The definition of the word tribe is brief. Modern savagery. Stages of tribal evolution

1) Tribe- (English tribe, from Latin tribus), a type of ethnic community and socio-poetic structure, until recently theoretically associated primarily with the early stages of social evolution.

2) Tribe- - type of ethnic community and social organization of the era of the primitive communal system. Characteristic: consanguinity between its members, division into clans and phratries, common territory, some elements of the economy, self-awareness and self-name, customs and cults, for the later stage - self-government, consisting of a tribal council, military and civil leaders. The formation of alliances of P., conquests and resettlement led to the mixing of P. and the emergence of larger communities - nationalities.

3) Tribe- a type of ethnic community of the era of the primitive communal system. Characteristic are consanguineous ties between its members, division into clans and phratries, common territory and certain types of economic activity, self-awareness and self-name, customs, and cults. In the later stages of development, tribal self-government, tribal council, tribal leaders.

4) Tribe- - ethnic community of the era of the primitive communal system. The tribe was replaced by a new form of ethnic community - nationality and a new organization of society - the state.

5) Tribe- - ethnic and social community of people at a primitive level of development. Usually consists of several clans, united by a single territory, common language, customs, and cult. The tribe is led by an elected tribal council, military and civil leaders. Later, tribal alliances are formed, which, during the period of conquest and displacement, lead to the mixing of tribes and the emergence of larger nationalities.

6) Tribe- - unification of several clans under the control of a leader.


(English tribe, from Latin tribus), a type of ethnic community and socio-poetic structure, until recently theoretically associated primarily with the early stages of social evolution.

The type of ethnic community and social organization of the era of the primitive communal system. Characteristic: consanguinity between its members, division into clans and phratries, common territory, some elements of the economy, self-awareness and self-name, customs and cults, for the later stage - self-government, consisting of a tribal council, military and civil leaders. The formation of alliances of P., conquests and resettlement led to the mixing of P. and the emergence of larger communities - nationalities.

type of ethnic community of the era of the primitive communal system. Characteristic are consanguineous ties between its members, division into clans and phratries, common territory and certain types of economic activity, self-awareness and self-name, customs, and cults. In the later stages of development, tribal self-government, tribal council, tribal leaders.

Ethnic community of the era of the primitive communal system. The tribe was replaced by a new form of ethnic community - nationality and a new organization of society - the state.

An ethnic and social community of people at a primitive level of development. Usually consists of several clans, united by a single territory, common language, customs, and cult. The tribe is led by an elected tribal council, military and civil leaders. Later, tribal alliances are formed, which, during the period of conquest and displacement, lead to the mixing of tribes and the emergence of larger nationalities.

The unification of several clans under the control of a leader.

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They don't know what a car, electricity, a hamburger or the United Nations are. They get their food by hunting and fishing, believe that the gods send rain, and do not know how to write or read. They may die from catching a cold or flu. They are a godsend for anthropologists and evolutionists, but they are becoming extinct. They are wild tribes that have preserved the way of life of their ancestors and avoid contact with the modern world.

Sometimes the meeting occurs by chance, and sometimes scientists specifically look for them. For example, on Thursday, May 29, in the Amazon jungle near the Brazilian-Peruvian border, several huts were discovered surrounded by people with bows who tried to fire at the expedition plane. In this case, specialists from the Peruvian Center for Indian Tribal Affairs carefully flew around the jungle in search of savage settlements.

Although recently scientists rarely describe new tribes: most of them have already been discovered, and there are almost no unexplored places on Earth where they could exist.

Wild tribes live in South America, Africa, Australia and Asia. According to rough estimates, there are about a hundred tribes on Earth that do not or rarely come into contact with the outside world. Many of them prefer to avoid interaction with civilization by any means, so it is quite difficult to keep an accurate record of the number of such tribes. On the other hand, tribes that willingly communicate with modern people gradually disappear or lose their identity. Their representatives gradually adopt our way of life or even go away to live “in the big world.”

Another obstacle preventing the full study of tribes is their immune system. "Modern savages" developed for a long time in isolation from the rest of the world. The most common diseases for most people, such as a runny nose or flu, can be fatal for them. The body of savages does not have antibodies against many common infections. When the flu virus strikes a person from Paris or Mexico City, his immune system immediately recognizes the “attacker”, since it has already encountered him before. Even if a person has never had the flu, immune cells “trained” against this virus enter his body from his mother. The savage is practically defenseless against the virus. As long as his body can develop an adequate “response,” the virus may well kill him.

