Omar Khayyam Nishapuri: biography. Omar Khayyam is a Persian philosopher, poet and scholar. Poems and quotes by Omar Khayyam. Omar Khayyam: short biography, interesting facts, video

Omar Khayyam (Giyas ad-Din Abu-l-Fath Omar ibn Ibrahim) (1048-1131)

Persian and Tajik poet, mathematician and philosopher. He received his primary education in his native city, then in the largest centers of science of that time: Balkh, Samarkand, etc.

Around 1069 in Samarkand, Khayyam wrote a treatise "On the proofs of the problems of algebra and allukabala." In 1074 he headed the largest astronomical observatory in Isfahan.

In 1077 he completed work on the book "Comments on the difficult postulates of the book of Euclid." Two years later, the calendar is put into effect. In the last years of the XI century. the ruler of Isfahan changes and the observatory is closed.

Khayyam makes a pilgrimage to Mecca. In 1097 he worked as a doctor in Khorasan and wrote a treatise in Farsi "On the universality of being."

Khayyam spends the last 10-15 years of his life in seclusion in Nishapur, having little contact with people. According to historians, in the last hours of his life, Omar Khayyam read the "Book of Healing" by Ibn Sina (Avicenna). He reached the section "On unity and universality", put a toothpick on the book, got up, prayed and died.

Khayyam's work is an amazing phenomenon in the history of the culture of the peoples of Central Asia and Iran, of all mankind. His discoveries in the field of physics, mathematics, astronomy have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. His poems, "stinging like a snake" still captivate with their ultimate capacity, conciseness, imagery, simplicity of visual means and flexible rhythm. Khayyam's philosophy brings him closer to the humanists of the Renaissance ("The goal of the creator and the pinnacle of creation is us"). He denounced the existing order, religious dogmas and vices that reigned in society, considering this world to be temporary and transient.

Theologians and philosophers of that time were of the opinion that eternal life and bliss can only be found after death. All this is reflected in the work of the poet. However, he also loved real life, protested against its imperfections and appealed to enjoy every moment of it.

Any quatrain of Khayyam is a small poem. He cut the form of the quatrain, like a precious stone, approved the internal laws of the rubai, and Khayyam has no equal in this area.

A place of death: Occupation:

poetry, mathematics, astronomy, philosophy

Giyasaddin Abu-l-Fath Omar ibn Ibrahim al-Khayyam Nishapuri(Persian. غیاث ‌الدین ابوالفتح عمر بن ابراهیم خیام نیشابورﻯ ), Omar Khayyam(May 18, Nishapur - December 4, ibid) - an outstanding Persian poet, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher.

Omar Khayyam is famous all over the world for his rubaiyat quatrains. In algebra, he built a classification of cubic equations and gave their solutions using conic sections. In Iran, Omar Khayyam is also known for creating a calendar more accurate than the European one, which has been officially used since the 11th century.


The name displays information about the life of the poet.

  • غیاث ‌الدین Ghiyas Oddin- “Shoulder of faith”, means knowledge of the Koran.
  • ابوالفتح عمر بن ابراهیم Abolfath Omar ibn Ibrahim- marten. "Abu" - father, "Fath" - conqueror, "Omar" - life, Ibrahim - the name of the father.
  • خیام Khayyam- a nickname, lakab - "tent camper", a reference to the father's craft.
  • نیشابورﻯ Nishapuri- reference to Khayyam's hometown - Nishapur.



Khayyam is known for his quatrains - wise, full of humor, cunning and insolence rubai. For a long time he was forgotten, but his work became known to Europeans in modern times thanks to the translations of Edward Fitzgerald.

Do not ask the ball for consent with the throw.
It rushes across the field, driven by the Player.
Only the One who once threw you here -
He knows everything, He knows everything.

Poetry: translations of the Rubaiyat

  • Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont
  • Vladimir Vasilyevich Derzhavin
  • Osip Borisovich Rumer
  • Ivan Ivanovich Tkhorzhevsky
  • Translations by Viktor Poleshchuk were also published.

