Description of the Russian language classroom. Essay-description of a class, classroom of Russian language and literature Description of a classroom at school

People always pay a lot of attention to their surroundings. He always tries to arrange everything around him so that it is convenient for him to work or relax, explore something or spend his leisure time. It is especially important to organize your workplace correctly and comfortably, because the results of our work largely depend on this. We spend most of the day at school. The place where we meet with teachers every day is our classroom. Therefore, the classroom must be properly and comfortably equipped.

Our classroom is very cozy. Every detail of its furnishings invites study. If they say that the theater begins with the coat rack, then the classroom begins with the entrance. Our office door is white and clean. A sign is attached to its outer side, which indicates the main subject to which the classroom interior is dedicated.

Our office is the office of Russian language and literature. As soon as you cross the threshold and enter the classroom, you find yourself in a brightly lit room. Opposite the door there are three large windows. Gentle and pleasant sunlight pours through their glass. It slides along the desks, plays with glare on the board and cabinet walls, and illuminates the stands. On cloudy days, the classroom is illuminated by lamps that are located in two rows on the ceiling. There are ten of them and they are hidden under round bluish shades.

There are sixteen desks in the classroom. They are arranged in three rows. Each student is assigned a separate workplace. In front of the desks, near the window, is the teacher's desk. It always contains our workbooks and test books, cards and handouts necessary for work in the lesson.

There is a brown chalkboard hanging on the wall in front of the desks. It has two doors, thanks to which it can take on different sizes - unfolded or small and compact. It is convenient for both the teacher and us, the students, to work on such a board. Above the board is a portrait of the great Russian writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. We have been familiar with his work since childhood, and the heroes of his works are wonderful examples of courage and perseverance, honor and decency.

There are light brown cabinets on the opposite wall. The doors of their upper compartments are glass. Behind them is a small library. These are books on the history and grammar of the Russian language, and separately there are books on the history of Russian literature. On the shelves below you can see small exhibitions of books on the topics we study. Our creative works are also stored and exhibited here.

In the upper part of the wall, opposite the windows, there are portraits of outstanding writers, classics of Russian literature. Below are several stands. One of them is thematic. It is dedicated to the Russian language and literature. Here you can find reminders on the spelling of some spellings, the section “Interesting linguistics”, recommendations for doing homework and creative work.

The second stand reflects the life of our team. This is a cool corner. Notes about our class events, information about important and interesting events taking place in the world, a column for late arrivals and a duty schedule appear here. To keep the air in the office fresh, we placed indoor Plants on the windows and wall shelves.

We strive to maintain order and cleanliness in our classroom. Everyone understands that the business atmosphere and the success of our educational activities also depend on this. I really like our office. This is where I dive in every day. mysterious and fascinating world of knowledge.

Every person has responsibilities in life. Adults are required to go to work every day, carry out errands and tasks, and earn money in order to provide for their family. And children, including me, must go to school every day to gain skills and knowledge. And you know, I do this with great pleasure. I like going to school. It's interesting and fun, it's cozy and comfortable.

I really love our class, in which we spend our free time from lessons, in which our class teacher teaches Russian, in which we conduct class hours, assemblies and other meetings. When we moved to high school, we received this office and now we are trying to do everything to improve and decorate it.

Our parents decided to replace the old wooden windows with modern metal-plastic ones. Now, even in the most severe frosts, our office is cozy and warm.

On Teacher's Day, we gave a gift to our class - we bought a large and new magnetic board. Our teacher was very happy, because such a board is a real treasure for the classroom.

There are a lot of flowers on the windowsills in our classroom. Each student brought some beautiful plant from home, so our class is like a green oasis. On Friday, after school, we make sure to wash every leaf on the flower, every twig.

The walls in the classroom are decorated with beautiful and educational displays on various topics. Some are devoted to the rules of the Russian language, others reveal to us general, interesting, life facts. We decided to design one stand ourselves and decorated it with photographs of all the students in our friendly class. Of course, in the very center of the stand we placed a photo of our favorite teacher.

