General characteristics and description of kohlrabi. How to cook kohlrabi? Cooking kohlrabi: recipes, photos What ripe kohlrabi should look like

Kohlrabi is a type of white cabbage that was developed in ancient Roman times and is still very popular. The name of this plant is translated as “stem turnip” or “cabbage turnip”; it received this name because of the characteristic shape of the stem. In terms of ripening speed, content of nutrients and taste, kohlrabi cabbage is not only not inferior to white cabbage, but also superior to it.

General description of kohlrabi

Kohlrabi is a biennial plant that in the first year of the growing season forms a round or semicircular stem above the ground, and in the second year it produces a flowering shoot and forms seeds. This variety of cabbage grows well on slightly acidic, light and well-fertilized soils; it is not picky about climatic conditions and can be grown even in the northern regions of the country.

The kohlrabi vegetable is also highly resistant to pests and diseases, gets along well with other vegetable crops, without suppressing them and depleting the soil. Another advantage is its rapid ripening. Kohlrabi fully ripens in 2-2.5 months, so in warm climates it is quite possible to harvest two harvests per season.

The way cabbage looks will prevent it from being confused with other varieties: in its lower part a spherical stem is formed, reminiscent of a turnip or rutabaga, from which several large elongated leaves grow up to 1 m in height. The color of the stem fruit varies from white to purple.

Cabbage varieties

Despite the high yield and simplicity, it is not very common in Russia, unlike in European countries. Russian breeders do little to develop new varieties of this type of cabbage, so the kohlrabi family includes few varieties and hybrids.

The selection of early varieties that ripen in 65-80 days has only 4 main items:

  • Atena- a variety of kohlrabi bred by Czech breeders. It is distinguished by the light green color of the stem fruit, the weight of the vegetable up to 220 g and excellent taste.
  • Moravia– also a Czech variety of kohlrabi, which is characterized by a mild taste of the pulp and a stem weight of up to 2.2 kg. Moravia tolerates frost well, but is not suitable for long-term storage.
  • Vienna white 1350– the most common variety of kohlrabi, the ripening period of which is 55-60 days. It has white small stem fruits weighing up to 200 g and juicy tender pulp with a delicate taste. Perfect for long-term storage.
  • Karatago F 1 – mid-season growth of kohlrabi from Czech breeders. It is distinguished by small light green stem fruits weighing up to 300 g, which have excellent taste and are not susceptible to cracking and woodiness during storage.

Among the late varieties, ripening in 120-150 days, the most popular are:

  • Giant- Czech variety, ideal for dry, hot climates. It has large stem fruits weighing up to 6 kg with juicy pulp. It is drought-resistant and suitable for long-term storage.
  • Violet– one of the most frost-resistant varieties of kohlrabi. It is distinguished by purple stem fruits weighing up to 1.2 kg with good taste. Suitable for fresh consumption and short-term storage (up to 30 days).
  • Kossak F1– frost-resistant hybrid for cold climates. Produces yellow-green fruits weighing up to 600 g with white flesh and a mild taste. It is characterized by high productivity and friendly growth.

You should choose a specific variety for cultivation based on the climatic characteristics of the region. It is also worth remembering that kohlrabi varieties with white stem fruits are early-ripening, and those with purple stems are mid- and late-ripening.

Beneficial features

Kohlrabi cabbage is high in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts and fiber. It is rich in vitamins A, B, B2, PP, and in the concentration of vitamin C this vegetable is superior to citrus fruits, for which it is even called the “northern lemon”. Kohlrabi is also valued for its high calcium content, which makes it comparable to cottage cheese or milk.

This variety of cabbage also contains a lot of selenium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine and other minerals that help strengthen the immune system and improve the overall well-being of a person.

Due to its low calorie content (only 45 kcal per 100 g) and the content of tartronic acid, which prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fat, kohlrabi is especially popular among people on a diet. At the same time, it does not cause flatulence, which is the “sin” of many other varieties of cabbage.

Other beneficial properties of kohlrabi include:

  • cleansing the intestines of toxins;
  • promoting the restoration of gallbladder and liver functions;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • reducing blood cholesterol levels.

A decoction is made from kohlrabi stem fruits, which is used to speed up the treatment of asthma, and fresh juice from them helps eliminate hoarseness, cough, and inflammation of the mouth.

How to eat kohlrabi

As with many vegetables, how to eat kohlrabi depends on each person's preferences. This cabbage can be eaten raw, boiled, stewed or baked. It is best to use young stems and leaves for cooking before they are overgrown, since it is in this case that they are the most delicious and healthy.

