Official business style of speech (main features). List of basic educational literature. Official business style: features, scope, language features

The most characteristic features of the official business style are:

Conciseness, compactness of presentation;

Accuracy and clarity of presentation, not allowing for the possibility of another interpretation;

Neutral tone of presentation;

The ascertaining-prescriptive nature of the presentation;

Stereotyping, standard presentation;

The widespread use of terms, nomenclature names
vaniya, procedural vocabulary;

Weak style customization.

In addition, experts note such features of the official business style as formality, strictness of expression of thought, as well as objectivity and logic, which are also characteristic of scientific speech. The named features of the official business style are reflected not only in the system of linguistic means, but also in non-linguistic ways of designing specific texts: in composition, heading, selection of paragraphs, i.e. in a standardized format for many business documents.

Conciseness, compactness of presentation. Conciseness (brevity) of presentation in the official business style of speech is achieved by the economical use of linguistic means, the exclusion of verbal redundancy - words and expressions that do not carry additional meaning. In addition, the requirement for brevity of the text is directly related to the reduction of the physical size of the text and, consequently, the reduction of time for processing documents. The requirement of brevity forces one to formulate the subject of the letter more clearly, to use language means sparingly, to exclude unnecessary words that do not carry the necessary information, unjustified repetitions and unnecessary details.

The compactness of the presentation (optimally, the document should not exceed the volume of one or two pages) is combined in official papers with the requirement for completeness of information, more precisely, with the principle of its sufficiency. The requirement of completeness implies that the official message must contain sufficient information to make an informed decision. The depth of the presentation of the issue depends on the goals of the document: in an information letter it is enough to name facts and events, in a statement the subject of speech must be clearly identified and justified. Insufficiency of information may cause the need to request additional information, giving rise to unjustified correspondence. The redundancy of information leads to the fact that the document is poorly perceived, its essence is obscured.

Accuracy and clarity of presentation, not allowing for the possibility of another interpretation. The text of a business letter should be accurate, clear and understandable. The accuracy of the presentation of the text ensures the unambiguity of its perception by the addressee, excludes any kind of ambiguity, omissions. The adequacy of the perception of the text by the author and the addressee of the document is extremely important in business communication.

Clarity and unambiguity of the language of the message is achieved by using words in accordance with their lexical meaning. The use of words without considering their meanings can lead to misinterpretation or nonsense. For example: calculate the data(verb shortchange has the meaning “Intentionally miscalculating, underpaying”, for example: to cheat the buyer. It's more correct to say: process data); refuse under favorable pretext(adjective favorable has two meanings: 1. “Contributing, helping something; convenient for smth.”, for example: favorable moment, favorable conditions; 2. “Good, approving”, for example: a favorable review. Should have written: refuse under good pretext); ... was achieved by objectionable means(adjective objectionable means: "Unwanted, not liked by someone." It is combined only with animate nouns, for example: objectionable employee. The word combination corresponds to the requirement of accuracy ... was achieved by unacceptable (unacceptable) means).

The accuracy of presentation is achieved by the use of terminological vocabulary, the use of stable phrases, language formulas, the exclusion of figurative words and expressions, the use of clarifications, additions, participial and adverbial phrases, etc.

The clarity of the text is determined primarily by the clarity of its compositional structure, the absence of logical errors, thoughtfulness and correctness of the wording.

Neutral tone of presentation. The official business style is characterized by an almost complete absence of emotionally expressive speech means. A neutral tone of presentation is the norm of official business communication. The information contained in the text of an official document is official in nature, and participants in business communication act on behalf of institutions, organizations, enterprises, firms, i.e. on behalf of legal entities, and not individuals. For this reason, the personal, subjective moment in the documents should be, if not excluded altogether, then minimized. Words with a pronounced emotional and expressive coloring (words with diminutive and endearing suffixes, interjections, etc.) are excluded from the language of documents. This, however, does not mean that all types of documents are equally devoid of emotion. So, for example, the purpose of most business letters is to interest the addressee, to convince him, to force him to act in the direction necessary for the author, in a word, the letter should make the impression the author needs. A business letter will not achieve its goal if it is devoid of emotional coloring, however, the emotionality, even the expressiveness of a business letter, must be hidden, veiled. The emotionality of an official letter should not be linguistic, but meaningful and be hidden behind an outwardly calm, neutral tone of presentation.

Ascertaining-prescriptive nature of the presentation. O feature of business style - the ascertaining-prescriptive nature of the presentation, which has the implication of obligation or obligatory action, for example: The firm offers production of the leading European firms. The program provides for the acquisition of new equipment. Depreciation of medical equipment is 80%. OAO "Ptitsevod" received an interest-free loan in the amount of 650 thousand rubles. The committee has reviewed and... A stating-prescriptive character is created in texts regardless of which form of the verb is used: present or past tense. In the examples given, the present tense of the verb appears in the form of the present prescriptive. The past tense of the verb acquires the same meaning. Many verbs used in official business speech contain the theme of prescription or obligation: forbid, allow, oblige, direct, assign and under. There is a high percentage of the use of verbs in the infinitive form, which is also associated with the prescriptive function of official business texts. The verb form does not denote a permanent or ordinary action, but an action that is prescribed by law to be performed under certain conditions, for example: The accused is guaranteed the right to defense.

Stereotyping, standard presentation manifests itself primarily in the use of stable language turns (linguistic clichés). Stable language turns are a consequence of the regulation of business relations, the recurrence of managerial situations and thematic limitations of business speech. In addition to expressing the typical content, stable language turns often act as legally significant components of the text, without which the document does not have sufficient legal force, or are elements that determine the type of business letter: We guarantee the return of the loan in the amount ... up to ...; We guarantee payment. Our bank details...

