Refutation of the theory of Raskolnikov F.M. Dostoevsky creates a special artistic system in the novel that refutes Raskolnikov’s theory. The purpose of the lesson is to consider. Petr Petrovich Luzhin “The same thing will probably happen with Polechka”

Refutation of Raskolnikov's theory

    F.M. Dostoevsky creates a special artistic system in the novel that refutes Raskolnikov’s theory. The purpose of the lesson is to consider the main “elements” of this system: calculation and chance in Raskolnikov’s crime; unexpected casualties; Raskolnikov’s “doubles”; the truth of Sonya Marmeladova. Lesson plan: 1. Calculation and chance. 2. Unforeseen sacrifices. 3. Friends and “like-minded people” of Raskolnikov. 4. “Doubles” by Raskolnikov. 5. The truth of Sonya Marmeladova.

  • Outline of the novel “Crime and Punishment.”

Calculation and chance

    Despite the fact that Raskolnikov calculates everything to the smallest detail, chance reigns during the crime: the hero successfully finds an ax in the janitor's room (first he is going to take it from the mistress), unnoticed slips into the gateway of the old woman's house (it is blocked from prying eyes by a cart of hay) and miraculously gets out of there (while Koch and Pestryakov are climbing the stairs, he manages to run into an empty apartment). The conclusion is obvious: life cannot be calculated, reduced to an arithmetic formula or theory.

Unforeseen casualties

Unforeseen casualties

  • When Raskolnikov goes to " sample“, he only thinks about killing the old money-lender. But one evil leads to another: death " no one needs"The old woman is followed by death…………, arrest and……………, illness and ………. .

"Raskolnikov's Opponents"

  • The novel “Crime and Punishment” is an ideological novel. Each character is the bearer of an idea. To expose the unnaturalness and inhumanity of Raskolnikov’s theory, the author introduces the hero’s opponents: …, ………,……….., - taking his views to the extreme.

  • Ideological positions are realized in dialogues. “His conversation is usually torture, or at least a test; Isn't the investigator's conversation with Raskolnikov a psychological game of cat and mouse? ... typical for him is a meeting-clash, a conversation-discord” (Yu. Aikhenvald).

Petr Petrovich Luzhin.

  • Why does Luzhin appear in the novel?

  • Why would Luzhin take a dowryless woman as his wife?

  • Why is Luzhin’s appearance in the novel delayed, at first we learn a lot about him?

  • Why does the author pit Luzhin against Sonya?

  • Why is Alena Ivanovna shown in the novel first, and then Luzhin? How does Luzhin reveal himself in the words: “but a business man listens and eats, and then he eats”?

  • And what is the essence of Luzhin’s “economic” theory?

  • Why is Luzhin afraid of the police?

  • Can we call him Raskolnikov’s “double”?

  • Like his theory, expressed in the words: “Love yourself first, first of all, for everything in the world is based on personal interest. If you love yourself alone, then you will manage your affairs properly...”, is it connected with Raskolnikov’s theory?

low man" And " swindlersuspicious place

    Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin is an outwardly quite pleasant gentleman. He knows how to dress well and speak well. However, Lebezyatnikov is right when he calls him a “slanderer,” “ low man" And " swindler" Luzhin rents an apartment for his future bride and mother-in-law in " suspicious place", because he is sorry for the money for the other; complains to Pulcheria Andreevna about her son’s behavior, intending to quarrel the family with the help of gossip; puts money in Sonya's pocket in order to discredit her and Raskolnikov in the eyes of others. The most interesting thing is that Luzhin has his own “calculation” (he is going to marry a noble and poor girl so that she will consider him a benefactor all her life) and his own little “theory” (there is no need to give half a caftan to a beggar, it is better to keep it for yourself, then society there will be more benefit) - and in this he is similar to Raskolnikov.

Svidrigailov Arkady Ivanovich.

  • What is the complexity and inconsistency of the image of Svidrigailov?

  • Why is the appearance of Svidrigailov in the novel connected with Luzhin?

  • What is special about the appearance of Svidrigailov? What do we learn about Svidrigailov, his past?

  • Why does Raskolnikov’s mental anguish intensify at the sight of this hero? Why does Svidrigailov say to Raskolnikov: “We are birds of a feather”?

  • What views are revealed in the phrase “Everyone thinks of himself”?

  • What do Svidrigailov’s nightmares say, in which the people he ruined appear? (Compare, Raskolnikov cannot forget Alena Ivanovna and Lizaveta, whom he killed).

  • Why is the hero’s past given, how does he change?

  • Who is to blame for the fact that a strong man became a criminal? How to explain Svidrigailov’s attitude towards Dunya, towards the children, Marmeladov?

  • Why does Svidrigailov commit suicide?

step over

    Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov is certainly a more complex type than Luzhin. From Pulcheria Andreevna’s letter, the image of a despot and libertine emerges: he was in prison, involved in several love stories, brought his wife to the grave... At the same time, Svidrigailov is capable of a noble act: it is he who, after the death of Katerina Ivanovna, ensures the future of the Marmeladov children. Unlike Luzhin, Svidrigailov is very smart and understands Raskolnikov well: “Well, didn’t I say that there is some common ground between us, huh?” In a certain sense, he is right: both consider themselves entitled " step over» moral laws. However, if for Raskolnikov this is a “temporary measure,” then for Svidrigailov it is a “law of life”: “We imagine eternity as an idea that cannot be understood, something huge, enormous. And suddenly, instead, imagine there will be one room there, something like a village bathhouse, smoky, and in all the corners there are spiders...” The death of Svidrigailov is a reluctance to live as before. He is Raskolnikov's "double" because; he was able to “step over the blood.” Svidrigailov's life is Raskolnikov's path after the crime, if he had stood the test of conscience.

