Brief description of the painting Portrait of Mila. Essay based on Khabarov’s painting, portrait of Mila. Description, features. Description of Khabarov’s portrait “Portrait of Mila”

We are accustomed to the fact that artists usually depict well-known and famous people in portraits: aristocrats, politicians, scientists. But the description of the painting “Portrait of Mila” by Khabarov differs from our usual ideas. On it we see a very ordinary girl, a schoolgirl, sitting in a chair with a book and reading enthusiastically. The artist depicts this ordinary, everyday scene very carefully and with love. He carefully describes his heroine.

Mila's head is slightly tilted to the side, her eyes are closed, and the whole expression on her face suggests that she is very keen on reading. We see that she is sitting in a chair, her legs crossed and slightly leaning towards a book. She has blond hair and a beautiful, regular face. She is dressed in simple casual clothes. The chair is large, comfortable and Mila seems to be drowning in it. The deep blue color of the chair adds comfort and peace to the picture. This color reminds us of a calm winter evening, when darkness is gathering outside the windows and it’s so wonderful to settle down at home with a book on your lap, reading about adventures and secrets.

Skates are carelessly thrown on the floor next to the chair. Apparently, the girl had just come from a walk and eagerly took up the book, forgetting about everything else. The large round chair, Mila’s figure, her concentrated and attentive expression on her face - everything emphasizes the fact that she is completely immersed in the world of the book she is reading, and everything that happens outside of it does not exist for her. It’s a pity that you can’t see the title on the book, but you can see how thick and shabby it is; it’s been read with interest more than once.

The artist highlights the girl’s figure against the background of the surrounding environment using lighter tones. He places her in the center of the picture so that the audience focuses all their attention on Mila. The artist seems to want to show us Mila in the same way as in ancient times they depicted kings and aristocrats in portraits. The girl in the portrait looks very natural and lively, she is not posing. It is clear that the author simply depicted her doing her favorite pastime. At the same time, the environment around the girl is also quite simple - skates at the leg of the chair and a lamp on the side. Apparently, the artist deliberately depicted almost nothing around Mila, so as not to distract attention from her. There is nothing large-scale or serious in the picture, but nevertheless it is very expressive and touching.

I liked the picture because it depicts the most ordinary things with warmth and sincerity. One may wonder why the artist did not choose a more interesting and expressive theme for his work. But personally, while writing an essay on the painting “Portrait of Mila” by Khabarov, one thing became clear to me. In order to depict beauty, it is not necessary to look for it in something unusual. There is nothing unusual about Mila, who is passionate about reading and sitting in a blue chair. But anyone who saw this picture will not forget it for a long time.

The artist's story about the girl Mila Which image in the painting is central? How was the girl positioned in the chair? Why? What can Mila’s sportswear tell the viewer? Why is the girl sitting in a chair with her feet up without taking off her slippers? What do the skates thrown by the girl under the chair say?

What can her face tell about Mila? What does Mila look like? Hair: light brown, reddish, sand-colored, straight, long, short-cropped, smooth, combed, curly, tousled, dyed, styled, luxurious, thick, braided, thin, tied in a knot….

Let's talk about color. Artists very carefully select colors for their paintings. Often the combination of colors in a painting helps us, the viewers, understand the attitude of the author of the painting to what he depicted. What colors did the artist choose? Which color is more? What natural image does this color correspond to?

A little about the shape Mila sits in a round chair on long ray-shaped legs. Why did the artist choose this particular shape of the chair? It can be argued that Mila, along with the book and her cloud-chair, flew away far from..... What meaning does the lamp near Mila’s head carry?

Let's read the received story about Mil. Using what was written down, we will voice the received story. Story plan Where was Mila before coming home? Why was she in a hurry? What did the girl do as soon as she returned? Is it possible to distract Mila from reading? How do you see her eyes? Why?

For the first time when I saw the painting “Portrait of Mila,” painted in 1970, I was amazed at how accurately and clearly the image of the girl was conveyed on the canvas.