Sustainable language turns are the result of the unification of language means used in the same type of repetitive situations. Expressing typical content, language formulas ensure the accuracy and unambiguity of understanding the text by the addressee, reduce the time for preparing the text and its perception.

Wide use of terms and nomenclature vocabulary. In the official business style, there is a tendency to reduce the number of meanings of words, to the unambiguity of the words and phrases used, the desire to terminology of speech. Terms are words or phrases to which certain scientific or special concepts are attributed. The terms used in the correspondence are, firstly, industry terminology that reflects the content of the subject area to which the content of the letter is devoted, and, secondly, the terms of management documentation support.

The use of terms in a strictly fixed meaning ensures unambiguous understanding of the text, which is very important in business communication.

The correctness and stability of the use of terms in practice is achieved by using terminological dictionaries and standards that establish a strictly unambiguous system of concepts and terms and contribute to the ordering of terminology. The terms used in the field of documentary support of management are fixed in GOST R 51141-98 "Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions". When using terms in business correspondence, it is necessary to ensure that they are understandable not only to the author, but also to the addressee. If the author of the letter has doubts about this, it is necessary to do one of the following: give an official definition of the term; decipher the meaning of the term in words of neutral vocabulary; remove the term and replace it with a commonly understood word or expression. A huge layer adjoins the terms nomenclature vocabulary: nomenclature of names: AOOT "Olympus", HPI Start, FSB etc.; nomenclature of positions: sales manager, advertising
manager, general director, commercial director;
product range: ZIL-130, SP-6M electric drive, A-76 gasoline etc.

The homogeneity of the stylistic coloring of the vocabulary of business writing is also achieved due to the high frequency of the so-called procedural vocabulary, representing in the text of the document a specific action, subject or sign in the official legal interpretation: violation of labor discipline(this may be late, absenteeism, appearing at work in a state of intoxication, etc.), disruption of the delivery schedule(delay in transit, untimely shipment goods, etc.), be responsible(subject to fines, material penalties, criminal prosecution, etc. in case of violations). As can be seen from the above examples, procedural vocabulary is a vocabulary with a generalized meaning, which is also highly characteristic of terminating vocabulary: company- firm, concern, holding, cartel, syndicate; product - canned food, thermoses, cars, shoes, etc.

The presentation procedure is connected not only with the preference for generalized semantics, the preference for generic lexemes over species ones: products - books, booklets, boards, nails.., room- room, apartment, hall, building- a barn, a house, a stall, etc., but also with a tendency to dissected concepts of both actions and objects: make a calculation pay off; trading process- trade; cash- money.

Terms and procedural vocabulary constitute the basic, style-forming vocabulary of the language of documents, which in certain genres makes up from 50 to 70% of all word usage.

The most important feature of procedural and terminological vocabulary is that the word is used in the text in one possible meaning. The unambiguity of contextual use is determined by the subject matter of the document. The parties undertake to provide mutual barter supplies... With all the ambiguity, the word "parties" is read only in the legal aspect - "legal entities concluding a contract."

A high degree of generalization and abstractness of the main style-forming vocabulary (termination, security, losses, calculation, work, disagreements, product, name etc.) in business writing is combined with the specific meaning of nomenclature vocabulary.

Nomenclatural vocabulary with its specific denotative meaning, as it were, complements the high level of generalization of terms and procedural vocabulary. These types of words are used in parallel: in the text of agreements - terms and procedural vocabulary, in annexes to agreements - nomenclature vocabulary. In questionnaires, registers, specifications, applications, etc., the terms, as it were, receive their decoding.

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In the texts of documents, the use of swear words and generally reduced vocabulary, colloquial expressions and jargon is not allowed, however, professional jargon words get into the language of business correspondence : unaccounted for, personnel officer, payment, cape, incomplete, cashing etc. The use of such vocabulary in business letters is just as inappropriate as the use of clericalism in everyday conversation, since its use is reserved only for the oral sphere of communication, and it cannot meet the requirement of accuracy.

University: Subject: File:

7. Official business style: style features and their manifestation in language means.

Official business style - serves the legal and administrative-public spheres of activity. It is used when writing documents, business papers, as well as in various types of business oral communication.

Among book styles, the formal business style stands out for its relative stability and isolation. The official business style is characterized by dryness, the absence of emotionally colored words, conciseness, compactness of presentation.

In official papers, the set of language tools used is predetermined. The most striking feature of the official business style is the language stamps, or the so-called clichés.

Lexical features of the official business style of speech

1) language stamps (clericalism, clichés): on the basis of a decision, to impose control over execution, after the expiration of the term.

2) professional terminology: arrears, alibis, black cash, shadow business;

3) archaisms: I certify this document.

In an official business style, the use of ambiguous words, as well as words in figurative meanings, is unacceptable.

Morphological features of the official business style of speech

The morphological features of this style include the repeated (frequency) use of certain parts of speech (and their types). Among them are the following:

1) nouns - the names of people on the basis of the action (taxpayer, tenant, witness);

2) nouns denoting positions and titles in the masculine form

3) derivative prepositions (in connection with, due to, due to, to the extent, in relation to, on the basis of);

4) infinitive constructions: (inspect, provide assistance);

Syntactic features of the official business style of speech

The syntactic features of the official business style include:

1) the use of simple sentences with homogeneous members, and the series of these homogeneous members can be very common (up to 8-10).