But recently, tribes have been forced to change their usual habitats. The development of new territories by modern man and the cutting down of forests where savages live force them to establish new settlements. If they find themselves close to the settlements of other tribes, conflicts may arise between their representatives. And again, cross-infection with diseases typical for each tribe cannot be ruled out. Not all tribes were able to survive when faced with civilization. But some manage to maintain their numbers at a constant level and not succumb to the temptations of the “big world”.

Be that as it may, anthropologists were able to study the lifestyle of some tribes. Knowledge about their social structure, language, tools, creativity and beliefs helps scientists better understand how human development took place. In fact, each such tribe is a model of the ancient world, representing possible options for the evolution of culture and human thinking.


In the Brazilian jungle, in the valley of the Meiki River, lives the Piraha tribe. There are about two hundred people in the tribe, they exist thanks to hunting and gathering and actively resist being introduced into “society”. The Piraha have unique language features. First, there are no words for shades of color. Secondly, the Pirahã language lacks the grammatical structures necessary for the formation of indirect speech. Thirdly, the Pirahã people do not know numerals and the words “more”, “several”, “all” and “every”.

One word, but pronounced with different intonation, serves to designate the numbers “one” and “two”. It can also mean “about one” or “not very many.” Due to the lack of words for numbers, the Pirahã cannot count and cannot solve simple mathematical problems. They are unable to estimate the number of objects if there are more than three. At the same time, the Pirahã show no signs of a decline in intelligence. According to linguists and psychologists, their thinking is artificially limited by the features of language.

The Pirahã have no creation myths, and a strict taboo forbids them to talk about things that are not part of their own experience. Despite this, the Pirahã are quite sociable and capable of organized actions in small groups.

Cinta larga

The Sinta Larga tribe also lives in Brazil. Once the number of the tribe exceeded five thousand people, but now it has decreased to one and a half thousand. The minimum social unit of the Sinta Larga is the family: a man, several of his wives and their children. They can move freely from one settlement to another, but more often they establish their own home. The Sinta Larga engage in hunting, fishing and farming. When the land where their home stands becomes less fertile or game leaves the forests, the Sinta Larga move from their place and look for a new site for their home.

Each Sinta Larga has several names. One thing - the “real name” - is kept secret by each member of the tribe; only the closest relatives know it. During their life, Sinta Largas receive several more names depending on their individual characteristics or important events that happened to them. Sinta Larga society is patriarchal and male polygamy is common.

The Sinta Larga have suffered greatly due to contact with the outside world. In the jungle where the tribe lives, there are many rubber trees. Rubber collectors systematically exterminated the Indians, claiming that they were interfering with their work. Later, diamond deposits were discovered in the territory where the tribe lived, and several thousand miners from all over the world rushed to develop the Sinta Larga land, which is illegal. The tribe members themselves also tried to mine diamonds. Conflicts often arose between savages and diamond lovers. In 2004, 29 miners were killed by Sinta Larga people. After that, the government allocated $810,000 to the tribe in exchange for a promise to close the mines, allow police cordons to be placed near them, and not engage in stone mining themselves.

Tribes of Nicobar and Andaman Islands

The Nicobar and Andaman Islands group is located 1,400 kilometers off the coast of India. Six primitive tribes lived in complete isolation on the remote islands: the Great Andamanese, Onge, Jarawa, Shompens, Sentinelese and Negrito. After the devastating 2004 tsunami, many feared the tribes had disappeared forever. However, it later turned out that most of them, to the great joy of anthropologists, were saved.

The tribes of the Nicobar and Andaman Islands are in the Stone Age in their development. Representatives of one of them - the Negritos - are considered the most ancient inhabitants of the planet who have survived to this day. The average height of a Negrito is about 150 centimeters, and Marco Polo wrote about them as “dog-faced cannibals.”


Cannibalism is a fairly common practice among primitive tribes. And although most of them prefer to find other sources of food, some have maintained this tradition. For example, the Korubo, who live in the western part of the Amazon Valley. The Korubo are an extremely aggressive tribe. Hunting and raids on neighboring settlements are their main means of subsistence. Korubo's weapons are heavy clubs and poison darts. The Korubo do not practice religious rites, but they have a widespread practice of killing their own children. Korubo women have equal rights with men.

