Registration and procedure for registering the charter for an LLC. How to write an LLC charter: what nuances and features should be taken into account

Included in the list of charter documents of the LLC, it states:

  • the main provisions regulating its work;
  • features of the relationship between participants and management, their rights and obligations;
  • situations of exit of participants and transfer of their shares;
  • income distribution procedure;
  • areas of activity of the company, etc.

Opening a company - its registration - means submitting a package of documents to the registration authority, one of which is necessarily the charter of the LLC, prepared in 2 copies (one of them will be stored in the Federal Tax Service, the other - at the legal address of the company).

Features of document preparation

Much has been written about how to form an LLC yourself. It is important to understand that this is a legally complex procedure that requires care and patience. Thus, the text of the charter can be drawn up both by professional lawyers (at a price of 5,000 rubles) and by the founders themselves, based on the sample and.

If it is assumed that the company will have one founder, who will also act as its director, then a good way to save on registering a company is to write the charter yourself. If the management of the company will be entrusted to a hired manager, you need to fill out the “Management Bodies” section especially carefully in order to prevent abuse, as well as the seizure of the LLC’s share, therefore it is advisable to seek help from lawyers.

If there are several founders, it is important to clearly define the procedure for distributing income in order to avoid conflicts in the future.

The charter of an LLC must necessarily contain:

  1. name written in Russian letters. It is possible to use numbers. It is acceptable to indicate several versions of the name - full and abbreviated;
  2. legal address, which can also be the address of the director or one of the founders. The archive of the company should be kept at the specified address, all correspondence for it will be sent here, and the executive body of the company should be located here. Proof of the legality of using the address is a certificate of ownership or a lease agreement, accompanied by a letter of guarantee from the owner and a copy of his certificate of ownership;
  3. information about the management bodies, their powers, the limits of their capabilities, the procedure for dismissal and hiring of the director and chief accountant, the required quorum of the general meeting of participants, the procedure for convening it and the issues resolved by it, the features of conducting large and particularly significant operations (transactions);
  4. rights and obligations of the founders of the company;
  5. authorized capital - its size, terms and procedure for full payment, as well as changes in its size. It is acceptable to indicate the minimum value of a share;
  6. a description of the procedure for registering a company and its liquidation, as well as changing the composition of its participants. During the rotation of founders, the company cannot have less than one owner, i.e. the sole participant cannot leave the LLC;
  7. archive storage rules;
  8. The types of LLC activities to be included in the charter are indicated in accordance with the list specified in the application for registration. The first of these areas of activity will be accepted as the main one by government agencies. Having indicated all permissible types of activities in the LLC charter, it is recommended to leave the list open, stating that the company has the right to engage in other types of economic activities not prohibited by law;
  9. information about branches and the permissible limits of their autonomy. They are not independent legal entities, but act on behalf of the company. The company itself is responsible for the branches.

It is not necessary to indicate the full names of the founders in the document, which simplifies the process of transferring shares of the company or its complete sale. This information is recorded in the list of participants. Their shares are also indicated.

The Charter is the only constituent document of a Limited Liability Company. This document sets out the rules for regulating all activities of the enterprise. The presence of a Charter is a mandatory requirement for creating an LLC, so its development begins even before the organization is registered.

What is it needed for?

The charter is included in the package of documents required for registration of an organization and initiates this procedure. It is also the basis for making serious changes in the activities of the organization - for changing the general director, the composition of the founders and changing the size of the authorized capital.

The charter is important not only for inspection bodies and for gaining access to legal activities, but also for the organization itself. Its importance to her is as follows:

This is the main document in which describes the work procedure of the management level of the organization– members of the company and the general director. There are no separate job descriptions or regulations for their activities.

The Charter specifies rights and obligations of all participants in relation to this society. If one of the participants fails to fulfill his duties, there is a possibility of his removal (by judicial procedure).

The order of all material transactions is also stated in the Charter. This includes issues of transfer of ownership, inheritance, donation, sale of shares to outsiders, distribution of profits and withdrawal from members. These points must be treated with the greatest attention, because they are the weak link for possible attempts to seize the enterprise by raiders.

That is, a correctly drawn up Charter will help organize a management system and increase the efficiency of the enterprise.

How to develop?