2) the presence of passive structures (payments are made at the specified time);

3) stringing the genitive case, i.e. the use of a chain of nouns in the genitive case: (the results of the activities of the tax police ...);

4) the predominance of complex sentences, especially complex ones, with conditional clauses.

Genre diversity of the official business style of speech

According to the theme and variety of genres in the style under consideration, two varieties are distinguished: I - official documentary style and II - everyday business style.

8. Colloquial style. Conversational speech and conversational style. Pragmatics and stylistics of colloquial speech. Communicative goals, speech strategies, tactics and techniques. Conditions for successful communication and causes of communication failures. Genres of speech communication.

Spoken language is a special functional variety of the literary language. Uncodified sphere of communication. Codification is the fixation in various dictionaries and grammar of those norms and rules that must be observed when creating texts of codified functional varieties.

Spoken speech as a special functional variety of language is characterized by three extralinguistic, external to the language, features:

Spontaneity, unpreparedness.

Conversational communication is possible only with informal relations between speakers. - can be realized only with the direct participation of the speakers.

plays an important role in conversational communication pragmatic factor . Pragmatics are such communication conditions that include certain characteristics of the addresser (speaking, writing), addressee (listening, reading) and situations that affect the language structure of communication. Conversational informal communication with the direct participation of speakers is usually carried out between people who know each other well in a particular situation. Therefore, speakers have a certain common stock of knowledge. This knowledge is called background knowledge. It is background knowledge that makes it possible to build such reduced statements in colloquial communication that are completely incomprehensible outside of this background knowledge.

Spoken language has its own characteristics in comparison with the codified language. Phonetics. In colloquial speech, especially at a fast pace of pronunciation, a much stronger reduction of vowels is possible than in a codified language, up to their complete loss. In the field of consonants, the main feature of colloquial speech is the simplification of consonant clusters. Morphology. In colloquial speech, such verbal forms as participles and gerunds are rarely used in their direct functions. Those relations that are conveyed in the codified language by gerunds and participles, in colloquial speech are formed by a construction with double heterogeneous verbs, which is completely intolerable in the codified language. I sat here with dictionaries. Syntax. Features of colloquial syntax are found primarily in the field of connection between words and parts of a complex sentence.

1) Statements with the nominative case of a noun in those positions that in a codified language can only be occupied by a noun in oblique cases. These statements include: - statements with a noun in the nominative case with a verb, this noun is often distinguished intonation into a separate syntagm, but it is quite typical without intonational emphasis: Next / we should go // (we should go at the next stop);

2) Statements with an infinitive denoting the purpose of the object named by the noun: You need to buy sneakers / run // (buy sneakers to run in them in the morning); In the anteroom you need a rug / to wipe your feet // (in the anteroom you need a rug to wipe your feet). A characteristic feature of colloquial speech are statements not with one, but with several unsubstituted positions, the meaning of which can be established both from the situation and from background knowledge: - a special colloquial "word order

Repetition of current components: I will go along the Volga this summer I / Along the Volga //. Conditions for successful communication:

The need for communication

Attunement to the interlocutor

The ability to penetrate the communicative intent of the speaker

Knowledge of etiquette and communication

Reasons for communication failures

Communication failures are the failure of the initiator of communication to achieve the communicative goal, as well as the lack of interaction, mutual understanding and agreement between the participants in communication. - Alien communicative environment (strangers, distraction of the conversation for some reason)

Violation of the parity of communication. In this case, there is also a violation of the rule of solidarity, cooperation of interlocutors

An inappropriate remark addressed to the listener about his actions, personal qualities, which can be interpreted as an unfriendly attitude of the speaker

Introduction. 3

1. Features of the official business style. four

1.1. Substyles of official-business style 5

1.2. Linguistic features of the official business style 6

2. Culture of business communication. eleven

Conclusion 17

References 18


The official business style would be wrong and unfair, it would be inaccurate to call it clerical. This is a whole variety of the Russian literary language. And this style is expedient, having its own means of expression, ways of naming objects and phenomena, and even expressive in its own way. Observing the norms of official business speech, we pay tribute not to clichés and clericalism, but to the objectively established tradition of constructing speech in accordance with the expressed content, situation and purpose of the statement. Among the book styles of the language, the official business style stands out for its relative stability and isolation. Over time, naturally, it undergoes some changes caused by the nature of the content itself, but many of its features, historically established genres, specific vocabulary, phraseology, and syntactic turns give it a generally conservative character. A characteristic feature of the official business style is the presence in it of numerous speech standards - clichés. If in other styles templated turns often act as a stylistic flaw, then in the official business style in most cases they are perceived as a completely natural belonging to it. Many types of business documents have generally accepted forms of presentation and layout of the material, and this, of course, facilitates and simplifies their use. It is no coincidence that in certain cases of business practice, ready-made forms are used that only need to be filled out. Even envelopes are usually written in a certain order (different in different countries, but firmly established in each of them), and this has its advantage for both writers and postal workers. Therefore, all those speech clichés that simplify and speed up business communication are quite appropriate in it. The modern official business style is one of the book styles and functions in the form of written speech. The oral form of official business speech - speeches at solemn meetings, meetings, receptions, reports of state and public figures, etc. The official business style serves purely official and extremely important areas of human relations: relations between state power and the population, between countries, between enterprises, institutions and organizations, between the individual and society. In fact, from birth to death, a person is in the sphere of official business speech. The main purpose of my work is to consider descriptions, features, varieties of official business style in modern society, as well as to consider the role of such an important component in everyday work as documentation.

1. Features of the official business style.

The modern official business (hereinafter referred to as OD) style is a functional variety of the Russian literary language used in the field of public relations. Business speech serves as a means of communication between states, the state with an individual and society as a whole; a means of communication between enterprises, institutions, organizations; a means of official communication between people in production and in the service sector.