Cannibals from Papua New Guinea

The most famous cannibals are, perhaps, the tribes of Papua New Guinea and Borneo. The cannibals of Borneo are cruel and indiscriminate: they eat both their enemies and tourists or old people from their tribe. The last surge in cannibalism was noted in Borneo at the end of the last - beginning of this century. This happened when the Indonesian government tried to colonize some areas of the island.

In New Guinea, especially in its eastern part, cases of cannibalism are observed much less frequently. Of the primitive tribes living there, only three - the Yali, Vanuatu and Karafai - still practice cannibalism. The most cruel tribe is the Karafai, and the Yali and Vanuatu eat someone on rare ceremonial occasions or out of necessity. The Yali are also famous for their death festival, when the men and women of the tribe paint themselves as skeletons and try to please Death. Previously, to be sure, they killed a shaman, whose brain was eaten by the leader of the tribe.

Emergency ration

The dilemma of primitive tribes is that attempts to study them often lead to their destruction. Anthropologists and travelers alike find it difficult to resist the prospect of traveling back to the Stone Age. In addition, the habitat of modern people is constantly expanding. Primitive tribes managed to carry their way of life through many millennia, however, it seems that in the end the savages will join the list of those who could not stand the meeting with modern man.

And find ways out of the crisis.

Tribe concept

1.2. This is the tribe - FIRST unit of humanity, which is a flock of terrestrial hominids who chose a special path of becoming a predator - not through changing the body for the sake of the appearance of predatory adaptations, but through the creation of hunting tools.

1.3. The fact is that we do not have a criterion for determining the moment when a Flock of hominids became a TRIBE of people. This was the same species unit in which hominids evolved into humans.

1.4. The only thing that can be said is that the species of hominids from which people descended managed to achieve a large number of their flocks, while the other species of ancient monkeys that embarked on the path of exploration of the steppes, apparently, were not able to achieve a large number of individuals living in one site. After all, it was the size of the flock that turned out to be a critical condition for the emergence of a system of division of labor, the depth of which caused synergy. Synergistic effect turned out to be so high that time was freed up for processing consumed items and food, which were now in abundance. But, nevertheless, numbers were only a condition that allowed the emergence of a high degree of division of labor, since all members of the flock were included in the chains of redistribution.

1.5. Now raw materials, in order to become an object of human consumption, could and had to go through the process of processing by labor, more often by the labor of several people, so we can rightfully call this system the word tribal economy. In addition, the emergence of stages of redistribution in the process of human consumption of natural resources allows us to say that people isolated their sphere of consumption from the environment, as an artificial environment, where raw materials reached only through passing through the chain of division of labor.

1.6. However, the economy itself, as a system of division of labor, only made it possible to improve the quality of consumed items. But people were lucky, since they also inherited from hominids, under the influence of which quality improvement has become a competition, the fruits of which we are reaping today in the form of the material wealth of our modern world.

For example:

  • the combination (synergy) of two or more pieces of radioactive material, when the critical mass is exceeded, the total release of energy exceeds the energy emission of a simple summation of individual pieces;
  • the knowledge and efforts of several people can be organized in such a way that they are mutually reinforcing;
  • profits after the merger of two companies may exceed the sum of the profits of these companies before the merger.

1.8. Stable supply of all vital products freed up time to improve the quality and ease of use of these products, which at the same time became consumer products of varying degrees of processing. The excess of food products as a kind of reserve for a long time made it possible to heat treat food over fire. The improvement of tools began - not just a more or less suitable object found along the road, but one more convenient for a narrow scope of application, since it was subjected to special processing. Not only the object set began to take shape, now from objects, simply necessary to ensure life at the level of people, not hominids, but also arose need for KNOWLEDGE. There was no point in passing on many objects to the next generation if, along with them, the knowledge of how to use them and how to reproduce them (technology) was not passed on.

1.9. Actually, hominids also transmitted part of personal skills for descendants, but for people everything was much more serious, because if you don’t pass on to the next generation not just knowledge, but knowledge accumulated by all previous generations of people, then the generation will die out because it will not even be able to provide itself with the level of hominid consumption, which is critical for the human biological body, which preserves the needs of the hominid body.