Fresh kohlrabi tastes a little like the stalk of white cabbage, but it has no bitterness and is much sweeter, tender and juicy.

There are quite a lot of recipes with it: salads and soups are made from it, it is stuffed, fried in breadcrumbs and pickled. Chefs note that you can emphasize the delicate taste of this cabbage with lime juice, soy sauce or cheese sauce. Kohlrabi goes well with carrots, peanuts, cucumbers, shrimp, chicken and fish.

Preparing this cabbage for consumption is very simple: just remove the skin and rinse the stem under running cool water.

Kohlrabi is a very healthy and tasty variety of cabbage, which is also easy to care for. Unfortunately, Russian farmers rarely grow it, so it can be difficult to find it at the market or in a store. However, kohlrabi grows well in home gardens, so considering all its benefits, it is worth growing it yourself.

Kohlrabi is a cabbage that you rarely see in domestic garden beds. Despite the taste similarity with the traditional white cabbage variety, kohlrabi significantly surpasses it in medicinal and health-improving properties. The plant is also actively used in cooking. From the article you will learn what a ripe vegetable looks like in the photo, what its benefits and harms are, what recipes will allow you to fully reveal the vitamin potential of kohlrabi.

Characteristics and composition

Kohlrabi looks like a turnip. The name of this vegetable literally translates as “cabbage turnip.” The crop began to be grown for food in Europe in the 16th century.

Unlike turnips, the edible part of kohlrabi is not the root, but the stem. It has a juicy core. The taste is similar to regular white cabbage, but does not leave any bitterness.

Kohlrabi is nicknamed the queen cabbage because it is the healthiest and tastiest in this family. It is also called the “northern lemon” due to its rich vitamin C content. However, the culture is not yet very popular in Russia. On the shelves of hypermarkets or grocery stores, it is significantly inferior to white cabbage, Beijing, cauliflower and other varieties. But those who have tasted the taste and appreciated the benefits of kohlrabi quickly become admirers of this cabbage.

Attention! In addition to vitamin C, kohlrabi has dietary qualities: the edible part of the plant contains about 41-42 kcal per 100 g. In relatively large quantities, cabbage contains vitamins A, B2 and PP, calcium, magnesium and iron, vegetable proteins, sucrose, fiber, minerals salts and sulfur.

Beneficial and harmful properties for health

Kohlrabi is usually eaten raw, with the skin removed. In its fresh form, it is most beneficial for health. It is recommended even for children and pregnant women. Without it, it is difficult to imagine the diet of a person who cares about proper nutrition.

Kohlrabi cabbage is not yet very common in our country

The main positive properties of cabbage when eaten regularly:

  • normalization of digestive processes, liver and gall bladder functions;
  • removal of excess water from the body (for hypertension and diseases associated with the accumulation of fluid in organs and tissues);
  • counteracting the appearance of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels;
  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • reducing high blood pressure;
  • counteracting atherosclerosis;
  • general strengthening of the immune system, fighting viruses;
  • removing toxins and waste from the body;
  • suppressing excessive appetite, combating obesity.

Attention! Scientists confirm with experiments: kohlrabi is a remedy against intestinal cancer.

In folk medicine, a decoction of the stem and tops of the plant is also used. It helps with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, including tuberculosis. The juice of the plant is used for:

  • cough;
  • spleen disorders;

Kohlrabi cabbage in section

  • kidney diseases;
  • anemia;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • sore throat;
  • cholecystitis and hepatitis;
  • inflammation of the teeth and oral cavity.

Attention! Kohlrabi gruel is used as the main ingredient in anti-aging face masks. The juice of the plant cleanses the skin. It is used in homemade lotions, including frozen ones.

Allergic reactions or individual intolerance to kohlrabi are extremely rare. Among the prohibitions on eating this cabbage is only its effect on the acidity of the stomach. If the level is elevated, it is not recommended to eat the vegetable. The use of kohlrabi for pancreatitis is also limited.

Kohlrabi in cooking

The stem fruit of this cabbage does not need to be cooked at all. Cut into slices or cubes, grate, add to a salad with any fresh vegetables and herbs - and you're done. The taste qualities allow you to mix kohlrabi with both vegetables and fruits. For example, a salad with fresh kohlrabi, olive oil, and nuts will become a storehouse of vitamins on your table.

In addition, kohlrabi is fried in the form of pancakes and baked. The vegetable is stewed and stuffed. Stews are made from this cabbage and sauces are prepared based on it. The plant can be stored frozen, canned and dried.