The official business style refers to the book-written styles of the literary language. It is implemented in the texts of laws, orders, decrees, orders, contracts, acts, certificates, certificates, powers of attorney, in business correspondence of institutions. The oral form of official business speech is represented by a speech and report at meetings and conferences, judicial speech, official telephone conversation, and oral order.

The general extralinguistic and proper linguistic features of this style include the following:

1) accuracy, detail of presentation;

2) standardization of presentation;

3) the obligatory prescriptive nature of the presentation (voluntariness).

Indeed, the language of laws requires, above all, accuracy, which does not allow any discrepancies; speed of understanding is not important, since the interested person, if necessary, will read the article of the law two or three times, striving for a complete understanding. The standardization of the presentation is manifested in the fact that the heterogeneous phenomena of life in a business style fit into a limited number of standard forms (questionnaire, certificate, instruction, statement, business letter, etc.).

Business speech is impersonal, stereotyped, it lacks an emotional beginning.

A specific property of business speech is the expression of will. So, in management documentation, we constantly meet with the forms of the first person of the verb (I ask, I suggest, I order, congratulations), with modal forms, must (should, must, should, be offered).

1.1. Substyles of the official-business style

Depending on the scope of business speech and the stylistic originality of the corresponding texts, they are usually distinguished within the OD three substyles:

1)diplomatic(types of documents: international treaties, agreements, conventions, memorandums, notes, communiques, etc.; oral forms are practically not used);

2) legislative(types of documents, such as laws, decrees, civil, criminal and other acts of state significance; the main oral form is judicial speech);

3) managerial(types of documents: charters, contracts, orders, orders, statements, characteristics, powers of attorney, receipts, etc.; oral forms - report, speech, office telephone conversation, oral order).

Diplomatic style. This type of OD style serves the field of international relations. The scope of documenting the diplomatic sub-style is law, and to a greater extent than in other sub-styles. - politics, as it is connected with the implementation of the international policy of the state.

Legislative framework. Legal documents are more stylistic and linguistically homogeneous than documents of other sub-styles. In these texts, one can note the extensive use of legal terminology (appeal, plaintiff, tribunal, immunity, breadwinner). The legislative substyle uses abstract vocabulary and practically lacks expressive-emotional language means, evaluative vocabulary. Estimated words of this kind, such as a parasite, criminal acquire terminological meaning in legal texts. There are many antonyms here, since legislative speech reflects opposing interests, opposes and compares the concepts: rights and obligations, work and leisure, personal and public, plaintiff and defendant, crime and punishment, marriage registration and divorce, adoption of a child and deprivation of parental rights, voluntarily and forcibly, withhold and accrue.

The language of laws had a great influence on the formation of the entire official business style; it has always been the basis of business speech. Of course, the language of laws should be a model for the language of management documentation. But the managerial substyle, like the diplomatic one, has its own norms and linguistic diversity, due to the content and composition of documents.

Management style. The scope of the managerial substyle is a variety of administrative, departmental, industrial relations. The types of documents of the administrative substyle differ most from each other in compositional, stylistic and linguistic terms.

In the texts of the administrative substyle, along with neutral and bookish vocabulary, words and set phrases with official business style coloring are used (undersigned, proper, following, housing tax, lump sum, notify). The managerial substyle has its own administrative and managerial terminology, for example: the name of institutions, positions, types of official documents. Due to the fact that this substyle serves various areas of social and industrial activity (culture, education, trade, agriculture, various industries), the most diverse terminology is used in the texts of the substyle. It is not recommended to use synonyms in official texts, replacing the direct names of objects and actions with them. Unlike the legislative sub-style, there are few antonyms here. Abbreviations, abbreviated words, various means of codification (names of institutions and enterprises, car brands, etc.) are often used in the texts of the managerial substyle. Only in the texts of the managerial sub-style are used forms of the verb in the 1st person, sometimes personal pronouns. This is due to concretization, with an exact indication of the author of the text (I order, I ask to send me, I inform). In the managerial style, verbs in the imperative mood are not used and relatively rarely - constructions with the words must, must. The meaning of obligation is softened in the texts by the use of such phrases as oblige, oblige, impose an obligation.

1.2 Linguistic features of the official business style

Vocabulary and phraseology. OD speech reveals an inclination towards a lexicon that is extremely generalized in a semantic sense, where everything sharply peculiar, specific, unique is eliminated, and the typical is brought to the fore. For an official document, it is not the living flesh of this phenomenon that is important, but its "legal" essence. OD speech prefers generic designations with broad and poor semantics, with a limited number of semantic features:

premises (cf .: apartment, workshop, hangar, lobby, shelter, monastery, apartments), person (cf .: individual, person, man, girl, guy, small, owner, tenant, passerby), parent (cf .: mother , father, father, mother, ancestor), soldier (cf .: soldier, lieutenant general, artilleryman, rookie, warrior, serviceman, sailor), penalty (cf .: reprimand, fine, arrest, scolding, scolding), arrive ( cf .: come, arrive, sail, jump, tumble in, swoop in, welcome) and others.

Word-formation and morphological features. The word-formation and morphological features of the OD style are inextricably linked with its common features: the desire for accuracy, standardization, non-personal and obligatory prescriptive nature of presentation.

Of the conjugated forms, the forms of the present tense are most often used here, but with a different meaning compared to the scientific style. This value is usually defined as the present prescription. The verb form does not denote a permanent or ordinary action, but an action that is prescribed by law to be performed under certain conditions:

"The accused is guaranteed the right to defense."