Porfiry Petrovich.

  • How do the prophetic words of Porfiry Petrovich come true in the behavior and in the internal state of the hero: “He lied incomparably, but he was not able to calculate his nature”? What are the characters talking about?

  • What are the arguments that the criminal and the investigator put forward in the dispute? Which one of them do you think is right?

  • What way out of the dead end does Porfiry Petrovich propose? Does the hero follow his advice?

Porfiry Petrovich

    One of the most important themes is connected with the image of Porfiry Petrovich - the theme of punishment. Investigator Porfiry Petrovich guesses about the “schism” in the soul of the main character. It is possible that similar “thorny” questions once occurred to him. That is why he finally stops the game of cat and mouse, which is painful for Raskolnikov, and offers to confess to the crime himself: “In any case, I consider you to be a most noble person, sir, and even with the beginnings of generosity, sir, although I do not agree with you in all your convictions. As a result, I came to you with an open and direct proposal - to make a confession.” .

The truth of Sonya Marmeladova.

  • There are two truths in the novel “Crime and Punishment”: Raskolnikov’s truth and Sonya’s truth. Two scenes from the novel depicting Raskolnikov’s conversations with Sonya - part 4, ch. 4; part 5, ch. 4 are key to understanding Sonya's truth.

Analysis of scene 1 (part 4, chapter 4).

  • Why did Raskolnikov choose Sonya as his interlocutor?

  • How long “Sonino’s patience extends, should she also rebel”? Raskolnikov in this scene acts as a tempting serpent. Raskolnikov to Sonya:

  • I know “and about how you left at 6 o’clock.”

  • “Katerina Ivanovna almost beat you.”

  • “What will happen to you?”

  • “Katerina Ivanovna is in consumption, angry, she will soon die.”

  • “What if you get sick now?”

  • “The children will go out into the street in droves.”

  • “The same thing will probably happen with Polechka.”

  • What is the result of this painful conversation?

  • Gospel reading scene. What is the role of this episode in understanding the author's idea?

Analysis of scene 2 (part 5, Ch. 4).

  • WITH What purpose does Raskolnikov come to Sonya for the second time?

  • Watching the vocabulary, watch how Sonya's weakness gradually turns into strength, and Raskolnikov loses all his confidence.

for myself alone

    The “criminal” theory of Raskolnikov, who imagined himself to be a man-god, F.M. Dostoevsky contrasts the truth with the life of Sonya Marmeladova, the bearer of truly Christian ideas of mercy, humility and holiness. Raskolnikov tells Sonya that they are alike: “ We are damned together, let's go together!" However, this is not so: Sonya “crosses over” for the sake of loved ones, while Raskolnikov kills “ for myself alone" The culmination of the relationship between Raskolnikov and Sonya is the reading of the Gospel of John about the resurrection of Lazarus: Christ, during his stay on earth, raised the dead Lazarus, who had already been in the tomb for four days. By this time, just four days have passed since the murder of the old pawnbroker and her sister. Biblical history gives Raskolnikov hope: not only God, but also, with God’s help, every person can rise again, having defeated death. That is why he decides to confess to the crime he committed.

The truth of Sonya Marmeladova: hard labor

    When Raskolnikov is sentenced to hard labor, Sonya decides to follow him. She guesses that Raskolnikov has stopped believing in his “exclusiveness,” but his views remain the same. Other people feel it too: no one wants to deal with him. Sonya, on the contrary, is loved and respected by everyone. Her compassion, mercy and faith help Raskolnikov eventually return to the path of truth.


    F.M. Dostoevsky creates a special artistic system in the novel, which refutes Raskolnikov’s theory, which allows “ blood according to conscience" Although Raskolnikov calculates everything to the smallest detail, during the crime chance reigns supreme. The main character is going to kill only the old money-lender, but one victim is followed by others. Razumikhin and Porfiry Petrovich understand Raskolnikov’s doubts about justice in society, but they do not agree with his inhumane theory. The negative aspects of Raskolnikov’s theory are demonstrated by his “doubles”: Luzhin and Svidrigailov: they disgust Raskolnikov, but he is forced to admit that there is some kind of “ common point" Raskolnikov does not believe in the power of love, but Sonya Marmeladova’s life path proves the opposite: every person can be treated with love and respect.


  • After studying the lesson material “Refuting Raskolnikov’s Theory,” test your knowledge by answering the questions of the final test.

Which character belongs to the theory of “whole caftans”?

  • Luzhin

  • Svidrigailov

  • Porfiry Petrovich

Which character is Raskolnikov’s “double”?

