Formal and informal communication situations. Prepared and spontaneous speech. What rules must be observed when deploying the main part of the speech

Example from written text: “Slightly digressing from domestic issues, I would like to note that, as the modern experience of the Scandinavian region and a number of other countries has shown, the point is not at all in the monarchy, not in the form of a political organization, but in the division of political power between the state and society”("Star". 1997, No. 6). When this fragment is reproduced orally, for example, at a lecture, it will, of course, be changed and may have approximately the following form: “ If we digress from domestic problems, we will see that it is not at all about the monarchy, it is not about the form of political organization. The whole point is how to share power between the state and society. And this is confirmed today by the experience of the Scandinavian countries.».

Oral speech, like written speech, is normalized and regulated, however, the norms of oral speech are completely different: “Many so-called flaws in oral speech - the functioning of unfinished statements, weak structure, the introduction of interruptions, auto-commentators, contactors, reprises, elements of hesitation, etc. . - is a necessary condition for the success and effectiveness of the oral method of communication "( Bubnova G. I. Garbovsky N. K. Written and oral communications: Syntax and prosody M., 1991. P. 8). The listener cannot keep in mind all the grammatical, semantic connections of the text. And the speaker must take this into account, then his speech will be understood and comprehended. Unlike written speech, which is built in accordance with the logical movement of thought, oral speech unfolds through associative attachments.

Written speech is different in that the very form of speech activity reflects the conditions and purpose of communication, for example, a work of art or a description of a scientific experiment, a vacation statement or an informational message in a newspaper. Hence, written speech has a style-forming function which is reflected in the choice of language tools that are used to create a particular text that reflects the typical features of a particular functional style. The written form is the main form of the existence of speech in scientific, journalistic, official business and artistic styles.

So, the differences between oral and written speech come down most often to the means of expression. Oral speech is associated with intonation and melody, non-verbal, it uses a certain amount of “own” language means, it is more tied to the conversational style. The letter uses alphabetic, graphic designations, more often bookish language with all its styles and features, normalization and formal organization.

Oral speech

Oral speech is a sounding speech functioning in the sphere of direct communication, and in a broader sense, it is any sounding speech. Historically, the oral form of speech is primary; it arose much earlier than writing. The material form of oral speech is sound waves, i.e., pronounced sounds that are the result of the complex activity of the human pronunciation organs. Rich intonation possibilities of oral speech are associated with this phenomenon. Intonation is created by the melody of speech, the intensity (loudness) of speech, the duration, increase or slowdown in the rate of speech, and the timbre of pronunciation. In oral speech, the place of logical stress, the degree of clarity of pronunciation, the presence or absence of pauses play an important role. Oral speech has such an intonational variety of speech that it can convey all the richness of human feelings, experiences, moods, etc.

Perception of oral speech during direct communication occurs simultaneously through both auditory and visual channels. Therefore, oral speech is accompanied, enhancing its expressiveness, by such additional means as the nature of the gaze (alert or open, etc.), the spatial arrangement of the speaker and the listener, facial expressions and gestures. So, a gesture can be likened to a pointing word (pointing to some object), can express an emotional state, agreement or disagreement, surprise, etc., serve as a means of contact, for example, a raised hand as a sign of greeting (while gestures have a national and cultural specificity, therefore, it is necessary to use them, especially in oral business and scientific speech, carefully). All these linguistic and extralinguistic means increase the semantic significance and emotional richness of oral speech.

Irreversibility, progressive and linear nature deployment in time is one of the main properties of oral speech. It is impossible to return to some moment of oral speech again, and because of this, the speaker is forced to think and speak at the same time, i.e., he thinks as if “on the go”, therefore, oral speech may be characterized by unevenness, fragmentation, division of a single sentence into several communicatively independent units, for example. "The director called. Delayed. Will be in half an hour. Start without it"(message from the secretary of the director to the participants of the production meeting) On the other hand, the speaker must take into account the reaction of the listener and strive to attract his attention, to arouse interest in the message. Therefore, in oral speech, intonational highlighting of important points, underlining, clarification of some parts, auto-commenting, repetitions appear; “The department / did a lot of work / during the year / yes / I must say / big and important / / Both educational, and scientific, and methodological / / Well / educational / everyone knows / / Is it necessary in detail / educational / / No / / Yes / I also think / don't / / "

Oral speech can be prepared (report, lecture, etc.) and unprepared (conversation, conversation). Prepared speech is distinguished by thoughtfulness, a clearer structural organization, but at the same time, the speaker, as a rule, strives for his speech to be relaxed, not “memorized”, to resemble direct communication.

Unprepared oral speech characterized by spontaneity. An unprepared oral statement (the main unit of oral speech, similar to a sentence in written speech) is formed gradually, in portions, as you realize what is said, what should be said next, what needs to be repeated, clarified. Therefore, there are many pauses in unprepared oral speech, and the use of pause fillers (words like uh, hmm) allows the speaker to think about the future. The speaker controls the logical-compositional, syntactic and partially lexical-phrase-logical levels of the language, i.e. makes sure that his speech is logical and coherent, chooses the appropriate words for an adequate expression of thought. The phonetic and morphological levels of the language, i.e. pronunciation and grammatical forms, are not controlled, they are reproduced automatically. Therefore, oral speech is characterized by less lexical accuracy, even the presence of speech errors, a short sentence length, limiting the complexity of phrases and sentences, the absence of participial and adverbial phrases, dividing a single sentence into several communicatively independent ones. Participial and participial phrases are usually replaced by complex sentences, verbs are used instead of verbal nouns, inversion is possible.

As an example, here is an excerpt from a written text: “Slightly digressing from domestic issues, I would like to note that, as the modern experience of the Scandinavian region and a number of other countries has shown, the point is not at all in the monarchy, not in the form of a political organization, but in the division of political power between the state and society”("Star". 1997, No. 6). When this fragment is reproduced orally, for example, at a lecture, it will, of course, be changed and may take approximately the following form: “If we digress from domestic problems, we will see that the matter is not at all in the monarchy, it is not in the form of political organization. The whole point is how to share power between the state and society. And this is confirmed today by the experience of the Scandinavian countries.”

