Galaxy orbit. Ulyana Lopatkina. "Dance is my speech." Interview-biography of the famous Ulyana Lopatkina - prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater Maria is the daughter of Ulyana Lopatkina

December 24, 2015, 15:46

Who is she Ulyana Lopatkina, no need to talk. And here is information about her ex-husband Vladimir Kornev:

“He is an architect by training, studied in St. Petersburg. Houses were built according to his designs as far away as Germany. But always, as long as his friends remember, Vladimir wrote. First for the soul. Then they began to publish it.

After the publication of the novel “What the French Are Silent About” (in 1995), critics “appointed” Vladimir as a continuer of Bulgakov’s traditions. “In this novel, inhuman love, strong as death, is inseparable from the all-encompassing beauty present in the grandiose architectural scenery of St. Petersburg, the actions of the main character, the actions of mystical forces...”

And then one day at the airport the “great mystic” Kornev met by chance with a famous actor, director and producer, “midshipman” Vladimir Shevelkov. And he had long had the idea of ​​​​creating a mystery novel about the transmigration of souls, but he was afraid that his writing talent would not be enough. He told Kornev about his ideas... Thus their joint novel “Modern” was born .

The two Vladimirs became such friends that Kornev even became the godfather of Shevelkov’s 7-year-old son Andrei.

In 2001, filming began based on a script written based on the plot of “Modern”. It is interesting that Lopatkina was strongly offered the main role, but she refused. Whether the film is completed or not, I don’t understand.

By the way, although the ballerina did not agree to play the main role in the film based on her husband’s novel, she starred in photo shoots for the design of his books:

How Ulyana and Vladimir met

In October 1999, Vladimir Kornev became the laureate of the St. Petersburg city prize in the field of culture as “Writer of the Year” (by the way, he beat Pelevin himself). At the same ceremony, Ulyana was recognized as “Ballerina of the Year”. Both were free. By that time, Vladimir had divorced his first wife, from whom a daughter was born. Ulyana recently experienced a rumored breakup with a famous Russian actor. So they met...

Screenshots from the ceremony video:

The wedding took place on July 25, 2001, the newlyweds were married in the Church of Faith, Hope, Love in the village of Vartemäki. The dinner took place in a very close family circle in the restaurant of the House of Architects.

“The event was modestly celebrated in a restaurant and they went on their honeymoon. They say that the ballet world was surprised that Ulyana’s colleagues were not invited to the celebrations. It seems that Natalia Dudinskaya, the person to whom Lopatkina owes her career, was not included in the circle of the chosen ones. But there was Ninel Kurgapkina, the current tutor of “The Beautiful Swan of the Mariinsky Theater”.

Ulyana said that she likes to feel " just a wife and housewife, learning to draw, and also the fact that Volodya doesn’t understand anything about ballet and can’t stand talking about theater".
As correspondents of one newspaper wrote: “in order to support his famous wife at the proper level, Vladimir Kornev is engaged in business. He is the director of the St. Petersburg representative office of the Andulin-Russia company, which produces roofing. So for now they have enough money...”

In 2002, a daughter, Masha, was born into the family.

Family footage from the program “The Royal Box” in 2002

From a 2004 interview:

Many great ballerinas did not have time to organize their personal lives and forever remained homeless, lonely people; at the age of 26, you have a bunch of titles and regalia. There is a family and there is a child.

- I've been asked this question before: how did you manage to plan everything so well? I didn't plan anything, I didn't build anything. This is just my life. Every day there were specific tasks and goals. You just had to live one day with dignity and quality and enter the next. Don't despair when you don't have what you want right now. There was work - I worked and worked. I wanted to have a close, loved one, but he was not there. I hoped and waited. There came a period when there were a lot of injuries and little strength. I went on sick leave, and I met a person who began to take care of me and help me. It got to the point where we became husband and wife. And the fact that I gave birth to a child... this has also been brewing for a long time. I always knew that I would have a child. After all, what is the tragedy of many ballerinas? The ballet age is very short, very short, and there are always reasons - new roles, premieres, foreign tours - because of which the birth of a child is postponed until later. Then it's already too late. The profession outweighs - this turns into a tragedy for many.

From a 2007 interview:

Your husband, writer and businessman Vladimir Kornev, after each performance gives you a huge basket of 150 red roses. What is this tradition associated with?

