolutely indifferent to the feelings of other people, he will not lend a helping hand to anyone if it is not beneficial.

The main theme of the comedy

The theme of bureaucracy, which was raised by many writers in the 19th century, runs through the entire comedy “Woe from Wit.” The state bureaucracy kept growing and turning into a serious machine, grinding down all the rebels and working in a way that was beneficial to it. Griboyedov in his work showed real people, his contemporaries. He set himself the goal of ridiculing certain human traits, showing the tragedy of society of that era, and the writer did it perfectly.

History of the comedy

Once a rumor spread throughout Moscow that Alexander Griboyedov University professor Thomas Evans, alarmed by this news, decided to visit the writer. In turn, Griboyedov told his interlocutor a story that happened to him at one of the balls. He was tired of the antics of society praising some Frenchman, an ordinary talker who had done nothing remarkable. Griboyedov could not restrain himself and expressed to those around him everything that he thought about them, and someone from the crowd shouted out that the writer was a little out of his mind. Alexander Sergeevich was offended and promised to create a comedy, the heroes of which would be those unlucky spiteful critics who called him crazy. This is how the work “Woe from Wit” was born.

Woe from Wit is a famous comedy by A. S. Griboyedov, which features nobles living in the early 19th century. During this period, the ideas of Decembrism and conservative views began to provoke disagreements. The basis of the theme is the confrontation between modern times and a bygone century; ideals were replaced by new ones, which had a deplorable effect on people. At the same time, most of the representatives of comedy belong to the supporters of the bygone century; this category includes both individuals with weight in society and those who try to serve. And Molchanov is one of those who serve not of their own free will.

Characteristics of the hero

Molchalin Alexey Stepanovich is a man, he is young and works as Famusov’s secretary. Among his main traits are stupidity, meanness combined with cunning, his goal is to gain advantages for himself. To do this, he adapts to the opinions of others and meets not with the woman he loves, but with Sofia Famusova.

Among the positive qualities are:

  • modesty. As can be seen from his reaction to drunken behavior, humiliation and affectation, the hero can withstand any quirks;
  • tact. Alexey hides his emotions and does not show inappropriate actions towards the owner’s daughter;
  • ability to remain silent;
  • politeness. Knows how to correctly formulate phrases and present himself correctly;
  • ability to make friends;
  • calm perception. Even in the most unpleasant situations he does not show his emotions.

There are also negative qualities:

  • shyness is only a mask, in fact the hero is two-faced, he behaves depending on his environment;
  • pleases and ingratiates for profit. Novels are also built for the purpose of profit; even the smart enough Sofia is ready to be with him, but Molchalin is only pretending;
  • He doesn’t have his own opinion, he’s silent more.

Mochalin’s psychological mindset defines a whole category of people; they are ready to do anything for a promotion and forget about their opinion for the sake of this. Alexey gradually lost the ability to judge logically and simply agreed with the public, reaching the maximum in his flattery.

The image of the hero in the work

Alexey is not rich and is a nobleman from Tver, lives in the owner’s house and secretly has a love relationship with his daughter. Molchalin cannot reach the status of a son-in-law, because he has no ranks and stars; society likes him because he is professionally helpful. He fully corresponds to the image of a young nobleman, since he tries to please everyone who can somehow influence his career. He himself believes that small ranks do not provide the opportunity to have one’s own judgment.

Role in society

In public, Molchalin’s true face is hidden, but when communicating with Liza, he shows himself, because the bright contrast of a modest and quiet man with a rake is simply impossible not to notice. This person is dangerous because he is two-faced. He has no love or even respect for Sophia, he is afraid to open a relationship, while at the same time he is building a real performance. He believes that evil tongues are worse than a pistol, but Sophia, on the contrary, does not worry about the opinions of others. Molchalin lives as his father advised him - he pleases everyone.

Alexey is proud of his success, the presence of important connections, and even gives advice to behave similarly to Chatsky, because he believes that his behavior is correct. Although the views of the hero and the conservative nobles are the same, he is harmful to society. Having deceived Famusov's daughter and being her lover more as a job than out of feelings, he ruins the girl's life. Molchalin has an exact correspondence to the ideals of the bygone century; he easily adapts to the situation and values ​​only wealth and titles.

What does Molchalin show?

The basis of the character's character is duplicity and cunning, such people can be blissful, and reach known degrees, since people like such silence. The relevance of the affected feature of the hero remains, his image has been preserved to this day; promotions and enrichment for many are much more important than such eternal concepts as dignity, honesty or love for the homeland. Molchalin clearly divides people by status and treats them accordingly.

In the comedy, Molchalin is not very important for the development of the storyline; he personifies the general spirit of the people of that time, showing their humiliation before the higher ranks. The image also allows you to show Chatsky more clearly, because he is opposite in character, and stands out for his strong soul, pride and confidence.


1. Introduction

2.Molchalin’s activities

3.Molchalin’s views

4.Molchalin’s attitude towards women



In his immortal work “Woe from Wit,” A. S. Griboedov described several collective images common in his era. As time shows, its characteristics are still relevant today. Regardless of any social system and level of technical development, there will always be their own Chatskys, Famusovs, and Molchalins. The last image is the most numerous and indestructible. Adulation, servility and sycophancy for the sake of one's own gain are extremely common social vices. Unfortunately, every person has their own Molchalin. The only difference is the extent to which he is allowed to carry out his shady dealings.

