Very funny jokes for children. Children's jokes are the funniest for children Jokes for children about Gena and Cheburashka

The geography teacher asked Bora if he knew anything about the Panama Canal.
“No,” the student answers, “there is no such channel on our TV.”

A radio was installed in one grandmother's house. In the morning at six o'clock, it spoke for the first time:
- Good morning!
Grandma jumped out of bed:
- Good health! Where are you going so early?

- Well, son, show me the diary. What did you bring from school today?
- There’s nothing to show, there’s only one deuce.
- Just one?
- Don't worry, dad, I'll bring it tomorrow!

— Hello, is this 333-33-33?
- Yes.
— Please dial “Ambulance”, otherwise my finger is stuck in the phone.

A Chukchi is walking along the road, and they ask him:
-Chukchi, where are you going?
-Give an injection, however
-To the clinic?
-No in the ass, however

I somehow bought a new Russian construction set<Лего>and boasts to his friend:
— Hey, Vovan, look, what’s written on this piece of garbage:<От 2-х до 4-х лет>. So I assembled it in two months.

Little girl talking to her father:
- Dad, today I dreamed that you gave me a small chocolate bar.
“If you obey, you’ll dream that you gave him a big one.”

- Mommy, can I go for a walk?
- With dirty ears?
- No, with comrades.

Chemistry lesson:
-Tell me, Vovochka, what substances do not dissolve in water?
Vovochka without hesitation:

The cannibals caught a tourist. They lit a fire, put a vat of water and asked:
- What is your name?
- What difference does it make to you, eat it anyway!
- What kind of thing is this, and for the menu?!

Cheburashka somehow approaches Gena and says:
— Gena, Shapoklyak gave us 10 oranges on February 23, 8 for each.
- How is it 8 each, if there are 10 of them?
- I don’t know, but I’ve already eaten my 8!

A little girl asks her grandfather:
- Grandfather, what kind of berries are these?
- This is black currant.
- Why is it red?
- Because it’s still green.

- Piglet, do you know your pedigree?
- Yeah. My grandfather (sighs) was a chopper. My father was (proudly) a kebab...
- Who do you dream of becoming?
- And I (looks at the sky and is so sad...) am an astronaut.
- Why is it so sad?
- Yes, I’m afraid I won’t fit into the tube...

The guy came to the doctor and said:
- Doctor, there are ringing sounds in my ears.
- Don’t answer them, don’t pick up the phone!

— Guys, tell me, what is the number of the word “pants”: singular or plural?
- Above - singular, and below - plural.

One student decided to play a joke on another. Painted the chair.
The second one comes in and says right from the door:
- Kolyan, I...
First to him:
“Yes, sit down first,” and points to a chair.
And this one again:
- Kolyan, I wanted to tell you...
- Yes, sit down, don’t be shy.
The second sat down. The first one chuckles:
- Well, now speak.
- Kolyan, I just wanted to say that I put on your jeans.

Grandfather is sleeping in a chair, whistling loudly through his nose. The little grandson is fiddling with a button on his jacket.
- What are you doing? - asks the grandmother.
- I want to catch another program!

A plane landed at the airport. Passengers leave the ramp.
One man's pants fall down, he pulls them up and says:
-This is Aeroflot: fasten your seat belt, then unfasten it...

- Why does a gorilla have such big nostrils?
- Because she has thick fingers.

A five-year-old boy answered the phone.
-Call dad or mom.
-They're not home.
-Is there anyone else?
-Yes, my sister.
-Call her, please.
After a while the boy picked up the phone again:
-It's too heavy. I can't get her out of the stroller!

Five year old son asks:
-Dad, do you know how long one tube of paste lasts?
-For the entire hallway, living room and half of the loggia...

Two flies come out of the bar.
One says: “Well, shall we go on foot or wait for the dog?”

Once a hedgehog fell into a hole, he couldn’t get out and thought: “If I don’t get out in 5 minutes, I’ll go home and get a ladder.”