This painting can be attributed to the merits of the famous Soviet portrait artist Valentin Iosifovich Khabarov. In his collection of works there are a lot of paintings depicting people, but it was this painting that attracted me the most.

This work was written quite recently, but over such a period of time a lot has changed, and now it is quite difficult to see a teenager reading a book.

In the center of the picture is a girl of about fourteen years old. She sits in a large, round blue chair and enthusiastically reads the meaning of the written book. Her passion for reading this book is evident throughout. She tucked her legs up, settling completely into the chair. She seems to be completely oblivious to what is happening around her.

Skates lie carelessly next to the chair. Most likely, the girl rushed from her sports training, took off her sports clothes and immediately sat down behind the pages of her favorite book.

A small lamp hangs above the chair. It illuminates the room in the best way for reading. From its light, the room is filled with soft and calm tones.

Looking at the wallpaper in bed colors, one can assume that the main character of the picture is sitting in her girl’s room.

Using the play of colors, the artist did an excellent job of highlighting the main details of the picture. The bright image of the girl against the background of a dark blue chair harmonizes and balances the atmosphere so much that, looking at the canvas, you just want to enjoy the harmony, comfort and tranquility of that homely atmosphere.

A carefree, defenseless girl just spending time for her own pleasure. She is not yet framed by adult, complex problems and is simply doing what she likes best. IN AND. Khabarov is truly a talented artist. He created a magnificent masterpiece of art.

To write an essay on “Portrait of Mila” by Khabarov, you need a work plan.

Essay plan

Introduction. About the artist V.I. Khabarov.

1. About the portrait and its plot.

2. The heroine of the portrait: clothes, shoes, book.

3. The interior of the room and the overall composition of the picture.

Conclusion. Impressions from the portrait.


In the introduction to the essay on Khabarov’s “Portrait of Mila,” it must be said that today the artist Valery Iosifovich Khabarov is 73 years old. People of this generation were born during difficult war years, and they had to grow up in an unsettled, hungry, post-war time. Life was not easy for everyone then, it was necessary to work a lot, there was no time for entertainment.

The artist Valery Khabarov studied a lot, but study is also work. After high school, he graduated from art school, an art institute in Moscow, and then also studied in the creative workshop of a famous artist. As a result, he became a famous master, a member of the Union of Artists, received various awards for his work, and participated in many domestic and foreign exhibitions.

Khabarov gained the greatest popularity as a portrait painter. When describing Khabarov’s painting “Portrait of Mila,” one cannot help but recall his other wonderful portraits. Such, for example, as the chess player Karpov and the curator of the museum in Borodino Shatov.

The portraits made by Khabarov, in particular “Portrait of Mila”, the essay on which we are analyzing, are interesting because they are executed in a special, slightly tense manner. Their heroes seem to be captured by some idea or activity: here is grandmaster Anatoly Karpov standing, leaning on the table and anxiously peering at his interlocutor. The girl Mila is absorbed in reading a book. And the elderly curator of the museum, Konstantin Shatov, looks from the portrait so wisely, as if he himself had witnessed the Battle of Borodino, and all the events of those years remained forever in his memory.

A feature of the artist’s writing in his essay on Khabarov’s “Portrait of Mila” can be called a certain sharpness of the image - this can be found in the works of representatives of the so-called naive painting. But this angularity does not spoil the portraits; on the contrary, it gives them a special charm.

About the portrait and its plot

Now let's move directly to the description of Khabarov's "Portrait of Mila".

The painting “Portrait of a Girl in a Chair” (as it was originally called) was painted in 1974. It is considered one of the artist's most famous works. The heroine of the portrait was called Mila Haldevich, so the painting is often called simply “Portrait of Mila.”

Unfortunately, practically nothing is known about the history of Khabarov’s “Portrait of Mila” and about Mila Haldevich herself. Unless we can guess her age and guess from some details how and where she lived.