ABOUT: Probably with his own idea of ​​the romantic world of ballet, where the ballerina must receive an insane amount of flowers. And the fact that the flowers are roses and scarlet, it seems to me, is connected with one of his books. At one time he wrote a science fiction novel, and there is an episode where, among the garbage, unexpectedly, literally out of nothing, red roses grow. He probably likes to bring at least a little bit of this unusualness into life..

Interview 2005:

“Ulyana’s family today is her daughter Masha and, of course, her husband - Vladimir Kornev, director of a branch of a French construction company. I am cautiously interested in how the views on home, career and other life values ​​of a ballerina and a businessman can coincide.
Ulyana patiently explains that her husband has not been in the construction business all his life. Actually, he is a graduate of the Repin Academy, an architect, artist, writer. Once he took the academic bastions by storm, arriving in St. Petersburg from Chelyabinsk.

In St. Petersburg, they existed in parallel for some time: he was a student, Lopatkina was a diligent student of the Vaganova School. But the points of intersection, it turns out, were already outlined then: “ When I wandered somewhere past the Catherine Garden with a briefcase, in the early 90s you could always meet artists there. And Volodya could be there, as he says" In any case, Ulyana notes, today there are no more reasons for disagreements in their family than in any other, and rather they are connected with the fact that there are two “creators” under one roof.

W.L. Volodya is very worried that the strict business routine does not leave time for creativity. But he still manages to do something, comes up with different stories, writes books. And I can say that my heart is very uneasy if my husband cannot be at the performance. It’s hard to even formulate: I need his presence. That is, it is absolutely necessary that he experience the performance with me: if he did not pay attention to the difficulties of my profession, did not notice my experiences, then I would be very annoyed. But, thank God, we are learning to understand each other. He sits and gets terribly nervous in the audience when I’m on stage. But every time I tell him: “If you don’t come, something in our relationship will be disrupted.” And so we exist, as it were, in the same world.

Just in case, I’ll clarify whether there is such a big difference between Ulyana Lopatkina in the theater and at home. But Ulyana absolutely does not see any contradiction between the artist’s ambition and the self-denial of her wife and mother.

From a 2004 interview:

– Do you have any energy and time left to raise your daughter? Perhaps Mashenka is a modern child who lives with her grandmother, and is raised by a nanny?
Masha lives with me, and we don’t have a nanny. When I go to work, I take her to her grandparents, who help me a lot. After work I take it home. All my free time from the theater I am next to my daughter. And this seems natural to me. I constantly want to know, see, feel how she grows. We read books together, talk, communicate. I try to approach her interests and not neglect her problems. It seems to me that now, when she is gathering emotions and knowledge into her piggy bank, a lot depends on the parents - only they can guide the development of the baby.
And then I always feel how Mashenka is growing up, and sometimes I want to “stop” her wonderful age. Masha is already one year and eight months old, and communication with her often helps overcome mortal fatigue after rehearsals.

– I won’t hide that your fans were shocked by your decision to become a mother during the heyday of your creativity. Was there any doubt?
From an early age, I was sure that I would do everything possible to become a mother, to be able to combine profession and motherhood. This decision arose long before marriage. So I didn’t experience any contradictions or doubts. Moreover, at that time, two and a half years ago, I was in a state of pathological fatigue and depression. Injuries that did not allow me to work with full dedication began to remind me of themselves regularly. To break away from physical and mental overload, to get out of the endless race for a while was happiness for me.

Rehearsal with my daughter

In this video, a ballerina and her daughter attend a drawing lesson.

From a 2009 interview:

" Until recently, the front door in house No. 77 on Sadovaya Street, where prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater Ulyana Lopatkina has lived for many years, was the same as everywhere else.
And suddenly, as if by magic, everything changed. Returning from a tour in Japan, where she performed for a month, Ulyana entered her entrance and... was, in her own words, shocked. It was as if she had entered a palace. The front walls, staircase, windows, doors not only shone with cleanliness, they were completely transformed and decorated in the spirit of ancient St. Petersburg living rooms.

I'm speechless. I returned to a completely different atmosphere. And I was told: “The ballerina of the famous Mariinsky Theater should not enter a dirty, shabby, ugly front door with traces of modern “culture” on the walls.”.

-Who told you this?

Vladimir Grigorievich Kornev, my husband and father of my daughter Masha. He is an architect and artist, he himself made sketches for the images in the front door based on the subjects of famous paintings.