Gen, be careful there are steps, stumps, stumps.
-Thank you Cherim-burum-burashka.

Wallpaper that can be washed is, of course, a good thing. But how difficult it is
I had to tear them off to stuff them into the washing machine.

A woman asks for a glass of sparkling water:
- Glass of water.
- With syrup?
- Without.
— Without cherry or without apple?

A guy and a girl are walking around the city and pass by a restaurant. The girl says:
- Oh, how delicious it smells!
- Did you like it? Do you want us to go through it again?

A girl comes to a dairy store. So he puts the can on the scales:
- For me, sour cream.
Saleswoman, splash some sour cream into her can.
-Here's a girl, sour cream for you. Where's the money?
-In a can

- Boy, how old are you?
- Five.
- And you are not taller than my umbrella...
- How old is your umbrella?

After dinner, the mother goes to the kitchen, and the daughter shouts after her:
- No, Mom, I don’t want you to wash the dishes on your birthday. Leave it for tomorrow.

A boy watches a film on TV about a boy whom everyone loved and says:
- If you wash me, I will be the same!

Mom tells her son
“Is this how they read a book, son?” You're skipping several pages.
- And this book is about spies. I want to catch them quickly.

At the boat rental station, the boss shouts into a bullhorn:
— Boat number 99! Return to the shore - your time is up!
Five minutes later:
- Boat number 99, return immediately!
Five minutes later:
— Boat number 99! If you don't return, we will fine you!
An assistant approaches the boss:
- Ivan Ivanovich! We only have 73 boats, so where did the 99th come from?
The chief freezes for a moment, and then rushes to the shore:
— Boat number 66! Are you in some kind of trouble?!

He gave Winnie the Pooh a cell phone for his birthday
-Here’s a gift for you - a cell phone!
-Well, thanks buddy!
The next day, Winnie the Pooh meets Piglet
-What did you give me yesterday for my birthday???
- Cool phone...
-I spent 3 hours picking yesterday, the phone broke, there are no honeycombs or honey.

Mom says to the girl:
- If you don’t eat semolina porridge, I’ll call Baba Yaga.
- Mom, do you really think that she will eat it?

- Doctor, you forbade me to eat at night, so I caught a cold!
- What is the connection?
- Well, of course - I stood at the refrigerator all night, looking at the chicken, and that’s why I got cold!

Granddaughter and grandfather are sitting by the window... the grandson is babbling. Grandpa look!!!Once!
a crow, two crows, three crows... the whole Voronezh!!!.

Two Chukchi are sitting, breaking a bomb. A man passes by.
“Hey, what are you doing, it’s going to explode!” - “However, it’s okay, we have one more!”

A Georgian is drowning in the sea and has forgotten the word “save” in Russian, shouting:
- This is my last time swimming!

Vinny says to Piglet.
- Listen, Vinnie, I know what will happen to you when you grow up!
- Have you read my horoscope? - Nope, the book “On Tasty and Healthy Food”!

The owner to the guest: - Can I shine a light on the steps for you? - No, thank you, I’m already lying downstairs.

In the middle of the lesson, Vovochka comes into the class with a bandaged head.
Irritated teacher: - Well, what happened this time? - Fell from the fifth floor.
- So, did you fly for two whole lessons?

Seller: — This wall clock runs for two weeks without being wound.
- Yes you?! What if you start them?

It's hard to believe that there is even one person without a sense of humor - it's another matter if we talk about how subtle it is in some people. Humor covers all areas of activity of people.

We joke about literally everything what we see and what happens to us, we joke about representatives of certain professions and nationalities, about relatives and friends, laugh at ourselves and situations, which we find ourselves in.

The main joke themes loved by all children are:

  • fairy tales and fairy-tale heroes;
  • friends, brothers and sisters;
  • school, study;
  • animals;
  • holidays.

