Description of the painting by Myasoedov Kostsy (Time of Passion). Essay based on Myasoedov’s painting “Mowers (Time of Passion)” (With a plan)

Myasoedov - Time of suffering. Mowers

I like this picture because it is very sunny. The sun here is as hot as in August, “ripe”. Maybe it seems so to me because in the picture people are harvesting. They mow wheat or rye.

We see beautiful ears mixed with red and blue flowers. This is already the edge of the field - there is also green grass. The colors of the flowers match the clothes of the mowers. Basically, everyone is in white, but there is a man in a red shirt, and there is a man in a blue one. He has a wreath of ears of ears on his blue head. He is already a little old - his beard is almost gray. Behind him is a younger man. The women have sun scarves on their heads. It is possible that this is one family. Everyone is serious, or rather focused on work (maybe already tired), but there are also smiles. We don’t see many people very much, as they are collecting ears of corn - people are bent over. On the right, in my opinion, is a grandmother in a headscarf. In general, everyone went out to mow!

To the left in the distance is another group of mowers. On foreground a small sheaf of cut ears. There is also some kind of bowl and something that looks like a dried bun. And yet it seems to me that these are not food, but things for sharpening a scythe. There’s also a rake – to rake up what’s been mown down, I guess.

The sky is also beautiful - with white clouds. We see birds in the sky. There are also two butterflies that fly over beautiful red flowers.

The colors of the picture are not bright, but faded as if from the summer sun, very pleasant. You can feel the heat of August.

It’s also interesting that in front is the one with the beard, as the most experienced, and behind him is a younger man, and behind him is a guy... It’s like the continuity of generations.

In general, looking at the picture, you understand what it is important work- mowing rye (and wheat), as people took this seriously. And they did the right thing! It is clear that this is difficult, but responsible, and most importantly, enjoyable work. Now combines are harvesting from the fields.

Essay description of the painting Time of Passion. Mowers Myasoedova

Grigory Grigorievich Myasoedov was truly a Russian artist. His canvases most often depict landscapes of his native lands or their inhabitants. As an example, we can take such works as “ Autumn morning" and "The zemstvo is having lunch." But most famous painting, which contained and beautiful nature and the description of the people became “Time of Passion.” It was created in 1887 and was personally purchased by the Emperor Alexander III. And he was known for his love for Russian traditions, not European ones.

Today, not everyone knows the meaning of the word strada. It means that time of summer when mowing, reaping and harvesting of grain takes place. In the picture we see peasants enthusiastic about their work different ages who mow rye. In front of everyone stands an old man in a dirty blue shirt with a wreath of ears of rye on his head. He confidently holds the scythe in his hands, as does the man standing a little behind. His Thick hair The gray hair has not yet touched. Each of them looks thoughtfully at their feet, while the guy standing in the background smiles. He is still very young and works ineptly and timidly. Next to them are girls in headscarves, collecting cut rye and knitting sheaves from it.

The wind gently ruffles the golden ears of corn, among which the peasant is working. On the field, in addition to ripe rye, there are fragrant daisies and cornflowers, and a single burdock. Butterflies flutter merrily above them. And in the bright summer sky, in which cumulus clouds fly into the distance, a pair of birds flies by. A clearly defined blue horizon line separates the sea of ​​rye and the azure sky.

In this picture, the artist reflects peasant life, the inextricable connection and unity of the people with the Russian land. The author treats with great respect and love to the common man, which, as you may recall from the history course, was the basis of the life of the Russian empire. All the details of the landscape and portrait are drawn in great detail. Every blade of grass, every hair was given great attention.

All the work is imbued with peace and tranquility, although the characters depicted are busy with work. The canvas seems to glow because G.G. Myasoedov used only soft tones, with the exception of the lower edge where the grass is located. It seems that the light and heat emitted by the painting penetrate directly into your heart, and this makes it amazingly joyful and wonderful. I want to feel the scorching heat of the sun, the pleasant touch of the wind, and inhale the smell of earth and mown grass. Though peasant life and it was not easy, but in the painting “Time of Time” people seem incredibly happy.

School essay 5th grade, 6th grade

  • Shishkin I.I.

    Born on the twenty-fifth of January 1832. Since childhood, I spent my free time drawing. He studied at the painting school. Here he studies under great mentors.

Their work is progressing well, soon the first mower will come out, but the job is not done yet. Familiar, although difficult, but joyful work, crowning the work of the whole summer.

Get itchy, shoulder!
Swing your hand!
Smell it in your face
Wind from noon!
Refresh, excite
The steppe is spacious!
Buzz, scythe,
Like a swarm of bees!
Moloney, braid,
Sparkle all around!
Make some noise, grass,
Bow down, flowers,
Head to the ground!

Essay plan.
I. The plot of Myasoedov’s painting “Mowers (Time of Passion).”
II. Scenery.
1. Rye field.
2.Sky and clouds.
1. Description of mowers:
a) senior mower;
b) a mower in a white shirt;
c) a young mower in a red shirt;
d) women are peasants.
2. Attitude of peasants to work.
IV.The mood that the picture creates.
Artist's skill.

The grain is finally ripe. The tall rye stands like a wall, specks of cornflowers peek through here and there. White flowers grew on the border, and thistles stood. The test sheaf has already been mowed, a rake is lying on it. And above the field, through the blue sky, birds are flying, maybe they are birds of prey that catch rodents scared away by the mowers. high clouds do not threaten to rain, but you still need to hurry to remove the bread before the rains start.
The mowers' work is measured. They walk in a ledge to mow down all the rye so that there are no blemishes left, but it is completely unacceptable to “cut” the person in front.
The most experienced mower goes first. So as not to get in the way, he tied his hair with a plait, twisted right on the field, from the same rye. He just swung his scythe and will now raise it again.
The powerful shoulders are dressed in a blue shirt, which has already somewhat lost its original color.
The most experienced mower is followed by his fellow villagers - an elderly man in a white shirt looks intently at the rye, his hands confidently holding the scythe. This is not the first mowing in his lifetime.
A young man in a red shirt looked away from his mowing for a moment and looked appraisingly - how far is it still?
Peasant women stand next to the rake. White scarves, casual sundresses.
Their work is progressing well, soon the first mower will come out, but the job is not done yet. Familiar, although difficult, but joyful work, crowning the work of the whole summer. Of course, we still need to collect the mown rye into sheaves, dry it thoroughly, and thresh it, but the main work will soon be done.
The artist depicted with great accuracy both the stalks of rye and the flowers on the border; you can even recognize a thistle flower. The figures of the mowers are shown with a wide shoulder span, their hands confidently hold the braids, this work is a joy for them.

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