Oral speech, like written speech, is normalized and regulated, but the norms of oral speech are completely different. "Many so-called flaws in oral speech - the functioning of unfinished statements, weak structure, the introduction of interruptions, auto-commentators, contactors, reprises, elements of hesitation, etc. - is a necessary condition for the success and effectiveness of the oral method of communication" *. The listener cannot keep in mind all the grammatical and semantic connections of the text, and the speaker must take this into account, then his speech will be understood and comprehended. Unlike written speech, which is built in accordance with the logical movement of thought, oral speech unfolds through associative attachments.

* Bubnova G. I. Garbovsky N. K. Written and oral communications: Syntax and prosody M, 1991. P. 8.

The oral form of speech is assigned to all functional styles of the Russian language, however, it has an undoubted advantage in the colloquial everyday style of speech. The following functional varieties of oral speech are distinguished: oral scientific speech, oral journalistic speech, types of oral speech in the field of official business communication, artistic speech and colloquial speech. It should be said that colloquial speech has an impact on all varieties of oral speech. This is expressed in the manifestation of the author's "I", the personal principle in speech in order to enhance the impact on the listeners. Therefore, in oral speech, emotionally and expressively colored vocabulary, figurative comparative constructions, phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, even colloquial elements are used.

As an example, here is an excerpt from an interview with the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Russia: “Of course, there are exceptions... We were approached by the mayor of Izhevsk with a claim to recognize the law adopted by the republican authorities as unconstitutional. And the court indeed recognized some articles as such. Unfortunately, at first this irritated the local authorities, to the point that, they say, as it was, so it will be, no one orders us. Then, as they say, "heavy artillery" was launched: the State Duma got involved. The President of Russia issued a decree ... There was a lot of noise in the local and central press ”(Business people. 1997. No. 78).

This fragment also contains conversational particles. or, say, and colloquial and phraseological expressions at first, no one ordered us, as they say, there was a big noise, expression heavy artillery figuratively, and inversion issued a decree. The number of conversational elements is determined by the characteristics of a particular communicative situation. For example, the speech of a speaker leading a meeting in the State Duma and the speech of a leader leading a production meeting will, of course, be different. In the first case, when the meetings are broadcast on radio and television to a huge audience, one must be especially careful in choosing the spoken language units.

BIG LENINGRAD LIBRARY - SUMMARY - official and unofficial situations of communication. Prepared and spontaneous speech.

formal and informal situations of communication. Prepared and spontaneous speech.

Abstract on the topic:

Formal and informal communication situations.

Prepared and spontaneous speech.

Introduction 3

1. Speech situation. Types of situations 4

2. Prepared and spontaneous speech 6

Conclusion 9

References 10


Speech is one of the types of human communicative activity, expressed either in sound form (oral speech) or in writing (written speech). Speech is a historically established form of communication, a way of forming and formulating thoughts through language in the process of communication. Or, to put it succinctly, we can say this: speech is language in action. Therefore, when considering the relationship between language and speech in the communicative process, the main thing in the concept of "speech" is the active principle.

It follows from this that although speech is the realization of the language, it is subject to its laws, but it is not equal to the language. In speech, language units receive additional properties due to the choice, repetition, placement, combination and transformation of language means. The speaker or writer is forced by the very tasks and possibilities of communication to make a choice from the multitude of words and other units available in the system - quite definite, required by a quite definite "step" in the deployment, construction of speech. Speech always unfolds in time, is realized in space.

It reflects the experience, bears the imprint of the individuality of the speaking or writing person. It is also determined by the context and situation of communication.

Speech is a relatively independent component of linguistic and speech communication, which has its own specifics, certain qualities that require special attention and study.

Abstract tasks:

Consider the features of official and unofficial speech;

The constituent stages of a prepared speech;

Characteristic features of spontaneous speech.

When writing the abstract, educational and methodological literature on the research problem was used. The abstract consists of an introduction, the main part, a conclusion and a list of references.

1. Speech withsituation. Types of situations.

The topic is usually suggested to the author by life itself, its course, the interweaving of events, i.e. situation. The most important role in speech communication is played by the speech situation, that is, the context of communication. A speech situation is the first step in the act of communication and, therefore, the first step in a rhetorical action: preparation for an oral or written presentation.

Situations are natural and artificial, specially staged. An example of a natural situation: A researcher is preparing for a scientific seminar, at which he will have to report to his colleagues on the results of an experiment for a month of work.

Artificial situations are usually associated with learning: for example, students are asked to prepare for a discussion of environmental problems; perhaps given an approximate topic for selection; the schoolchildren were asked to propose acute environmental topics themselves.

There can be countless situations and themes, they make up that flow of the spiritual life of people, societies, peoples, humanity, which is called culture.

The speech situation is the specific circumstances in which speech interaction takes place. Any speech act acquires meaning and can be understood only in the structure of non-speech contact. The speech situation is the starting point of any speech action in the sense that one or another set of circumstances induces a person to speech action. Examples of speech situations: the need to answer questions, make a report on the results of work, write a letter, talk with a friend, etc. A speech situation consists of the following main components:

Participants of communication;

Places and times of communication;

the subject of communication;

The goals of communication;

Feedback between the participants of the communication. The direct participants in the communication are the sender and the addressee. But third parties can also participate in speech communication in the role of observers or listeners. And their presence leaves its mark on the nature of communication.

Of considerable importance in speech communication is the spatio-temporal context - the time and place in which speech communication takes place. The place of communication can largely determine the genre of communication: small talk at a party, at a party, at a banquet, a conversation at a doctor’s appointment in a clinic, a dialogue between a teacher and a student at a university during exams, etc. Depending on the participation of the time factor, they distinguish canonical and non-canonical speech situations.

Situations are considered canonical when the time of pronunciation (the time of the speaker) is synchronous with the time of his perception (the time of the listener), i.e., the moment of speech is determined when the speakers are in the same place and everyone sees the same thing as the other (ideally they have a common field of view); when the addressee is a specific person, etc.

Non-canonical situations are characterized by the following points: the time of the speaker, i.e., the time of pronouncing the statement, may not coincide with the time of the addressee, i.e., the time of perception (writing situation); the statement may not have a specific addressee (situation of public speaking), etc. If, for example, a telephone speaker uses the word here, then it designates only its own space. In a letter, the subject of speech now determines only his own time, and not the time of the addressee, by the word.
For a speech situation, the goal of communication is extremely important (why is something being said in this situation). Even Aristotle in "Rhetoric" paid great attention to the purpose of speeches of various types: "For people who utter praise or blasphemy (epideic speech), the goal is beautiful and shameful." Kokhtev N.N. Rhetoric. - M., 1994. S. 12

The goal of the speaker in such a speech is to show the listeners “what is good and what is bad”, to kindle in their hearts love for the beautiful and hatred for the shameful. “For litigants (those who speak in court), the goal is the just and the unjust”; one accuses, the other defends or defends. The goal of the speaker is to prove that he is right, that his point of view is just.