When naming a person in the OD style, nouns are used, denoting a person on the basis of some action or attitude, which is intended to accurately indicate the "roles" of the participants in the situation: defendant, tenant, tenant, reader, guardian, adopter, plaintiff, witness, etc.

Nouns denoting positions and titles are used in the masculine form and when they refer to females: police officer Smirnov, defendant Proshina and the like.

Of the word-building models of nouns, verbal formations are widely represented, including sometimes with a prefix and non-: non-compliance, non-recognition, decision, execution. For example:

"Children left without parental care and staying in educational institutions, medical institutions, institutions of social protection of the population and other similar institutions have the right to: maintenance, upbringing, education, comprehensive development, respect for their human dignity, ensuring their interests .... "(Family Code of the Russian Federation, p. 149).

The stringing of nouns with the suffix -nie can be considered a clear sign of the OD style:

"Preparation for a crime is the search for and adaptation of means or tools or the deliberate creation of conditions for the commission of crimes...."

The OD style is rich in constructions with a verb that takes on purely grammatical functions. The number of verbs that act as a grammatical reference word and serve to express almost only grammatical meanings is many dozens:

conduct (agitation, installation, observation, negotiations, preparation, search, development, investigation ...);

make (additions, corrections, clarifications ...);

give (consultation, appointment, justification, explanation, refutation, refusal, assessment, assignment, permission, clarification, order, recommendation, consent, indication ...);

pass (examination, training, testing ..) etc.

Extremely typical for official speech are the methods of composite word formation - basic and word formation, fusion, as a result of which two- (or more) root formations are represented in the lexicon of the business language by a very extensive collection:

marriage, offense, taxation, land use, passenger transportation, disability, tenant, landlord, country owner, paper holder, cultural and entertainment, logistical, repair and construction, administrative and economic, autumn-winter, bakery, apartment brokerage, science-intensive, transport saturated, low-paid , low-income, person-ruble, ships-day, passenger-seat-mile and many others.

The predilection of business style for complex words is easily explained: they are transparent in structure and meaning, and have idiomatic effects. To an even greater extent, the need for semantically clear names is answered by the phrase, the number of OD style names created in this way has many thousands of units:

vehicles, wages, official, confectionery, securities, travel document, collection point, executive committee, cashless payment, work injury, bodily injury, common areas, occupational disease, public catering establishment, high-demand goods, education without interruption, right to rest, search warrant, demotion, disqualification....

With particular clarity, the convenience of "analytical" models is expressed in the nomenclature of institutions, professions, positions, etc., which constitutes a giant layer of official names: Chief Researcher, Deputy Regiment Commander for Engineering Service, Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University). Transcaucasian railway, Volyn plant of household chemicals, deputy of the State Duma...

Syntax. Of the syntactic constructions that have the coloring of the OD style, we note phrases that include complex denominative prepositions: in part, along the line, on the subject, in order to avoid, as well as a combination with the preposition on, expressing a temporary meaning: upon return, upon reaching. For example:

"Civil capacity arises in full with the onset of adulthood, that is, upon reaching the age of eighteen".

Simple sentences in the OD style are often complicated by homogeneous members, the number of which can reach up to 8-10 or more, due to the need to exhaust the subject of the message. For example:

"Objects of common property of a peasant economy are property: a land plot, plantings, utility or other buildings, reclamation and other structures, productive and working livestock, poultry, agricultural and other machinery, equipment, vehicles, inventory and other property ... "

As in the scientific style, passive construction and complex sentences with an allied connection of parts are widely used here, and complex sentences with a conditional clause occupy a large place (26% of all complex sentences, which is 4 times greater than their use in scientific speech).

The syntax of the OD style knows "stringing the genitive case", i.e. the use of complex combinations with several dependent components in the form of the genitive case (R.p.) without a preposition. Examples: In order to apply measures of public influence, in order to widely publicize the work of the Ministry of Higher Education ...

Thus, the process of standardization of business speech covers all levels of the language - vocabulary, morphology, and syntax. As a result, a stable speech stereotype is formed, which is perceived by the speakers as a special, functionally oriented type of linguistic norming of texts, i.e. special functional style.

Those who see the "impoverishment" and even "damage" of the literary language in the standardization of business speech are absolutely wrong. The development of the business language corresponds to the general laws of the evolution of modern society, for example, the increasing mechanization of labor, the introduction of machine methods for processing, transmitting and storing information.

A negative linguistic phenomenon should be considered not the standardization of OD style, but the use of verbal cliches in oral and written speech. A kind of cliche, which is increasingly penetrating into live colloquial speech, is the so-called "clericalism" (according to the apt definition of K.I. Chukovsky), the use of stereotyped expressions from business papers for other purposes.

The coloring of the OD style is possessed, first of all, by the lexical and phraseological units of the language (to notify, forward, plaintiff, protocol, housing, prosecutor's supervision, lump-sum allowance). The use of the name "clericalism" in relation to this vocabulary and phraseology in all cases seems unfair, since this name has a negative emotional connotation. It is more expedient to distinguish between two concepts and, accordingly, two terms: "lexicon with coloring of OD style" and "clericalism".

The first name reflects the place of the corresponding layer of vocabulary in the system of the general literary language, its functional and stylistic coloring. The second name, "clericalisms", refers to the same lexical units, but when they are used in speech with a different stylistic coloring, for example, in colloquial speech, or in the language of a work of art. If at the same time they are used unintentionally, accidentally, then their use should be regarded as a violation of the stylistic norm, as a speech error.