  • Razumikhin

  • Svidrigailov

  • Lebezyatnikov

summary of other presentations

"Raskolnikov's Crime" - Raskolnikov is ambivalent. Raskolnikov's dream. The reasons for Raskolnikov's crime. Raskolnikov's self-deception. The essence of Raskolnikov's theory. Voice of conscience. Student conversation. Crime and Punishment. Meeting with a drunk girl. Theory. My discovery of Dostoevsky. Raskolnikov. A state of loneliness. Letter to mother. Marmeladov's story. Raskolnikov prays. Origins of crime. Quotes. N.V. Gogol “The Overcoat”.

“Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”” - Raskolnikov’s Theory. Crime and Punishment. Man of ideas. Refutation of Raskolnikov's theory. The righteous. Questions about the project. Napoleon. Evaluation criteria. Lizaveta's Cross, which Sonya is going to wear. Petersburg by Dostoevsky. Urbanists. Projects.

“Refutation of Raskolnikov’s theory” - Crime and Punishment. Suicide. Analysis. Nice gentleman. Reading the Gospel. The truth of Sonya Marmeladova. The inconsistency of the image of Svidrigailov. Basov as Luzhin. Lesson material. Blood according to conscience. Which of the heroes is Raskolnikov’s “double”? Hard labor. Theme of punishment. The theory of “whole caftans”. Calculation and chance. Raskolnikov. Refutation of Raskolnikov's theory. Svidrigailov Arkady Ivanovich.

“Petersburg in Crime and Punishment” - The originality of Dostoevsky’s talent. Raskolnikov commits murder. The genius of Dostoevsky. Landscape paintings of St. Petersburg. Trust yourself. Fill in the missing words. Cityscape. Development of skills in analyzing a work of art. In today's world, Dostoevsky's alarm bells are ringing, incessantly calling for humanity and humanism. Who owns the rooms? Dostoevsky. Svidrigailov. The city is lush, the city is poor.

“Raskolnikov and Marmeladova” - Raising the question only of the moral improvement of each person, the writer turned to religion. Sonya's nature can be defined in one word - loving. The image of Raskolnikov embodies the idea of ​​rebellion, and the image of Sonya embodies the idea of ​​humility. For Sonya, all people have the same right to life. Sonya Marmeladova is Dostoevsky’s moral ideal. For Sonya, debauchery was worse than death. Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova.

“Images in Crime and Punishment” - Place in the structure of the novel. Causes. Marmeladov family. Crime and Punishment. Which of the heroes of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" can be called "the little man." Once upon a time in a tavern. The old woman-pawnbroker. Statement. People are divided into two categories. Lesson material. Raskolnikov. Raskolnikov's crime. Historical figure. Meets the titular adviser. Boklevsky. Raskolnikov's theory.

What is Raskolnikov's main idea? The main idea of ​​Raskolnikov’s theory is life according to the principle “everything is allowed.”

IMAGE OF LUZHIN Who is Luzhin? What do we know about him? Raskolnikov claims that Luzhin's views are close to his theory. Do you agree with him? (Part 2, Chapter 5) What reasoning from his mother’s letter about Luzhin attracted Raskolnikov’s special attention? What thoughts and feelings do they give rise to in Raskolnikov and why? What impression do you get about Luzhin? Why would Luzhin take a dowry-free woman as his wife? Why is Luzhin’s appearance in the novel delayed, although at the beginning we learn a lot about him?

IMAGE OF LUZHIN Why does the author pit Luzhin against Sonya? Why are Alena Ivanovna shown first in the novel, and then Luzhin? How does Luzhin reveal himself in the words “a business man listens and eats, and then eats”? Why is Luzhin afraid of the police? Can we call him Raskolnikov’s “double”? Like his theory, expressed in the words “Love yourself first, first of all, for everything in the world is based on personal interest. If you love yourself alone, then you will do your affairs properly...”, is it related to Raskolnikov’s theory?

Luzhin (in quotes) “Smart and, it seems, kind.” “I decided to take an honest girl, but without a dowry and certainly one who had already experienced a difficult situation.” “A husband should not owe anything to his wife, and it is much better if a wife considers her husband to be her benefactor and will be slavishly grateful to him all her life. . . and he will be limitless. . . rule." “More than anything in the world, he loved and valued his money, obtained by labor and by all means: it made him equal to everything that was higher than him.”

Conclusion Luzhin, in order to achieve his egoistic goal, “for himself alone,” is ready to “transcend all obstacles,” and lives by the principle “everything is allowed.” In this, his theory is close to Raskolnikov’s theory. The only god for Luzhin is money. Remorse and compassion are unfamiliar to him. We see in him a lack of deep human feelings, vanity, callousness, bordering on meanness. And we hear Dostoevsky’s thought about the inhumanity of egoistic self-affirmation at the expense of others.

Image of Svidrigailov What do you know about Svidrigailov’s life before his arrival in St. Petersburg? How does this life characterize him? Use material from your mother’s letter, Luzhin’s words about him, and Svidrigailov’s own stories. How does this person make you feel? What principle guides Svidrigailov in his life? What opinion does Raskolnikov form about Svidrigailov after reading his mother’s letter?

Image of Svidrigailov How did Raskolnikov first see Svidrigailov? What details of Svidrigailov’s appearance were especially memorable to him? What soundscape does Dostoevsky use when describing this meeting? How does the contradictory character of Svidrigailov manifest itself at the moment of his first meeting with Raskolnikov? What actions of Svidrigailov especially clearly show that he is a complex person, in whose soul there are the makings of good and cold evil? Why was Raskolnikov interested in Svidrigailov? What feelings does this person evoke in Raskolnikov? Why does Svidrigailov come to suicide, but Raskolnikov does not recognize this path?