Philosophical writings

  • "Treatise on being and duty" (1080)
  • "The answer to three questions: the necessity of contradiction in the world, determinism and eternity"
  • "The light of reason on the subject of universal science"
  • "Treatise on Existence"
  • "Book on Demand (About All Things)"

Natural science essays

  • "Treatise on the proofs of the problems of al-jabra and al-muqabala"
  • "Astronomical tables of Malik Shah"
  • "A Treatise on the Interpretation of Obscure Propositions in Euclid"
  • "Difficulties of arithmetic"
  • "The Scales of Wisdom, or a Treatise on the Art of Determining the Quantity of Gold and Silver in Their Alloys"

Mathematical essays

  • Khayyam Omar. Treatises. Translated by B. A. Rosenfeld. Edited by V. S. Segal and A. P. Yushkevich. Article and comments by B. A. Rosenfeld and A. P. Yushkevich. M., 1962.
  • Khayyam Omar. First algebraic treatise. Historical and Mathematical Research, 15, 1963, p. 445–472.
  • Khayyam Omar. Treatises. M.: Ed. east lit., 1964.
  • Khayyam Omar. About direct bushes. Historical and Mathematical Research, 19, 1974, p. 274–278.
  • Khayyam Omar. We are talking about childbirth, which are formed by a quart. Historical and Mathematical Research, 19, 1974, p. 279–284.

Scientific activity

Khayyam contributed to mathematics with his essay " A treatise on the proofs of the problems of al-jabra and al-muqabala". This is a voluminous body of algebraic knowledge of that time. The scientist outlined in his work methods for solving not only quadratic, but also cubic equations. Before Khayyam, the geometric method of Archimedes was already known: the unknown was constructed as the intersection point of two suitable conic sections. Khayyam gave a rationale for this method, a classification of the types of equations, an algorithm for choosing the type of a conic section, an estimate for the number of (positive) roots and their magnitude. Unfortunately, Khayyam did not notice that a cubic equation can have 3 real roots. Khayyam failed to reach Cardano's formulas, but he expressed the hope that an explicit solution would be found in the future.

AT " Treatise on the interpretation of obscure positions by Euclid”, written by Khayyam around 1077, he, contrary to ancient tradition, considers irrational numbers as completely legitimate. In the same book, Khayyam tries to prove Euclid's fifth postulate, based on its more obvious equivalent: two converging lines must intersect.

Khayyam also proposed a new calendar - more accurate than

The brilliant Omar Khayyam, whose biography is set out in the article, is known for many talents. The most important achievements, whether there was a beloved woman in the life of the poet, whether the astrologer knew the date of his death, what kind of person he was - you will learn about everything from the article.

Omar Khayyam: biography of the Persian philosopher and poet

Enough information has come down to us about the life path of one of the most famous representatives of the Middle Ages.

The poems of Omar Khayyam are known, the whole world repeats the rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Residents of all countries admire the wisdom that Omar Khayyam's quotes reveal, they are amazed at the accuracy of astrological calculations. Learn how to become geniuses.

The life path of Omar Khayyam can be divided into the following stages:

  • Birth and education.

The future philosopher was born on May 18, 1048 in the northern part of Iran, in the city of Nishapur. Little is known about the family. My father was a Persian tent-keeper. Information about the younger sister Aisha has been preserved.

For his time, the boy received a good education. Omar Khayyam originally comprehended the wisdom of life in two madrasahs. By our standards, these are middle and upper level schools. Upon graduation, he received a medical degree.

Medicine was not the favorite subject of the future philosopher and astrologer. Already at the age of 8, he fell under the magical influence of simple numbers, fell in love with mathematics.

Fate did not spoil Omar. He was left an orphan at the age of 16. After the death of his father and mother, Khayyam sells the house, parted with Nishapur, and leaves for Samarkand.

  • Life in Samarkand and Bukhara.

The scientific and cultural center of the East met Khayyam favorably. During the training, the guy was noticed, and after several brilliant speeches in disputes, he was transferred to mentors.

Four years later, the Samarkand period of life ends, Khayyam moves to Bukhara.

The work carried out in the book depository was the best way to help improve in the sciences. For 10 years, four mathematical treatises were written in Bukhara. The proposed theory for solving algebraic equations and comments on Euclid's postulates are still in demand.

  • Astronomer and Spiritual Guide: Life in Isfahan.

Omar comes to Isfahan at the invitation of the Seljuk Sultan Melik Shah. It was a period of boundless trust in the astronomer and the possibility of scientific growth.