Kohlrabi is especially useful when eaten fresh.

Where to start cooking:

  1. Select a good specimen plant. The stem fruit with a diameter of about 6 cm has the best taste.
  2. Wash it and clean it from the earth.
  3. Cut off the leaves.
  4. Peel the skin like you would a potato.

Advice. For culinary purposes, it can correct the condition of the fruit pulp. For example, a harsh and fibrous structure indicates overripening. It is better to heat such a stem fruit before eating: stew or boil.

To cook kohlrabi, you need to cut the fruit into strips. Cook the cabbage until soft, usually no more than 5 minutes, but for overgrown fruits the time should be increased. Boiled kohlrabi is used in the preparation of a popular cream soup. To do this, rub two stem fruits through a sieve. Then mix with a couple of glasses of water in which the cabbage was boiled and boil for a couple of minutes over low heat. Mix and beat the yolk, half a glass of cream and 40 g of butter, then add this entire mass to the kohlrabi. The soup is seasoned with boiled mushrooms and served with croutons.

Cutlets are prepared from fried kohlrabi. To do this, cut the fresh fruit into slices about 1.5 cm thick. First, boil in salted water. Then rub with spices, dip in flour and stirred egg. Fry the resulting semi-finished products in oil. Sour cream and garlic sauce goes perfectly with this dish.

Kohlrabi is excellent as a nutritional element for patients during the postoperative period. Also, a useful plant will well support the body at the time of nervous and physical exhaustion.

Today, not all gardeners grow cabbage. The fact is that this cultivated plant requires special and close attention. But there are varieties that are not so demanding on care. Kohlrabi cabbage has become popular among gardeners in recent years. It is known not only for its simple care, but also for the fact that it has pronounced beneficial properties. It is this cabbage that our article today will be devoted to.

Kohlrabi is a biennial herbaceous cultivated plant, which is a type of white cabbage. This type of vegetable differs from its relatives in that it does not have pronounced leaves as such. The lower part of its stem is a root vegetable.

The stem is used for food. In its underground part it has a turnip or spherical shape. The root vegetable of cabbage has a sweetish and juicy taste. It is not characterized by sharpness, like white cabbage. Kohlrabi gets its special and unique taste due to the high content of sucrose in its stem. Due to the content of a large number of micro- and macroelements, this cabbage has pronounced beneficial properties.

A distinctive feature of this variety is its excellent resistance to adverse environmental factors. In this regard, Kohlrabi is suitable for cultivation in Sakhalin, Kamchatka and even the Far North. But Kohlrabi is most widespread in the United States, Western Europe and Canada. It can be found especially often in northern and middle latitudes.

This plant is easy to care for, which allows it to be grown in gardens and orchards almost throughout the country.

Beneficial features

Kohlrabi is considered a fairly healthy dietary product. Its pulp contains a lot of sugars: glucose and fructose. In addition, its beneficial properties are due to the content of sulfur, potassium, calcium, vitamins (especially C, PP, B1 and B2) and fiber. It is worth noting that in terms of ascorbic acid content it is several times higher than oranges and lemons. Therefore, it is very useful for young children.

This variety is famous for its pronounced medicinal qualities. In this regard, eating this cabbage has a positive effect on the following processes and organs:

  • improves metabolism;
  • eliminates disorders of the digestive system. Kohlrabi is especially beneficial for the liver, stomach and intestines, as well as the gallbladder;
  • removes fluid from the body;
  • prevents cholesterol deposition. Therefore, this variety of cabbage is used in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis.

The plant’s ability to remove fluid from the body makes it indispensable in the treatment of diseases of the liver, gall bladder and kidneys. Also, the beneficial properties of cabbage are manifested in its diuretic effect, which is very useful for people suffering from hypertension.

Many beneficial properties of this cabbage are due to the high content of vitamins of various groups in the root crop. As a result, Kohlrabi is considered a valuable product, as well as a medicine, often used to treat various infectious diseases. At the same time, there are practically no contraindications to the use of this variety of cabbage.

It is worth noting that the beneficial properties of Kohlrabi are determined not only by the high percentage of vitamins, but also by a variety of enzymes. It is thanks to them that digestion improves when eating this cabbage. At the same time, the root vegetables of the plant contain a lot of carbohydrates. Thanks to them, Kohlrabi is considered a dietary product that causes quick satiety, a boost of vigor and energy, and also prevents overeating.

In addition, this variety of cabbage has other beneficial properties. For example, it has a positive effect on people’s emotionality and their nervous system as a whole.