Molchalin's activities

One of the main negative characters of the comedy is Famusov's secretary, who lives in his house. A. S. Molchalin, apparently, is not a rich man. From childhood, his father taught him to “please all people.” Having entered the service of Famusov, Molchalin became not only his secretary, but actually a personal servant who was ready for any service, even a crime. The author hints at the not entirely pure nature of Famusov’s affairs in the first act (the papers “cannot be used”, “there are contradictions”).

The penchant for scams and secret money transactions is in Molchalin’s blood and is confirmed by all his actions and deeds. Alexey Stepanovich's attitude towards Famusov is outwardly extremely respectful and respectful, sometimes reaching the point of humiliation. In fact, Molchalin does not care about his human dignity. He is driven only by the thirst for profit and improvement of his social position. He is convinced that in this life everything depends on money, absolutely everything can be bought or sold. He works as a secretary only until he makes a sufficient fortune and can himself become like Famusov. This is his idea of ​​an ideal life path.

Molchalin's views

Alexey Stepanovich doesn’t have any special strong convictions. The first time he expresses his views in detail is in a conversation with Chatsky. Above all, they value “moderation and accuracy.” Molchalin believes that he is distinguished by precisely these qualities. Interested, Chatsky continues to ask questions, trying to understand what kind of person is in front of him. Alexey Stepanovich cites Tatyana Yuryevna and Foma Fomich as authorities.

From Chatsky’s words it is clear that these are extremely stupid and limited people, whose entire merit lies in wealth. But for Molchalin they are indisputable models that should be followed. Finally, Chatsky extracts from Molchalin his main characteristic: “At my age, one should not dare to have one’s own opinions.” He explains his idea by saying that his small rank forces him to depend on the “powers of this world.” Incapable of cunning, Chatsky concludes that his interlocutor is simply a fool. In fact, Molchalin is far from being so stupid. Subsequently, he will partially reveal his innermost thoughts to Lisa.

Alexey Stepanovich in his soul deeply despises everyone before whom he humiliates himself. He does this out of necessity, dreaming of taking the place of his “idols”. However, Molchalin will never use his innate intelligence and education for an honest and noble cause. Having become a big boss, he will happily become a new “idol” who will also demand boundless respect and deference from his subordinates. Molchalin is convinced that this is the only thing that holds the whole world together.

Molchalin's attitude towards women

Love for Alexey Stepanovich is the same product and a way to achieve his goals. His courtship with Sophia is caused by the desire to please Famusov even more. He is as honest as possible towards Lisa, but he tries to win her affection exclusively with the help of expensive gifts. Molchalin simply does not understand that people have any feelings other than the desire for enrichment and power.


Molchalin is a collective negative image of a person for whom there are no high ideals. Such people are ready for any humiliation for the sake of money. Having gained power and authority, the Molchalins will be able to widely spread their poisonous influence. This will lead to the emergence of more and more low and vile people, replacing honesty and truthfulness with deceit and corruption. It is important for any society that there are as few Molchalins in it as possible.

Molchalin is one of the most memorable characters in the comedy “Woe from Wit.” He is endowed with a speaking surname. So, what is this character “silent” about?

We meet Molchalin at the very beginning of the comedy, when we learn that they have mutual love with Sophia, the daughter of the owner of the house. However, later it becomes clear that the reciprocity of love exists only in Sophia’s imagination, and Molchalin himself is not as simple as it seems.

Molchalin’s life position is most fully revealed during his dialogue with Chatsky . “My father bequeathed me: firstly, to please all people without exception - the Master, where I happen to live, the Chief, with whom I will serve, his servant, who cleans the dress, the doorman, the janitor, to avoid evil, the janitor’s dog, so that he is affectionate.”, says Molchalin. Indeed, this character will always be able to achieve what he wants precisely because of his ability to find an approach to people. His main goal (like any representative of the “Famus society”) is to achieve a high position in society by any means necessary. And so he, realizing that Famusov’s daughter is in love with him, so as not to offend her, plays the romantic and timid lover. He knows that Sophia reads French romance novels and therefore understands how he should appear in front of her. And it works: Sophia admires his complaisance, modesty, and gentleness. He behaves modestly even in front of Famusov. During the ball, Molchalin tries with all his might to please Khryumina, knowing that she occupies a high position in society ( “Your Pomeranian is a lovely Pomeranian, no bigger than a thimble”).

However, it is interesting to watch how his behavior changes with other people. Alone with the maid Lisa, he becomes rude and cheeky. He talks to Chatsky politely and with emphatic restraint, because he understands: Chatsky is an unwelcome guest in this house and it is unprofitable to show him respect. In addition, Molchalin is amazed that Chatsky is not familiar with one noble lady - Tatyana Yuryevna. This shows how important connections and reputation are for Molchalin (and how little importance they have for Chatsky). Chatsky’s desire to prove to everyone that he is right and Molchalin’s restraint are also contrasted with each other ( “at my age I shouldn’t dare to have my own opinions”).