1.10. Hominids have remained the reference point for humans, since humans, when consuming at the level of hominids, can survive for a short time.

1.4. At the same time, we must understand that the found remains of certain hominids in many parts of the world only indicate several waves of expansion of our planet by hominids, but they all died out or were destroyed by the real ancestors of man during the last and final expansion begun by the Cro-Magnons about 200 thousand years ago. We can't deny that tribal form of community was inherent only in the ancestors of modern man.

1.5. Some analogues of the tribe we can see in the lifestyle of great apes. If the herbivorous massive gorillas do not need to exist in large groups in the jungle, rich in vegetation, then our closest relatives - chimpanzees - are forced to live in large groups, the complex hierarchy of which allows the leader to exercise control. Most likely, it is groups of chimpanzees, which are omnivores due to the scarcity of resources in their habitat, that show us how the evolutionary path of human communities began. After all, groups of chimpanzees are no longer a family, but rather a genus, if not - small tribe.

The emergence of tribes

2.1. The cooling of the climate of planet Earth began 36 million years ago at the end of the Eocene, which caused the replacement of tropical forests in North Africa with savannas, forest-steppes, steppes, turning into tundra in a strip at the edge of the glacier in Europe. Monkeys, for whom the rich resources of the jungle allowed them to obtain food in sufficient quantities using the traditional method of gathering, found themselves on the verge of extinction, since the forest-steppe, with the method of obtaining food characteristic of animals, could not provide sufficient resources. The only rich resource of the steppes were large ungulates, inaccessible to small groups of primates, which forced them to live in larger groups, which we call TRIBE, whose members were relatives from the same KIND (FAMILY), which stopped the practice of budding.

2.2. The entire top one, which can be titled - tribe briefly , I consider it as a certain HYPOTHESIS No. 1 , which I will try to confirm with the arguments of the subsequent text.

2.3. Self budding of families, clans and tribes- easily explained by the need for daily accessibility to the natural complex, which provides the group with the resources necessary for life, and which is objectively limited - i.e. has a boundary that group members can approach during the day and return to camp. Exceeding a certain limit on the number of members living together could lead to starvation of the group, so the group, in order to survive, was obliged to divide so that the new group that sprang off could survive by developing its own natural complex.

Tribe size

3.1. Number of tribes of the order of several hundred or about a thousand members - was the result of evolution, since only those genera (families) of apes survived that increased their numbers, which allowed them to increase the efficiency of hunting large animals. Moreover, in ancient times, to unite primitive people into some stable group (, CLAN, TRIBE), it is difficult to imagine any other reason than family relations - kinship - caused by descent from a common ancestor or resulting from a marriage.

3.2. On the other hand, average tribe size could not be much more than a thousand members, since it is limited “from above” by the empirical law of a thousand (Parkinson’s empirical laws), because social groups with larger numbers simply lose control, not to mention the erosion of the criterion of kinship.

3.3. Limiting the number of tribes the figure of 1000 members and below was due not only to the laws of management, but also to the ability of people’s ancestors to make hunting tools, which were a way to use the forces of Nature, which greatly increased the strength of an armed person compared to an unarmed one. The direction to improve weapons was a way to increase consumption, since natural tribal complex was limited factor of daily availability, that is - was relatively equal among all tribes in the era free lands

3.4. The improvement of weapons made it possible for even small tribes to survive or after a catastrophic decline in numbers, which explains the continued existence of backward tribes in the jungles of the Amazon basin.

3.5. If the number of hominid tribes directly depended on the richness of the natural complex, then a unit of humanity had a number determined by the action of multidirectional factors: - (1) the ability to carry out hunting (evolutionarily pushing for an increase in numbers) and (2) the improvement of weapons, allowing fewer people to kill the object of the hunt. After all, theoretically, a smaller number allowed an individual member of the tribe to receive a larger volume of benefits as their relative share of the volume of the resource, assuming equal extraction from “equal” natural complexes. We can assume that people themselves determined the time of need for “budding”, focusing on the volume of consumption, the decrease of which served as an indicator.