The heroine of the portrait: pose, clothes, shoes, book

Here we move on to a description of the appearance of the person in Khabarov’s painting “Portrait of Mila”.

The portrait depicts a 12-13 year old girl with her feet up on a chair and enthusiastically reading a book. The girl is completely immersed in reading: her mouth is half open, as if she is pronouncing phrases in her mind that bring the plot closer to the denouement. This is probably how we all look from the outside when we are passionate about something. It’s as if we are inside ourselves, as if in some wonderful capsule. Maybe that’s why the artist depicted his heroine inside a round chair, her legs tucked under her.

The last pages of an interesting book are about to turn, and the girl is in a hurry. These pages are always the most fascinating, so it is not surprising that the girl, running from the skating rink, barely had time to undress, grabbed the book.

This picture offers many options for presenting previous and subsequent events, and this is precisely what is always interesting to the viewer (or, for example, reader) of a work of art. By discussing these supposed events, we seem to be participating in the creation of a picture along with the artist.

In the essay on “Portrait of Mila” by Khabarov, it can be noted that the heroine of the portrait is most likely a purposeful, active, developed girl. She reads a lot (a lazy person would never force herself to read such a thick book to the end), plays sports (this can be seen from her posture, abandoned skates, and also from the fact that she is wearing trousers - girls at that time did not often wear trousers). And she is not yet at all subject to girlish concerns about her appearance: she is wearing a simple T-shirt, and strands of her straight hair are simply and modestly scattered over her shoulders.

But the jeans... It must be recalled that the portrait was painted in the 1970s, when jeans were not yet sold in Soviet stores, they could only be purchased on the black market. And this suggests that Mila is from a wealthy family with connections. She can afford the luxury of denim pants for a teenage girl. But even these jeans speak in favor of her modesty - Mila has no time to be distracted by the street and walks with friends, she is all about her studies and her extracurricular activities.

The interior of the room and the overall composition of the picture

In an essay based on the painting “Portrait of Mila” by Valery Khabarov, we will try to describe the situation surrounding the heroine.

Most likely, Mila is a city resident. The interior that “got” onto the canvas tells us this. Parquet flooring, an elegant lamp, a round, bowl-like chair, quite elegant for that time.

According to the recollections of the elderly, people lived modestly in the 1970s. Unless, of course, these were representatives of the party elite. Many goods could not be purchased due to shortages. Everything had to be “taken out”. This was not yet felt in large cities, but in the provinces, and especially in the villages, it was difficult to find even good books. Although now it’s hard to believe.

This means that Mila most likely lived in a large city, where there was an ice skating rink and a decent library. She probably had a mother and father, that is, a complete family.

Conclusion. Impressions from the portrait

In conclusion of the essay on Khabarov’s painting “Portrait of Mila”, we can note what we liked about this painting. For example, the fact that it is painted realistically, although not as masterfully as the paintings of Surikov, Tropinin, Fedotov.

And there is also some kind of fabulousness in it. It doesn't seem that Mila Haldevich is an ordinary girl, like everyone else. Both the very features of her face and the depicted interior are not ordinary, not everyday.

Perhaps the artist, as a representative of the “socialist realism” movement, deliberately embellished the life of the simplest girl from a typical Soviet family? After all, the artists of those years were supposed to show ordinary life events and ordinary heroes. Khabarov reflected the comfort and softness of Mila’s world in the film. But behind all this softness there is an understatement. Social and family conflicts clearly have no place in this calm, prosperous, prosperous life.

Concluding the description of Khabarov’s painting “Portrait of Mila”, we note that over the years this work will cause more and more surprise among viewers. Too much has changed since then. A modern girl would rather hold a smartphone or an e-reader in her hands. Paper volumes are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Yes, and it is difficult today to meet a person who reads a book with such enthusiasm.

By expressing these controversial considerations, we will finish the essay on Khabarov’s painting “Portrait of Mila.”