The OD style itself, like the scientific one, is alien to emotionally expressive coloration. Indeed, in the language tools of the OD style there are no additional, additional assessments of the speaker (writer), which would be layered on linguistic units beyond their lexical, nominative or grammatical meaning. On the contrary, the language units selected here, as already mentioned, are designed to convey the relevant concepts and facts as accurately and unambiguously as possible.

2. Culture of business communication.

A business conversation is understood in the broadest sense of oral speech contact between people connected by the interests of the business, who have the necessary authority to establish business relations and solve business problems. Business conversation is primarily oral business speech, which has significant differences from its written form. First of all, a business conversation is a direct communication that involves a specific interlocutor (or interlocutors), which makes it possible to directly influence him (or them). The presence of an interlocutor allows the use of facial expressions, gestures, intonation and other communication techniques, which significantly distinguishes oral business speech from its written form.

Direct communication excludes the possibility of preliminary reflection, and therefore a business conversation is full of relaxed forms of communication, as well as some grammatical and stylistic features. Thus, this variety of business speech is characterized by a certain departure from the usual morphological norms of the general literary language, which in business communication are often considered as an excess that does not allow to accurately and briefly convey the meaning of the statement. In order for speech to be correct, words should be used in strict accordance with their meaning. Meanwhile, errors in word usage are the most common speech deficiency of participants in business conversations. Let's take this example: "The weather WAS ACCOMPANIED with the unloading of platforms" (instead of "FAVORABLE"). In this case, the word is used without regard to its semantics. Such errors arise as a result of the stylistic negligence of the speakers, inattention to the word or poor knowledge of the language.

The use of words without taking into account their semantics often changes the meaning of the statement. For example: "The construction of the main building of the plant coincided with a sharp deterioration in CLIMATIC CONDITIONS." The speaker meant, of course, the weather conditions (bad weather), the climate cannot change in a few months, during which the construction of the said factory building was carried out.

The use of words without taking into account their semantics can cause illogicality and even absurdity of the statement. Thus, in the phrase "DECADE of the technical book will be FIVE DAYS", the speaker forgot or did not know that the word "decade" means "ten days". But more often, incorrect word usage leads to logical errors, which are usually expressed in the substitution of the concept.

Speakers do not always skillfully use antonyms in their speech. Consider the following phrase, quite often heard in business conversations: "DUE TO WEAK control ...". Here, the first of the words of the antonymic pair, acting as a preposition, should not have retained its original lexical meaning, but due to the close proximity of its antonym, this meaning “manifested”, and the combination of incompatible concepts caused the utterance to be illogical.

A careless attitude to the language can cause speech insufficiency - skipping the words necessary to accurately express the thought: "THE DEPARTMENT BEGINS at exactly 12 o'clock" (the "session" was missed). Speech deficiency usually occurs when the speaker is in a hurry and does not follow the correctness of the statement, which causes serious damage to the semantic aspect of speech.

In some cases, the omission of words can completely distort the thought: “To speed up the loading of goods, it is necessary to combine all port services” (it is necessary: ​​to combine the EFFORTS of all port services).

The reason for stylistic errors very often becomes an unsuccessful choice of a synonym. For example, in the phrase “It is necessary to PROTECT the goods from shrinkage”, instead of the verb “protect”, its synonym “SAVE” should be used.

If the speaker finds it difficult to give an exact definition of a particular concept, an unjustified stringing of synonyms may arise that express an idea approximately, generating speech redundancy, for example: “Our employees have had a lot of PASSES and absenteeism lately. We need to ensure RHYTHMIC and UNINTERRUPTED work.”

Very often in a business conversation there is a mixture of paronyms (that is, words that have similarities in morphological composition and, therefore, in sound, but differ in meaning), which leads to gross lexical errors. Most often, this causes a violation of lexical compatibility, for example: BOW YOUR HEAD (should: bow); beautiful and PRACTICAL clothes (it is necessary: ​​practical).

A lexical error is close to mixing paronyms, consisting in replacing the desired word with its distorted version. So, instead of the adjective "extraordinary" they say "unscheduled", instead of "loan" - "mutual".

Gross lexical errors in speech can be caused by false associations, which often arise under the influence of the wrong choice of a paronym. The words “statute” and “status” are often confused, “test” (i.e. give official approval based on verification) and “test” (i.e. test, sample before use). For the correct use of words in speech, it is not enough to know their exact meaning, it is also necessary to take into account the lexical compatibility of words, i.e. their ability to connect with each other. Involuntary violation of lexical compatibility is a very common disadvantage of oral speech. So, they often say: the meeting is convened, the conversation is read, to complete the obligations, increase attention, increase one's horizons. It is not uncommon to hear the phrase "MEET THE NEEDS OF THE MODERN NEED" mixed up with the words "MEET THE REQUIREMENTS" and "MEET THE NEEDS". Or another example: “MATERIAL DAMAGE IS RECOVERED from the supplier in favor of the customer” (material DAMAGE can be REFUNDED, MONEY can be RECOVERED).

It is impossible to combine vernacular words with bookish ones or combine high, solemn turns with ordinary, neutral ones, for example: “After that, he became a CHAMPION of savings on every operation” (it could have been simpler: “He proposed saving on every operation”).

BRIEF - the most important requirement for any form of business speech, since such a speech is characterized, as we have already noted, by a purely applied nature in the presentation of the reported information. This means that the speaker does not abuse the listener's time and patience by avoiding unnecessary repetition, excessive detail, and verbal garbage. Every word and expression serves a purpose here, which can be formulated as follows: to present the essence of the matter to the listeners as accurately and briefly as possible. Therefore, words and phrases that do not carry any semantic load should be completely excluded from business speech.