Jokes- a boost of energy for the whole day. Perhaps the most harmless and funniest jokes are related to children; they will make adults and children laugh until they cry. And since the main occupation of children is studying, that’s all the funniest children's jokes are related to school, students and teachers. Anyone can cheer themselves and their friends up by securing a couple of dozen short jokes about school. Here you can find:

  • children's jokes about school;
  • the funniest jokes about Vovochka;
  • the latest school jokes.

Children's jokes about school

Parents ask a first-grader:

- How did you like your first day? Did you like school?

- First? Just don’t tell me that I have to go there again tomorrow!

- Sasha, name me at least one transparent object

- Keyhole, Marya Ivanovna!

After anatomy lesson.

— We heard that Vitya got a bad mark on his test!

- Why?

- For the cheat sheet. The teacher caught him while he was counting his ribs.

— Doctor, my child has strabismus.

- Is it congenital?

- No, from cheating.

- How much will it be if they give you one kitten, plus two kittens and four more kittens?

- Nine.

- Listen more carefully! They gave you one kitten, then two kittens and four more. How much in total?

- Nine.

- Then it’s different! I give you one watermelon, then two and then four more watermelons! How many?

- Eight!

- Here you go! And the kitten, plus two, plus four? How much in total?

- Nine!

- Yes, why?!

— Because I already have one kitten!

- Mom, dad, we wrote at school today!

- Well, read what you wrote?

The son complains to his mother:

- I don’t want to go to school anymore!

- Why?

- Again Vasechkin will trip me up, and Ivanov will shoot at me with a slingshot, and Sidorov will throw a textbook at me!

“No, son, you need to go to school,” says mom. - Firstly, you are already 50 years old, and secondly, you are a school director.

“Daddy, the doctors gave us vaccinations at school today!”

- Well done, daughter, you didn’t cry, did you?

- No, they didn’t catch up with me.

- So that they think that they are having a holiday.

Vovochka, what is your idea of ​​the best school?

- Closed!

The teacher asks:

- Children, do you know that in heat all substances tend to expand, and in cold they contract?

- Certainly! - says Vovochka. — That’s why winter holidays are shorter than summer holidays.

- Sit down, Ivanov, five! Give me the diary.

- I forgot him.

- Take mine! - Vovochka whispers.

- Children, what order does the spectacled snake belong to?

- To the squad of short-sighted people!

- Vovochka, why are you so pale today?

“And my mother washed me yesterday.”

Vovochka was late for school. The teacher asks him:

- What happened, why so late?

- I was attacked by a bandit!

- Oh God! And what did he do?

- I took away my homework...

The girl complains to her parents:

- How can I get rid of this Vovochka? There is no more strength!

- Why didn’t he please you? Over there he helps carry his briefcase after class.

- Yes, I’m tired: I’ve already accumulated about fifty of them!

The latest school jokes

During the test, the teacher closely monitors the students and sometimes kicks out those who notice spurs. The director looks into the classroom.

— Are you writing a test? There are probably a lot of people here who like to cheat.

- No, the amateurs are already in the corridor, only the professionals remain.

Anatomy teacher:

—What are the last teeth a person develops?

- Plug-in.

- What time is it: I jump, you jump, he jumps, they jump?

- Turn!

- Do you know what is the worst thing for an excellent student?

- Get a bad grade?

- No, learn a lesson and not have time to answer.

There's a lesson in progress. There is noise and commotion in the next office, the teacher cannot stand it and heads there. He grabs the loudest one by the ear and takes him into his class. Ten minutes later the door opens, a student from that office looks into the classroom and quietly says:

- Can we have our teacher back?

The father asks his son:

- What can I do to stop you getting bad marks?

- Ask the teacher not to call me!

Teacher says:

- Everyone be quiet! So that you can hear a fly fly by!

Everyone immediately fell silent. Five minutes later Vanya can’t stand it and asks:

- Mikhail Ivanovich, when will you let a fly fly?