“For a person who gives advice (a political speaker), the goal is benefit and harm: one gives advice, prompting for the better, the other dissuades, deviating from the worst” Mikhalskaya A.K. Fundamentals of rhetoric. - M., 1996. S. 262 In general, we can say that the goal of communication is the result that the sender and addressee want to receive as a result of their communication.

In speech communication, two types of goals are usually distinguished: direct, immediate, directly expressed by the speaker and indirect, more distant, long-term, often perceived as a target subtext. Both types of goals have many varieties.
The main varieties of direct, immediate goals of communication are:

-receiving the information;

Clarification of positions;
-opinion support;
- discussion of the problem, search for truth;
-development of the theme;
-criticism, etc.
These are the so-called intellectual goals, ultimately associated with the cognitive-informational aspect of communication.

The speech situation dictates the rules of speech communication and determines the forms of its expression. These forms are different in terms of direct or immediate communication. With active feedback (for example, a dialogue) and with passive feedback (for example, a written order), they change depending on the number of participants and the nature of the situation (in everyday communication: a conversation with loved ones or private letters, etc., in business communication: report, lecture, discussion, negotiations, etc.). The speech situation helps to understand the meaning of the text, concretizes the meaning of a number of grammatical categories, for example, the category of time, pronominal words like I, you, now, here, there, here, etc. It also allows you to correctly interpret the text, clarify its target function (threat , request, advice, recommendation, etc.), to identify the causal relationships of this statement with other events, etc.

The choice of etiquette forms, the speech behavior of a person are closely dependent on the situation and should change in accordance with the change in this situation. What are the factors that determine the communicative situation, which must be taken into account by the subjects of communication in order to comply with etiquette rules? These factors include:

1. Type of situation: official situation, informal situation, semi-official situation

In an official situation (boss - subordinate, employee - client, teacher - student, etc.), the most stringent rules of speech etiquette apply. This area of ​​communication is most clearly regulated by etiquette. Therefore, violations of speech etiquette are most noticeable in it, and it is in this area that violations can have the most serious consequences for the subjects of communication.

In an informal situation (acquaintances, friends, relatives, etc.), the norms of speech etiquette are the most free. Often speech communication in this situation is not regulated at all. Close people, friends, relatives, lovers in the absence of outsiders can say everything to each other and in any tone. Their speech communication is determined by the norms of morality, which are included in the sphere of ethics, but not by etiquette norms. But if an outsider is present in an informal situation, then the current rules of speech etiquette immediately apply to the whole situation.

In a semi-official situation (communication of colleagues, communication in the family), the norms of etiquette are not strict, vague, and here the main role is played by the rules of speech behavior that this particular small social group has developed in the process of social interaction: a team of laboratory staff, departments, families and etc.

2. Prepared and spontaneous speech

Experienced speakers sometimes give brilliant speeches without preparation, but these are usually short speeches (greetings, toasts, etc.). A lecture, a report, a political review, a parliamentary speech, that is, speeches of large, serious genres, require careful preparation.

First, it is necessary to define and precisely formulate the topic, it must be relevant and interesting for this audience. When choosing a topic, one should also consider the title of the lecture (report, message), it should not only reflect the content of the speech, but also attract the attention of future listeners, affect their interests. Titles must be specific. For example, out of two titles - “Fighting Corruption” and “Who Takes Bribes and How to Fight It? "- Preferably the second. Headlines can be inviting (“Let's unite against the mafia!”), Advertising (“How to lose weight without diet and pills?”), But many topics receive individual titles that accurately orient potential listeners (“Entrance exams to the Moscow State University of Printing Arts”, “Preparation new reform of Russian spelling and punctuation). The speaker must clearly define for himself the purpose of the upcoming speech: he not only informs the audience by talking about certain events, facts, but also tries to form certain ideas and beliefs in them, which should determine their future behavior. Ivanova S.F. The specifics of public speech. - M., 1998. S. 87

Any speech should pursue educational goals, and the speaker is obliged, unnoticed by the audience, to introduce them to his moral ideals.

It is important to know the composition of the audience beforehand. When preparing for a speech, the lecturer should find out who will come to listen to him (adults or children, young or old, educated or not, the direction of their education is humanitarian or technical; predominantly female or male composition of the audience, its national and religious characteristics). This is very important for determining not only the content side of the speech, but also its style, the degree of popularity of the presentation, the choice of lexical and phraseological means and oratory methods of influencing listeners.

The main component of preparing for a performance is the search and selection of material. Even if the speaker knows the topic of the upcoming speech well, he still prepares for it: he looks through special literature and periodicals in order to connect the topic with the present, to find out fresh facts related to the content of the speech. Depending on the theoretical preparedness of the speaker, he chooses the forms of studying the material (selective or in-depth reading, a cursory review of articles, reviews). In this case, you can refer to various reference books for statistical data, to textbooks, encyclopedic dictionaries, tables, maps. When studying specific material, it is necessary to make extracts and compose a summary of what has been read, prepare slides and photographs for display in the audience. Having studied the material well, they usually write either the full text of the speech, or its summary, or abstracts or plan, which is better to be detailed, extremely complete. Some experienced speakers refuse to take the written text of the speech with them, but hold a "cheat sheet" in their hands, in which you can find the necessary reference material (numbers, quotes, examples, arguments). The audience will forgive you if you peek into such a cheat sheet, but will immediately dislike the speaker, who will read his speech from beginning to end “on a piece of paper”.

On a sheet for such a “cheat sheet”, you can select large fields and write down key words on them that will help you remember one or another thesis of the speech; here you can “suggest” yourself aphorisms, paradoxes, proverbs, anecdotes that may be useful to maintain the interest of the audience if the attention of the listeners weakens.