Another advantage of frequent consumption of this plant is the presence of a preventive effect aimed against the appearance of neoplasms of various etiologies. With the help of preparations prepared from Kohlrabi, colorectal cancer is treated.

Such numerous beneficial properties of this cabbage and minimal contraindications have made it the main component of traditional medicine. Please note that before using this type of tincture, you need to know what contraindications there are. Otherwise, taking such drugs can cause irreparable harm to the body.

It is worth noting that there are no contraindications to eating Kohlrabi as such. The contraindications themselves are individual in nature. It is not recommended to eat this type of cabbage in the following situations:

  • presence of high acidity in the stomach;
  • individual intolerance to cabbage due to the content of certain substances in it;
  • pancreatitis in the acute form of the disease.

In all other cases, Kohlrabi can be eaten.

In folk medicine, this cabbage is used to treat the following ailments and pathological conditions:

  • complications of tuberculosis;
  • asthma attacks;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • initial stages of atherosclerosis;
  • anemia;
  • flatulence;
  • severe cough, as well as various colds;
  • treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, gums, teeth.

At the same time, due to the almost complete absence of contraindications, such cabbage can be included in the diet of even small children who have just begun to introduce complementary foods.

Young cabbage has the most pronounced beneficial properties. Old root vegetables have significant hardness and a less sweet taste. You can eat Kohlrabi in the following form:

  • as a medicine prepared according to a special prescription;
  • fresh. To do this, the root vegetable just needs to be cut;
  • as an ingredient in salads, as well as stewed, fried, baked and boiled dishes.

Remember that consuming Kohlrabi for medicinal purposes should only occur after consulting a doctor.

Video “Transplanting kohlrabi seeds”

Watch the video to learn how to plant cabbage correctly.

Features of cultivation

Kohlrabi is considered a plant with a fairly high resistance to negative temperatures. Moreover, this type of cabbage is easy to care for. It is grown in a wide variety of soils. When growing this plant, you must remember that the main care requirement for cabbage is frequent watering. Insufficient watering can lead to coarsening of root crops and deterioration in their taste.

There are two ways to grow this cabbage:

  • seedling This method is of higher quality, since when using seedlings it is possible to obtain an earlier and tastier harvest. Seeds for seedlings should be sown in special boxes. They will begin to germinate already at a temperature of +3 degrees, and at +18 the first shoots will appear 4 days after sowing. After receiving the seedlings, they can be planted both in the greenhouse and in open ground. It is best to plant in open ground in mid-May, and in a greenhouse at the end of April;
  • sowing planting material directly into open ground.

You need to grow Kohlrabi in an area where legumes, onions, potatoes, winter crops and pumpkins used to grow. Before planting seedlings or sowing seeds, the soil is loosened and dug up. It is also necessary to add fertilizer to the soil, after which the ground is leveled with a rake.

Planting material is planted at a distance of 20 cm from neighboring plants. A distance of 50 cm should be maintained between the beds. Seedlings are planted deep enough. After planting, the soil is compacted and watered. The seeds must be planted to a depth of approximately 2 cm. In this case, there should be 4 cm between plants. After the first shoots appear, the beds are thinned out, leaving only the strongest and tallest shoots.

Special care for Kohlrabi is necessary during the growing season. At this time, planting needs to be watered abundantly and often. Also during this same period, timely weeding, loosening the soil and fertilizing are important. Fertilizers must be applied to the soil twice during the growing season.

By following these simple rules, you can successfully grow Kohlrabi in your garden.

Video “How to grow kohlrabi cabbage”

This video is about how to grow kohlrabi cabbage and also about the varieties of kohlrabi.

Varieties and hybrids

Kohlrabi today is represented by a large number of different varieties and hybrids. The most famous varieties of this cabbage are:

Kohlrabi cabbage, due to its unpretentiousness and pronounced beneficial and medicinal properties, will be an excellent plant for your garden.

Kohlrabi cabbage - an undeservedly forgotten vegetable

Once a very popular vegetable grown in our gardens, it was undeservedly forgotten. Fortunately, it has now begun to gain popularity again - this is kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea L. var. gongylodes). Kohlrabi is a biennial plant. In the first year, a thickening of the stem is formed, having a spherical or turnip-shaped shape, which is used as food, and after wintering, in the second year it produces flower stems and seeds are formed. The stem forms and grows much faster than the head is formed. Kohlrabi is a type of cabbage. Its thickened, tuberous stem is mainly eaten; the leaves are also edible. The leaves are large, dark green and elongated.