Svidrigailov (in quotes) “Berry of a feather”. “Here, maybe we can get closer.” “There is something about you that matches mine.” ". . . Indeed, I am a depraved and idle person. . . ". ". . But I’m a gloomy, boring person. Do you think it's funny? No, gloomy: I do no harm, and I sit in the corner; sometimes they won’t talk for three days. . . ". ". . . I am a sinful person. Hehehehe!. . . ". ". . . I love cesspools with dirt. . . ". “What if there are only spiders or something like that...”

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SIMILARITIES Both are egoists. Both are criminals (Raskolnikov kills to test his theory - Svidrigailov wants to satisfy all desires at any cost: “a single crime is permissible if the main goal is good”). They consider themselves to be “those with the right”. Strong personalities. Capable of good deeds. The destinies are similar (Svidrigailov was involved in a criminal case, had “some very close and mysterious relationships” with a “small pawnbroker”, people are dying through his fault, and, finally, his suicide echoes Raskolnikov’s spiritual suicide: “I am not an old woman killed, I killed myself.”) DIFFERENCES 1. Raskolnikov is “corroded” by doubts, but Svidrigailov is not tormented by remorse. 2. Raskolnikov lives for the sake of an idea, Svidrigailov lives for the sake of pleasure. 3. For Raskolnikov, murder is a tragedy; Svidrigailov lives with a “clear conscience.” 4. Raskolnikov is driven by a goal, and Svidrigailov is driven by a vice. 5. Raskolnikov is an ascetic - Svidrigailov is a vicious, depraved person.

Conclusion We see Svidrigailov as a person devoid of all moral principles, who does not recognize any moral prohibitions; lives by the principle “everything is allowed”. Raskolnikov, allowing himself “blood according to his conscience,” also denies the moral responsibility of a strong person for his actions; Moral standards, in his opinion, exist only for the lowest category of people - “trembling creatures.” The truth that Raskolnikov came up with as a result of long reflection is used by Luzhin and Svidrigailov as a guide to action.

RESULT Luzhin and Svidrigailov consider themselves “the powerful of this world,” they live and act according to the principle “everything is allowed,” their theories acquire an openly inhuman, cynical character. Raskolnikov, communicating with the powerful of this world, cannot accept their life, although he tries to classify himself among the powerful of this world; people who live according to his theory are unpleasant to him. This comparison elevates Raskolnikov. By pitting these heroes against each other, the author refutes Raskolnikov’s theory and reveals its inhumanity.

Briefly... Who are Raskolnikov's doubles in the novel? How do they reveal the fallacy of Raskolnikov's philosophy? What unites Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov? What are the similarities and differences between the hero and Luzhin?

E. Buyanov’s reflection speaks of the difference between Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov: Svidrigailov in “Crime and Punishment” is also indifferent, bored and only warm... This is his main difference from Raskolnikov, for the latter is sometimes cold, sometimes hot, but never warm . And, in the words of Porfiry Petrovich, “life will endure him.” God saved Raskolnikov, so he overcame Svidrigailov’s pride and idleness.” How do you understand the words warm, cold, hot?

Homework Reread the episodes of the novel related to Sonya (part 4, chapter IV; part 5, chapter IV: part 1, chapter II). Think about the question “What is Sonya’s “truth”? ". Prove that the author claims the “truth” of Sonya Marmeladova.

Thank you for your work in class! *** In him, conscience became a prophet and a poet, And the Karamazovs and demons lived in him, - But what now shines with a soft light for us, That was for him a tormenting fire. I. F. Annensky V. Perov “Portrait of the writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky”, 1872 Oil on canvas. 99 x 80, 5. Signed lower right: V. Perov 1872, May. Executed by order of P. M. Tretyakov

Refutation of the theory of Raskolnikov F.M. Dostoevsky creates a special artistic system in the novel that refutes Raskolnikov’s theory. The purpose of the lesson is to consider the main “elements” of this system: calculation and chance in Raskolnikov’s crime; unexpected casualties; Raskolnikov’s “doubles”; the truth of Sonya Marmeladova. Lesson plan: 1. Calculation and chance. 2. Unforeseen sacrifices. 3. Friends and “like-minded people” of Raskolnikov. 4. “Doubles” by Raskolnikov. 5. The truth of Sonya Marmeladova. F.M. Dostoevsky creates a special artistic system in the novel that refutes Raskolnikov’s theory. The purpose of the lesson is to consider the main “elements” of this system: calculation and chance in Raskolnikov’s crime; unexpected casualties; Raskolnikov’s “doubles”; the truth of Sonya Marmeladova. Lesson plan: 1. Calculation and chance. 2. Unforeseen sacrifices. 3. Friends and “like-minded people” of Raskolnikov. 4. “Doubles” by Raskolnikov. 5. The truth of Sonya Marmeladova.