It was a gift. Of course, Vladimir Kornev had the financial ability to pay for some work in the front door, I didn’t see the process and don’t know what anyone did, but I was pleased with the idea of ​​​​transforming the entrance. This is a good idea, simple and original at the same time. When your house starts from the entrance..."

On tour in Novosibirsk in 2010, Lopatkina spoke as follows:

- The Novosibirsk Opera House has a comfortable, well-equipped stage. This is not my first time performing there, but I hope not the last time. Honestly, I really miss my daughter Masha and my husband Vladimir Kornev. My husband is an architect and writer, I love everything he creates - spaces and texts. And I really like the bouquets that he gives me not after premieres or performances, but every time we meet. My husband is the best florist; he and I both love yellow flowers. Unfortunately, we often separate because I am constantly traveling. But the family remains a kind of beacon for me, like for a sailor in the fog. Family is the most cherished and dear thing I have. This is probably why the most painful role for me was Anna Karenina, the title role in R. Shchedrin’s ballet based on the novel by L. N. Tolstoy. What I would never do is leave my child for the sake of being infatuated not with my husband, but with another man.

However, in 2010, for some reason, the couple divorced. And, as indicated on Wikipedia, Ulyana, who took the double surname Lopatkina-Korneva after the wedding, returned to her maiden name Lopatkina.

5 years have passed since then. Ulyana Vyacheslavna, as we once found out here on Gossip, even had an affair with the top manager of Megafon, who also writes and publishes prose works.

And Vladimir Kornev and his friend Vladimir Shevelkov are now busy adapting Kornev’s first novel, “What the French Are Silent About.”

It only remains to add that portraits of Ulyana still decorate Vladimir’s house.

Ulyana Lopatkina is a Russian prima ballerina who, back in 1995, became a bright star of the Mariinsky Theater, and since then has honorably held the title of one of the most promising and sought-after Russian ballerinas.

Ulyana Lopatkina has long received worldwide recognition: she often tours different countries, speaking on behalf of the entire Russian ballet. From an early age, the girl was considered very developed and talented - already at the age of 10 she left her home and lived in a boarding school, devoting all her free time to the main passion of her life - ballet.

Over the years, the Russian prima ballerina has fully revealed her talent, amazing charisma and ability to carry herself in public, and today she is considered the most original and extravagant Russian ballerina.

A childhood that defined the future

Ulyana Lopatkina was born in Ukraine, in the city of Kerch, in 1973. The future ballerina spent her childhood in dance schools and sports clubs, where young Ulyana was seriously involved in gymnastics.

Photo: Ulyana Lopatkina in childhood

Already during these years, the girl clearly realized that she wanted to connect her life with ballet art. Her early years at the barre, her first professional difficulties and not always smooth relationships with other ballerinas only strengthened her desire to become the best on the domestic ballet stage.

Lopatkina received her education at the Academy of Russian Ballet. AND I. Vaganova, which is located in St. Petersburg. Ulyana herself believes that she owes much of her talent and “ballet” skills to her teacher and idol – N.M. Dudinskaya, who performed at the Kirov Theater in the mid-twentieth century.

Career of a young ballerina

The first professional triumph in the biography of Ulyana Lopatkina was the victory at the prestigious Vaganova ballet competition, which the young ballerina won in 1990.

At the competition, Lopatkina presented several ballet variations, each of which received stunning success and was well remembered by the strict jury members. As soon as the ballerina completed her studies at the Academy of Ballet Art, she was immediately offered a job at the Mariinsky Theater.

Mariinskii Opera House

At the beginning of Lopatkina’s work in the theater, she was assigned “small” roles in the corps de ballet. Later, Ulyana’s talent was considered by the directors and she was transferred to more solid roles, in solo performance. Lopatkina always performed bright roles:

  • a simple dancer in Don Quixote;
  • Fairies in Sleeping Beauty;
  • Zobeides in Scheherazade;
  • Odette-Odile in Swan Lake.

Three years after working at the Mariinsky Theater, the ballerina received an honorary prize from Ballet magazine for her participation in the Rising Star category. A year later, in 1995, Lopatkin received an even more honorable award in the category “Best Debut on Stage.” This competition was held at the St. Petersburg level, and victory in it became a kind of turning point in the ballerina’s career.

Since 1995, Lopatkina became the first ballerina of her theater. Each new role evoked rave reviews from admirers and lively conversations among ballet critics. The ballerina was interested not only in classical roles, but also in modern choreographic performances.