Nutritional value and health benefits

The crop is very valuable; it contains much more vitamin C than white cabbage, lemon and orange. It also contains other vitamins, such as E, F, U, biotin and provitamin A, as well as mineral salts, especially calcium and iron. It is important to note that the nutritional value of the leaves is higher than the kohlrabi stem itself. It is recommended to eat kohlrabi fresh, since after cooking, it loses a significant amount of vitamin C. However, the spherical stem of kohlrabi is eaten stewed, boiled, baked, or fried. In addition to the stem, young leaves are also added to salads. The pulp of the fruit contains large amounts of glucose, fructose, and is rich in potassium salts, which is very useful for cardiovascular diseases.

Kohlrabi is a very valuable vegetable containing a sufficient amount of calories (48 kcal / 100 g). Its thickened stem, as well as young leaves, are rich in mineral salts and vitamins. The leaves contain twice as much of them as the stem fruit. In 100 g of fresh stem fruit, 2.1 g of protein, 6.1 g of carbohydrates and 0.2 g of fat were found. In addition, large amounts of calcium, iron and phosphorus, and vitamin C (60 mg / 100 g). Small amounts of carotene and vitamin B were also found. Kohlrabi also contains 10% of a substance that helps digestion.

The taste is similar to the stalk of white cabbage, only kohlrabi lacks the bitterness characteristic of white cabbage and is juicier and sweeter.

Varieties of kohlrabi cabbage

The first mention of this wonderful vegetable occurs during the Roman Empire, where it was the main food of slaves and the poorest inhabitants of the empire. At that time it was known as caulorapa. The plant did not play an important role in people's lives until German peasants began cultivating it. The modern name for cabbage is German and means “cabbage turnip.” In one century, kohlrabi cabbage began its victorious march across Europe and spread throughout almost the entire European continent. Currently, it is growing in Germany, Holland, Italy, Belgium, Bulgaria, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, the USA and other Western European countries.

It differs from traditional types of cabbage in its appearance; it has a spherical stem, from which large leaves grow directly. There are several varieties of kohlrabi on the market, which differ primarily in the length of the growing season, color and shape, and the density of the spherical stem.

Most often in our country, kohlrabi with a light green stem is grown, although there are kohlrabi that have a different shade and shape (spherical). This cabbage is no less tasty and healthy; it does not differ much in taste or in individual components. When buying kohlrabi, you should pay attention to the leaves; they should be green and fresh. In the house, kohlrabi is kept for no more than four days.

Kohlrabi varieties

There are varieties: Alka, Delicatessen white, Gabi and Vienna white, Vienna blue.


The thickening of the stem is medium-sized, elliptical or spherical, dark purple in color. The pulp is juicy, tender and very tasty. The variety is medium late and is intended for direct consumption and storage. Planted in early spring, harvested in autumn and summer. Stores well, even at the end of winter it has excellent taste characteristics. This variety is ideal for freezing.

Deli white

The thickening on the stem is medium-sized, spherical or slightly flattened, very tasty. Harvest in summer and autumn. It is characterized by extremely tasty pulp and low woodiness of the stem fruit. Recommended for field cultivation. Harvest in summer and autumn. Full maturity is reached 35-40 days after planting the seedlings.


The thickening on the stem is spherical, yellow-green in color. The stem fruits are smooth, juicy and very tasty. An early variety, intended for direct consumption. Harvesting occurs in summer and autumn. It has high resistance to cracking, the ball is dense and has a thick skin.
Viennese white. An early variety, it takes 65-80 days to fully ripen. Very small thickening of the stem, the diameter of the stem is 6-9 centimeters, light green in color. The pulp is white, tasty and juicy and very tender. The root crop reaches a weight of up to one and a half kilograms. Poorly stored, leaf roots are very long and thin. The leaves are smooth with serrated edges.

Vienna Blue

Medium ripening variety. Purple root vegetable. The pulp is white, tender, very tasty. The variety is frost-resistant.

Features of growing kohlrabi

Kohlrabi is less demanding in terms of care and cultivation conditions than other cruciferous vegetables. Not sensitive to low temperatures, but young plants during several days of cool weather (vernalization below 6 ° C) stretch into stems rather than create edible spherical thickenings. Kohlrabi grows best at temperatures between 12-18° Celsius. Seeds germinate 3-4 days after sowing, if the temperature is not lower than 10-12 ° Celsius. She prefers soil made from a mixture of peat and humus, rich in nutrients with an acidity pH = 5.5-6.8, fairly moist. Due to its poorly developed root system, it has high water requirements. With a lack of water, the spherical fruit of the stem becomes woody and covered with small cracks.