Rumor has it that it was here that he was offered, as a spiritual mentor, the reins of government. But in response, they received the wise words of Omar Khayyam that he could not cope, because he did not know how to prohibit and order.

Life in the Iraqi city of Isfahan at the court of Sultan Malik Shah was filled with wealth. Oriental luxury, the patronage of influential people and the high position of the head of one of the largest observatories in the world helped him develop as a mathematician and astronomer.

One of the biggest scientific discoveries is the development of a calendar that is 7 seconds more accurate than the current Gregorian.

Omar compiled a star catalog, which has come down to our time under the name of the "Malikshah astrological tables". He completed mathematical studies of Euclid's postulates, wrote philosophical discourses on being.

The period of prosperity and abundance ended with the death of the patron. It often happens - the new ruler denies the old and chooses new favorites. After being accused of freethinking in 1092, Khayyam returned to his homeland in Nishapur.

  • A period of alienation and spiritual loneliness.

In his hometown, Omar Khayyam lived until his death. The most vivid impressions were from a trip to Mecca to Muslim shrines. The road was long, with a short stop in Bukhara.

The adornment of a difficult, complete deprivation and loneliness of the period was a few students and meetings with scientists. They sometimes specially came for heated scientific disputes.

Known facts from the life of Omar Khayyam are so closely intertwined with speculation and flow from one influential source to another that it is difficult to find the truth. We tried to collect all the interesting information together.

Read the most curious facts about Omar Khayyam:

  • The famous ruby.

Despite the multifaceted talents of Omar Khayyam, rubaiyat made him popular. The deep meaning inherent in them found a response in the soul of modern man.

Small quatrains are easy to remember, but do not belong to great poetic works. This did not prevent Omar Khayyam from becoming the most quoted and famous Persian philosopher and poet.

The rubaiyat gained fame and became available to the general public in 1859 after their translation into English by Fitzgerald.

  • Was there a genius?

Omar Khayyam is an iconic figure of the 11th century. His talents, multifaceted knowledge extend to many areas.

Having a medical education, he studied the works of Avicenna. Mathematics, philosophy, astrology and even cooking obeyed the genius.

Recognizing God, he argued that the established order is subject to the laws of nature. Bold wisdom for that time in philosophical works was presented tactfully and allegorically, but in a boyish way it was boldly repeated in rubaiyat.

Multifaceted talents raised doubts about the reality of the existence of such a person. There was a suspicion that a galaxy of versatile educated and talented people was hiding under one name.

More often the press considers two people. Khayyam the poet is shared with Khayyam the mathematician. The reason for doubt was Khayyam, a polyglot. His poems are written in Persian, popular among the people, and the language of science, Arabic, was chosen for mathematical works.

The reality of the existence of Khayyam is confirmed by the biography: the main events of life are beyond doubt.

  • Date of Birth.

The date of birth of Omar Khayyam has not reached our days. To determine it, accurate calculations were made according to the horoscope. Based on the analysis of a well-known part of the biography and the life path of the philosopher, it is determined that he is a Taurus, born on May 18, 1048.

  • The truth about family.

Little information has been preserved about the family of Omar Khayyam. Father and mother died early. It is assumed that Omar Khayyam was born in the family of an artisan. The basis was the second part of the name - Khayyam, the word is translated as ‘tent’.

To what extent this assumption is true is difficult to answer. But a good education, and Khayyam graduated from several educational institutions, is available to people of the upper strata. This fact allows us to assert that the family of the future genius lived in abundance.

  • Was there a woman?

In the biography of the scientist there is no mention of a happy or, conversely, unhappy first love, children, fatal beauty. It remains only to guess.

Omar Khayyam's rubaiyat about love comes to the rescue. It is enough to read these lines to understand that nothing earthly is alien to the poet. In his life the passion was hot, hot and ardent. To be sure, read these quotes:

“With the one whose camp is a cypress, and her mouth is like a lal,
Go to the garden of love and fill your glass.”
"The passion for the unfaithful struck me like a plague."
"Hurry come, filled with charms,
Dispel sadness, inhale heart heat!

There is a lot of passion, but there is no attachment, fear of parting, vows of love, suffering. Nothing that leads to emotional attachment, family relationships.

  • Why didn't the philosopher have a wife?

