Original presentation on the Caucasian prisoner of Tolstoy. Presentation "Caucasian prisoner. Zhilin and Kostylin - two different characters." Episode of the Caucasian War

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Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy “Prisoner of the Caucasus” And just as I believed then that there is that green stick on which it is written, something that should destroy all evil in people and give them great good, so I believe now that there is that truth and what will happen she is open to people and will give them what she promises. L.N. Tolstoy

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What stories by L.N. Do you know Tolstoy? What does a writer value in people and what does he reject? Why does the author appeal to children?

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The author argues that people of different nationalities can find mutual understanding because universal human moral values ​​are the same - love of work, respect for people, friendship, honesty, mutual assistance. And on the contrary, evil, enmity, selfishness, self-interest are inherently inhuman. Love is hindered by various kinds of social foundations, ossified national barriers, protected by the state and giving rise to false values: the desire for rank, wealth, career - everything that seems familiar and normal to people. What problems does the author raise in the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”?

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Can people live in peace and friendship? What separates them and what connects them? Is it possible to overcome the eternal enmity of people with each other? Which people have these qualities and which do not?

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Different characters, different fates of Zhilin and Kostylin. Zhilin Kostylin Who was the first to decide to ride ahead of the squad? Why? He understands danger well and relies only on his strength, agility, and the speed of his horse. Impatient, irresponsible, guided by his own whims, and not by knowledge of the situation. Capture Which of the heroes is braver? “Only agreement - not to leave.” “I won’t give in alive!” “His vision grew dim and he staggered.” “Instead of waiting, as soon as I saw the Tatars, I ran as fast as I could towards the fortress.” “The horse stopped under him, and the gun stopped short.” Conclusion: Zhilin resisted, but it was impossible to escape from the hands of the enemies. Conclusion: the officers were captured because of Kostylin’s frivolity and cowardice, who became cowardly in the face of danger.

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Why did Zhilin, seeing Kostylin’s betrayal, think: “This is bad. The gun is gone"? Ransom letter. “Eh, being timid with them is even worse.” “If he wants to scare me, then I won’t give a penny, and I won’t write. I wasn’t afraid, and I won’t be afraid of you dogs.” “Zhilin wrote a letter, but he wrote it wrong on the letter, so that it wouldn’t get through. He thinks: “I’ll leave.” “He wrote a letter home, five thousand coins will be sent.” Conclusion: Zhilin understands that paying the ransom can ruin his mother, he relies only on himself, and is actively looking for a way out. Conclusion: Kostylin accepts all the conditions of his enemies and hopes for help from home. Does not fight, passively submits to circumstances.

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The first month in captivity Looks out, tries to find out how he can escape.” “He walks around the village, whistling, or sits and does some handicrafts - or sculpts dolls from clay, or weaves braids from twigs.” “Zhilin was a master of all kinds of needlework.” “Kostylin wrote home again, he was still waiting for the money to be sent and was bored. He sits in the barn all day long and counts the days until the letter arrives; or sleeping." Conclusion: Zhilin is sociable, active, and a good master. But his main goal is to escape from captivity. Conclusion: Kostylin is weak-willed, indifferent to his surroundings, and passive.

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First escape. “If you peel your legs, they’ll heal, but if they catch up with you, they’ll kill you, worse.” “Get up, sit on your back, I’ll take it down if you can’t walk.” “And the devil dared me to take this deck with me. If I were alone, I would have left long ago.” “I caught a stone with my foot and it rattled.” “Cut up all his legs... he’s falling behind.” “I won’t get there, I can’t.” “I can’t, I don’t have the strength.” “Desalted” - weakened, tired. “As Kostylin screams: “Oh, it hurts!” “Go alone, why should you disappear because of me?” Conclusion: he is busy looking for the road, and all his behavior is subordinated to this goal: he notices everything around him, rejoices in his will, worries about the success of his escape, tries not to notice pain and fatigue; does not abandon his comrade in trouble.. Conclusion: Kostylin is weak-willed, does not want and does not knows how to fight, passively follows his comrade, all his thoughts are focused on himself. He does not see his surroundings and is afraid.

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Why did the escape fail? The escape failed due to Kostylin’s selfishness and effeminacy. He does not feel responsible to his comrade, is unrestrained, and impatient. - Why does the writer contrast Zhilin and Kostylin? The author shows how much in life depends on the person himself. In the same circumstances, some turn out to be heroes, others are unworthy to be called people. Before the second escape, “Well, Kostylin, let’s go and try one last time; I’ll give you a lift” “No, obviously I can’t get out of here. Where will I go when I don’t have the strength to turn around?” Conclusion: despite all the hardships, Zhilin did not lose the will to live, the desire for freedom. Conclusion: Kostylin refuses to escape, does not believe in himself, surrenders to the mercy of his enemies.