I really love my class. Its furnishings are soft and pleasant. We come there as if to our own home. At any break, no matter what lesson we have, we are often in our favorite classroom.

I approve

Director of gymnasium No. 184


T.A. Kulikova


Russian language classroom No. 21

Municipal educational institution gymnasium No. 184

Head office of Aleshin G.N.

Characteristics of the Russian language classroom

№ 21

Cabinet area – 49, 1 sq.m.

The office has 3 windows facing the southeast side; the light openings are equipped with adjustable sun-shading devices such as blinds, matching the color of the walls.

For artificial lighting, seven lamps with 60 W energy-saving lamps are used. The lamps are installed in rows along the room parallel to the windows. Separate activation is provided. The chalkboard is illuminated by two mirror lamps installed parallel to it, double-ended tubular fluorescent lamps “OSRAM”, “IKEA” (certificate of conformity included). The lamps are placed 0.3 m above the top edge of the board and 0.6 m towards the classroom in front of the board.

The lowest level of illumination of workplaces for teachers and students with artificial lighting is at least 300 lux, above the blackboard - 500 lux.

The walls of the classroom are painted in a slightly saturated yellow color, smooth, and can be cleaned using a wet method.

The window frames are painted white.

The office is provided with heating and supply and exhaust ventilation in such a way that the temperature is maintained within 18-21 degrees Celsius; air humidity is within 40-60%.

Natural ventilation is carried out using transoms and vents, which are equipped with devices convenient for closing and opening. The floor has linoleum covering.

The furniture in the office is arranged as follows: a three-row arrangement of student tables with five tables in each row. The distance between tables in a row is 0.6 m, between rows of tables is 0.5-0.7 m, from the first tables to the front wall is about 2.6-2.7 m, the greatest distance between the last place of students from the blackboard is 8.6 m. Along the back wall there are two cabinets for storing educational material (reference books, dictionaries, fiction).

On the front wall there is a blackboard with five work surfaces, consisting of a main board and two folding ones. Size of the main panel: 1500 x 1000mm, folding panels: 750 x 1000mm. This board has a magnetic surface. There is also an exhibition hanging screen on the front wall.

The teacher's workplace is equipped with a table that has a surface area sufficient to accommodate several books, compartments for sets of notebooks and sets of handouts used in a specific lesson. There is a computer desk nearby.

For the rational organization of the students’ workplace, the following conditions are met:

  1. Sufficient surface for writing, reading and other types of independent work;
  2. Convenient placement of equipment used in the lesson;
  3. Correspondence of the table and chair to anthropometric data to maintain a comfortable working posture for the student;
  4. Required level of illumination on the working surface of the table (300 lux)

Furniture group

Height of the front edge of the chair seat, mm

Height group, mm

Marking color

Table height, mm

1460 to 1600


1600 to 1750


1750 to 1800


Inventory sheet of office No. 21


Year of purchase


Inventory number

N/a "Russian language"


Student table 2-seater


Adjustable student chair


Teacher's chair





Classroom board 3 el.

Non-chalk board




Multimedia projector.

Document camera




Table 2 pedestals



Computer desk



Whiteboard stand



Poster stand



Cabinet for teaching aids




List of (standard) dressings and medicines for the first aid kit of the school classroom of Russian language and literature

  1. Individual antiseptic dressings – 3 pcs., packages without bandages (3 pcs.), with bandages (3 pcs.).
  2. Bandages (3 pcs.).
  3. Cotton wool (2 packets).
  4. Harness (1 piece).
  5. Iodine tincture – 1 bottle
  6. Ammonia – 1 bottle
  7. Baking soda – 1 pack.
  8. 2 – 4% boric acid solution – 1 bottle (250 ml).
  9. 3% acetic acid solution – 1 bottle (250ml)
  10. Validol – 1 pack.
  11. Potassium permanganate (freshly prepared solution).
  12. Hydrogen peroxide.