Definition of TRIBE

4.1. Hypothesis 2: Term tribe we can apply to the new units of humanity- a social group of people in which apes entered anthropogenesis. Consider meaning of the concept tribe we can only as an abstract entity - TRIBE MODEL, which should represent a set of certain characteristic features that could be found only among the earliest tribes, but mostly restored by the method of historical reconstruction. Actually, tribal model- this is a certain construction that does not correspond to any group with a backward organization of society, which orthodox anthropologists present to us as an example of a tribe.

4.1. It's obvious that tribe among people there is only a legacy from hominids, since this group lifestyle - ancestors of people received 6 million years ago from primates determined to survive in the harsh conditions of the steppe strip of North Africa and the tundra along the edge of the glacier in Europe. The need to live in large groups arose for the opportunity to carry out group method of hunting on large ungulates. Therefore, we can say - there is no fantastic reasons for the emergence of tribes- simply, in the steppes there was a rich resource in the form of large ungulates and, to obtain this resource - evolution of hominid communities went in the direction of increasing numbers, since only a very large group could kill a large animal.

4.2. The tribe is only the development of the family, How natural forms of organization of great apes with which they entered anthropogenesis. Of course, a raise tribe size among hominids, this happened only for the sake of increasing safety and hunting large animals, but for people, the unexpected result was the appearance among members of the tribe that launched in-house factory, which made it possible to increase consumption by processing available and non-valuable raw materials in the process of social labor into valuable consumer products. It’s just that in a small group it is impossible to organize enough food to produce a large range of products that have become necessary for the survival of people as their bodies change.

4.3. Life in the cool steppes, the transition to upright walking and loss of hair were impossible without people mastering the skills of making clothes and shoes. When we talk about human evolution, people did most of it as self-selection due to the emergence of the ability for people to produce new artificial products - for example. clothes before losing hair.

4.4. Under the pressure of evolution, people came to live together in tribes as the best form of community to ensure survival. But this is an evolutionarily chosen natural direction to increase the number of units of proto-humanity, which not only people had, but people were able to use for their unique direction of development as economic subjects. Just for the sake of their own survival, the descendants of monkeys were able to overcome the conditions of scarce resources in only one way - not by searching for ready-made products in nature, of which there are few or none at all, but by artificially (in the sense - opposite to natural) production in , the condition for the emergence of which was multiplicity tribes

4.4. Exactly emergence of tribes in ancient times can be considered starting point for the emergence of modern man. Engels was right when he proposed the thesis: - labor made a man out of a monkey which we need correct in the definition of this work - not everyone, but labor in the division of labor system between many people.

4.5. This explanation reasons for the emergence of a division of labor system as an integral person, who himself cannot be imagined living alone, but only as within the unit of humanity- leaves no chance for the Theory of rational choice. The ancestors of people had no alternative to uniting into tribes other than extinction, but what appeared as a result of the joint economic activity of a large group of people was only a positive consequence, which, once earned, led to the modern material wealth of humanity.

3.2. In the context of my article - concept tribe is a large patriarchal family, which is closer to the Wikipedia concept of ethnicity, but with a limited number of members in this social group, not exceeding several thousand people:

3.3. Wikipedia: Ethnicity (Greek ἔθνος - people) - a historically established stable group of people united by common objective or subjective characteristics, in which various areas of ethnology (ethnography) include origin, a common language, culture, economy, territory of residence, self-awareness, appearance, mentality and more.

3.4. Actually considering concept tribe, accepted in orthodox anthropology, we are dealing with paradox when historians blinded by Eurocentrism insert everywhere word tribe when describing early historical events in Europe, without even realizing that tribal standard in anthropology was created based on observations of modern patriarchal groups of Negroids in Africa and Indians in America. Criticism of the orthodox tribal theory will be lower, but hardly legal to apply term tribe in relation to the social groups of Indo-Europeans who colonized Europe several tens of thousands of years ago. The trouble with historians ideas about the tribe how about static a formation that did not change from the time of hominids until the beginning of the process of the emergence of states, which in Europe occurred en masse already in the new era.