Calculation and chance Despite the fact that Raskolnikov calculates everything to the smallest detail, during the crime chance prevails: the hero successfully finds an ax in the janitor's room (first he is going to take it from the hostess), unnoticedly slips into the gateway of the old woman's house (it is hidden from prying eyes by a cart with hay) and miraculously gets out of there (while Koch and Pestryakov are climbing the stairs, he manages to run into an empty apartment). The conclusion is obvious: life cannot be calculated, reduced to an arithmetic formula or theory. Despite the fact that Raskolnikov calculates everything to the smallest detail, chance reigns during the crime: the hero successfully finds an ax in the janitor's room (first he is going to take it from the mistress), unnoticed slips into the gateway of the old woman's house (it is blocked from prying eyes by a cart of hay) and miraculously gets out of there (while Koch and Pestryakov are climbing the stairs, he manages to run into an empty apartment). The conclusion is obvious: life cannot be calculated, reduced to an arithmetic formula or theory.

When Raskolnikov goes to the “test,” he only thinks about killing the old pawnbroker. But one evil leads to another: the death of a “useless” old woman is followed by death…………, arrest and……………, illness and……….. When Raskolnikov goes to the “test”, he only thinks about murder of the old pawnbroker. But one evil leads to another: the death of a “useless” old woman is followed by death…………, arrest and…………, illness and………..

“Raskolnikov’s Opponents” The novel “Crime and Punishment” is an ideological novel. Each character is the bearer of an idea. To expose the unnaturalness and inhumanity of Raskolnikov’s theory, the author introduces the hero’s opponents: …, ………,……….., who take his views to the extreme. The novel “Crime and Punishment” is an ideological novel. Each character is the bearer of an idea. To expose the unnaturalness and inhumanity of Raskolnikov’s theory, the author introduces the hero’s opponents: …, ………,……….., who take his views to the extreme. Ideological positions are realized in dialogues. “His conversation is usually torture, or at least a test; Isn’t it a psychological game of cat and mouse - the conversation between the investigator and Raskolnikov?... typical for him is a meeting-clash, a conversation-discord” (Yu. Aikhenvald). Ideological positions are realized in dialogues. “His conversation is usually torture, or at least a test; Isn’t it a psychological game of cat and mouse - the conversation between the investigator and Raskolnikov?... typical for him is a meeting-clash, a conversation-discord” (Yu. Aikhenvald).

Petr Petrovich Luzhin. Why does Luzhin appear in the novel? Why does Luzhin appear in the novel? Why would Luzhin take a dowryless woman as his wife? Why would Luzhin take a dowryless woman as his wife? Why is Luzhin’s appearance in the novel delayed, at first we learn a lot about him? Why is Luzhin’s appearance in the novel delayed, at first we learn a lot about him? Why does the author pit Luzhin against Sonya? Why does the author pit Luzhin against Sonya? Why is Alena Ivanovna shown in the novel first, and then Luzhin? How does Luzhin reveal himself in the words: “but a business man listens and eats, and then he eats”? Why is Alena Ivanovna shown in the novel first, and then Luzhin? How does Luzhin reveal himself in the words: “but a business man listens and eats, and then he eats”? And what is the essence of Luzhin’s “economic” theory? And what is the essence of Luzhin’s “economic” theory? Why is Luzhin afraid of the police? Why is Luzhin afraid of the police? Can we call him Raskolnikov’s “double”? Can we call him Raskolnikov’s “double”? Like his theory, expressed in the words: “Love yourself first, first of all, for everything in the world is based on personal interest. If you love yourself alone, then you will manage your affairs properly...”, is it related to Raskolnikov’s theory? Like his theory, expressed in the words: “Love yourself first, first of all, for everything in the world is based on personal interest. If you love yourself alone, then you will manage your affairs properly...”, is it related to Raskolnikov’s theory?

Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin is an outwardly quite pleasant gentleman. He knows how to dress well and speak well. However, Lebezyatnikov is right when he calls him a “slanderer,” a “low man,” and a “swindler.” Luzhin rents an apartment in a “suspicious place” for his future bride and mother-in-law, because he is sorry for the money for another one; complains to Pulcheria Andreevna about her son’s behavior, intending to quarrel the family with the help of gossip; puts money in Sonya's pocket in order to discredit her and Raskolnikov in the eyes of others. The most interesting thing is that Luzhin has his own “calculation” (he is going to marry a noble and poor girl so that she will consider him a benefactor all her life) and his own little “theory” (there is no need to give half a caftan to a beggar, it is better to keep it for yourself, then society there will be more benefit) - and in this he is similar to Raskolnikov. Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin is an outwardly quite pleasant gentleman. He knows how to dress well and speak well. However, Lebezyatnikov is right when he calls him a “slanderer,” a “low man,” and a “swindler.” Luzhin rents an apartment in a “suspicious place” for his future bride and mother-in-law, because he is sorry for the money for another one; complains to Pulcheria Andreevna about her son’s behavior, intending to quarrel the family with the help of gossip; puts money in Sonya's pocket in order to discredit her and Raskolnikov in the eyes of others. The most interesting thing is that Luzhin has his own “calculation” (he is going to marry a noble and poor girl so that she will consider him a benefactor all her life) and his own little “theory” (there is no need to give half a caftan to a beggar, it is better to keep it for yourself, then society there will be more benefit) - and in this he is similar to Raskolnikov.