Long-term plan for the development of the Russian language classroom (No. 21)

for 2008-2018

What's planned



Bottom line

Equipment for a stationary Russian language classroom, renovation of the classroom. Purchase of a computer and multimedia projector, installation of blinds.


Aleshina G.N.


Installation and connection to multimedia equipment of a document camera.


Aleshina G.N.


Connection to a local Internet network.


Aleshina G.N.


Update periodically

methodological literature


Aleshina G.N.


Installation of additional lighting above the standard educational board.


Aleshina G.N.


Purchasing multimedia teaching aids.


Aleshina G.N.


Purchasing CDs on the subject

Update periodically

methodological literature

Stationary installation of a multimedia projector.


Aleshina G.N.



Purchase of screen and sound aids, videos.

"Big Encyclopedia". Kosovo, “Funny ABC”, “Russian language tutor”.

Create a folder with regulatory documents.

Create a creative base based on student work.

Collect materials to prepare children for the Olympiads.

Installation of plastic windows.

Purchase of copying equipment (Xerox).

Swivel teacher's chair.




Aleshina G.N.

Aleshina G.N.

Aleshina G.N.


Logistics and technical support for the Russian language classroom

To determine quantitative indicators of material and technical support, the following system of symbolic notations is used:

  1. D – demonstration copy (1 piece);
  2. TO - full set (based on class size);
  3. F – set for frontal work (at least 1 copy for two students);
  4. P - kit necessary for practical work in groups.

Name of facilities and means of logistical support

Required amount

Basic school

High school



Federal Law “On Education”.

State standard of general education in the Russian language.

Standard of secondary (complete) general education in the Russian language (basic level).

Standard of secondary (complete) general education in the Russian language (profile level).

Secondary (complete) education program in Russian language and literature.

Didactic material for grades 5-11 in the Russian language ((handouts)

Tables on Russian language and literature for all sections of the school course for grades 5-11 (see appendix)




Reproductions of Russian paintings for speech development lessons



Portraits of outstanding Russian writers (color version)

Portraits of Russian writers (black and white version)

Portraits of children's writers (black and white version)

Analysis of a lyrical work ((preparation for the Unified State Exam in literature)

KIM for preparation for the Unified State Exam in Russian, grades 9-11 (see appendix)

Workbooks in the Russian language grades 5-6 (according to the program of S.I. Lvova)

Directories, dictionaries and encyclopedias on Russian language and literature (see appendix)




A set of fiction from the series “Classics and Contemporaries”, “School Library” (see appendix)




Multimedia training programs and electronic textbooks on the main sections of the Russian language and literature course




Multimedia training and monitoring programs in some areas of the Russian language.




Electronic libraries for literature courses.

Gaming computer programs ((by sections of the Russian language course)

Videos on the works of some writers (see appendix)

Audio recordings on different sections of literature

Classroom board with a magnetic surface and a set of devices for attaching cards and tables

Hinged exposure screen.

Multimedia computer and projector.

Document camera

Instructions for providing first aid in case of accidents TOI R-200-22-95

1. Each employee must know and be able to provide first aid in the event of an accident.

2. In case of a bruise, the bruised part of the body should be kept at rest and cold should be applied to the bruised area. It is not allowed to lubricate the bruised area with iodine, rub it, or massage it.

If bruises to internal organs are suspected, before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to free the victim from constricting clothing and place him on a level place.

3. When a joint is dislocated, it is necessary to ensure complete immobility in the joint. It is prohibited to reset a dislocated joint yourself.

4. In case of any damage to the skin and tissues of the body, the skin around the wound should be lubricated with iodine, the wound should be covered with sterile material and a bandage should be applied.

5. In case of a fracture of the limbs, it is necessary to ensure the immobility of the bone by applying a splint using special and improvised means (boards, planks, plywood, sticks). In case of an open fracture, an additional sterile bandage should be applied to the damaged area.