In the process of preparing for a performance, it is recommended to rehearse it, look at yourself in the mirror, paying attention to your usual involuntary movements that accompany speech (mannerisms: discarding hair from the forehead, scratching the back of the head, swaying, moving the shoulders, gesticulating, etc.). Mastering the "language of movement" is an effective way to keep the audience's attention. Complete immobility (numbness) of the speaker during speech is unacceptable, but excessive gestures, grimaces adversely affect the performance, distracting the audience.

Posture, gestures, facial expressions of the speaker should enhance the emotionality of his speech and have their own meaning. There is a whole science of the symbolic meaning of gestures, and we have practically mastered the meaning of one or another hand movement (greeting, call for attention, agreement, denial, rejection, threat, farewell, etc.), head turns, etc. Gestures and facial expressions of the speaker should be natural and varied, and most importantly, they should be motivated by the content of the speech. At the final stage of preparing for a speech, you need to analyze it again and again, take into account the strengths and weaknesses of the speech, and already in the audience rely on the positive.

Public speaking skills come with experience. And yet you need to know the main "secrets" of oratory and learn how to apply them in the audience.

A communicative task arises in cases where the speaker actively focuses his statement on a specific listener and sets himself some communicative goal: to inform, inform, explain, convince, reassure, find out, etc. Ladanov I.D. Speech is the main means of communication. The ability to convince. - M., 2004. P. 25 In this case, the solution of only a rational-expressive problem is not sufficient: a statement that satisfies the speaker himself and is basically adequate, from his point of view, conveying a thought, must undergo additional procedures. So, in order to make it easier for a specific listener to understand it, as well as to enhance its persuasiveness (taking into account, again, the characteristics of the addressee), it is sometimes necessary, for example, to more fully reveal the main components of a thought, to identify in more detail the connections between them in verbal form, to modify the style of the statement etc. The speaker cannot make sure that the communicative task is solved adequately without feedback, that is, without relying on the reaction of the addressee of the message. And, of course, it is of great importance here that the speaker takes into account the age, professional, characterological, individual, personal and other characteristics of the communication partner.

Features of planning, control, correction of the statement by the subject of speech depend on many conditions, for example, on the size of the time gap between the preparation and external speech implementation of the statement (prepared and unprepared, spontaneous speech).
If the speaker has time to prepare an utterance, he has the opportunity to develop his idea in detail, highlighting specific content elements, their connection and outlining the sequence of their presentation. You can choose the best version of the expression and even “test” your statement in your mind beforehand. Thus, if there is time to prepare an utterance, the speaker can plan not only its content (“what and “what to talk about”), but also choose a variant of its external speech implementation (“how to talk”). This situation is typical for written speech. In oral speech, characteristic of such cases of communication, there is no temporal pressure.
In unprepared (spontaneous) speech, we speak without prior consideration, for the first time and new content for ourselves, continuing to develop it in the very process of speech. Nozhin E.A. Skill in oral presentation. - M., 1991. S. 128

In this case, all three tasks considered above coincide in time. In the usual situation of everyday communication, the subject, as a rule, begins to speak, anticipating its content only in general terms. Most often, he represents only the main meaning of what he is going to present. How exactly this needs to be done (where to start, what elements of content to designate in a word and in what sequence) is usually determined already in the process of speech itself.

Under normal conditions of situational speech, the speaker uses paralinguistic means of communication (intonation, gesture, facial expressions) as significant elements of the message being constructed. When a speaker develops new content, he has almost no ready-made "blocks" that are an important support in stereotypical speech.

Therefore, here the rational-expressive task, combined with the mental one, acquires special importance and diverts the main efforts of the speaker. In such situations, the structure of the utterance is often distorted, and the communicative characteristics of speech deteriorate. Occasionally, in those particularly acute situations of communication, when the impact on the interlocutor or the success of joint activities depends on the speech characteristics of communication (for example, on the clarity of arguments), the solution of rational-expressive and communicative tasks is in the focus of the speaker's consciousness.


A speech act as an expression of a certain communicative intention of the speaker is built from communicative components that have different communicative functions. Communicative meanings can form sentences as speech acts of a certain type, serve as the basis for the start of a speech act, and modify the components of speech acts within one type.

In the classical understanding of the difference between oral and written speech, it is believed that the mechanisms of generation and perception of oral and written speech are not the same. When generating written speech, there is time to think about the formal plan of the statement, so the degree of its structure is high. When reading, you can always stop and think more deeply about what you read. This allows both the writer and the reader to transfer the necessary information from random access memory to long-term memory. Sounding oral speech is a kind of flow that can only be interrupted by the speaker during its production, and the listener must follow the speaker in time. This speech is spontaneous, one-time, it can no longer be repeated in the form in which it has already been delivered. Oral speech is always individual.

In the genres of written and oral speech, various alternations or mixtures, interpenetration of elements of book and spoken language occur. The addressing of "written-oral" statements is very diverse. Statements can relate to situations directly and indirectly, they can be thoughtful and spontaneous, prepared and unprepared, official and unofficial.

The conditions for successful communication are a complex, multidimensional category, which is a synthesis of linguistic, cultural, psychological and social knowledge. Successful communication involves mastering not only language, linguistic skills, but also skills related to knowledge of the laws of speech communication in the unity and interconnection of all its components: structural and content organization of communication activities; sociocultural norms and stereotypes of speech communication; material and spiritual culture of the language being studied, etc. This knowledge and skills of a general plan should be supplemented with skills and abilities of a particular nature: the speaker’s knowledge of speech strategies and tactics characteristic of certain genres of communication, possession of dialogue techniques, the ability to "read" the non-verbal behavior of the interlocutor, etc.


1. Kokhtev N.N. Rhetoric. - M.: Enlightenment, 1994

2. Mikhalskaya A.K. Fundamentals of rhetoric: Thought and word. - M.: Enlightenment, 1996.

3. Ivanova S.F. The specifics of public speech. - M.: Knowledge, 1998.

4. Nozhin E.A. Skill in oral presentation. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991

5. Soper P.S. Fundamentals of the art of speech. - M.: Progress, 2000.

6. Ivin A.A. The art of thinking right. - M.: Bustard, 2002.

7. Formanovskaya N.I. Speech etiquette and culture of communication. - M.: Publishing house NORMA, 1999.

8. Badmaev B. Ts. Speech, conversation - always communication. M.: Enlightenment, 1993.

9. Ladanov ID Speech as the main means of communication. The ability to convince // Practical management. M., 2004.

10. Lvova S. I. Language in speech communication. M.: Bustard, 2001.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 16, Krasnoarmeysk, Saratov Region"

Consultation for educators

"Cognitive and speech development of preschoolers"

Prepared by: deputy head. according to VMR Gerasimova I.V.