There are two options for creating a Charter - modification of a ready-made template and individual development. The last option involves hiring a lawyer to write a document from scratch, specifically for a given organization. This means additional costs - both time and money.

If the company is small, and its founder is also the general director, then you can find on the Internet a ready-made Charter of another organization or a template and change the data in it in accordance with the specifics of your activity. The main requirement will be relevance, that is, compliance with current legislation.

If the founder and the general director are different people, then the former must necessarily control the content of such a section of the Charter as “Governing Bodies”. You need to make sure that the CEO will not be able to gain ownership of the company under any circumstances.

When drawing up a new Charter or editing an already prepared one, you must take into account that this document must necessarily contain the following information:

Name of the organization– full, abbreviated and, if available, in a foreign language.

Legal address. If there is only one founder, then this address may even be his apartment or house. If there are several founders, then it is required - purchased as property or on a leasehold basis, with documents confirming this.

Controls– it is necessary to determine their composition and boundaries of competence. The governing bodies include the general director and the general meeting of participants (if there is more than one founder). It is recommended to indicate a list of issues that can only be resolved by the meeting.

Statutory capital. According to the new legislation, only the amount is needed, without indicating the shares of the participants. The minimum amount is ten thousand rubles. Capital can be contributed either in cash or in the form of property.

Rights and obligations participants. This section can be copied from the LLC law, but with some points elaborated. For example, add rights or responsibilities to the founder, who will be the CEO.

Withdrawal of participants transfer of shares to third parties. It should be noted in what cases and under what conditions these actions are performed.

In the last part you need to indicate place of storage of the Charter, and also where information about the LLC will be posted, which is subject to mandatory publication.

The content of the Charter is not limited to these subparagraphs; the founders can add the necessary information at their discretion. The only point is that you should not enter the names and surnames of the participants, as well as the size of their shares, so that if the composition of the founders changes, re-registration of the company will not be necessary.

An example of the LLC Charter is also in the video.

With one founder

If there is only one founder, then the procedure for writing the Charter and generally organizing the activities of the enterprise is simplified.

Firstly, you don’t need to look for a premises, pay money to buy or rent it. The legal address may well be the founder’s residential address.

Secondly, the standard LLC Charter can be found on the Internet and you can only slightly change the information in it, adjusting it to your organization. There is no need to coordinate its contents with other founders or develop a new document.

Third, It’s easier to organize management work by once stipulating in the charter the responsibilities of the founder and general director(which are most often the same person, especially in small companies). And the duration of their powers may not have a time frame, that is, they are indicated as unlimited.

The founder can be not only an individual, but also a legal entity (including one consisting of several individuals). The only limitation is that a person cannot simultaneously be the sole founder of two different LLCs; this is prohibited by law.

Charter of an LLC with two or more founders

There are more nuances in this situation. The Charter must contain a clear delineation of the rights and responsibilities of all participants, as well as their powers and areas of competence. Key issues to be covered in the document:

Can participants leave the founders? and if so, under what conditions. According to the old legislation, all participants (except one, the last one) had the right to leave the membership, but now this possibility is prescribed in the Charter.

What role does the CEO or founders' meeting play? when making decisions to exclude someone from the participants, can they initiate and resolve this issue.

Is it possible to sell your share to outsiders? up to the calculation of the value of the alienated share. Some organizations do not allow this possibility, while others are as open as possible to new investors.

Is it provided the right to give or inherit your share, and whether there is a priority right. It represents the first opportunity for one of the participants to buy the share of another participant if he is going to sell it. This will allow the rights to enterprises to remain in the same hands, preventing third parties from taking ownership.

All these issues need to be thought through and described very carefully, since this will help in the future to protect the company being created from dishonest actions of the founders or outsiders.

Correct design

To understand how to correctly draw up the Charter of an LLC, it is best to look at a version of a ready-made document.

It is being created usually in duplicate– either two originals, or an original plus a copy (requirements differ slightly in different tax departments). One of them, after certification by the tax office, remains there, and the second is issued to the person who registers the company.

After drawing up and approval by the founders, the finished Charter is stitched and numbered. Numbering is added from the second sheet (in this case, the title page is considered the first, but there is no need to put anything on it).