6. In case of a thermal burn without blisters, the burned area is washed with a stream of clean water, and the affected area is treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If you have burns, you should not touch the burned part of the body with dirty hands, pierce or remove blisters.

7. In case of electric shock, the victim must be immediately disconnected from the power supply. It is prohibited to use wet or uninsulated metal objects in such cases.

8. In case of gas poisoning, the victim should be taken out into the fresh air or into another room, opening the vents, windows, doors there, and give them a sniff of ammonia.

The description of the Russian language classroom should suggest that this school premises fully meets all regulatory requirements. It is important to create a comfortable environment with optimal temperature, humidity, lighting, which will facilitate the learning process. These parameters must be under the control of the manager at all times. It is important to make the equipment and furnishings of the premises as safe as possible, and their use comfortable.

It is important that the design of the school premises creates a holistic picture. All its components should be visual and help students understand complex topics and remember the basic rules of the Russian language.

Description of the Russian language classroom in terms of the quality of educational material

When describing a Russian language classroom, it implies some kind of modern training center in which important information is concentrated. It should be assembled in the following form:

· various dictionaries - spelling and explanatory, terminological, rare words, dialects, synonyms and others;

· government regulations in this industry;

· periodicals, which can be useful both for teachers for drawing up a lesson plan, and for students when studying complex topics;

· textbooks provided by the program;

· printed handouts where you can place certain information that will be relevant when studying a specific topic;

· reference books where you can learn more about the rules of speech and writing;

· a variety of videos and sound recordings on digital media, which will help increase students’ interest in the subject and create interesting open lessons;

· didactic materials and other aids.

General description of the Russian language classroom

In this case, you should pay attention to the convenience of the workspace and the quality of information distribution in it. It is recommended to place the following equipment in this room:

· the required number of seats for students depending on the average class size;

· a convenient workplace for the teacher, where he has access to all equipment;

· a school board where you can write with chalk or special markers;

· information stands that contain basic rules, main theses and other important information for better understanding of the theoretical course;

· video projector, interactive whiteboard, laser pointer, computer, tablet and other equipment depending on the financial capabilities of the school.

You can place a panel with the alphabet above the board, and it is best to hang all stands opposite the windows. It is recommended to install bookcases and shelving on the back wall. You can store all textbooks, reference, methodological and other supporting literature in them. Place a poster board not far from the cabinets. It is intended for storing a variety of demonstration materials - posters, tables, diagrams.

Description of stands for the Russian language classroom

Displays are a central part of any school premises as they present important information in an accessible, concise and understandable manner. When preparing them, you need to use data that is considered difficult to understand.

The following may serve as demonstration material:

· important rules in writing adverbs, pronouns, prepositions and other parts of speech;

· portraits of outstanding writers;

· detailed description of all parts of speech, indication of their properties;

I am delighted with our Russian language class. It would seem like an ordinary class, nothing special, but no. And the thing is that the teacher of Russian language and literature is Alla Ivanovna, a sweet woman of 50-55 years old with a pleasant, neat appearance, always smelling of sweet perfume with a hint of homemade baked goods. She has three young grandchildren and every day before work she bakes them pies, muffins, cookies and more. She is completely saturated with a delicious aroma and brings it to school, and everyone sitting in the first desks feels it and automatically wants to eat. Always after her lesson, half the class runs to the buffet for some pastries.

She is also very neat, clean and treats with care everything that is in the classroom under her care. For example, the portraits hanging above the board are neatly covered with strips of white fabric and embroidered with national patterns by her hands. All the window sills are filled with flowers, and the pots are dressed in knitted clothes of different colors.

A snow-white window, lush greenery and bright spots of different sizes look very harmonious. On the table, between stacks of notebooks, stands a gorgeous orchid with huge white flowers. It’s immediately clear that Alla Ivanovna loves flowers, so for every professional holiday we from the whole class give her some new rare flower.

It is a pleasure to study in such a class, and we always leave her lessons in a good mood.

Description of the office.

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