There are two guesses:

  1. Fear of substituting your beloved because of your own accusation of freethinking and dislike on the part of those in power.
  2. Like all philosophers, Omar Khayyam was waiting for the only and perfect love.
  • Omar Khayyam - what kind of person is he?

Surprisingly, there was information about how Omar Khayyam was in everyday life. Like all geniuses, he is an unpleasant personality: stingy, harsh and unrestrained.

  • Did Omar Khayyam know the date of his death?

It is difficult to find the main thing among Khayyam's hobbies. There is no doubt that astrology occupies one of the important places. In practice, this means that Omar created so many tables and catalogs that it is difficult to count.

For an astrologer, the stars are a reference book, reminiscent of the modern Internet. Did Omar Khayyam know the date of his death? Memories of the next of kin help to get a positive answer.

On his last day, the astrologer did not eat or drink. He devoted all his time to reading Avicenna's Book of Healing. I settled on the section “One and the Many”. He made a will, prayed, bowed to the ground. The last words were spoken to God:

"I'm sorry! Inasmuch as I have come to know You, I have drawn near to You.”

Omar Khayyam was born in 1048 in Iran, was an outstanding scientist and poet. His abilities manifested themselves at a very early age, when he easily mastered mathematics and astronomy. He also showed a special interest in religion and knew the entire Koran by heart, which is not characteristic of an ordinary child of eight years.

When he was 12 years old, he began to study at the local school of mathematics and law, which he successfully completed, having passed all the exams perfectly. He also studied medicine, but when he could easily become a successful doctor, he did not dare to connect his life with medicine. His soul lay in the exact sciences, namely mathematics.

When his parents died, a very young Omar Khayyam went to Samarkand, where he entered the madrasah and was a student. But his talent and knowledge were appreciated and after only a few months Khayyam became a mentor.

But he did not linger in Samarkand and left for Bukhara, where he worked in a large book depository. Here he begins to write his first works devoted to mathematics. Soon he was invited to the chambers of the ruler Melik Shah and became his spiritual mentor. A small observatory was opened at the court, where Omar Khayyam demonstrated his knowledge of astronomy.

He was famous throughout Iran and neighboring countries. He was famous not only for scientific activity, but also for poetry. He wrote rubaiyat in which he urged to be free and clean. His works are filled with both lyrics and philosophy, and the style was extremely simple, but at the same time had a deep meaning. His poetry was not like the work of his contemporaries. Heroes have always been independent and alienated everything bad and unreliable.

For several years he worked in the court of the ruler, but in 1122 Omar Khayyam died, leaving the world with many scientific and literary works.

Biography of Khayyam Omar about the main thing

Omar Khayyam is a famous Persian mathematician, poet and philosopher. He made a significant contribution to algebra, created one of the most accurate calendars. His poetry has a great cultural value and still does not lose its relevance.

early years

The thinker was born in 1048. There is practically no reliable information about Omar's childhood and youth. It is only known that he grew up in the city of Nishapur and received an excellent education, which means that his parents were quite wealthy people. The future luminary of science studied at an elite educational institution for aristocrats and was preparing to become a major official. After receiving education in Nishapur, Omar continued to acquire knowledge in Balkh and Samarkand.

Received knowledge

Khayyam had versatile knowledge: he was interested in the exact sciences, he was very successful in studying geometry, mathematics, physics, astronomy; but Omar also comprehended history, philosophy, philology, literature, medicine, the basics of versification. At that time, a cultured and educated person had to have knowledge in many aspects. Khayyam memorized the Koran, but often his ideas diverged from the principles of Islam.

Acquisition of glory, service at court

Omar devoted most of his life to the study of mathematics. After 25 years, he published a scientific work on algebra and became a respected scientist, which became the reason for the increased attention of many rulers-patrons to his person.

Soon the prince of Bukhora Khakan Shams al-Mulka invited Khayyam to his service. It was said that the prince had great respect for the mathematician, treated him on an equal footing, listened to his opinion and even put him on the throne next to him.

But soon the Seljuks seized power. In 1047, Omar was invited to the capital of the young empire, Isfahan. He served at the court of Malik Shah, where he also enjoyed universal respect. The Sultan offered him to rule Nashapur, but the sage refused, because he did not consider himself a capable manager. Then he was assigned a more than generous salary for fruitful studies in science.