On the reverse side of the Charter, stitched on the dream, a paper seal is placed. It is written on it how many stitched and numbered sheets are in the document and the applicant’s signature is placed. The signature must be decipherable (that is, indicate the full last name, first name and patronymic).

The same requirements for registration are imposed in the event of a complete change of the Charter in the course of the organization’s activities. Only in this case, the seal will still need to be stamped by the company.

If a copy is made, then all sheets are photocopied, from the title page to the last page. They are stitched and sealed in the same way, but no signatures or seals are required. Next, the document will be drawn up by tax officials.

How to register?

After completing the document (several copies), the applicant selected at the meeting must register it with the tax office. Registration of the LLC Charter takes place in the branch of the Federal Tax Service, to which the legal address of the organization belongs (home address of one founder or office location).

In order for the LLC Charter to be accepted and registered, the applicant must bring the following documents:

  • The Charter itself, correctly drawn up and in two copies;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty (its amount is 4,000 rubles);
  • a notarized application in the Federal Tax Service form, signed by the applicant;
  • protocol of the decision on the creation of an LLC, including information regarding the participants and director, the date of the decision, the size of the authorized capital, etc.).

Only the applicant or his authorized representative can submit documents for registration. In the first case, the registered Charter will be handed over in five days, and in the second, it will be sent by mail.

If a copy is also registered, then you also need to pay a state fee for it and write a request for a copy of the Charter. Such a request is drawn up in free form, with the signature of the manager.

How to make changes?

Changes to the information in the Charter may carried out by completely updating it or using an application sheet, indicating the edited data. This leaflet is simply added to the main text of the Charter and has the same legal force.

The reason why the Charter is changed completely or changes are made to it is to update such important information as:

  • changing the name of the organization;
  • change of legal address;
  • increase or decrease in the amount of authorized capital;
  • significant changes in the activities of the organization, which must be reflected in the charter;
  • liquidation or opening of branches;
  • change of governing bodies of the organization;
  • changing the term of office of a manager.

In order to bring the LLC Charter into compliance, you need to:

  1. In the case of several founders, arrange a general meeting and, based on its results, issue a protocol on making changes. Decisions will be made on the basis of this protocol. If there is only one founder, then he immediately draws up this decision.
  2. Edit the necessary items and print a new copy of the charter, format it in accordance with the requirements (in this case, printing is required).
  3. Write an application (form 13001) for state registration of changes to constituent documents. The signature of the applicant (most often the director) must be certified by a notary. The application must also indicate the legal consequences of the changes made.
  4. After paying the state fee, submit the documents to the tax office and wait for the registered document.

What to do if the charter is damaged or lost?

No Of course, there is no provision for administrative liability or fines in this case. But it will not be possible to restore the original Charter, even if the tax office has a second copy. After losing your original, the only possible option is to obtain a copy of the document.

To do this, you need to apply for a copy to the territorial office of the Federal Tax Service. After paying the state fee (200-400 rubles, depending on the urgency of the case), you can receive a document with a stamp from the tax office. The stamp will be labeled “copy”.

When creating the Charter, you need to remember its exceptional importance for the new organization. It contains not only information about the organization, but also all important issues regarding its operation, management and changes. All subsequent documents regulating the activities of the LLC will be adopted on the basis of the Charter and must be consistent with its contents.

The charter is the main document necessary for the registration of a new legal entity and its further activities. When creating a business entity, the Charter is first developed, since it is this document that regulates what the enterprise will do, how it will be managed, where it will be located, and what amendments should be made.

The development of a sample Charter of an LLC enterprise can be carried out either by the founders of the legal entity themselves, or they can entrust this matter to specialists - lawyers.

Another option is to use the Charter, which is approved by the founders of the LLC or a body authorized by the founders. This Charter is used more often in practice. What is contained in the document developed at the meeting of founders?

The following information is entered:

  • Company name
  • Type of organizational and legal form (LLC)
  • Address of the location of the enterprise
  • Control order
  • Other information that is required to be entered in accordance with the specific type of activity of the enterprise

In general, the charters of different enterprises cannot be drawn up identically. This is due to the fact that each legal entity has a different organizational structure (director, general director), vests the manager with a different amount of authority, and conducts different business activities.