Speech is a clear indicator of a child's development. Scientists have proven that the speech of a child who is not prepared for school usually retains the features of speech characteristic of children of an earlier age and contains many errors:

Depleted dictionary;

Often incorrect construction of sentences;

Inability to coherently and consistently state events;

pronunciation defects;

Slow pace of speech.

The better the child's speech is developed in the preschool years, the higher the guarantee of his successful schooling. We do not always achieve a high level of development of children's speech using traditional methods and forms of work organization. This is especially true at the present time, since speech is leaving the life of a child. Children spend a lot of time in front of the TV, computer, some children are sometimes loaded with various "prestigious" studios, "literacy schools". Adults dismiss children's questions, rarely listen without interrupting. Use in communication with the child is not always the correct speech. Books, if read, are not discussed. After all, a child needs communication. Poor speech leads to aggression, as the child cannot always put into words what he wants to say. Hence the problem of the dictionary, the problem of pronunciation, the problem of the expressiveness of speech. And it is impossible not to take into account the cultural crisis of society and, as a result, the low level of culture of the individual, family, educational space as a whole. Illiterate expressions, careless speech, reduction of the dictionary, loss of the concept itself - the culture of speech.

Educators always strive to develop a conscious and active flow of children. It is speech activity, its volume and nature that become the main indicators of the success of educational, cognitive, gaming, communicative, labor and other activities. All the achievements of the child in getting acquainted with the world of nature and society, in mathematics, art, etc. will not be noticeable if they are not expressed in his active speech.

Currently, there is a critical situation in the development of children's speech activity, which is due to a number of negative factors affecting speech function:

    Deterioration of children's health;

    A significant narrowing of the volume of "live" communication between parents and children;

    Global decline in the level of speech culture in society;

    Insufficient attention of teachers to the speech development of the child;

    The imbalance of family education in matters of speech development, which is manifested either in its unreasonable intensification (the desire for early learning of written speech to the detriment of oral speech), or in an indifferent attitude towards it.

Mastering the native language is one of the important acquisitions of a child at preschool age.

Speech is connected with the knowledge of the surrounding world, the development of consciousness and personality. Speech is formed in the process of a child's existence in a social environment. The contradictions that arise in communication lead to speech ability, to the mastery of ever new means of communication, forms of speech.

The content and level of development of children's speech are determined by the nature of their communication both with adults and with peers.

The internal mechanisms of speech are formed only under the influence of the systematically organized speech of adults. When a message is sent to the brain, two types of information are entered:

1) about objects and phenomena;

2) about the rules of the language in which this message is transmitted.

The speech environment is considered quite widely. This is not only the speech of surrounding adults and children, but also television, radio, cinema, theater. The speech environment in the preschool years is, first of all, the speech of adults and children in the family and kindergarten. It also includes targeted teaching of native speech, which is carried out in various forms in preschool institutions. The speech of the teacher serves as a means of teaching the development of children.

In the traditional preschool methodology for the development of speech, the main form is training in special classes. But practice and numerous modern studies have proventhat in the classroom the speech of children develops poorly, speech frontal classes are ineffective.

What is effective and why?

To successfully raise a child in kindergarten, you need:

    emotional comfort (positive emotions);

    democratic (partnership, trust) style of communication (the educator is a partner, but a partner-initiator and consultant);

    sufficient freedom for activity (freedom, but not anarchy);

    a large number of materials for "research", many manuals, games, i.e. developing and learning environment.

Mastery of speech occurs in the process of communication and in the course of the child's cognition of reality. An adult organizes both the material and linguistic environment, entices them into joint activities and acts as a model, a living bearer of those abilities that the baby will have to master. The teacher is an example of speech culture. It is great if he is the owner of the talent of communication - the main talent in life (this is the conclusion made by modern researchers, studying the biographies of "successful" people). At the same time, for the teacher, the development of children's speech is one of the most important goals of the work, but the children themselves do not have such a goal. For them, speech is not a goal, but a means of realizing their needs in communication, in play, in cognition.

Therefore, the main form of education will be not so much special classes as the natural life of the children's group. But this life is also organized and proceeds in various forms. Let's list the main ones.

1. Communication: unprepared and prepared. "Live" communication with the rules, the so-called etiquette. Telephone communication. Communication through letters. Expanding the circle of acquaintances of children.

2. Games. Speech actions as part of speech behavior. Role-playing games. Speech behavior of the child in role-playing and theatrical games. Theatrical games as a means of developing coherent speech.

3. Educational game situations, arising at the initiative of an adult or a child, where the child can show speech activity.

4. Singing. Rhyming poem.

5. Organization of mini-tourism. Tours. Museum tourism.

6. Development of speech through the use of the media (radio, TV, children's periodicals).

7. Labor: labor and speech actions.

8. Leisure. Holidays and entertainment as an effective form of teaching speech.

How to start speech education of a child?

Certainly,from studying the problems of the baby, the features of his family upbringing, the development of his personality, communicative speech skills.

The main method of examination known to be an observation. You need to communicate with the child, observe how he communicates with others:

    whether he knows how to build relationships, contacts with peers, with older and younger children, with adults;

    find out why it is good for him or, on the contrary, it turns out badly, what is the reason;

    determine the level of his speech development;

    to think, consult with colleagues and determine how we can help the child overcome his difficulties.

Difficulties can be in sound and word pronunciation, in poor diction, in the poverty of a dictionary, in the inability to express feelings, moods in words, in the inability of the child to answer a simple question, to tell what happened to him.

It is necessary to observe children, try to determine what variants of deviations in speech development appear in children.

Be sure to compare how the child's speech differs if he addresses us, adults, and peers.

Listen carefully, find out if children of four years and older tend to talk to each other when they draw, design, sculpt something. What are they talking about? Do they hear each other? Are children's games accompanied by detailed speech statements if the children are already six or seven years old?

It is clear that with the same problem, several children will have different help: since all children are different, their habits, interests, and needs are special. The teacher always has a whole arsenal of methods, techniques, forms of work in reserve, a whole pedagogical piggy bank of games and entertainment.