- Now let's prove the Pythagorean Theorem.

Student from the last desk:

- Maybe not? We take your word for it!

When asked about the first female pilot, the students named Baba Yaga.

I go to school - no one... I go to Odnoklassniki - the whole class!

In a math lesson:

- Anya, how much will your mother pay for 3 kilograms of potatoes if a kilogram costs 30 rubles 10 kopecks?

- That is still unknown.

- Why?

- And she always bargains.

A high school student approaches his father:

Dad, they're calling you to school.

- What happened?

- Well, it’s a little thing, I broke the window.

Father went. A few days later the son again:

- Dad, they are calling you to school.

- What did you do again?

- Yes, the laboratory room blew up.

Father went.

The son approaches him for the third time:

- Dad, they ask you to go to school again.

- That’s it, I’m tired, I won’t go anymore!

- That's right, dad. Why do you need to walk through the ruins...

The little girl was left with her grandmother. In the morning, the child pesters his grandmother: Baba, pray and repent! Well, woman, well, pray and repent! The grandmother is shocked (the truth speaks through the mouth of a baby), goes to church, lights candles,
prays and bows. He comes back, and there is still the same song, pray and repent, pray and repent. The child is already in tears, the grandmother is half-fainting. Everything became clear when the parents returned. The girl asked to play the cartoon Baby and Carlson for her, she just didn’t speak well.

Mom gets her son ready for a hike:
- Here I put you butter, bread and a kilogram of nails.
- But why?
- It’s clear why! Spread butter on bread and eat!
- And the nails?
- Well, here they are, I put them in!

Mom, what is “pi”?
- Well, it's from mathematics. Then you will teach. Where did you hear it?
- Yes, here’s a poem: “And day and night, the learned cat walks around and around.”

10-year-old Polina looks at her newborn brother. The boy has already begun to react to the faces of his loved ones. He looks at his sister carefully and suddenly smiles widely. Polina notes with satisfaction:
- Well, of course he smiles at me. You are adults, and I am a children's group.

5-year-old Maxim and his 4-year-old sister Alisa are eating cabbage salad. After the meal the boy turns to Alice:
- Well, today at afternoon tea you and I were just like goats.
“No,” the girl corrects him. - There's only one goat here. And I'm a bunny.

6-year-old Kirill watches with interest as his father climbs a stepladder to paint the frames. At this moment, the mother approaches the child and says:
- When you grow up, son, you can help dad.
After thinking a little, Kirill asks: “Won’t dad finish painting by then?”

4-year-old Anton enters a subway car with his dad at rush hour.
- Well, let's see if people have a conscience? - the child says out loud.
- How is that? - the father is interested.
“Will they give way to a man with a child, or, as usual, will they lower their eyes,” explains the son.

3.5-year-old Panya is present during her mother’s conversation with the local pediatrician. The doctor, having examined the girl’s older brother, advises: “If the temperature rises, rub him with vodka.” - Vodka? - Panya is surprised. - We don't have vodka. Dad drank all the vodka.

9-year-old Vasya returns with his mother from the store, where they just bought two packs of cookies.
“There are six cookies in each pack,” Vasya thinks out loud. - That makes twelve. There are three children in the family. That makes four cookies per child...
Upon entering the apartment, Vasya sees three pairs of shoes from his older brother’s classmates.
“Mom, don’t tell me that twelve is divisible by six,” Vasya says sadly. - This is beyond my strength.

As children, we didn’t worry about how we should dress - our parents bought all our clothes for us. And now you look at children’s photographs and realize that our parents also didn’t really worry about how to dress us...

Seryozha falls out of his crib at night. Mom runs up to him:
- Serezhenka, what did you hit?
- A bedside rug.

4 year old Allochka says:
- Uncle Kolya, I love you so much that I would tear off your legs.
- What are you talking about, Allochka! For what?!
- And then you would have been little and always played with me.