Mandatory clauses of the Charter

The charter of a legal entity must fully reflect the activities of the business entity. To ensure that all information is fully reflected, the standard LLC Charter, as a rule, contains the following sections:


When registering an LLC in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the registrar is provided with the LLC Charter and a number of other documents. If required in the future, they will also need to be registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The charter is the basis for the activities of an individual business entity. This is a set of rules governing its functioning and its relationships with other organizations and individuals. Development of the charter is the stage preceding the creation of an enterprise and the signing of an agreement between its founders. Based on this document, it is carried out. How to correctly draw up the charter of an enterprise, and where you can find an example of this organizational document, will be discussed later in the article.

Charter of the enterprise - main points

From the provisions of Art. 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation it follows that the basis for performing legally significant actions of any organization, except for a business partnership and a state corporation, is the charter.

What enterprises operate on the basis of the charter? If we consider commercial organizations, these are limited liability companies (LLC) and joint stock companies (JSC).

General requirements for the content, procedure for drawing up and execution of charters for LLCs and JSCs are contained in Art. 89 and art. 98 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, respectively. These requirements are set out in more detail in the laws on types of legal entities: “On Limited Liability Companies” (No. 14-FZ) and “On Joint-Stock Companies” (No. 208-FZ).

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Individual entrepreneur charter

Does an individual entrepreneur (IP) need a charter of an enterprise? Modern Russian legislation does not require this document when a citizen carries out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity. The charter is not included in the list of documents required for state registration of individual entrepreneurs.

When conducting business, an individual entrepreneur acts on the basis of Russian legislation.

When concluding contracts with counterparties and clients, the preamble, as a rule, makes reference to a document confirming the status of an individual entrepreneur. Previously, such a document could only be a certificate of state registration. individual entrepreneur registration issued by the authorized tax authority. However, by order of the Federal Tax Service dated September 12, 2016. A new form of document confirming the registration of individual entrepreneurs was approved. Now this document serves as the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs (USRIP) entry sheet in form N P60009. Consequently, in contracts concluded on behalf of an individual entrepreneur, you can refer to this form (see).

An individual entrepreneur independently manages his business and is responsible for his activities with his personal property. In this case, there is no risk of disagreements at the management level. Relations with employees are regulated by personnel documents: employment contracts, job descriptions, internal labor regulations and others.

What is included in the organization's charter

The charter is a complex and voluminous document. It not only coordinates the interaction of an economic entity with other enterprises and citizens, but also determines its legal status and regulates the relationships of the founders. In accordance with it, the structure of the organization is developed, the staff is formed, a concept for ensuring the security regime and a whole series of rules, regulations and instructions are created.

According to Art. 12 of Law No. 14-FZ, which defines the legal status and procedure for creating an LLC, an enterprise can act both on the basis of a charter approved by the founders (independent development of a document or the use of qualified legal assistance is assumed) and on the basis of a standard charter.

When independently drawing up this constituent document, it should be taken into account that it must necessarily contain:

  • full and abbreviated name of the company;
  • locationdata();
  • information about the LLC’s bodies (the number of participants, the scope of their powers, the procedure for making decisions);
  • information about the authorized capital;
  • information about the rights and obligations of LLC founders;
  • information about how withdrawal from the membership will be carried out;
  • information on the transfer of shares and their parts from one founder to another;
  • information about how and for what period company documents will be stored.

Other information can be reflected in the individual charter of an LLC enterprise, if this does not go beyond the law. Often, the charter includes information about the mission and goals of the organization, the types of its economic activities, the legal status of the LLC (the totality of its rights and obligations), branches and representative offices, and the procedure for distributing profits.

In some cases, information is provided on the procedure and methods for conducting audits, on how and in what cases confidential information is provided to third parties, and on the conditions of reorganization and liquidation of the company. It’s useful to read how it goes.

It is better not to include information about the organization’s participants and the composition of their shares in the charter (especially since modern legislation does not require this). If you nevertheless enter this data, then when changing participants you will have to make changes to the constituent document and register them with the Federal Tax Service.

Indication of certain information in the charter may be related to the number of founders of the organization. For example, if an LLC was formed by one individual, then the registered address of the founder may be indicated as the location of the company. For your information, an LLC can be created not only by one citizen, but also by one legal entity.