If we have identified the child's problems, found out their causes, origins, nowlet's outline an individual program of his speech development, his "zone of proximal development" and prospects.

But there is no need to rush - we must believe and stimulate, act as if the child already has the quality that we are waiting for.It is necessary to create situations for him to succeed. In no case should the baby “go in cycles” on his speech imperfections, failures.

Preschool teachers often ask the question: why shouldn't children be forbidden to talk while sculpting, drawing, doing any work?

Because it is very difficult for preschoolers to do the work in silence. Psychologists saythat verbal accompaniment of one's own actions is important for the mental development of the child. The speech of the baby, as it were, becomes a cast from his activity, takes on its most significant moments. On the basis of such accompaniment speech, it will then be possible to “compose a story” about past events in which the child did not participate, and inner speech (talk to oneself) will also be formed, which is an important part of mental operations. So, do not stop the speech of the kids that accompanies their actions.

We must listen: now the children not only comment on their work, but also began to assume, describe the result, and plan future actions. Only when they get older, they will learn to do it not out loud, for another, but internally, for themselves.

It is impossible to develop a child's speech without including it in any activity!

Based on this provision, we conclude that in speech work the main goal will be not only teaching new words, concepts and not requiring the child to retell what he has read, but using speech as a means of any important and interesting activity for him.

The child develops in activity, his speech also develops only in activity. A child is the most hardworking and active creature in the world -so say all the researchers of preschool childhood.

The most important activity for a preschooler is play, and the main need is communication. Labor, like play, is inseparable from pleasure, but only if labor is properly organized. The need for work for a child (up to 3-4 years old) is associated with interest not in the result, but in the process itself and in the possibility of communication.

Forms of organization of work on the development of speech:

    1. Individual. The teacher communicates with the child, finds out the speech possibilities and ways of individual development of his speech. In this case, diagnostic and corrective communication takes place.

    2. Work in pairs. Children can choose a couple themselves (spontaneous choice) or on the advice of a teacher. One can be in the role of a consultant, teacher, then the children change roles.

    3. Work in spontaneously emerging groups. Such groups realize spontaneously arisen plan.

    4. Group work. Children are constantly united in small groups of 3-4 people and work together.

    5. Work is frontal. Can be hosted by the teacher and announced as an invitation or "task for all". More often, the educator "infects" the children by first offering activities to only one small group. There is a "mutual charging" of interesting activities.

Basic principles of organization of speech development:

    1. Conditioning for free self-expression of children, for self-confidence. Creating a family environment.

    2. Event basis (pre-planned events and unexpected ones; they are discussed, drawn, poems and stories are created about them).

    3. Enrich connections and communication child with relatives, friends, adults.

    4. Flexible program "projects", events-themes. "Spontaneous" (A.V. Zaporozhets) development of speech in communication and activity.

    5. Relying on linguistic intuition child, his ability to imitate, to speech and word creation.

Four areas of cognitive activity:

    acquaintance with objects, phenomena and events that go beyond their direct perception and experience;

    the establishment of links and dependencies between objects, phenomena and events, which leads to the appearance in the mind of the child of an integral system of ideas;

    formation of electoral interests; as a result - the formation of a positive attitude towards the world.

The main tasks of the cognitive development of children

1. Enrich the cognitive sphere with information that lies outside the directly perceived reality. Pass information through the word.

2. Enrich emotional and sensory experience in the process of direct interaction with objects, phenomena, with other people.

3. Help organize information about the world, form an idea of ​​its integrity.

4. To form a careful and creative attitude towards the world, to consolidate your positive experience.

5. Create conditions conducive to the identification and maintenance of electoral interests, the manifestation of independent cognitive activity.

6. Create conditions for the development of cognitive processes in different types of activities and on different contents.

Between 07.12. to 14.12.2015 in order to determine the effectiveness of educational and educational work in preschool educational institutions on cognitive and speech development and to identify the level of formation of children's cognitive and speech knowledge, skills, skills manifested in everyday and educational activities, a thematic test was carried out.

In groups, conditions are created for cognitive and speech development:

there are speech corners, a "green corner" with various types of plants. In the speech corners, visual material and didactic games are presented in different sections of the program, but in the natural corners there are not enough didactic games to consolidate children's knowledge about nature and patterns in nature. It is necessary to replenish the corner of cognitive development in all age groups.

An interesting form of the cognitive-speech sphere of activity should becognitive game library . The toy library covers a variety of content and provides for different types of children's activities. The main principle of the cognitive toy library is that everything that is presented in it is at the complete disposal of children, everything can be touched, picked up and examined. The material of the cognitive toy library should be represented by didactic and board-printed games of various kinds, illustrative material, various collections (fabrics, coins, etc.) and demonstration exhibits, equipment for elementary experimentation and observations, a mini-library. Parents can and should be involved in the organization of the game library, as one of the forms of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family. A child with his parents can make something and bring it to kindergarten, and he must tell everyone what they have done, how to play with him, first of all, of course, in older groups. The headings of the cognitive toy library can be: “Flower Kingdom”, “Experimenting Together”, “Journey through the Solar System”.

"Journey through the Solar System" in the senior and preparatory groups can be timed to the day of cosmonautics.

ATmini library there are gardening books, and those books and magazines, especially periodicals, that the children bring from home. Children examine them, tell, comment on the illustrations. A few days later, the books are taken home, others bring them. Naturally, the children always brought books. But children need to be told what a library is, and that our group has its own library, where children can take any available book and “read”. This is a good method of cognitive and speech development of children.

There is a very great potential in the formation of cognitive and speech development inchildren's experimentation . Because in the process of conducting experiments and experiments, children learn to see a problem, set a goal, solve a problem, analyze, that is, formulate an object or phenomenon in speech, compare various facts, put forward hypotheses, and draw conclusions. Not only the result is important, but also the process of the child's work. The educator can be a "scientific consultant". The simplest and most accessible experiment in the near future may be planting onions, getting to know the conditions necessary for plant life (heat, light), as well as experiments with water, snow, ice.

In the experimentation corner, materials should be divided into sections: "Sand and Water", "Paper", etc.

Develop recommendations for parents on the cognitive and speech development of children, which can be issued in the form of booklets "Raise children to be inquisitive", "How to answer children's questions", manuals, folders, folders, brochures.

There will be a review and analysis of an open lesson on the cognitive and speech development of children in a preparatory school group.