PL'EMYA, b. and dates tribe, tribe, tribe, plural. tribes, tribes (tribes obsolete), tribes, cf. 1. In a pre-class society - a collection of people, usually similar in physical type, united (in one form or another) by tribal relations... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • tribe - TRIBE tribe; pl. tribes, -myeon, -menam; Wed 1. Type of ethnic community and social organization of the era of the primitive communal system (consanguinity between members, division into clans, common language, common territory). Union of tribes. Tribal Council. Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • tribe - a Common Slavic word that goes back to the same base as the noun fruit (with a modified root vowel). Krylov's etymological dictionary
  • - A form of ethnic community characteristic of the primitive stage of human development. Dictionary of linguistic terms Zherebilo
  • tribe - Knee, generation, clan, breed, offspring, race Leave to tribe cf. !! people see >> people Abramov's dictionary of synonyms
  • tribe - noun, number of synonyms... Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • tribe - 1. TRIBE, men, plural. mena, mena, menam, cf. 1. An ethnic and social community of people connected by tribal relations, territory, culture, language and self-name. Primitive tribes. Union of tribes. Nomadic tribes. 2. transfer People, nationality (in 2 meanings) Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • tribe - One of the most ancient forms of ethnic community, consisting of clans. Ethnographic Dictionary
  • tribe - tribe cf. b., b. n. tribe, dial. tribe, Ukrainian tribe, st.-slav. tribe, clan. n. tribe σπέρμα, φυλή (Supr.), Bulgarian. tribe, Serbohorv. tribe, Slovenian pleme, gen. n. plemẹ́na, Czech. plémě, b. n. plemene, slvts. plemä, plemeno, Polish. plemię. Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  • tribe - tribe cf. 1. An ethnic and social community of people connected by tribal relations, territory, culture, language and self-name. || trans. outdated People, nationality. 2. transfer A group or category of people united by some common characteristic. Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  • Tribe - A type of ethnic community and social organization of pre-class society. A distinctive feature of P. is the existence of consanguineous ties between its members, division into Clans and phratries (See Phratry). Other signs... Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • tribe - tribe, pl. tribes, -myon, -menam, cf. 1. A socio-ethnic association of people in the era of the primitive communal system, connected by tribal relations, a common language and territory. Nomadic tribes. Primitive tribes. 2. outdated People, nationality. Small academic dictionary
  • tribe - TRIBE avg. (fruit) in a broad sense: a species of animal. All the tribes of the earth. The human race, all people. || Knee, generation, clan, offspring. The Pozharsky tribe died out and faded away. || Offspring || People, language, set of local natives. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  • tribe - see: pharaohs Explanatory dictionary of Russian argot
  • tribe - Without clan, without tribe - of unknown origin, without family ties. Listen, Ibrahim, you are a lonely man, without family or tribe. A. Pushkin. He is a student, without family, without tribe. Turgenev. Volkova's Phraseological Dictionary
  • tribe - Tribe/ya, tribe/en/i. Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  • tribe - Tribe, tribes, tribes, tribes, tribes, tribes, tribe, tribes, tribe, tribes, tribes, tribes Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  • tribe - noun, p., used. compare often (not) what? tribe, why? tribe, (see) what? tribe, what? tribe, about what? about the tribe; pl. What? tribes, (no) what? tribes, why? tribes, (I see) what? tribes, what? tribes, about what? about tribes... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary
  • tribe - Obseslav. Suf. derivative (suff. -men, cf. flame) from the same base (with a change o/e) as the fruit; dm > m, en > ę > ’a. Originally - “born” (see people). Shansky Etymological Dictionary
  • Tribe - A form of ethnic community characteristic of the primitive stage of human development. See also: Ethnicity. Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms
  • Physical anthropology
  • TRIBE - TRIBE - a type of ethnic community and social organization of primitive society. Characteristic: consanguinity between its members, division into clans and phratries, common territory, some elements of the economy, self-awareness and self-name... Large encyclopedic dictionary
  • In today's world where everyone lives on a schedule, working around the clock and glued to their cell phones, there are some groups of people who focus on nature. The way of life of these tribes is no different from the one they led several centuries ago. Climate change and industrial development have greatly reduced their numbers, but for now, these 10 tribes still exist.

    Kayapo Indians

    The Kayapo are a Brazilian tribe that lives along the Xingu River in 44 separate villages connected by barely visible paths. They call themselves Mebengokre, which means “people of great water.” Unfortunately, their “big water” is about to change dramatically as the huge Belo Monte Dam is being built on the Xingu River. The 668 square kilometer reservoir will flood 388 square kilometers of forest, partially destroying the Kayapo tribe's habitat. The Indians fought against the penetration of modern man for many centuries, fighting everyone from hunters and trappers to lumberjacks and rubber miners. They even successfully prevented the construction of a major dam in 1989. Their population was once only 1,300 people, but has since grown to almost 8,000. The question today is how people will survive if their culture is threatened. Members of the Kayapo tribe are famous for their body painting, agriculture and colorful headdresses. Modern technologies are already penetrating their lives - the Kayapo are driving motorboats, watching TV, or even logging on Facebook.