If Chatsky turned out to be an outcast in this society, then Molchalin feels like a duck to water here. It’s not for nothing that Chatsky said: “Silent people are blissful in the world.” Molchalin is a type of person who, unfortunately, is in demand in any society at any time. It is precisely such people who often achieve a lot thanks to their hypocrisy. Therefore, to the rather popular question of what will happen to Molchalin after the scandal at the end of the work and the revelation, it is fashionable to give an affirmative answer: everything will be forgotten quite quickly and he will continue to live in Famusov’s house as if nothing had happened.

In the comedy “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboyedov presents images of Moscow nobles of the early 19th century, when a split emerged in society between the conservative nobility and those who adopted the ideas of Decembrism. The main theme of the work is the confrontation between the “present century” and the “past century”, the painful and historically natural replacement of old noble ideals with new ones. Supporters of the “past century” in comedy are numerous. These are not only such significant and influential people in the world as the feudal landowners Famusov and Colonel Skalozub, but also young nobles who do not have high ranks and are forced to “serve” influential people. This is the image of Molchalin in the comedy “Woe from Wit”.

Molchalin is a poor nobleman originally from Tver. He lives in the house of Famusov, who “gave him the rank of assessor and took him on as secretary.” Molchalin is the secret lover of Famusov’s daughter, but Sophia’s father does not want to see him as a son-in-law, because in Moscow it is supposed to have a son-in-law “with stars and ranks.” Molchalin does not yet meet these standards. However, his desire to “serve” is very valuable for Famus society.

Thanks to this skill, Molchalin received the position of Famusov’s secretary, because usually such positions are hired only through patronage. Famusov says: “With me, strangers’ employees are very rare: more and more sisters, sisters-in-law and children; Only Molchalin is not my own, and that’s because he’s a businessman.” It is business qualities, and not honor and dignity, that are valuable in the Famus environment.

In the play "Woe from Wit" the image of Molchalin fully corresponds to the accepted standards of behavior of a young nobleman in society. He curries favor and humiliates himself in front of influential guests in Famusov’s house, because they can be useful in his career advancement. Molchalin descends to the point that he begins to praise the smooth fur of Khlestova’s dog. He believes that while “we are small in rank,” “we must depend on others.” That is why Molchalin lives by the principle “At my age one should not dare to have one’s own opinion.”

Like everyone else in Famus’s society, in the comedy “Woe from Wit” Molchalin is proud of his career successes and boasts of them at every opportunity: “According to my work and effort, since I am listed in the archives, I have received three awards.” Molchalin also succeeded in establishing connections with the “right” people. He often visits Princess Tatyana Yuryevna, because “officials and officials are all her friends and all her relatives,” and even dares to recommend this manner of behavior to Chatsky.

Despite the fact that Molchalin’s views and values ​​completely coincide with the ideals of the conservative nobility, Molchalin is capable of causing serious harm to the society in which he is located. Famusov’s daughter will be deceived by this very man, since he assumes the guise of her lover “by position,” that is, for profit.

Molchalin fully reveals his face when interacting with the maid Liza, whom he expresses sympathy. “You and the young lady are modest, but the maid is a rake,” she tells him. It becomes clear to the reader that Molchalin is not at all a stupid, modest person - he is a two-faced and dangerous person.

In Molchalin’s heart there is neither love nor respect for Sophia. On the one hand, he puts on this performance “to please the daughter of such a man,” and on the other hand, he is mortally afraid that his secret relationship with Sophia will be revealed. Molchalin is very cowardly. He is afraid of ruining the opinion of himself in society, because “evil tongues are worse than a pistol.” Even Sophia is ready to go against the light for the sake of love: “What do I hear?!” This is probably why Molchalin does not find “anything enviable” in his marriage to Sophia.

It turns out that with his meanness Molchalin causes harm even to the society of which he is a product. Molchalin simply clearly follows his father’s advice - “to please all people without exception - the owner, where I happen to live, the boss with whom I will serve...”

This hero fully corresponds to the ideals of the “past century”, although he belongs to the younger generation of nobles. He knows the main thing - to adapt, and therefore “Silent people are blissful in the world.”
Thus, Molchalin is the product and worthy continuation of representatives of the conservative nobility. He, like this society, values ​​only rank and money and evaluates people only by these standards. The cunning and duplicity of this hero are the defining features of Molchalin’s characterization in the comedy “Woe from Wit.” That’s why Chatsky claims that Molchalin “will reach the well-known levels, because nowadays they love the dumb.”

The problem that Griboyedov raises in the comedy “Woe from Wit” remains relevant to this day. At all times there have been Molchalins who stopped at nothing to achieve their goals. The image of Molchalin will remain alive for readers as long as such values ​​as wealth and position in society, rather than honor, conscience, human dignity and true patriotism, are put at the forefront.

Characteristics of the hero, reasoning about his views and ideals, description of relationships with other characters - all these arguments will help 9th grade students when writing an essay on the topic of the image of Molchalin in the comedy “Woe from Wit”

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