In the methodical office of the preschool educational institution there is methodical and children's fiction, visual material, toys for conducting speech development classes.

§ 2. Oral and written forms of speech

General characteristics of speech forms

Speech communication occurs in two forms - oral and written. They are in a complex unity and in social and speech practice they occupy an important and approximately the same place in their significance. And in the sphere of production, and in the spheres of management, education, jurisprudence, art, in the media, both oral and written forms of speech take place. In conditions of real communication, their constant interaction and interpenetration is observed. Any written text can be voiced, i.e. read aloud, and oral text can be recorded using technical means. There are such genres of writing as. for example, dramaturgy, oratorical works, which are intended specifically for subsequent dubbing. And vice versa, literary works widely use techniques of “oral” stylization: dialogic speech, in which the author seeks to preserve the features inherent in spontaneous oral speech, monologue reasoning of characters in the first person, etc. The practice of radio and television led to the creation of a peculiar form oral speech, in which oral and voiced written speech constantly coexist and interact (for example, television interviews).

The basis of both written and oral speech is literary speech, which acts as the leading form of existence of the Russian language. Literary speech is a speech designed for a conscious approach to the system of means of communication, in which orientation is carried out on certain standardized patterns. It is such a means of communication, the norms of which are fixed as forms of exemplary speech, i.e. they are fixed in grammars, dictionaries, textbooks. The dissemination of these norms is promoted by the school, cultural institutions, mass media. Literary speech is characterized by universality in the field of functioning. On its basis, scientific essays, journalistic works, business writing, etc. are created.

However, oral and written forms of speech are independent, have their own characteristics and features.

Oral speech

Oral speech is a sounding speech functioning in the sphere of direct communication, and in a broader sense, it is any sounding speech. Historically, the oral form of speech is primary; it arose much earlier than writing. The material form of oral speech is sound waves, i.e. pronounced sounds, which are the result of the complex activity of the human pronunciation organs. Rich intonation possibilities of oral speech are associated with this phenomenon. Intonation is created by the melody of speech, the intensity (loudness) of speech, the duration, increase or slowdown in the rate of speech, and the timbre of pronunciation. In oral speech, the place of logical stress, the degree of clarity of pronunciation, the presence or absence of pauses play an important role. Oral speech has such an intonational variety of speech that it can convey all the richness of human feelings, experiences, moods, etc.

Perception of oral speech during direct communication occurs simultaneously through both auditory and visual channels. Therefore, oral speech is accompanied, enhancing its expressiveness, by such additional means as the nature of the gaze (alert or open, etc.), the spatial arrangement of the speaker and the listener, facial expressions and gestures. So, a gesture can be likened to a pointing word (pointing to some object), can express an emotional state, agreement or disagreement, surprise, etc., serve as a means of contact, for example, a raised hand as a sign of greeting (while gestures have a national and cultural specificity, therefore, it is necessary to use them, especially in oral business and scientific speech, carefully). All these linguistic and extralinguistic means increase the semantic significance and emotional richness of oral speech.

Irreversibility, progressive and linear nature unfolding in time is one of the main properties of oral speech. It is impossible to return to some moment of oral speech again, and because of this, the speaker is forced to think and speak at the same time, i.e., he thinks as if “on the go”, therefore, oral speech may be characterized by unevenness, fragmentation, division of a single sentence into several communicatively independent units, for example. "The director called. Delayed. Will be in half an hour. Start without it"(message from the secretary of the director to the participants of the production meeting) On the other hand, the speaker must take into account the reaction of the listener and strive to attract his attention, to arouse interest in the message. Therefore, in oral speech, intonational highlighting of important points, underlining, clarification of some parts, auto-commenting, repetitions appear; “The department / did a lot of work / during the year / yes / I must say / big and important / / Both educational, and scientific, and methodological / / Well / educational / everyone knows / / Is it necessary in detail / educational / / No / / Yes / I also think / don't / / "

Oral speech can be prepared (report, lecture, etc.) and unprepared (conversation, conversation). Prepared speech is distinguished by thoughtfulness, a clearer structural organization, but at the same time, the speaker, as a rule, strives for his speech to be relaxed, not “memorized”, to resemble direct communication.

Unprepared oral speech characterized by spontaneity. An unprepared oral statement (the main unit of oral speech, similar to a sentence in written speech) is formed gradually, in portions, as you realize what is said, what should be said next, what needs to be repeated, clarified. Therefore, there are many pauses in unprepared oral speech, and the use of pause fillers (words like uh, hmm) allows the speaker to think about the future. The speaker controls the logical-compositional, syntactic and partially lexical-phrase-logical levels of the language, i.e. makes sure that his speech is logical and coherent, chooses the appropriate words for an adequate expression of thought. The phonetic and morphological levels of the language, i.e. pronunciation and grammatical forms, are not controlled, they are reproduced automatically. Therefore, oral speech is characterized by less lexical accuracy, even the presence of speech errors, a short sentence length, limiting the complexity of phrases and sentences, the absence of participial and adverbial phrases, dividing a single sentence into several communicatively independent ones. Participial and participial phrases are usually replaced by complex sentences, verbs are used instead of verbal nouns, inversion is possible.

As an example, here is an excerpt from a written text: “Slightly digressing from domestic issues, I would like to note that, as the modern experience of the Scandinavian region and a number of other countries has shown, the point is not at all in the monarchy, not in the form of a political organization, but in the division of political power between the state and society”("Star". 1997, No. 6). When this fragment is reproduced orally, for example, at a lecture, it will, of course, be changed and may take approximately the following form: “If we digress from domestic problems, we will see that the matter is not at all in the monarchy, it is not in the form of political organization. The whole point is how to share power between the state and society. And this is confirmed today by the experience of the Scandinavian countries.”

Oral speech, like written speech, is normalized and regulated, but the norms of oral speech are completely different. "Many so-called flaws in oral speech - the functioning of unfinished statements, weak structure, the introduction of interruptions, auto-commentators, contactors, reprises, elements of hesitation, etc. - is a necessary condition for the success and effectiveness of the oral method of communication" *. The listener cannot keep in mind all the grammatical and semantic connections of the text, and the speaker must take this into account, then his speech will be understood and comprehended. Unlike written speech, which is built in accordance with the logical movement of thought, oral speech unfolds through associative attachments.