Soon Khayyam began to manage the observatory at the Sultan's palace. At his disposal was the most advanced equipment at that time, Malik Shah invested a lot of money in the observatory. Omar's task was to develop a perfect calendar, and the sage did an excellent job of it. The calendar he created is more accurate than the Gregorian by 7 seconds.

Completion of court career

In 1092, after the death of the Sultan, Khayyam's position was shaken. He lost his influence, the widow of Malik Shah did not trust the sage. Omar continued to work at the observatory for free, but in 1097 he was forced to leave the palace and return to his native Nishapur.

last years of life

After completing his career, Khayyam settled in a secluded house in a small village near Nishapur. He didn't have a family; he was persecuted for philosophical views, considered an apostate from the faith. The once famous scientist was incredibly lonely, he spent his last years in anguish and deprivation. Omar died, most likely in 1123, although the exact year of death is unknown.

Philosophical ideas of Khayyam

The sage recognized the existence of God and believed in him, however, he considered the laws of nature to be separately existing phenomena, and not the fruit of the work of divine forces. His beliefs were at odds with the ideas of Islam, which is why Omar was persecuted by religious activists. In poetry, his anti-Islamic sentiments manifested themselves most boldly.

Omar Khayyam is a man who was ahead of his time and suffered for it. Now his poetry is popular among connoisseurs of the wisdom of the East and those who are simply interested in art. This man managed to leave behind a scientific and cultural heritage that delights even modern people.

Biography of Omar Khayyam about the main thing

Omar Khayyam (1048-1123) is a truly outstanding and versatile person, whom everyone knows as a brilliant poet, philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, theologian and physician. He has many achievements and discoveries that have survived to this day, such as: a new, improved calendar; immortalized in the work "Treatise on the proofs of problems in algebra and almukabala" geometric constructions of cubic, quadratic and linear equations. The literary heritage of the poet consists of about 400 rubai in the genres of khamriyyat and zuhdiyat, each of which contains life wisdom. The number of quatrains cannot be accurately recorded, since the name of Omar Khayyam was signed by everyone who was afraid of punishment for blasphemy and freethinking, at a time when the scientist himself was a very respected and inviolable person. For knowing the Koran by heart and deep knowledge of theology, Omar Khayyam was called the "Shoulder of Faith."

The opinions of researchers on the account of the date of birth in the majority converge on May 18, 1048. Omar Khayyam was born in the city of Nishapur (Iran) in the family of an artisan. The first years of his life fell in a difficult time: the conquests of Togrul-Bek began, his mother and father died from the epidemic. Saying goodbye to his past life, the gifted young man devoted himself completely to the sciences: from the age of 12 he was a student of the Nishapur Madrasah, continued his studies in Balkh, and then in Samarkand. After graduating from the courses, he received the specialty of a doctor (khakim), studied the works of great minds. Khayyam's phenomenal diligence and skills did not go unnoticed: he was appointed a teacher at a local university.

The first fruits of the scientific activity of Omar Khayyam appeared from 1068. in Bukhor under the command of Prince Khakan Shams al-Mulk. Reliable sources claim that the scientist was in the retinue of the prince and often gave him advice.

In 1074 Omar Khayyam was called to the capital of Isfahan, to the court of Sultan Malik Shah after the latter's victory in the Seljuk confrontation. There is a legend that the vizier Nizam al-Mulk, an old childhood friend, invited him to the Sultan. The scientist was entrusted with the management of the Sultan's observatory, equipped with the latest technology of those times, and the compilation of a modified Iranian calendar.

From the moment the service of Malik Shah began, the golden stage of Khayyam's work began, lasting 20 years. He delved into science, compiled the "Malikshah astronomical tables" with a list of stars, in 1077. writes a three-volume treatise "Comments on the difficulties in introducing the book of Euclid."

In 1080, the first collection of Omar Khayyam, dedicated to philosophy, appeared - "Treatise on being and duty." In it, the author explains the essence of his anti-Islamic sentiments. In 1092, Sultan Melik Shah dies, after which Omar Khayyam is persecuted because of blasphemy and excessive freethinking in his work. For quite a long period of time, witty poems, rubai, were forgotten, and only in the 19th century, thanks to the translations of Edward Fitzgerald, did Europe learn about them.