Svidrigailov Arkady Ivanovich. What is the complexity and inconsistency of the image of Svidrigailov? What is the complexity and inconsistency of the image of Svidrigailov? Why is the appearance of Svidrigailov in the novel connected with Luzhin? Why is the appearance of Svidrigailov in the novel connected with Luzhin? What is special about the appearance of Svidrigailov? What do we learn about Svidrigailov, his past? What is special about the appearance of Svidrigailov? What do we learn about Svidrigailov, his past? Why does Raskolnikov’s mental anguish intensify at the sight of this hero? Why does Svidrigailov say to Raskolnikov: “We are birds of a feather”? Why does Raskolnikov’s mental anguish intensify at the sight of this hero? Why does Svidrigailov say to Raskolnikov: “We are birds of a feather”? What views are revealed in the phrase “Everyone thinks of himself”? What views are revealed in the phrase “Everyone thinks of himself”? What do Svidrigailov’s nightmares say, in which the people he ruined appear? (Compare, Raskolnikov cannot forget Alena Ivanovna and Lizaveta, whom he killed). What do Svidrigailov’s nightmares say, in which the people he ruined appear? (Compare, Raskolnikov cannot forget Alena Ivanovna and Lizaveta, whom he killed). Why is the hero’s past given, how does he change? Why is the hero’s past given, how does he change? Who is to blame for the fact that a strong man became a criminal? How to explain Svidrigailov’s attitude towards Dunya, towards the children, Marmeladov? Who is to blame for the fact that a strong man became a criminal? How to explain Svidrigailov’s attitude towards Dunya, towards the children, Marmeladov? Why does Svidrigailov commit suicide? Why does Svidrigailov commit suicide?

Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov is certainly a more complex type than Luzhin. From Pulcheria Andreevna’s letter, the image of a despot and libertine emerges: he was in prison, involved in several love stories, brought his wife to the grave... At the same time, Svidrigailov is capable of a noble act: it is he who, after the death of Katerina Ivanovna, ensures the future of the Marmeladov children. Unlike Luzhin, Svidrigailov is very smart and understands Raskolnikov well: “Well, didn’t I say that there is some common point between us, huh?” In a certain sense, he is right: both consider themselves to have the right to “transcend” moral laws. However, if for Raskolnikov this is a “temporary measure,” then for Svidrigailov it is a “law of life”: “Eternity appears to us as an idea that cannot be understood, something huge, enormous. And suddenly, instead, imagine, there will be one little room there, kind of like a village bathhouse, smoky, and there are spiders in all the corners...” Svidrigailov’s death is a reluctance to live as before. He is Raskolnikov's "double" because; he was able to “step over the blood.” Svidrigailov's life is Raskolnikov's path after the crime, if he had stood the test of conscience. Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov is certainly a more complex type than Luzhin. From Pulcheria Andreevna’s letter, the image of a despot and libertine emerges: he was in prison, involved in several love stories, brought his wife to the grave... At the same time, Svidrigailov is capable of a noble act: it is he who, after the death of Katerina Ivanovna, ensures the future of the Marmeladov children. Unlike Luzhin, Svidrigailov is very smart and understands Raskolnikov well: “Well, didn’t I say that there is some common point between us, huh?” In a certain sense, he is right: both consider themselves to have the right to “transcend” moral laws. However, if for Raskolnikov this is a “temporary measure,” then for Svidrigailov it is a “law of life”: “Eternity appears to us as an idea that cannot be understood, something huge, enormous. And suddenly, instead, imagine, there will be one little room there, kind of like a village bathhouse, smoky, and there are spiders in all the corners...” Svidrigailov’s death is a reluctance to live as before. He is Raskolnikov's "double" because; he was able to “step over the blood.” Svidrigailov's life is Raskolnikov's path after the crime, if he had stood the test of conscience.

Porfiry Petrovich. How do the prophetic words of Porfiry Petrovich come true in the behavior and in the internal state of the hero: “He lied incomparably, but he was not able to calculate his nature”? What are the characters talking about? How do the prophetic words of Porfiry Petrovich come true in the behavior and in the internal state of the hero: “He lied incomparably, but he was not able to calculate his nature”? What are the characters talking about? What are the arguments that the criminal and the investigator put forward in the dispute? Which one of them do you think is right? What are the arguments that the criminal and the investigator put forward in the dispute? Which one of them do you think is right? What way out of the dead end does Porfiry Petrovich propose? Does the hero follow his advice? What way out of the dead end does Porfiry Petrovich propose? Does the hero follow his advice?

Porfiry Petrovich One of the most important themes is connected with the image of Porfiry Petrovich - the theme of punishment. Investigator Porfiry Petrovich guesses about the “schism” in the soul of the main character. It is possible that similar “thorny” questions once occurred to him. That is why he ultimately stops the game of cat and mouse, which is painful for Raskolnikov, and invites him to confess to the crime himself: “In any case, I consider you to be a most noble man, sir, and even with the beginnings of generosity, sir, although not I agree with you in all your convictions. As a result, I came to you with an open and direct proposal - to make a confession.” One of the most important themes is connected with the image of Porfiry Petrovich - the theme of punishment. Investigator Porfiry Petrovich guesses about the “schism” in the soul of the main character. It is possible that similar “thorny” questions once occurred to him. That is why he ultimately stops the game of cat and mouse, which is painful for Raskolnikov, and invites him to confess to the crime himself: “In any case, I consider you to be a most noble man, sir, and even with the beginnings of generosity, sir, although not I agree with you in all your convictions. As a result, I came to you with an open and direct proposal - to make a confession.”