How the charter is drawn up

The charter of the enterprise, approved by the founders, must be drawn up in two copies in paper form. The pages of the document must be numbered (starting with the number “2”; the title page is not numbered) and bound. On the back, the place where the firmware is installed is covered with a sealing sheet, which indicates the number of pages and the signature of the person submitting the application for registration (most often the applicant is the head of the organization).

Both copies of the charter must be provided when registering a legal entity to the authorized tax authority as part of other documents (applications on form P11001, decisions on creation, receipts for payment of the fee). One of them will remain with the Federal Tax Service, the applicant will receive the second with a Federal Tax Service mark along with a record sheet from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities three working days from the date of submitting the documents.

If necessary, you can make several copies of the charter. They may be needed when licensing, making transactions with real estate, when opening a bank account, for review by counterparties, government agencies, the court, etc.

Copies are numbered and stitched in the same way as the original, but no marks are placed on the sealing sheet. Copies of the document are subject to certification by the Federal Tax Service, and this procedure requires payment of a state fee.

In the course of conducting commercial activities of an organization, situations sometimes arise that require amendments to the charter. In such cases, it is necessary to submit to the Federal Tax Service an application in form P13001, a decision to make changes, the changes themselves or a new charter in two copies and pay the state fee. The mandatory fee is 800 rubles.

Model charter

In 2015, the President signed Law No. 209-FZ, the provisions of which introduced certain changes to some legislative acts. In accordance with this law, an LLC is allowed to use a standard charter when registering.

What system regulates the structure and content of the standard charter of an enterprise? Its shape was designed by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, and is currently awaiting approval. The form and content of the document will be approved by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation. The accepted form will be posted on the official website of the Federal Tax Service

When registering an LLC, there will no longer be a need to put such a charter in paper form; the founders will not need to approve it or send it to the tax authority. This will reduce financial, time and labor costs for document preparation.

The standard form will not contain data on the name and location of the company, or authorized capital. This information will be indicated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. persons

During the initial registration of an LLC, as well as during the reorganization of an enterprise, its participants will need to decide which charter will be used by the company and reflect their decision in the document on establishment and in the registration application. In the future, the standard charter may be supplemented by the provisions of the charter approved by the LLC participants.

Important! Joint stock companies cannot be registered and operate on the basis of a standard charter.

Until the form of a standard charter is approved, the founders of legal entities can use, when drawing up a constituent document, examples of charters posted on the website of the legal reference system "ConsultantPlus" or the information and legal portal "Garant"

Founders who decide to create a legal entity need to pay special attention to such a constituent document as the charter. It is in it that the conditions and procedure for conducting the organization’s activities are prescribed. For many legal forms it is the only constituent document. Let us consider in detail what kind of document this is and how it should be drawn up.


The charter of an enterprise is a document in accordance with which the activities of the company are regulated. It sets the basic rules that are binding, prescribes the rights and obligations of the founders, and resolves other issues.

The document is developed at the stage of opening the organization, approved at the general meeting and submitted, among others, for registration. This is the basis for registration activities. In addition, when the general director is changed or any changes are made, all these actions must be carried out through the registration authority.

Let's consider how the LLC charter should be developed.


Often, instead of a detailed drafting, the founders only use a standard document without paying due attention to it. However, if errors are made in the charter, the registration procedure may be refused. And then you will not only have to finalize it, but also pay the state fee again in order to submit documents for re-registration.

On the other hand, if everything necessary is not written down in the document, changes will have to be made later. And this, in turn, will require a lot of time and paperwork, which can be avoided with proper development. Sometimes, to save time, as well as to avoid making many mistakes, it is more advisable to seek the help of a lawyer. However, the best option is to develop it yourself. The charter of the enterprise can be taken as a basis - a sample, and then it is detailed specifically for your company. The main requirement for the template: it must be drawn up in accordance with all the latest changes in the law.

When filling out a document with text, you need to pay attention to the following points. Firstly, the LLC charter does not include information about its participants. Secondly, information about the share in the authorized capital is also not needed.

Thanks to this, compiling it has now become easier. In the future, if the composition of participants changes or capital is redistributed, the document will not have to be changed. The procedure, however, will be required if there are changes in the details, scope of activity, as well as internal procedures.