Cabbage also needs good feeding. The content of mineral substances in the soil should be at the level (mg / dm3): 105-120 N (nitrogen) (NO3 + NH4), 50-60 P (phosphorus fertilizers), 160-180 K (potassium), 55-65 Mg ( magnesium), 1000-1500 Ca (calcium). It is recommended to use fertilizers that dissolve and absorb easily and quickly.


Kohlrabi is grown from seedlings for early, medium and late varieties. You can sow seeds both in boxes covered with film or glass, and in open ones. In closed boxes, where the temperature reaches 20 degrees Celsius, the seeds will germinate faster. Seedling production begins with sowing seeds. Depending on the type of crop, the following are sown:

In the second half of February, early kohlrabi seeds are sown in a greenhouse or warm room, the harvest of which is harvested in the second half of May (early varieties).
. In April, kohlrabi seeds are sown in greenhouses, intended for harvest in the summer (early varieties).
. At the end of June and beginning of July, seeds are sown on kohlrabi cabbage seedlings intended for re-harvesting (early varieties).
. In May or early June, seeds are sown for cabbage seedlings intended for winter storage and harvesting in late autumn (late varieties).

It is best to harvest young fruits, because when kohlrabi outgrows its life, it does not look very attractive. To plant a field of one hectare, approximately 800 grams of seeds are needed. Cabbage grows from seed sowing to planting in 35-45 days. After the sprouts appear, the boxes with plants are moved to a cooler place (5-10 degrees Celsius). Young sprouts need regular watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Plants, in the phase of the first true leaf, are planted in pots with a diameter of 4-5 cm, and then planted in the ground. Before planting in open ground, plants should be hardened off by intensive ventilation and reduced watering.

If you place kohlrabi cabbage seeds on a damp cloth, they will hatch faster and the first shoots will appear faster.

After the formation of 3-5 true leaves, the plants are planted in a permanent place. The distance between plants is calculated depending on the variety and growing method. In grooves measuring 20-25 x 25 cm, in cells 30 x 15-20 cm, or 30-40 x 20-30 cm. Approximately 12-18 plants are planted per square meter of land, depending on whether they belong to early or late variety.

During active growth and during the formation of stem fruit, plants require regular watering. Weeding and composting of light soils is also important. Before planting, it is recommended to use 20 grams of ammonium nitrate per 10 m2 and two weeks after planting another 10 grams of ammonium nitrate per 10 m2. To protect plants from excessive weeds and pests, plants can be covered with moisture-permeable fabric.

Kohlrabi can also be grown in a greenhouse, like cucumbers or tomatoes. First, seeds are sown in boxes, sowing from mid-January to the end of January, maintaining the temperature at 18-20 ° Celsius. After the first leaf appears, seedlings are planted in pots with a diameter of 4-5 cm and the temperature is reduced to 12-18 ° Celsius. After the formation of 4-5 leaves, the plant is planted in a permanent place of growth, usually this happens in late February or early March.

The cultivation of kohlrabi, both in the field and in the greenhouse, can be carried out along with the cultivation of cauliflower. This method has been shown to increase the yield of both vegetables. Kohlrabi are planted every 15-20 cm in the row between two rows of cauliflower.

Preparation and storage

The kohlrabi is pulled out entirely, along with the roots, which are then cut off slightly lower than the spherical fruit. The average yield of cabbage per hectare is 20-30 tons, depending on the variety and proper care of the plants.

Kohlrabi stem fruits are best preserved in boxes with dry sand. The average shelf life of late varieties is from three to six months, depending on storage conditions, the variety of cabbage and the place where it is grown. Cabbage should be stored in a room with a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius.

Diseases and pests

Kohlrabi is attacked by the same pests and affected by the same diseases as other cruciferous vegetables, especially black leg, gray rot, and aphids. Pest control with chemical reagents should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations indicated on the chemicals.

Using kohlrabi in cooking

Kohlrabi is combined primarily with vegetables. After peeling the skin, kohlrabi are eaten raw, like apples. Having high nutritional value, kohlrabi can be an excellent addition to salads and vegetable soups. Raw kohlrabi, including young leaves, are ideal for all types of salads in their raw form (for example, with carrots, apples, dill, yogurt, mayonnaise, sour cream and other sauces). Kohlrabi is also suitable for cooking (soups, vegetables), baking (stuffed kohlrabi), frying (cut into pieces and fried in oil) and steaming. With her participation, you can also prepare dishes of Oriental and Italian cuisine. The leaves and stems can be added as a garnish (fried) in addition to the meat. Stems, cut into cubes, can be stored frozen.