The truth of Sonya Marmeladova. There are two truths in the novel “Crime and Punishment”: Raskolnikov’s truth and Sonya’s truth. Two scenes from the novel depicting Raskolnikov’s conversations with Sonya - part 4, ch. 4; part 5, ch. 4 are key to understanding Sonya's truth. There are two truths in the novel “Crime and Punishment”: Raskolnikov’s truth and Sonya’s truth. Two scenes from the novel depicting Raskolnikov’s conversations with Sonya - part 4, ch. 4; part 5, ch. 4 are key to understanding Sonya's truth.

Analysis of scene 1 (part 4, chapter 4). Why did Raskolnikov choose Sonya as his interlocutor? Why did Raskolnikov choose Sonya as his interlocutor? How long “Sonino’s patience extends, should she also rebel”? Raskolnikov in this scene acts as a tempting serpent. Raskolnikov to Sonya: How long “Sonya’s patience extends, should she too rebel”? Raskolnikov in this scene acts as a tempting serpent. Raskolnikov to Sonya: I know “and about how you left at 6 o’clock.” I know “and about how you left at 6 o’clock.” “Katerina Ivanovna almost beat you.” “Katerina Ivanovna almost beat you.” “What will happen to you?” “What will happen to you?” “Katerina Ivanovna is in consumption, angry, she will soon die.” “Katerina Ivanovna is in consumption, angry, she will soon die.” “What if you get sick now?” “What if you get sick now?” “The children will go out into the street in droves.” “The children will go out into the street in droves.” “The same thing will probably happen with Polechka.” “The same thing will probably happen with Polechka.” What is the result of this painful conversation? What is the result of this painful conversation? Gospel reading scene. What is the role of this episode in understanding the author's idea? Gospel reading scene. What is the role of this episode in understanding the author's idea?

For what purpose does Raskolnikov come to Sonya for the second time? For what purpose does Raskolnikov come to Sonya for the second time? Watching the vocabulary, watch how Sonya's weakness gradually turns into strength, and Raskolnikov loses all his confidence. Watching the vocabulary, watch how Sonya's weakness gradually turns into strength, and Raskolnikov loses all his confidence. Analysis of scene 2 (part 5, chapter 4).

The “criminal” theory of Raskolnikov, who imagined himself to be a man-god, F.M. Dostoevsky contrasts the truth with the life of Sonya Marmeladova, the bearer of truly Christian ideas of mercy, humility and holiness. Raskolnikov tells Sonya that they are alike: “We are cursed together, we will go together!” However, this is not so: Sonya “crosses over” for the sake of loved ones, while Raskolnikov kills “for himself alone.” The culmination of the relationship between Raskolnikov and Sonya is the reading of the Gospel of John about the resurrection of Lazarus: Christ, during his stay on earth, raised the dead Lazarus, who had already been in the tomb for four days. By this time, just four days have passed since the murder of the old pawnbroker and her sister. Biblical history gives Raskolnikov hope: not only God, but also, with God’s help, every person can rise again, having defeated death. That is why he decides to confess to the crime he committed. The “criminal” theory of Raskolnikov, who imagined himself to be a man-god, F.M. Dostoevsky contrasts the truth with the life of Sonya Marmeladova, the bearer of truly Christian ideas of mercy, humility and holiness. Raskolnikov tells Sonya that they are alike: “We are cursed together, we will go together!” However, this is not so: Sonya “crosses over” for the sake of loved ones, while Raskolnikov kills “for himself alone.” The culmination of the relationship between Raskolnikov and Sonya is the reading of the Gospel of John about the resurrection of Lazarus: Christ, during his stay on earth, raised the dead Lazarus, who had already been in the tomb for four days. By this time, just four days have passed since the murder of the old pawnbroker and her sister. Biblical history gives Raskolnikov hope: not only God, but also, with God’s help, every person can rise again, having defeated death. That is why he decides to confess to the crime he committed.