    Nestled in the Pakistani mountains, on the border with the Taliban-controlled region of Afghanistan, lies a most unusual tribe of white, European-looking people known as the Kalash. Many Kalash have blond hair and blue eyes, a stark contrast to their darker-skinned neighbors. Not only are the Kalash tribe different in physical characteristics, they have a very different culture from the Muslims. They are polytheistic, have a unique folklore, produce wine (which is forbidden in Muslim culture), wear brightly colored clothing, and give much more freedom to women. They are a decidedly happy, peace-loving people who love to dance and hold numerous annual festivals. No one knows for sure how this fair-skinned tribe came to be in remote Pakistan, but the Kalash claim they are long-lost descendants of the army of Alexander the Great. Evidence from DNA tests shows that they had an infusion of European blood during the time of Alexander's conquests, so there is a possibility that their stories are true. For many years, the surrounding Muslims persecuted the Kalash and forced many to convert to Islam. Today, approximately 4,000-6,000 members of the tribe remain, engaged primarily in agriculture.

    Cahuilla Tribe

    While southern California is most often associated with Hollywood, surfers and actors, the area is home to nine Indian reservations inhabited by the ancient Cahuilla people. They lived in the Coachella Valley for over 3,000 years and settled there when prehistoric Lake Cahuilla still existed. Despite problems with disease, gold rushes and persecution, the tribe managed to survive, although it was dwindled to 3,000 people. They have lost much of their heritage, and the unique Cahuilla language is on the verge of extinction. This dialect is a mixture of Yuta and Aztec languages, which can be spoken by only 35 elderly people. Nowadays, elders are trying hard to pass on their language, “bird songs” and other cultural characteristics to the younger generation. Like most indigenous peoples in North America, they faced the challenge of assimilating into the wider community in an attempt to maintain their old traditions.

    Spinifex tribe

    The Spinifex tribe, or Saw Nguru, are indigenous people living in the Great Victorian Desert. They have lived in some of the harshest climates for life for at least 15,000 years. Even after Europeans settled in Australia, this tribe was not affected as they occupied an environment that was too dry and inhospitable. Everything changed in the 1950s, when Spinifex Land, unsuitable for agriculture, was chosen for nuclear testing. In 1953, the British and Australian governments detonated nuclear bombs in the Spinifex homeland, without any consent and after short warning. Most Aboriginal people were displaced and did not return to their homeland until the late 1980s. After returning, they faced heavy opposition when trying to legally recognize the area as their property. Interestingly, their beautiful artwork helped prove the Spinifex's deep connection to this land, leading them to be recognized as an indigenous people in 1997. Their artwork received widespread recognition and appeared in art exhibitions around the world. It is difficult to count how many members of the tribe currently exist, but one of their largest communities, known as Tjuntyuntyara, has an estimated population of 180-220.


    The Philippine island of Palawan is home to the Batak people, the most genetically diverse people on the planet. They are believed to belong to a Negroid-Australoid race, distantly related to those people from whom we are all descended. This means that they are descendants of one of the first groups that left Africa approximately 70,000 years ago and traveled from the Asian mainland to the Philippines approximately 20,000 years later. Typical of Negroids, Bataks are small in stature and have strange, unusual hair. Traditionally, women wear sarongs, while men cover their body only with a loincloth and feathers, or jewelry. The entire community works together to hunt and harvest, followed by celebrations. In general, Bataks are shy, peaceful people who prefer to hide deep in the jungle without engaging in confrontations with outsiders. Like other local tribes, disease, territorial conquests, and other modern invasions have devastated the Batak population. Currently there are approximately 300-500 people. Surprisingly, environmental protection was among the tribe's biggest concerns. The Philippine government has banned logging in certain protected areas, and the Batak have traditionally practiced tree cutting. Without the ability to grow food efficiently, many suffer from malnutrition.