Kohlrabi has a huge number of beneficial properties that have a wonderful effect on the human body. Appearing in ancient times, this cabbage has never been picky about the conditions in which it was grown. Kohlrabi literally means “stem turnip,” and the external resemblance to turnips is so noticeable that the two crops are often simply confused.

What part of this crop is considered edible? Today you can find many recipes that use stem fruit. After all, they contain the most beneficial properties for the human body.

General description of kohlrabi cabbage

Kohlrabi is a vegetable plant that grown for two years. So, in the first year, only a stem fruit begins to form, which can then be used for food, and the second year is the formation of a shoot that grows from the upper bud and often its length reaches up to 1 meter. Flowers appear on this shoot, which are collected in a brush. The fruit of this plant looks like a pod with seeds inside. The germination of these seeds can last up to 5 years.

The stem fruit can have a wide variety of shapes:

  1. Flat-round.
  2. Rounded.
  3. Ovoid.

The color of such a stem fruit can be of different colors: purple, light green, crimson. But the color will depend on what variety of kohlrabi cabbage was planted. But the flesh of this vegetable, regardless of the variety, will remain white.

The weight of cabbage also depends on its variety. So, it can weigh 200 grams, or it can reach up to 800 grams. The diameter can be from 10 to 15 centimeters. The leaves are green, medium in size, and have a slight wax-like coating. The deciduous stalk is of medium thickness and a darkish shade of purple.

If you evaluate the taste qualities of kohlrabi, then its taste is very similar to the stalk of ordinary white cabbage, only a little sweeter and juicier. That is why this cabbage is perfect for making salads. You can use this cabbage for side dishes.

The composition of kohlrabi is varied. firstly, this vegetable contains a large amount of vitamins C, A, B, B 2, PP. Secondly, the composition also includes mineral salts, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, cobalt and iron.

Thirdly, this plant contains large quantities of enzymes, fiber and plant proteins. The pulp, which is rich in glucose and fructose, is especially useful. Today, kohlrabi is considered a valuable product for dietary nutrition, because it contains there are even sulfur compounds. It is known that the calorie content of 100 grams of this vegetable is 41.5 kcal.

By the way, kohlrabi cabbage has received another name among the people – “northern lemon”. This name is explained by the fact that it contains a large amount of vitamin C.

Kohlrabi cabbage has many positive qualities. So, it has a huge number of beneficial properties for the human body. First of all, it has a positive effect on the intestines: kohlrabi cabbage quickly cleanses it of toxins, waste and other contaminants and harmful substances. This is facilitated by dietary fiber, which, once in the stomach, is not digested. But the main rule when eating this vegetable is to drink as much liquid as possible.

If you regularly eat kohlrabi, a person’s appetite will normalize. And if you drink vegetable juice, which includes this type of cabbage, then the person suffering from gastritis, cholecystitis or gastroduodenitis, the condition is improving. But you should not drink this juice more than one glass a day. If you regularly eat kohlrabi, you can also normalize your metabolism, which will help restore the normal speed of all processes.

Thanks to the numerous beneficial properties of kohlrabi cabbage, you can remove excess fluid from the body, as well as reduce the load on the gallbladder, liver, and kidneys. This will be the result of the large amount of potassium contained in kohlrabi.

Kohlrabi can be used for the treatment of many diseases:

It is believed that kohlrabi fruits are very useful for anemia, since it contains many trace elements that help blood cells form. This includes iron, zinc, iodine, selenium and even manganese. Therefore, for any type of anemia, constant and regular consumption of this vegetable is recommended. For example, you can make a salad out of it by adding some carrots. You need to eat it once a day for three weeks, but you should not eat this kohlrabi salad while you are eating other foods. You need to eat this cabbage salad separately, but you cannot add salt, mayonnaise or sour cream to it.

It is believed that patients with diabetes should include kohlrabi in their menu. Cabbage contains a huge amount of vitamins, which belong to different groups. Kohlrabi contains the most vitamin C, which is much higher than even citrus fruits in this vegetable. It is known that vitamins such as A, PP, E easily saturate the body and strengthen it. Therefore, as soon as a person gets sick, having caught some virus or infection, he should immediately include kohlrabi cabbage in his diet. Usually this autumn and spring. Do not forget that all the beneficial properties are contained in large quantities in fresh vegetables.