The truth of Sonya Marmeladova: hard labor When Raskolnikov is sentenced to hard labor, Sonya decides to follow him. She guesses that Raskolnikov has stopped believing in his “exclusiveness,” but his views remain the same. Other people feel it too: no one wants to deal with him. Sonya, on the contrary, is loved and respected by everyone. Her compassion, mercy and faith help Raskolnikov eventually return to the path of truth. When Raskolnikov is sentenced to hard labor, Sonya decides to follow him. She guesses that Raskolnikov has stopped believing in his “exclusiveness,” but his views remain the same. Other people feel it too: no one wants to deal with him. Sonya, on the contrary, is loved and respected by everyone. Her compassion, mercy and faith help Raskolnikov eventually return to the path of truth.
Conclusion F.M. Dostoevsky creates a special artistic system in the novel, which refutes Raskolnikov’s theory, which allows “blood according to conscience.” Although Raskolnikov calculates everything to the smallest detail, during the crime chance reigns supreme. The main character is going to kill only the old money-lender, but one victim is followed by others. Razumikhin and Porfiry Petrovich understand Raskolnikov’s doubts about justice in society, but they do not agree with his inhumane theory. The negative aspects of Raskolnikov’s theory are demonstrated by his “doubles”: Luzhin and Svidrigailov: they disgust Raskolnikov, but he is forced to admit that there is some kind of “common point” between them. Raskolnikov does not believe in the power of love, but Sonya Marmeladova’s life path proves the opposite: every person can be treated with love and respect. F.M. Dostoevsky creates a special artistic system in the novel, which refutes Raskolnikov’s theory, which allows “blood according to conscience.” Although Raskolnikov calculates everything to the smallest detail, during the crime chance reigns supreme. The main character is going to kill only the old money-lender, but one victim is followed by others. Razumikhin and Porfiry Petrovich understand Raskolnikov’s doubts about justice in society, but they do not agree with his inhumane theory. The negative aspects of Raskolnikov’s theory are demonstrated by his “doubles”: Luzhin and Svidrigailov: they disgust Raskolnikov, but he is forced to admit that there is some kind of “common point” between them. Raskolnikov does not believe in the power of love, but Sonya Marmeladova’s life path proves the opposite: every person can be treated with love and respect.

Tests After studying the lesson material “Refuting Raskolnikov’s theory”, test your knowledge by answering the questions of the final test. After studying the lesson material “Refuting Raskolnikov’s Theory”, test your knowledge by answering the questions of final testing. final testing. final testing.

“The eternal dispute between the Angel and the Demon takes place in our own conscience, and the most terrible thing is that sometimes we do not know which of them we love more, who we wish to win more...” D. S. Merezhkovsky You say that Dostoevsky described himself in their heroes, imagining that all people are like that. And what! The result is that even in these exceptional persons, not only we, people related to him, but foreigners recognize themselves, their souls.  Leo Tolstoy Double - a person who has complete resemblance to another. An antipode is a person who is opposite to someone in terms of beliefs, properties, tastes, and views. -Who, in your opinion, is Raskolnikov’s doppelgängers and who is Raskolnikov’s antipodes? What do we know about her? What does she do? What feeling does it evoke? How does Raskolnikov see her? How does Alena Ivanovna characterize her attitude towards Lizaveta? Can we call her Raskolnikov’s “double”? Why does Luzhin appear in the novel? Why would Luzhin take a dowryless woman as his wife? Why is Luzhin’s appearance in the novel delayed? Why does the author pit Luzhin against Sonya? How does Luzhin reveal himself in the words “a business man listens and eats, and then eats”? Can we call him Raskolnikov’s “double”? Luzhin Petr Petrovich Why is Luzhin afraid of the police? Like his theory, expressed in the words: “Love yourself first, first of all, for everything in the world is based on personal interest. If you love yourself alone, then you will do your affairs properly...” - is it related to Raskolnikov’s theory? - What is the complexity and contradiction of this image? - Why is the appearance of Svidrigailov connected with Luzhin? -What do we learn about his past? - Who is to blame for the fact that a strong man became a criminal? Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov -What attracts Svidrigailov to Raskolnikov? - How to explain his attitude towards Dunya and Marmeladov’s children? - Why does he commit suicide? A. Baluev as Svidrigailov Who is Lebezyatnikov? When and under what circumstances did you meet Luzhin? Why does Luzhin decide to stay with Lebezyatnikov in St. Petersburg? How did Lebezyatnikov “develop” Sonya and why did it stop? What “our newest trends” does Lebezyatnikov represent? Which ideas of the socialists sound like caricatures in the mouth of Lebezyatnikov? What is Lebezyatnikov’s vulgarity? When do Lebezyatnikov’s best qualities appear? How does he save Sonya? Dmitry Razumikhin Porfiry Petrovich  What is the relationship between Raskolnikov and Razumikhin?  Why, given the same financial situation, does Razumikhin not come up with ideas similar to Raskolnikov’s thoughts? Why does Raskolnikov, having conceived a crime, then decide to go to Razumikhin? Dmitry Razumikhin How does Razumikhin react to Raskolnikov’s article? Sergei Peregudov as Razumikhin Why does he say that his theory is worse than allowing blood under the law? How and how did Razumikhin help Raskolnikov? Raskolnikov and Porfiry Petrovich “Three meetings of Porfiry with Raskolnikov - genuine and wonderful polyphonic dialogues.” M..M. Bakhtin Polyphonism - harmonious polyphony Why does Raskolnikov go to Porfiry Petrovich for the first time? After what events did he decide to have a dialogue with the investigator? Re-read the characters’ dialogue: “So you still believe in the New Jerusalem? “I believe,” Raskolnikov answered firmly... “And-and-and do you believe in God?... And-and do you believe in the resurrection of Lazarus?” Why did Raskolnikov hesitate, - I believe... answering one of the questions - Do you literally believe? investigator. When still on the pages - Literally.” will the name of Lazarus appear in the novel? Can the second meeting with the investigator be considered the culminating one? How does the theme of suffering that arose in the first conversation begin to “sound” in this meeting? Why did the last meeting take place at the initiative of the investigator? Why did he himself come to the protagonist’s closet? What new do we learn about Porfiry Petrovich’s attitude to the idea of ​​Raskolnikov and to the hero himself? What way out of the impasse does Porfiry suggest? Does the main character follow his advice?

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