After stunning success, Ulyana Lopatkina received a serious injury, after which she did not appear on stage for several years. However, in 2003 she was seen again at the Mariinsky Theater, and after that the ballerina not only began to regularly participate in the most extravagant and complex productions, but also began to travel to different countries, representing her country on the world ballet stage.

Personal life

The ballerina married the famous contemporary writer and businessman Vladimir Kornev in 2001. A year later, the couple had a girl, who was named Maria. After 9 years of personal life, the couple broke up. Now the ballerina oversees several charitable projects, and also heads the board of the Foundation for the Fight against Cancer.

Photo: Ulyana Lopatkina with her daughter

In addition to the Mariinsky Theater, Ulyana Lopatkina dances on the stage of many other Russian and world venues. The ballerina has already conquered the stages of Milan, New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, and many other cities. Lopatkina’s additional hobbies include reading classical literature and creating interior designs.

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Ulyana Lopatkina’s height, like her other main parameters, has always been of interest to fans and ballet connoisseurs. After all, this is one of the most popular modern ballerinas, who ended her creative career only last year. Since 1995, almost without interruption, Lopatkina performed brilliantly at the Mariinsky Theater. In 2006, she became the owner of the title of People's Artist of Russia, and previously became a laureate of the State Prize.

Biography of a ballerina

Height is one meter 75 centimeters. She was born in Kerch on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR on the Crimean Peninsula in 1973. Her childhood, spent on the shores of the Black Sea, was eventful and joyful.

The parents of the heroine of our article were teachers. Vyacheslav Ivanovich and Elena Georgievna taught at the school. Ulyana grew up in a family not alone, but with her brother, who always supported her in everything. Lopatkina's brother's name is Evgeniy.

While still at school, the girl became interested in ballet; Ulyana Lopatkina’s height was conducive to practicing this particular art form. In parallel with her studies, she participated in dance clubs and sports clubs to maintain good physical shape.

Creative education

Ulyana Lopatkina's parameters (height and weight) were ideal for the stage. Perhaps that is why she entered the Agrippina Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet, from which she graduated in 1991. The heroine of our article studied in the creative workshop of the People's Artist of the USSR Natalya Dudinskaya, who shone in the ballet “Swan Lake” in the 50s.

Throughout her studies, Ulyana Lopatkina’s height and weight were optimal for performing in ballet. And the experts appreciated it. By the way, the weight of 52 kilograms and the height of the ballerina Ulyana Lopatkina were optimal for the Mariinsky Theater troupe, where she was accepted.

Successful debut

Ballerina Ulyana Lopatkina, whose height and weight were ideal for dancing, began to captivate the public from her first performances. Soon she began to be assigned complex solo parts, and then leading roles. Already in 1995, the artistic director of the Mariinsky Theater appointed her as a prima ballerina in the troupe.

In total, during her career at the Mariinsky Theater, Ulyana Lopatkina (height, weight, foot size, by the way, 40th, are known to her many fans) performed several dozen first roles in key productions.

In the ballet “Hamlet” by Konstantin Sergeev, Lopatkin dances Ophelia, in “The Sleeping Beauty” by Marius Petipa - the Lilac Fairy, in “Anna Karenina” by Pyotr Tchaikovsky - Kitty, in “Pas de Quatre” by Anton Dolin - Maria Taglioni, in “Swan Lake” "Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov - Odette and Odile, in Rostislav Zakharov's "The Fountain of Bakhchisarai" - Zarem, in Yuri Grigorovich's "Legend of Love" - ​​Mekhmene Banu, in Igor Belsky's "Leningrad Symphony" - a Girl. Over time, in the ballet “Anna Karenina”, already in the production, she got the title role instead of the image of Kitty.

Annoying injury

In 2000, a real professional tragedy occurred in the fate of Lopatkina. In the ballet La Bayadère by Marius Petipa, she traditionally danced Nikia. During the performance, the ballerina received an unfortunate ankle injury. But she overcame the pain and managed to complete the performance, despite quite serious damage.

All this had a negative impact on her future fate. The ankle injury turned out to be so serious that she had to leave the stage for several years, devoting them to a long and difficult recovery.

At the beginning of 2003, Lopatkina underwent surgery, only after which she was able to finally recover and return to her ideal shape in order to perform on stage again.

Collaboration with Tsiskaridze

In 2013, Lopatkina, unexpectedly for many, was recommended for the post of artistic director of the Agrippina Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet. This initiative was made by the newly appointed acting rector of the academy, Nikolai Tsiskaridze.