There are certain requirements for registration. So, in the charter:

  • indicate its full and abbreviated name;
  • location;
  • reflect all planned types of activities (in this case it is better to stipulate that the company will not be limited to these works);
  • indicate the amount of the authorized capital;
  • rights and obligations of participants;
  • prescribe the possibility of leaving the organization;
  • inform how documents will be stored.


The easiest way to get acquainted with the rules of registration is when you have a ready-made example of the charter on hand. After preparation, it is stitched, and in this form is submitted for approval at the general meeting.

The form of the charter assumes the presence of a title page, which is not numbered, and all other pages must be marked, starting with the number “2”. The document is sealed on the reverse side, and on the same sheet the number of stitched pages is reported, as well as the initials and surname of the applicant.

Authenticity is certified by a seal. This is necessary in the case when the organization is already operating. But in the case when a document is submitted for the first time, there may not yet be a seal, so its presence is not necessary.

The charter of the enterprise is drawn up in two copies, since government agencies will require the original. In addition, it is advisable to prepare notarized copies of the document after approval. For this purpose, photocopies of all sheets are prepared. But neither the company’s seal nor the manager’s signature is required.

One founder

The specifics of how the document is drawn up may also depend on how many founders the company has. If this is one person, then you can indicate the home address of the general director as the location of the organization.

If this sole founder is the general director, then his term of office is defined as unlimited. It should be taken into account that the founder can be not only an individual, but also a legal entity, which includes, for example, several people. The law allows this. The only limitation in this case is the inability to act as a founder of an LLC if the organization has one founder. Thus, the norm does not give an individual the right to register many limited liability companies in his name.

Several founders

If there is more than one founder, the charter of the enterprise delineates their rights and powers, and also describes the relationship. This may be related to both financial issues and membership relations. The document states whether participants can leave the founders, what issues they decide at the general meeting, what powers are vested in the general director, and more.

In addition, the charter prescribes measures to protect capital, as well as the procedure for alienation in the event of the LLC owner leaving the organization. If it is planned that the founders have the right to buy capital from each other, this procedure should be spelled out in detail, including all the criteria by which the price is determined.

Transfer of capital can also be carried out to third parties. In this case, an act of donation or inheritance is concluded. Then it is necessary to describe the order of transfer. This will help avoid the occurrence of various conflict situations in the future.


Amendments to the charter of the enterprise are required if:

  • the address of the organization's location changes;
  • the size of the authorized capital changes;
  • other changes necessary to be reflected in the document are made.

If the decision to edit is made, everything must be registered with the registration authority. Only after this procedure they are considered to have entered into legal force.


To ensure that no problems arise during the implementation process, all constituent documents of the enterprise must be checked for compliance with the current regulatory framework.

The registration authority is the territorial branch of the Federal Tax Service, to which the location of the organization belongs. With one founder, the home address can be entered. A state fee is paid for the registration procedure.

The package of documents required for registration includes the following:

  • minutes of the meeting of founders or, if there is only one, the decision of the head to create the organization;
  • application for registration on the appropriate form, certified by a notary;
  • charter of a private enterprise, which is sealed and stitched;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

The same documents are submitted if the existing organization needs to make some changes to the charter. The minutes of the meeting or a single decision in this case is made to make changes. Usually it is necessary to submit two copies, one of which is returned to the applicant, and the other remains with the Federal Tax Service.

If you approach the issue seriously and take into account each of the described points, then the most common mistakes when submitting documents for registration can be avoided. Then, in the future, it will be much easier, if necessary, to make changes to the charter of the enterprise. It is more convenient to use a sample for an existing enterprise than a blank standard document. The photo below, for example, shows the opening pages of the current charter.

Charter of the institution

If we consider a state-owned enterprise, then its owners are representatives of the Ministry of State Property. Thus, the founder in it is the state itself. The charter of a state enterprise is approved by the relevant representative. It reflects information about the goals of the company. It turns out that for this type of organizational and legal form the possibility of carrying out activities is limited to special purposes. The general director of such an enterprise is appointed and dismissed from his position by the owner. The position of companies at the state and municipal levels is currently regulated by the Civil Code and other regulations.


Thus, both private and public companies require a constituent document that clearly outlines future activities. For all types of charters there are essential conditions that must be reflected in the document. But each organization has the right to introduce into it its own internal norms and rules that do not contradict the law.

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