Verbosity, or verbal redundancy, most often manifests itself in the use of superfluous words, which indicate not only stylistic negligence, they also indicate the fuzziness, uncertainty of the speaker's ideas about the subject of speech, which often comes to the detriment of information content, obscuring the main idea of ​​the statement.

Verbosity comes in various forms. So, very often participants in business conversations obsessively explain to everyone known truths or repeatedly repeat the same thoughts, thereby unintentionally dragging out a business conversation.

Speech redundancy can take the form of PLEONASMA, which is understood as the simultaneous use of words that are close in meaning and therefore unnecessary words (anticipate in advance, dark darkness, the main essence, everyday routine, valuable treasure, etc.). Often pleonasms are born when synonyms are combined (long and long; bold and courageous; only; however, nonetheless). A variation of pleonasm is TAUTOLOGY, that is, the repetition of the same thing in other words. Everyday conversations of business people are literally overflowing with repetitions of the same or close in meaning words, for example: “in August MONTH”, “SCHEMATIC plan”, “five PEOPLE miners”, “seven PIECES of transformers”, etc.

Tautology can occur when repeating words with the same root (to tell a story), as well as when combining a Russian and a foreign word that duplicates its meaning (first debuted, a memorable souvenir). The latter usually indicates that the speaker does not understand the exact meaning of the borrowed foreign word. This is how the combinations “interior interior”, “break interval”, “young prodigy”, “minor little things”, “leading leader”, etc. appear.

However, individual combinations of this type have become so entrenched in speech that they can no longer be attributed to speech shortcomings. These include, for example, such as "period of time", "monumental monument", "reality", "exhibits of the exhibition", "second-hand book".

The use of unnecessarily foreign words that duplicate Russian words and thereby unnecessarily complicate the statement should also be attributed to the speech redundancy of business speech. Why, for example, say "nothing extraordinary" when you can say "nothing special"; instead of "ordinary" - "ordinary", instead of "indifferent" - "indifferent", instead of "ignore" - "not notice", instead of "limit" - "limit", instead of "roughly" - "approximately", instead of "function" - “act”, instead of “diversification” - “diversity”, instead of “determine” - “determine”, instead of “test” - “check”, etc.

Incorrect or parallel use of foreign vocabulary leads, as a rule, to unnecessary repetitions, for example: “industrial industry” (the word “industry” already contains the concept of “industrial”), “to speed up construction at an accelerated pace” (“force” and means “to conduct accelerated pace"), "come to a complete fiasco" ("a fiasco" is a complete defeat).


In conclusion, we summarize the main results of the abstract. In the course of business communication, there is an exchange of information, opinions and views between people. Communication is interaction. It's a way to get to know other people, the world around. Business communication is based on all moral principles of communication. You need to be able to emphasize the importance that this or that interlocutor makes for you. The concept of communicative culture in business communication is an interaction that leads to the establishment of psychological contact with partners when perception and understanding between them is established. Here, knowledge of the features of human interaction is important in order to be able to direct the actions of partners to the desired result for you. Generally accepted norms for any type of communication, and business in particular, contain requirements for its participants. These include courtesy, correctness, modesty, tact, accuracy and courtesy..

In a number of book styles, the formal business style is most clearly outlined. It serves legal and administrative activities when communicating in government institutions, in court, in business and diplomatic negotiations: business speech provides the sphere of official business relations and functions in the field of law and politics. The official business style is implemented in the texts of laws, decrees, orders, instructions, contracts, agreements, orders, acts, in business correspondence of institutions, as well as in legal certificates, etc. Despite the fact that this style undergoes major changes under the influence of socio-historical shifts in society, it stands out among other functional varieties of the language for its stability, traditionalism, isolation and standardization. The analysis showed that standard syntactic phrases, cliched expressions, structural and compositional features, etc. are the result of intralingual selection, the use of those structural and syntactic features of the language that best meet the challenges facing business writing. And it is these features, which have arisen under the influence of extralinguistic factors and as a result of the internal laws of language development, that determine the face of the genre of business correspondence, delimiting it from other genres of official business style and maintaining their thematic and genre attachment for decades.


1. Rakhmanin L.V. Stylistics of business speech and editing official documents: Proc. allowance for Wednesdays. specialist. education, institutions. 3rd ed., Rev. - M.: Vyssh. school, 2004.

3. Leonova G.V. On some features of the use of borrowed words in business speech // Secretarial business. - 2007, No. 4;

4. Basovskaya E.N. Language difficulties associated with the preparation of documents // Secretarial business. - 2007, No. 1

5. Culture of oral and written speech of a business person: a Handbook. - M.: Flinta, Nauka, 2005. S. 100

6. Rakhmanin L V Stylistics of business speech and editing official documents Proc. allowance for the environment of special education institutions, 3rd ed., corrected. -M Higher. school, 2004, p. 16.

7. GOST R. 1.5-92 State standardization system of the Russian Federation General requirements for the construction of the presentation, design and content of standards P. 4.12. Abbreviations.

8. Culture of Russian speech. Textbook for universities, ed. Graudina L.K., Shiryaeva E.N.

Business. Of course the language...

  • Officially - business written speech

    Abstract >> Foreign language

    Transformation of the state apparatus of Russia. Russian officiallybusiness written speech has centuries-old traditions and deep ... and patterns of formation of a special style language serving the sphere of official business relationships, highlighting...