The very appointment of Tsiskaridze to the academy turned out to be very scandalous. Tsiskaridze had recently left the Bolshoi Theater after the management of the cultural institution refused to renew the artist’s employment contract. Tsiskaridze himself came to the academy in October 2013 along with the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky. The head of the department introduced the new acting rector to the teaching staff, which directly violated the charter of the educational institution.

Vera Dorofeeva, who had served as rector before, was transferred to work at the Mikhailovsky Theater, although, as experts noted, she was exclusively involved in economic affairs at the academy. After Tsiskaridze was appointed rector, the ballerina, who had worked in this position for 13 years, resigned from the position of artistic director. She did not work well with Tsiskaridze, who was also an artist and actually turned out to be her boss.

The contract has not been signed

It was proposed to replace Asylmuratova with Lopatkina, who at that time had not yet finished her dance career, but continued to perform at the Mariinsky Theater. At the Academy of Russian Ballet itself, many were dissatisfied with the current state of affairs. In November, an appeal was even drawn up to the Ministry of Culture, which was signed by the majority of representatives of the teaching staff. In it, the academy staff demanded to reconsider the undoubtedly controversial appointment of Tsiskaridze and Lopatkina. At the same time, the ballerina herself, to whom our article is dedicated, did not comment on what was happening.

As a result, Lopatkina refused the position of artistic director, and the contract with the academy was not signed. The Mikhailovsky Theater teacher Zhanna Ayupova became the artistic director. In parallel with this, she received the position of first vice-rector of the academy. But Tsiskaridze was approved as rector. In the election he received 227 votes, with 17 against.

On June 16, 2017, Lopatkina officially announced the end of her career as a ballerina: she dedicated 26 years of her life to the Mariinsky Theater.

Personal life

The height of Ulyana Lopatkina, whose photos are presented in the article, has become the standard of a real ballerina for many of her fans.

The heroine of our article was married to a wealthy entrepreneur, writer and artist, whose name was Vladimir Kornev. They got married in July 2001, and a few weeks after official registration they got married in a church. The ceremony took place in the village of Vartemyagi, in the St. Sophia Church located there.

Already in 2002, Lopatkina gave birth to a daughter, Maria, in an Austrian private clinic. Naturally, she could not perform on stage for some time. But the ratio of Ulyana Lopatkina’s weight and height quickly returned to normal.

However, the marriage did not turn out to be happy. After some time, the couple realized that there was no point in continuing to be together, and in 2010 they divorced.

Interesting facts about the life of a ballerina

Surprisingly, Ulyana was independent beyond her years from the first days of her life. Already at two and a half years old, the parents calmly left the girl alone at home, and when she was ten years old, they sent her to study ballet in St. Petersburg, where she lived completely independently, since the parents did not have the opportunity to move with their daughter.

It is interesting that in the ballet class in which the future prima of the Mariinsky Theater studied, all the mirrors were divided into two categories. Some made everyone look slimmer, no matter who looked at them, while others visually plumped a person up, adding a few extra pounds in the most unexpected places. Naturally, no one wanted to stand at the second category of mirrors, so Ulyana, like all the students in her class, tried to come to class as early as possible in order to take a place at the “slender” mirrors and not get upset in vain.

While the girl was studying at the academy, she had a very strict daily and nutritional regimen, because it is very important for ballerinas to monitor their appearance. But even in this situation, the young dancers managed to find small joys for themselves. For example, a special delicacy for them was a piece of sliced ​​loaf with butter, which was pressed on both sides with an iron to make an impromptu toast, because future ballerinas were not allowed to eat a lot of bread.

Height is not a problem

It’s interesting that now many people admire Lopatkina’s measurements, but when she first started studying ballet, her height was considered not quite standard. For example, at school she was not the tallest among her peers.

Moreover, previously small height did not bother anyone. For example, Ulanova’s height was 65 centimeters, and she performed while still a centimeter shorter. But in recent years, taller ballerinas have begun to be valued, which has allowed Lopatkina to make a brilliant career.

Now she is 44. It has been a year since she left the stage.

Ulyana Lopatkina was born on October 23, 1973 in the city of Kerch, Republic of Crimea. From early childhood the girl was engaged in dancing. During her school years, she entered the Academy of Russian Ballet named after A.Ya. Vaganova, where in the lower grades Ulyana’s teacher was Galina Novitskaya, and in the senior grades Natalia Dudinskaya. In 1991, after graduating from the Academy, Ulyana Lopatkina became a laureate of the International Vaganova-Prix Prize.