Valentin Khabarov is a wonderful Soviet artist, whose paintings are always interesting for their subjects, reflecting an entire era. Valentin Iosifovich painted his painting “Portrait of Mila” in 1970. He showed what his generation loved to read. Books at that time meant a lot, and it was real magic that people always turned to in their free time. We read a lot at that time, but not only adults, but also children were fond of reading.

Valentin Khabarov’s painting “Portrait of Mila” is interesting in the way the author of the canvas constructs the image. So, in the center of the picture is the girl herself. It is clear that she is of school age, but when Mila had a free minute, she, comfortably sitting in a chair on thin legs, immediately began to read. The viewer should also pay attention to the fact that the girl sits comfortably, despite the fact that the chair is deep. But Mila, legs crossed, is passionate about the development of the plot in her book. The girl was so carried away by reading that she even forgot to take off her slippers and sat down in the chair right in them. Maybe today she came across a book that she had long dreamed of. That’s why the heroine of the picture is in such a hurry to read this work. By the way the girl sits, how she presses her knees and clenches her hands, it is noticeable that Mila is worried about how the plot is developing and how the fate of the main characters is shaping up.

Judging by the thickness of the book that the girl has already read, one can determine that she will soon finish the plot and the heroine of the picture will already be able to exhale. But for now she doesn’t notice anything around her, and her eyes are glued to the lines in the book. Mila's face reflects concentration and immersion in the plot of the book, in how the action unfolds.

Valentin Khabarov portrayed the girl beautifully and very accurately and in detail. Mila has a sweet and bright face with delicate features. Her thin and blond hair, barely reaching her shoulders, is neatly combed and styled. Eyes, without looking away, look at the book. The viewer sees a snow-white lamp above the girl’s head. It is small in size, round in shape. It was placed on the wall so that it always shined on the chair where, probably, many family members were reading books. Most likely, evening had already come, and the girl deliberately sat in this chair to turn on the lamp and read under brighter lighting.

The chair that the artist placed in the central place in the painting is also interesting. Valentin Iosifovich draws it clearly too. It is cozy, large, deep. You can always spend a pleasant evening reading a book there. Both the girl’s pose and the chair also indicate that this evening is good and calm.

The chair itself is dark blue, but it stands on tall brown wooden legs. The color of this chair goes well with the wallpaper on the walls. They are beige with a hint of warm brown. The color of the floor - reddish - fits perfectly into this color scheme of the picture. The floor is parquet and clean. Its surface reflects light reflections from the lamp, which is turned on on the wall and complements the main lighting in the room.

The artist Valentin Khabarov managed to wonderfully depict a girl who reads confidently, but at the same time, with a book that interests her, she feels relaxed and resting. An unexpected detail in this entire composition are the skates that lie next to the chair. They are white and curly. Perhaps only recently the girl had been out for a walk, but when she returned, she immediately began reading the book that had interested her so much.

And here I would like to pay attention to the girl’s clothes. She is wearing a snow-white short-sleeve T-shirt. But girl, despite the fact that it’s winter outside, it’s not freezing at all. Therefore, it becomes clear that the apartment is very warm. But Mila’s legs are wearing sweatpants, which means that quite recently the girl was involved in sports: she rode, played snowballs, and ran through the snowy streets of the city. But the girl likes not only fun and active entertainment. She is also interested in reading. Therefore, as soon as she closed the door and took off her outerwear, Mila immediately began to finish reading the book that interested her so much.

Maybe at this time the wind is raging outside, knocking on the windows, snow is falling in beautiful and snow-white flakes, but the heroine of Khabarov’s picture is not interested in all this now and she is only thinking about what the ending of the whole plot will be, which turned out to be so interesting . Maybe the girl herself will begin to compose books that children will later read. And I want to believe that the fate of this sincere and so calm heroine of the film will turn out well and that only good luck awaits her in life.

In his painting, the artist Valentin Khabarov showed that the girl had a carefree childhood, that she could run and jump calmly, enthusiastically spend her evenings reading the books she liked, and play sports. It's hard to take your eyes off this painting, and the audience really likes it.

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