    Andamanese are also classified as Negroids, but due to their extremely short height (adult males are under 150 centimeters), they are usually referred to as pygmies. They inhabit the Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal. Like the Bataks, the Andamanese are one of the first groups to migrate from Africa, and developed in isolation until the 18th century. Up until the 19th century, they didn't even know how to start a fire. The Andamanese are divided into separate tribes, each with their own culture and language. One group disappeared when its last member died at the age of 85 in 2010. Another group, the Sentinelese, are so fiercely resistant to outside contact that even in the modern technological world very little is known about them. Those who have not integrated into the larger Indian culture still live like their ancestors. For example, they use a single type of weapon - a bow and arrow - to hunt pig, turtle and fish. Men and women collect roots, tubers and honey together. Clearly, their lifestyle is working for them, as doctors rate the health and nutritional status of the Andamanese as “optimal.” The biggest problems they have are the impact of Indian settlers and tourists who force them off the land, bring diseases and treat these people like animals in a safari park. Although the exact size of the tribe is not known, as some still live in isolation, there are approximately 400-500 existing Andamanese.

    Piraha tribe

    Although there are many small primitive tribes throughout Brazil and the Amazon, the Pirahã stand out because they have their own culture and language, unlike many other people on the planet. This tribe has some quirky features. They do not have colors, numbers, past tense or subordinate clauses. While some might call the language simplistic, these features are a result of Piraha values ​​of living only in the moment. In addition, because they live completely together, they have no need to ration and divide property. A lot of unnecessary words are eliminated when you have no history, don't have to track anything, and only trust what you see. In general, the Pirahã differ from Westerners in almost every way. They sincerely rejected all missionaries, as well as all modern technologies. They have no leader and do not need to exchange resources with other people or tribes. Even after hundreds of years of external contact, this group of 300 people has remained largely unchanged since ancient times.

    People of Takuu Atoll

    The people of Takuu Atoll are Polynesian in origin, but are considered one of the isolated cultures as they live in the Melanesian region instead of the Polynesian triangle. Takuu Atoll has a particularly distinct culture, which some call the most traditionally Polynesian. This is because the Takuu tribe are extremely protective of their way of life and protect themselves from suspicious outsiders. They even enforced the ban on missionaries for 40 years. They still live in traditional thatched buildings. Unlike most of us, who spend most of our time working, Takuu devote 20-30 hours a week to singing and dancing. Surprisingly, they have over 1,000 songs that they repeat from memory. The 400 members of the tribe are somehow connected to each other, and they are controlled by one leader. Unfortunately, climate change may destroy the Takuu's way of life as the ocean soon engulfs their island. Rising sea levels have already polluted freshwater sources and drowned crops, and although the community has created dams, they are proving ineffective.

    Spirit Tribe

    The Duha are the last group of nomadic herders in Mongolia with a history dating back to the Tang Dynasty. About 300 members of the tribe remain, carefully protecting their cold homeland and believing in a sacred forest where the ghosts of their ancestors live. This cold, mountainous region has very few resources, so the Dukha rely on reindeer for milk, cheese, transportation, hunting and to attract tourists. However, due to the small size of the tribe, the Spirit's way of life is in jeopardy as the reindeer population rapidly declines. There are many factors contributing to this decline, but the most important are overhunting and predation. To make matters worse, the discovery of gold in northern Mongolia has brought in a mining industry that is destroying local wildlife. With so many problems, many young people are leaving their ancient roots and choosing life in the city.

    El Molo

    The ancient El Molo tribe of Kenya is the smallest tribe in the country and also faces many threats. Due to the almost constant persecution of other groups, they have already isolated themselves on the remote shoreline of Lake Terkana, but still cannot breathe easy. The tribe depends solely on fish and aquatic animals for survival and trade. Unfortunately, their lake evaporates by 30 centimeters every year. This contributes to water pollution and a decrease in fish populations. It now takes them a week to catch the same amount of fish they previously caught in a day. El Molo must take risks and dive into crocodile-infested waters to catch his catch. There is fierce competition for fish, and the El Molo are under threat of invasion by warring neighboring tribes. In addition to these environmental hazards, the tribe experiences cholera outbreaks every few years that wipe out most of the people. The average lifespan of an el molo is only 30-45 years. There are approximately 200 of them, and anthropologists estimate that only 40 of them are “pure” El Molo.

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