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Zhilin and Dina. The spiritual closeness of people from warring camps. Affirmation of humanistic ideals in the story. There is a war going on in the Caucasus. IN AND. Dahl wrote: “Offensive war is when an army is led against a foreign state; defensive - when they meet this army to protect their own.” -Does the author condemn the highlanders for fighting the Russians? For the peoples living in the Caucasus, this war is defensive, the mountaineers desperately resist, not allowing the Russians into their territory, but the Russian army conquers the Caucasus and pays a high price with the lives of many thousands of Russian soldiers and officers. -Why is the old man in a turban angry with the Russians?

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How and why did the owner’s attitude towards the captives change? Zhilin evokes sympathy both from the owner with his courage and sense of human dignity, and from ordinary Tatars with his skill, hard work, and willingness to do good for people, and from Dina, who saw in him a kind and honest person. But after the escape attempt, the owner tightened living conditions. Zhilin is a prisoner for whom the owner will receive a ransom, and if this fails, he will kill him. Human relationships come into conflict with hostility and self-interest. After the officers escape, the owner does not laugh, talks to them in a hostile manner, and threatens to kill them. Conclusion: People could live in friendship, but this is prevented by national strife, which leads to war. Self-interest also gets in the way. -Which of the Tatars treated the captives with particular hostility? - How does this old man appear to us? Tell his story.

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What triumphs in the story? In the story of the war, it is not enmity and hatred that triumph, but the kindness and spiritual closeness of people from the warring camps.

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There are a total of 34 presentations in the topic

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“Zhilin couldn’t get enough space for the horse, they shot at him from behind with guns and hit the horse. The horse hit with all its might and fell on Zhilin’s leg.”

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“Zhilin indicated with his lips and hands that they give him a drink. Black understood, laughed, called someone: “Dina!” A girl came running - thin, skinny, about thirteen years old and her face looked like a black one... Dressed in a long, blue shirt, with wide sleeves and without a belt...”

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“The next morning he looks, at dawn Dina came out of the threshold with a doll. And she has already removed the doll with red rags and rocks it like a child, she lulls it to sleep in her own way.” “Since then, Zhilin’s fame has spread that he is a master. They began to come to him from distant villages: some would bring him a lock, some would bring a watch.”

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“I began to look at the Russian side: there was a river under my feet, my village, gardens all around... Zhilin began to peer - something was looming in the valley, like smoke from chimneys. And so he thinks that this very thing is a Russian fortress.”

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“I climbed down the slope, took a sharp stone, and began to turn the lock off the block. And the lock is strong - it won’t knock down, and it’s awkward. Dina came running, took the stone and said: Give it to me. She sat down on her knees and began to twist. Yes, the little hands are as thin as twigs – there’s no strength whatsoever.”

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Zhilin Kostylin Mother Dina Mother of Tatara care help respect seeks help loves does not bother love, care kindness

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Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin. kind (thinks about mother); relies on himself; active person; managed to settle down in the village; hard worker, cannot sit idle; helps everyone, even his enemies; generous, forgave Kostylin. ZILIN KOSTYLIN is a weak person, he does not rely on himself; capable of betrayal; became limp, lost heart; doesn't accept other people. DINA is kind, strives to help people; capable of self-sacrifice. TATARS are hard-working; are able to understand and appreciate a good person

“L.N. Tolstoy. Information about the writer. Historical and literary basis of the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”

(Literature lesson. 5th grade)

Lesson objectives:

1. Expand your knowledge about

life of L.N. Tolstoy

2. Continue getting acquainted with

the writer's creativity

3. Continue to work on developing readership

skills and abilities

Tolstoy is our national pride

House of Gortalovs

Leo Tolstoy during his studies at Kazan University

Monument to Leo Tolstoy in Kazan

Kazan Imperial University

  • The Caucasian War of 1817-1864 was a war between the Russian Empire and the mountain peoples. It ended with the annexation of Chechnya, Mountainous Dagestan and the North-West Caucasus to Russia. The victory was achieved due to the multiple numerical superiority of the Russian army and its technical superiority.
  • Caucasians are mountain peoples: Chechens, Ossetians, Circassians, Nogais, Avars and many others.
  • L.N. Tolstoy in his story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” calls the highlanders Tatars, as Russians often called everyone who professed the Muslim religion.

Episode of the Caucasian War.

M.Yu. Lermontov (1840)

Leo Tolstoy in the Caucasus

Caucasus - “a wild land, in which two very opposite things are so strangely and poetically combined - war And Liberty ».

(From L.N. Tolstoy’s diary entry)

The meaning of the title of the story

"Caucasian" space, beauty, freedom .

"Prisoner" - captivity, war.

Genre of the story: true story

Story – a small narrative work united by a plot and consisting of one or more episodes

Plot - chain of events occurring in the work

Episode - an image of one event that has a beginning and an end

True story - a story about an event that actually happened

“I almost got captured, but in this case I behaved well, although too sensitive.”

Group 2 – 3.4 parts

Group 3 – 5.6 parts

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