Immediately after graduation, she was accepted into the troupe of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. Three years later, the girl became one of the leading ballerinas of the theater; she was entrusted with the role of Odette Odile in the ballet Swan Lake, and her debut in this role brought the young ballerina the Golden Spotlight. And a year later, Lopatkina was appointed prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater.

Today, Ulyana Lopatkina's repertoire includes many leading roles. She danced in such famous ballets as “Giselle”, “Corsair”, “La Bayadère”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “Swan”, “Scheherazade”, “The Fountain of Bakhchisarai”, “The Legend of Love”, “Leningrad Symphony”. In addition to the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, Lopatkina performs on other famous stages of the world, among them: the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, the Royal Opera House in London, the Grand Opera in Paris, La Scala in Milan, the Metropolitan Opera in New York, National Opera and Ballet Theater in Helsinki, NHK Hall in Tokyo. Her stage teacher today is Irina Chistyakova.

Ulyana Lopatkina’s talent has been recognized with numerous awards and titles. In 1997 she received the Golden Mask and the Benois de la Danse prize, in 1998 the Evening Standard London Critics Award, and in 1999 the Russian State Prize. In 2000 she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia, and in 2006 the title of People's Artist of Russia.

In 2010, Ulyana Lopatkina performed at the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada, and soon after, at the invitation of the Grand Opera, she danced in Swan Lake with Manuel Legris. In May 2010, Lopatkina took part in the Russian Ballet Icons gala concert, dedicated to the memory of Galina Ulanova, held in London. Ulyana Lopatkina herself considers the birth of her daughter Masha to be the main achievement of her life.

In her free time from performing, the famous ballerina enjoys drawing, cinema and interior design.

Repertoire of Ulyana Lopatkina

"Pavlova and Cecchetti", fragment from John Neumeier's ballet "The Nutcracker"
Ophelia, monologue from Konstantin Sergeev’s ballet “Hamlet”
"Giselle" (Giselle, Myrtha)
Medora, "Corsair"
Grand Pas from the ballet Paquita
Lilac Fairy, The Sleeping Beauty by Marius Petipa
Kitty, “Anna Karenina” to music by P. I. Tchaikovsky
Maria Taglioni, Pas de Quatre by Anton Dolina
Death, "Goya Divertimento"
Nikiya, La Bayadère by Marius Petipa
Odette and Odile, Swan Lake by Lev Ivanov and Marius Petipa
Clémence, Raymonda, "Raymonda"
"The Swan" by Mikhail Fokin
Zobeide, "Scheherazade"
Zarema, “Bakhchisarai Fountain” by Rostislav Zakharov
Mekhmene Banu, “The Legend of Love” by Yuri Grigorovich
Girl, “Leningrad Symphony” by Igor Belsky
Fairy, "Fairy's Kiss"
"Poem of Ecstasy"
"The Sound of Blank Pages" by John Neumeier
"Serenade" by George Balanchine
"Piano Concerto No. 2" by George Balanchine
Symphony in C major", 2nd movement, George Balanchine
"Waltz" by George Balanchine
“Diamonds”, III part of the ballet “Jewels”
3rd duet, "In the Night" by Jerome Robbins
"Youth and Death" by Roland Petit
Anna Karenina, "Anna Karenina" by Alexei Ratmansky

Ulyana Lopatkina's awards

1991 - laureate of the Vaganova-Prix ballet competition (Academy of Russian Ballet, St. Petersburg)
1995 - Golden Soffit Award (for best debut)
1997 - Golden Mask Award
1997 - Benois Dance Prize (for performing the role of Medora in the ballet Le Corsair)
1997 - Baltika Prize (1997 and 2001)
March 1998 - Evening Standard London Critics Award
1999 - State Prize of Russia
2000 - Honored Artist of Russia
2006 - People's Artist of Russia
2015 - Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation
2015 - Golden Soffit Award (for performing the role of Margarita in the ballet Margarita and Arman)

Family of Ulyana Lopatkina

She was married to the artist, writer and entrepreneur Vladimir Kornev - they got married on July 5, 2001, and on July 25 of the same year they were married in the St. Sophia Church in the village of Vartemyagi. A year later, on May 24, 2002, she gave birth to a daughter, Maria, in an Austrian clinic. In 2010, the couple divorced.

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