* Bubnova G. I. Garbovsky N. K. Written and oral communications: Syntax and prosody M, 1991. P. 8.

The oral form of speech is assigned to all functional styles of the Russian language, however, it has an undoubted advantage in the colloquial everyday style of speech. The following functional varieties of oral speech are distinguished: oral scientific speech, oral journalistic speech, types of oral speech in the field of official business communication, artistic speech and colloquial speech. It should be said that colloquial speech has an impact on all varieties of oral speech. This is expressed in the manifestation of the author's "I", the personal principle in speech in order to enhance the impact on the listeners. Therefore, in oral speech, emotionally and expressively colored vocabulary, figurative comparative constructions, phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, even colloquial elements are used.

As an example, here is an excerpt from an interview with the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Russia: “Of course, there are exceptions... We were approached by the mayor of Izhevsk with a claim to recognize the law adopted by the republican authorities as unconstitutional. And the court indeed recognized some articles as such. Unfortunately, at first this irritated the local authorities, to the point that, they say, as it was, so it will be, no one orders us. Then, as they say, "heavy artillery" was launched: the State Duma got involved. The President of Russia issued a decree ... There was a lot of noise in the local and central press ”(Business people. 1997. No. 78).

This fragment also contains conversational particles. or, say, and colloquial and phraseological expressions at first, no one ordered us, as they say, there was a big noise, expression heavy artillery figuratively, and inversion issued a decree. The number of conversational elements is determined by the characteristics of a particular communicative situation. For example, the speech of a speaker leading a meeting in the State Duma and the speech of a leader leading a production meeting will, of course, be different. In the first case, when the meetings are broadcast on radio and television to a huge audience, one must be especially careful in choosing the spoken language units.

Written speech

Writing is an auxiliary sign system created by people, which is used to fix sound language (and, accordingly, sound speech). On the other hand, writing is an independent communication system, which, performing the function of fixing oral speech, acquires a number of independent functions. Written speech makes it possible to assimilate the knowledge accumulated by a person, expands the scope of human communication, breaks the boundaries of direct

environment. Reading books, historical documents of different times of peoples, we can touch the history and culture of all mankind. It was thanks to writing that we learned about the great civilizations of Ancient Egypt, the Sumerians, Incas, Mayans, etc.

Historians of writing argue that writing has gone a long way of historical development from the first notches on trees, rock paintings to the sound-letter type that most people use today, that is, written speech is secondary to oral speech. The letters used in writing are the signs by which the sounds of speech are indicated. The sound shells of words and parts of words are represented by combinations of letters, and knowledge of the letters allows them to be reproduced in sound form, that is, to read any text. Punctuation marks used in writing serve to segment speech: dots, commas, dashes correspond to the intonational pause in oral speech. This means that letters are the material form of written speech.

The main function of written speech is the fixation of oral speech, which has the goal of preserving it in space and time. Writing serves as a means of communication between people in cases where when direct communication is impossible when they are separated by space, that is, they are located in different geographical points, and time. Since ancient times, people, not being able to communicate directly, exchanged letters, many of which have survived to this day, having overcome the barrier of time. The development of such technical means of communication as the telephone has to some extent reduced the role of writing. But the advent of the fax, and now the spread of the Internet system, which helps to overcome space, has again activated the written form of speech. The main property of written speech is the ability to store information for a long time.

Written speech unfolds not in a temporary, but in a static space, which gives the writer the opportunity to think through speech, return to what has already been written, and rebuild sentences. and parts of the text, replace words, clarify, carry out a long search for a form of expression of thought, refer to dictionaries and reference books. In this regard, the written form of speech has its own characteristics. Written speech uses a bookish language, the use of which is quite strictly standardized and regulated. The word order in a sentence is fixed, inversion (change in word order) is not typical for written speech, and in some cases, for example, in texts of an official business style of speech, it is unacceptable. The sentence, which is the main unit of written speech, expresses complex logical and semantic connections through syntax, therefore, as a rule, written speech is characterized by complex syntactic constructions, participial and adverbial phrases, common definitions, plug-in constructions, etc. When combining sentences into paragraphs, each of these are strictly related to the preceding and subsequent context.

Let us analyze from this point of view an excerpt from the reference manual by V. A. Krasilnikov "Industrial architecture and ecology":

“The negative impact on the natural environment is expressed in the ever-increasing expansion of territorial resources, including sanitary gaps, in emissions of gaseous, solid and liquid wastes, in the release of heat, noise, vibration, radiation, electromagnetic energy, in changes in landscapes and microclimate, often in their aesthetic degradation ".

This one simple sentence contains a large number of homogeneous terms: in ever-increasing expansion, in emissions, in excretion, in change; heat, noise, vibration etc., adverbial turnover including..., participle increasing those. characterized by the features mentioned above.

Written speech is focused on perception by the organs of vision, therefore it has a clear structural and formal organization: it has a pagination system, division into sections, paragraphs, a system of links, font selection, etc.

“The most common form of non-tariff restriction of foreign trade is a quota, or contingent. Quota is a restriction in quantitative or value terms of the volume of products allowed to be imported into the country (import quota) or exported from the country (export quota) for a certain period.

This passage uses bolding, explanations, given in brackets. Often each subtopic of the text has its own subheading. For example, the above quotation opens part Quoting, one of the sub-themes of the text "Foreign trade policy: non-tariff methods of regulation of international trade" (ME and MO. 1997. No. 12). You can return to a complex text more than once, think about it, comprehend what was written, being able to look through one or another passage of the text with your eyes.

Written speech is different in that the very form of speech activity reflects the conditions and purpose of communication, for example, a work of art or a description of a scientific experiment, a vacation statement or an informational message in a newspaper. Consequently, written speech has a style-forming function, which is reflected in the choice of language tools that are used to create a particular text that reflects the typical features of a particular functional style. The written form is the main form of the existence of speech in the scientific, journalistic; official business and artistic styles.

Thus, speaking about the fact that verbal communication occurs in two forms - oral and written, one must bear in mind the similarities and differences between them. The similarity lies in the fact that these forms of speech have a common basis - the literary language and in practice they occupy approximately an equal place. The differences come down most often to the means of expression. Oral speech is associated with intonation and melody, non-verbal, it uses a certain amount of “own” language means, it is more tied to the conversational style. The letter uses alphabetic, graphic designations, more often bookish language with all its styles and features, normalization and formal organization.

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