  • Characteristic for legal, administrative and social activities. For such a phenomenon as the culture of speech, the official business style is very important, because it is used to draw up documents and business papers related to state tasks, court cases and diplomatic communication. It is characterized by isolation, the stability of many speech turns, specific vocabulary and special syntactic turns. Documents written in a formal business manner are compact and filled with clichés and language clichés. These are international treaties, state decrees and acts, legal laws and court rulings, various charters and official correspondence, as well as other types of business papers that differ in accuracy and language standard.

    This is a special culture of speech. The official business style, in addition to clichés and language clichés, includes professional terminology and archaisms in abundance. Polysemantic words are not used at all when using this style. Documents also avoid synonyms, and if they are used, then their style is also strictly observed and the vocabulary, as it were, is shackled into a framework, beyond which it is forbidden.

    But the official business style uses nouns in abundance, naming people on the basis of activity, positions are always called in the masculine gender. Often words with a particle are used not as antonyms for the same words when they are used without a negative particle. Popular in business documents are both complex and infinitives in the designations of actions performed or being performed. A rather large place in this style of speech is given to complex words.

    Formal business style favors homogeneous members. Passive constructions are also often used, that is, impersonal sentences without indicating the person performing the action. The genitive case of nouns forms a chain of syntactic constructions; sentences are often very common and burdened with a clause clause.

    The official business style has two varieties: official documentary and everyday business style. The first group is the language of such legislative acts as the Constitution of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, charters and programs of parties, as well as diplomatic documents of international importance, such as a communiqué, memorandum, convention, etc. The second group includes the language used in the process of conducting official correspondence and compiling private business papers. These include various certificates, business letters, powers of attorney, announcements, statements, receipts, autobiographies, etc. It is known how the listed papers are standardized, which greatly facilitates their compilation. The information they contain is brief and used in a minimal amount.

    It is known that English is a means of international communication. Therefore, official-business style of English is used in the diplomatic sub-style, when business papers are to be translated. Varieties of business speech in this case are determined by the scope of use. Trade agreements and contracts are maintained in the style of commercial correspondence. In the field of law, the language of codes, legal provisions, state and parliamentary decisions is used. Separately, the language of paramilitary business papers stands out.

    Thus, the official business style of the English language is intended to play the role of a tool by which an understanding of the essence of the matter is achieved by the parties, which leads to the signing of various agreements.

    Vocabulary of business communication

    1.2 Features of the official business style

    Officially, business style is a functional variety of the Russian literary language used in the field of public relations. Officially, business speech is characteristic of state, official documentation, the state with an individual and society as a whole; a means of communication between enterprises, institutions, organizations; a means of official communication between people in production and in the service sector.

    Officially, business style refers to the written styles of the literary language. It is implemented in the texts of laws, orders, orders, contracts, acts, certificates, powers of attorney. The oral form of the official business style of speech is represented by a speech: reports at conferences, reports at meetings, judicial speech, office telephone conversation.

    Common stylistic features of formal business speech are:

    Accuracy of presentation;

    Detailed presentation;

    Stereotyping, standard presentation.

    Strict official tonality is also associated with the prescriptive or ascertaining nature of official documents, and the standardity, uniformity of design - with the uniformity and frequent repetition of official business situations (besides, the presence of standard forms of documents facilitates office work, prevents possible errors). Concreteness provides for the indication in official documents of specific actions, persons, dates, the absence of vague, insufficiently clear formulations.

    The official business style itself, like the scientific one, is alien to emotionally expressive coloring. Indeed, in the language tools of the official business style there are no additional, additional assessments of the speaker (writer), which would be layered on language units beyond their lexical, nominative or grammatical meaning. On the contrary, the language units selected here are recognized to be as accurate as possible, unambiguously convey the relevant concepts, facts.

    The texts of the official business style represent a huge variety of genres: charter, law, order, order, contract, instruction, complaint, prescription, various kinds of statements, as well as many business genres (autobiography, questionnaire). The expression of the legal will in business documents determines the properties, the main features of business speech and the socially organizing use of the language. Genres of official business style perform informational, prescriptive, ascertaining functions in various fields of activity.

    The content of the conversation can be forgotten, misremembered, misunderstood, and even intentionally distorted. But if the text has been preserved in writing (and fixed according to all the rules), then anyone who reads it can be sure of the accuracy of the information contained in it. There are a number of circumstances where the storage of written information is not only desirable, but necessary.

    There are three sub-styles of official business style, depending on the scope of business speech, and the stylistic originality of the corresponding texts:

    1 Diplomatic substyle - serves the field of international relations, politics, as it is associated with the implementation of the international policy of the state. Diplomatic activity has always had a pronounced ritual character. Types of documents: agreements, notes, conventions.

    2 Legislative sub-style - serves mainly the field of legal documents, is more stylistic and linguistically homogeneous than documents of other sub-styles. Legal terminology: appeal, plaintiff, immunity. There are many antonyms here, since legislative speech reflects opposing interests, opposes and compares the concepts: rights and obligations, work and rest, voluntarily and forcibly, withhold and accrue. The language of laws had a great influence on the formation of the entire official business style; it was originally the basis of business speech. Types of documents: decrees, civil and criminal acts.

    3 Management substyle - serves the area of ​​​​administrative and departmental organizations, industrial relations. The managerial substyle has its own administrative and managerial terminology (names of institutions, positions, types of official documents). Only in the texts of the managerial sub-style are used forms of the verb in the 1st person, sometimes personal pronouns. This is due to concretization, with an exact indication of the author of the text. In the texts of the managerial sub-style, along with neutral and bookish vocabulary, words and set phrases with the coloring of the official business style are used. Types of documents: charters, contracts, orders, orders, receipts.

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