The history of the last years of Omar Khayyam's life is shrouded in fog. It is known that he continued teaching at the Nishapur Madrasah, continued his research, from his pen comes a treatise "On the art of determining the amount of gold and silver in their alloys." However, Khayyam's life became difficult: the image of a brilliant scientist was finally mixed with the image of a dissident blasphemer.

She did not become a philosopher on December 4, 1122. Based on the stories of the philosopher's younger brother, his last words were: "Oh my God, I have known you to the best of my ability. Forgive me, my knowledge of you is my way to you."

To this day, discussions of the huge cultural heritage of Omar Khayyam do not stop. Theories are put forward about his appearance, since there are no historical sources where it would be described. There is an assumption that Khayyam is a poet and a scientist - two different personalities.

The biography of the figure is the basis for a number of films: "Omar Khayyam" (1924, 1957, 1973), "Omar Al-Khayyam" (2002), "Keeper: The Legend of Omar Khayyam" (2005).

Interesting facts and dates from life

See Khayyam Omar. Literary encyclopedia. In 11 tons; M .: publishing house of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Friche, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929 1939. Omar Khayyam ... Literary Encyclopedia

Omar Khayyam- Omar Khayyam. Omar Khayyam (real name Giyasaddin Abu l Fath Omar ibn Ibrahim) (1048 1122), Persian poet, philosopher, scientist. He also wrote in Arabic. The author did not lose even in the 20th century. the meaning of mathematical treatises, the philosophical treatise “On ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (c. 1048 after 1122) Persian and Tajik poet, mathematician and philosopher "Hell and paradise in heaven," hypocrites say. Looking into myself, I was convinced of the lie: Hell and heaven are not circles in the palace of the universe, Hell and heaven are two halves of the soul. Nobility and ... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

- (real name Giyasaddin Abu l Fath Omar ibn Ibrahim) (1048 1122), Persian poet, philosopher, scientist. He also wrote in Arabic. The author did not lose even in the 20th century. the meaning of mathematical treatises, philosophical treatise On the universality of being, etc. ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

- (c. 1048 after 1122) Persian and Tajik poet, mathematician and philosopher. The world-famous philosophical quatrains of the rubai are imbued with hedonistic motives, the pathos of individual freedom, and anti-clerical free-thinking. In mathematical works he gave ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (c. 1048 after 1122), Persian poet, full name Giyasaddin Abu l Fath Omar ibn Ibrahim. Born in Nishapur. The nickname Khayyam (Tent) is associated with the profession of his father or someone else from his ancestors. During his lifetime and until relatively recently ... ... Collier Encyclopedia

Giyasaddin Abul Fath ibn Ibrahim (circa 1048, Nishapur, after 1122, ibid.), Persian and Tajik poet, mathematician and philosopher. He spent most of his life in Balkh, Samarkand, Isfahan and other cities of Central Asia and Iran. In philosophy was... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (b. c. 1048 - d. c. 1130) - philosopher, poet, mathematician, classic of the Taj. and pers. literature and science, author of famous quatrains (rubai), philosopher. and mathematical treatises. Unfortunately, the texts of the rubaiyat of O. X. cannot yet be considered definitively ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

Real name Giyasaddin Abul Fath Omar ibn Ibrahim (about 1048 after 1112), Persian poet, philosopher, scientist. He also wrote in Arabic. The world-famous philosophical quatrains of the rubai are imbued with hedonistic motives, pathos ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Omar Khayyam- OMAR KHAYYAM (real name Giyasaddin Abu l Fath Omar ibn Ibrahim) (c. 1048 after 1112), pers. poet, philosopher, scientist. He also wrote in Arabic. lang. World famous philosophers. quatrains rubaiyat are imbued with hedonich. motives, pathos ... ... Biographical Dictionary


  • Omar Khayyam. Rubaiyat, Omar Khayyam. Omar Khayyam (c. 1048-1131) was a mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher. The biography of O. Khayyam is shrouded in legends, myths and conjectures, it is impossible to determine how many quatrains are truly Khayyam's, ...
  • Omar Khayyam. Rubai, Omar Khayyam. An outstanding astronomer, mathematician, physicist and philosopher, who during his lifetime was awarded the honorary title `Proof of Truth`, Omar Khayyam is the creator of the famous rubaiyat. Written almost a thousand years...
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