A boy sat on a tree and cried:
- Take me off, take me off...
And he was very lucky, because in the park where the tree stood, many kind people with cameras were walking.

2 year old Danilka, after hearing a dozen fairy tales, is clearly overloaded with information:
- And dad and I saw the Swan Princess there in the picture. She sat and spinned by the window. And she is no frog!

Granddaughter asks:
- Grandma, how old are you?
- Sixty.
- Show me your fingers!

3 year old Ksenia at the zoo:
- Why do lions live in the desert?
- They have nowhere else to live.
- What, all the cages in the zoo are occupied?

We drive up to the house by car. A two-year-old nephew emphatically states:
- Uncle Zhenya, I know where to go here...
-Where to, Sashenka?
- Straight!

4-year-old Fedor tries to chew a peach pit for several minutes in a row.
- Son! - his father tries to stop him. – The bones must be broken with a stone or a hammer. You could break all your teeth like that.
“Well,” Fyodor answers, “let them grow like iron ones, like our Uncle Grisha’s.”

I was in China. While there was an excursion, a Chinese boy of about 3 years old ran in front of our group, laughed loudly, rolled on the ground and chattered something in his own language.
At our request, the guide translated, he yelled: “Ofieeeee, everyone has one face, eyes like a cow!”

Maxim's father decided to tell the truth about Santa Claus and other fairy-tale characters.
“So, son,” the frank dad begins, “in fact, there is no Santa Claus.” All these years I played his role, and my mother and I bought gifts for you...
“I know, dad,” Maxim interrupts his father. “And you were a stork too, my mother confessed to me.”

  • Forward >

The son says to his mother: “I won’t go to school anymore.”
- Why?
- Fuck it, this school. Again Kuznetsov will hit him over the head with a textbook, Vasiliev will start aiming with a slingshot, and Voronin will trip him up. Will not go.
“No, son, you have to go to school,” says the mother. - Firstly, you are already an adult, you have turned forty years old, and secondly, you are the director of the school...

The son comes home and boasts to his father:
- Dad, I took the old lady across the road! Dad:
- Well done! Here's some candy for you. The next day the son comes with a friend:
- Dad, my friend and I moved the old lady across the road! Dad:
- Well done! Here's some candy for you. The next day, the son brings his entire class:
- Dad, the whole class moved the old lady across the road!
- Why are there so many of you?
- And she resisted...

Maxim, why does your dad do all your homework? -Well, what should I do if my mother has no time!...

A first grader comes to a school supply store and asks: - Auntie, do you have glue for 1st grade? - No, boy. - What about circled notebooks? - In what other circle? Also no. The citizen standing behind speaks angrily.
- Boy, don’t fool the seller and don’t waste people’s time. Girl, show me the globe of Ukraine...

During a lesson about the world around us: Teacher:
- Vovochka, when is the best time to pick apples? Vovochka: -When the dog is tied...

The son comes home from school and says to his father: “Dad, you are being called to school.” - What have you done? - Yes, I broke the glass. Father went. A few days later, the son says again: “Dad, they’re calling you to school again.” - What is it this time? - Yes, the chemistry room blew up. Father went. A few days later, the son again says to his father: “Dad, you are being called back to school.” - That’s it, I won’t go, I’m tired. - Well, that’s right, there’s no need for you to wander around the ruins......

Mother wakes up her son for school: -Have you done your homework? -No. -Why are you sleeping then? -The less you know the better you sleep!!!…

The son comes home with a bad mark.
- Dad, don't worry!
- Okay, just don't be offended!

Teacher to student:
- When's your birthday?
- October 5.
- What year?
- Everyone.

There is an arithmetic lesson in first grade. The teacher asks:
- Syoma, how much should your mother pay for two kilograms of apples, if one kilogram costs five rubles?
- I don't know. My mom always bargains like that!..

- Why weren’t you at school yesterday?
— My sister got married.
- Okay, just make sure this doesn’t happen again!