Even in ancient times, people consumed kohlrabi to calm or restore nerves. The good mood and positive effect on the nervous system of cabbage is due to the fact that the vegetable contains vitamin B. It is known that if you regularly consume this plant, nervousness disappears, the emotional state is quickly balanced, blood pressure is normalized and mood improves.

When eaten, kohlrabi necessarily has a positive effect on the oral cavity. So, first of all, strengthens teeth and gums, and also prevents inflammation from forming on the palate, in the larynx itself and on the gums.

Kohlrabi is also good for skin, especially for skin that is aging. Regular masks made from this cabbage can make your facial skin fresher and younger. It’s easy to prepare a mask: grate a little kohlrabi and add 1 teaspoon of honey and dry yeast. Mix everything well and leave for 20 minutes. And only after this it is necessary to apply the mask to the face, which must first be cleaned. Leave the mask on your face for 20 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. The result will be wonderful.

Currently, kohlrabi cabbage is known as the best remedy for weight loss. If this vegetable is consumed regularly along with cucumbers and apples, then fats will be broken down much faster. By the way, it is known that kohlrabi is a product that has a small amount of calories, but quite a lot of energy is expended during its digestion. The basis for losing weight with cabbage is the effect of arginine and isoleucine. They actively influence the fact that all carbohydrates are not converted into fat, therefore, performance increases, and extra pounds successfully disappear.

The basis for the prevention of colon and rectal cancer is the protection of sulfur and sulfur-containing substances contained in kohlrabi. But for this it is necessary eat fresh vegetables daily, but without salt. By the way, kohlrabi prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Dangerous properties of kohlrabi cabbage

Kohlrabi cabbage has not only beneficial properties, but also dangerous ones. For example, if a person suffers from high stomach acidity, then eating this vegetable is strictly contraindicated for him.

It is not advisable to eat those fruits of kohlrabi cabbage that were grown in greenhouses and greenhouses, since this vegetable can accumulate huge amounts of nitrates, which will then provoke some very serious disease.

Kohlrabi in cooking

You can prepare a wide variety of dishes from kohlrabi. Of course, the best and healthiest option would be to eat raw cabbage, but it is also excellent stewed, boiled, fried, and even baked. If the meat is served with kohlrabi, which can be an excellent side dish, then it will be well digested.

Kohlrabi can also be used in the preparation of stews, soups, salads, okroshka, any holiday dishes, stuffing and canning.

Growing and care

Of all cabbage varieties, kohlrabi is considered the fastest ripening. Therefore, several harvests can be harvested at once in a year. First of all, you need to decide which variety to choose.

The best varieties are:

  1. "Vienna White" This type of cabbage ripens early and has a light green color.
  2. "Violet". This is a late-ripening variety that has a dark purple color.

Depending on which variety is chosen, the planting method is also determined. You can plant kohlrabi with both seeds and seedlings. The best months for planting are April and May.

Seedlings are grown starting at the end of March. Seeds are planted in a pre-prepared container with soil to a depth of 1.5–2 centimeters. As soon as the second leaf appears, you should immediately spray it with complex fertilizer: half a tablet per 1 liter of water.

To plant a vegetable plant in open ground, you need to properly prepare the bed. First of all, she should be well lit. If pumpkin, zucchini, carrots or tomatoes grew in the garden before the vegetable, then cabbage will grow well in this soil.

In the spring, before planting seedlings, the soil is dug up and fertilized with compost. Approximately 3–4 kilograms of humus per 1 square meter of land is taken. It is worth ensuring that the soil is loose and fertile.

It is necessary to plant seedlings in the ground on a day when there is no bright sun. For example, in cloudy weather or in the evening. The distance between the rows should be 70 centimeters, and between the holes approximately 20–30 centimeters. By the way, you can add 1 glass of humus to the holes. Immediately after planting, the bed is watered abundantly.

Harvest care and storage

In order for the kohlrabi harvest to be good, it is necessary to constantly water it and be sure to loosen the soil. You can water twice a week, and if there is a drought, then you should monitor the soil and water it generously as it dries out. You need to loosen the soil around the vegetable so that this distance is approximately 8–10 centimeters.

You need to harvest the crop carefully, performing the following steps step by step:

  1. Pull out the entire kohlrabi crop.
  2. Trim roots and leaves with pruning shears.
  3. Place in boxes, sprinkled with sand.
  4. Lower the boxes with the harvest into the basement or place them in another cool room.

You can also store cabbage in the refrigerator. but no more than a month. If the kohlrabi is cut, then it is worth putting it in special plastic containers, which will keep it fresh for a long time.

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