— Do you like going to school?
- Yes, but these hours between walking are the most disgusting.

The parish doctor was also a Sunday school teacher.
He asks the boy:
“Tell me, my young friend, what must we do to get to heaven?”
“To die,” the boy answers.
- That's true, but what should we do before that?
- Call the doctor!

A mathematics professor reads a book to his son at night.
Baby, sighing:
- Pa-a-ap! Yes, it's boring! I would go straight to the episode where the multiple Riemann integral is tested against the Darboux criterion...

Jokes for children are short funny stories. They usually have no author and belong to the folklore genre.

Children love jokes no less than adults. Children's jokes about school allow you to joke about what makes you sad. School jokes make fun of lazy students, angry teachers, indifferent parents, etc.

Anecdotes can have a wide variety of topics, covering all aspects of life. Sometimes funny phrases spoken by children become jokes.

Laughter when reading or listening to a joke is caused by an unexpected denouement, a play on words, or the replacement of the usual meaning of concepts with a new one. Humor and wit are very useful qualities that require development no less than logic or creativity. This genre also has negative sides: the presence of profanity, vulgarity, etc. in some jokes.

From this article you will learn

Do you need funny stories?

Laughter improves the mood of children and, according to scientists, prolongs the life of adults. So that your child does not need to listen to vulgar street jokes, tell him good ones. Let him have magazines or books with different jokes that he can read. A sense of humor is valued among children; a witty storyteller becomes the life of the party.

If your child can joke about his shortcomings, he will be less stressed. The main thing in jokes is the opportunity for freedom of expression, humor that makes fun of shortcomings and vices, and a different perspective on problems.

Anecdotes may not be clear. The reason for this is differences in nationality, age or other personal characteristics. Therefore, children's jokes differ from those of adults. What can make a child laugh may be incomprehensible to an adult and vice versa.

About school

During a math lesson, the teacher asks a poor student who is reciting the Pythagorean Theorem at the blackboard to prove it. To which he offendedly declares: “What evidence do you have, you don’t believe me?”

On September 1, 1.6 million first-graders sat down at their desks on charges of illiteracy for at least 9 years.

In a geography lesson in 7th grade, the teacher is trying to explain to the student how to determine the cardinal directions using a compass. “Here, look, when the arrow points up, it’s north, then to your left is west, and to your right is east, tell me, what’s behind you?” The student, blushing: “A hole in your pants?”

About children

At an appointment at the clinic, a child psychologist asks the child questions:

  • Tell me, how many legs does a cat have?
  • Four.
  • How many ears?
  • How many eyes?

The kid turns to his mother and asks: “Mom, uncle, have you never seen cats?”

About kindergarten

A little girl comes home from kindergarten and says that the teacher read them the fairy tale “About Little Red Riding Hood.” “What did you understand from this fairy tale?” asks mom. “I should remember my grandmother’s face better so as not to confuse her with a wolf,” the girl answers.

At a meeting in the nursery group of the kindergarten, a young teacher conducts pedagogical work with parents:

  • Dear parents, your children have learned to speak this year; if they start telling you something bad about kindergarten, do not believe them. We, in turn, promise not to believe the horrors that they tell about you.

A tired father comes to pick up his son at kindergarten. The teacher sees him for the first time, and therefore asks:

  • Which child should you give?
  • What difference does it make, bring it again tomorrow morning!

The unlucky parent answers.

The head of the kindergarten complains to the head of the military unit that after the repairs carried out by the soldiers, the children learned many words from profanity. The commander calls the soldiers to his place and asks them to explain what’s going on. Soldier Sidorov with a bandaged head explains:

  • Petrov stood on a stepladder, placing eight bricks into a hole in the ceiling. The solution turned out to be weak, and all the bricks fell on my head. I told Petrov: “What a bad person you are, Petrov, you don’t respect your comrade!”

About animals

Two fish are talking in a pond. One carp says: “I’m so tired of living in this cramped, dirty pond!” Another carp answers him: “Grab the hook and you’ll soon end up in the sour cream!”

Computer jokes

A cactus that had been standing next to a computer monitor for 6 years learned how to reinstall Windows.

Short jokes

Inscriptions on the minibus:

“Stop “here” on a different route”;

“If no one gives way to the old lady, I, your driver, will do it”;

“If you want to live long, don’t distract the driver!”

About Pinocchio

Buratino's family tree was rooted in the earth.

About Vovochka

Vovochka says to his father at dinner:

  • Dad, they're calling you back to school, I broke the window.
  • Yes, you don’t have a school, but some kind of greenhouse.

Fairytale jokes

The kid climbed onto Carlson, and they fly over the city, making ten circles. After landing on the roof, Carlson wipes his neck and says: “Phew, I’m sweating with you!” “I peed on you,” the baby replies.

A random passerby saw a hut on chicken legs in the forest and said:

  • Hut, hut, turn your forest towards me, and your backside in front!
  • You put me in a difficult position with your philological delicacies of new idioms.
  • This is roughly what I wanted to say.

Cheburashka, standing in the wind, was brutally beaten by his ears.

Gena and Cheburashka went on vacation. Crocodile Gena drags 6 suitcases from the station, sweating profusely. Cheburashka runs behind him and shouts:

  • Gena, and Gena, let me take the suitcases!
  • And you will take me!

About adults and children

An aunt asks her niece, who is six years old:

  • Anechka, do you help your mother around the house?
  • Of course, I help, I count the silver spoons after you leave.

A little boy asks his father:

  • Dad, I want a real gun!
  • You already have a toy one.
  • Dad, I want a real one!
  • Quiet, I said! Who is the head in this house?
  • You're daddy, but if I had a gun...

A mother shouts from the balcony to her son playing in the yard with friends:

  • Vanechka, go home!

7-year-old Vanechka asks:

  • Mom, am I cold?
  • No, it's time for you to eat!

About pets

The mouse runs away from the cat and hides in a hole, losing the stolen cheese along the way. He sits quietly and suddenly hears a dog barking. “So the cat ran away, we can take the cheese,” the mouse thinks. As soon as she sticks out of the hole, the cat grabs her. “It’s so good to be able to speak a foreign language!” the cat thinks.

Other topics

Announcement on the fence of the city zoo:

  • Dear visitors, due to insufficient funding from the city budget for this year, the animals have nothing to eat! We invite you to the open house, which will be held from 9 o'clock on the 6th, 8th and 9th of this month! You will receive unforgettable impressions and indescribable sensations!

According to statistics, the most understandable language on the planet is Chinese. Every 6th person speaks it.

From a conversation between two friends:

  • Have you read that scientists have made a discovery that nine seconds of laughter prolongs life by 10 minutes, which means that if you laugh all the time, you will never die?
  • Yes, but everyone will think you're crazy.
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Creation of a Receipt Cash Order (PKO) and an Expenditure Cash Order (RKO) Cash documents in the accounting department are drawn up, as a rule,...

Did you like the material? You can treat the author with a cup of aromatic coffee and leave him a good wish 🙂Your treat will be...

Other current assets on the balance sheet are the economic resources of the company that are not subject to reflection in the main lines of the report of the 2nd section....

Soon, all employer-insurers will have to submit to the Federal Tax Service a calculation of insurance premiums for 9 months of 2017. Do I need to take it to...
Instructions: Exempt your company from VAT. This method is provided for by law and is based on Article 145 of the Tax Code...
The UN Center for Transnational Corporations began working directly on IFRS. To develop global economic relations there was...
The regulatory authorities have established rules according to which each business entity is required to submit financial statements....
Light tasty salads with crab sticks and eggs can be prepared in a hurry. I like crab stick salads because...
Let's try to list the main dishes made from minced meat in the oven. There are many of them, suffice it to say that depending on what it is made of...